Sufi Ruhaniat International Esoteric Studies Recorded at the Mentorgarden in San Francisco

CLASS 3 Becoming the Stillness Between the Breaths 12-10-16 Morning Session, Part 1

01 Intro, Thanks, Opening Remarks, Sufi Invocation 07:38 02 Dance - Allah, Allah, Allah) 06:32 03 Dance Introduction 09:11 04 Ya Hayy, Ya Haqq Progressive Dance 06:06 05 Dance Introduction 06:17 06 Dance - Ahad, Samad 05:59 07 Ali - Shiva Yoga 07:55 08 Practice Using Reps Translation 04:55 09 Wali Ali's Commentary 10:18

Becoming the Stillness Between the Breaths 12-10-16 Morning Session, Part 2

01 Introduction to Shiva-Devi Practices, and Practice 07:44 02 Practice, adding ‘Thy All Pervading Life In Space’ 09:54 03 Discussion 01:09 04 ‘Before Desire and Before Knowing’ 09:40 05 Soyen Shaku, Sokei-an Sasaki, Satori Story 06:29 06 Buddhist Teacher Koan 02:38 07 Dance Instruction 05:10 08 Dance - Ong Namo Gurudev 12:33 09 Hadrat 02:39 10 Story of Sarmad 02:14 11 ‘ Zikr’ 03:34

Becoming the Stillness Between the Breaths 12-10-16 Afternoon Session, Part 1

01 Walking, Breathing Oneness, Invocation 04:33 02 Dance Instruction 04:58 03 Dance_ Hazrat Bibi Maryam 06:07 04 Tassawuri & 20:21 05 Bhairava Sutra and Practice 07:37 06 Contemplation Upon 4 Elements in the Body 06:26 07 Followup Comments, Reading from Reps 06:40 08 Dance Instruction 02:48 09 Dance_ O God Ever Living 08:31 10 Tassawuri Mary 08:57 11 Followup Remarks on Tassawuri 01:20

Becoming the Stillness Between the Breaths 12-10-16 Afternoon Session, Part 2 01 Readings from Murshid SAM Chisti's Esoteric Papers 08:56 02 Commentary by Wali Ali 04:10 03 Ya Dhal Jalali wal 'Ikram Practice 07:08 04 Allaho Akbar Song 04:05 05 In Unison with the Will of God, Silent Meditation 05:09 06 Walk of Mastery Description 03:00 07 Dance Instruction 07:21 08 Shiva Dance 06:14 09 Dance Instruction 05:27 10 Shiva Square Dance 02:33 11 Practice from Bhairava Sutra, Lakshman Joo version 13:29 12 Followup Remarks, Reading from 17:44

Becoming the Stillness Between the Breaths 12-10-16 Evening Session

01 Introduction, Sufi Invocation, Introduction to Zikr 03:40 02 Darshan and Zikr Allah – Hadrat 04:06 03 Sung Zikr 24:15 04 Allah / Hu, Hu, Allahu 06:43 05 Sung Ishq Allah, Ma'aboud L'illah 06:39 06 Meditation Instruction and Silent Meditation 12:53 07 Comments on Practice, Closing Remarks 06:20 08 Kalama Dance, Final Comments 09:55