Air Taxi at Your Service
Air Taxi at Your Service n the past, only the rich and famous may and high technology business practices to a have had access to personal jets designed to whole new type of general aviation company. Iwhisk travelers from city to city without the Raburn met with Dr. Sam Williams, president inconvenience of crowded major airports. Now, and founder of Williams International, and however, with NASA’s support and the work of created Eclipse Aviation Corporation of Albu- several companies determined to redefine querque, New Mexico, to provide alternatives in personal air transport, flying direct to nearly air transportation. any city from the closest local airport may soon NASA and Williams were then proceeding become a viable option for everyone. with the FJX-2 turbofan engine demonstrator. COMMERCIAL BENEFITS—SPINOFFS In 1996, NASA initiated a program designed The FJX-2, the smallest commercial turbofan of to revitalize the U.S. light aircraft industry its time and weighing less than 100 pounds, through the development and commercialization achieved a thrust-to-weight ratio that would of more affordable propulsion systems, including enable the creation of a new, small, lightweight turbofan engines. Enlisted through this initia- aircraft. The turbofan power would allow this tive, known as NASA’s General Aviation new generation of aircraft to fly faster, have Propulsion (GAP) program, Glenn Research longer range, and provide more comfort, while Center conducted a small turbofan development setting new standards in general aviation safety. competition among major U.S. engine builders. The FJX-2 engine’s low noise level, light As a result, Williams International of Walled weight, low emissions, low fuel consumption, Lake, Michigan, won a cooperative research and and low cost in quantity production made it a development program with NASA, and work on perfect match for Eclipse.
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