MONDAYMONDAY 09 9th OCTOBER October 20172017 7.30pm7.30pm


Photographs courtesy of John Smithurst Photos courtesy of John Smithurst Affiliated to UK Athletics Limited

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England Athletics SportAffiliated to Awards UK Athletics for All Sports Limited Match Clubmark Supported by



AGM AGENDA NoticeNotice is ishereby hereby given given that that the the 123rd 123rd Annual Annual General General Meeting Meeting of of Bingley Bingley Harriers Harriers & &A.C. A.C. will will be be held held on on Monday Monday 09 09 October 2017, 7.30pm at TheOctober Brown 2017, Cow, 7.30pmIreland Bridge,at The Brown Bingley. Cow, Ireland Bridge, Bingley.

AGENDA 1. Apologies for absence. 2. Minutes of the Annual General Meeting Monday, October 10th, 2016. 2. Minutes of the Annual General Meeting Monday October 10 2016. 3. Annual Reports of Club Team Managers. 3. Annual Reports of Club Team Managers. 4. Hon. Treasurer’s Annual Report & Balance Sheet, Auditor’s comments. 4. Hon. Treasurer’s Annual Report & Balance Sheet, Auditor’s comments. 5. Hon. Secretary’s Annual Report. 6.5. President’sHon. Secretary’s Report Annual and comments. Report. 7.6. ClubPresident’s Rules Report and comments.

7.(1) Club Rule Rules 3. Amendment 1: That the two existing committee positions of Senior Coaching Coordinator and Junior Coaching Coordinator be replaced by a single committee position of Club Coaching Proposed by: Becky Weight Coordinator. ProposedSeconded by: by: Becky Dave WeatherheadWeight Seconded(1) Rule 3. by: Amendment Dave Weatherhead 1: That the two existing committee positions of Senior Coaching Coordinator and Junior Coaching Coordinator be replaced by a single committee position of Club Coaching Coordinator.(2) Rule 3. Amendment 2: That a new committee position of an Events Coordinator be created. Proposed by: Becky Weight Proposed by: Becky Weight Seconded by: Dave Weatherhead Seconded by: Dave Weatherhead (3) Rule 4. Amendment :1 The club’s financial year to run from 1st November to 31st October and the Annual(2) Rule General 3. Amendment Meeting 1: to That be held a new in Januarycommittee or asposition soon as of isan practicable Events Coordinator thereafter beto receivecreated. the reports of the President, Team Managers, Secretary and Treasurer and to receive the audited accounts forProposed the previous by Dave financialWeatherhead year…. (remainder of rule 4 unchanged) ProposedSeconded by by: Bill Colin Haygarth Daniel. Seconded 8. Presentation by: John of the Smithurst Sidney Glover Trophy. (4) Rule 11. Amendment 1: The club’s membership year to run from 1st April to 31st March. (A subscription is made up9. Election of an amount of Club retained Officials by forthe (the club fee) and an amount paid for registration with England Athletics (the England Athletics fee). (list of officials as listedNew in club members rule 3) joining between April and September will pay a subscription made up of the club fee and the England Athletics fee; those joining between October and December will pay10. Annual half the Subscriptions. club fee plus the whole England Athletics fee; those joining between January and March will pay the club fee AND the England Athletics fee but will not be required to pay the following year’s subscription.Present rates: Seniors over 18 £30 Proposed by Bill Haygarth Under 18 £15 Seconded by Andrea Family Kerman Membership £50 8. Presentation of the Sidney Glover Trophy. Students / Senior Citizens £15 9. Election of Club Officials for 2017-18. (list11. Membership of officials ofas listed Associations in club rule 3) 10.UK Athletics,Annual Subscriptions. England Athletics, Northern Athletics, Yorkshire county AAA, Athletics Network, Yorkshire PresentVeterans; rates: Association, Seniors overFell Runners 18 Association, Northern £30 Track and Field League, Youth Development Athletes’ under 18 £15 Family Membership £50 Students / Senior Citizens £15 AGM AGENDA

(1) That the subscription for Seniors and those over 18 remains at £30, but these members pay an additionalLeagues, West £5 Yorkshirefor membership Cross Country for the League, interim West period Yorkshire 1st Track October & Field 2017 League, to 31st Three March Peaks 2018, Association, making Race membershipWalking Association, for the Sports 18-month Hall Athletics period, Association. 1st October (14) 2017 to 31st March 2019, a total of £35. Proposed by Bill Haygarth 12. Vote of thanks to retiring officers. Seconded by Tony Kingham

(2) That Seniors and over 18 second claim members pay a subscription of £15 p.a. Parents / guardians of young members Proposed by Bill Haygarth Supporters of the club are welcome to attend the AGFM on the understanding that they do not enjoy voting rights Seconded by Tony Kingham but would be welcome to join in any discussions. (3) That the subscription for Under 11, Junior and Student members should increase by £5 to £20 and that second claim members in these categories should pay a subscription of £5. Proposed by Bill Haygarth Seconded by Dave Weatherhead

(4) That the Family Membership subscription should consist of £15 club fee plus the England Athletics fee for each member. Proposed by Bill Haygarth Seconded by Tony Kingham

(5) That a family must include an under 18 to qualify for a Family Membership subscription. Proposed by Andrea Kerman Seconded by John Smithurst

(6) That the subscription for Pensioners should increase by £5 to £20. Proposed by Barbara Carney Seconded by Phil Hawkswell

(7) That subscriptions should increase each year by the same amount as any increase in the England Athletics fee notwithstanding any increase in the club fee. Proposed by John Capenerhurst Seconded by Phil Hawkswell

11. Membership of Associations UK Athletics, England Athletics, Northern Athletics, Yorkshire county AAA, Bradford Athletics Network, Yorkshire Veterans; Association, Fell Runners Association, Northern Track and Field League, Youth Development Athletes’ Leagues, Cross Country League, West Yorkshire Track & Field League, Three Peaks Association, Race Walking Association, Sports Hall Athletics Association. (14) 12. Vote of thanks to retiring officers.

Parents / guardians of young members Supporters of the club are welcome to attend the AGM on the understanding that they do not enjoy voting rights but would be welcome to join in any discussions. Bingley Harriers & A.C. Founded 1893 Annual General Meeting October 10th 2016

Minutes of the 122nd Annual General Meeting of Bingley Harriers & A.C. held Monday October 10, 2016 at the Brown Cow, Ireland Bridge, Bingley.

