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8-17-1918 Albuquerque Morning Journal, 08-17-1918 Journal Publishing Company

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THIRTY-NINT- H VEAU. OU 1'IiVlII. No. 48. Albuquerque, New Mexico, Saturday, 17, 1918. Daily by Carrier or Matt, 70c a Month August Single Copies, fci STIFFENED 111 ES EXCESS PROFITS AL ENS MUST GET


Reinforcements and Additional House Ways and Means Com- Proclamation Signed By Pres- -' Guns Thrown Into Fighting mittee Adopts a Graduated iclent Makes Free Departure By Germans Do Not Stem Scale, Also a Flat Rate for From Country Impossible Advance of Allies, Taxing Big Business, After September 15,

KEYSTONE OF DEFENSE CHANGES IN INCOME TAX FREEDOM OF TRAVEL HAS IN PICARDY MENACED ARE ALSO RECOMMEDED BEEN MENACE TO AMERICA A string of German "Bacon" a Mile Long, Marching over the Hills,-- with Only an Occasional Armed American to French and Canadians Fight Estimates Show; That the Guard Them. Dangerous Enemy Agents, Their Way to a Point Near Measure As Not Tentatively Allowed to Depart Without Roye, Fall of Which Would Agreed Upon Will Almost ' Molestation, Have Carried Be a Blow to Huns, Reach the Goal Aimed At, ENEMY Rl S USED MERC EDUCATORS LAY SPARK F MIT FIT Important News to Huns,

(Undated War l.'ul by the Associativl IS? MORNINd JOURNAL RpiCIAL LIAfCD WIKIl !rHs ) Washington, Aug. 10. An 8 per DIVISIONS IN THEIR PLANS n nnm rn (RY MORNINO JOURNAL RRICIAL LKARia WIR1 Iti. Kvidontly it is not In the planR of cent exemption, in addition to a spe PLUS ft Washington, Aug. Freedom vf I al.U j departure from this country of the allies to leave the Germans secuie cific $3,000 exemption on the excess aliens, j by means of which a dnn-- iln their possession of the line between profits of corporations, with a tax of number of j fl 48-MIL- E gercius enemy have 'the and the Oise. Although 40 per cent on all excess profits be- FRONT HITIilL FLIGHT T CONFERENCE agents len ablo tween 8 to escape from the the front from the south of the per cent and 20 per cent and E1 authorjties, will not a tax of 60 per cent on all excess bo permitted after September 15, un- Sonime past through Itoye profits exceeding 20 per cent, was der a Presi- ho Noyon has been studded proclamation signed by with agreed upon today by the house ways dent fresh reinforcements Since 8 Wilson and an executivo order. and innumerable nnd means committee. Aug, the Germans of 18 Do Disci sion Chang-Namc- of Squadron Havilands, Relative to Mass Celebrated Histor The proclamation and executive' order guns to keep talk the allied troops, The committee, In writing this Have Greatly With Mo- Spanish-Am- er puts Into effect, the alien law the Germans) again have been forced schedule into the $8, 000,000,0(10 reve- Strengthened Equipped Libcity in; Cathedral, Badlv Damaged control nue bill, also passed by congre ss lust May. to give ground, adopted the treasury's Their Lines in Sectors Op- tors, Make a Trip Behind ican Normal Comes alternative plan for a flat SO per cenl Up; By Ecnemy Shells; People j Under the executive order French and Canadian troops aliens, Friday tax on war profits. The committee posite BrltiSh Troops, Lines, Industrial after September 15, will be Lau-eour- Eencmy's Extension require,! night between and t, agreed to three classifications of bus- Urged, Slowly Returning, o obtain permits before leaving the on a front ot anout three miles, iness for purposes of deduction from j United States and additional (BV MORN NO JOURNAL LtUiGO 1ST MORN, NO restric- had fought their way west of the war profits. PC,AL WIRE JOURNAL WIRt (CR.JIAL CORRIRONDINr TO H Roye imw LtlllD MCNINO JOURNAL! MORNINd JOURNAL RRKCtAL LRAHVO W)RK1 tions With lor-filin- will be placed on the of until were at the door The deduction for pre-w- the IlrJtish Army in Awt 16. g Santa stale-wi.l- e entry they of the earnings , Washiiijrtcn, denial Fe, ,ug. hi. The With the r.ritish Army in France, aliens. town, a of the de- is: Financial and Aug. 16 (.1:15 p. m., t,y the Associated Attempts to evade the draft, keystone German transportation cor today the war depart-me- educational conference took on a more Aug. 15 (by the .ssoclated Press.) fense in To 8 Press). a through leaving the country, which Plcardy. the Immediate porations, per cent; manufacturing, ny brilliant maneuver, that early in August a complete formal character In the museum last , which lias been the "dead north were 10 the have otrieluls believe will Increase with tho British troops still in pos- farming and general business,. par French captured "Z" wood Biuadron of eighteen De Hnviland four night than at the In of Its session of opening seslon cily Plcardy" since population passage of the bill extending the draft Damery and Parvillers cent, and and kindred hazard and wood. Jn the supreme court ca-it- mining Damery these two airplanes, built. In the United states room at the of about 1 ,",0,000 counter-attack- s. including 40,000 ages, will he rendered less after heavy West of ous businesses, 12 per cent. Ninety wooded traits the Germans have been and yesterday nflemoon. At the af- easy. eiiuipped with Liberty motors ternoon refugees, fled before the crest of the "Heretofore, American citizens have Itoye the allied line is now only a per cent of business it h holding out succ-'ssfiiU- re- session, Superintendent f corporations, desperately for several carried out the first Public Ger unn offensive is com- been required to make scant mile and a quarter distant. This estimated, will be affected the war Instruction J. II. Wagner pre- last spring, applications for by days, realizing the value of these po- connaissance flight of American built sided. Y. in adds to the of tax and the remainder Governor K. I.lndsev made ing to life again. passports order to go abroad and materially danger Roye profits by the sitions. machines behind tho German lines. (Hi address of to to by direct assault on the of excess tax. Tho of' weh'ome to which Slate The menace of the Invader has explain the satisfaction of tho! part the profits little patches forest which Senator Isaac i They returned without loss. Harth viimndci), (iil'-- gone, for the himself lias department of state the necessity of French and Canadians at its western Estimates show excess and war are now in the hands of the allies are Clerk Lnureo of Invader In making thiR announcement .Se- George the depart- k their trips, while aliens have gates and from a flanking; maneuver profits taxes will yield a total of $,. virtually on the extreme right of the ment of education on been chased bac toward the Somme been, lino cretary linker said that Diigndler Gen- reported t.ho permitted to depart freely without by the British on the northwest. 000,000,000 which would bring the uruisn and from their eastern proposed addition of an Industrial de- and now some of the peaceful rcsl borders it Is to eral Foulis of the American t for or 1'reiich Gain Miles. total of the bill much possible. observe close. air service the Spanlsh-America- n dents who had ' been for making application explaining nearer the $8. ' partment refugee their an t a wiue Rtretcii of ground. led the expedition.' , normal school. trips," said explanatory state- The carried uuu.uoo.OUO l',,meo- months Frenejj aye cm, ijn, goal. jtm-exi- - n;e creeping (laclj. Today ir.sued position for ncwral mliou Becret-ti'- li.i'ker Seine In ' ment hy tho state cessfully art'udvanee five miles to the. May Ctuuigo Income Tu Plan. on said lie had n. objection .i.iisd to street after street ihrotluhout Uie department each slue of the two woods havs tho - last night.' "The new law now south which the town Chairman Kitchlii of commit- nee n ether information refvurdlntr the flieht failing Institution- I'te "Spanish- was hut places seemingly lays the materially improved by their Amurican" Normal city entirely deserted here aliens In this on a. to a movement tee said exwept- that Lieutenant Blair Thaw school, and some and there Uio Inevitable llttie old respect basis simi- open turning from the today that the treasury 'ex. go even so far that It should be Abo- lar to that of citizens. d woman Loges wood. Not alone is Roye mer-nee- pected to submit tomorrow some fur- Hun Attacks Repulsed. was on tho trip. Tllo secretary vi(h-hel- lished who would not leave her altogether, that everything that homo would come to bomb or leaving as German AgonU. ' by this later de- ther suggestions the income These were virtually the lust of the the time and are dif- her advance, but, regarding place. emphasizes that there race shell as vehicles "It is believM that many have tax. He Raid unless ! some- really more important positions on the Tho ferenced and race In splintered doorway aliens bouching from the woods southeast- there announcement was considered feeling New Cer-ma- new front to which the passed. been leaving tho United States as n ward the French are in a to to change the f lie nor-ma- l enemy has l.v officers as at rest rumors Mexico should be eliminated, that it is position thing situation been holding and the allied setting These vehicles carried men. some- agents, Information outflank LaRsigny, and with the income tax rate will with wht;h that the De Haviiand machines Were the duly of New Muxlco educators to carrying begin forces desired. The enemy launched not success eleminate the times ofleers and soldiers of Great abioud for the use of the enemy. The French troops in the Oise near 5 per cent on the first 4,000, and 10 a and also as showing that hyphen, that all of the or United valley a heavy attack yesterday acuinst the the motors now peoplo of New Meico are Americans 1,'ritain. France the States new law is designed to the der also cent on nil Incomes 4. Liberty have prove' and civilians who prevent Ribecourt, strategically placed to per between new positions at Uamory. After sharp themselves In actual war conditions. and nothing but American. someiltnes have parturn of all such enemies of the a 000 and $5,000. the sur-ta- x was lived for In the shadow of a begin rolling up process wlhich, if beginning fighting he repulsed, leaving 158 was ii ('. F. Williams of tho federal bu- years United States. nu- Flight Scouting Trip. c ity, on their to mass in the There have hen successful, would obliterate the hill at $5,000. prisoners. c reau of way The machines, each arrying a pilol education, represents the great of Notre Dame merous Instances of the of and wooelod now as The sur-ta- x schedule. Other purely local positions had nnd authorities cathedral which, operations country standing Chairman been observer, and equipped with four Washington at the meeting the from German such Gorman-pai- d agents and a barrier to the of Kitchin said, would stand fought here nnd there along the machine guns, to the recom- Representatives are in attendance despite damage spies capture Noyon. probably a? new front for the of according guns and bombs, retain the tlllo of who bavo left' the country because The of the allied on to with the purpose improv- mendation of General I'ershing made from nil the state Institutions, as well position troops agreed following percent- ing positions. During Ihcse combats as a the most beautiful in all France. there wns no law to prevent their the Somme-Ois- e is ages: many motilhs ago. , quite number of county and city salient materially the twenty-fou- r hours The service was, to celebrate tllo Fivo during past the The flight undoubtedly was a scout superintendents nnd principals and better than it has been for several thousand to 3 British deliverance of the from nt $7,500. per have captured 260 prisoners ing especially members of the state board city the lit this connection the state depart-mentme- cent; $7,500 to $10,000, 6 and four Tho trip. Germans and thanks were given to i days past. per cent; machine suns. casual- No recent on the of . education and those in ties in figures production engaged the allied which points out, the freedom Ilun Itetrcat Contimios. $10,000 to $15,000, 10 per cent; $15,-00- 0 killed and wounded inflicted of the De Haviiand fours are avail- teaching vocational branches. aims accomplished with which such the in these local the delivery. persons as Robert The retirement of the Germans on to $20,000, 15 per cent; $20,000 upon enemy affairs able and Secretary Baker would not A washout nt San Marcial, delayed ot German bomb to are estimated to he at least 1,800. Hut the group gathered in tho Fay, organizer plots;' of the northern front continues $30,000, 20 to sanction their discussion. The the arrival of from the assist--an- parts per cent; $30,000 To the in the direction pro delegates Itself showed that Amiens Franz von Rlntelcn and Fay's t, -- north, of ono m southern of stato. c;anieclral but these maneuvers as yet lack defi- $40,000, 25 per cent; $40,000 to $50 duction of the thousandth part the Dr. Walter H, have been Laeouronne, the lines of, the British Dayton-Wrigh- t At last mass in the Continued on Two. ) Scheele, nite Following 000,'30 per cent: $50,000 to $00,000 ehino at the plant of the night's meeting Page able to explanation. closely have also been advanced slightly. Ar was cele- museum, Mrs. M. Henderson escape. upon the evacuation of front line po- 40 per cent; $00,000 to 45 company recently Ralph $70,000. tillery activity continues along the brated and since then another great bad charge of the community singing "Hio new law, according to the state' sitions north of which were entire in new a. Albert, (Continuen on Page Two.) front, especially the plant has come Into quantity produc- nnd also gave violin selection. .Miss department, will opersate as follows: taken over by the British, has (come Somme battle area, but the enemy tion. Hazel Sparks of Socorro, home HIGHER PA! FOR "Aliens desiring to leave the United does not seem to desire to launch just another voluntary relinquishment of any It Is assumed tho squadron men- from Itoston conservatory, sang a so),, States will be required to make appli- extentied attacks, even at ad- trenches in the I.ys sector. The vil- infantry tioned today Is now regularly operat Governor W. K. Linsey made an cation to the Immigrant Inspector or lage1 of Vieux has been Itoye and Chaulnes, where he is Ing nt the front which means that a dress on "Greater Kinphasts on Pat- Berquln given ALLIES AMD RUSS strongest. United States district attorney nearest up and over a of about large number ot" reserve machines riotism." Dr. David It. Boyd, president his ground front Shell Hro Riddles Him Mnos. had for his theme COAL MINERS IS last place of residence. Aliens fiinc miles to a of from one tc are on hand. of the university, west of depth It was learned today that since There was much discussion of the "On to College," and Lieutenant Kldor living the Mississippi shall two miles 8 has been ceded without August the Germans have employed De Hnviland fours due to of led in the discussion of make application not less than eight- x - recently Cam), Cody fighting. All the way between La- - G thirty-si- divisions on a front of forty- critical reports from the aviation arlotis phases of the war. een days nor more than twenty-eigh- t basse canal and Tpres the Germans AGIST eight miles. Of these twenty-on- e wer.) service abroad on the machines first days before date of sailing. Each alien still are of nervous In the line at the beginning of the received. Investigation here showed 10 BE DISCUSSED must also submit a exhibiting signs Sommo the other fifteen belli? ECONOMIES EFFECTED passport issued, ness and dally are bombarding the attack, the specific complaints were minor renewed or vised within ten days prior brought in as reinforcemenls. It is in British front heavily with shells and II character. w IN. RAIL OPERATION to the date of his application anej learned from prisoners recently cap- gas projectiles. SOVIET SOLDIERS tured that the British artillery during must bring with him as witness an Activity Along Veslo River. the past "few days hus caused consid- IRV MORNING JOURNAL flRCC,AL LIAReD WIRK) CRT MORNI.Ca JOURNAL MPtOAL LtARVO WINS, American citizen. , Along tne esle river front, the erable destruction within the enemy Washington, Aug. 16 Heir iion of Indianapolis, lncl., Aug. 16. Who May Get rennils. Germans are similarly bombarding lines. The British guns have been YANKEE HEROISM pasHcngef service, elimination of conditions in the coal mining In- - "Permits to depart will be granted the positions held especially active in searching out lrckiit Iraiu dr.plii ation and pooling nustry Tor which "the only logical if it shall by the French and Y only affirmatively appear Americans, but their efforts MORN!ht JOUftNfl. SPCCIAu vBASIft WIRIf German ammunition .dumps, a num- of facilities under government opera- solution" is a substantial flat wage that there is reasonable for 'have Amsterdam, Aug. 16. The first ber of which have been tion economics the of increase to be to classi- necessity gone for so far as a destroyed. It pt rate applied all the and that such naught causing connected of advance was this work a have effected in fications of, will dis- Journey departure i) story the of the partially for doing just year been labor be deemed not to to rennquisnment ot territory is such was made In the for- BY cussed mi 1, ba prejudicial the inr entente forces southward from Arch- that speed GIVEN PRAISE the northwestern operating district. conference of district ' The American tin- terest of the United States. Provisions aviators art angel, northern Russia, is In a ward movement of the guns. From Itegional Director Aishton reported presidents :,f United Mine Work- busily engaged In given start of offensive not mo to McAdoo. ers to be held In have been made under the new law bombing operations special dispatch to the Dusseldorf the tho a today Director General Washington, August behind tho German lines, especially ment has been lost in moving up the Officials sny the other six districts 2.1, eeeonong to un announcement for the travel of American citizens to Nachristen from Stockholm. The dis- - against the bridges loading northward artillery. That it has been a paying are making similxr rccovorks. nude- here tonight by Frank J. and from our insular possessions on patch, which Is dated August 14, says: across the Aisne river. Tho Amori proposition is proved by prisoners' FREICH GENERAL Hayes, president of tho United Mine citizens' Identification cards and slml . "Last 6,000 entente Workers can also is Mondny troops, statements as to the havoc wrought MAJOR ROOSEVELT IS of America. lar has been made citi- artillery paying strict at reinf6rced assem- shell fire. In provision for tention to the areas behind by 3,000 Russians, by announcing tho conference zens aliens on side i tho line bled at same . Some movements east- ' President It and living either Archangel and the night slight 'troop RECEIVED BY PREMIER Hayes said had been ten-mi- le to harass the Germans. are called of the Mexican borders within the the order was to south- ward reported now and then to "to avert. If a rap-Idl- y given proceed TRY MORNINO possible, On V JOURNAL RPtCtAl. LtARKD limit for border Such the other battle fronts little eastward. the rear of the German lines along MORNING JOURNAL SRBCtAL LRRKD WIRB WIR1 developing labor condition with- crossings. Three thousand Russians 16. in- fighting of moment is taking placx the Somme, but are Insufficient 16. The Forty-secon- Paris, Aug. MaJ. Theodore in the coal cards will be issued by Immigrant omharked on eleven river .steamers they Washington. Aug. was Industry which, if pee although the Italians have been to warrant any conclusions regarding (Rainbow) division particu- Roosevelt. Jr., cordially received milled to go unchecked would un- spectors. nnd a number of barges, the destina- Premier Clcmenceau dermine forced to sustain several counter-at-tack- s the enemy's Intentions. larly distinguished itself in the by today. coal production plans." "The entry and departure of all sea- tion of which was Kotlas on thfe Dvlna Major Roosevelt's wounds were Tho the Austrians in the Tonale fighting east of Rheims on July stl'l wage Increase 'Van , be met men, both citizen and alien, will be, hy river. The remainder of the unhenled and he is using crutches. and region. troopi Curtail Vse of Cement. . 16 when the German offensive wart applied by the. coal operators controlled under tho new law. marched along the Archangel-Vologd- a on both sides of without the Washington, Aug. 16. Use of ce- launched that city necessity of an iucreaso "Permits to depart, when issued, railway with orders to Trusan-ovskay- a, A order issued General Furloughs for Soldiers. in the selling of Kat' Flesh on halt at ment by industries engaged In other general by 10. price coal to the should be to the Slay Friday. st Washington, Aug. Tho War de. presented control of' seventh miles south of Arch- 'cur- Naulln, commanding the Twenty-fir- consuming public," asserted the uln Washington, Aug. 16. Catholics In than war work will be greatly a announced that en- ers' fleer of the port of not less angel. corps part of' the French partment today official, who added that the pay-1- 1 departure the rrmv and navy are relieved from if not army men in fur- twenty-fou- r tailed completely stopped by an under General Gouraud com- listed camp may obtain "' of bonuses-b- own- than hours before the the obligation of from flesh "The flotilla was first fired upon army to (n work ers many mine abstaining order issued today by the fuel admin- mends the Forty-secton- d for "its loughs engage agricultural ,,w proposed date of sailing. on of from both river hanks Kakuatz-kay- a, indisputable evidence diet Friday with the exception near istration, restricting delivery of coal ardor and Its In the by making applications to their com- that the industry is able to Good it was anneitrced and a half en- valor, spirit." officers or rela- bear an Friday, today mile further on to cement manufacturers to 75 per course of the battle when the manding by having advance In wages." by the . Bishop of Catholic countered a barricade tives or o'her interested ap- YOUTHS ADMONISHED ': chaplains, of sunken boatt, cent of the normal output. Manufac- "Fourth army broke the German of- persons Chiimo of Conditions. ' Patrick J. Hayes, in order to remove which Impeded further Hero on ply through the local board at which The on progress. turers may make cement in excess of fensive the Champagne." labor condition has been TO REGISTER AUG. misunderstanding- that has arisen the troops werei r.o The text of the Issued they registered. Preside nt causd 24 compelled to land their allotment it pro- order. on Hayes says, by many mine the subject. await fresh orders. only greater 20, when the divinion was leav- Is tho July owners bonuses In , "Nor did the land duction required by government to Join the American paving excess of MORNINR JOURNAL LlARID WlRR reach ing First - troops their wn;;o scale to bbtaln and miners 16. goal. They re- corps in the drive to the keep Washington, Aug. Provost encountered their first 'army Vesie,' In THE WEATHER follows: their mines. Mr. Hayes' statement Marshal General Crowder Issued a sistance by the soviet troops at I the AIRPLANE ACCIDENTS continues: statement "At the moment when the Forty-secon- d today emphasizing that all point where the river bisects male log the Hun Losses Since American division Is on the "The piactlce has become so wide citizens who shall have reached FORECAST. railway. The entente halleo. - their twenty-firs- t troops point of leaving the Twenty-firs- t AT TRAINING upreal that the of birthday since June nere. Tnis movement GAMPS stability the entire ") last must seemed, a feint, ot War army corps, I desire to express my is appear before the local Dnever, Colo.. 16. For New and the main Beginning industry threatened and the coal boards to Aug. operation apparently is keen satisfaction and my sincere themselves register for military service Mexico: on Dvini river. ,. cperators are becoming on 24, Saturday and Sunday fair the thanks for the services which it has IRV MORNINO JOURNAL RRCCIAL August regardless of any pre- Are Six Million LtD WIR1, alarmed at thei, own handiwork. sumed ground for west, partly cloudy east portion. Not "Monday night there arrived at rendered under all conditions. Commack, N. ,V... 16. Lieut. exemption. Oppor- Aug. "The fuel administration Is to claim will be much In , near Archangel, four trans- "2y Its valor, nrdor and its spirit, Harold F. Mason of Ixis nnd tunity exemption afv change temperature. MORNIN WIRK1 Angeles forded In Aria: from which an tT JOURNAL LtAE. It has very partciularly Cadet. O. Investigations to find cut the the filling out of question- Saturday and Sunday fair. Not ports American contin- , distinguished F. Gedcon of Titusville, Pa., ' Paris, 16. The total of itself on 15 and 16 in for the naires by registrants. much In temperature. gent was transferred directly to barges Aug. July the course were killed today when their airplane mwtia condition. change German losses from the begin- of the great battle where the Fourth crashed to in "It bonuses are "Provision will be made for tho ( n h mouth of the river without of of the earth a hay field eliminated from the mall of ning the war to the end army brqke the German offensive near here. pay envelops of the registration by any person IA3CW REPORT. touching at Archangel. July, 1918, are understood to be miners now who expects to be absent on - . on, the Champagne front. The machine was one of the group them, the registra- "Admiral Kemp (British) on Mon- 6,000,000, according to the morn- "I am proud to have had' it Industry will lose Hon day from the jurisdiction of thf A summary of local weather condi- issued a under of seventeen from Brinkley field. thousands of men. board where he ' day proclamation to the Rus ing newspapers. my orders during this which were In permanently resides, tions for the twenty-fou- r hours ' The include 1,400,000 period; Long Island, flying "If wages are not Increased says the statement. si ending sians, saying thatt the Moscow rulers figures accompany it In the great this vicinity. An explosion In midair, to those "But in such at 8 p. m. yesterday follows: Maxt-mu- had RiissVa to who killed up to the, beginning of the engaged In for not now recelvlna tonuses to case extreme care should be taken bir' betrayed the kaiser, German struggle tha liberty it la reported, hurled Oedeon from the him to see temperature, 85 degrees; mini- now was to offensive last March..1 of the world. Maxon'- was equivalent of tho bonuses now beln that his registration cart sanding troops destroy From March 27 to 17 the airplane, crushed reaches his home on mum, B9,v range, 26; a June the "GRNlSRAti NADLlN, received In- board or before temperature the liberty gained by the expenditure Germans to under the machine when it struck the by other miners, then the 24. Such S m., nre said have lost "Commanding the Twenty-firs- t was 25 August persons are advise J p. 80; south winds; clear, of so much blood." 