Physiographic subdivisions of the Chirikov Basin, northern Bering Sea




Prepared in cooperation with National Ocean Survey, National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration




V. E. McKelvey, Director

Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data

Hopkins, David Moody, 1921- Physiographic subdivisions of the Chirikov Basin, northern Bering Sea. (Studies on the Marine geology of the Bering Sea)

(Geological Survey Professional Paper 759-B) Bibliography: p. 1. Submarine topography-Chirikof Basin. 2. Chirikof Basin. I. Hopkins, David Moody, 1921- II. National Ocean Survey. III. Series. IV. Series: United States Geological Survey Professional Paper 759-B. GC85.2.B4 7P48 551.4'65'51 76-29239

For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C. 20402 Stock Number 024-001-02917-1 CONTENTS

Page Page Abstract Bl Physiography-Continued Introduction ______1 Offshore physiographic units-Continued Acknovvledgments ______2 Point Spencer Shoal area-Continued Physiography ______2 Tin City Shoal ------B4 Nearshore hardrock areas ------­ 2 1Jkivok Shoal______4 Nearshore prograded areas ------2 ShoaL______4 Offshore physiographic units ______3 Wales Hills______4 Norton Plain ------3 Port Clarence Valley ------5 Chirikov Ramp ______3 Belmezok Area ------5 King Island Valley and Kookoolik Valley ______3 Prince of Wales Shoal______5 Chukotka Trough ______3 Booshu Spur and Sevuokuk Spur______5 Bering Strait and Chaplino Valleys ______3 Gambell Shoal ______5 Cape Rodney Parallel Valley Area------­ 4 Savoonga Depression ------5 Point Spencer Shoal Area ------4 Northeast Cape Shoal and St. Lavvrence Trough______6 Lost River Shoal ------4 Discussion ------6 York Shoal ______4 References cited ------6


PLATE 1. Topographic and bathymetric map of the northern Bering Sea region ______In pocket 2. Orthographic dravving of the northern Bering Sea region ______In pocket 3. Physiographic subdivisions of the Chirikov Basin ------______In pocket

Page FIGURE 1. Index map shovving locations of the Chirikov Basin and bathymetric maps of the northern Bering Sea ______Bl




ABSTRACT the extensive sedimentological and geophysical studies The Chirikov Basin, a segment of the continental shelf of the Ber­ of the past few years, provide critical insights into the ing Sea that lies north of St. Lawrence Island and south of Bering Cenozoic history of this continental shelf region. Strait, i~ an area of diverse topography and complex relief. The The resource potential of northern Bering Sea en­ southeastern part is a shallow plain, the northwestern region is un­ sures that it will be the scene of further scientific study dulating and hummocky, and the nearshore zone is more complex. Many relief features of the present-day sea bottom were formed by and increasing technological development during the glacial, fluvial, and littoral erosional and depositional processes dur­ coming decade. Future work there will be facilitated by ing Pleistocene low-sea-level episodes, but they have been modified a better understanding of the geography and topog­ by submarine erosion and deposition of the past few thousand years. raphy of the submerged area. This paper names and describes the following physiographic units This report is the fruit of cooperative studies of the for use in future discussion of the Quaternary tectonic, erosional, and depositional history of northern Bering Sea: Chirikov Basin and Norton Sound areas of the north­ ern Bering Sea by the United States Geological Survey Offshore physiographic units and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Adminis­ Norton Plain Point Spencer Shoal Area tration. It is based upon recently published bathymet­ Chirikov Ramp Lost River Shoal Chukotka Trough York Shoal ric maps of the northern Bering Sea of scale 1:250,000 Cape Rodney Parallel Tin City Shoal (National Ocean Survey Map 1215N-10, 1971, Map Valley Area Ukivok Shoal 1714N-11, 1973, Map 1714N-12, 1973, and Map Wales Hills King Island Shoal 1814N-10, 1973) (fig. 1) prepared in connection with a Belmezok Area Prince of Wales Shoal Savoonga Depression Gambell Shoal search for detrital concentrations of valuable minerals St. Lawrence Trough Northeast Cape Shoal and deposits of hydrocarbons beneath the Bering Sea King Island Valley Booshu Spur floor. It names and describes a series of physiographic Kookoolik Valley Sevuokuk Spur units for the Chirikov Basin for use in future discus- Bering Strait Valley Nearshore hardrock areas Port Clarence Valley Nearshore prograded areas Chaplino Valley

INTRODUCTION Until recently, the Bering Sea was so poorly known that Dietz and his coworkers could say in 1964 that ~~the most notable feature of the Bering Sea shelf is its extreme and monotonous flatness." Since 1964, how­ ever, detailed surveys have shown the Chirikov Basin 2 segment of the northern Bering Sea (fig. 1), at least, to be an area of topographic diversity and complex, though hardly rugged, relief (pls. 1 and 2). The topo­ graphic complexities, seen against the perspective of 0 50 100 150 200 250 MILES 1 1 I I I I 1 I 1 0 50 100 150 200 250 KILOMETRES 'National Ocean Survey, Rockville, MD 20852. FIGURE 2 The Chirikov Basin is one of the "morphological zones" or physiographic provinces in I.-Locations ofthe Chirikov Basin and bathymetric maps of Bering Sea defined by Udintsev, Boichenko, and Kanaev (1959, fig. 61. the northern Bering Sea.