Those present were: Jason Beckett, Jo Buckley, Barbara Carney, Colin Daniel, Oliver Downing, Peter Ellerton, Simon Fielding, Stephen Firth, Stephen Fry, Fred Gibbs, Phil Hawkswell, Bill Haygarth, J. Jordan, Andrea Kerman, Tony Kingham, Don Johnson, Jill Jones, Phill Jones, Tim Jones, Jane Lewis, Chris Mdee, Martin Peace, Heather Pearson, Bryan Parkinson, Neil Robson, Stuart Thompson, Peter Shoard, John Smithurst, Dave Weatherhead, Alan Weight, Becky Weight, Simon Wrams (32).

The meeting was declared quorate.

John Smithurst, president, chaired the meeting, welcomed members and opened the AGM at 7.30pm.

1. APOLOGIES were received from: David Anderson, John Capenerhurst, John Merrick, Paul Sharples, Rachel Sharples, Mike Smith, Denise Wright. (7)

2. MINUTES of the Extraordinary General Meeting held 29 October 2015 Proposed by: Peter Ellerton

Seconded by: Stephen Firth

Resolved: that the minutes of the extraordinary General Meeting held Thursday 29 October 2015 be accepted as a correct record.

All present were in favour.


Seconded by: Dave Weatherhead

Resolved: that the reports of the Team Managers as published in the Annual Report 2015-16 be received with thanks.

All present were in favour.

4. HONORARY TREASURER’S REPORT AND BALANCE SHEET AND AUDITOR’S INDEPENDENT REPORT The report and balance sheet and auditor’s independent report were as published in the Annual Report 2015-2016.

The Treasurer invited questions on the report, balance sheet and auditor’s report. There were none.

Proposed by: Stephen Firth

Seconded by: Tony Kingham

Resolved: that the Treasurer’s report and balance sheet and the auditor’s independent report be received with thanks.

Bingley Harriers & A.C. Minutes AGM Monday 10 October 2016 To be approved JC 3 Dec 2016 Bingley Harriers & A.C. Founded 1893 Annual General Meeting October 10th 2016

All present were in favour.

5. HONORARY SECRETARY’S ANNUAL REPORT Jill Jones reaffirmed the content of her report as submitted and published in the Annual Report 2015-2016. The Secretary invited questions. There were none. Proposed by: Tony Kingham Seconded by: Phil Hawkswell Resolved: that the Honorary Secretary’ s Report for 2015-2016 be received with thanks. All present were in favour.

6. PRESIDENT’S REMARKS (Submitted and reported as published in the Annual Report 2016-2016.) Questions were invited. There were none. Proposed by: Dave Weatherhead Seconded by: Barbara Carney Resolved: that the President’s Report 2015-2016 be received with thanks. All present were in favour.

7. CLUB DEVELOPMENT Dave Weatherhead reported on the progress made to date by the sub-committee charged with re-organising the club’ structure.

8. PRESENTATION OF THE SYDNEY GLOVER ROTARY TROPHY John Smithurst announced that he had no hesitation in awarding the trophy to the club’s outstanding athlete of the year, Alistair Brownlee culminating in his winning gold in the Rio Olympic Triathlon.

9. CLUB RULES No changes to club rules were proposed at the meeting.

10. ELECTION OF CLUB OFFICIALS FOR 2016-2017 PRESIDENT -JOHN SMITHURST Proposed by Jill Jones, seconded by Tony Kingham. All present in favour.


Bingley Harriers & A.C. Minutes AGM Monday 10 October 2016 To be approved JC 3 Dec 2016 Bingley Harriers & A.C. Founded 1893 Annual General Meeting October 10th 2016

VICE PRESIDENTS D.Anderson Proposed by: Jill Jones, seconded by John Smithurst. All present in favour. B. Carney Proposed by: Stephen Firth, seconded by Tony Kingham. All present in favour. B. Dover Proposed by: Peter Shoard, seconded by Peter Ellerton. All present in favour. D. Green Proposed by M Neil Robson, seconded by Tony Kingham. All present in favour. D. Lawson Proposed by: Peter Ellerton, seconded by Martin Peace. All present in favour. A. Oates Proposed by: Peter Ellerton, seconded by Tony Kingham. All present in favour. M. Peace Proposed by: Tony Kingham, seconded by Stephen Fry. All present in favour G. Smith Proposed by: Tony Kingham, seconded by Barbara Carney. All present in favour. M.E. Smith Proposed by Becky Weight, seconded by Stephen Firth. All present in favour. J. Waterhouse Proposed by: Tony Kingham, seconded by Stephen Firth. All present in favour. F. Wheeler Proposed by: Tony Kingham, seconded by Stephen Firth. All present in favour. LIFE MEMBERS None proposed HONORARY SECRETARY Proposed by: Stephen Firth, seconded by Tim Jones. All present in favour. JILL JONES HONORARY TREASURER BILL HAYGARTH Bill Haygarth: Proposed by: John Smithurst, seconded by Peter Shoard. Chris Mdee: Proposed by: Janet Pearson, seconded by Gerry Bell. Bill Haygarth elected by 18 votes to 9 with 5 abstentions as Honorary Treasurer.

MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY Proposed by Peter Shoard, seconded by Becky Weight. All present in favour DENISE WRIGHT MEN’S TRACK AND FIELD REPRESENTATIVE COLIN DANIEL Proposed by: Phill Jones, seconded by Jill Jones, All present in favour.

MEN’S CROSS COUNTRY / ROAD REPRESENTATIVE STEPHEN FRY Proposed by: Martin Peace, seconded by Stephen Firth. All present in favour.

MEN’S VETERAN REPRESENTATIVE PETER ELLERTON Proposed by: Stephen Firth, seconded by Tony Kingham. All present in favour.


Bingley Harriers & A.C. Minutes AGM Monday 10 October 2016 To be approved JC 3 Dec 2016 Bingley Harriers & A.C. Founded 1893 Annual General Meeting October 10th 2016

Proposed by: Stephen Firth, seconded by Becky Weight. All present in favour.

LADIES TRACK AND FIELD REPRESENTATIVE PHILLIP JONES Proposed by: Tim Jones, seconded by Stephen Firth. All present in favour.

LADIES CROSS COUNTRY / ROAD REPRESENTATIVE JO BUCKLEY Proposed by: Stephen Firth, seconded by Tony Kingham. All present in favour.

LADIES VETERAN REPRESENTATIVE SUE BECONSALL Proposed by: Jill Jones, seconded by Tony Kingham. All present in favour.