7 120,000 Arms earth. Maxon years old and dustry fares a certain loss of needed to once to killed alone. Corps." Uedeon 24. apply at a local board fo manpower." Instructions as to how to proceed, p TWO AlKuquerque Morning Journal, Saturday, August 17, 1918. Jap Leader. L fi WAR ACTIVITIES "THAVE used Dr. Caldwell's Syrup A For I . ratrT" ;v Roll of Honor Pepsin and find it a most effective ashes, American Casualties OF AMERICA ARE and pleasant laxative one that is worth recom- j garbage, BUDGET 114 if l Z to one's friends. I know etc en mending that my liil CRY MORNINO JOURNAL SPECIAL LKASCC WIRt 1 Aua'- Hi The first health has been since Clow ' ' ' Washington, greatly improved little fitting Iii to ft section of the casualty list to HIGHLY FULLS FAR SHORT army PRAISEO hi? cakes it odor, day shows: using it." se- proof, dog - - Killed in wounded 1 action, IS; From a letter to Dr. Caldwell written by iiii 1311 IP proof, I verely, 25. Total. 43. Mist Alice Lombard, 22 BoyUton if Made of The list: St, steely ( spiingheld, Mass. ) galvanirrd. Killed in Action. CHi-kos- in Amount Has Proven Insuffi- -' h, Manner Which Have t!i Will last i life- Sergeant Peter J'. Johns.. Jroops time Wis.; Corporals Frederic!. Been Abroad of cient for Improvements and Dixon, Catlettsbur','.' Ky.; :':ieilden K. Sent "One j.ii Winter, Ames, la.; I'mates John Al- Is Increased I , the Great miracles of Witt's Equipment; lan, Calumet, Mich.; .!;! T Dr. Caldwell's Byhalia, Miss.; Ps.ty 156 Million v ; Northcliffe. iiii Corrugated Can. Dollars,. ST t Uniontown, pa.; John Gates, K"a!a; World," Says mazoo, Mich.; Robert Grooma, liJsh-vill- e, CALL AMj ht IUL.M AT Mo.; Michael lloefer. Marinette, Kaia-lairc- V MORNING iiii tBY MORNING JOURNAL SPECIAl LEASED WIRFl Wis.; Mathias Kneer. Wis.; JOURNAL SPECIAL LIASCO WIRE Washington, Aug. 1. The Antonl, Wallace, .Midi; London, Auff, 16 (via Montreal). Syrup Pepsin RAABE & MAUGER'S E billion dollar budget approved Charles J. Krumrey, Ch.iiles City, la.; Lord Nofthdlf'fe today entertained at The Perfect Laxativd 113-11- Pauline Pellaecia. Portland, Me.; Avia luficheon 7 North First. path,' this year by Director General a number of Cunadlan, Aus- McAdoo K. Pickerel, Glen wood. I.i.; PobertJf. tralian and American and a for railroad improvements 11. editors General Ktknzo a veteran Heed, Red Oak. la.: Walter :'olS, Sold and equipment, has proven insiiffi iltatii, A. number of statesmen and prominent by Druggists Everywhere P.usso-Japanes- o Pa'ricii Vc!.di. of the rhino-Japanes- e and the Marshfieid, Wis.; citizens of tho ! cient to meet war needs, pud it has New York: II. I!. AVhlts.::, dominions. has been in Joseph Lord iiii been increased lo $1,097,298,000, or Wars, placed Rosemary, X, C. Northcliffe said the way the 50 cts. $1.00 1 (ga 66,000, 0(10 more than the original command of tho Japanese army which colonials had been coming over to As ho aggregate of 'budgets of nil federally is to occupy Vladivostok. such help the old country was one of the AZTEC FUEL. CO. Die NEW MEXICO MEN ARE controlled roads. This was disclosed will bo the ranking officer of most touching things in history. He A mild, pleasant-tastin- g combination of simple laxative today in a detailed report of capita! American-Japanes- e expedition to IN FRANCE READY TO spoke of Qallipoli and Vimy ridge and herbs with expenditures authorized to date. also dwelt on what the Americans pepsin. Brings relief without griping or LICK THE HUNS had done Crowing N'ocil for Kquipincnt. HELP at Chateau Thierry. The other discomfort. A trial bottle can be obtained free of Jewett Fire Most of the increase was made nec- Xmcricann, he said, had proved to be SPICIAL CORRKRPONDKNCC TO MORNtNH JOURNAL "the Dr. B. essary by the growing need, for cars goods." What the Germans had charge by writing to W. Caldwell, 458 Washing- Brick. Santa Hi. the called a mob in and locomotives. Originally $4Si,-000,00- IRISH LEAGUES Aug. of arrival uniform had proved of Xcw Mexico and men from to be an new most ton StreeJ, Monticello, Illinois. coal was authorized for purchase men entirely and ef Storage, and new other states of the West, who had been ficient kind of an army. of wood. of rolling stock, but this has been all kinds raised to $f.5.X5,000 by 1me orders trained at Camp Kearny, near San Output of Air bv LMego, Calif., A. Williams, spec- Lord Northcliffe also touched on THE NAME "FOUR MINUTE I' : placed the railroad administration. Harry NOT ACCEPT the of In mm !For additions and i'i-- 00 ial correspondent at the war front of output air engines the Unit- GEO E betterments, j ed MEN" IS COPYRIGHTED BY Phone ....251 eluding new yard and Industry tracks, the Los Angeles Times, this week States and declared th's was far terminal cables as follows: greater than the combined output of I I ; facilities, stations nnd NATIONAL GOVERNMENT till bridges, the budgets of first class "Somew-her- in Prance, Aug. 13. Austria and Germany or of the whole roads for $143-- BRITISH ORDER Under the shadow of the war clouds, British empire. The new American provided originally j L SPECIAL CORRESPONDENCE TO MORNING JOURNAL where rumble of guns Liberty motor, he- - Bald, was a won- SEES NEW SPAIN TO SEIZE 000,000. This has been pared down reach the big Santa Fe, Aug. 10. The name e.ipl-- the stalwart scions of California and derful production. He estimated that ito $.101,000,000, chargeable to j "Four Minute men" been copy- the United States 10,-00- 0 ljas If tii accounts, but additional work other western states are training put could produce .u righted by the national government, 1100 will enafclt motors each month. costing $ or,, 000, has been author- t Asmh'IiiIcmI Pre ting on the touches that and no one use One of tho the has any right to that ized, to be charged to operating ex Imhlin, July 10. Many meetings them to take their place in the great miracles of AFTER THE term those who TONNAGE TO PAY world, Lord Northcliffe was the except are lawfully hi: The 2U, 000, 000 and albletic events have been prevent- the hun. The said, IR constl-tute- penses. approved struggle againsl entitled thereto, through the early this year for extensions and ed by tho resentment evoked by the scent of battle has increased their way the Americans have been trans- efforts authorities, according to Infor- branch tracks, has been raised to government proclamations declaring eagerness for the fray. Our men have ported, and the of tho Amerl mation received ot the Sinn Fein organization cans in and food (ARsorlutp.1 PrpRH orrpspomlrnre.) by the council $3.r,, 000,000, dangerous transformed this sleepy village into a shipbuilding produc- f fotir-mlnu- and other associations allied to it in tion London, July 10. "There Is a new defense. The men an FOR SHIPS The $ 1,097.00a. 000 now authorized camp. Pushing the had been beyond imagination. SIX purpose or in leadership, and by great military Lord land confronting us," said Premier regularly enlisted in the services of for additions, betterments and equip- orders the of all preparations, husky westerners are Northcliffe criticised the the United requiring promoters secrecy of the British Lloyd George in a recent speech. States government, and ments does not include an addiliona' meetings, processions and demonstra- everywhere. Many of them you have censorship by regular Insignia and enrollment cards to in work- reason of which, he said, the world "What manner of country It will be." SI2r..Cf.2,tlUll which will be considered tions to apply the police for per- seen behind the counters, - had he on how have been Issued to them. The gov- r as of mission to hold them. These orders on the streets. march- never realized the magnitude of continued';- "will,, depend y IBY MORNINO JDURNAL SPECIAL WIRT part railway operating expenses shops, und They ernment prescribes certain require- of .Men l apply to everybody whether members .wear red Great Britain's silent efforts. The the war goes and how things go after Ix.ndon, Auie. 17. Spain l as noti- Army Work. ed to camp singing and ments and until these are fulfilled no The of im- of the proclaimed-- organizations or best proof of what had been done, he the war. fied of her intentiui to tinge program railway French poppies in their caps. Their one recurves any insignia. All ap- Germany not. said, existed in the "I more confident than 1 jit' for fill in'- (en- provement Indicated by these figures most fine is remarked by casualty lists, an today to compensate herself The bodies aimed at for the appearance which the censor did to have ever been, and for reasons 'f pointments four minute service are i is now carried out, with are idolized by not permit rages Spanish shipp ; by being parity part scorn the idea of acknowledging French officers. They would not to made by the county chairman, con- against the aid of an of la- - become known to the people of Grout be relevant lor me enter confiscating a corresponding am'iunt army engineers, government jurisdiction in anything the villagers. Children toddle after on at the but one of tho firmed by the state director and stcam-- I to for The Britain or her allies but w;.'e known moment; of tonnage from Germin shipping borers, masons, builders, and refuse apply permits. them lisping "Grande California," latest reasons is the impression made, countersigned by the national di- shovels, telephone linemen nnd track Gaelic league assemblies for recita- Others now by the Germans to a man, t that has found refuge ii Spanish asking for chewing gum. on me by the American troops I saw rector. All persons are cautioned in thousands of tion, music and dancing, which have "Wo have had 900.000 men killed ma- a to tho imocs layers places along can "Vive Native Sons!" The kids in France. They are superb in the term "four-minut- a ti! ports, says dispatch been a very attractive feature of Irish say: tho Lord Northcliffe against using the rail lines. The , biggest Dingle during war," terial and in training, and the way as un- V" from Santander. Ther? mr ;.boiit life In the rural districts, huve in. are learning fast. said. our man" applied to any speaker v.dmPiii' Item in the additions and betterment" "The of our men Into France "Last year total casualties they have borne themselves in the less ho is 1. ninety German steamers !y many instances been prevented in entry were more a regular member or the of than 800,000. These fig- conditions of battles they have four-minu- Interned In consists yard tracks, ablings and cases where the local leaders of the and theii; Journey to camp was tri- trying men's Na- Spain. trarks. ures are a sufficient answer lo tho fought. I found a great spirit of con- organization. industry organization refuse to apply for per- umphant. Troops arriving, fastooned fidence which our convic- tional headquarters further strongly iii Pre-nile- r The actual tinder the im- German propaganda stories that F,ng-lan- d strengthens Madrid, Thursday, Am. outlay mits. This provokes vigorous protest with flowers, is a common sight to tion of victory. advise against children in been about : nd that the is was ready to to the last speaking Maura and Foreign Minister provement program has the cry government French people, but these has travel- fight "The war has upset everything and the theaters, as the messages deliv- officials Ac- a Prussian policy of sup- Frenchman, Italian, American or man Plato left Madrid today for summer $41)0,000,000, estimate.. pursuing ed much farther than any others to when it is over the falling back into ered by the four-minu- men are au- M to pressing the ancient'' language of tho from the dominions." resorts, having remained In the capi- tual reports show $221,914,000 up them win the war. This gave normal conditions will bo another thoritative messages for the Ameri- of the 1, including $102,000,000 for ad- people. help Lord Northcliffe concluded by sav- disturbance. 'i, tal until they learned officially July Gaelic leaguers who devote theit them unusual distinction. These were can people and too serious a matter IV German gov- ditions and betterments. $111,000,000 ing that every pacifist newspaper in "There are two alternatives. One reception gIVcn by the meetings to their original purpose ot not the west's first contribution, but Is to be placed in the hands of children. for and $8,000,-00- Great Britain was subsidized. that the war will have sobered the ernment to the Spanish note on Die cars locomotives and promoting the national language and the of a division and a part of extensions. arrival millions who have passed through the !, torpedoing of Spanish vessels. for literature and who apply for permits a division now it a considerable whether in France or in the have no in them, gives CARD INDEX fires, AIRPLANE REPORT IS El Liberal says the Span'''h govern- difficulty obtaining contingent, which means that the TO KEEP anxieties at home. Their vision will ment already knows officially the im- AT a commen- have, been broadened, their sympathy EXPECTED NEXT !i! RAILWAY STATION west soon will take part TRACK OF SOLDIERS WEEK pression made on the German g' surate with its greatness." deepened, their outlook and purpose note. ' o 1.1 COMFLANS IS BOMBED EXCESS PROFITS WILL made clearer, firmer and more ex- by the AccorQio.' . BY MORNING JOURNAL SPECIAL LEASED WIREJ d full rV MORNINOJ JOURNAL SPECIAL LIASEO WIRC1 alted. There are millions who have Sol the note will be publish, in BE HEAVILY TAXED TO Washington, Aug. 16. H. G. ', FAINT SPARK OF 16. in- been In dully contact with death, Major e soon as the Madrid c il la, hears BY MORNINO Washington, Aug. Exact n. JOURNAL CPCCIAL LFASED WlRC formation walking hourly over its trap doors Brett, of the army aeronautics sec- it has reached Berlin, In AID IN RAISING REVENUE IN concerning wounded and .(, With the American Army France, LIFE REVIVED sick American soldiers admitted to They have come into contact with tion, who formerly had charge of air- Aug. It! (b'j the Associated Press). hospitals overseas will bo made im- very terrible realities. That is ono planes upon their receipt in France, An com- ANCIENT RHEIMS iii ARMY OBSERVATION American bombing squadron 'Continued from Pare One.) mediately available to relatives or view. was questioned at length today by tho manded by Lieutenant Gundelach friends of the men under a plan being "The other is that there are mil senate lions who for these have en- investigating BALLOON RUNS WILD dropped twenty bombs pn the railway per cent; $70,000 to $80,000. 47 per fCnntintiod worked out at tho war department. years IjJJJlJEJGSi-iv-w- - said he had dured privations, discomfort, wretch- uirplanes production. ill yards at Conflans yesterday. cent; $80,000 to $90,000. 48 per cent: Secretary Baker today to- Eighteen visited the office of General edness, as well as pain and terror, and Tho committee announced late IBY MORNINO JOURNAL SPECIAL LrAGCO WIRE direct hits were observed In the cen- $90,000 to 49 $100,-00- 0 was back to life, for in ad- Surgeon $100,000, per cent; coming Gorgas to look into tho who have made up their minds to day that it had practically agreed II; , 16. ter of the two on to HO dition to the khaki and the horizon daily reports Lawton, Uitla Aug Army tracks and the $200,000, per cent; $200,000 from tho hospitals with .t view to hav- have a good tlmo the rest of their lives upon a final report, which probably for a lor., roundhouse. to $300,000, nr. tJ blue of the wounded British and when it is over. That is a dan- aviators .iro searching per cent; $,100,000 French there was a ing them carded, catalogued end tab- very will be made public, next week. ti bal! .m which The was 60 to soldiers, quite In- gerous frame or mind for a nation to iii niy observation squadron pursued by $500,000, per cent; $'.00,000 of the darker shades of ulated so that the most Important of eleven which or. sprinkling In- be in." .clipped its moorings at the school enemy planes, six of per cent, nnd $1,000,000 civilian clothes. Most of those wear- formation can be given to all FRENCH WHEAT CROP here iind svb ch Is reported In were ..speedily left behind. fine of to 5.", 000, 000, 70 per cent, the to quirers. ing latter had returned the The Mr. OF hi ve carried In a tcutherU diredb n. the, remaining five was hit by th? All incomes over $5,000,000 would city since the enemy was, thrown hospital records, Baker OLDER NEW EDITOR 25 PER CENT INCREASE x will be here from tt.1 There were two observer; in 'he American machine gun fire and pay a sur-ta- of 75 cent, which back. said, brought weekly per France and it will he possible to give S. F, CALL AND POST I r.lioor. forced to descend near Jolnville added to the normal would make Hefore the altar, surrounded with basket wh'.'ii the stiiicd bet tax, the exact nature of the woun: or the 16. were Lieutenant Gundcrlach was such Incomes taxable to tho extent of red, while and blue lagf of Great Bri- Paris, Aug. The total produc- they uinnli lo ,et the g.i out. slightly France disease from which the men are suf- tion of wheat in is ' 80 tain, and the United States, and (BY MORNING JOURNAL SPECIAL LEASCO WIRE France this year One of tho men leaped from the wounded, per cent. with the fering. The information will be avail- estimated at 50,000.000 assistance of a choir formed San Francisco, Calif.. Aug.. 10. e quintal nasket. Before his oo.nqcc.icri rr.nld Kitcliiu Makes Statement. of French soldiers, mass was celebrat- able through the adjutant general. (183,500,000 bushels), beins an in- state- The of the W. Kellogg, of tho San scape the biiloou shot, upward to VERMONT GOVERNOR Chairman Kitehin made this ed. From the pulpit a prlest eloquent-l- y task Installing system publisher crease of 25 per cent over last year'. will be the war see-etar- be- Francisco Call announced great height. The names of th;, men ment tonight: told his hearers, sitting among sand big but and Post, crop, according to the Intranslgeant. lieves the information should be aveU-abl- e, Fremor.t Older have' not 'bet i ASKED TO RESIGN "We changed the plan for payment bags and debris, the history of the editorially today that cathedral. because in thousands of cases, it former of tiie San New of the taxes by installments, at the and managing editor Cmnpany Incorporates. The voices of the choristers, accom- will relieve unnnecessary distress Francisc .had been named ed- 10. Collluux Case to ScnaU'. MORNINO suggestion and request of the treas- Bulletin, Santa Fe, Aug. The Western tV JOURNAL OPKCIAL LKARIO WIRR, panied by the soft strains of the organ doubt which follows appearance of the AOgr. 1G. so that one-thir- d will itor of the Call and Post Molybdenum company of Colorado, Paris, The Temps says Hurllngton, Vt., Aug. 16. Gov. ury department and of violins soldiers, car- names of the men on casualty lists It to he due when the his played by said that he held eighty with at Bed Taosi today that is able confirm that Horace Graham today was HHked to taxpayer makes ried not only tho cathed- as wounded. Kellcgg headquarters River, throughout cent of Call-Pos- t, stock with the case of former Premier Joseph resign his office in resolutions 'adopt- returns, another third within two ral, but well lnte the streets of the per the county, today filed incorporation pa- to to W. is Caillaux, who 1s charged with treason, ed by the republican state committee months thereafter and tho remaining maimed city through the open win- GUNS AND AMMUNITION an arrangement sell the Call pers. The capitalization $100,000 will be referred to the senate, sitting at a special executive session. This third two months later. The commit dow spaces and holes torn in the R. Hearst at any time by giving him and VV. A. Johnson is designated New us a court of Justice. to tee decided against a rebate for each walls by explosives hurled by the Ger- BOUGHT BY COPPEfV CO. Bixty days notice. Mexico ngent. - high week discrepancies amounting mans. $20,000 were said to have been found payment of taxes. ' s 3fra. Koconima-nd- r-- 1 riistorlc Glass Shattered. Klein ClianilM in the nccounts of the governor, when "The committee appropriated the fV MORNING JOURNAL RPBCIAL LSARRD WIRR1 Iain's l iiiLinciit. The glass broken here dated back " he was'stato auditor. $25,000,000 requested for the admin- to the fourteenth Fortunate- Chicago, Aug. 16. George D. Smith, keep a bottle of Chamberlain's istration of tho revenue laws Com- centry. of the Arizona State Federa- Liniment in tho house at all Governor Graham was Invited to by ly much of the glass had been remov- president sooo times, the not missioner Poper and. authorized two ed from the windows in time to save tion of Labor, and secretary of the MILES and "have used it for years, It will meeting hut did attend. of West- In a statement Governor additional deputy commissioners of It. The same is true of the wonderful Globe, Arizona, branch the relieve rheumatic pains mileker than public ern Federation of Miners, testified in , TV? 1 ever I have also Graham admitted he was at fault Internal revenue. statuary, the famous brqnzo statues anything used,' that of to thir- the I. W. W. conspiracy trial today recommended it to my nelebbors and in his nnd official ex- 'lt was decided to make P.ishops dating back the handling salary i teenth number concerning Arizona mining strikes in friends who have used it sueceRsfullv," penses, but said he was not aware differential of 3 per cent In century and the targe 1917. When asked about the Arizona writes Mrs. N. M Klein, Chillioothe, favor - of earned incomes as of priceless paintings and Interior that any vouchers were nilsslnir. He decorations. famous Loyalty league, Smith stated that all Mo. unearned. Tho tax will be One of the miners were forceel to obtain a clear- asked the people of the state, to sus against paintings was damaged. That was cut an examina- 10 tier rent normal earned Incomes ance from the league before they pend Judgment pending across the center by debris sent fly could to In ' and 13 cent on unearned incomes. go work Arizona after the Try the Want AfJ Way tion of his accounts. per ing through the cathedral when n strikes. Smith was Unearned incomes means that of German shall came then questioned part bursting through about the officers of the league. He tho net income derived from dividend tho splendid roof. Pieces of the pro testified columns of tiie that the secretary, W. H. Key, of preferred stock, from Interest jectile chipped the was not a citizen and had been indict- nnd edifice and also the old marble group ed when rentals, royalties annuities." of for some for voting not a citizen. Mr. Kitehin indicated he did tho Holy family, which George It. the Smith that reason had not been removed. Hill, president, not the committee to resort to said had been implicated in trouble expect in the city Itself the houses every- the tariff to raise the total $8,000, regarding the hoarding of 500 barrels Our (Cash and Plan" where show signs of the German of Carry 000,000. bombardment. windows are flour. Some Tho for the defense then The commltteo agreed to a pro- without glass. Some houses are merely attorney V oth produced an advertisement recording "jt posal that the name of every perso.i marked bv shell contact, while a bill of sale P.I. ers in for machine guns and ' Saves delivery, collector and costs and mat returns under the Income tax bear great, gapping 1oles their 100,000 ., eVt n if'T bookkeeping ing are revealed the rounds of ammunition. The sav-ing- s; law be In court houses sides, through which bill was dated In -- we give our patrons full benefit of thepe and other posted county Interiors in some which the covers April, 1917, some lire mileage ' in order that the know of time before the the There is a lower on all high-grad- e public may are still on the on the strike, purchaser tire m price groceries who have not made returns The tables, pictures being a. eofjper company. Smith tes- your ileage store. walls, and curtains flapping in the tified was fuy throughout our We invite you to call. We can amounts will not be The ' that he authorized to pub- lowest market posted. pro breeze. lish the bill in the Arizona labor save you money. posal of ltepresentative Treadway of Amiens is still "the dead city of price, by using Amazot Massachusetts to a tax on bill- and the of Its shops, put emptiness a boards was rejected. buildings, streets and markets has SupertiresI We Have the Finest Line of Fresh Fruits deuressinir effect. Kut Amiens Is com BRIBES OFFERED TO Th combination of rein- To Issue Vrl If,cntes, , , to life was evident at forced carcase and To permit business Interests to pro ing again. That CHICAGO strength Aft! mass In the cathedral today. COUNCILMEN long-weari- Vegetables vide In advance for income and profits a tread of a Sweet Corn, dozen ...... 3.1c lted Knro 5 lb taxes reve- fine grained, texture Syrup, r0! due next year under the I.Y MORNING velvety Lima . ARE NOT JOURNAL SPBCIAL LBAGKD WINS Green Beans, lb ... 2kr P.Iuc Karo Syrup, 5 Ib....4."k' nue bill now BELLIGERENTS it absolute assurance being framed, Secretary coun-cilm- of New Sweet Potatoes, 2 lbs 25c Campbell's Soup, can 10c Chicago, Aug. 16. Ten city McAdoo announced an Indefinite ar In excess of the Nice 2 lbs 15c Silo that READY TO TALK PEACE were subpoenaed today to mileage far Tomatoes, Marshmallow cream, pt. Jar amount of certificates of Indebtedness before of SOOO miles! White Celery ; lOc Holly iirnnd Sliced lleef the grand Jury tomorrow guarantee ring 4 per cent interest and accept 'n an investigation of the A taliiflid cvstomtr It a Lemons, dozen ...... 85c 8 ounce Jar. 3."c IRY M( RNIIIC JOURNAL I fAltD IR1 bribery alwsyt Fresh lb Mlc Beech Nut Pea- - ' able in payment of taxes in 1D19 would charges resulting from the passage permanent , and wt fridt nr-ulv- tt creamery butter, Large jar London, Aug.' 16. According to a at Fresh dozen nut Putter bo issued Immediately. These certifi Monday of a traction ordinance Which on Ike fatt-tk- ry, rjt Pegs, 5); 8(o ,Copenhagen t J tho KXehange. provided for few tire ever from Crisco, 3 lbs (I Jbs. . . .$1.H( Jello, pkg lOc cates, similar in terms to those floated dispatch municipal operation but uiert change fl; ..I..' Telegraph, Professor Eden, the Swed- rot ownership of surface and elevated Amazon. ' n ear . anticipation of tax collections , Dressed 'Spring Chicken, pound. 45c ish premier, replying to I deputation street rail fa vs. WHY DON'T YOU Hfne lier this year, 'are to take the place cf Maclay Hoyne. states attorney, has TK Y ONE cf the usual Issue of loan from the Swedish irzaiilzathMi FOR YOUR OUTIKG LUNCH whothor one charged that bribes of from $3,000 certificates, announcement of which good Templars who askd to $5,000 were offered aldermen for llaked fresh ham, roast chicken, beef, boiled m of the neutral states could take the linm, .onsue, duo their Vjtes favoring tho ordinance.- - etc. today. - potato- salad, Saratoga, chips, cheese, olives, jelly, In effect, the offering of tax cortlfi initiative regarding i cace negotiation?, . cates at this time affords a means of said that ns there .was n r. ns.m to Milling Man 'Prop Head. advance Installment on next believe that the belligerents were will- Santa Fe, Aug.sjfi. Arthur G. H. payments to Sweden year's taxes. Mnny corporations al ing consider mediation Palmer, a wellknown mining man and Gash Grocerv Go ready have' begun to set aside the could not eommnce negotiations." Mason of Silver City, dropped dead of JOHN F. TAYLOR Fremont funds, and three business interests ara Sweden, the added, was fol- heart failure in the hallway of a room. premier e ' . - ...... - p " ... ' expected to Invest heavily in tho tax: lowing tho present developments with at Long Beach, Calif. He STATE DISTRIBUTOR, Pfione 837. 219 West Central Avenue cerNflcates. , great Interest and was at the disposit- was 50 years of age and leaves a wid- A ion of the warring powers should any ow and daughter who Clovis New Mexico Journal Want Ada briny mult. desire for mediation be exm;ssod., were with blra In California, '"

