Please send your reports, observations, and comments by Mail to: The PSV Circle, Unit 1R, Leroy House, 7 436 Essex Road, LONDON, N1 3QP by FAX to: 0870 051 9442 by email to:
[email protected] NORTH EASTERN NEWS SHEET 850-7-381 NOVEMBER 2010 MAJOR OPERATORS ANDREWS (Sheffield) Limited {Stagecoach in Sheffield} (SY) (Stagecoach) Corrections 842-7-89 Vehicles in: delete 33345 entry - (only here for maintenance work; 33348 correctly received to fleet in 846-7-233); Allocations: delete entry for 2/10 - (as above). 846-7-233 Allocations: delete entry for 31911 - (incorrect vehicle). 848-7-317 Vehicles in/Allocations/Liveries: delete entries for 20280 - (vehicle not taken into fleet). New vehicles 15706 YN 60 CJY Sca N230UD SZAN4X20001869923 AD A412/1 H47/29F 10/10 15707 YN 60 CJZ Sca N230UD SZAN4X20001869924 AD A412/2 H47/29F 10/10 15708 YN 60 CKA Sca N230UD SZAN4X20001869925 AD A412/3 H47/29F 10/10 15709 YN 60 CKC Sca N230UD SZAN4X20001870052 AD A412/4 H47/29F 10/10 15710 YN 60 CKD Sca N230UD SZAN4X20001870053 AD A412/5 H47/29F 10/10 15711 YN 60 CKE Sca N230UD SZAN4X20001870054 AD A412/6 H47/29F 10/10 15712 YN 60 CKF Sca N230UD SZAN4X20001870055 AD A412/7 H47/29F 10/10 15713 YN 60 CKG Sca N230UD SZAN4X20001870161 AD A412/8 H47/29F 10/10 15714 YN 60 CKJ Sca N230UD SZAN4X20001870162 AD A412/9 H47/29F 10/10 15715 YN 60 CKK Sca N230UD SZAN4X20001870163 AD A412/10 H47/29F 10/10 15716 YN 60 CKL Sca N230UD SZAN4X20001870164 AD A412/11 H47/29F 10/10 15717 YN 60 CKO Sca N230UD SZAN4X20001869088 AD A412/12 H47/29F 10/10 15718 YN 60 CKP Sca