LADIES FELL REPRESENTATIVE BARBARA CARNEY Proposed by: Stephen Firth, seconded by Peter Shoard. All present in favour.

SENIOR COACHING CO-ORDINATOR (Endurance) MARTIN PEACE Proposed by: Stephen Firth, seconded by Tony Kingham. All present in favour

SENIOR COACHING CO-ORDINATOR (Track and Field) KEITH DANIEL Proposed by: Tony Kingham, seconded by Stephen Firth. All present in favour.

JUNIOR COACHING CO-ORDINATOR (Endurance) GRAHAM SMITH Proposed by Tony Kingham, seconded by Simon Fielding. All present in favour.

JUNIOR COACHING CO-ORDINATOR (Track and Field) JANET PEARSON Proposed by: Andrea Kerman, seconded by Simon Fielding. All present in favour.

SOCIAL SECRETARY PHIL HAWKSWELL Proposed by: Barbara Carney, seconded by Stephen Firth. All present in favour.

JUNIOR BOYS’REPRESENTATIVE TONY KINGHAM Proposed by: Martin Peace, seconded by Stephen Firth. All present in favour.

JUNIOR GIRLS’ REPRESENTATIVE JANET PEARSON Proposed by: Jill Jones, seconded by Tony Kingham. All present in favour.

AUDITORS PAUL TIFFANY Proposed by: Martin Peace, seconded by Stephen Firth. All present in favour.

COMMITTTE MEMBERS (7) JOHN CAPENERHURST proposed by Tony Kingham, seconded by Peter Ellerton. All present in favour. STEPHEN FIRTH proposed by Tony Kingham, seconded by Tim Jones. All present in favour. PHIL HAWKSWELL proposed by Peter Ellerton, seconded by Stephen Firth. All present in favour.

Bingley Harriers & A.C. Minutes AGM Monday 10 October 2016 To be approved JC 3 Dec 2016 Bingley Harriers & A.C. Founded 1893 Annual General Meeting October 10th 2016

ANDREA KERMAN proposed by Stephen Firth, seconded by Tony Kingham. All present in favour. CHRIS MDEE proposed by Stephen Firth, seconded by Andrea Kerman. All present in favour. CHRISTINE OATES proposed by Tony Kingham, seconded by Jill Jones. All present in favour. DAVE WEATHERHEAD proposed by Tony Kingham, seconded by Peter Ellerton. All present in favour. APPOINTMENTS MADE BY THE COMMITTEE TO BE ENDORSED AT THE NEXT COMMITTEE MEETING MEN’S CHAMPIONSHIP TEAM MANAGER VACANT













Bingley Harriers & A.C. Minutes AGM Monday 10 October 2016 To be approved JC 3 Dec 2016 Bingley Harriers & A.C. Founded 1893 Annual General Meeting October 10th 2016














11. ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTIONS Honorary Treasurer, Peter Shoard, explained to the meeting the need to increase the club’s membership next year because of increased costs of England Athletics Affiliation Fees and possible increase of fees for membership of Northern Athletics. Present rates: Seniors over 18 £30

Bingley Harriers & A.C. Minutes AGM Monday 10 October 2016 To be approved JC 3 Dec 2016 Bingley Harriers & A.C. Founded 1893 Annual General Meeting October 10th 2016

Juniors under 18 £15 Family Membership £50 Students/ Senior Citizens £15

Proposed by: Stephen Firth Seconded by: Andrea Kerman Resolved: that the membership subscriptions remain at the same level as the previous year. All present in favour. 12. MEMBERSHIP OF ASSOCIATIONS (1) UK Athletics, England Athletics, (2) Northern Athletics, (3) Yorkshire County AAA, (4) Bradford Athletics Network, (5) Yorkshire Veteran Runners’ Association, (6) Fell Runners Association (7) Northern Track and Field League, (8) Young Athletes’ Development League, (9) West Yorkshire Cross Country League, (10) West Yorkshire Track and Field League, (11) Three Peaks Race Association, (12) Race Walking Association, (13) Sports Hall Athletics Association. Membership of the associations to be monitored annually by the committee. Proposed by: Seconded by: Resolved: that membership of the above Associations be renewed. All present in favour.

13. VOTE OF THANKS TO RETIRING OFFICIALS President, John Smithurst, thanked on behalf of all club members the following club members for their invaluable and reliable services: John Merrick, Standing down as Junior Fell Team Manager; Katie Phillips, Standing down as Ladies Road Team Manager; Peter Shoard, Standing down as Treasurer; Sue Whiteley, Standing down as Committee Member. The meeting closed at 8.30pm. Katie Phillips, Standing down as Ladies Road Team Manager; Peter Shoard, Standing down as Treasurer; Sue Whiteley, Standing down as Committee Member.

The meeting closed at 8.30pm.

Bingley Harriers & A.C. Minutes AGM Monday 10 October 2016 To be approved JC 3 Dec 2016 BINGLEY HARRIERS & A.C. PRESIDENT’S REPORT 2016 - 17

I was reminded as I was carrying out the tasks of the Race Director at the 2nd Brilliant Bingley Biathlon of how much our club contributes to athletics both locally and nationally and my focus for this year’s report is on those events which club members organise to encourage competition for a wide range of athletes.

At club level, we have Martin Peace’s highly successful 5k series which races attract an average of 70-80 runners from junior and senior sections of the club. These are truly inclusive events which are doing much to encourage our juniors to compete and to give our seniors another option in their training. The events run like clockwork, take less than an hour to complete and give every runner the opportunity to run as quickly or as slowly as she or he wishes. The atmosphere is pleasantly competitive, encouraging, and supportive of all runners. It is good to hear that Martin is considering extending the series to include winter 3k events.

At club level, also we have the Bob Smith handicap races for seniors and juniors. I was delighted to see the numbers for this race had increased this year thanks to Martin Bijl’s hard work in publicising the race. It is worth remembering that this race is a memorial to one of the club’s long serving secretaries and turning out for the event is a mark of respect and gratitude for that service. So, thanks to Martin Bijl for organising the race and to all those who made it the success it certainly was. I hope the numbers of entries will continue to increase.

In the local area Bingley Harriers and A.C. members organised the running section of the Second Brilliant Bingley Biathlon. I was Race Director and was supported by a dedicated team of Bingley Harriers to provide a superbly organised course (planned and measured by Tony Kingham and myself) for runners of all ages and experiences. Again, the event ran like clockwork, testimony to the planning which had gone into the design of the course and its marshalling. Phil Hawkswell’s appearance as Hound Dog was much appreciated by youngsters (and the not so young) at the event. The whole of the running part of the Biathlon was a wonderful advert for the club.