Bl B2 STUDIES ON THE MARINE GEOLOGY OF THE BERING SEA sions of the Quaternary tectonic, erosional, and deposi­ much more complex in relief (Nelson and Hopkins, tional history of northern Bering Sea. Some of the 1972; Tagg and Greene, 1973). names have already been used in an account of the All of the Chirikov Basin area was exposed above sea influence of the Yukon River upon the distribution of level during Pleistocene marine regressions. Thus, the bottom sediments in the northern Bering Sea present sea bottom has been affected by subaerial ero­ (McManus and others, 1974). sional and depositional processes during low-sea-level Prior to 1967, little was known of the Bering shelf episodes, by shoreline processes when the strand mi­ beyond the reconnaissance studies of Bezrukov and grated across the region, and by bottom currents dur­ others (1959), Dietz, Carsola, Buffington, and Shipek ing intervals of flooding. The surface effects of tectonic (1964), Moore (1964), Lisitsyn (1966), Creager and movements have added to the bathymetric diversity. McManus (1967), and Gershanovich (1967). Resource­ The configuration of the sea bottom is the summation oriented studies in the northern Bering Sea under­ of processes that have operated throughout the 10-12 taken during the years 1966-70 by the U.S. Geological m. y. since the continental shelf of Bering Sea was first Survey, the U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey (now the submerged (Hopkins, 1967). Most of the relief features, National Ocean Survey of the National Oceanic and however, are products of processes that functioned Atmospheric Administration), the Marine Minerals within the past few tens of thousands of years, during Technology Center (then a part of the U.S. Bureau of and since the Wisconsinan interval of lowered sea Mines and later a part of NOAA), and the University of level. Washington have led to a series of reports and maps Nearshore areas of exceptionally complex topog­ that make northern Bering Sea one of the better raphy, 5--20 km in width, extend from the strand to known continental shelf regions of the world depths of 10-30 m (pl. 1). Small boats are required to (McManus and others, 1969; Scholl and Hopkins, 1969; complete hydrographic surveys in these hazardous Silberman, 1969; Walton and others, 1969; Grim and shallow waters, and bottom areas along many seg­ McManus, 1970; McManus and Smyth, 1970; Moll, ments of the and St. Lawrence Is­ 1970; Nelson, 1971; Sheth, 1971; Venkatarathnam, land coasts have not yet been charted. Surveys com­ 1971; Hopkins, 1972; Nelson and Hopkins, 1972; Tagg pleted, however, show that two quite different types of and Greene, 1973; Hopkins and others, 1973; Hood and bottom relief are present beneath the nearshore wa­ Kelley, 1974; McManus and others, 1974, 1976; and ters, depending upon whether the bottom is underlain Nelson and others, 1974, 1975). by well-lithified pre-Quaternary rocks or by soft, re­ cently deposited Holocene sediments. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Nearshore hardrock areas generally extend sea­ ward from areas where pre-Quaternary bedrock is ex­ We appreciate the perceptive work of John McAlin­ posed at or near the coast. The bottom contours are den and Carl Fefe and their fellow cartographers of the extremely irregular and complexly indented. Many NOAA Oceanographic Mapping Group in compiling small, irregular hillocks are scattered among narrow and producing the bathymetric charts upon which this ridges and valleys that extend normal or oblique to the study was dependent. The original hydrographic data present-day shoreline. Most of the hillocks and ridges were gathered by the National Ocean Survey vessels, probably are formed by outcrops of bedrock on the sea Oceanographer, Surveyor, and Rainier. Chindi Hop­ floor. Nearshore hardrock areas are charted on the kins and Robert E. Nelson assisted us with the compi­ north coast of St. Lawrence Island between Northeast lation of the topographic and bathymetric map of the Cape and Lietnik and on the Seward Peninsula coast northern Bering Sea region (pl. 1). between and Cape Rodney and between Lost River and Cape Prince of Wales (pl. 1). An area of PHYSIOGRAPHY irregular bottom topography, which is less than 10 m The Chirikov Basin and Norton Sound are regions of deep and extends about 5 