University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 8-17-1918 Albuquerque Morning Journal, 08-17-1918 Journal Publishing Company Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Journal Publishing Company. "Albuquerque Morning Journal, 08-17-1918." (1918). abq_mj_news/192 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. CITY CITY EDITION ALBUQUERQUE MORNING OUKNATL. EDITION THIRTY-NINT- H VEAU. OU 1'IiVlII. No. 48. Albuquerque, New Mexico, Saturday, 17, 1918. Daily by Carrier or Matt, 70c a Month August Single Copies, fci STIFFENED 111 ES EXCESS PROFITS AL ENS MUST GET OF TEUTONS FAIL WILL BE HEAVILY naiiTP m mm iiM mum i TO HALT PUSH OF TAXED TO AID tt i FUTURE CEIL FOCH'S MEN RAISING REVENUE S ORDER ISSUED Reinforcements and Additional House Ways and Means Com- Proclamation Signed By Pres- -' Guns Thrown Into Fighting mittee Adopts a Graduated iclent Makes Free Departure By Germans Do Not Stem Scale, Also a Flat Rate for From Country Impossible Advance of Allies, Taxing Big Business, After September 15, KEYSTONE OF DEFENSE CHANGES IN INCOME TAX FREEDOM OF TRAVEL HAS IN PICARDY MENACED ARE ALSO RECOMMEDED BEEN MENACE TO AMERICA A string of German "Bacon" a Mile Long, Marching over the Hills,-- with Only an Occasional Armed American to French and Canadians Fight Estimates Show; That the Guard Them. Dangerous Enemy Agents, Their Way to a Point Near Measure As Not Tentatively Allowed to Depart Without Roye, Fall of Which Would Agreed Upon Will Almost ' Molestation, Have Carried Be a Blow to Huns, Reach the Goal Aimed At, ENEMY Rl S USED MERC EDUCATORS LAY SPARK F MIT FIT Important News to Huns, (Undated War l.'ul by the Associativl IS? MORNINd JOURNAL RpiCIAL LIAfCD WIKIl !rHs ) Washington, Aug. 10. An 8 per DIVISIONS IN THEIR PLANS n nnm rn (RY MORNINO JOURNAL RRICIAL LKARia WIR1 Iti. Kvidontly it is not In the planR of cent exemption, in addition to a spe PLUS ft Washington, Aug. Freedom vf I al.U j departure from this country of the allies to leave the Germans secuie cific $3,000 exemption on the excess aliens, j by means of which a dnn-- iln their possession of the line between profits of corporations, with a tax of number of j fl 48-MIL- E gercius enemy have 'the Somme and the Oise. Although 40 per cent on all excess profits be- FRONT HITIilL FLIGHT T CONFERENCE agents len ablo tween 8 to escape from the the front from the south of the per cent and 20 per cent and E1 authorjties, will not a tax of 60 per cent on all excess bo permitted after September 15, un- Sonime past Chaulnes through Itoye profits exceeding 20 per cent, was der a Presi- ho Noyon has been studded proclamation signed by with agreed upon today by the house ways dent fresh reinforcements Since 8 Wilson and an executivo order. and innumerable nnd means committee. Aug, the Germans of 18 Do Disci sion Chang-Namc- of Squadron Havilands, Relative to Mass Celebrated Histor The proclamation and executive' order guns to keep talk the allied troops, The committee, In writing this Have Greatly With Mo- Spanish-Am- er puts Into effect, the alien law the Germans) again have been forced schedule into the $8, 000,000,0(10 reve- Strengthened Equipped Libcity in; Cathedral, Badlv Damaged control nue bill, also passed by congre ss lust May. to give ground, adopted the treasury's Their Lines in Sectors Op- tors, Make a Trip Behind ican Normal Comes alternative plan for a flat SO per cenl Up; By Ecnemy Shells; People j Under the executive order French and Canadian troops aliens, Friday tax on war profits. The committee posite BrltiSh Troops, Lines, Industrial after September 15, will be Lau-eour- Eencmy's Extension require,! night between Goyencourt and t, agreed to three classifications of bus- Urged, Slowly Returning, o obtain permits before leaving the on a front ot anout three miles, iness for purposes of deduction from j United States and additional (BV MORN NO JOURNAL LtUiGO 1ST MORN, NO restric- had fought their way west of the war profits. PC,AL WIRE JOURNAL WIRt (CR.JIAL CORRIRONDINr TO H Roye imw LtlllD MCNINO JOURNAL! MORNINd JOURNAL RRKCtAL LRAHVO W)RK1 tions With lor-filin- will be placed on the of until were at the door The deduction for pre-w- the IlrJtish Army in Awt 16. g Santa stale-wi.l- e entry they of the earnings France, Washiiijrtcn, denial Fe, ,ug. hi. The With the r.ritish Army in France, aliens. town, a of the de- is: Financial and Aug. 16 (.1:15 p. m., t,y the Associated