Eldwick Gala Fell Races (for juniors and seniors) and Bingley Show Trail 10k Race attract both local runners and runners from further afield. Becky Weight took over as Race Director of the Gala Fell Races which as always have to compete for space and time in the gala field’s central arena. Not always an easy race to organise when the finishing funnel has to be shifted at the last moment to accommodate other attractions.; and with some very tricky road crossings to manage. Nonetheless the races were very successful and were well supported by Bingley Harriers. Congratulations to Becky on her successful debut as Race Director. Bingley Show Trail 10k Race is growing in po pularity thanks to the drive and energy of Phil Hawkswell. This year he organised on-line entries and the race attracted some 146 runners from clubs all over the north of England. Phil’s successfully solved the problem of competing with horses for central arena space by having the finish moved to the meadows over the footbridge. All the runners with whom I spoke after the race found the race well organised, “brilliantly marshalled” and very challenging. Another good advert for our club.

The Black Fell Race, organised by Stephen Firth and his team of Bingley Harriers’ volunteers is now firmly established in the Fell Runners Association Calendar. This year’s Black Fell Race ‘s safety procedures were tested by the accident sustained by one of the club’s regular volunteers, Sara Daniel, who, returning from her marshalling point, fell and broke her ankle badly. Again, it is testimony to the thorough preparation of this event, particularly the health and safety procedures, that Sara was safely brought to the Fell Rescue team ambulance relatively quickly given the bad break she had incurred. I BINGLEY HARRIERS & A.C. PRESIDENT’S REPORT 2016 - 17

hope Sara is making a speedy recovery from her injury. Stephen Firth has finely tuned the organisation of this event which earns plaudits for the club from all those who participate. And there are more to come! The Autumn Handicap, the Schools Cross Country Challenge which attracts more than 500 entries from schools as far afield as Skipton and Harrogate, as well as the Bradford Metropolitan District, the post- Christmas handicap and the Harriers versus Cyclists Race. This event, organised so ably by Stephen Firth over the past several years is to be organised this year by Jo Buckley, Andy Brown and John Parkin. It is good to know that there is large pool of club volunteers who can be called on to help keep this event going. It would have been a pity to have seen all Stephen’s work abandoned. Congratulations and thanks then to all those who help in any way with these events and thereby contribute to enhancing the club’s long established good name. Of our individual athlete’s performances and our Bingley teams’ performances I recommend the reports of the team managers in this Annual Report. There are some noteworthy performances but the ones that caught my eye were that of Alana Gill and the Bingley team in the West Yorkshire Track and Field League. But congratulations to all the Bingley Harriers who ran in the club’s blue and white hoops this year. It’s good to see so many competing and producing personal best times. So, I think we have every reason to celebrate the club’s 125th anniversary in 2018. Arrangements for events to celebrate this milestone are already being made. I hear that one event will be a mass photograph of as many club members as turn up for the photograph session. Make sure you are there! John Smithurst BINGLEY HARRIERS & A.C. SECRETARY’S REPORT 2016-17

I am pleased to report another great year for Bingley Harriers. This year we have seen some great results and some wonderful performances in all areas of the club, I’m sure you will be able to read more about these in the team manager reports.

On behalf of the club I would like to say thank you to the dedicated coaches, team managers and helpers who turn up for every session come rain or shine. Without your commitment, hard work and support, our athletes wouldn’t be able to compete to their full potential, and have so much fun doing so!

You only have to drop in at the Rugby Club, Beckfoot School and University Academy any Tuesday or Thursday evening to see the amount of eager young (and not so young) athletes ready to run up and down hills or to run, jump and throw to know the future of the club is very bright indeed. We must also thank all the members who work so hard as race organisers, marshals or officials and those who just turn up and lend a hand, you do a great job and we can never have too many helpers. If anyone in the coming year wishes to get involved, or just lend a hand, we are always looking for volunteers in all aspects of the club life, just let us know!

Next year we will be celebrating our 125th anniversary and can look forward to a year of celebrations which will include a family fun day and a dinner, more details about dates and venues will follow in the New Year. . Jill Jones BINGLEY HARRIERS & A.C. TREASURER’S REPORT 2016-17

Unaudited receipts & payment statement 2016/17 The accounts are stated on a cash, rather than accrual basis. At the time of writing, they have not been presented to the Committee or reviewed by the auditor. In summary, the Club recorded a surplus of £2,724 thanks to the receipt of £5,000 from Sport England in respect of equipment lost in the flood of December 2015. Without this money, there would have been a deficit of £2,276. The Committee’s proposals on subscriptions and a change to the membership year would, if adopted, significantly reduce, if not eliminate, the deficit. Receipts2016/172015/162 014/15Notes£££Subscriptions7,1647,1458,278Subscriptions rates unchanged.Social Events-334- 501-107Annual awards dinnerRace Refunds5251,1921,232Entry fees for non-funded races.Training Fees8,3779,36610,258All sessions at Beckfoot and B&BRC.Interest Received1,259882985Fixed- rate bond and instant access account.Sale of Stock283-109600Sales of Club-branded clothing. Donations95185730Other Income5,000420-192Insurance claim for flooding in Dec 2015.Club Events7421,648936Schools’ Cross Country, Harriers v. Cyclists, Eldwick Gala & Bingley Show. 23,11120,22822,720PaymentsRace Entries1,4722,1881,596Club-funded team events.Beckfoot School2,6964,0953,022Training facilities July 2016 - June 2017. (13 months costs in 2015/16.) Travel4812,1311,555Fewer coaches to junior events.Printing & Postage2,1512,0172,143Mostly for The Harrier and Annual Report.Equipment3,3433,4851,796Includes ten two-way radios (£1,983) and a tent (£784).Coaching4151,024320Three members attended courses.Affiliation Fees5,8836,1726,430Nearly all paid to England Athletics at £14 per member (2016: £13, 2015: £12). Trophies & Engraving519863880Donations4001090Bingley Biathlon (£200) and defibrilator at B&BRC (£200). Training Facilities2,5001,5002,015B&BRC at £500 per quarter.Sundry172196162Includes food at the AGM (£139).Youth Activity3558101,517Hosting events, provision of prizes, catering and a training night tuck shop.20,38724,59021,436Surplus/Deficit2,724- Once approved by the Committee and verified by the auditor, full sets of accounts will be available to members on request. Bill Haygarth BINGLEY HARRIERS & A.C. Membership Statistics as at August 2017

