The Wizard Behind the Plate: L. Frank Baum, the Hub City Nine, and Baseball on the Prairie
Copyright © 2000 by the South Dakota State Historical Society. All Rights Reserved. The Wizard behind the Plate: L. Frank Baum, the Hub City Nine, and Baseball on the Prairie Michael Patrick Hearn On the morning of 14 May 1889, a group of ambitious young businessmen met at the Hagerty and Paulliamus real estate office to look into the possibility of establishing a local professional baseball team in Aberdeen, Brown County, Dakota Territory, Times were good, and these local heavy hitters were seeking another means of boosting their community. "Nothing creates enthusiasm like base ball/' admitted the Aberdeen Daily News the next day, "and nothing will draw a crowd so continuously as the national game closely contested and honorably played. The enthusiasts from all over the country come in to see the sport, every man of whom contributes his mite towards the car- rying on of nearly all kinds of business. It makes lively times, it advertises the town, it brings people to the city and in many ways stimulates and fosters business."' Minneapolis, Saint Paul, Des Moines, Milwaukee, Omaha, and Sioux City already had In addition lo many lonR hours spent itt the Alexander Mitcht-ll I.ihr;ir>-, Alierüeen, S.Dak.. the New York Public Libran, and (he Library of Congress, 1 am grateful to the late Matilda Jewell Gage; Riitiert A. Bauin, Jr.; Michael Ges.sel; Nanty Ty.stad Koupal and Laura Ries, South Dakota State Historical SfKieCy. Pierre; Sue Gates and Micheie Porter, Dacotah Prairie Maseuin. Aherdeen; and Saily Roe.sch Wajîner, Matilda Joslyn Gage Foundation, Fayetleville, N.Y., for providing most ofthe material for this article.
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