Albuquerque Morning Journal, Saturday, August 1,7, 1918. THREE


(BY MORNING- JOURNAL SOCIAL. LCAS5D WlRI London, Aug. It!.-T- he lb-I- t ish TO BUSINESS LIFE Thuriday evening ir.i:s,. a strong Milliiwil'li'illl'iFi German countcr-utinc!- ; ;,t Iiamrry ' and, today in imi with t made substaiitii'l ;:.i;ns in Hie direction of Fresny-l..-K-i;1-.v- e nn,1 : Revised Schedule of Dr. Boyd Emphasizes at San- i A" , according t" ;h- nffirial re- Announcing a port front Field Mondial Hair's head- ta Fe Meeting the Great quarters in France issued tojiigh'.. text of the Ktat"iuent Need of The s,ivs: Properly Educating "Yesterday eveniiu the en-m- y Youths of launched a strong ciiuntcr-nttuel- : Service Country, against our now nosil'iuis ;it Dam-ny- Telephone His troops were everywhere repulsed il'iii ItFICtAL CORRLS TONDIMCI TO WORNINOJ JOURNAL1 with great losses, leaving prison Fanta Fe. Aug. 10. Huxley's "Adapt I era and a number of'hiic: suns in or Die" was Uio text of a powerful pies 'our hands. Charges 1 Dr. R. of "Today our advanced Ivors in thU y David Hoyd, president the there' were '129 We to assume university, to the educators of the (locality have pushed fr.rward in en. Thirteen year? ago are glad as much of Ftate, in session at the now museum. operation with ino Mrm-i- ami have telephones in the City of Albuquerque. the load as we can We s possibly carry. He pointed out how quickly the Unit- -- A ft made substantial prcwrc-i- m the di- there are over 3,000. ed States has adapted itself to new rection of'uiiy- o anr, Today feel it our duty to impose no burden We have n a seven more tclo-phon- es conditions, to a tremendous change - Fransart. few i There are times upon the public which we might carry in world attitude and how in six now than thirteen years apo. ' months this nation has accomplished "On the remainder of tin. British ourselves, but our resources are limited to is to There has been a remarkable what it took Prussia forty years front there nothing report excep growth as are in any other business and do. it is that the col- p: on both sides in dif- they But, significant artillery activity in the city. trained were found to ferent sectors." we have reached, and even pass- lege youths is finally adapt themselves quickest and most The value in telephone serJvice the "WE WLtHiW-itUUie-tDlSa- it ed the limit. efficiently to the riew leadership thrust London, Aug. 18. The official com- number of telephones possible Thes greatest upon them. National City bank At the "IV The a tor Today Only." munication dealing with aerial activi- to talk to. a few years ago discovered that it ties reads: The question of service is a ques- could tako a college trained youth "On August 15 four hostile ma- The the number of tele- tion of revenues. Such a problem is AT THE THEATERS TODAY. of a New York a greater without financial experience and make xkvscrnpcr on three chines were destroyed by our airmen in the the ex- one with which the public and tho Com- a "II" Theater Thomas com- inch ledge bonlcrin;; the phones service, greater banker'out of him, while other Edison eighteenth and two German observation balloons to concerned. youths could ho trained only after pany presents "The Royal Pauper," floor, lie wanted to slmw his swee- were shot down in flames. Five hos- pense the Telephone Company pro- pany theart how brave he x long years and then only along a nar- with Fraiicinc I.arriinore as the star; war., but it didn't tile machines were driven down out portionately. in this Com- row to hold ono fairly "The of Men," a two-pa- rt work he only frightened her half to of control. One of our Frankly, Albuquerque lino, position Strength airplanes is In to the natural increase is well but without capacity to reach feature. death and she refused ever to speak missing. addition pany laboring under a handicap of to him in- out for new responsibilities and duties. l.yric ThcliliT llcpcaiinr; the great again. "The total weight of bombs dropped in expense proportionately to the inadequate revenues. Our balance Sam lesson to In ,"A Soul for I'ncle took this heart Jewel Production, "A Soul for Sale," Sale," the Jewel by us in the course of the twenty-fou- r crease in the number of telephones for sheet for 1017 showed a large deficit. and entrusted tho leadership of his with Dorothy Phillips in the title production featuring Dorothy Phillips hours amounted to twenty-tw- o the few decided economic This not true 1017 a armies to college trained men and the role. and staged by Allen llohihnr, which and a half tons. Two Grrnmns air past years, h only for. but the have taken success has been so magnificent that Pastime Theater "True appears at Lyric theater today for dromes were heavily attacked, as well changes place. deficit has existed for the past few ho is to ev- Repeating tho a bending every energy get Blue," with William Farnum as the last time, rich, conceited little as several ofthe enemy dumps and Prices of commodities have increased who is for it Into old of years. ery boy prepared leading star; also chap attempts something the railway connections. All our night to cost of repeating "Bright same sort on a worth-whil- e meet tho increased produc- college. Lights" with "Fatly" Arhucklc us the society bombing machines' returned safely." So far we have succeeded in main- A census is being taken in every state star. girl in trying to persuade her to tion. Labor has been forced to charge col- taining the paying fair wages of the boys who are prepared for marry trim. But the bland idiot not London, Aug. 16. A statement is- more for its service iij order to adjust plant; entrance and a concerted effort is risks his own life and but lege "15." only hut the girl's sued by the Brtlsh admiralty tonight itself to the cost of rendering satisfactory service, to-b- e at Tin; constantly rising made to get them into college. as well in the feat of bravado. Tho on" aerial activities follows; it has been done at the expense of our Dr. has been named Do you believe In fairies? Whether life's necessities. David R. Boyd risk was not merely an Imaginary the period of August S to reserves for of the committee in this you do or not, it is safe to say that "During depreciation. president one; the players actually took grave 13, royal air force contingents work- In fact, in the past few the state and has named you will thoroughly enjoy "The Royal chances In the years Superintendent filniins of the scene. ing with tho navy have carried out a costs of labor and in- in order to be able to i of J. H. and Pauper," to be shown at the "B" material have Therefore, i'ublic instruction Wagner .William Burress and Miss Dorothy large number of bombing raids on Dr. A. D. Crile as members with him. theater today only. "The Royal Pau- creased about 200 cent. maintain the plant at its present Pliillips are the principal!; in the epi- objectives with good results. per high men have ap- per" isn't exactly a story, but the military of Already 110,000 young fairy sode. In tons of service have re- point efficiency, at the same time to enter freshmen classes in little heroine of this quaint, unusual all approximately sixty Telephone charges plied the bombs been on the mained insure the financial of the American an tale dreams day-drea- of have dropped the same. integrity colleges, unprecedented princesses AT THE PASTIME. Vars-senaer- ogres and which Zecbruge Ostend docks, the Company in the face of these tremend- number in the history of the country, fairy godmothers, "Tmo Blue," with William Farnunt The telephone business is but Which Dr. said will reach finally come true in real life. While airdrome, the l.n Brugoiso governed ously increased costs of it Boyd as the star, at the Pastime theater to- on the same economic operation, next un works, the Docks at Bruges and by principles and is 123,000 by month. presenting especially strong appeal for tile last time, Is a tremendous becomes necessary for us to announce in SrlsuoR to children "The also day Blaankenbursi; und Middelkerke. as subject to the same conditions that in- Tench Patriotism Royal Pauper" story of an American ranchman who am! a revised schedule of service Governor V. E. had for his possesses a strong dramatic element well as on many enemy batteries fluence business. charges. Lindsey renounces a coronet that u on private except its the intensive training In pa- that will thrill and interest the grown- rightfullj billets. As result of the ntlack subject belongs to him in order to remain true the Varssenaere airdrome six machines charges for service cannot be raised or The new service charges will not triotism by the schools. Ho empha- up portion of tho audience. Clean to his native that wholesome land, the girl he loves that were lined up weie set on fire lowered over night like the for take care of the deficits in sised the glorious opportunity and tensely interesting and to the noblo prices Albuquer- " love ol "The is inciclrnthlly blood and a fire started among the hangars that furnished a each teacher has to teach Royal Pauper" far out of the that is in his veins. by private business. que they merely give relief. country. He cited Johnson's) aphor- beaten track of feature plays. on both sides of the airdrome. Two ordinary This unusual film romance is one de- ism is the last resort of a Instead of a more or less new (Jotha hangars were hit and one "Patriotism angle 'of tho breeziest, liveliest and more, re- as tho kind of sentiment of ' an threadbare we molished. Laro petrol dumps also scoundrel," already story, freshing pictures that have been turn- that has no place in an American com- have a novel plot, told in a novel, were set on fire. Fires were observed REVISED CHARGES ed out by this prolific producer. It munity. But patriotism must be based fascinating fashion. burning three hours later. is instinct with Americanism of the was Individual Line Business on knowledge and Governor Lindsey Besides the above, there will be "On the 11th a German airship Service... $4.50 per month "rough and ready" William Farnum Two-Part- therefore urged a more insistent, two-re- sighted In the North sea nnd attack- y shown a feature,. "The in he J:ine Business . . . 3.50 wiser more teaching type, land this picture proves ed one of our machines. After a Service per month and Strength of Men." that tho "true blue" Ideals of our by of geography, political economy and short engagement the enemy ufiship Individual Line Residence Service 2.75 month o ancestors hfive not iierUihed. It will He declared that the twen-tw- fell in flames from a per history. AT THE I.YP.IC. make great, height. Two-part- are a better patriot of every spec- at- y allies fighting for democracy a fellow he's a Enemy shipping also has been Line Residence Service 2.25 month more than Frequently imagines tator; so see It. hit per today closely knit together barve mwn when he's foolish. tacked successfully and :a direct Four-parl- y The is also r were thirteen colonies the management repeating a deslroyei-afte- Line Residence 1.75 month the during Once, not many years ago, a young the was observed on hostile service per revolution. In consequents, teachers comedy, "Bright Lights," with vessels closed chap crawled along the entire front "Fatty" Arbuckle as the star. which other (wall telephone) and their pupils should find it easy around tho damaged ship, on the re- to learn all about these other nation!! turn whi n about eight miles Ideals. The teacher is a journey EFFECTIVE IN ALBUQUERUE SEPTEMBER 1, 1918. and their NORTHERN RUSSIAN from the scene, a big explosion was much a soldier for the common good seen to occur. is man In the but he as the trenches, GOVERNMENT FORMED "During tha engagements that have must bo held to his solemn, patriotic U.ken sixteen enemy as much as are the men ii place duty just IHr one ballcon were des'rey-e- d ranks. MORMyf JOUNNAL BfKC.AI. L&A8ID WIK1 and captive The Mountain & the fighting 16. The fifteen machines driven down States Co. KM Deficient. London, Aug. "government and Telephone Telegraph Mentally of northern been formed AIR ARE-WO- BY of control. Three of our machines n Dr. J. E. Elder told of the medical Russia" has out some with M. Tehaikowsky as president and failed to return. conferences at (jfcdy and !' Camp minister of affairs. The other home waters durins; the. sa.-n- of the facts brought out by these. Oi foreign "In f'T;l sent to Cod members of the government include por'od continuous '.."id the last 1,500 men Camp Vi. The of tnti-host'l- o e cn from New Mexico, 104 or 7 per cent political program YANKEE aircraft patrols ha the new contains fol- BIBDMEN THAT TO ASK MEDIATION BY were to take their places in governmetn tho maintained by seaplanes, arlplanes Promoted REQUESTS C, M, unablo lowing clauses: Submarines have been the regular training battalions, either and airships. SERVICE BE THE FEDERAL WAR BOARD did not know English "First, the creation of Russian dem- sighted and attacked and mines lo- RESTORED because they ocratic tho well to understand command? power; second, cated and destroyed. All our machines enough of local on a leV MORNIha JOURNAL SPECIAL LCASCO WU HOmiNS .ICUHMAL SPPCIAL L.ASIO SPSCIAL COARaOPONDSNCS TO MORNINa JOURNAL! under-develope- d government have returned." Wlt or wore mentally With American Denver, All. 11. de- 18. Mediation in de- itisls of tfniversal suffrage; third, the the Army in France, Colo., Another Denver, Colo., Aug. They had to be, placed special Aug. Hi. the Associated velopment in the Colorado Midland battalions. If this percent of the Russian national (by Press). by the federal war labor board prob- velopment a' of tho war on the Three aerial vic tories, two which ruse today when the holds among men in the se army and renewal .of FRENCH attorney ably will bo asked by tnree hundred age good eastern front; fourth, the expulsion of already have been confirmed offi- Bciierfil of the stato filed u petition lective draft who have passed batteries In union linemen, atockers, and gns fit- German Invaders enemies of cially, were achieved IMV M04NINS JOURNAL CIAL LIARVO WIRI1 Intervention with the state of examiners what must not and other Thursday by public ters of the Denver Clan and Electrlo phsical to out American aviators. r.-iri- 16. French and Cana- utilities commission to have condition in the state? Russia, be carried with the aid Aug. seeking an bo the general Tho have both nnd re- company, who struck today for docs not make of, and in wilb, the en first battle began at a heigh' dian troops madp progress freight passenger service However, New Mexico of motors over front of stored on t lie road. (Service on Increase In pay and ft closed shop. by tente iillies." 5,000 over I'llrey, on the against the Germans a the tho worst among the stales I rt William ot tha showing To u rector, when fmir American air- more than three miles between Goyrn-cou- road was suspended August ft, fol- J. Barker, manager means:' it should be the am- said service any still, men met four enemy biplanes. Lieu- and Laucourt, west of Roye, ac- ' S lowing an order to that effect iasuod company, tonight that bition of every teacher to send New ARMENIANS LINKED UP t ' ' would not be affected the strikb. col tenant Ktiles engaged one machine, cording to the French official com- jr by Judge John W. Sheafor of Colorado by Mexico toward the head of the Xo The advance In asked nre: line- In WITH BRITISH FORCES which he followed down to a height munication Issued tonight. The Bois 'priiigs the receiver, A. K. Carlton. pay umn among other commonwealths men $4.75 to 6.E0 a vlay: stok- of 2.000 metres, his bullets striking Dps Loges, five miles south of Roye, The filing. of the pultlon in inter- from Intellectuality, mentality and physical tho by vention follows that refusal of sim- ers, $3.75 to $4.25; gas titters $J.50 1SY MOKNINtt JOURNAl. spccial LiAsro wind fuselage of the Herman machine. also has been penetrated deeply a stamina. The in a ilar plea made by the gen- o $4.80. M. Henderson led in the Boston, Mass., Au?. 1(1. The Na. enemy finally fell nose dive. the French. attorney Mrs. U. text of the communication fol- eral before Sheafor and tho also gave two tional Armenian Council of Tiflis was "The second victory fell to Lieu- The Judge community singing and tenant lows: granting of a in the .lousing order lolin solos, while Superintendent compelled to sirtn a peace with Tur- Drew, who attacked a German sty AMERICAN PROPAGANDA in order to savo a seclion climbing toward him from behind "During the day our troops by a se- by the supremo court. The petition Pope of Itoswell, accompanied byCapt key largo contends no Insti- of Armenian ex- Nore. Although lus own was ries of local atlael(S have repulsed the that proper hearing has LITERATURE SEIZED J. C. Troutmnn of the Military Ha population from plane WfViAlhpl bci n tho hit ho continued ut a enemy. In spite of his resistance, in held by tho utilities rommisslon tute, sang a solo that was loudly ap- termination but struggle agains1 firing until, no level of 600 ma- west of Roye. GENERAL. and that order has been entered LKASBD Wagner pic-side- tho Turks Is continuing, according to meters, the Herman the region Aw CATLIH tar MORNING JOURNAL SPSCIAL WIRS) plauded, superintendent tho In by the commission the re forenoon, the chief a cable message given out at the head chine plunged to earth, leaving a truil "North of Avre, conjunction permitting Amsterdam, Aug. 10. The semi- This we have advanced Colonel Allflrtus W. of the CKlvtr to service. was delivered by Dr. A. D. Crile quarters cf the Armenian National of blue smoke. The victory was con with Canadians, Catlin suspend official news agency at Vienna, soys on of was and was a 1Ib- Union of America. firmed by tho French. our lines the front Goyencourt, murine eorjis, recently Bcvcrely it received iv teWs'iim Ircni) of State college, ihere ilard-Lcs-Trio- hs t, and Laucourt. i" the on of ways and means to increase The message said the Armenian Lieutenant Putnam was tho winner St. wounded fishtint? the Maine, POLISH QUESTION TO ' from Moscow to the effect that the1 cussion we have Now has ror siau army was the in tho third battle. Four enemy ma- South of the Avre penetrated lie lieen promoted to Ho vlet government ha" seized sev- the federal appropriations holding wood. of- ' lino. As Lonet.n advices stated chines tried to attack; him when they far into the Loges He was the marine BE SOLVED BY AUSTRIA eral cf American institutions. the east, 15: In was hundredweight the British now ore at Baku, this were set upon suddenly by four allied "Army of August ficer on tho Muine when nhe gunk propaganda literature, purporting to ' cast of Porogans, the enemy haw seen scr-vh- c ENJOYING would link up the English forces with airmen. Tho Germans were forced to Albania, in Havana harbor and Ixtndon, Aug. 17. According to a explain America's policy and to as- PRESIDENT renewed for the third time attacks the China the Armenians. Putnam's level, where he was abb. in Philippines, Cuba, to the Mall The sure Russia of Ann l ira's In the re- dispatch Dally from friendship. MANCHESTER OUTING to drive one machine inlo'a nose divj. which our troops repulsed. and Mexico. Hague, Germany has demanded that of Granisl the enemy suffered se- I The German shot gion Austria to EXPLOSION NAVAL downward, straight- of send ten fifteen divisions LIASSO Wl ened twice vere losses in tho course fruitless to Y MORNINO JOURNAL SPECIAL out but finally crashei to the weXorn front. Austria, on con Pros-de- nt - south Mass., Aug. 16. MAGAZINE TWO earth. v reconnoitering. Berriiiin. Strong enemy thrusts dition that would Manchester, KILLS of bad British north Germany accept Mrs. Wilson had another "In spite weather, of the Ai.sno near Alette and Austria's solution of the Polish ques- and have bombed enemy organi- for their brief ouuns lay MoaNiNe 10,(1(10 Pounds Sciz-ctl-. aviators of Anere were, repuwtd. tion and make a move delightful day joubnal spscial lsasid wire Sugar and concentration in strong peace shore. Business cares, Denver, Colo., Aug. 16. Ten thou- zations points "West' of Hoye and southwest of Including the evacuation of Ifelgium, on the north Washington, Aug. 1. Two men valley. a few conference with were killed nr.,1 , , sand pounds of sugar was seined from tho, Serm.i there was a vigorous artillery assented. promised to con except for v wjiu oi;i luii.fty On August )") our crews Noyon Germany who has ft In an injured com- "Aviation: which was followed by cede to Austria of Polish Colonel E. M. .House, explosion at the St. the Night andDay Mercantile twenty-thre- o masement Bolutjon the today downed or put out of action on of suiumer homo nearby, apparently Julien's creek naval magazine near pany today by J. N. Bundiek of the enemy attacks both sides the question, Including tho naming of an i enemy airplanes. Thursday on Austrian as wero Norfolk. They were h sugar division of the state food ad Avre against Lasslgny and the archduke king, the (lis dropped. loading night our bombing squadrons made Belore breakfast he went for a shells with "Explosive D." ministration. It also was forbidden behind the battle heights west of the Glue. patch asserts. Lf.ter ho Those killed were to selT for a month. On several .expeditions "South of Thlescourt tho Attlche wall; with Mrs. Wilson. R. p. Nicholas sugar the zone. and dropped more than fourteen and E. E. Holland. C, same Frank Do Rose, a farm remained m the (berk Yarn. hid a round of with Dc Caiy c. Holcomb, charge grocer, tons of explosives on railroad stations enemy's I'p Knitting gf Colonel wuo was was forbidden to sell either or bi- we drove back Aug. IS, Retail mer- Grayson, and lunched with injured, will recover. sugar at Neslc and St. quenllri and on hamlp. Washington, flour for a month and before posi- chants were he war and Mrs. House. 1,200 pounds vouacs at Champion and Oulscard, his' attacks cur fighting requested by Ijilinr Controversies. of was confiscated. The board to at Word that the president was here sugar where several fires were observed. tions, partly by ci'inter attacks. today report Washington, 16. Labor con- - once o drew hundreds of automobile 'part- Aug. expeditions flew over the eremy suffered heavy losses In the upon their stock knitting Don't woriyboufyoOTsidn 'roversics at thirteen "Other in ies to this resort but the marine places were ac- James Is HI. of the Aisne aml the region ifcht'ng for LasslKiiy. Ifere he vain- yaf:t Oxford, khnKI, nituiul cepted for nation- con- valley colors in guard extended hteir picket line and adjudication by the Baltimore, Md., Aug. 16. The oast of it and obtained excellent re- ly ttormed our line six times and grey order that the Amer- al war labor board The y all machines were barred from the today. dispute dition of Senator Ollio James, of Ken- Four tons of explosives were after (en hours t litter flfthtlnjr, ican Ked Cross may have oppor-t.tril- between the sults. - to the The Amalgamated Association tucky, who has beo nat Johns Hop- on railroad station at wrs diivcn hack Into the to buy th- stocks. road, leading estate. pres- Steel Tin dropped the positions Kesiiiol and Workers and kins ident's desire for absolute est and ofIron, hospital for more than two Thionville and on the region of from which ho started. cleared mine the Southern California Iron and Steel is said be A' Move Woolen completely months, tonight to very Charleville." total of iy Jlags Promptly. seclusion was carried out to the Los and 'On the Vent Uhj artillery 1, too, impany, Anscles, was serious. The extreme tho last one-ha- lf Washington. Aue. lfi. Itnilrnad:.' thought that nothing would assigned heat of twenty-fiv- e and tens was to Adam Wilkinson and F. Per- - two Increased the evening were clear vv; I had used so John weeks has weakened the senator. ' . . instructed today by the railroad skin, manj used." U and remained lively the ' ins, . Transfusion of blood has boen resorted throughout administration to move wnolnn mira rirmtdies and nothing helped much, to...... night. and shoddy lth the same prompt but when I finally tried Resinol Oin CziH'iis Get Welcome.1 we bhot down twenty-fou- r 10,000 Testimonials from Mothers Hearty GERMAN "Wsterday ness now given of ment and Rejinol I could feel . 12 shipments pure Soap, at) Of chililreo who hare successfully nsi Mother Harbin, Aug. (Monday, by the Pershing Joins the Army. cnoiny alrplanei.' wool. i in a short Th4 Sweet Powders for Children. move Associated improvement time, j Orny's They Press.) One thousand Oklahoma city, Okla., Aug. 16. Ar- r MORNma journal spscial lsasio wiriI nd regulate the bowels, relieve feTerhhnese, on ' pimples And roughness des- Czechs their (ay to Join General thur K. son of Rev J. E, Per- Berlin, Aug. 16 (via London. , Boy Acfltlf ntatly Killed. U Xo Decision on Auto Teething disorders, constipation, headaches, Persing, Output. . worms and break Hat colds. Chil- Semenoff, arrived here nd cctlrsln official Mer- - gradually disappeared troy frequently today iling of this city, a of General The German commun'ratUm Fort Morgan, Colo., Aug. 16. wamniiKuin, Aug, io. AUtomoDllo until dren like them. Votm years Mother Gray's Sweet were an enthusiastic lo- my skin was clearer Powders for Children have been the sate and given reception Pcrshin, was accepted today by a Issued today, dealing: with, tha fight lin Dunne, 14 years old. was acci- dealers meeting with the, war Indus, In which.. consuls mem- - and fresher than ever. reliable remedy in time of need. Mothers should the allied and cal draft board. made three ins- of nays; , shot. ''and killed tries board told no Pershing Thursday, dentally today by today that Tat salt br all dcaUtra. nerer be witbont a box is the bonne for imme- bers of the American commis-Blo- n u iyre Why railway attempts 'to enlist, lie will report at "There have been forefl'eld engage-ment- Ellis Layton, a companion, while the definite order motor car don't thusi f ... diate nte. At druggists everywhere, Uc. took curtailing jo try , part. Camp Dode, at Kemraci and near yieux two wer.e dov j,twin. V 2 FOUR Albuquerque Morning Journal, Saturday, August 17, 1918. CICOTTE BEATEN Big Hands and Feet Make GQDGE DRIVE IN IS CHARGED Kohanamoku a "Human Fish" BT BUSH, BOSTON HER FROM BOK WITH ASSAULT OF - - : , "V WINS LIST GAME AND 11 GAME JE1IE GALLEGOS

