Eastern Progress Eastern Progress 1972-1973
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Eastern Progress Eastern Progress 1972-1973 Eastern Kentucky University Year 1973 Eastern Progress - 18 Jan 1973 Eastern Kentucky University This paper is posted at Encompass. http://encompass.eku.edu/progress 1972-73/16 >• •. i Wk Bistern Brofitess I/ SettinoSetting The Pace In A ProgressivePrnurPt C/'I/P Era~jFra I ^^* r 8 Pages Thursday, January 18, 1973 Vol. No. 50 Issue No. 16 Student Publication of Eastern Kentucky University Regents Johnson Building Reopening Set Defeat Proposal Eastern will mark the re- served as the cafeteria. old grill and the bookstore, was fresh landscaping added. The Walnut Hall and the converted into a completely Following its construction, BY KEITH CARROLL opening of the Keen Johnson modern and enlarged Staff Writer Building Jan 23 with a dinner at faculty lounge areas on the the building was known as the which Lt. Gov. Julian Carroll main floor were refinished and bookstore. "gem of the campus", with its The Jan. 5 Boaru of Regents Outside the building, two new Georgian style, sometimes meeting prompted the 5-1 defeat will speak. the Pearl Buchanan Theatre The public is invited to join was completely renovated. The exits were installed, patios and known as "Williamsburg" of a Student Senate proposed front steps were refinished, and the EKU faculty at the dinner at ground floor, which housed the architecture, its balustraded constitutional amendment. 6:30 p.m. in the banquet and clock tower above a classic, Charles Kelhoffer, President of the Student Association, sent ballroom area on the top floor of denteled pediment, double the newly renovated building. chimneys at each end, wide the proposal to Dr. Robert R. The dinner will be preceded by mullioned windows, and three Martin and Eastern's Board of a reception at 6 p.m. in Walnut spacious portals enveloped with Regents. This proposal would Hall. Tickets to the dinner will white stone. have allowed the Student be on sale at $2.50 each and may Senate, acting as an The building was named for organization, to sponsor an be purchased at the EKU the late former Governor and outside speaker by majority vote cashier's window, Cbates Lieutenant Governor, Keen Building, or the Richmond Johnson, of Richmond. The df the Senate- Chamber of Commerce Office, Dr. Martin explained that former Richmond Daily adequate processes now exist Glydon Hotel. Register editor and president Eastern's regents recently for bringing speakers with was for eight years a member of varied opinions to the campus. changed the name of the the EKU Board of Regents. structure, built in 1939, from the Visiting speakers presently may Keen Johnson Student Union Johnson, who died in 1970 at be sponsored by one of ap- Building to the Keen Johnson age 74, was Governor from 1939 proximately 140 official student Building and designated it, plus to 1943, after which he served organizations or by the the Powell Building and the the Reynolds Metals Co., as vice University Center Board. Chapel of Meditation, as the president and in other posts. He Dr. Martin further explained University Center. also served as the nation's first that the proposal would be "a The renovation of the Keen undersecretary of labor under departure from the purpose of Johnson Building included President Truman. the Student Association" which is a campus-wide organization converting the top floor to a Guests of honor at the dinner banquet-ballroom area, seating representing all the students. will be Mrs. Richard Jaggers, a 2ie added that this would reduce 1,000 persons, and installing a daughter from Lexington, and new sound system. All kitchen its nature as a "student grandsons Robert and Keen government" to that of just equipment was removed from Babbage. this floor which until recently Lt. Gov. Julian Carroll another organization representing narrower in- terests. ' Although the Student Senate Focuses On Reapportionment Association is a recognized student organization, its con- business at the Tuesday night three areas-dormitories, on- In the discussion that stitution states that "proposed BY FAWN CONLEY Senate meeting. campus married students' followed, there was a motion to amendments ratified by the News Editor The reapportionment plan housing, and commuters, with table the proposal until another Senate shall be forwarded to the President of the University for I A Student Rights sub- proposed would allow one students residing in the area meeting. This brought 4> committee report on reap- representative for every 150 from which they are elected. question to the Senate presentation to and approval by portionment of the Student students. The representatives The adoption of the plan parliamentarian, Steve Slade, the Board of . Regents." Regent William Wallace , Senate was the main order of would be elected from one of would require nine con- as to whether the motion was stitutional changes or revisions, debatable. However, Slade during the Board's meeting, including Article Three, Section replied that he did not know and moved that