km seaward from the sharp subdued but diversified bottom relief (pls. 1 and 2). The bend in the Point Spencer spit, may also be an area in sea is shallow, no part being deeper than 60 m. The sea which well-lithified pre-Quaternary rocks crop out on bottom slopes northward and northwestward, for the the sea bottom. Nearshore hardrock areas range in most part, to the relatively deep water of the Bering width from as little as 1 km off Lost River to as much Strait. The southeastern part of the Chirikov Basin is a as 12 km in the Sledge Island area and 18 km in the shallow plain at 20-30 m, the northwestern part an Belmezok area. area of undulating and hummocky relief, mostly Nearshore prograded areas extend seaward from deeper than 30 m. The nearshore zone, locally as much barrier bars, spits, and other loci of Holocene shoreline as 10 km wide and generally shallower than 20 m, is progradation. They are characterized by relatively PHYSIOGRAPHIC SUBDIVISIONS OF THE CHIRIKOV BASIN, NORTHERN BERING SEA B3 smooth offshore slopes diversified, in places, by relief ney Parallel Valley area to the east by the King Is­ features that result from active longshore sediment land Valley, an almost linear furrow that extends transport. The nearshore prograded areas generally about 70 km southeastward from King Island at depths range from 1-4 km in width. Prograded shorelines are of 32-40 m. The King Island Valley is generally 2 or 3 charted off Point Spencer spit and Brevig Lagoon, km wide and lies 5--10 m below the surrounding sea western Seward Peninsula, and from Cape Prince of bottom. On the west, the Chirikov Ramp is bounded by Wales northeastward along the north coast of Seward the Kookoolik Valley, a sinuous channel that heads Peninsula (pl. 1). at the northwest corner of the Savoonga Depression Microrelief resulting from longshore sediment about 23 km northeast of Kookoolik Cape on St. Law­ transport is best displayed in the area north and rence Island, and terminates about 65 km farther north northeast of Cape Prince of Wales. Ridges about 1 km at the juncture of the Chirikov Ramp and the Chukot­ long and about 2m high, probably sand waves, extend ka Trough. The Kookoolik Valley can be divided into perpendicularly from the shore in a segment of the two parts: an upper and a lower course. The upper coast between 5 and 10 km north of Cape Prince of course is as much as 10 km wide, and the valley floor Wales. To the northeast, the sand waves are replaced stands about 10 m below areas to the east and west. by a set of closely spaced submerged ridges that extend The lower course is less sharply defined; its floor stands en echelon and subparallel to the shore. The longshore less than 6 m below the surrounding sea bottom. ridges are visible on aerial photographs and are shown The Chukotka Trough is a low-lying area that ex­ on unpublished boat sheets; they are typically 1 or 2 tends along the U.S.-Russian Convention Line from km long, but some can be traced through distances as Anadyr Strait to Bering Strait; it consists of about great as 4 or 5 km. They lie in a belt about a kilometre 10,000 km2 of our study area (pl. 3). It is bordered on wide and extend from the strand to a depth of 7 or 8 m. the east by Gambell Shoal and the Chirikov Ramp and As many as four ridges may be present in any given extends westward, probably to the Siberian coast offshore transect. The crests lie at a depth of 6 m or (pl. 2). The Chukotka Trough lies almost entirely less; the intervening swales are 1-3 m deeper. below -40 m, and depths as great as 60 mare found in Many areas of distinctive topography, here called a closed depression a few kilometres south of Bering offshore physiographic units, can be distinguished Strait. on the sea floor seaward from the nearshore zone (pl. 3) The Chukotka Trough is an area of hillocks, swales, as described below. and closed depressions that, in most places, cannot be The Norton Plain is a monotonously flat, feature­ resolved into a coherent drainage pattern. Although less area that extends from near the coast of south­ much of the relief appears entirely patternless, an area central Seward Peninsula southwestward to eastern enclosed by lat 65°N., long 169°30'W., and by the In­ St. Lawrence Island, thence eastward through Norton ternational Date Line is interpreted on National Sound to