Bingley Harriers & AC Membership Statistics as at August 2017

Aug-17 inc/-dec Oct-16 inc/-dec Aug-15 inc/-dec Oct-14 inc/-dec Male Vets 183 4 179 1 178 -4 182 -3 Female Vets 78 -4 82 -4 86 -2 88 7 Male Senior 26 -2 28 10 18 -6 24 3 Female Senior 15 0 15 2 13 -2 15 -7 Male U23 10 -1 11 -3 14 1 13 4 Female U23 3 -3 6 1 5 -5 10 2 Male U20 24 5 19 -9 28 6 22 2 Female U20 22 0 22 3 19 10 9 -2 Male U17 14 -4 18 -3 21 -5 26 3 Female U17 14 -2 16 -6 22 -5 27 9 Male U15 31 1 30 6 24 -2 26 9 Female U15 17 -3 20 -8 28 -6 34 6 Male U13 16 -4 20 -17 37 2 35 -1 Female U13 15 -4 19 -11 30 7 23 -10 Male U11 7 -8 15 -6 21 -6 27 -10 Female U11 12 2 10 -3 13 -16 29 7 TOTAL 487 -23 510 -47 557 -33 590 19

Seniors & Vets 302 -2 304 9 295 -14 309 0 Juniors (U11-U23) 185 -21 206 -56 262 -19 281 19

Male 311 -9 320 -21 341 -14 355 7 Female 176 -14 190 -26 216 -19 235 12


700 634 600 590 557 552 571 557 600 518 520 543 510 487 500 400 300 200 Membership Total 100 0 2006 2007 2008* 2009 2010# 2011 2012 2013 2014~ 2015 2016 2017 Year

*Drop in membership numbers primarily due to a strict enforcement of lapsed membership #Drop in membership numbers most likely as a result of increased subscription rates ~2014 reflects a temporary increase in junior membership most likely stimulated by the Olympics


After being asked to take on the role of Coaching Coordinator for our club by the committee, I set out to first establish how many coaches we have available to members and in what disciplines. I was pleasantly surprised to find we have plenty of members who have made the decision to invest their time and energy into benefiting others. In the past, the relatively small proportion of members turning out for competitions has been attributed to the lack of coaches. However, it turns out we have coaches prepared to coach all disciplines the club supports - track & field, cross country, fell, mountain, and road). Since taking up the role of coaching coordinator I have begun a process of working with the coaches to develop a coaching network rather than having a collection of individuals who coach. To ensure we can cater for the needs of all members the coaches who are looking to develop themselves further are starting to work with mentors. The mentors are coaches from across the country who are happy to support coaches as well as their own athletes; these are typically people coaching athletes at national and international levels. Over time we will build our coaching knowledge and skills within the club to a point where we are recognised for great coaching, and as a result, great members and athletes. The coaches we have are not currently working at capacity. Almost all said they were happy to help more athletes achieve their goals than they were currently working with. The challenge to you as members is this: if you don’t have a coach, why not? I liken having a coach to being able to take a teacher into an exam with you to help with the tricky questions. Your competitors are at an advantage over you if they are getting help on competition day. Whatever you are looking to achieve there will be a coach within the club who knows how to do it, or is in contact with a coach who has and is willing to share. Our coaches will learn faster than those without mentors because mistakes made by mentors will not be repeated, in turn that means a safer training environment for those working with a coach as they will avoid over training injuries, burn out and ill-judged changes to training schedules due to “an idea I read about online” or just copying part of a successful athletes training programme (“he/she does this so it must be what made them great and I will do it too”). If any coaches reading this who are not already involved and want to get involved in the process please get in touch, and for any member who thinks maybe it is time to get some coaching advice and wants to be connected with the appropriate coach then just let me know. Keith Daniel 07714237278 [email protected] BINGLEY HARRIERS & A.C. TRACK & FIELD TEAM MANAGER’S REPORT

We know through experience that competing in Northern League Division 2 is a challenge and this season was no exception. Individuals managed to hold their own, and in our stronger events our team took maximum points; however collectively the team is carrying too many empty places in certain events to maintain Division 2 status. As a result, we were relegated at the end of the season having finished 5th out of 6 in each match. Interestingly the other team who were promoted with us last year was also relegated and the teams that finished at the top had either been relegated from Division 1 the previous season or finished top of Division 2 last season and missed out in the play-off for promotion. Progress has been made as a team this season as we recorded our largest team under my tenure as team manager (16 years), so we are heading in the right direction. We were able to cover most of the events with A-string competitors, however we lack numbers in the B-string events. New editions to the team this year included: Sam Berry, Archie Scott, Paul Lemmon, Matt Merrick and John Parkin bolstering our long sprints and distance events with both talent and experience. Enthusiasm was never lacking through the season and many volunteers came forward when events needed covering through injury. Jack and Tommy Thorp also returned to the track after a break to concentrate on their studies, and at their first meeting they both sported personal bests in the 800m. Jack’s being the largest improvement in a fantastic race, with a time of 1 min 57 secs, a credit to both athletes and their coach Dave Benson. It is looking promising for next season in the middle-distance events as we have potentially 6 athletes competing for 2 places. Their inclusion in the team also provides flexibility in the 4 x 400m relay; confidence is high amongst the squad that if all are present and able by next season we should have a new club record for the 4x400m. Whilst we have an influx of new athletes it is more than worthy of mention the club 400m hurdles record holder Oliver Robinson ran his last 400m hurdles race this season. Records suggest that in over 10 years of competition for the team in the Northern League Oliver was only beaten once. Even at his peak whilst racing at World and Olympic trials Oliver has been a constant member of the team getting the day off on the right note every time with a victory in the first track event of the day. He is not retiring completely though, just switching to the 800m making it even more competitive for places than ever. As always thanks go out to our dedicated team of officials both on the track and in the field for their commitment and efforts throughout the season. We have been able to gain maximum points for officials at our meetings which mean as well as keeping us competitive the meetings run smoothly and on time. As we head into the “off season” and start to plan for next year’s campaign to gain promotion from Division 3, I have noticed that we are starting to attract a few new athletes to the various training groups. BINGLEY HARRIERS & A.C. TRACK & FIELD TEAM MANAGER’S REPORT

Now is the time to reflect on the previous season performances and plan for the next and with the guidance of our excellent coaching team we can hopefully look forward to the next promotion run. The Men’s team manager award for performance this year will be awarded to Jack Thorp at the annual awards night for his fantastic improvement at 800m.