Red Sox Trim White Sox for After Winning Eight Straight Juan Masias, 32 years old, who lives nt 617 West Tijeras avenue, was ar- Odd Game; Mayer Drives Games 'Pittsburgh's Pitcher rested by Police Sergeant N. M. Mil- ler and Patrolman D. Chaves, at 3:30 Out Hit and Strunk Loses for - First Time to o'clock yesterday morning and with on Score 5 1, charged assault Hits for Three Bases, 'Brooklyn, io Jennie Gallcgos, 30S North Fifth street. 18, MORNIN JOURNAL SPICIAL LCASKD WHS Masias was arraigned before Judge lV MORNING JOURNAL SPECIAL t ASIO WIR W. W. I'oston, Aug. 16 Hush oulpilched 1 'il t.':tin n,l, lit Mmvi'.i' McClellan in municipal court Ciootte and I'.oRton won the odd He denied today driven from the box and I'itlsburghi yesterday morning. the mid Inst gam of the Chicago series. but to defeated. This is first defeat charges against him, failing Score: Mayer's provo his statements, was bound over Advance of Chicago. since the after win- showing joining Piratis, to await action of tho' grand jury. His ai:. n. ii. ro. a. k. ning sanies. Score: f 4 o o a o o tight straight bond was fixed at. $4,000. Unable to r,ond. JiiooM.wi. IT 4 0 0 4 0 (1 give bond ho was placed in tho coun- Ijpfbold. A II. II. v.. s- II. PO. A. New 4 n l ,1 Hats 2 s Fall Weaver, ty jail. Oandil, Hi 4 1 0 7 2 0 Johnston, if The mother of the little girl testified 1 1 n Olson, ks J. Collins, i f 3 0 f, that Masias entered her home and in- .'I 1. Hi Our entrfuic'e window will Mostil, 2h ...... 0 1 (I Daubert, assaulted display . her daughter, Finetll, 5b .". 2 0 0 1 I " Wheat, If terest men of taste who the o The declared she was awakened appreciate . .1 r. (I 0 .Myers, cf 3 girl Schalk, c .' 0 0 It head-vea- r .1 the efforts of man to stifle, her. latest and in new Oeotte, p 0 1 t 0 0 y fji il Main, 3b by the styles designs Vi, I Doolan, 2b 0 She testified ho was in bed with her for fall. 9 Totals 30 0 r Miller, c 0 8 and when she attempted to awaken ItOstOII. . Cheney, p 0 her mother, who was in another bed These hats meet every demand that AH. It. H. PO. A. V. in tho same room, Uio man placed his 4 1 1 least the Instructor was right. Totals .'!.". ,1 10 27 could be made smart dressers and Hooper, if -' hand over her mouth and attempted by 4 is en- Shcan, 2b 0 For Kukunamokti certainly Pittsburgh. to her. his every one is guaranteed for color and of 4 0 142 2 AH. it. 11. PO. A. K. strangle Despite efforts, Strunk, dowed with generous underpinning sift? 1 . . 4 3 I however, to awaken her service to entire satisfaction. Ruth. If 4 0 2 and :t dolphin could lie proud Boone, ss ; . . . . 5 0 0 managed your 4 flippers ;; 0 0 3 mother. Then tho man is said to have Mclnnis. lb 0 0 2 of. Higbee, If ss 3 0 0 2 Carey, cf I 1 1 run from the house. Scott, have earned for Duke tho Coffey. 3b 3 1 1 0 They Southworth. rf . . . 4 0 1 Mrs. Gallegos said the man had 3 0 1 3 1 V name of the "human fish," which 2 b 3 0 0 Mayer, c L i Cntshaw, gained entrance to the house by forc- 1 () 11 in from tho 3 0 1 Bush, p 3 0 hasn't resulted nay squak Mollwltz, 1b 12 ing a door. She said he extinguished 4 0 1 Wright Company finny tribe. MeKechnio, 3b . . . left (lolhing 1 a lamp which hud been burning. Totals 32 2 8 27 4 0 A few Duke set for him-uc- lf Schmidt, c 3 0 2 n days ago The mother immediately notified nno on 123-jar- c 0 0 3 Chicago ooi) a new record, sw imming the d Smith, ...... 000 OOx 2 3 0 0 neighbors of the alleged assault and Boston 110 in 1:12 his Mayer, p Two-bas- distances beating Summary: e hit Mayer Sunders, p' t 0 0 0 tho police were called. 1 5 He used Three-bas- e hit Strnnli. Stolen hase own record by seconds. xilinchman 0 0 Masias says he is able to prove that Weaver. Don bin pluy Scott to Shcao the Australian crawl. xx Lea eh, ...... 0 0 0 0 he was not in the neighborhood of the to Mclnnis. Ras'-- s on bulb I f f Bush Kokanamoku is the perfect type of girl's home at 3:30 a. m., the hour at J. f .' I Struck out By Ciootte 3, by Hush V .b swimmer. His records and perfoim-nnc.e- s Totals . . .32 (I 27 13 which he is with the 3. ball 1. charged entering Taped Mayer in tank and open water place x Batted for Sunders in ninth. home. He however to produce xx Ban for Hiuchinan in ninth. failed, Mm in solitary isolation in this branch witnesses to substantiate his Cleveland 12: Ww YorU 4. Score by innigs: any New of sport. 200 002 000 5 York, Aug. 1. Cleveland has not been an Brooklyn made It two out of three from New Yet his career easy Pittsburgh ooo 001 0001 York defeating the Yankees In the one. Summary: Two-bas- e hits O'Mara, LAST CHANCE AT THE last game of the series. Score: Until eight years ago Duke was just Cheney. Three-bas- e hits' Doolan' Cleveland. an ordinary swimmer. When he won Carey. Stolen base Mullwitz. Sacri- ECONOMIST SALES TODAY AI3. R. II, TO. A. K. his initial tryouts for the Olympic fice bit Daubeit C2i; Doolan. Sacri- If Me- Orancy, If 5 2 0 1 0 0 in l'.ios his were fice fly Cutshaw. Double play 1 1 .1 games .performances Mc-Ke- tf closes the most successful ss 5 1 1 Kechnio, Mollwilz, Schmidt, and Today Chapman critics unanimously his- cf 5, 1 2 1 so mediocre that bnie. Bases on balls Off "Housekeepers' week sale" In tho Speaker, 1,0 (l!v I'aul I'nruiaii.) not do. Hard Cheney of 0 0 0 1 1 0 decided that, he would 5: 2. tory of the Economist dry good store. Ueseher, ; Mayer Inning pitched Mayer 1 What is the rcuuisite of a made Wood, if 5 4 0 0 0 main work with competent coaching 5 3; Sanders 2 Hit by pitcher The bargains were judiciously placed Johnston, lb 0 1 !l 1 0 great swimmer? hi m the wonder he is today. By Mayer (O'Mara). Struck out By before In the col- m the reading public IMS XVi.y' Evans, 2b 4 1 3 3 2 0 I put this question to a swimming More than this Duke has a passion Cheney 5: Mayer 2; Sanders 2. umns of the Journal last Sunday and Wl Turner. 2b 4 2 2 3 2 0 instructor not ago Hiid was some- for his which he contends is the this and the housewives c 4 2 1 2 0 lung .port during week, v O'Neill, ' Ho Cincinnati New York 1. ad- f 3 what surprised at his reply. greatest of all athletic pursuits. 5; of Albuquerque and vicinity took yf Count he, p 0 should J hands and feet," he said. belleVes that every hoy and girl Cincinnati, O., Aug. 16. After New vantage, of the reduced prices and "I'ig York to the front in the Totals 42 12 17 27 15 1 Take a at the hands and feet he to swim and that every city had gone first made heavy purchases of blankets eauee on or before the i I'.h duy of peep the half of the ninth by hit- Indigestion. Kakan-umoku- , have its baths where inning today comforts and house- A. V. IMS, will be rcaiicred New York. adorning the person of Duke should public Schneider Cincinnati came other necessary "A few weeks ago I used a bottle of judgment AB. It. II. PO. A. E. can in winter ting freely, to be 1 In Kiiid causo HKfUnat you by o'efault tnd greatest of ail swim- public enjoy swimming ba-c- hold goods. It's going a big Chamberlain's Tablets when was 3 1 3 1 sprint in the last half ami knocked thy relief prayed for will be fir.inted. Gilhooley, if 0 0 in case at as well as in summer. event and this evening at the having a bad snell of indigestion. f. mers. They show that this Steele out of the box. Score: today The name of the plaint'fL'l ts cr 4 0 0 0 0 s:oni-ae- h nttil'iey Ward, Economist, and un extra force of These tablets strengthened my Modesto C. Ortls. whose uffl:e address 3b 3 2 1 2 2 2 New York. juiat Baker, A II. It. II. PO. A. E. salesladies will bo on hand to and toned up my system gener- Albuquerque, N. M. 2 b 4 1 3 0 help Pratt, 12 2 1 0 1 1 0 so ally. They are easy to take and most tSKA 4 1 2 10 0 0 Burns, lf out tho regular clerks, customers l) Fournier, lb .... STANDING OF THE TEAMS 5 1 2 r 0 0 effectual," writes Mrs. D. S. Dart, NESTOR MONTOTA. 1 rf to for Clc-r- Hummel, If 4 0 3 0 0 RETALIATE Young, will not have wait long their Skancateles, N. Y, ' s 4 0 2 3 0 0 se- M . . 0 0 tl 2 0 Kauff, rf turn. Get at the store early and By 1'IIOS. lf. D. M ADDISON, Deputy. Peekinpaugh, 0 1 lOAt CK. 2b 3 0 0 1 2 1 c 4 3 NATIONAL Doyle, ' cure some of those extra blank- Walters, 14 frs 4 0 L 3 3 0 good n ' 0 0 M 1 YV. L. Pet Fletcher, ..... ADDITIONAL MARKETS Kinncran, i X ets comforts offered for sale. 0 0 3S ob 4 0 0 0 and p 1 0 0 0 1 0 Chicago .air. Zimmerman, lb Sanders, F.T .MM), 3b 3 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 tl New York RAID Sicking...... These CAPSULES Ferguson, p FOR AN AIR 0 0001 0 0 0 0 AFIRE BY XRW YOHK COTTON. tiny . 1 0 tl 0 0 0 Cincinnati . r.2 .4X6 x'ilhoit TANKER SET re tjE;lcam xllannah- c 0 0 0 0 0 0 superior Pittsburgh IX .453 Itnriden. of Copaiba, Cubebs or c 4 0 2 3 1 0 New 16. 4 !l 27 12 3 47 .452 MoCartv, AN ENEMY SUBMARINE? York, Aug. Cotton futures Injectlons.and N Totals 33 Philadelphia 1 1 . . 0 1 0 0 0 closed firm. Boston , . . . 4 00 .43 Rodridguez, lb Oct., $31.04; Dec, $30.07; REUEKES In fMIDY) 0 1 0 3 0 v "0 ni: .4 31 Toney, p 3 Jan., $30. S3; March, 430.74; May, 24 H0U3S tho Score hv innings: Brooklyn BY U. S. FLIERS o 0 0 0 (IT MOflNIN JOURNAL IPICIAL LKARKO WlRCl $311.30. 000 700 0T,0 12 St. Louis 47 6S .420 xxCompton samn diseases with- Cleveland 10 0 0 Beaufort, N. Aug. 16. A GO. 4 0 0 0 0 C. large Middling, $34. inconvenience. 200 000 002 Steele, p e Spot out (. New York 0 0 0 0 1 0 oil tank steamer is afire about twenty-fiv- e AMKIilCAV I.KAC IT'. i Summary: Two-bas- hitg Wood, Perritt, accord- Koll hi all rfrnwllj. XV. L. miles off Cape Hatteras. ajjaJMSjajaJljaaiaaa&Alli jaHltaalSRaSJMSj' Three-bas- e hits Hummel Pet. m:v youk mict.Mj. Speaker. Boston 6 5 41 .575 Totals 33 4 Ry25 13 2 ing to reports brought here tonight. Home run Pratt, Stolon bases IftY MORNING JOURNAL BPICIAL t.(ASEO WIRE) 64 18 .571 x Batted for in ninth, 'A submarine Is close By. The New York, 16. Lead Market O'Neill. Tur- Cleveland r. on the Sicking lying Aug. Evens, Chapman, Wood, .r..-- Willi the American Army s Double Washington 01 4! xx Batted for Toney in ninth, moinbers of the crew have been taken unchanged. ner. Sacrifie-- hit Gilhooley. 16 Associat- and . ."(. T,i fit .not, Vesle Front, Aug. (by tho y One out when winning run otf life It is Spelter. East St. Louis spot, $8.65 S PILLS Gilhooley, Peekinpaugh Chicago r. by guards. presumed CHICHESTER plays 54 . 4 o 8.80. BRAND. A Speaker, O'Neill and Evans. New York ed Press.) Tho Germans launched a scored. the submarine is a German and the Fournier; M fit! .477 Cincinnati. ' I.aairAI AW ynnr tuieini bit , Bases on balls Off Finneian 1: Sand- St. Louis bomb- was on shell fire. rhlhes-tor-- s lHamond 4 combined gas. artillery and air H. PO. A. E. tanker set fire by QSa Ur.,l 2 Coumbe 2. Detroit . . ., 60 .450 AB. R. NKH YOHK MONEY. ftyffiPOL l'llls 'a K' u'l', ers 3; Ferguson Innings 1 1 2 II boxes. vMrA with Blue Ribbon. ? 3 49 69 .41C ing attack upon the French and Amer- 3 b ffCM "'V Finneran Sanders Philadelphia. Groh, 16. pitched If .314 0 0 2 0 0 Washington, Aug. At the navy New 10. AskfoiOlIIJ lIKS-TF- 3 1 Struck out By icans the Veslo Neale, York, Aug. Mercantile along early Friday 4 UIA.UO.MI IfKAniV rHjI-.W- lot Kit Ferguson 5. KoURh. cf 4 2 3 0 0 department tonight it was "there is 60s 1; Ferguson 1; Coumbe morning. This was in retaliation for paper, unchanged; sterling day M years known as Best, batest, Aimys Kemuwj Sanders lb 'nothing to be given out" regarding bills, 4.73 per cent; commercial 60 CANNING INDUSTRY TO a raid by American airmen Magee, 0 SOLD BY CRlGulbli tVtKYWMLKt 2. bombing Griffith, rf .4118103 0 the attack on a large tank steamer day bills on banks, 4.72 Vi per cent; St. ImwiH 5; Philadelphia on over the Aisne Thurs- 1101 3 2 0 16. bridges late Cueto, 2b 4 0 a German submarine off llat- - commercial 60 day bills, 4.71 per Philadelphia, Aug. Davenport GEiT GOVERNMENT AID 0 3 5 1 by Cape time in three days day. Blackburne, ss . . 3 0 'teras in a from cent; demand, 475 ; cables, 476 , for the second 0 1 4 4 0 reported dispatch St. lVmis to over Phil- The German artillery rontlnued VVingo, c 3 Bar silver and Mexican dollars, un- pitched victory 1 0 1 1 0 Beaufort, N. C. Mr NIN9 JOURNAL RPrCIAL Lf Atn WIR)1 shelling (lie crossroads south of the Schneider, p .... 3 changed. LUMBER adelphia. Fi- It was generally believed the Ger, Score: R. H. F Washington, Aug. 16. The War Vesle for hours, on tho assumption Time loans Strong unchanged. Otis, filass, Jlalthold Roofing 11 0 .31 5 8 27 16 1 man probably the same one Cull Paint,, pt Louis 100 220 000 5 nance corporal ion today came to the that the French and Americans were Totals money Strong, unchanged. and Buildlnic 1 Dia Taper. 001 6 in Now Score My innings (which recently destroyed the .,.000 0102 aid of Iho canning industry up troops. German aviators 1 Philadelphia bringing , 020 off Hat- Batteries: Davenport and Severeid; state loans south Kr....ii, w v..l.mi n .000 0024 mond Shoal lightship Cape Wootteii Howls tor nests. C. BALDRIDGE LUMBER York by extending through bombed the woods and villages 000 002- -5 of oil had pigeons J. Pierson and Gregg. in re- Cincinnati ...:.003 teras, had run short and Hard wood, roomy. Can't lx worn out-Pri- Johnson, a newly organized canners' warehouse of tho Two-bas- Vesle, apparently working e hit, Kaufr. oil tanker with tho COMPANY which will finance the mar- Summary: hit httacked the pur Biets each, six fur 7jots. K. Urtroit 8: Washing'"" company, lays. Home run P.ousch. Sacrifice of its Aftc o fthe extra large crops of A of twelve American avia- balls Off Schneid- pose replenishing supply. Washington, Aug. 16. Filtering tho keting group Griffith. Bases on on board the needed oil, it was of six runs. spinach, peas, tomatoes, corn Olid tors in tho raid on the 5. Hit bv Toney 1. Struck taking ninth Inning with lead participated er pitcher In- tho 'ruits now harvested. Similar Atsne out Bv Schneider 2 by Toney .3. thought probable that submarine THE WM. FARft COMPANY for Washington being bridges. Early Friday morning set-f:r- e Harper, pitching 8; Steele had shelled aivd to the tanker. MXJAIj NOTICE. weakened and Detroit tied the score. aid may be given canners In other other American flyers went up and nings pitched Toney Wholesale and Retail Iloalcrs in The visitors won in the sixteenth. S of the country providing or- took for the of Perritt koticr roi renuLArioN. to parts they photographs purpose FRESH AND SAW Mi; ATS to 7. The winning runB were due ganize a central warehouse system, ascertaining the effects of the bombs STRIKERS ARE ASKED Department of We'jnterinr, IT. 8. Land Of- a missed Hat-- , ' lWiHlon 0. fice 1918. Sausage Specially errors bv Foster, who similar to that In New York. A deal of traffic had St. IxmiH 8: ' at Ranta Fe, N. M., July 3, booted Bush's low hit dropped. great 16. t. Iuis TO RETURN TO WORK Notice Is tlmt Fat.rnclnlu For Cattle and nogs the Baling per's grounder, This action, together with the been over the Aisne St. Louis Mo., Aug. hereby given and then threw wildly to the plate. reported passing shut out the visitors it) the first gamo Marques, of Maniuez, N. M., who, on Sept. Market I'rices Are Paid R-- K of, loans for crop moving bridges, and the, French and Ameri- 24, 1 a, mado Homestead entry No. 0172G0. Score: of the scries. IPV MORNINS JOURNAL LBARKO WIRB of tho west FIIIAL NEl-4- . tti-- and for livestock raisers cans increased the fire of their heavy Score' for Section 8. Township Range Detroit Fi- 3 2 Tucson, Ari?., Aug. 16. Manager M. notice of 000 000 006 000 000 2 S lb and southwest, makes the War guns. Boston 000 000. 0000 N. P. Meridian, has filed 8 16 .. rFank Russell, of tho Tucson Intention to make five Hmnrsteail nance corporation for the first time1 a As a result of the reports of observ St Louis 350 000 OOx Uapid wr Washington 1 Pinal to esttthlleh claim to tho land DUKE CITY r,oo 000 mo ooo ooo 1 7 11 vital factor In food production. the French! Americans t,: .iAi,.h Crandall and Transit company, this afternoon asked Proof, ers, ami laid; to return to above described, before William 0. Ken- Batteries: Kalllo, Jones, Cunning- down Wilson; Packard and Gonzales. tho; striking motornien N. Shaw. a box barrago during Thursday nedy, U. 8. Commissioner, at Beboyeta, Cleaners-Hatte- rs ham and Spencer; Harper, on machine nests the work, pending the disposition by the M on S. 1918. Ainsniith night gun along a.- .- 11 Philndellihla- - commission of Sept. Johnson and RUSSIAN SOCIALISTS hills to the northwest of Fismes. c iiicami, aub. " state corporation its Claimant names witnesses: rain. M. An- 320 West Gold. Phone and Chicago, game postponed,' application for an increase in passen- Reyea Marques, of Marques, N. ; tit. SEIZED DY BOLSHEVIK! patrols, reported Friday on re- tonio Jaramlllo, of Bldo, N. M. ; Marqarllf FRISCO MAKES NEW machine-gun- ger rates its lines and tho ST. morning that twelve had N. M. ; Is considered by the men. Romero, of San Mateo. PermltU been and every German FLEETS' ARE quest being of Blbo. N. M. TROTTING MORNINC JOURNAL SRCCIAL LCAtKO destroyed FISHING tie-u- p ftalasar, RECORD FOR (V WIRC) The was complete today. ' - gunner killed. FRANCISCO DKbOAPO, Copenhagen,- Aug. 16. Forty of the TO PROTECTION The street car company recently Teuton Traffic! Is Heavy. HAVE Register f Hesscldcn ; my MOPMINM JOURNAL PVCiAL LCAB0 most prominent representatives of the a bus line between Wallace Wll The Aisne bridges bombed by the purchased running 16. A world's Hussian socialist party have been 1 and the University of Arizona, Philadelphia, Aug. Pont i MOKNINO city NOTK'K TOW l.'.olsheviki. tele- Americans were located between JOURNAL feiL LIO trrtir.ft'ATION. stallions was by the says a Wot-i,;,,,-.,.- ft ore- - and the drivers of the busses also went of Of- record for trotting hung Arey and Gernlcourt, a distance of A,,w l Steos to Department the Intemir, tl. 8. band General Contractor", Ed Goers gram to tho social Deinokraten from coast of on The commis- fice at Santa Fe, N. M., 15. 1918. . i up by St. Frisco, driven by same district vent fleets off the strike. corporation , ' July I V Bra In a nosltlon to rive about twelve miles. The the fishing Is C. free-for-a- ll socialists in Jlussia. subma will i Notice hereby given that Kstevan in the event, the feature Is also within tho of the New England from German sion hear the company's applica-- I more value for the money Uian cir- is men' will range Chaves, of Soboyeta, N. M., who, on Oct. 4, of the closing day of the Grand It said it is feared the alliei rines have been taken oy me navy. for an increase in rates on Sep- any other BUILDING FIRM in f and American heavy guns. The ad- l.US. made H'.mestead. No. 017310. for Belmont track be sentenced to death becauso they Daniels announced tpday tember 3, tho date having , been X cuit meeting at today are des'rous of harassing tho enemy Secretary in Section 28, Township I this vicinity. In had planned to summon a conference that where tho vtssels operate vanced because of the strike. M. St. Frisco won the race straigh as much as owing to reports naval SN, Rangro SW, N. P. Mer.dian. has filed Office wiui second 'of all Ilussiiin workers. possible, fleets as is the general, custom notice of Intention to make five heals, with I.u Princeton and south- year Proof, ; that large ammunition trains, boats' will accompany to establish claim to the land above de- Lum-- MIrs Bertha Dillon third. as us- patrol hereafter, PART0N TAKES JOB ON The Superior ; ward bound, have been sighted them to their banks and there main- scribed, before Wm. C. Kennedy, U. S. Com- In the first heat the stallion stepped Boxers Work for K. C. f ' 'v- ; ing the bridges. tain guard. . missioner, at Seboyeta, N. M., on the Sept. ber & Mill Co. 1 mile in New 16. ' More two was THE "FRISCO BULLETIN" the half In minute and the York, Aug. than The northward traffic has consisted Protection of the fleets J, 1918. V, score fishing I PHONE 77 equalling his own world's pugilists and referees, of vary- principally of infantrymen and trucks decided as a food conservation CJlaimart names as e,vesaeer 2:01, d upon rav MOftNIN JOURNAL BRCCAL LBABIB WIRKJ stallion record. St. Frisco won tho ing degrees of prominence, participtit-e- loaded with from the vil- nation's fish V. P. Harrlnctnn, of Corrco. N. M. ; Patricio goods taken measure as much of tho San' 16. in 2:04 and 2:03 in a carnival ut. Ebbets field, De- Francisco, Calif., Aug. Gonzales, of N. M. ; Oar-cl- second third heats boxing lages, according to reports by aerial supply comes from New England.' Seboyeta, Samuel lowered for the benefit of es- ac- Lemuel F. Parton, a newspaper man nf Seboyeta. N. M. ; Dlonlclo Marques, and the three heats the Brooklyn, tonight observers und three Italians who cision to have naval patrol boats world's record for three heats mado the Knights of Columbus war fund. from the Germans and reached resulted from of wide experience, has been appoint of Seboyeta, N. M. caped company the little craft ed of FRANCISCO DEI.OADO, by Etawah at Lexington, In 1914. Jack Dempsey failed to go on with tho American line. The Italians said more smack-b- y assistant managing editor the the sinking of a dozen or San it was an- Register. Buttling Lcvinsky. Lovinsky went! saw ol s"d-denl- Francisco Bulletin, f Hudson for . they enormous shipments Hei-ord- a submarine which appeared nounced is a new Signs; Woman Make S'ew four rounds to a draw with Hilly household material and similar arti- tho Mass- today.; The position A on Georges Bank, o'f ono. San Francisco, Calif., Aug. 16. Misko of St. Paul. Dempsey boxed cles and the belief that the " NOTICE OP SCIT. expressed achusetts coast last Sunday. Parton was editor of the old new woman's record for swimming four rounds with Clay Turner. Germans had brought them from city State of New Mextco, County of Bcrnalilro. Los Herald has In t across San Francisco bay from tin south of the Vesle during the retreat. Angeles Morning and the District Court, Wall Paper San Francisco, to TO held othbr positions in San Francisco. No. 11.537. foot of Broadway, New Yorkers Tcnnin Victors. The Italians, before they reached CHINESE MINISTER Car! D. vs., Elisabeth A, was mado here to- Chicago, New York and Goldfield, Dnnavnn, Plaintiff, the Alameda mole, Boston, Mass., Aug. 16. Tho vet- the American lines, hid during the day RECALLED Donavnn, Defendant. Miss Catherine of VATICAN IS Nev. He is a graduate of the Univer- To the Above Named Defendant: day by Flaherty eran double team, Fred B. Alexander and traveled during the night. They has Hudson for Ban Francisco. Miss swam the sity of Colorado, and was among the Ton. are hereby notified that a suit Flaherty and Beala C. of New York told the American officers that In said Court and lf Wright white men to cross Andes been filed against you the course of five and one-ha- miles active "UHNIHH JO URN Ala '"C-'- - few the In I the outclassed the western title holder, Germans were particularly after County by the above named plaintiff, Picture Frames 2 28 28 5 movements Peking, Aug. 12 (Monday.) The ot. for Divorce, in hours, minutes, W. T. Hayes, and Halph Burdick of dark, when their troop which the said, plaintiff prays X Chinese canceuea on of abandonment. And you I Fourth St. and Copper Ave. in lower of the semi- were carried out and when also there government has ,iue the grounds or Chicago the half to the vat-lea- n Musicians ltcnounce Kaiser. are further notified that unless yon enter round of the national douhles was much traffic north and south. appointment of its minister In said New Itflcord SliloV final nnH Ima nnlorail A minister, who Chicago, Aug. 16. German mem- cause to entered your appearance raaaaaa4aaataaa.Y for lawn tennis at the hi Springs, N. Y., Au. 16. championship Onlib Ksanm. has Madrid on his way to bers ot tho Chicago Symphony orches- Saratoga Longwood Cricket club today, Passes reached, A new world's record for a mile and Aug. ,16. Ty Cobb, De Home, not to proceed, I. tra today renounced the kaiser, the 3. The western title holders fell off Washington, v three-sixteent- wag established by ' ' iroit outfielder and star batsman, to- "vaterland" and such of their kin as In their game. ' in Commander J. K. U Ross' day passed tho physical eaniiiiatlon A dispatch from Peking on August are fighting the enemy armies, at Glass, Paint in the fourth race, "the Sche- 16 a commission in the gas and flame 10 said the Chinese government had a meeting of the Chicago Federation Cudgel is the same on Rood or poor LUM Plaster this after- Freight was declined to receive Petrelll, of Musicians. Loyal alien member Cement, nectady handicap, here coal. is and ftnotl division of the army, Cobb given Monslgnor 131 It economy patriot- nuncio to of the .union will not bo expelled., Jo- noon. Cudgel carried poundsand ism to buy the best in coal. Swastika deferred classification in thelraft be recently appointed papal in 1:66 flat. China, oh the he was a seph Winkler, of the or Lumber Company covered the distance The and Sugarite cost no more than otlier causo of dependents. ground that president AlbuquerqueWORTH FIRST BTHKET old wa 1:56 6, established GIBSONVFAW K R personal friend of Admiral von Hlntze, ganization, said all disloyal members i record coal LIMB ' 1913, German ot affairs. would be expelled. ' by Milton B. t Latonia in j . (,urov'mllu Journal Want Adf bring; results, secretary foreign Albuquerque Morning Journal, Saturday, August 17, 1918. FIVE Officer 20-THQU- SiD Army TRUTMEHT FDR 10. CREDIT L URGE CROWD OUT 6' Arrested on Supply Gil - Scandal Charge SHELL SHOCK IS ADVANCE IDE 01 BY BIG COLLEGES TO SEE SHOOTING HAWKINS- 1 10 VICTIM S MANITOBA TROOPS FDR CADET UNITS OF ALLEGED SPY THE DAYLIGHT STORE IRY HOPKINS JOUDNU SCIAI UIARIO WIRt Men Whose Nerves Are Shat- RT MQRNINC JOURNAL RPRCIAL IKARtO WIRtl With the Canadian Forces in Fiance. Michigan, Chicago, Lcland Hi. as IT, Kl Paso, Tex., Aug. Arrested tered Recover Un- Aug. (Thursday.) Some interest- V was by Rapidly ing incidents of fa Stanford, Washington and a Villa spy, Jesus I'rado tried the fishtin,' of the court-marti- al few and executed in the pen- der Which Takes past days nr now available. For in yes- System instance, all Lce.and Other Noted Schools itentiary plaza Chihuahua City day Thursday of last week morning. I'rado was charged when the hattle diffi- terday in the Food Mind From Injuries, opened, grunt M S N, M, M, I, with having furnished tho dynamite Everything culty was met In on our Accept Standard exirenio advancing which Villa and Martin Lopez used to left. Finally it was decided blow trains at Consuelo and that the way to advance was lo up PreRA only .ami (AJM!rtntrd Correspondence.) CORRMPONDfcNCE To pass Saturday Sunday. j I"1" the lett flank. A famous' Qncliec SRCCIAL MJRNINO JOURNAL! at scene Goods Line A In He confessed his guilt the Chateau Lorraine, July II auaiion wan entrusted with the task Roswell, X. M., An;, u;. Credits l of execution. In the American soldiers suffering from shell 1 lev In fukn for college wmk uu. xew the public train, shock now are hurried in the given wreck Saturday Gen. Juliano shortest the dark t,y thc aid only of the stars. Mexico Military insii'uie this Coteroj Possible time to a base hospital 08- - year and Ills mother were killed, together maps and compasses. Oniv military will be recognized honered by e with a of President Carranza! tabhshed for the special treatment of! men ,nn r.,,,,-i,.,.- i .,. ,.. number of Ui- institu- nephew cases. re- - greater and thirty-si- x other audi such The element of time is the At the appointed! tions than in any term passengers hv snni-i.