the Yukon River delta (pl. 2). Only the west­ Ocean Survey Map 1215N-10 as containing a set of 2 ern part of the plain, an area of about 11,000 km , is rectilinear ridges and depressions oriented northeast included in our study area (pl. 3). Some parts of the and northwest. In the area south of lat 64°30'N., the Norton Plain display less than 2 m change in depth hillocks, swales, and slopes are strongly oriented N. within distances of 30 km or more. The central part, 45°E. which slopes imperceptibly northwestward, grades Most of the Chukotka Trough displays a local relief into the Chirikov Ramp near the 38-m isobath. of 3-6 m. Three ranges of higher and steeper hills have The Chirikov Ramp is a broad plain occupying an flat summits at depths of 38 to 40 m (pl. 1). They repre­ area of 8,200 km2 that slopes gently northward toward sent the eastern terminus of ridges that extend west­ the Bering Strait; it drops from a depth of 38 m at the ward toward the Siberian coast (pl. 2). A south-facing boundary with the Norton Plain to a depth of about scarp, about 10m high, crosses the Chukotka Trough 50 mat the junction with the Chukotka Trough. This at the south entrance to Bering Strait and encloses a slope is about double the inclination of the Norton large depression that extends some 50 km southward. Plain. The surface of this very gentle slope is diver­ Although most parts of the Chukotka Trough con­ sified by roughness of 4 or 5 m relief that seems to tain no traces of organized drainage, distinct sea val­ consist of shallow, branching, subparallel swales run­ leys are present in Bering and Anadyr Straits. The ning straight downslope at intervals of 1 or 2 km (pls. 1 Bering Strait Valley, at depths of 52-60 m, is about 1 and 2). The swales appear to terminate at the bound­ km wide. It is 6--10 m deeper than the surrounding sea ary with the deranged topography of the Chukotka bottom. The valley extends northward from the south­ Trough. facing bluff at the south entrance to Bering Strait. The The Chirikov Ramp is separated from the Cape Rod- Chaplino Valley is a sinuous, flat-floored sea valley B4 STUDIES ON THE MARINE GEOLOGY OF THE BERING SEA 1 or 2 km wide that probably heads near the village The base of York Shoal lies at the 20-m isobath, ofChaplino on the Siberian coast. It crosses the eastern about 25 km southwest of the bend in Point Spencer corner of our study area at -52-60 m and appears to spit, and extends northward in a sweeping inflected have a double channel defined by the 56-m isobath in curve some 22 km toward Cape York. The crest lies at the area where it turns westward toward the Gulf of 15-20 m and is diversified by a set of spectacular sand Anadyr. waves (Grim and McManus, 1970). The area between The Cape Rodney Parallel Valley Area, an area York Shoal and Lost River Shoal is characterized by of about 4,400 km2 that extends from Sledge Island rather irregular topography at -14-20 m. Closed de­ (west of Nome) past Cape Rodney to the vicinity of pressions are present in the low ground, and there King Island, is dominated by broad, low ridges and is a low ridge about 6 km long with crestal depths of shallow but sharply defined valleys. Most of the area -12-16 m that may be another constructional feature. lies at a depth of20-38 m. Depths are somewhat great­ Tin City Shoal begins at a projection in the 20-m er in the King Island Valley, which forms the south­ isobath about 30 km southwest of the bend in Point western boundary of this physiographic unit. Depths of Spencer and extends about 25 km northwestward to­ 38-48 m characterize the part of the Cape Rodney ward Tin City. The crest of the shoal lies at a depth of Parallel Valley Area that projects northward between 20-22 m. Detailed inshore surveys terminate at York the King Island and Point Spencer Shoal Areas. The Shoal; the relatively smooth contours of Tin City Shoal parallel valleys are 2-4 km apart throughout most of and other shoals farther west in part reflect the lack of this physiographic unit; in the northern projection, detailed hydrographic data. However, inspection of our they are about 1 km apart. Most valleys are less than high-resolution seismic records indicates that the sand 5 m below the intervening ridges. The northwestward waves that complicate the crestal topography of York trend that characterizes the