Colin Daniel Men’s Track & Field manager BINGLEY HARRIERS & A.C. WEST YORKSHIRE TRACK & FIELD REPORT 2017

This year we had 15 Bingley athletes who completed in the league resulting in a total of 51 performances. The West Yorkshire League performances can earn you and your club points for the league format. Positions 1 to 6 earn you 1 to 7 points. Over the course of the league season there were many fantastic performances that included 10 personal bests for these athletes: Archie Scott (400m), Alexander Thompson (800m), Dave Carpenter (200m), Alana Gill (Discus, 100m, 200m, Long Jump), James Askew (800m, 1500m). These where backed up by 8 season bests: Paul Lemmon (400m, 1500m), Tom Clough (Shot), Dave Carpenter (High Jump, 100m), Charlie Cendrowski (100m), Alana Gill (Shot). The league is a great chance to try any new events and we had a number of athletes do just this: Tom Clough (Long Jump), Alicia Kerman (80m), Alana Gill (200m), Ian Eaton (Discus, Shot), Dave Carpenter (Shot), James Askew (400m). From these performances, the athletes amassed a total of 193 points which were rewarded to Bingley. This placed us 2nd out of 8 teams in division 2. This has given the club promotion to division 1. Senior woman Alana Gill amassed the best part of the total with a massive 71 points. This is the highest women’s total since 2011. This placed her 1st overall and winner of the league in her age group. Alexander Thompson was the other stand out athlete as he was 6th in the highly competitive under 15 Boy’s with 26 points. A massive well done to everyone who turned up and competed this season. And it was great to watch so many good performances and I hope there is still some to come. One mention must go to James Askew who’s PB at the last league meeting gained him his first UK Ranking by going sub 2 minutes 10 for the first time in the 800m.This was a brilliant achievement in very testing conditions. Hopefully the league season will result in a number of these athletes entering the league championships meet on September 10th, and this will lead to beating last year’s medal count of 17. I am also hoping that this will inspire more people young and old to sign up next season and try something new. Enjoy the winter Tom Clough (Throws Coach). BINGLEY HARRIERS & A.C. JUNIOR CROSS-COUNTRY REPORT 2016 -17

Sitting here, watching the rain pouring down, it is so easy to imagine that the cross- country season has already begun, but this is August and we have to wait until Wednesday September 27 for our traditional opening fixture, the Club’s own school races. Last season certainly saw signs of real progress from our juniors: indeed, I would say that it was the best performance overall that we have had in my time as Team Manager, both in training and in races. Martin Peace’s group of talented runners has continued to grow and to produce fine results, and we have been very fortunate in the quality of our new recruits, as I shall detail later. Numbers of those attending the general sessions have fallen off a little, but this has been more than compensated for by a rise in standards and an increase in commitment. It is always very pleasing to see youngsters in this group making the jump to Martin’s group, as a good number have done. All that being said, there is still one area that we are not entirely happy with: the number of runners taking part in races is still not as high as we would like, although there has been an improvement yet again. For whatever reason, some of our Club members seem to be reluctant to take part, and we will be doing all we can to encourage greater participation, beginning with our Winter League 3k runs which will begin in September. We hope that these runs will give youngsters the confidence to take part in the West Yorkshire League, which is not as high- powered as some people think, or in the PECO League, which is a very friendly and accessible path to competition. The season began, as usual, with the four races of the West Yorkshire League: numbers were up on the previous year, and there was a real improvement in performance with five of our teams achieving an overall position. We were particularly pleased with our U17 Men and Women: for the first time for some years both teams won medals with Matthew Merrick leading his team to an excellent 2nd place, and Vicki Merrick leading hers to a fine 3rd place. Both results illustrated the importance of having reliable reserves, with Josh Spencer and Izzy Harris fulfilling those valuable roles. The Under 13 Boys also secured 3rd place, and theirs was a true team performance, with 5 different runners in scoring positions during the series, in stark contrast to the U13 Girls and the U15 Boys, where Grace Dawson and Joseph Carnelley respectively had no team-mates, though both of them battled away consistently. Our U11 Girls came 6th= and our U11 Boys 8th - in both cases we had to manage without reserves. Individually there were some outstanding results: pride of place must go to Rebecca Flaherty who came1st overall in the U11 Girls, while her brother Alex finished 2nd in the U13 Boys. Talented newcomer Emily Field came 6th in the U15 Girls, Reuben Mantle 3rd and Matthew Merrick 5th in the U17 Men. Numbers of those competing in the PECO League were disappointing, though it was pleasing to see some new faces having a go. Four of our athletes ran in at least 4 races with Holly Walters finishing in overall 12th, Fern Garbutt overall 19th, Louis Lancaster overall 18th and Seth Driver overall 22nd in their respective age-groups. On a Championship level our numbers were not large, but we did have three scoring teams in the Yorkshire Championships, the U13 Girls, U13 BINGLEY HARRIERS & A.C. JUNIOR CROSS-COUNTRY REPORT 2016 -17

Boys and the U17 Men, and two brilliant qualifiers for the Yorkshire team, Alex Flaherty in a superb 2nd place and Matthew Merrick, getting back to his best in 7th. The U13 Boys once again featured prominently in the Northern Championships, at Knowsley Safari Park, where conditions underfoot were simply atrocious. Their 17th position was very pleasing, and they were to follow this up with a wonderful 30th in the National. Best individual performances came from Ruby Firth and Emily Field, 37th and 53rd respectively in the Under 15 Girls, Reuben Mantle 36th in the U17 Men, and from Alex Flaherty with an outstanding 5th in the U13 Boys. Wollaton Park, Nottingham, was the magnificent setting for the National, and pleasingly the Club was once again represented in all of the races bar the Junior Men. This was a great experience for all of those who ran, with individual honours going to Matthew Merrick with his marvellous 39th place, and Alex Flaherty with his superlative 7th place, the best individual performance in my time as Junior Team Manager. I should also make a special mention of one of our newcomers, Holly Walters who, though she was technically only an U11, competed bravely in all three big races as an U13: great experience for later! We had four representatives at the English Schools, two representing West Yorkshire (Alex Flaherty and Emily Field), and two representing North Yorkshire (Ruby Firth and Matthew Merrick). The course at Norwich was very flat, not really what our runners are used to, but it obviously suited Matthew, who ran superbly to finish 15th in the Senior Boys race. Alex was 44th in the Junior Boys, Ruby 153rd and Emily 212th in the Inter Girls. In the second year of the National Schools Championships for years 4-7, we had four athletes representing West Yorkshire: in the Year 7 Boys race Samuel Mantle was 125th, and in the Year 5 Girls Race Grace Ross was 39th. The real stars, however, were Rebecca Flaherty and Martha Jackson, one of our very newest recruits. Rebecca, having led for much of the race, finished 3rd in the Year 6 Girls, while Martha completely dominated the Year 5 Girls race to win comfortably: a wonderful achievement! The season was rounded off by two of our athletes being selected to represent Yorkshire and Humberside in the London Mini-Marathon. Alex Flaherty came 13th in the U13 race, and Matthew Merrick an excellent 9th in the U17 race. The list of awards, below this report, gives a clear view of those who have made the biggest contribution during the season, and I have already commented on several of them, but I should make special mention of some of the others before I move onto the trophy winners. First of all our entire U11 Boys team (Matthew Peace, Alistair Trusselle and William Askew) who have all been very consistent and who have all made fine progress. It is a pity that we had no reserves in this age-group, but at least we had a team. In our U13 Boys we were very fortunate to have a good number of talented runners, and I really must mention the contribution of Ben Rees, Jake Wallace, Oliver Peace and Dylan Thornton, in addition to those already named. James Askew, in the U17 Men, proved to be a very valuable member of the team, as did those BINGLEY HARRIERS & A.C. JUNIOR CROSS-COUNTRY REPORT 2016 -17