-- lata tn 1 undertakingL ... . - prcvinus of the p:tpHn' uM.iohr.,1" tuii nair-pa- train guards. .' : . four in the con,;;,, in-- i. aa of morning insi'uiuon. ine credits given; Tho arrest of I'rado followed an 1 New Arrivals hospital prime importance. Ef tney were on their whence to students in tne institute forts are mfide to deliver such cases ground, have for vestigation of rumors that dynamite tney advanced and took the a number of years l.ccn by Monarch 1 tlo tho forty-eig- position, recognized was used to wreck both the passen- Red Cherry Preserves, lb. 40c hospitals within forcing the entire enemy line in tills such well known institutions of jars hours after the first symptoms devel- sector - higher ger and troop trains. Tho shipment! Solitaire or Plum to fill) back, with loss . learning us Michigan university. i, Currant Jelly, large jars 35c op. A siiecial ambulance service has to us. trifling t was traced from a store in Chihuahua v Leland Slanl'or,). liv-- Curtice Bros. or 1 lb. Washington where was i Peach Blackberry Jam, .35c been organized for that purpose. Once One officer had a bet with ..nothor and Lee. This other Cityto a houso I'rado jars. year colleges and his arrest followed. A mill-- 1 ncre, ine Knocked soldier emaiii't that he rsitle-s- tin- - ing, and Fancy Sunkist Prunes, can 35c nere would be in the boche divi i " i. cniv reengn'sung worth ol tribunal was assem- - Prepared large until tne treatment of his case is sional at on N'. M. M- - I. college are tary Immediately Del Monte 2 lb. tins imisneci. headquarters Quesnil first work, falling bled Wednesday ami Hie death sen-- ; Gooseberries, 25c Thursday night. I; was a wild race in line and offering admission to ad- If tho nervous a and was fence imposed. One of the Chihuahua Hipolite's Marshmallow Cream, pint 30c trouble of patient not settled till morn- ftLiAjMtt-- i vanced standing withoul entrance ex- jars Friday nlfliTWIiftn "i if i"" Kiln t City an extra, giv- results from As how-eve- r, papers published Muscadine concussion or from the ing, when the winner actually took amination. a matter of fact, an- Punch, pint and quart bottles 30c, 55c sirain 01 it is ing the finding of the court and service, curable here. possession of the quarters while his the records in the office of ''ol. that the execution would be Crawford's Orange Marmalade If it is not it is because, troops were still R IX VAUG M .lames W. Willson. or nouncing ..35c curable, tho fighting at the far superintendent A crowd attended. Pra-do- 's rase was not end en- N". public. large Sweet '.'.35c brought here soon enough of the town. He captured the M. M. I., fail to disclose the name was said to been Midget Pickles, large cans or oerause it mid a tire . Cnplnui Aubrey of tin of Institute confession have 1 chronic foundation enemy divisional plant. Shortly Vaughn any student, entitled to made to the commander of the exe- Asparagus Tips, lb tins 25c and 30c before tho went Into the after the loser came had I nitctl Slates Army has made n oon-fcisl- advanced for patient army. along and standing college work, cution sound immediately preceding Acrvous symptom resembling what content himself with humbler billets. in connection with charges in falling to obtain such advanced stand- nns noen de- This was the raincoat the execution. called shell shock have nine miles from the starting .supply scandal, mid his ing at the institution at. which en- of veloped under the of point of wlil be used in the trance was Additional details the, train simple strain Thursday morning. testimony prose sought. continue to be re- service in soldiers who The advance of a battal- ciitioii of the contractors is well known wreck at Consuelo have never Manitoba It thai the big colleges ceived here In letters from Chihuahua nonni a shell explode. ion was the record of the battle, be- are eager to get N. M. M. I. men of over 20.000 City. Another prominent victim of llvlUl'isiH Seldom rseil ing yards from our front SANTA FE PRESBYTERY college standing, for Hi" reason that 1. line. While are the Martin Lopes band was Guzman, Meat Base hospital 117 treats both these manning down a road they invariably good athletes am: an who was en route to mePt Department this battlion was excell in engineer, aspects of war neurosis, and onlv ac attacked by eighteen INSTALLS NEW PASTOR football, baseball or other his wife two who were In our Meat will German fol- and daughters Department you find fancy beef, cording lo the highest standards of airplanes, flying low and outdoor sports. Those who have to Two ver- the road With lowed the cadets returning Mexico City. pork, veal, mutton and chickens. neurological science. Hypnosis is sel sweeping machine gun tRRICIAL after they leave the Cotero's were spring fire. CORRISPONDTN'.I TO MORNlNQ JOURNAL) sions of General death dom used. No dangerous experiments The order was given for the institute to take tin professional cours- was he men to scatter not Santa Fc, Aug. IB.- A of es or advanced work' univer- received here today. One that are allowed and isolation Is not fol- and one was hit. fcanta meeting in tho died after killed four lowed as Fe presbytery was held last sities Imve frequently observed the fighting having except simple ward routine. evening in the of the bandits. The other was he The patients are together and Fiist 1'resbvterian ease with which they gained member- kept to n killed himself and his aged mother the nurses are with church receive Rev. J. Willis Ham-bh- ship in prominent Greek letter frater- kept them, giv- BEAN of Cass City, Mich., when he realized he had been recog ing their company as well as their ex- GROWERS 0 E into the pres. nities, clubs ami (fiber organizations bytery, from the of Flint. which mean much in colle nized nnd would be killed. perienced care and both arc a purt of pnsbyicry ge life, such A of JKO.OOO worth of sil- the cure. Mich. Adjournment was taken U honors being due to the splendid men- shipment W. L. ver bullion which was in the was Duran, on August ill. After and re- train HAWKINS The patients, themselves, when the meet, tal, physical moral training they ing of the Mr. New salvaged. AVheh the train was dyna have recovered to become presbytery, Hamblin ceived at the Mexico school. fire- sufficiently was installed of tho In mited and the engineer killed, tho members of the staff- STATE ORGANIZE pastor church man sta- Phones they Santa. Fe, by state Senator A. V. ran tho locomotive to Ortiz 393394395 with the doctors and nurses tion with the car and armored In helping the who is the moderator. Rev. Ga-bin- baggago other boys out of their Rendon car containing a part of the frain United States Food muddled condition of mind and their of Mora delivered the U. Administration License No. charge to the and Rev. Carlos What S. Is Doing guard attached. The bullion was in unsteady state of nerves. pastor en-- AT MEADOW C. Cordova of Vegas the baggago car and saved. The j Kpori Croat Help. CITY lis prcsL'tited tire train guard on tli- - rear of thc The most obvious treat- the charge to the people. at Home to Combat part of the train was killed ivy tho Lopez men. ment is the use of tools or the instru- Rev. Edward J. Carson, pastor of ments of sport. A hand that the First Presbyterian church at Ra- German Is shaking ton, a sermon. He was a Influence TURNER IS TO HANDLE of the federal labor service. unable to retain anything in it grad- preached UPtCIAL TO MORNINO of Mr. Hamblin McCor-mlc- k Mr. Turner Is well for ually steadies with patient gripping COKITO0aCI .OURNALl classmate, at qualified this Kast Is RT MORNINR JOURNAL RPtCiAL DISTRIBUTION OF ALL additional to which exercise and this method has thi ad- Las Vegas. X. M.. Aug. 16. Theological seminary and also LIASCD WIRR, PERFECTHAR1 duty Regional vantage of The New Mexico state bean a comparatively new coiner in New Madison, Wis., 1G. Louis B. Hale iloldcn assises him. Ho occupying tho mind while growers Mexico. Aug. MEXICAN R. bus resided in it the hand. In session here today elected the fol- Nattier, former HBsiutnnt secretary of R. LABOR tho southwest many Due boy whose head and hands were lowing officers and directors for the stnte, was sentenced to thirty months years and Is fully In touch with con- in tho Leaven-v.orl- h IRRRCIAI. ditions. Ion? as shaking constantly was seen weaving organization: President, Walter Mar- penitei liary at Fort CORRtFRONDK NCR TO MORNINO JOURNAL, Through experience in EXISTS BETWEEN i n official ho understands things out of dyed ends of string on tin, Mountainair: vice president C. H federal court here today. Amarillo, Texas, Aug. 16. Tho dis- operating um mane tor mm out of odds and Oaylord of French. The directors I GERMANY ADMITS Nagler had been convicted for violate fully railroad lequiremcnts. It takes W. tribution of Mexican labor to tho rail- labor to maintain the ends of lumber by other patients. Doolln, Optimo; J. M. Moss, ing the espionage a 't. track properly Mnn-lo- roads will be under nnd efficient Through his attention to the work A. C. Osborne, Clayton; A. County Judge J. M. Pecker of e, the direction of tiansporlatirn Bervice fliul the Oonzales, T. N. Kins., was sentenced to three Avery Turner, vice of thc depends largely on well maintained by growing firmness of grip Trujillo and Russell ol KAISER AND ALL! president railroads. he is olitaining through practice he is Moriarity. THAT HER FORGES years rt Fort Leavenworth for violat- Panhandle and Santa Fe rallwav, with gaining control of his nerves and will Plans for perfecting the local bean ing the sime law. , headquarters at Amarillo. Hale Hold-e- n, be cured in a few days. A mochino associations in tho different counties director of tho Central Western For Cramps in the Stomach. shop with turning lathes, a tailoring and for the marketing of this year s AUSTRIAN STATFS TO legion- wired Mr. Turner instructions If you have ever been doubled up shop and the ambulance fur- promising were made. Yester- in to Mr. with cramps in stomach, you will garage crop IRV MORMI NO JOURNAL AL today regard this, service. your nish for day afternoon the witnessed RfBCf LI J0 WIRII Turner left this for El Paso be interested In the experience ot occupations many. delegates BE GIVEN HOME RULE Amsterdam, Aug. 16. Tho com evening All cases of palsy and paralys'x re- a demonstration of bean picking and ARE RUNNING LOW to open an office there to handle this Charles Henry, Oswego, N. Y., who sulting from concussion are cured here cleaning machines. Great interest was plete agreement, existing between Ger- business, says: "About four years ago when when many and Austria-Hungar- y lias been taken in time. A bov who was shown In these machines and their London, Aug. Hi; A plan lias been Tho federal Immigration bureau will suffering from cramp in my stomach brought in with a Is now on the be demonstrated again at the meeting ol lave of tho nnd bowels, 1 used Chamberlain's paralyzed leg ndoption large farms will adopted for the formation of a league the at German charge importation of warning around the grounds, after a advocated. A bright future for the of Auslro-Iliingarla- n suites, to be au- emperors headquar- Mexicans as In the past, while Mr. Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy. It is week of treatment. Defects bean In 1RV MORNINO JOURNAL SPrCIAL LIASCO WIRJ tonomous in ters, an official stu lenient from Ber- will the best medicine of kind of speech this state was prophesied by dealing wilh home af- lin Turner give his attention to the by far the are the most difficult cases: the the convention. With tho llritish Army in France. to u today declares. The statement, labor needs dis- 1 have ever used." treat fairs, according Vienna dispatch which is dated of the railroads and ment is longer and Tho who Thursday, Aug. IS (by the Associated (Minting tho at German headquar- tribute men to best requires greater county agricultural agents Czecho radcial organ in ters 15, reads: the advantage. pains, out tnry yield to it finally. closed their session hero today, and Press). Germany has acknowledged the Austrian capital, which reads: August In this he will have the Journal Want Ads nrins results. members of that her man-pow- is dwindling in is learned "The meeting of the august sover- the the bean congress "It from a reliable source once ORDTNANCE were taken in autos after- proportions great enough to cause an- that Premier Hnss-ire- an eigns again has manifested the TRAFFIC yesterday to has reached close and noon to some of the large bean farms xiety the high command. The toll understanding with prominent repre- understanding complete in A in taken by the allied armies, and the sentatives of all agreement on political and military AT MEADOW CITY IS this locality. demonstration the Austrian parties tasks and an Identical vaccinating hogs against cholera was prospect of being confronted by ever- for a complete revision of the Austrian and most loyal - forces of the alliance. The i RIGIDLY ENFORCED given by Dr.- Johnson following the growing American has caused constitution. It Is planned to form a interpretation General Ludendorff to issue impera- of states Intercourse of the nionarchs was rnn demonstration of the bean machines. number that shall have homo ni rnoiom ivtaiiti a com- tive orders for a vigorous, Immediate rule. Including tho German, Czech, characterized by cordiality ESRVCIAL CORRSSRONORNCS TO MORN, NO comb-ou- t in in or- mensurate with their rela- JOURNAL, LAS CRUCES ATTORNEY the German army IPolish and South Slavonian states. personal East Las Vegas, N. M., Aug. 16. der to recover from auxiliary units, These, with Hungary, will form a tions as well as tho interests of tho That tho man men Austro-Hungaria- n who objects because a IN all capable of entering the league of states." people. city ordinance is enforced is a law- RACE FOR JUDGE trenches. "leading statesmen and military breaker and deserving of little consid- Appended to the order are special leaders have conferred with complete eration, was the statement of Mayor IBRICIAI COIPONDtNCI TO MOftNINta JOURNAL, Instructions to Held Marshal von Overseas Athletic and fruitful results. The kaiser gave F. O. niood to the city police force Las Cruces, N. M., Aug. li. Attnr Mackensen and General von Schlotu audience to Baron Hurlan, Field Mar- at a meeting of the city council. Re- ney Litton It. Taylor of this city has to make "a greater demand upon the Director for K. of C. shal Arz and other Austrian minister. Journal-Toba- cco Ger- whllo To the cently there has been much complaint announced his candidacy for the re- local personnel" instead of using Kniperor Charles received because Hi Hi of the enforcement, of the publican nomination for district Judge. mans in the auxiliary services as liarmi and Field Marshal vou traffic ordinance. The streets have He is the third Las Cruces attorney Ilindenburg." been torn up because of improvements to announce. The district includes being installed, and the police have Dona Ana, Lincoln Tor- Ilaron Burlan is the Austro-Hungaria- n been Otero, and requiring rigid adherence to the rance. Hon. Kdward L. Medler has nS foreign minister and Admiral Fund C CHD-SLOVft- ordinance, to avoid accidents. The been the Judge for the past seven von Kti'usonburg Is the Austrian chief mayor Informed the to enforce of staff. Admiral von tho all police years. Hintzc, laws, whether condemned or Mr. Taylor has been engaged In German foreign secretary, was men- praised by citizens for so law tioned in advices as How Our Soldiers Will for The doing.' general practice for several years yesterday's being Long traffic ordinance has been nnd is a graduate of the New Mexico present at tho conference and it may amended to provide for the parking Agricultural college. He also took NEED MEDIATE he through an error in the text of Good Old American Tobacco! of cars in' the business section at an law work at Columbia univer the that Ilaron Uuiiun and of 20 special dispatch angle degrees Instead of 45 de- sity. Not yet 3! years of age but en not Admiral von Hlntsse is mentioned grees. The speed limit has been in- Mr. us received The to creased to ergetic and active, Taylor has liavina been by Emperor Ily spccIhI arrangement Journal guarantees deliver, fifteen miles ,an hour In many supporters! Coming to New Mex Charles. through an arrangement with tobacco manufacturers, two dollars the business sections and and IS REPORT to miles In twenty ico nearly twentv years ago, Mr. Tay AID, worth of tobacco, for every dollar subscribed, our soldiers in the residence sections. ior for a few and on to The council has liwd at Capitan years BRAZILIAN SHIP IS France the way France. passed tho necessary nnd entered the Agricultural college legislation for the paving of Twelfth Tho packages (50c worth of tobacco), are put up in attractive street from In 1303. BY In we a return Douglas avenue and Na- T VORNIN9 JOURNAL RRCCIAl lCABIO WIRf) SUNK SHELLFIRE patriotic packages. every package put postal card tional avenue, and that nart of IS with your name and addressso that you will get word back from nl between Kiio. ALLIES WELCOMED BY Vladivostok, Tuesday, Aug. (by battlefields as soldiers as 25 Twelfth and countv BY HORNINO JOURNAL LKARCO the from many you subscribe cent the ! the Associated PrcsB). The situation SPECIAL WIRE bridiro. This will triva t u r In western Siberia leaves no room for New York, Aug. 16. The Kruzillan pieces. streets from thc Santa Fe station to MURMAN INHABITANTS and optimism In the opinion of the vice motor ship Madrugadn. 1,613 gros around the plaza, a distance of tier-ma- n over a mile and president of the Russian section of the tons, was sunk by shellfire by a TOBACCO IS MIGHTY SCARCE connecting business HV UORNIN JOURNAL RRtriAL LIIIIO IM Czeeho-Slova- k national council. In a submarine wcimns or me towns. An yesterdayr morning ornamental London, Aug. 16. The population statement recently he said that mob near Winter Quarter shoal, off the Near the Trenches. lighting system will follow Austro-Oerma- the course of the Murmansk region received with ilization of n prisoners northern Virginia coast. Cnpt. Fred- of the paving. 1 - Joy, the Rritlsh forces' that landed of war had added 160,000 men to the erick House and his crew of twenty- I'KOM inVIJf COMl'S "PATHS OP t.LOUY" there recently, according to an allied enemy forces. He said it would be im- one men told tof the destruction of the "As i recall now, we had come through the gate of the school HALF OF A WOMAN'S diplomat who has arrived In London possible to reach Irkutsk, even under yM vessel, upon being .landed here toda house to where stood when a o the wind rrorn most favorable in automobile puff blowing Petrograd. the circumstances, bv a steamer which picked them up. to us from the left, which meant from across the battlefront, brought BODY FOUND IN SACK "I was In Murman when the British less than a month. The captain and crew escaped in to our noses a certain smell which we knew full well. The of the Czecho-Slovak- s were rescued row already troops arrived," he said, "and am position lifeboats and after " 'You I quit unable to describe tho may become if assistance is ing about for four hours. The Ma get it, see," said the (ierman officer, who stood along- lT MORN,N JOURNAL RRtCAL LlARflD W,R pleasure precarious side of me. from that the arrival caused. Old men and not speedily forthcoming. Their num druguda left New York two days ago 'It (onies three miles off, but you can get It five Wooster, O., Aug. 18. James Mar- women to sickness a to San miles when tho wind is strong' and he waved his left arm toward tin, caretaker of wept with tears of Jov, crying bers are diminishing, owing carrying cargo consigned it had the Point Rreeze 1'ist Hussia and of SUP- itrazn. as though the stent been a vlslblo thing. 'That explains why Chautauqua at will be saved!' impossibility renewing itm J itos, tobacco is so scarce with us grounds Sniithville, The workmen vi, liivi along the staff back yonder in Laon.' near hero found lowers peasants, oh at plies. mi;uiuin v.fiiimiii i.uum;, yesterday the tocracy know that is submarine emerged about 200 yards "All the tobacco which can bo spared is sent to the men In the half of a woman's body in a weighted Germany their In VHOIIIJ, WOMEN ARE from the vessel and opened fire with front trenches. As long us they smoko and keep on smoking thoy sack a waterhole near the grounds, "Never 50,000 out The crew immediate!? can stand that." according to word received has the situation been so warning. today by favorable as todav for ,h NEEDED AS took to the boats and the ship went the Bhcrlff of Wayne county. . NURSES at- Q,,.c-- in ttussia. rD. down within! a few minutes. No tempt was made to molest the life- No Matter How Small the Amount Send It in. Washington, Aug. 16. Fifty boats of which there were two .accord- women will be needed by July 1 ing to the captain's statement. He es- Our boys are going to need tobacco In treat! Fill out next to In timated that the undersea boat wai quantities. Watch year assist the care of the the coupon now Today is None Too Soon and make it generous! the Little sick and wounded of the American about 4(10 feet long. She carried two Bring It, or mail it, to Tho Journal Office. Pimples: army. Surgeon General Gorgas stated guns, fore and aft. today in announcing that youg wives They are Nature's with husbands fighting in Frace would SOLEMN WARNING. Warning be accepted as hospital assistants. (j1 THE JOURNAL, ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO. Tho vast majority of the 60,000 wo- t'nslghtly and Signals of ders. . Disfiguring And the One remeriv v men must be trained nurses and avail- Having notified tho " J n J a., people through S. 'ncii s'uppl-men- , !3e pkg. No. retail value of Ma. Bad Blood. it, equai as a purifier Is S. S. 8., the able for service overseas. To our city papers of the somnambulistic Popular cigarettes having purely blood the supply of eraduate nurses habits of our Mr. Waggener, we feel vegetable medicine, 1 53o Pl- No- t, tobacco retail 50c. Don't close - the medical has Justified in this I"putar pipe having value of your eyes to the warning which has been on the- market for army department Issuing solemn warn which nature give's, when more than tha armv school of miii-i- ing to the public: That Waggener's unsightly fifty years. It is sold by t wh'C- - store to pkg. Nu. i. ropular ctttarette tobacco having retail valua of 60o. pimples appear on your face and druggists , will prosecute the very extent other everywhere. between 21 and 35 years will be ti'ain- - of the law, immediately if not sooner, parts of the boay. If you are afflicted Pkg. No. 1. tobacco vatua of Not ar with any form d an-- sent abroad as the need arises. any citizen, male or female, white or popular plug chewing having retail (Do ,jnly these pimples and of skin disease, do not to be women can be used or otherwise expect Fully 15,000 is black, natural born, for In accordance with to Bplotches disfiguring, but they lead cured by lotions, ointments, salves and hosnltal assistants or student nurses any Injury done our Mr, your offer aend popular brands of tobicco and to serious personal to our In skin diseases that spread other local remedies, as they can not In tho United States. Waggener during his nocturnal som- cigarettea Soldiers Europe In units of 50o packages, each for S5cv ana cause the most discomforting Ir- possibly reach the source nambulistic rambllngs for. as wa. have ritation ff the Wanted. and pain. Sometimes they trouble, which is in the blood, i Mmcn Arc said before, he is perfectly harmless I enclose w . . . . . foretell Begin New 16. An anneal to and a touch or word old Eczema, bolls, blisters, scaly iu,v,,iS a. o. a. y, ana a York,,Aug. gentle about and tyrlte "women of leisure" of New York to furniture will arouse him and he will Tour Name , , eruptions other annoyances that complete history of your case ko our save the 'harvest for Evers, the famous second burn like flames of make by volunteering Johnny beat it back to his store at Bia West fire, and chief medical advisor who.WEl give farm work at good pav. was made baseman, is now workins with Ida he sell Street Address you foel that your skin is ablaze.' Central, where buys and or you special Instructions, Without here today by the industrial commis- Knights of Columbus war work net v. will exchange furniture for anything When these on of-th- will , symptoms appear charge. Write at once to SwWt Spe- sion state department of labor. ities and shortly go over to he can get in his house, eat or drag City and Stat . any part of the body, take prompt cific Co., 4 Swift At- The appeal says that several hundred France to take up the direction of and does and il Laboratory, women off, repairs storage. slops tp.rl4.the body 0r these fllsord- - lanta, Qa, betwee nthe ages of 18 and 35 athletics in . the .American soldier Phone 43S. are needed, this week, ... j MMMMMtMMTMMMMMtT SIX Albuquerque Morning Journal, Saturday, August 17, 1918. AS INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER is so long sinco our "first families" A VISION OF HOME. of the year before. The advances for were immigrants too! the twelve mouths represented a five Here in America we have sometimes per cent increase for all the principal food seven showed regarded the political ami articles, although EllnllTS religious a decline. These ranging from 64 per liberty, the free education and the cent for potatoes to less than one per Morning Journal economic opportunities we bestowed cent for coffee, included onions, flour, Published by tha upon these newest citizens us "bread sugar, beans and cheese between the HER SUBS two extremes. Evidences that WT JOURNAL cast the waters." We were nothing PUBLISHING CO. upon can entirely set aside the operation of dubious about lis successful tho law of nnd demand are Western Jiepreenfntiv supply found . U J. ANDERSON, return but nevertheless wo cast it in the higher retail prices SINK Marquette Bldg., Chicago, 111. forth, over a little cnarged within the year for coin meal, TRANSPORTS praying it, laughing hens ad- and and pork chops, which hav Eastern Reprentntlv wondering much. vanced from 20 to 30 per cent. These RALPH 11. MULMOA.V. Then came the war. The. bread of all figure as substitutes for other SI Kant 4:nit New Tnrk. Street, freedom which this nation cast cereals and meats in the general food Entrretl as second-clas- s tire upon conservation maltir at the waters waves program laid down by Soldier Atlantic postnfflce of Albuquerque, N M., under Act the and waves of the fooil administration These recent Crossing Has of OonpreM of March J, 1 ST9. foreign immigration is returned to advances in the of substi retail prices Better Than a to 1 Larger circulation than any other paper us a thousand fold. The tute articles indicate that the law ofj 4,600 In New casualty lists Mexico, The only paper la New tell tho tho economics is no more to be abrogated of Mexico Issued every dny In the year. story last story of men by government Chance Arriving Safely at In fiat than that the tide TERMS OP SUBSCfUl'TlON : born nil the lands of the earth, should cease to flow in when ordered - Destination, Dally, by carrier or by mall, one month. .70o men who died for but one our own to do s0 b$- Canute. Yearly, In advance $7.50 and their own America! NOTICE TO SUBSr.'HIHKRiS. KM A UK A Subscribers to the Journal when writing; It III iK ltFMAUKS. I'.Y FDWIX N. HAUGI.l) BFCIITOI,, to have their paper changed to a new ad- SENATOR VARIAM.X. (Independent, Y.) pea n Manager of the- Newspaper dress must be sure to Rive the old address. Dix is no (lam Dorothy There way of J:nlcrpi'' Association.) "The Morning Journal lias a hiKher circu- guaging the intelligence of a debu- President Wilson is not guilty of tante. London, Kng , Aug. 10. Tho news lation rating than la accorded to any other is for American mothers. paper In New Mexico." The American distorting or unduly stretching the ; Glen Buck War makes widows, but story Tho which follow are now per- Newspaper Directory. fads when he tells the of Mis- oh. Algernon, widows also make war. facts people Walt Mason The I mitted to ! assembled and presented O O sissippi that senator Vardaman has pants drew in MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED father's will are fit for ample service in this form by Admiral yims' V. S. PRESS. been conspicuous among tho demo- still. navy staff in London. The Associated Press Is exclusively crats of the senate for his opposition General von Hindenburg The When your soldier man starts use - entitled to the for republication to tho administration. ' Like senators country suffers. It is deplorable, but iici')s.s ilic Atlantic In- lias a better of all news credited to It or not other- it Is for the best. tliaii a 4,0IO to I chance- of arriv- wise credited in this paper and also Gore, Hardwlek a"'! others, Mr. Var- Knld a woman his Httfc news herein. Bngnold When says ing at dcHtinallon nnd the local published daman has been found in opposiition she cannot come to lunch, it is be- well. TOtTPViT. tnlrefl Mnd to the administration in to cause she doesn't want to. Since the United States declared fritn prints respect John sixty hours and thirty minutes of ex many of its war measures and the Hastings Turner They say we war, about 1,400,000 American fight- come naked into the world: it is un- ers have come across. cas- clusively Associated i'resa leased wire his criti- The total service each week. No other news- - president might have made true. A woman is born with a in ualties at sea have been 291. That's, nxhlikhoriK...... ill . MfllCO takllS cism of the Mississippian even broad- each hand. one man lost in lnf... 