valleys and ridges in the Shoal are absent on the deeper shoals. The southeast­ greater part of the area bends in a sweeping curve to a ern third of the Tin City Shoal exhibits considerable northward trend in the northernmost part. Most of the microrelief; the northwestern part appears to slope valleys slope to the northwest, but in the eastern part gently and smoothly northwestward. The area between of the area near Sledge Island, they slope southeast. Tin City and York Shoals is occupied by a broad valley Several are charted as long, closed depressions, 2 or that slopes northward toward the Port Clarence 3m deep. Valley. The Cape Rodney Parallel Valley Area terminates Ukivok Shoal, named after Ukivok village on King inshore against a more steeply sloping and topographi­ Island, has its base at a projection in the 32-m isobath cally diversified nearshore area between Sledge Island about 35 km southwest of Point Spencer spit and ex­ and Cape Rodney. Northwest of Cape Rodney, the in­ tends from there about 35 km northwestward. Like Tin shore limit of the Cape Rodney Parallel Valley Area City Shoal, Ukivok Shoal seems to be relatively cannot be defined because hydrographic surveys ter­ smooth. Depths at the crest range from 30 to 32 m. The minate from 7-30 km offshore near the 20-m isobath. area between Ukivok and Tin City Shoals is a broad The Point Spencer Shoal Area, about 1,700 km2 swale containing several large closed depressions at a between Point Spencer and King Island, is charac­ depth of about 36 m. terized by a series of massive, generally northwest­ Another set of ridges radiate from King Island in an 2 trending constructional ridges that stand 5-20 m area of about 160 km • The dominant submerged fea­ above the intervening lower areas. The ridges are typi­ ture is King Island Shoal, a constructional ridge cally 4 or 5 km wide and are separated by lower ground about 4 km wide and 12 km long that slopes gently of approximately equal width. Individual ridges range northwestward from the island. Near the island, the in length from 15 to 35 km. Most ridges extend, spit­ crest of King Island Shoal is at a depth of 26 m, about like, from higher ground in the Cape Rodney Parallel 18 or 20 m higher than the surrounding sea bottom. Valley Area to the southwest. Lower and more lobate ridges radiate eastward and Lost River Shoal, the easternmost and shallowest southward from King Island. On the west side of King of the shoals, extends about 18 km northwestward to­ Island, there is a west-trending closed depression with ward Lost River from a convexity in the 10-m isobath a maximum depth exceeding 50 m, at least 6 m deeper that lies about 5 km off the sharp northward bend in than the surrounding sea bottom. the trend of Point Spencer spit. Detailed inshore sur­ The Wales Hills represent a northern and more veys indicate that the crest of Lost River Shoal exhibits hilly continuation of the northern projection of the minor surface roughness and that the crest lies at Cape Rodney Parallel Valley Area. The hills, which depths of 8-12 m. The shoal stands only 4 or 5 m above extend northward about 3 7 km and occupy an area of 2 low ground to the east and west. about 300 km , form a belt of complex relief about 5 km PHYSIOGRAPHIC SUBDIVISIONS OF THE CHIRIKOV BASIN, NORTHERN BERING SEA B5 wide at the eastern margin of the Chukotka Trough. more southern ridge, has its base at the 40-m isobath Individual hills are 2-4 km long, 1-2 km wide, and off Booshu Camp and slopes about 50 km westward, stand 8-10 m above the intervening rather flat areas. terminating at a depth of 62 m. Booshu Spur has an The hill summits are mostly at depths of 44-48 m. The average width of about 25 km and an area of about 2 boundary with the Cape Rodney Parallel Valley Area 1,400 km • As contoured on NOS Chart 1814N-10, the consists of a gradual transition from parallel north­ summit of the spur appears to be a smoothly convex oriented depressions to parallel north-oriented ovate surface with little microrelief. Sevuokuk Spur, lying hills. Farther north, the hills are equidimensional; still immediately to the north, is higher, sharper, and nar­ farther north, they are ovate with axes oriented rower. The base of the spur lies somewhere inshore east-west. from the 36-m isobath off Mount Sevuokuk; it slopes The Port Clarence Valley