“stalwarts” in the U17 Women: Vicki Merrick, Eliza Findlay and Katie Smith, who all performed admirably and who all had such a positive impact on team morale. The trophies for the top male and top female performers deservedly went to Alex and Rebecca Flaherty, both of whom maintained an extremely high standard throughout the season, with Alex also being awarded the prestigious Gerry Spink Plate, for outstanding achievement, including his superlative 5th place running for Yorkshire in the Inter-Counties race. Although there several very worthy candidates, the Best Team Player Award deservedly went to Ruby Firth: she was an ever-present, never turning down the opportunity to represent the Club, and doing so with real determination and commitment. The award for the Most Improved Athlete Award went to one of our unsung runners. Izzy Harris, who was at first very nervous about competing, proved to be a vital and most reliable part of the successful U17 Women’s team, and the progress she made during the season was remarkable. Remarkable progress was also made by Josh Spencer, the winner of the Endeavour Award, presented to the Club by Fred Gibbs. Josh certainly did not find things easy to begin with, but he battled on, never refusing a challenge, and his prospects for the future look increasingly bright. Well done to all the trophy winners and award winners, but well done also to all of those who regularly turn up to train, and to take part in the Judith and Keith Firm Memorial 5K Series of races, where they have had the opportunity to show the sort of competitive spirit that will serve them well when, we hope, they will be competing for the Club later, We are all indebted to Martin Peace for all the time and effort he puts into coaching our more experienced runners, providing a very varied and interesting programme of activities for them, and moulding them into a real team: his camping weekend was again a huge success, and is quickly becoming a Club tradition. The numbers attending the quality Thursday sessions have varied, but the level of commitment shown by those who have attended has been most commendable. I would like to say a special thank you to Julie Thornton for all the wonderful support she has given at these sessions (some of us are now struggling to keep up!). I am also very grateful to Greg Trusselle for his efforts with the off-road group on Saturdays and for providing so many opportunities for our youngsters to compete on the fells and to stay fit during the summer months. As usual we, coaches as well as runners, have received tremendous support and encouragement from parents, not only at races, but increasingly at our training sessions, all of which helps to create a real club atmosphere - we are most grateful to you all! Needless to say, my biggest debt of gratitude is to my fellow coaches, David Potter and Graham Smith: their enthusiasm and dedication, not to mention their constant good humour, particularly on those long winter afternoons, make my job so easy, and so enjoyable - thanks chaps! Tony Kingham BINGLEY HARRIERS & A.C. JUNIOR CROSS-COUNTRY REPORT 2016 -17

Awards Under 11 Girls 1st Rebecca Flaherty 2nd Grace Ross 3rd Lilly Smith Under 11 Boys 1st Matthew Peace 2nd Alistair Trusselle 3rd William Askew Under 13 Girls 1st Grace Dawson 2nd Holly Walters Under 13 Boys 1st Alex Flaherty 2nd Ben Rees 3rd = Jake Wallace 3rd = Samuel Mantle Under 15 Girls 1st Emily Field 2nd Ruby Firth Under 15 Boys 1st Joseph Carnelley Under 17 Women 1st Vicki Merrick 2nd Eliza Findlay 3rd Katie Smith Under 17 Men 1st Matthew Merrick 2nd Reuben Mantle 3rd James Askew Under 20 Women 1st Sara Dewhirst

Trophy Winners Top Male Competitor Alex Flaherty (Harry Leighton Cup) Top Female Competitor Rebecca Flaherty (Hardaker King Cup) Best Team Player Ruby Firth (Captain’s Award) Most Improved Athlete Izzy Harris (Wells Cup) Endeavour Award Josh Spencer (Fred Gibbs Shield) Award for Outstanding Achievement Alex Flaherty (Gerry Spink Plate) BINGLEY HARRIERS & A.C. SENIOR MEN’S CROSS-COUNTRY REPORT 2016-17

West Yorkshire Cross Country League. (4 races) My abiding memory from the season is without doubt the wonderful weather we enjoyed for almost every race. As we lined up on the start line in Wakefield for the opening race of the season it really did feel more like August than October.

It was my first race as Cross-Country Captain and I was heartened by the sight of 9 Bingley men on the start line. At least we would finish a team. I was also impressed by the commitment of Martin Peace who left home before 6AM to drive to the Lake District and run a leg of the Ian Hodgson Relay, before hot footing it back to Wakefield to run another 6 miles around Thornes Park. Thank you, Martin, and well done to Ben Marriott who finished in 6th place, and led the team to 7th overall.

The weather for the second race in Guiseley on October 30th was once again unseasonably warm and despite losing a few potential runners to the Bradford races, held in Bradford that morning, we had 11 runners turn out. Ben led us home again with a storming run to finish 3rd. We improved our team place to 6th overall. The important 6th scorer being James Senior who deserves a mention for the fact that although injured he did not drop out and hobbled the last mile to gain important team points.

The third race at Spenborough in November was held in more typical autumnal weather and at last we had some mud to dodge. We had 9 runners brave the drizzle, Ben Marriott again staked his claim for a medal in the overall league standings with another fine run finishing in 4th.The team however slipped to 9th position as most of our younger (under 50’s) failed to turn out.

