Études Écossaises, 11 | 2008 « It’S a Dutch Invention, but We Started It in Scotland » 2
Études écossaises 11 | 2008 L’Utopie « It’s a Dutch invention, but we started it in Scotland » The Strange Case of Scottish Football Bill Findlay Electronic version URL: http://journals.openedition.org/etudesecossaises/100 ISSN: 1969-6337 Publisher UGA Éditions/Université Grenoble Alpes Printed version Date of publication: 30 January 2008 Number of pages: 261-273 ISBN: 978-2-84310-110-6 ISSN: 1240-1439 Electronic reference Bill Findlay, « « It’s a Dutch invention, but we started it in Scotland » », Études écossaises [Online], 11 | 2008, Online since 30 January 2009, connection on 07 September 2020. URL : http:// journals.openedition.org/etudesecossaises/100 This text was automatically generated on 7 September 2020. © Études écossaises « It’s a Dutch invention, but we started it in Scotland » 1 « It’s a Dutch invention, but we started it in Scotland1 » The Strange Case of Scottish Football Bill Findlay The intimate connection between sport, leisure and national identity has been recognised and stressed by commentators and historians alike for some considerable time. As early as the 1830s Joseph Strutt, in his groundbreaking study of popular recreation, stressed the fact that: In order to form a just estimation of the character of any particular people, it is absolutely necessary to investigate the sports and pastimes most generally prevalent among them2. 1 Participatory sports, and football arguably more than any other, seem to confirm this precept and, over the years, have given rise to a variety of “insights” and clichés about national identity traits which can be drawn from them, some of which even lay claim to “universal” meaning.
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