Attempts to evade the draft, keystone German transportation cor today the war depart-me- educational conference took on a more Aug. 15 (by the .ssoclated Press.) fense in To 8 Press). a through leaving the country, which Plcardy. the Immediate porations, per cent; manufacturing, ny brilliant maneuver, that early in August a complete formal character In the museum last Amiens, which lias been the "dead north were 10 the have otrieluls believe will Increase with tho British troops still in pos- farming and general business,. par French captured "Z" wood Biuadron of eighteen De Hnviland four night than at the In of Its session of opening seslon cily Plcardy" since population passage of the bill extending the draft Damery and Parvillers cent, and and kindred hazard and wood. Jn the supreme court ca-it- mining Damery these two airplanes, built. In the United states room at the of about 1 ,",0,000 counter-attack- s. including 40,000 ages, will he rendered less after heavy West of ous businesses, 12 per cent. Ninety wooded traits the Germans have been and yesterday nflemoon. At the af- easy. eiiuipped with Liberty motors ternoon refugees, fled before the crest of the "Heretofore, American citizens have Itoye the allied line is now only a per cent of business it h holding out succ-'ssfiiU- re- session, Superintendent f corporations, desperately for several carried out the first Public Ger unn offensive is com- been required to make scant mile and a quarter distant. This estimated, will be affected the war Instruction J. II. Wagner pre- last spring, applications for by days, realizing the value of these po- connaissance flight of American built sided. Y. in adds to the of tax and the remainder Governor K. I.lndsev made ing to life again. passports order to go abroad and materially danger Roye profits by the sitions. machines behind tho German lines. (Hi address of to to by direct assault on the of excess tax. Tho of' weh'ome to which Slate The menace of the Invader has explain the satisfaction of tho! part the profits little patches forest which Senator Isaac i They returned without loss. Harth viimndci), (iil'-- gone, for the himself lias department of state the necessity of French and Canadians at its western Estimates show excess and war are now in the hands of the allies are Clerk Lnureo of Invader In making thiR announcement .Se- George the depart- k their trips, while aliens have gates and from a flanking; maneuver profits taxes will yield a total of $,. virtually on the extreme right of the ment of education on been chased bac toward the Somme been, lino cretary linker said that Diigndler Gen- reported t.ho permitted to depart freely without by the British on the northwest. 000,000,000 which would bring the uruisn and from their eastern proposed addition of an Industrial de- and now some of the peaceful rcsl borders it Is to eral Foulis of the American t for or 1'reiich Gain Miles. total of the bill much possible. observe close. air service the Spanlsh-America- n dents who had ' been for making application explaining nearer the $8. ' partment refugee their an t a wiue Rtretcii of ground. led the expedition.' , normal school. trips," said explanatory state- The carried uuu.uoo.OUO l',,meo- months Frenejj aye cm, ijn, goal. jtm-exi- - n;e creeping (laclj. Today ir.sued position for ncwral mliou Becret-ti'- li.i'ker Seine In ' ment hy tho state cessfully art'udvanee five miles to the. May Ctuuigo Income Tu Plan. on said lie had n. objection .i.iisd to street after street ihrotluhout Uie department each slue of the two woods havs tho - last night.' "The new law now south which the town Chairman Kitchlii of commit- nee n ether information refvurdlntr the flieht failing Institution- I'te "Spanish- was hut places seemingly lays the materially improved by their Amurican" Normal city entirely deserted here aliens In this on a. to a movement tee said exwept- that Lieutenant Blair Thaw school, and some and there Uio Inevitable llttie old respect basis simi- open turning from the today that the treasury 'ex. go even so far that It should be Abo- lar to that of citizens. d woman Loges wood. Not alone is Roye mer-nee- pected to submit tomorrow some fur- Hun Attacks Repulsed. was on tho trip. Tllo secretary vi(h-hel- lished who would not leave her altogether, that everything that homo would come to bomb or leaving as German AgonU.
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