XYZ Prof. Włodzimierz Zawadzki Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences
[email protected] Mathematicians are important, and not just in wartime. his story begins sometime in the early 1930s, developing programmable computers. Knox informed when the Poles and the French first took an Turing about the progress made by the Poles, and Tur- T interest in breaking the code generated by the ing built a sophisticated machine of his own that was Enigma encryption machines. The Enigma was a Ger- capable of cracking the increasingly complex Wehr- man-made electro-mechanical device that looked a bit macht codes. In a nod to the Polish pioneers, Turing like a typewriter with little lights, and prior to WWII too called his device “the bomb.” Despite the urgings they were available commercially. The decision to of British intelligence, Bertrand was reluctant to get crack the Enigma code proved far-sighted when the the Polish team out of Nazi-occupied France and into machines underwent a complex and classified rede- Bletchley Park. The team ended up in southern France sign for military purposes in the run-up to the war. and, at one point, in North Africa. Despite their con- Codebreaking challenges had earlier been handled tinuing insights, the Polish team’s direct contribution by linguists, but the Enigma’s rotor-encrypted codes to the breaking of the Enigma code diminished. required codebreakers with a mathematical back- When the United States joined the war, one of the ground. The Polish Cipher Bureau, an intelligence out- most difficult aspects of Enigma decryption focused fit located near Warsaw, set up a task force consisting on the communications of the German U-boat fleet, of Marian Rejewski, Henryk Zygalski and Jerzy Róży- which harassed American supply convoys crossing cki.