the amendment not Faculty Discusses C-l, which designates how preceded to look it up. be adopted. Student Regent representatives to Senate are Larry Cleveland seconded the At press time, Bob Burdge, motion in order that the motion elected. This section would chairman of the Senate sub- become void upon acceptance could be discussed. Equal Employment committee on reapportionment, Should no second have oc- of the new proposal. ItYDKLMA J.FRANCIS Affairs, explained an Affir- reported that the entire Student cured (there was none until Discussion of the proposal Senate Student Rights Com- Academics Editor mative Action Plan for Equal brought up the question of Cleveland's >. the Senate's Employment opportunity at mittee had approved the proposal would have In Monday's meeting, faculty whether or not two con- reapportionment plan after Photos By Jim Shepherd stitutional amendments printed automatically been defeated senate concerned itself first Eastern. modifying an amendment to This salesgirl weighs candy for sweet-toothed students at According to Dr. Rowlett, it is on a separate piece of paper without any discussion at all. with voting on proposals from Article 5, Section 13. Calorie Count? "Ye Old Sweet Shoppe," a new addition to the University the Counsel on Academic a "broadbase statement of were a part of the sub- Cleveland explained that a principles to guide employment Burdge said that that Book Store. (See page 4 for story) majority vote by the Senate to Affairs introduced at the committee's original plan. amendment had been changed at EKU." He made a motion for bring an outside speaker to the November meeting. After determining that the to read, "All seats currently A modification of the full-time approval, adding that the subcommittee had approved the University would in itself written plan was necessary if held by student senators will screen-out controversial residence requirement for amendments as part of the plan, become vacant at the ascension students working toward the the institution wished to con- but the Student Rights com- speakers. of the senators elected under Committee Orders Bike Racks Kelhoffer stated Monday, Specialist in Education degree tinue receiving federal funding. mittee had not, due to lack of the new reapportionment plan' There was a question as to the "We'shall contact a lawyer to was approved. Now the time, Chuck Kelhoffer, Student He also said that the report minimum residence wording of item six on page 15 Association president, said that BY BOYD KIDWELL bicycles • The first recom- Larry Cleveland, a student per sue the matter (the passage would be gone over again in mendation was that bikes may senator, who served on the of the proposal). I have already requirement can be met of the booklet which reads, the two amendments would be next week's Senate meeting and Staff Writer "assure that initial ap- not be attached to any committee said, "It was a contacted Jim Halley, through one regular enrollment voted on separately because that questions could be brought Campus cycle enthusiasts will period; exclusive of in- pointments and subsequent they were not, in his opinion, University property other than pleasure working with ad- chairman! of the Student to his attention at that time. experience a welcome site racks provided. The rider may ministration officials. They Rights Committee, and asked tercession, as a full-time salaries reflect equal pay for part of the original plan. within the next few weeks. The graduate student. equal assignments for women This decision brought Other business during the lock his bike and leave it considered the cycler's him to find out if the Student evening included a report from work of the bike rack com- standing if he wishes but he problems fairly and completely Senate has any recourse." The proposal to eliminate the and members of minority discussion from David and Dan mittee has paid off and by the history and social science area groups." Stratton, who declared the chair student'' Regent, Larry may not fasten it to railings, and worked hard to solve Cleveland, about the January 5 end of January, Eastern will buildings, trees or other them." Members of the Bike program was also passed, the It was suggested that the to be out of order when it hopefully have bike racks. Milestone Wins 'justification being that "that passage read, "assure that decided on the separate vote. meeting of the Board of University property. Rack Committee were Regents. He reported that the The fourteen, eight to ten feet Secondly the the committee Adminstrative Assistant to the required area is inconsistent initial appointments and sub- They stated that since the long racks are being ordered with the pattern toward more sequent salaries reflect equal subcommittee saw the amend- Board rejected, 5-1 the Student suggested that bikes be allowed president John Vickers who Medalist Senate proposal to sponsor from the American Playground elective supporting courses in pay for equal assignments ments as part of the plan, the Device Company of Anderson only on roadways and that they served as chairman, J.