is a nearly straight about 40 km westward to a depth of 58 m. Sevuokuk trench that extends from Port Clarence 50 km west­ Spur is 10-15 km wide and encompasses an area of 2 ward along the coast of western Seward Peninsula to about 500 km • Microrelief on the ridge crest appears the Wales Hills; this unit forms the northern boundary to be considerably more complex than the microrelief of the Point Spencer Shoal Area. The valley is asym­ on Booshu Spur, but this may be a cartographic ar­ metrical: the north wall is an abrupt slope, locally a tifact reflecting more closely spaced hydrographic sur­ scarp as much as 12 m high; the south wall is a gentler vey lines in the area of the Sevuokuk Spur. slope leading down from sea bottom areas that stand Gambell Shoal is a broad, bathymetrically high 2-10m higher than the valley axis. The valley bottom area of about 5,700 km2 that extends nearly 100 km is 4-5 km wide and slopes westward to a large closed northeastward from western St. Lawrence Island. The depression, about 4 m deep (bottoming below -54 m) larger part of the ridge lies at depths of 20-30 m, but and 12 km long; the valley is confined by the higher the northeastern third slopes gently down to a depth of ground of the Wales Hills. about 40 m. The northwest flank of the ridge is a The Belmezok Area is a triangular region of rugged smooth, gentle slope that descends about 10m in 8 or 9 and diversified topography that occupies about 1,000 km to the floor or the Chukotka Trough. The east flank km2 south and southeastward from the abandoned vil­ is a strongly dissected slope that descends to the lage of Belmezok, near Wales on the eastern shore of Savoonga Depression and the Kookoolik Valley. Bering Strait. Depth ranges from 20 m at the inshore The summit area of Gambell Shoal has a diversified margin of the Belmezok area to about 50 m at the topography rather similar to the topography that boundary with the Wales Hills to the southeast and the characterizes much of the Chukotka Trough. Hillocks Port Clarence Valley to the south. The topography of and swales of diverse orientation and a local relief of the Belmezok area is similar to, but deeper than, that 2-4m occur throughout most of the ridge (pl. 1). In the of the nearshore hard-rock areas; it consists of numer­ southernmost part, near St. Lawrence Island, the relief ous diversely oriented ridges, valleys, scarps, and un­ is higher and more organized, consisting of northeast­ dulating, terracelike flats, probably formed mainly by trending ridges and hillocks 3-4 km long and 6--8 km subaerial and shoreline processes acting upon hard, high. crystalline rocks. Local relief on some of the scarps and Several northwest-trending, valleylike topographic ridges is as great as 10m. lineaments cross the Gambell Shoal. The most con­ Prince of Wales Shoal is a large constructional spicuous is a shallow trench that extends about 45 km ridge extending northward some 130 km from Cape in aN. 45° W. orientation from the Savoonga Depres­ Prince of Wales (McManus and Creager, 1963). Almost sion; the trench nearly bisects Gambell Shoal (pl. 1). entirely in the Chukchi Sea, it occupies a total area of The topographic lineament continues southeastward 2 2 about 5,000 km , of which only about 400 km lies from the east side of the Savoonga Depression as a within the area of the northern Bering Sea as mapped long, shallow sea valley, 50 km long, incised into the on plate 1. The summit of the shoal within our area lies southwest corner of the Norton Plain. at depths of 8-10 m. The west slope is a steep 30-m face The Savoonga Depression is a closed basin that descending to the Chukotka Trough; the east side occupies about 660 km2 north and northeast of slopes gently to the flat floor of Kotzebue Sound, which Savoonga village on the north coast of St. Lawrence here lies at a depth of only 16--18 m. Island. The basin is enclosed by the higher ground of The south entrance to Anadyr Strait is partly ob­ Gambell Shoal to the west, the Norton Plain to the structed by a nested pair of broadly curving ridges, east, and St. Lawrence Island to the south. The head of convex toward the south, that extend westward from Kookoolik Valley forms a gap or saddle in the north the west coast of St. Lawrence Island at the south end wall at a depth of 38 m. The most conspicuous features