Treating Herpes Zoster and Postherpetic Neuralgia
® VOVOLL XX I XXIII• NO 1• NO• JU 4N E• MAY2013 2015 Treating Herpes Zoster and Postherpetic Neuralgia Vol.ÊXXI,ÊIssueÊ1Ê JuneÊ2013 Editorialostherpetic Board neuralgia (PHN) but a minority of patients experience months and 15% had pain at 2 years in is the most frequent chronic pain (PHN) persisting for months, years, a Dutch study.6 In the landmark zoster Editor-in-Chief PsychosocialÊAspectsÊofÊChronicÊPelvicÊPain complication of herpes zoster or even a lifetime. vaccine study, which included almost JaneÊC.ÊBallantyne,ÊMD,ÊFRCA (shingles).1 Herpes zoster (HZ) Anesthesiology,ÊPainÊMedicine 40,000 people aged 60 years or older PUSA represents a reactivation of the vari- Epidemiology of HZ and PHN (of whom fewer than 1000 developed cella zoster virus (VZV), a ubiquitous, Pain is unwanted, is unfortunately common, and remains essential for survival (i.e., AdvisoryÊBoard HZ) and where PHN was defined as highly neurotropic, exclusively human Accordingevading toda ang recenter) and systematic facilitating medical diagnoses. This complex amalgamation of MichaelÊJ.ÊCousins,ÊMD,ÊDSC pain intensity of 3/10 or more, 30% of -herpesvirus. Primary infection causes review,sensati theon, incidence emotions, of a ndHZ t houghis 3–5 ts manifests itself as pain behavior. Pain is a moti- α PainÊMedicine,ÊPalliativeÊMedicine 1patients who developed HZ had PHN - Australia casesvati perng f1000actor person-years.for physician 3c Theonsu ltations and for emergency department visits and is varicella (chickenpox), after which VZV at 1 month, 12% at 3 months, and 5% age-specific incidence rates of HZ were becomes latent in sensory ganglia along at 6 months in the placebo group.7 Ac- similar across countries, with a steep the entire neuraxis.
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