'V - only 4,000. more than twenty-fou- r hours of As- er. of a. Instead doing that, however, Here's another point: That propor- ii.... ,n,u 1i,piff week. FKF.XC H o hd prefers to confine himself to the THIUl'T. tion, small as it is, covers all tho men Issue (Norman llapgood, in Leslie's.) sent across since early 1!UT. And ev- between a democratic senator If France lacks business .AUGUST 17, isns the ery month methods and appliances SATURDAY. and tho democratic national adminis- of Germany and England she has nifeguiirding the transports havo im- tration and In that the president is an unfailing economic asset in her proved ami broadened. SENTENCE!) ON SISPICION'. wise, since that is tho Issue to be famous thrift. While the peasants Ah Snfe as a hurcli. and industrial have t settled in tho laborers len pay- So.the 4,000 to 1 chance which tha democratic primary. ing 100 cent more for living ex- has been quite so baffling per long-perio- d figures prove, does not Nothing Senator Vardaman Is a candidate in penses' than before the war and, to autliori actually show tho percentage today. and Irritating the German Iheprimaries to succeed himself, and while they have been taking up liberty It's better than that. loans, they have at the same time ties in Belgium as the regular appear- the president is on firm ground when some "As safo as a church," one Sammy been Increasing their deposits in who landed it. ance and wide circulation of the news- ho tells Mississippi democrats that if savings banks, and I think their total recently put. For in the Practically every American soldier paper Libre Belgkiuo. For more than they indorse Mr. yardaman he will deposits. culture, deepest now comes to Europe In a convoy a be to accept their action as "a sense, France stands at the head of of Which means. In caso three years that small sheet has con- obliged the great nations, and real culture group ships. condemnation of my administration." cannot exist without Waste of the improbable torpedo, that thero tinued to appear and carry with it economy. are other very near for rescue He feels it only right that they should is barbarism. A Frenchman would ships consolation to the work. comfort and op know this before they act. despise the waste that many of our one of these trans- people take for freedom and Practically every pressed people of Belgium and, discom The president owes it to himself and ports is armed that is. there are bis to the guns on the actual vessels carrying the fort and aggravation oppres his party to do, everything in his soldiers. sors. Large rewards have been of power to prevent the return to con- FRENCH MISSION HEAD Additional protection in the form of fered for the discovery of its editors gress of democrats who have not given escorting "war vessels is provided for and and him their support upon the great ques- L i VICTIM0F APOPLEXY every convoy in danger zones, publishers heavy punishment nnd many have war vessel? dis- tions with which his escorting Is meted out to thoso who arc administration : all tho across. drafts the hank of life. Yet we rmr MoaNiNc way in has been confronted. In all r upon journal spccial lsasid winii covered with copies their posses probabil- must steel our hearts for tho ordeal, A More war craft, especially designed ex- Pacific Port, Aug. The body for aro sion. But publication still goes on ity he will go no further than an for there is no othef way under or or!. the beating down the Next Hundred Amort Mctin, chief the French getting on the job, as the where and how the Boches have been pression of his views, but that should Days Deciding heaven in which freedom can be economic Gen- constantly is the mission, accompanying shipbuilding plants turn them out in unalile to their wide bo enough. It is only when he lends saved that freedom which eral Paul Gerald Pau of the I'reneh More discover, despite breath of life to the western peoples. constantly increasing numbers. of and the countenance of his to Period of Editor army on a tour of American cities, will are into serv- ly ramifying system espionage support War, Says A hundred days from now and the be to carrying ships being put of taken France for burial, accord, ice, too. one day in there were tyranny. Tho kaiser and his crea candidates whose understanding fate of humanity will be determined. to statements meml crs or tho July A who ing by 100,000 soldiers to sea at once. tures are scoffed at and scorned, the patriotism Is open to question that hundred days again and mission. M. Metin d'ed at midnight ltV HOItATIO BOTTOM LEY, on a final blow. How else can knows? the ensign of liberty Moro Heine Sunk. facts and of German defeats Mr. Wilson goes astray. Kvery loyal they grand last night from apoplexy, induced, The of sunk by figures of "John Hull.") hope to justify themselves in the eyes may float once more over a world at percentage . while vic- American will his "going physicians said, by the strain of the the allied navies is climbin:,-- A re- are made known, enemy applaud (In the following article Mr. of their deluded people? How else peace. (By the International News which h3 after" men like senator Vardaman. while declining to be can trip jn cent British statement shows that, for tories are discounted with brave hopes tempted von Kuhlmann honor his own Bureau, Inc., Boston, Mass.) actel as spokesman for the mission. timo in the into the realms of prophecy, expresses or Count redeem the first war, the number:) of eventual emancipation. the speeches, Hertllng M. Metin was found lying uncon- of sunk in the past six months confident opinion that the next the frantic boasts with which he on How much the Libre Belglouo has BARRIERS will see scious the floor of his apartment at exceeds the number Germany has beer? down. hundred days tho decision, if tempted fortune? It is now or never. never re- done the morale of the Lord it matters not not the end, of ttie war: and bids his a local hotel, last nifht and able to build. In short, they're belli'? to sustain Derby whether Already the days are forty-nin- e readers to be of stout lieart till the shortening. gained consciousness. He was sunk faster than they're being built. Belgians under the German yoke is the hat or the family came first is Three months more and tho dark WITH SCISSORS years of age and leaves a widow The Gorman ordeal is over.) winter will lie in a which government, through best by tho Germans an nobleman. sight winter ami two children, who are In France. articles in the press-ha- appreciated English in the absence of will un AND PASTES Inspired German themselves, and therefore they have The world is not overcrowded with relief, spell M. Mctin had twice been minister begun a campaign to "explain" tn No, I'm not breaking out aijain in speakable misery for the hungry mil of labor in the French cabinet and the at home haven't heaven and and, be it so the of noble For I tho war ot people why they moved earth, gentlemen, presence prophecy. aught know, lions tno central empires. Not minister of bloade. been able to stop or even interfero added, hell, to discover its authors and men is even more negligible. may go on for ever and ever as, In much longer cuik tho masses of the TIIK INFM'FNCK OF THK IHiM. to some of friends with the, flow;of American troops disseminators. Frequently people Lord Derby's title contributes noth- deed, my (doubtless fatherland, for all their dog like sub- (Charles Kteizlo in tho Baltimore San Francisco. Calif., Aug. IS. France; tn the first stages of Spanish influen- servience, be expected to tolerate the of have been arrested on suspicion of to him he gives to the nomen- Evening Bun.) The body of Albert Metin, head In iIiomo inspired nrlMos it is ing za) tell mo it will. What, however abortive promises and unredeemed was founded the tho French economic mission to the now as a Hint connection with the sole surviving clature its dignity and worth. I am to is that next which Christianity upon (Nlmltol final fart going say the pledges for four weary years death of a young man the best and I'nlted States who died here last night it. is possible under tin nvoy of a free In Belgium, 4th m'lord rose to his fullest hundred days must decide tho war have mocked their misery, ever Is to in state in tho specimen press July ends or not. noblest who lived. from apoplexy. lay system that the allies have been mental stature. It was In London, at whether it it Aleardy, even in Germany, thcrt He went to his death rotunda of the San Francisco city hall attack tho but proofs have always wanting. I'm not going to wax over triumphant lo tr:insports a luncheon of hysterical are signs ofjncipient revolt, while ,in with the assurance that he would live trom 5 o'clock tonight until 10 o'clock Willi hox of Hiieeess. Now, after a three months' trial, three the American chamber the latest news from western Austria-Hungar- the front as wo have lately And hi lives in a it was announced In other the gov- one another a of commerce. It may be that the Germans have again. again, very tomorrow morning, words, German persons a priest, seen, staring resentment and racial ileal sense, in the men who, like him, here today. Following telegraphic or- ernment realizes that tho danger to : have Ho said: wish to America shot their bolt there, and that Foch moment lawyer, tho third a journalist "I thank is animosity threaten at any are today malting the supreme sacri- ders sent from Sacramento by Mayor which attacks a convoy is far about to take up the offensive. On to burst into active revolution. For the to con- been sentenced to heavy terms of im- for the best licking we ever got. It the other it be of the fice. Itolph. who Is visiting there today, greater than the danger the hand, may part these disorders, whose gravity in- Likewise, those whrj have given citv hall facades were draped in voy, go they're not showing their prisonment, not on conviction of their has done us both a lot of good. We enemy startegy to lie low and lure us creases is one on. I t daily, there only remedy their lives at the front shall live again mourning and flags throughout the heads. but on suspicion. That is a are graeful to you because that lick- don know, and, not knowing peace; ami, unless relief is In have staff. "guilt," 1 speedily other lives which been stirred city were placed at half the us how to chil- can t say. tint do feel it in my the resent- fair example of German justice ing taught treat our bones we forthcoming, slumbering by their sacrifice. After sUnple services on Sunday SCHOONER REPORTED that, at last, have reuched ment of those tortured may never al- was to bo sent to justice which was meted out to Bel- dren. It is the reason why we now tho the next hundred peoples Indeed, they will die for morning the body deciding period soon be converted into a vociferous there are men who are to M. Metin's home In France. ' of the war, hav-- i Australia and Canada and even ways ready SUNK REACHES PORT gium at the beginning days. demand for at at in who mission-whic- beside us "peace any price" step to take the places of those The other members of the when citizens vfrero shot wholesale on South Africa fighting today." There are periods in history when any cost to the Hohenzollerns and the havo fallen. included General Paul Gerald o frertain alleged "crimes," Imagine a Briton broad enough to events crowded within the space of Hapsburgs and the instruments of Their lives are not wasted any noted leader, re- Washington, Aug. IB. The Ameri- suspicion weeks the annals of a their Pau, French military the real to terrorize. But think and feel that way and not hesi- eclipse century tyrant will. From this tragic more than the life of Jesus was mained in seclusion today. can schooner Sybil, recently reported objett being and it is my firm belief that before (Nlemma here is nut one escape. To wasted. From these lives are sunk a Gorman has of free is uncon- tate to his thought and express end being by submarine, the spirit a people speak the of the present campaigning German statecraft peace Is an urgent built kingdoms which shall bless all arrived safely at Gloucester, Mass., tho querable, and wo may bo sure that his feeling! i season that is, in the next hundred necessity and the next hundred days mankind .and Ideals established which GEN, VON CARL0W1TZ navy department today was informed. or so we shall witness pass- - will vic- Libre Belgique will continue to appear There are many like him, but it was days the see a desperate hid, not for shall become pormancnt throughout The department also announced that i ing of the greatest crisis in humanity's tory that hope is dead in Germany, SUCCEEDS VON MUDRA the remainder of the crew of tho to the day when the last left to Lord Derby to be their mouth- all history. up glad 'vvjvvii uu iiieiy are not ruin- whatever it may suit von Kuhlmann's Jesus was not "dead" when his ene- schooner progress, one of the fishing Boche removed his piece. the is tn hated has defiling ing signs that enemy mustering purpose pretend but for a settle- mies him ho was never 'MV MORNIN4 JOURNAL SSSC'AI. '.KAS2D WIRII schooners sunk off the New England on mat- Ills a crucified feet from Belgian soil. England, with that angle energies for master stroke which ment on terms favorable to tho war more alive than he Is today his In- in France, coast had been reported rescued. when delivered, be decisive of makers of Berlin. we French Headquarters ters, will knock down tho last remain- may Therefore, may fluence was never greater. Aug. IB. The successor of General his of ours. wo Five-Pointe- fate and Assuredly look for another big German offensive The whom the Germans The d Star. I'UATTMXCi TONGl KS. ing barriers of prejudice that have are on the of Belgians von Mudra, who commanded the first brink colossal develop- for one more frantic thrust at the killed are they "dead?" The Eng- German in attack on General The ancient Greeks used the stood between the peoples ments; nnd with all I lend army the stubbornly my heart unyielding line of the allies. the the Italian heroes I Cham-pagn- o star as a of health. It the is lish, French, era Gnurand's army in the symbol The Kelly Field "Eagle" publishes of the island nation and America. that until decision reached, the t believe that very shortly the blow "dead?" None know better than the last is Gen- still fulfiJJs this ancient mission, as war, the whole war, mid but month, apparently the following to discourage the circu- nothing will fall, and very surely I believe that Germans they are living. They are eral von Cn.rlowitse, a Saxon, who had you will' find it imprinted on each me war snail be the object of national it will fall. 1 do not to dis- still to be reckoned with. of Chamberlain's Tablets. lation of those senseless rumors which "K1XG COTTON.'' us propose been minister of war in Dresden and package attention. Let nothing distruct cuss the matter from the "high and And the Americans at tho front? had in a These tablets have restored hundreds' get about so rapidly. These rumors from tho supreme issue. Let minor distinguished himself leading dry" standpoint affected by tho "mil- They came at tho call of the "dead" Saxon army corps in the offensive of to health who wore afflicted with in- are part and parcel of the German Cotton is up to tho thirty cents a problems wait. Above all, let there. itary experts," for truth to tell, I atn being "dead" they yet digestion, biliousness or bo no thought or talk of peace or Belgiansfor this year. constipation. propaganda in this country: pound level afiain ns tho result of the relying very largely1 although not, of spake to our country in tones which General von Boehm, who commands Give them a trial when in need ot parley at the moment when victory course, entirely upon n factor which made true formed, uch a medicine, and you are 'Trattling tongues and rattling drought. The annual report of the beckons to valour across wastes every patriot respond. tho new army group recently certain the they are apt to exclude from their Tho sacrifice of Jesus resulted in led the ninth corps which helped to to bo pleased witli the prompt relief brains make the same kind of racket secretary of tho New Orleans Cotton of war. abstruse To the tho of common men At speculations. put transformation sack Louvan. which they afford. End besides getting you in bad they exchange says last year's crop, while this fateful moment we have matter colloquially, I am oacking my into heroes witness tho twelve dis- every reason for high confidence. It old I am constitute, in nine cases out of ten, a million bales less than that of the friend Tommy Atkins for all ciples who were converted from place is tho baffled Hun who should des- worth and every' Instinct of my being seekers Into martyrs, and tho multi- propaganda. preceding year, was marketed for pair. In the past three months the tells mo that ho cannot be beaten. tudes which have since been made "When you hear something that 1.,718,1",.204. ho highest realized enemy has witnessed the tragic failure Similarly, r share M. Clemenceau's over from sensuous creatures or his selfish, might be interesting if true, buckle for a cotton crop In nil history. The fondest, hopes. One after the proud coiifidj-ne- irt French fortitude into humble, self sacrificing men and other his grandiose schemes of con to none in I up chin a littlo and Bureau of Markets of the and valour, vhile I yield women who were counted worthy to your strap tighter department quest have collapsed .in red ruin: and admiration of America's militant man- be called his name. to root a. by trace the grape vino the of agriculture has begun series of today, ufter successive attacks, tin par- hood; and as I pass these grand le- Likewise the first noble band of When you have found the originator public hearings into the cotton market alleled In ferocitv and wanton sacri gions of liberty British, French Bel- fighters who went to the front the o flco of life, he is far off as ever from of your Prussian-blu- mirage, if it is with a view to ascertaining tho cause gian, Italian, Portuguese, American best our country had to give, and who the attainment of his truo objectives, in mental review, I know come gave themselves is true, him; if it is a lie, of the between tho prlc"es is of that, freely and this congratulate disparity This, after all, tho salient fact when ami where it may, tho final on- their chief glory havo enoblcd those knock his block off." of tho staple "cash" or "on the spot" the situation, which the specious slaught of the Huns is foredoomed to who survived. tho for future delivery. rhetoric of Tlerr von Kuhlinann can ghastly failure. shall not pass. left a In that and prices never Such of They They glorious heritage ISKEAD CAST UPON TIIK WATERS. explain away. gains They cannot pass. the commoner men whom they in- ground as the enemy has achieved by I cannot say alt know' of the dis- bulked in cour- of t spired have up added ONE GERMAN WHO WIIJj BE dint furious effort and ruinous position of the allied and of and heroism more than was pos- There were times before the world sacrifices in to troops age MISSED. are slender proportion the wonderful munitionmcnt of the sessed by themselves for they who war when the eyes of native American the bitter price paid for them, and in western armies, but, speaking not died were fewer In number than no instanco has his oc tgiose citizens were somewhat blinded to the In this country the report of the single strategy without some knowledge, I dare affirm who remained behind. complishod its cardinal designs. that the ramparts of freedom are im- ' shall have their reward. advantages of democracy and the death of who fired the . Verily they Rehwieger, For three months and more tho pregnable. The Hun is doomed. I If they become immortal in this; virtues of a cosmopolitan citizenship, torpedo that sunk the Lusltanla will serried legions of Prussia have pressed have the very highest authority for sense alone it would be worth while. In theory and in oratory-w- e bo received with for that If forward the gates of Paris. and. still that view, with tho lailuro of the But again, like shall live regret, that citadel of smtlos next Jesus, they endorsed the principle which one man whose Ameri- proud France German offensive, anything may forever in spirit whatever may be heartily punishment at tho fierce envy of her foes. In happen wave of disillu- the of le made America the "Melting Pot" of cans have to determine. How- certainly a form that final body which hoped front of Amiens the tldo of invasion sionment sweep through the truly Immortal. the nations, and brought to our cities, ever, there are the "higher-ups- " Who rolled back, while tho masterly strat kaiser's dominions. It will then be, our schools, our industries and our nnd will be held to a strict and egy of Generalissimo Foch defeats the chance of our diplomacy to turn A CALL FOlt MR. HOOVER. must every effort to divide tho allied hosts men and women of In- this movement to effet, and to. lay (Grand Rapids press.) government personal accountability. or to sever the unity of the French dawn in out- would I colors and unmistakable terms the We wish Mr. Hoover hurry finitely varied creeds and and British commands. To the north lines of tho great settlement the back from London so we could aslr but one ideal our own ideal of free-doo- writers are the again, the enemy is thwarted and held. reople's peace which Alone can recom- him as man to man whether it is Today's greatest The Channel safe. The Hun for all, forever. como ports are pense tho agony of war. , nocessary in order to win the war that authors of those letters that Is as fiir from Calais and Boulogne as belief of break- In we welcomed all men, but My is that once the Issue we should have string beans for theory from "over there." when first his lust of conquest lured the next hundred is fast because there is a were so cor days determined, merely surplus In practice we not always him towards the sea. events will move quickly. But I won't in our garden. in our manner Dwell a littlo upon these outstand- be dial and appreciative time lick a Thrift Stamp tempted to indulge In prophecy. tiiE.rj Every you toward these Americans. ing facts and remember the bluff and For the present, it is our clear duty TIIK HIGH COST OF EATTXO. voluntary you help gum up tho kaiser's plans. bombast with which the great Ger- to tn Most of us were spend every energy in the pursuit (Thomas F. Logan, Leslie's.) slightly annoyed by man offensive was heralded. Paris In of victory, and to subordinate every The old fashioned housewife who their superficial differences of dress, n. fortnight! Calais in three weeks! Interest to the business of went to market with a dollar b'll in Amiens paramount language and manner, or by their ma AMERICAN BIRDMANiS for the taking! Peace by the In the next hundred days, while May, 1913, now carries sixty 'hree autumn! These were the idle prom- the whole future civilization is at cents additional in the other terial prosperity and amazingly large ise of pocket, KILLELD IN AIR FIGHT with which tho German soldiery stake, no unworthy distractions must if she expects to carry away as m,ieh families, or by their poverty and the was urged to certain death and the divert our attentioit from ' the great in her basket as she got for tho bill economic they sullen fears of the lulled in- task of social end problems B. populace battles. There must be no five years ago. This statement by the a bit Paris, Aug. 16. Llout. Walter to aequleseense. Never were the party Intrigues, no bureau of labor statistics of iihor i 1,, created for us. We jostled thera -- personal vendettas, the 1 Miller of New York City, former mem pledges of the statesmen less honor- no be based an In our way, or when)' ber of who political crises; ministers must department is on average of when the Lafayette escadrllle, ably fulfilled. Kven ns they spoke, left free to devote their whole atten- increases in the food ar- was to tho serv- price staple ' E .... we could not Jostle we addressed them transferred American the braggarts of Berlin must have tion to the conduct of and ticles within the -- mentioned. ice, was killed in an aerial combat on the war, period nd teased them by Inventing for known that they lied in their throats. those who cannot help forward the Throe of the twenty fivo article") con- August 3. But' in all likelihood the next hun- action of the had better sidered show a boost of more than 100 half names wops, HiH ma- great drama - them derisive, patrol, consisting of eight" dred days will wltrtess a last despair- keep silence falls. In iVf.f l i r greasers, was attacked a German till the curtain per cent in the retail price 'hat .,i iim if 'ii guineas, kikes, bohunka, chines, by ing effort of the HiinB to pierce the No easy victory Is in store for us. time, while the least Increase, that for de- squadron consisting of thirty air. line of the allies and to salve hunkies and a score of other taw living Certain as I believe the final triumph potatoes, was 88 per cent. . That the I He fell Inside the American some remnant ' Gas. & Electric to and remind them planes. of the ruined hopes. to be, it will be dearly purchased, with attttudinous flights have-- not been Albuquerque Company. signed emphasize lines. The other members of the pa- Iron . It The logic of necessity leaves the loss of our beet and with checked is Indicated - by fttniVK M. "AT YOrit .SERVICE." their flifference from ourselves. trol escaped after a fierce Do bravest, comparisons pt struggle, them option but they hazard all up the tears pr tvineijwitlj precious made of prices last Slay with, those "'- - f - ."..".'"""W. mitl - ' . In I journal vr urn jtut nim ', , jit Latonia IM. I Albuquerque Morning Journal, Saturday, August 17, 1918. SEVEN " CRINGING UP FATHER . BY GEORGE McMANUS