of the Chukotka Trough (pl. 1). Booshu Spur, the of the basin floor are two arcuate ridges with steep B6 STUDIES ON THE MARINE GEOLOGY OF THE BERING SEA sides and nearly flat tops that extend northeastward Dietz, R. S., Carsola, A. J., Buffington, E. C., and Shipek, C. J., 1964, from the steep offshore slope of central St. Lawrence Sediments and topography of the Alaskan shelves, in Miller, R. L., ed., Papers in marine geology-Shepard Commemorative Island. The more eastern ridge is at least 5 km long Volume: New York, MacMillan Co., p. 241-256. and 10-20 m high; the other, at least 16 km long, con­ Gershanovich, D. E., 1967, Late Quaternary sediments of Bering Sea sists of three segments separated from one another by and the Gulf of , in Hopkins, D. M., ed., The Bering Land deep notches or saddles. Between the ridges, the floor Bridge: Stanford, Calif., Stanford Univ. Press, p. 32-46. of the Savoonga Depression is an undulating surface Grim, M.S., and McManus, D. A., 1970, A shallow seismic-profiling containing several flat-floored depressions at depths of survey of the northern Bering Sea: Marine Geology, v. 8, p. 293-320. 42-52 m. Hood, D. W., and Kelley, E. J., 1974, Oceanography of the Bering Northeast Cape Shoal is a smooth, subtle construc­ Sea: Alaska Univ. Inst. Marine Sci., Oceanog. Pub. 2, 623 p. tional ridge of broadly arcuate outline that occupies an Hopkins, D. M., ed., 1967, The Bering Land Bridge: Stanford, Calif., area of about 1,000 km2 off Northeast Cape, St. Law­ Stanford Univ. Press, 495 p. --1972, The paleogeography and climatic history of rence Island. The shoal extends southeastward into during Late Cenozoic time: Internord, no. 12, p. 121-150. Sphanberg Strait. As the summit of the shoal lies at -25 --1973, Sea level history in Beringia during the past 250,000 or 26m, the crest stands only 5-10 m above the Norton years: Quaternary Research, v. 3, p. 52(}._540. Plain to the north. The concave southern side of North­ Hopkins, D. M., Rowland, R. W., and Patton, W. W., 1973, Middle east Cape Shoal encloses a set of convergent south- and Pleistocene mollusks from St. Lawrence Island and their signifi­ east-trending sea valleys that merge at a depth of cance for the paleo-oceanography of the Bering Sea: Quaternary Research, v. 2, p. 119--134. about 46 m near the southeastern boundary of the area Knebel, H. J., Creager, J. S., and Echols, R. J., 1974, Holocene of plate 3 to form the head of the St. Lawrence sedimentary framework, east-central Bering Sea continental Trough, an elongate bathymetric depression locally as shelf, in Herman, Y., ed., Marine geology and oceanography of deep as 50 m, which extends about 100 km southward the Arctic seas: New York-Heidelberg-Berlin, Springer Verlag, p. 157-172. from the east end of St. Lawrence Island (Knebel and Lisitsyn, A. P., 1966, Recent sedimentation in the Bering Sea: Acad. others, 1974). Sci. USSR, Dept. Earth Sci., Comm. Sed. Rocks, Inst. Oceanology Moscow (Translation pub. by Israel Program for Sci. Transla­ DISCUSSION tions, Jerusalem, 1969, 614 p.). McManus, D. A., and Creager, J. S., 1963, Physical and sedimentary A systematic bathymetric survey has shown that the environments on a large spit-like shoal: Jour. Geology, v. 71, p. morphology of the floor of the northern Bering Sea is 49&-512. more complex than had been expected. The region is McManus, D. A., and Smyth, C. S., 1970, Distribution and transport tectonically active; some of the topographic features of suspended material through the straits of northern Bering are fault scarps (Grim and McManus, 1970) and others Sea: Jour. Sed. Petrology, v. 40, p. 869--873. McManus, D. A., Kelly, J. C., and Creager, J. S., 1969, Continental may be the surface expression of growing folds. The shelf sedimentation in an arctic environment: Geol. Soc. northern Bering Sea is shallow enough to have been America Bull., v. 80, p. 1961-1984. emergent as a part of the Bering Land Bridge during McManus, D. A., Venkatarathnam, K., Nelson, C. H., and Hopkins, the last glaciation. Glacial and fluvial processes have D. M., 1974, Yukon sediment on the northernmost Bering Sea left their mark upon the sea floor (Hopkins, 1972), and shelf: Jour. Sed. Petrology, v. 44, p. 1052-1060. McManus, D. A., Kolla, V., Hopkins, D. M., and Nelson, C. 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