A Unique Role for Stat5 in Recovery from Acute Anemia Gregory D
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Washington University School of Medicine Digital Commons@Becker Open Access Publications 2006 A unique role for Stat5 in recovery from acute anemia Gregory D. Longmore Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.wustl.edu/open_access_pubs Recommended Citation Longmore, Gregory D., ,"A unique role for Stat5 in recovery from acute anemia." The ourJ nal of Clinical Investigation.,. 626-628. (2006). https://digitalcommons.wustl.edu/open_access_pubs/1534 This Open Access Publication is brought to you for free and open access by Digital Commons@Becker. It has been accepted for inclusion in Open Access Publications by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons@Becker. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Downloaded on July 24, 2013. The Journal of Clinical Investigation. More information at www.jci.org/articles/view/27988 DPNNFOUBSJFT review. J. Bioenerg. Biomembr. 35:533–575. 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A critical function for Stat5 is to promote cell vated, which then mediates phosphory- survival, possibly through transcriptional induction of the antiapop- lation of 8 conserved tyrosine motifs to totic protein Bcl-x. In the present experimental system, erythropoietin- generate phosphotyrosine (PY) recogni- Stat5 signals did not induce Bcl-x expression but did induce oncostatin- tion sites within the cytoplasmic tail of M. Moreover, oncostatin-M was found to enhance survival of erythroid the EpoR (Figure 1). These PY sites serve progenitors. This work differentiates between steady-state (or homeo- to recruit both positive and negative regu- static) erythropoiesis and stress-induced erythropoiesis at the level of lators that effect erythroid progenitor EpoR signaling. expansion through both prosurvival and proliferative signals. The most proximal In adults, red blood cell production by tal hematopoiesis has revealed that fetal PY site, Y343, serves to recruit and acti- bone marrow progenitors maintains the erythropoiesis and adult erythropoiesis vate Stat5; however, the role of Stat5 in steady-state level of circulating cells. But occur in distinct anatomic sites and with the regulation of erythropoiesis remains during times of “stress,” such as acute distinct regulatory features (1, 2), and controversial (4–8). Menon et al. (3) used anemia, the erythropoietic response is pre- it has been suggested that adult splenic genetically engineered mice, developed in dominantly generated by hematopoietic erythropoiesis more closely approximates the laboratory of James N. Ihle (St. Jude progenitors residing in the spleen, at least fetal liver erythropoiesis than adult bone Children’s Research Hospital, Memphis, in mice. In both circumstances, erythropoi- marrow erythropoiesis. Do these differ- Tennessee, USA), that express a truncated etin (Epo) and SCF are the central regula- ences between steady-state erythropoietic form of the EpoR containing the single tors, albeit that compensatory circulating regulation and the stress-induced erythro- Stat5-interacting tyrosine residue Y343 Epo levels are higher during recovery from poietic response reflect differences in the (EpoR-H mice) or express a similarly trun- acute anemia. The study of developmen- erythroid progenitors in adult bone mar- cated EpoR that is tyrosine null (Y343F) row versus spleen, differences in Epo/SCF (EpoR-HM mice) (8). Since these mutants Nonstandard abbreviations used: BMP, bone signaling, the activity of other cytokines, were knocked in to the EpoR gene locus, morphogenic protein; Epo, erythropoietin; EpoR, or differences in the tissue microenviron- this allows for physiologic mutant recep- Epo receptor; EpoR-H mice, mice expressing a truncat- ment? In this issue of the JCI, Menon and tor expression in appropriate tissues and ed form of the EpoR containing the single Stat5-inter- acting tyrosine residue Y343; EpoR-HM mice, coworkers provide evidence implicating the cells, in the absence of endogenous WT mice expressing a truncated form of the EpoR Epo receptor–activated (EpoR-activated) receptor expression. These mice were sub- that is tyrosine null (Y343F); f, flexed-tail; PY, Stat5 signal as a unique contributor to the jected to 3 stress conditions: phenylhy- phosphotyrosine. stress-induced erythropoietic response and drazine-induced acute hemolytic anemia, Conflict of interest: The author has declared that no conflict of interest exists. thereby distinguishing homeostatic and acute anemia secondary to 5-fluorouracil– Citation for this article: J. Clin. Invest. 116:626–628 stress-induced erythropoiesis at the level induced reduction in number of maturing (2006). doi:10.1172/JCI27988. of EpoR signaling (3). erythroid progenitors, and anemia follow- The Journal of Clinical Investigation http://www.jci.org Volume 116 Number 3 March 2006 Downloaded on July 24, 2013. The Journal of Clinical Investigation. More information at www.jci.org/articles/view/27988 DPNNFOUBSJFT production and oncostatin-M positively modulates erythroid expansion (Figure 1). How Epo, SCF, and now oncostatin-M signals converge to effect erythroid expan- sion and whether this is unique to stress- induced erythropoiesis, in vivo, remain to be determined. "SFCPOFNBSSPXBOETQMFOJD FSZUISPJEQSPHFOJUPSTEJTUJODU Are EpoR-H signals unique to adult splenic progenitors? In other words, are adult splenic erythroid progenitors dis- tinct from adult bone marrow erythroid progenitors? Apparently not, since ex vivo cultures of EpoR-HM adult bone mar- row–derived erythroid progenitors also exhibited defects in Epo-induced prolif- eration and evidence of increased apop- tosis — defects rescued by restoration of the Stat5 PY site (3). But these analyses are, by their nature, performed out of bio- logical context and thus do not account for potential differences in microenvi- 'JHVSF ronmental regulation. The recent reex- $ZUPLJOFSFHVMBUJPOPGTUSFTTJOEVDFEFSZUISPQPJFTJT*OUIJTJTTVFPGUIF+$* .FOPOFUBMSFQPSU amination of flexed-tail (f) mutant mice UIBU4UBU BDUJWBUFECZ&QP3TJHOBMT VOJRVFMZSFHVMBUFTTUSFTTJOEVDFEFSZUISPQPJFTJT is particularly informative in this regard 0UIFSDPOUSJCVUPSTUPTUSFTTJOEVDFEFSZUISPQPJFTJTJODMVEFTZOFSHZCFUXFFO4$'BOE&QP (12). Like Stat5a,b–/– and EpoR-HM mice, PODPTUBUJO. #.1 BOEQPTTJCMZ(BT&QP34UBUTJHOBMTXFSFGPVOEUPJOEVDFUIFFYQSFT adult f/f mice exhibit normal steady- TJPOPGPODPTUBUJO. BOEPODPTUBUJO.DPPQFSBUFTXJUI4$'&QPTJHOBMTUPFOIBODFFSZUISPJE TVSWJWBM5IVT&QP34UBUTJHOBMTTFUVQBQPTJUJWFGFFECBDLMPPQXIFSFCZUIFTJHOBMJOEVDFT state erythropoiesis but do not respond TFDSFUJPOPGPODPTUBUJO. XIJDIUIFODPOUSJCVUFTUPSFHVMBUJPOPGFSZUISPQPJFTJTEVSJOHUJNFTPG to acute erythropoietic