I V 1 ifNtflT ' il WIIAT'OU ) J , (( - A Vb I , ( f)i 0U LL EE VERY i. K ft ' H DONT VjRrTl ( M00RE J I A lW ,IL LET H,M K- TO 40 OUT THE OFFICE O OUT TONIGHTS'- JojLA TOMORROW AN ITLU ! MX I rDfoR rXL-T- t - KEEP M feB?4I sVf, W Klon V Jfe5i OUT LATE! 1 -- S) Vf I KrJ REPAIRS fifia! THAT HORRiD , , j? , ) ' - "O-- l NEED MPf RMiD , CLOSED- j SPffiA f? S 'JvjpL 47 A


Ray Consolidated Copper 23 Y, I Reading 89 Ms MAMIES STAR FURNITURE CO. DEALS S Republic Iron & Steel 91 $2,500 bungalow, modern, Valley ranches are our long suit. 118 West Clobi. Southern1 Pacific 87 want to land it will Southern 24 Bleeping porch, garage, Fourth If you buy pay Railway ward. to sea us. We clime Texas . 1 51 Vs you have several Have a Company , $2,600 stucco, bath, etc., in farms now can bo for Moiukiriui Mud heavy Step Ladder, Rood Union Pacific ,.124 A modern brick with largo that bought; Sfc, to pick fruit, $2.00. A name as ARE U. S. cement walks and coping, also corner worth the money. new CQNFirJEO 10 Industrial Alcohol 127 all on lot sleeping porch, lot, only flvo luxia tent, $U i.UO. Phone 40!!. 1 1 1 adobe, 70x142; blocks from United States Steel v ..... Third ward. pontofflce. Owner bus & CO. Utah Copper , 81 ',4 left town and has put the price TOMTOM Four rooms and bath. large glaisod $1,900 frame, modern, glassed- to " -in down $2,200. If you vatu a nice I'll IK INSURANCE AGENTS and screened sleeping porch. Four porch, shade, good outbuild- little home at a ' Hit ADSTKKKT'S KEY I ' West bargain, you hud Third and Gold blocks from West Central. Close PROFESSIONAL A FEW liW. ings, Lead avenue. better look at this one. See CARDS. FAMES $3,250 stucco bungalow, In. Some cash und $18 per month New York, Aug. 1C. Bradstreet's . Bleeping porch, garage, University A. L MAIIIII CO. will handle. It will pay you to tomorrow will say: Heights. JOHN IV. Ull.hON $4,760 cement REAI ESTATrJ, FIRte INSURANCE investigate. Owner leaving town, War orders dominate every line and block - Attorney and shingle residence, hardwood LOANS. New Brick, good porches, and will sacrifice. Bee National Rooms 15. 17 and la. Cromwell Building for are 16 ?1 General Motors Removed From supplies ordinary purposes floors, hot air furnace, corner lot, Phonsj West Gold built-i- n features, bnsement, furnace, Investment Co., 102 North Third. J.'hJne greatly curtailed. Conservatism In good location, Fourth ward. garage, trees, for only $:t,70U. Good the Issues to Be "Cleared" ' regular channels, whether flowing $2,300. shingle bungalow, terms. iitt.S7f.. H kaff"' " from damage to the corn in th modern, bullt-l- n in crop features, hardwood Airadihp R. MiCU'GHAN Dental Hurgroa Future; Only 180,000 southwest, from lessened demand for floors, glassed sleeping porch, Fgai5ii 210 West Gol.l Phone 907 Rooma Bnniett Llmluing 744 men's belief t'hut FOR SALt Wnacelianejous. Phoue goods, from prices garage; 4th. ward. for Insurance, liouns, Notary Public Appointments Made by Mall Shares Exchanged, have reached die zenith point or from Open Agency n, restrictions ti.Vl.E, hulttcKS Ulld burfgy. tTvbvr placed upon A. .HJLHSCiER with Old Line Life' In- Chne. Mann, old A Ihuqueriiu. Dentist nonessentials is almost over- JJ! Rooms Me thereby Real Loans ' surance FOR RENl Rooms. FOK SALF. Eight "foot show-ca- jTpply nl Building lT MORNING JOUSNL SPSCIAL LIASID WlRI shadowed. Indeed, the great major- Estate, Insurance, Company. Address Mil!' 111 al shop. .'I'. .South Sieond. .. I'll I Wl( IANS ANII pit ItGKONM .. 1 of wholesale South Fourth Street. New York, Aus. 6. ity trade reports testify BOX -- '" was Trading today to continued 321, JOURNAL. Foli SALE Team of horses ami llaitiess, (. t.. E. KOVe'K unimportant. The nominal turn- good flemand, ruling Nortlt. 001 North Twctflh. ac- ggjd coiidlllon, cheap. 1,'St' Kev Location. over of 180,000 con-fine- largely, however, on shares was asain d government FOR SALE x horse r "iiniTiii "litiit; itooins Iturnett Hull. to a few count, exceptions to this being noted l''OK RENT Furnlsried rooma fur light P'w ling favorites. Investment lious. Iteeping. f,2t Went Silver. used piillb-- and clinch, r.nrgulii. i'tione O.r, Phones. Office fo'.. Resilience Still. issues to a ,in dispatches from districts of the FOUND. ' participating negligible 1'Olt SALE Good '4 tt .iT. Ml KI'lTv",M. T southwest where both cotton and un FOR RENT Modern rurmsiteu iuumii Uu gelitlb driving oulfll, degree. r oo.u-hi- lour and, bmwn iIhs. one onu 401 l.intlted to corn Re- elck; running water. KSHi West Central. double, single. North Practice Tulierculoals Wright One of the have been hurt by drought. mare mules, branded n, , f ahotilder Thirteenth. Phono !)i;. Office significant incidents of On It In Ha ..)' FOIt ItlCNT. biill'ling: opposite postoffice. hours, tail trade is fair to good for a mid- Hilary Hoard, 'Ailmniicniuo, jv 'Light lloUNekeepillfi looms; 10 11 . nv. S to 3 m. the session as illustratinp the con- CATTLE RANCH FOR no West Coal. FOU S.M.l: One rally equipped b, d roll (n p. Phone, office summer same true children, tilt 89J-- 3K7-.- servative attitude of period and the is for catiiplng In goo.l condition; not umoI residence the exchange was LEASE. FOR RENT Rooms en an order General of collections, except from the south- HELP WANTED. 013 wewk, oaiu, by elck. Aitdr.BS c. U., Journal. uii7iUAKAHktu rXiTrtt iUGirTf removing Motors west. It needs to be of no sick; over Golden Rule Store. from the issues to bo "cleared" in the recalled, All under fence, fineBt and FOU SALE Two good douLie car- Practice Limited to Wontrit'e mid Chll course, that in the northern half of grass Male. 1'Olt LK.NT Housekeeping and sleeping flrell's Diseases future. General Motors ' and one has been one abundance of water. Ten foom " 2 riages single buggy. Apply Joe W A NT I ; I ) A (1 rooms. Hotel. ZW' North K. &7I. of the most sensational the country crops have been quite a p ci in Zmk 1'ull- - Lewis at A. J. Uiicheehl's store. ll? f.jiitral Phone AlbiiouerniieN.M and unstable ranch house. In Zuni Mountain man Cafe. Second. features of the stock market. To- uniformly good. District. This is an foil SALE A" 'Mm pity bid, lilt. ktltA It f ")K l.H excellent FOH HUNT Newly furnished room and dmappeurllig to Children. day's action resulted from an ex- for WANTED Experienced man for milk house practically aood as new. Itea.ion for sell- Pnietlre l imited range fattening sleeping porches; reasonable rates, bli Rooms 1 and 8. haustive investigation of CHICAGO BOA1U) OP TKADK. Lease cag. work. Apply Bcleks Dairy. 11)03 North ing remodeling home. 3 A West Lead. Office Wright llldf. its specula- for season, 10 cents per Fourth. North Second. Fourth and Gold. tive ramifications. No. 1 acre. Will also sell. Address Foil KENT Nice room, ug all FOIt SALE weight Hours p. m. to 5 p. m. 16 weath- WANTED sleep) porch, 10..0. drhhighorae i Money once more a deter- Chicago, Aug. Improved Teacher of manual training modern conveniences. call One wagon slieel. one buggy polo. Phone 2076. Office Phone till proved er conditions more In the and Finely located, One set Residence rent although local bankers were than offset The mechinlc. Itlo tlrande illTi West Copper. double harness, light. Tu sei. of corn market the bullish effect McGaffey Company, School, llox Tiiir, ciiy, single harness, .me heavy, one runabout quoted ns deprecating reports of un- today FOU RENT FurnlNhed rooma and house- with of unfavorable Prices GOVERNMENT NKBDM ao.OOU umorellu, very cheap. One dandy WANTED due stringency. Call loans on mixed crop reports. Albuquerque, Jf. M. CI.KkliS l keeping apartments, all now and modern. One Dwellings. closed q to net lower M3 spring wagon. single, cot, Iron. 620 collateral held at 6 cent unsettled, 4c Washington. Examinations everywhere In North Heventh. .North Second. W ANTEDTlireeTo't- 7ouorniTl1lKe?vu'h per while with $1.61 to time funds were limited to small re- September $1.61 August. Experience unnecessary. Jifen and RIO GRANDE HOTEL Rooms and apart- and biitb; will pay between las October $1,63 to Oats women desiring aoor sleeping newals. and 4 $1,63 4. government uoslilona utile ments. 619 Wist Central, llrl. Richard uOe per gallon. Roofs under our ear will nnd liCi. Write 110? North Twelfth street, finished c to 1c to pro- fjr free particulars to J. 0. Leonard, dorm- 1 3 S, noon P. m. Rails up, and f! 18.75: $17.75 West. Proprltress. Improve from year to year. We can put ob or phono between ti nndj and industrials were irregular visions off 12c to bulk, 19.00; er Civ 'I Seii lce Examiner.) lO.IS Ker.ols a new and 7. 5 IMPERIAL ROOMS --Nk oluan roomn, root that will last a long aa the sluggish. Jl (8)18.50. Bldg., Washington. ' . Weakness in the corn market did rates by day or week; over Woolwortli's. building. The M annuo Co. Phone Uttl-- FOR RENT Tvlieceftancou-- Liberty at the year's new high not develop until after material new Sheep Receipts 10,000. Lambs, CK) VKlum'K.N htdd tlvll service hlx. 319 2 West Central dO South Walnut. of $100.14 and a slow. amlnatlons tlllIn moderate reversal in upturns In values had taken the generally steady; sheep Alliuquernue In Antrim. FOIt RENT Large room EKlb) carbon root eou root nimBhia and Riga to jemee Bpriaga; asteap place, '0 ijuii clerks to ho airy sleeping pami ft. Arnit. Paris 6's were the move- result re- appointed at Washing- porch suitable for light housekeeping, stops leaks; lasts five years. Use Itevoe ntea Oercle, llnl North contrasting chiefly of adverse opinions ton. n Of - dull Experience unnecessary. Men and 1:111 ments a nnri UUliU Kaunas City Livestock. r,.SQ. Inquire North First. ready paint, floor pilot. Valspar, Jap-a-ta- FoiFiEN dil theater central location v....l(ol.iiU uA garding the crop situation. News of desiring government clerkships write mohair market. Total sales, Kansas 16. Re- 602 2 top and seat dressing. Motor car fin- equipped ready for nuslnesa, par value, aggre- rains about rather free City, Aug. Cattle for free particulars to R. (fom-e- r AMERICAN HOTEL, West Central. completely good brought li icrrv, ish, cold water and be 450. Arthur Kverltt. Jeweler, gated $4, 750,000. Old United States and carried values well below ceipts 800. Market weak. Steers. Civil .Service Kxnmlner), 315 Cohiinliian Opened under new management, house- kalxomlne, satisfied. sents Apply bonds were selling and reason- iot W. Cential, Phone 410, unchanged on call. yesterday's finish'. $17.00 18.2.".; westerns, $10.00l PailMIng, Wnshlngton. keeping sleeping ruoms, rates Th.f.Keleher. AlbHOiierrjUe. Closing: prices: able. Phone 301. Foil BALE Cooper-H- wlt7lam'p.ifo tube Talk of delayed in thy 15.00; cows, $6.2.'i(ii'12.00; heifers. rvmnse. 125. Marsh American Heet 69 threshing , picture frame vs with aaw, For Rent Room With Bo" Sugar northwest to force oats $7.50fi13.00; feeders, $8.00 16.50; WANTED A Kill for 41.-- Soucti. 1J. American Can tended the plain coking. Twelve Jugs, !. fgL.n calves, $6.006S 13.50. West Coal. ,i iXnVlUiNT Iwonirwltn" ea pupiredTaJi'd market upward. Gossip was current Jugs. ach. Thirty-gallo- n American Smelting & 77 FOR RENT Furnished rooma, 41 West r; hot wa board. 410 East Central. Refining. also that many Illinois farmers were Hogs Receipts 3,000. Markei W ANTE D Co liipel?nh woui u! 7ii no tt r tank, 3 In film American Tel. A Tel. sales - sick, no children. f. developing tank, oats would $ 8.25 & 1 F.eonomlst. t.t. KtVirilENfEast ruoiii with porch; board. Anaconda binning their and not sell higher. Bulk, 8.90; heavy, FOK RENT Desirable no llanna Hanna. Master Photographers. Copper .. 66 ',4 WANTED--ExiHlieni- front room, elck, pr v a t amlly. 5i3 South High. Atchison at present levels. $18.60(1)19.00; light, $18.00(8)18.80; nTtTUss; White or children. 714 West Hllver. ef .. ' Front Cafe. RENT Rooma with porches. & Provisions lacked One of pigs, $16.501il7.50. FOK sleeping Haltimore Ohio ...... 64 4 support. Full HUNT Furnished room wTth "sleeping hot and cold water, 1st class table board. the reasons was WANTED Girl for aoiielul houauwurlc, -- U roR 8Ai,a Butte & Superior .. given the fact that Sheep Receipts 2,000. Market porch. Table board next door. 601) West ONE Cnsn de Oro. 013 West Gold. 254 stocks of In West Marquette. Gold. Centrifugal pump and California Petroleum .. 60 lard warehouses here steady. $16.00(d18.25; year- motor. With KENT Sleeping porch furnished ,i showed a increase. WOMAN For no FOR KENT Two desirable rooma pressure control Ap- foil Canadian Pacific ..157 substantial lings, $11.0015.50; wethers, $10.00 general housework; euuk. sleeping ply D. Weinman, care Economist. rooms, first-clas- s table board. 101 South 14.75 Ing. Address Bos 621, with clothes and 414 West Central leather .. 69,i Closing prices: ewes, $9.0014.00. Albuquerque, press 'bath. Itdlth. Phone S0. Mr Abbott. & WANTED Good girl for gHneiaMinus.-woik- Gold. Chesapeake Ohio ...... 57 H Corn Sept., Oct.. $1,03 4. FOK RENT Nice room and porch suitable $1.61; Denver good wages; good place, (ill West silver. FOR RENT Fort -. Chicago, Mil. & St. Paul.. .. & Oats Sept., 70c; Oct., 71 c. , Iivestock. Large loom furnished; modern SALE At th'Mi.'r's o.r." for two with board, rates 135.00. Phone Girl 400 i ner 8ir,., Chlno Pork Denver, Aug. 16. Cattlo WANTED for housework" Aiiply conveniences and heat 'for winter. First slreet and avenue A lot ir,1-- :io Arnn. Copper . . 38 Sept., $43.66; Oct., $44.05. Receipts ' Coppr Sooth 200. Market 707 West Gold; Soiiih Seventh. of furniture and Colorado Fuel & Iron . . 47 Lard Sept., $20.65; Oct., $26.60. steady. lieef steers, Upstairs, Stern Apts. flxtuiej. iucimlinK .,ne eleo. SnSTWTiiriSKEEroT tbeTockhart Ranch m cows . FOR RENT front room I'1'' Plnyer-plan- ne Crucible Steel . . 6 S Ribs Oct., $24.67. $9.00 10.00; and heifers, $7.5! WANTED Girl for aene'ial liouaowurin Large and sleep- upright piano, bur has moved to 603 South Arno, whur- - she ., Sept., $24.50; 410 South . Si and $7.50 two In 17 Kaei ing porch.' Third, for gentle- outfit, typewriters, cash register, show oa.-.i- seekera. Phone Cuba Cane Sugar . . 29 10.00; stockers feeders, Only family. Apply at II no la prepared to take health 4 1 m 1 Central. man; invalid. Private family. Inquire step ladders, large heating stoves, shelf Krie . 15 11.00; calves, $ 0.00 2.50. 1335. .. U LIVESTOCK MARKETS. ' ' Mrs. Tlllon Hugh. lander and Hack, roll dcHk, plat-for- Hogs 100. Market W ANT FJ P W oin a n" o'r" g?r T"foT j" cookT iliagrapli. Great Northern Ore Ctfs. . . 32 Receipts steady. Gl" scale, trucks, onice desks, El, JAR DIN ESCONJiIDO The convales- wages. Must be good eook. Phone ti."l be- chairs, Great Northern pfd . . 92 Livestock. Top, $18.70; bulk, $18.20(018.70. ElgmanOB. shelving and counters, copper measures, bot- cents Itleul hnrte. Has room with private Chicago tween 8:0 and 10 n. m. Inspiration Copper .. 61 Chicago, 16. Cattle on RENT Furnished room tling outfit, bar glassware and other articles both. Alao desirable fouble room, vacant. Aug. Receipts Woman with sleeping too numerous Int. Mer. Marine Pfd. Ctfs. . .100 4,000,- Market slow. Beef cattle, good, Chicago puonrcE. WANTED for general tiouework porcli, bttly preferred.101 South Waller. to mention all goes dirt cheap 1S01 West Central, rhone 111!. and cooking. Two udulta. Good wages for cash, no decent offer refused. The Kennecott Copper .. 33 choice and prime, $16.25&18.fi5; o kSni' Large room Wiio atevptn SHADY NOOK offers excellent room LOUlSVllle Rr 4 16. Market and home. Call In person at 1124 Euat Cen- Meyers Co., Inc., Corner First street and ranch TMnuhirlllo ..114 common and medium, $10.00 fi 16.25: Chicago, Aug. Butter porch; Ideal for two. (16 Bast Central. and board. the to get strong. firm. 40(8)44 tral. Don't phone. Copper avenue. Just place Mexican Potrnlnm 'mi butcher stock, cows and heifers, $7.25 Creamery, 4c. y For rates phone J4tf9F-4- ; free transportation Miami 7,715 cases. H. B. Copper 27 Vj W14.00; ranners and cutters, $6.50(ff Kggs Higher. Receipts FOR SALL Uvettock. Accommodations now available. Mra, Missouri Pacific 23 stockers land Firsts, 37iff384c; ordinary firsts, 35 Thomas. 7.50; feeders, good. cases 36 WANTED Eperlenced Spanish saleBladles. FoU SALE Fox Montana Power 69 calves, $10.7517.50. J ?)36 4c; at mark, included, terrier, male, New York $7.50013.00; &'37 J. C Penney Company. .. 7il West Lead. til'EcjAl, rates madu to plcato and fishing Central ... 73 Hogs Receipts 12,000. . Market 4c. ' parties. Call I5S3-- ' BUSINESS CHANCES. Northern Pacific 89 Potatoes Higher. Ttecetpts 37 FOR SALE Two well erokeo oow ponies. 4 strong. Butchers, $18.9019.55; ears. WANTED if you need! a" carpenter, caii if" FOK SALE Albuquerque Hotel, 14 rooms. Pennsylvania ; Minnesota Ohlos, hulk, $2.25 Beiemek'a Dairy. Phone 151. 43 light, $19.0019-65- packing. $17.65 Durllng. Phone 16K3-J- . 316 South First. 2.35; same, Racks, $2.40 2.45; Illi- FOR SALtIouses. FOR SALE A fresh cow with two months ) WANTED To nois $2.20 2.25. s buy the best twelve hundred I Two ami Ohlos, l2,ooos-Term- old heifer calf; lsa llelglati hares. Apply Ft It RUNT buildings at Seventh FU!ATlEra7nuTie3"ftomet or pound horae six years old. John' Maun. Avenue. to IS. Poultry Alive, higher.' Fowls, 28 - ' nt Angeles Phone 227. Oeneral Apply J. Kldtir, pays 10 per cetit. Phono Owner ,685;- room" office' P304c; springs, 314c THE RIO GltANDE Dl.'ROO HOG of WANtEDteiqittou and fui agent. Soli BALE In Old Town, adobe CO., Will The. breeders reg- pay reasonable price. Itiono FOIt SALE Hotel, seventeen well furnished, bouse. Price JVTiO.00. I: O. JJox 3d, Old Albuquerque largest of ai9C-J- . (Additional Markets on Pago Four.) ' istered 7n the Cun rooms, centrally located, close ti depot. Albuquerque, N. M. hogs southwest. supply you with herd boars and young sluff at WA NTED Second Owner will sacrifice. See National luveet BALE Nice furnished a h'alidofVl"fi7rnljiuiltl FOR home, and moderate prices. We can also supply you good condition. Call Room , 101, Combs ment Co., 10J North Third. good paying business, 14.000. half cash. with medicated crude oil for lice, at 50c per Hotel. FOR RE Bungalow. Journal office.'- Plain crude oil at 25c Nl Dwellings. gallon. per gallon. WAN'J'ED To rent small furnished room- MONEY TO LOAN. FOR HALE 101 ftrTntTmwtern bungaiowT Oil furnislrod to all pitr club members Tree. l!!!l!I!!!lllIIIEli!!H!lHIIIIII!Iil!l Office U'lU South Third. ing house In or out of city. Address H North. fenled. House suitable for boarders; hii Joornul. LirmB'TTOOANo two screened porehea. liox 6,, care Journal Iff Wear Oold. CltT Realty r (MWe tie. KENT Three-roo- unfurnished housa Out buildings. FOR. WANTED Al one. second hand furniture SALEAutomobilt;.. and kitchen also cook atove .or Like shade; outbuildlngi; 110 00. Inquire 1300 FOR RALE Nine room bouse; - four room utensils; the ceaseless turning of a great wheel, FOR SALE 1S17 Phone 2198-J- . CARPEERU North Second, apartment upstairs; bath room on each MxltfTruTl'as's ronge. One tremendous in a Irot water condition. Call at 111 South Fourth. WANTED Doctor wisiiea to lo- operating machinery plant FOR. HUNT Furnished home, two rooma, floort heat: lawn, ahade treea purchase FOR CAKPENTKR work, reasonable. Drop and t;15 West Coal. Foil SALE two-to- n '""buIo tFuck cution to metllclno In New Mex- una leeplng- porch, nice yard and out bulld-ln- s. gsrarre. eight pructlce Card North Vlrrt etT.t. From the in lSOD North Hecond. FOR KALE (Uy Owner) modern months old, best condition. 4o? Boutir ico. Address Doctor, cure Journal. moment ot their insertion the Inquire Seventh. FOR RENT Three-roo- furnished modern brick (first ward), hardwood floors, two HIGHEST CASH PltlCR PAID FOR JUNK TYPEWRITERS. Want Columns of the 'Jour- basement. Price O. Albuquerque Morning houe, large Bleeping porch. 024 Writ porches, 13,(00.00, P. Full SALE Oakland "Sensible Six'' tour- BY TUB BOCTIIWeSTKRN JUNK CO.. ' Wo 213. Cltv. or KM the WANT ADS New York. Inquire 813 South Flrnt. ing cor, wilt trade Box 114 WnST LEAD PHONE C19. W8 ALSO TTPE WHITE All maaea. evertrauled and nal, operate incessantly, tirelessly, 341', Phone 1018.1 A- Honth. HUH BALE OK KENT Modern furnished B1TT OLD AtlTOB. repaVed. Rlbbona for every machine. ' 5 1U17 QUICKLY, house.' rooms and bath, Inrire porches, FOR NAI.E Overland WANTBD Beoond-.Nan- men s bora' lbuquerque Typwrlter Exchange, phot 'Id one-rgo- and FOR RENT Furnished liouw other llonse-hirt- U South Fourth with cellar, garage and outbuildings. Bar- at special bargain. Will take In d clothes, ahoea and underwear. Alao trunk cnnvnsB f.1 8 sleeping porch. Light and water gain for quick sale, Bouth High. furniture. M West Central. Phone 438. and cases. Call 19. nd Meeting Thousands of eyes-Te- lling month. suit Chicago paid; $10.00 per Inquire till West SALE Cement block bouse rooms SALE One Uulek hand H7 Flrat. ' " Coal. FOR five FOll "Fotir,''""tliorouglily store, iouth leeplng porfh, cellar, city water, corner overhauled, 8425; one good WANTE False Teeth;- Will as what is needejd,' most in in car Ford, tunning puy high demand, lot one block from line, handy to rhnps shape, K'OO. Address Thornton Jones, cure 112.5(1 for full ' sets. Mull. Cash for old walk of Jlighlana a little cash and 12 per month. Call 1301 H. K. Leonard. Soham, N. M. Silverware. Sailsfuctl"n or returned. MAIL STAGE every life, every industry, every vocation. Phone' goods FUR UiSNT Furnuhed rooms. $U South nnth An" ll).W FOR"saXe A 1914 model Western Metal Co., ftloomlngton, III, Phone call arlywhereany time, Witter. Phone VO. FOR RA LE residence In High-eland- Paige car. latest equipments, Jus over- WANTE rom" "to- -t lo' Lv. silver City 7 a.m.; ar. Mogollon p.m. Telling eyes the. needs of others DT(Wba"gsTPe1rf 7 your Can EDO Lv. "a.m.; ar. FoH RENT Furnlslaed two-ruo- cottage. Worth 13,000. and 1.0 will awing hauled, at a bargain. be seen nt Sandla, each. tona aerap Irdn. Pay from Mogollon Silver City $ p m. Inquire 1204 South Edith. It. The amount the house will rent for will seven miles north of Los Lunaa. Address H. to per Ih. patriotic duty. St. Iwiula Best equipped auto Itvary In euuthweet. the of labor balance on monthly payments. Phone Lyngholrn. Los Lunaa. N. M. Junk Co., e South First street. Phone 173. 1 BENNETT MOTOH TRANSII CU. Skillfully managing exchange FOR RENT Furnishes wo. room couace pay Bi. 12S7-- P. O. Bo 4W. CltT. 8A LE A f o7--' aSnie ui Sliver City, U. mental and to ex- with sleeping porch. 10! South Walter. Address FOIt prise iine,"Bea7itif MATTRESSEd renovated, In same or new physical, helping buy, sell, rent 1918 .Mitchell car, new. a ' FOll KB-N- Four-roo- house two nearly snap tick. Furniture repaired, upholstered and and in scores of other glassed Cash, $1,300; terms. l,2.'iij. It will be re- change, employ ways. in porcnes. water pain, 114. Phone 16S2-- rcflnlshed. Springs festretched. Satisfaction duced f JG each Week till sold. Act quickly. Mattress TIME CARDS. RENT Three-roo- gitaranleeil. Alhutiuerque Factory. FOR furnished cottage. WANTED Clerical postrme. by Phone 68.V Second week August 13 to 20. Second. 471. Surely it will you a thousand (17 Buuth youpg lady Phone , repay Inquire Broadway. Phone tlM'J. experienced In general hfflce worlc. 8. H. fold three-roe- office. WANTED To sell or trade for or to read and use the WANT AD ' FOR RENT Nicely furnished M., Journal RENT sheep ai-- FOR ranch one has five 1 cottage, 118.00, llghta paid. Phone J Position office Apartment. property, farm, COLUMNS of the WANTED by experienced room modern artesian well, lo- FOR RENT New modern with man. Bookkeeper, anlesman or clerical httngalow, " cottage FOU RENT cated at llu.ttlnifton California. In- In store or office. Adyiress B, 8 Journal Furnished apartment!. Elms Beach, glMiwd sleeping porch completely furnish- line corner of M. L. Rox 4.14. ed. 1106 1S87-- ' Hotel, First and TIJeraa. quire Garcia, Magdalena, South Walter. Phone WANTED By nurse, position . manager N. M. three-roo- , ATCHISON, TOPFK. SANTA KB FOR RENT Modern furnished on wilt consider lease for New FOH RENT Two and apart-ment- flat East of sanltorlum. CO, Mirisini Central car line, convenient to sanator-lum- s. Mexico. Address "Nurse," care Journal. and sleeping rooma. Highland JioiriS A House. Westbound. Thaxton Co., Third and Gold, WANTED Position Hpanlsh teucher or prin No. Class. Aerlvu. FOR RENT Furnished or Tl.n.pii i:3i5!!:Sl!llllllIIII!lll!II!l!a,lllli!l fottage, modern, cipal. Life certificate, long experience, best FOR RENT Three four room furnish. 1. The Scout 7:10 8:30 More-nea- 10(1 FOR SALE fin TRADE Near pm. pm. glassed porches; University car lines. Address D. B. modern; South 8lxth. Osnge, Okla., 3. ..ll-lUn- references. Morrill, apartments, Block, ract. California Limited t.m pp Phone 381, mornings. 1324 East Cen-tra- l. wchool. El Pasn, Tnonlee Ravnv hotel office - Improved What have youT 7. am! ih! Keys Ta Uov Cllne. Osnire. okla Fargo Fast 10:45 11:18 am. v For insertion the Sunday issue, get your, THE WASHINGTON 1003 West Central S. The Navajo l .aOain. 8:30 am. FOR SA LE ill. 500. 00 will buy two delight- copy in We cannot insertion if FOR RENT Modern, completely furnished Only one small partly furnished apartment evilllllluuDU, early. guarantee four-roo- a ful, modern mountain homes on the Pecos 01. El bungalow with sleeping porchee left, but It's dandy. Phoue 2423, or call 100 acres Paso Express .... . 10:11pm, is not five-roo- river. Including of land adjoining copy received before p. m. 105 South Cedar, II. A. Thorn FOR BALE Furniture for house.! J. D. Enkln. Prop. the Ranch SOL hit Paso Express ... 11:46am. Valley resort. This offer hnlrta . a Phone 033. All complete, inquire- iu .North Edith. good to 1st, For ,. 1514-- only Sept. further parti- 10. nnasnniW, ...... Phone culars Box US. M. The Scout ...7-1- am. Don't neglect to call and get your answers, FOR RENT Office Room. apply Villey Ranch. N. a. l:0Sam. PASTURAGfc. The Navajo ti 00 p,n. 1:40pm. because these little "ads always bring results. 4. California Limited ...4:00pm. T:tiOpm. PEiQNAiV ' i : FOR SALE . Santa Fe FOR KKMT 70 acre, good pasture; i per aptir:. lover Wolwortir aloe. Poultry and Egf Klglrt ::3 pm. 10:2 pro. month. 1 CMHHB. ' Dolde's Ranch, I mllei louth of MRH. H. L. BKrlKST TAXI LINE Phone 'oii"lLlt;N1 from JunuiKitliig ulflve FOK SAI.W Forty f. o. w. LcghoTniTyoung Ills, tows. fJluoa 1121. ' ' rate 14. Kansaa City and 0, Kpeclal to panlea. ' ruuiu out Ouldao Kuh) tiure, lHylng, h.os. Souib Hill, Chicago, ....T:00am. )04 .in VSWelU if vj ....Jspuj, L ! EIGHT Albuquerque Morning Journal, Saturday, August 17, 1918.

