Circular 170. Monofilament Gill Net Fishing for Skipjack Tuna in Hawaiian
Created in 18,19, the Departll1pnt of the I nterior-~\m e ri l':\', Department of Katnral Re ource--is concprner] with the ll1an~ agell1ent, conspn-ation, and derelopll1ent of the :\";I(lOn\ watpr. fish. "'ildlife, mineral, forest, and park and rccreational n' ~OlllTes. It also has major re>'ponsibilities for I IH ]iall :\1,,] TelTitoria I afl'a irs. ~\s the Kation's principal consenation agpnl'y. thc Depart ment ",ork~ to a~snre that llol11'pne\rahle reSOllrl'es are (]p\"clojlPd and n~prl ,,"isely, th:1t park am] recreational resonrces arp COIl spnerl fur thp flltllre. and that renewable rpsomCl'" m:lkc their full contnlllltlOn to the progrp ~. prosperity. and seclll'lty of thp rnited ~tates-no\\' and in the fnture. Cover Photo: Setting gill nets from a Hawaiian skipjack boat. TINITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, STEWART L. UDALL, SECRETARY FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE, CLARENCE F. PAUTZKE , COMMISSIONER BUREAU OF COMMERCIAL FISHERIES , DONALD L.McKERNAN, DIRECTOR ~@~@~~[&~m~IT @~[[ ~~IT ~~~oo~~@ ~@~ ~[{~~B&~[{ ITlW~& ~~ OO&~&~~&~ ~&IT~~~ ~®®~ 0 ®~ BY RICHARD S. SHOMURA FISHERY RESEARCH BIOLOGIST BUREAU OF COMMERCIAL FISHERIES BIOLOGICAL LABORATORY HONOLULU , HAWAII Circular 170 October 1963 ABSTRACT The Hawaiian skipjack fishery is showing signs of economic trouble. This is especially evident in the size of the fleet, which has decreased 40 percent since 1948. Theproblem is one of a static level of fishing efficiency with the pole-and- line method, and in creasing operational costs. The solution requires increasing th e catch without a proportionate increase in cost. On the basis of recent developments in monofilament fibers and the success of monofilament gill nets in other fisheries, netting techniques for catching skipjack tuna were investigated in 1961 and 1962,withthejointsupportof the State of Hawaii and the Bureau of Commercial Fisheries.
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