CRESCENT HARDWARE CO. PATHOL IIS Albuquerque Man 2 FOREMEN GIVEN Sl8 WEST CENTRAL AVE. Sees Son Battle LAST TIME TODAY 3 Plumbers, Hot Water and Steam Heaters, Tinners NSPEGTING ILL With a German COMMISSIONS House of High-Clas- s Pictures and Music 'Wrot" Steel Warm Air Furnaces Few, If any, fathers who have sent sons the Huns, WILLIAM FOX PRESENTS ABSOLUTELY. GUARANTEED. their to battle against but whom circumstances kee; at I5. N. 1L GRAIN IN STATE CORPS B- g M PHONE ALBUQUERQUE, home, have had the opportunity to At SAM - A Bfk f see those sons in action asalnst the foe, And yet such was the privilege LLIAVI of an man recently. Albuquerque de- Blaine of this city, has a son Two foremen in the mechanical Government Expert will Make Leeper have IT EVIDENT who a a enlisted the army partment of the Santa Fe shops BLUE35 IS year so rail- in "TRUE Piant and Diagnosis from Texas. Since that t!r hl' 1,ai1 received commissioners in the A lot of people in Albuquerque know the goodness Survey much of corps of the I'nited not seen the lad nor Ivan! way engineer's Two-Re- el of Club Ale. in ' Also in Cliquot Ginger of Diseased Vegetables his doings. Recently l.eeprr was pass- States army. Fatty Arbuckb Comedy in this 11. L. Hahn, foreman of the boiler You must remember our special price of bottle, lfe. $3.50 onto of New ing a motion picture theater two dozen is nut to last also have limited Mexico, and ylanced at the shop, received word of his appoint- going always; very city carelessly the war aninnni of I'liquot Chili Sursaparilla, Iliich I'.eer, Lemon Sour, posters advertising a war play wlllitp ment as first lieutenant from at yesterday. He had pre- "Bright Lights" orange Phosphate, price the theater. Leeper had started again department I MS. W. assistant 1111 for a SWI TI ST GRAPES OF Till: SEASON, I3r George Martin, plant on his way when something about the viously made application to sell all we will receive because A. K. (Mill) Expert today the fancy peaches pathologist, who Is employed by the poster him to turn again and commission in the corps. our is 11 12 caused price only, in survey It. saw his own son. N'ye, machine foreman in the machine As fresh wholesale Hi. 2 'J.'ic government makinga plant view There he usual, huttor today at price, 4Sc, for as he shop, who went to Fort Sam Houston. throughout the United States, arrived clad as an American soldier, a V. S. Food License No. now mentioned as the star Tex., to tuke an examination for In Albuquerque morning and is, and also yesterday male commission several days aao, will remain for several character. lieu here days. the theater and saw passed the appointment for first Professor Martin is in Leeper entered oin- - working the There upon the screen tenant, it was lcr.rned by shoo THEATE CRESCENT GROCERY with the county agricultural picture. WARD'S STORE he saw Frank Leeper, his son, crouch- cials yesterday. the country and is men have been in the employ TODAY ONLY agents throughout ing in an allied trench and about Both HOMER n. WARD ROBERT JONES working cast from Albuquerque. advanced and of the company for many years and 815 Marble Avenue. Coal, anil South Walter. go over. Then the line The work in whicn he is engaged, forth to meet the according to officials have given val ....172-173-17- 4 Phone ...... 676 young Leeper leaped HIGHEST CLASS IN EVERY WAY Phones which is being done for the first time, Germans. Soon uable servile. They have received po vari- hordes of oncoming called Is to diagnose the condition of German in hand-to-han- word as to when they will he. coun- he engaged a huge ous cereal crops throughout the combat. It was loo much for to active duty. for u of men EDISON try in preparation corps the father and he forgot he merelv THOMAS PRESENTS the Meccaliees She held the which will follow him. These men lodge. saw WILD-WES- know re- a picture. T SHOW AND number 95. will,, from his findings, the with Frank! Give 'em each district with re- "Stay 'cm, The Girl Scouts will meet at 2 quirements of hell!" he shouted as he leaped to bis PICNIC FOR RED CROSS o'clock this afternoon at the gard to diseased grains and will in he resume.i armory ln feet. Then remembering The struct the farmers arnl ranchers Royal instead of 2:30 o'clock as previously his seat and saw the remainder of the will Pauper diseased vege- A Wild West show and picnic annou need. the methods of fighting where his sou was wounded and lied tation. film, be held for the benefit of the With Uus Mllhelson, assistant boiler in how at last he came through tri Cross at Tom Phelan's grove, six miles Francine Larrimore is spector for the Santa Fe railroad with Professor Martin, who professor tomorrow. Monmouth Mon- umphant. south of the city, heailiiiai'teis at La Junta, was in the of biology at college, "When I saw that picture my son in of the entertain- Story By Henry Albert PliiliH. declares that in some Thos,e charge city yesterday. mouth, III., was just about landing in France," ment declare that a program of states he finds as high as SI per cent so to large (ieorge Denny, formerly postmas- said. "It seemed real mirth-provokin- g have been 39 to 40 leeper features ter in Old Albuquerque, died in Den- smut In wheat. He says per see him when I know that he to the en- oc- there, provided and promise stir 'THE STRENGTH OF MEN' ver two weeks to word cent of diseased grain Is a common the same scenes ago, according is probably enacting thusiasm of the most confirmed TWO PART NORTH WOODS. received here. currence. in now. son was an actor A admission Martin has earnest My grouch attending. small Mrs. H. L. Patton has resigned' as In New Mexico Professor for two before he entered the disease. Near Dent- years fee will be charged. head of the bote and depart- found some plant that is how he came t.i in the enter- 1 10c bakery smut army and The leading characters to 6 Admission ments of the food administration. She ins he found attacking sorghum have a part In the picture." tainment will be Mademoiselles Leona 10c cane and carries with hityi of Com- 6 to 11 Adults 15c, Children will be succeeded in the position by samples Frank Leeper Is a member of Content, Louise Le Sage, Josephine two kinds of smut-stricke- n cane. At 1.. T. Kershaw. A, 111th engineers, A, E. F. Bourson and Perriette Fontain and on the outskirts of pany The garment rooms of the Red a ranch Albuquer- Monsieurs Mark Courtesole, Marcel which he visited yesterday after- Cross are temporarily closed. Women que, Sallaron, Slanislan Coffin, Henri noon, he found a small field of sor- 34 GIVEN DIPLOMAS; work are requested to do Eugene Maillard and Charles returning which contained some smut. siL- - so between 3 and 4 p. m. ghum SPEAK AT Vnilsi'ilHilntjltriiuii , ir aiti "Smut Is worse he WAGNER TO Faissart. Miss Wilnia who has re- growing yearly," Watts, In the north. This Is for the left said, "especially EXERCISES IN FALL sided in the city past year, one reason that the government Is YOUR HAULING BY TONS last night for El Paso, Texas, where sending out men on this work. The Motorized Delivery. she will make her home In the future. Thirty-fiu- r of the summer Is by Henry's idea is to assist the farmer both for students Skinner's fore- Phono OS. Frank Repman, roundhouse In school twenty-eigh- t of the Grocery own benefit and order that he Including tit San his man for the Santa Fe railroad will a eighth grade and six of the high a become larger producer." Persona who wisa to renew or lake Mareial, was visitor at the shops seed treatments for oat smut school were given diplomas yester- Marcial Two out In the Red Crow Yellow Na- yesterday. He left for San are recommended by There were no exercises given or membership Uarllett Pears, Peaches, which highly day. an so by nt Strong's Book lust night. which are com whatever displayed. lo calling Professor Martin and any formality O. A. Matsnn A Co., Grlnishaw's tive White Arthur Ames, former machinist ap- follow: The students presented them- Store, Cantaloupes, Grapefruit, Grapes, em- piled by government experts, just or Mrs. H. B. Ferguson, or by phoning prentice in the local shops, now Mix one for office of Superintendent Dry Method pint of selves at the chairman of the Membership com- Red Plums, Native Watermelons, ployed at San Mrcial, has returned with one of water and Johr. Milne and received the token tb Lare work a to various maldehyde pint mittee. No. 13S1-- to there after trip use in a small hand sprayer. Atomiz for satisfactory completion of their California Oranges. points in California. cr snravers can be purchased for work. An Fe employe of the Santa railroad from DO to 75 cents. the solu Milne announced black- Spray Superintendent announced last night that the tion on grain as this is being shoveieti last that honor due these grad- Fe now is night WANTED of Plums . . . $1.50 smith shop of the Santa over, holding the sprayer close to uates of the eighth grade will be Pjox good 100 cent man per union, every having grain and taking care that the mist shown them upon their entrance Into with machine to go Joined a labor Supci-intende- Party . . organiaation. is well distributed. One stroke of the high school in the fall. State Box of Peaches. $1.60 and $1.75 S. In to Hell 411 West large C. Rrasher, chief clerk tht sprayer gives enough mist for each J. H. Wagner of public in- Canyon. master mechanic's office at the Santa shovelful of grain. One quart of solu- struction has consented to make the Central Avenue. of Tomatoes... 25c Fe shops, and M. T. Murphy, chief tion will treat fifty bushels. When all exercises to be Three Pounds Ripe left address at the formal ANEVER-TO-BE-FORGOT-TE- clerk of the store is into Pile aml of a department, grain treated, shovel a given- September 4, the day after the picture girl's for Demlng on q as di re- of ,25c name blackened yesterday morning carefully cover for five hours, opening of school. Those who Six pounds large cooking Apples. good business trip. in wet method. The until her fighting wins rected the grain ceived diplomas from the eighth grade spirit Hospital Arthur McCoI-lu- be sown after the it back and then adds the hap- Sergeant mav immediately yesterday are: The Real Hoover Candy Preserves ,40c of love. Don't now stationed at Camp Travis treatment, or allowed to air thoroughly Etta York, Edith Large jar pure piness perfect Is to in Albu- Gladys Pennington, Chocolate Shop unocoiaies) miss this splendid romance Tex., expected arrive and stored in disinfected sacks or bins Katherine Burroughs. Julia querque on to visit his Chldester, now playing at today furlough until needed. Gonzales, Castillo, Margaret sister, Mrs. Robert Miller, and his Wet Methods seed until Magaret GRIMSHAW'S Sprinkle Salazar. Frances A. Burgess, Forrest No. father, J. R. McCollum. moist with solution of one Second and Central ' Pulled States Pood Administration License thoroughly Roseoe Votaw, William a i n Goa Vnn" - LYRIC THEATER Switch No. 232. which was to A'pplyby, W 'uyi riUIHII"rV V T..aWilt C W rrw engine pint of formaldehyde forty gallons Alfred Green, Charles uen-fr- in a head-o- n collision with over to Rodgers, LAST TODAY. damaged of water, shoveling repeatedly George Stevens, TIME a train in the San Marcial the Napoleon Salazar, freight distribute moisture evenly. Forty Louis Charles O'Keddy, John several days ago, has been of water will treat bush- I,opcz, yards gallons sixty Albion E. Fleldler, Joseph M to the local for in to a cover with Simon, A. brought shops repairs, els. Shovel pile and B J. F. Raymond Skinner l'.oth crews two Casulll. James Lyons, 205 St. engine escaped injury by sacks, canvas or blankets, for Miller. Estelle BRITISHERS Phones 60, 61 and 63 South First Just before the crash. over in Hollnwav, Arentrne Dumping hours night. Dry by spreading A. Elizabeth The Bon of Chester Brizius, an em- thin and occaslonolly Brodell, Harry James, ENLIST NOW! Chicken. a layer stirring DeLong and Frank Spring Young Veal, ploye of one of the telegraph com- with a rake. Seed may be sown when Stong. Rogester Mutton, Pork, Heel. In panies, was bruised when the bicycle enough to run freely through the Dlnelli. All persons wishing to enlist the Sweet eorn, mangos, eueuni-bei-- dry who from the or forces are re- lie was riding .collided with an auto- drill, setting the drill to sow about The six graduated Br(tish Canadian lettuce, eirnpliint, celery, Gold school are: Alice Hardie, Helen quested to call on the undersigned. mobile at Second street and two more per acre, to allow for high Mkw-shal- preen lientis, hwirl potatoes. pecks Flora l, Home - grown cantaloupes avenue yesterday noon. Richard Guy, the swollen grain. If to he stored for Alderman, Lupe 8plr, Let Us Send a Man WANTED. Alvina Postal, Margaret Lee. British Canadian Recruiting watermelons, grapes, tipples, who was driving the car, police say, several days or longer, dry thoroughly. Mission To Replace That Broken Window California peaches, Itai licit will be cited to answer a charge of Disinfect sacks, bin and drill, to pre- Glass. TWO DOES . pears, grapefruit. reckless driving. vent reinfection. PROMINENT LECTURER AT ox ci-:- ALBUQUERQUE LUMBER CO. Lieutenant Lottie Schill, who has 280 Sal- HERE TUESDAY NIGHT George Roslington Phone 421. 423 N. First. Phone been temporarily in charge of the WEIGHT OF BALED Resident Officer Matteucei, Palladino&Co. vation Army work in Albuquerque, has received that the officer HAY IN IS one of America's GROCERIES AND MEATS (word STATE Nathan Krass,' who will take charge permanently will greatest speakers, will speak at the 601 W. Tljeras. Phones 495-48- 6 be Captain Ruth Hester. She will ar- FIXED BY STRONG high school auditorium next Tuesday rive today and her assistunt, Lieuten- night. Mr. Krass has won for him A NUMBER, OF ant Florence Westacott is expected E. J. Strong head of the hay andj self a foremost place among tne great within a few days. coarse grain division of Ihe food ad- orators of this country. He is w;ll FARM LABORERS AAA A A AAA A A 4AAAA4AAs4 200 attended new reg- in New York and throughout Approximately persons ministration, has Issued rules known Want positions on farms some Our Better is Tesi fortunate an Ice cream social last night at St. ulating the minimum weight of bales the east and Albuquerque are 2 In with In an of experienced haiyls, i Brothers Paul's F.nglish Lutheran church. of hay New Mexico. The rules having opportunity hearing men Strong Sixth street and silver avenue. Music their follow: this distinguished speaker, ployera needing exceptions see Undertakers was furnished by Horaco Mann and "The minimum "weight of bales of Mr. Krass will speak on war con the PROMPT SERVICE. PHONO Mrs. W. K. Halblg. The church yard the following hays shall he 75 pounds ditions and especially upon the suf Farm Labor Shoes decorated so as to a bale: meadow of innocent1, women and chil- Agent 75. STRONG lil.K., COPPER was represent per Prairie hay, grass ferings JOURNAL OFFICE forest. Trees and shrub- Rhodes dren in the war. zone. The lecture MORXIXG AND SECOND. miniature hay, timothy hay, grass hay. in in comfort bery augmented with colored lights Johnson grass hay, sudan grass hay, will be open to the public. Arrange- Particularly good quality Shoes, the produced this effect. rice straw hay, oat straw hay and ments have been made to have the and an unrestricted of satisfac- at of correct fit, guarantee A. W. Cleland, years ago In the gro- wheat hay. Liberty chorus sing patriotic songs tion These are some of the things you can always be cery business in this city, now a cap- "The minimum weight of the fol- the meeting. GRAZING LAND FOR SALE Al- R0 sure of at this HOUSE OF BETTER SHOES. italist of Denver, Colo., arrived in lowing hays shall be pounds per Suitable for for re- bale: pea- range sheep LOCAL ITEMS buquerque Thursday night and Alfalfa hay, sorghum hay, 50 MEN TO ENTRAIN FOR lease on long or short term lease. But there is more to it than that Distinctive Style, mained here until yesterday morning, nut hay, peavinc hay and corn shucks. Wm. L. Staley & Co., Second and Fran-cisc- o, ' in Ideas from when he took a train for San "Selling huy wholesale It shall he CAMP PIKE ON AUGUST 27 Gold Ave. i Perfection Model, Workmanship, Advance where he has interests and sold by the ton. Selling hay retail, It the Shoe Style Centers, and an unequaled Shoe Service sold not the Tourist lunches. Pullman Caf. where he will visit for several months. shall be by weight and by All of the men In class one of the at these are facts for you ho of of the your command; important I Martin & Thorn. "Taxi. Phone 213. He said on his return to Denver bale, regardless the weight 1917 registration and four from class to consider. Horn Thursday to Mr. and Mia would stop here for a few days. bale. one will he three of the 1918 registration, Kenneth Kepplinser, a daughter. Antonio Sanchez was arrested by "All hay should be baled with used when the local draft board en- EXPERIENCED SALESMAN Come see our Handsome New Shoes We are al- V. B. auditor for the Harvey Stationmaster Kd Sinclair yesterday wires to prevent bulging and breakage, trains men for Pike, Little and for Cotton goods lavis, of in fifty Camp stockkeepcr as to show them as to sell 'them. service, has returned from a afternoon on the charge of stealing the hay handling. Especially Rock, Ark., 27. Orders for department. ways ready trip was this added August west, some babbitt metal. The man should be done where the the entrapment were received by the to in Jail when weight of the bale over the customary ' THE ECONOMIST taxi sentenced thirty days board 4 Men's Better Shoes to $8.00 Tony Mirhelhach, former man, cent of In- yesterday. $3.25 W. W. Mc.Clellan later weight amounts to 25 per x lias started to work in the' Santa Ft he faced Judge Only forty-si- men remain in class Women's Better Shoes 3.00 to 9.50 He wanted to pay crease. ne- machine Bhop. in the afternoon. one of the 1917 draft, hence the the then brought "A rigid compliance with these 1818 Boys' Better Shoes 2.00 to 4.50 Mr. and 11 rs. Kirch of Ix)s the fine but police cessity of using from the regis- Henry him. Thu rules will greatly reduce the number com 5.50 are here for- a second charge against trants. The local board has not Girls' Better Shoes 2.25 to Angeles visiting. They. was that he stole a bi- of ears necessary for the transporta- men who will lived here, latter charge pleted a list of names of Children's Better Shoes ...... 1.50 to 3.50 merly tion of hays. the USED CAR SALE' cycle. compose contingent. - 2.50 The Krarrnal Mystic Circle, Benefit Exception. Babies' Better Shoes i .50 to No. 21011, will meet at 8 o'clock "Where it "that small Look Over the List Ton Way Ruling AND FUNERALS is proven the B. M. WILMAM8 O. DEATHS Find Just What Xou Want. tonight in the I. O. F. hall. baler cannot compress hay Into bales Dentist Harry Shelton has been promoted of 75 and 80 pounds, that the county Rooms 1 and Whiting Building One Overland Touring, In boilei Carlos Gallegos. food federal I, to apprentice instructor the of Mr. administrator inform the Phone No. 684. $276 the Santa Fe Carlos Gallegos, infant son. food administrator for New Mexico Gold. One Overland Roadster. .. .$150 uhop of shops. died at the Corner Renond and Paul Crawford was fined r in po- and Mrs. Doreteo Gallegos, and issue instructions that. One Overland In San Jose temporary con- lice court on the of fumllv residence yestcr In baling hays, those hays taking a touring (in excellent yesterday charge Funeral services will $1 dition) almost new SS0O Ms car the wrong way. day morning. weight of 7 pounds may be baled Into SUITS CLEANED, parking be In San Jose tomorrow morn- One Overland Touring, Clarence Lamb, machinist appren held 60 pound weights and those hays tak- Four suits . $1.25. will be in San Jose ceme- pressed $250 lice, transferred here from ing. Burial ing 80 pounds may be baled into 70 Contract plan. Columbia Cleaning Co. One recently Fred Crollett will be In charge. 0. Dort, Touring $450 the San Marcial shops, resigned liL tery. pound weights. Deliver. Phon One Overland Light Touring, 6- - He will leave for ftve-roo- "The railroad company handling hay position yesterday. FOR RENT Fnrntshed passenger $450 Lenver. not baled to requirements contained in CITY ELECTRIC SHOE SHOP One Wyllis-Knig- ht Touring, new Sleeping and 7- bungalow. porch are to notify the - passenger excellent Miss Alice Lewis has been awarded large basement. All modem improve-m- i' circular requested PHOOTC 687 (an In a contest staged by Close in. of Mrs. Leo-nol- il food administrator of such shipments, FREE CALL AND DELIVER! buy) $1250 a quilt nls. Inquire name Meyer, 701 West Copiier. Tlionc furnishing name of shipper, also BATOTPa, OLD STAND MANY BARGAINS AMONG of 1040. consignee." THE ABOVE. CALL AND Gallup Lump Stove BEST BUY IN STATE CerrUIoa ii2SB BtOTS and norm. Trimble' LOOK THEM OVER Lamp Hahn Coal Co. GENTRY'S EGGS TJerr Mrw J8Z5. Cash Model N Huppmoblle for i 1 Con-ro- Rl Brn. PHONE SPRINGER Ilawklns, Skinner, Champion, y buyers only considered. Phone 1967R. t; ; 6."o dozen. ; KISTLER-OVERLAN- and Son Jose Marker FOR RENT-IDE- AL THEATER D CO. ajrrHRACITE, ALL SIZES; STEAk COAL. HAULS ANYTHING hti- - T10. 618-51- 5 BITTNER HOUSE ROOMS FuIIt rnuinned anil ready for Bryant's Delivery Pbona W. Central. Coke, Mill Wood, Factory Wood, Cord Wood, Native Kindling, Lima. Inow: Immediate possession, Apply FOR QUICK SERVICE Phone . X2 VVct 2 South Hri,l. Phone 221. Everltt, Jeweler. , , cot. Copper.