The final league race of the season at Keighley in December brought a much better turnout and we had 12 runners. We also had lot of vocal support, it was another fine day the course was challenging and in my opinion, it was a cracking day out. Personally, I had another battle with my old sparring partner David Potter who easily got the better of me on the day. We have been running against each other since 1974. It is a real pleasure to be able to be involved in these races. To turn up year on year. To renew old friendships and rivalries and savour the satisfaction of honest sporting endeavour. At the sharp end of the race, Ben had another strong run to finish 4th.

In the overall league standings over the 4 races the team finished 5th Individual success went to: Ben Marriott 2nd Senior Man John Convery 2nd M50 Stephen Fry 2nd M55 (My first ever WYL XC medal. Ran in them since 1974) Peter Ellerton 2nd M65

Yorkshire Cross Country Championships 7th Jan 2017 Once again the championships were held at Lightwater valley however unlike previous years the course was far from its normal swamp. In fact, it was remarkably dry, and as we warmed up for the race in vest and shorts, I was not sure if I was in a dream. Back to reality as again we had only 9 runners on the start line. The team finished a disappointing 27th with our first runner home being new member Clive Smith in 135th position.Although disappointed with the team’s position I was delighted with the commitment of some of our lesser known runners and I would like to thank those who answered the rallying call to run in their first cross country race for the club, Robbie Williams, social secretary Phil Hawkswell and Club treasurer Bill Haygarth.

Northern Cross-Country Championships. 25th January 2017. Dry for the Yorkshire’s but not so for the Five Bingley men who lined up for the Northern. Ben Marriott, David Potter, John Parkin, Clive Smith and Myself. Heroes all. BINGLEY HARRIERS & A.C. SENIOR MEN’S CROSS-COUNTRY REPORT 2016-17

The memory of the day was summed up by one word. MUD. Those who were there in the thick of it will know what I mean. Mud....miles of it. Mud that sucked your shoes off. Mud that grabbed your foot, your ankle, your leg, your heart then reached all the way up to your head and whispered in your ear.... Why are you doing this?

I passed numerous odd shoes and spikes on the course. I witnessed more than a few fellow strugglers who, having all the strength sucked out of them, gave in to the dreaded DNF. This was not a day for the faint hearted and I was immensely proud of every Bingley Man that day, all of whom battled on gamely. Once again Ben was a leading light finishing in 79th Position. The rest of us had a right old battle and traded blows for the entire 7 1/2 miles (3 laps) with places changing throughout the race. In the end only 30 places separated the four of us. After the event John Parkin wrote a splendid report of the day and Clive also commented on Facebook to acknowledge the excitement of the racing and camaraderie experienced by the select few. If you were not there, you missed an extremely memorable day.

National Cross-Country Championships 27th February 2017 Nottingham. Due to prior commitments, illness and injury only 2 of us made it. Disappointing but my thanks to Paul Lemmon for not leaving me on my own. Out of a field approaching 2000 Paul finished in 57:05 in 1125th position I was a few places in front of him in 53:18. My thanks also to our President John Smithurst for his company through the day, and to Tony Kingham and Graham Smith for their continued support over numerous races, seasons and years. It would not be the same without you.

Although only 2 of us raced at the National, over the season we actually had 23 runners pull on the famous hooped vest for a cross country race, and I would like to thank you all for taking part. In no particular order, Graham Askew, Paul Tiffany, Simon Fielding, Ged Callan, Ben Marriott, Martin Peace, John Convery, Steve Broadbent, Clive Smith, Kevin Garlick, John Parkin, Ryan Bradley, Paul Lemmon, Neil Robson, Peter Ellerton, John Lynch, David Potter, Emyr Rhys, Phil Hawkswell, Bill Haygarth, James Senior, and Robbie Williams. Thank You. I hope I have not missed anyone and hope to see you all again this season.

Next year the committee have agreed to let me change the structure of the XC championship and we will have a championship in the same format as the fell championship. There will be 7 races. Points will be awarded to the Bingley Finishers. 1st Bingley Man home will get 25 points, 2nd 24, 3rd 23 etc. your best 5 scores will be added to find the overall club cross country champion. The 7 races are the 4 West Yorkshire league races, the Yorkshire XC, The Northern XC and the National XC. Provisional dates for the races are. WYXC: 14 October Wakefield, 29th Oct Venue TBA, 19/11 Spenborough 9/12 Keighley. Yorks XC, 6th Jan. Northern XC last Sat in Jan. National XC last Sat in Feb.

There will be a 2nd award. The men’s Cross-Country Handicap. This will be held in conjunction with the National Cross-Country race. Each Bingley man entering the national will be given a handicap time which will then be deducted from your actual race time to calculate the handicap winner. I will be the handicapper and the times will be worked out to the nearest half minute based on your results of the previous 6 races (or guessed by me if you don’t run the other races) and advised to you during the week leading up to the race. I hope you will embrace this new format.

I would like to finish this report with a comment made to me by a good friend of mine who I bumped into BINGLEY HARRIERS & A.C. SENIOR MEN’S CROSS-COUNTRY REPORT 2016-17

again whilst warming up at the National XC championships. Sarah Tunstall of Kendal Ac now lives in Chamonix. She had flown in for the ladies’ race. Previously 2nd in the ladies’ national, this year Sarah won a silver in the European mountain champs and a Bronze last week in the World mountain champs. Sarah told me that whilst she was there to run, she really wanted to be there to watch the men’s race saying that in her opinion the start of the Men’s National cross country championship is one of the best sights in sport.

Gentlemen of Bingley. You have the opportunity every year to be part of one of the best races in the world. When a world champion medal winner tells you it is one of the best sights in sport, why would you not want to be there? Stephen Fry Senior Men’ s Cross Country Team Manager BINGLEY HARRIERS & A.C. WOMEN’S CROSS-COUNTRY REPORT 2016-17

The women’s cross-country team managed a creditable 6th place in the Yorkshire County Championships in January this year, scorers being Jo Buckley, Sue Becconsall, Sarah Dewhirst, and Marisol Carrara Vivar. There was a good turn out with some outstanding performances from team members. Our greatest moment was probably surviving the knee-deep clay and horizontal blizzard that was the Blackburn hosted Northern. The team came 12th overall with counters being Jo Buckley, Lesley Watson, Shona Stone, Lesley Watson and Becky Weight. At the Nationals Alana Gill in the blue and white hoops of Bingley finished a solid 558th place. Congratulations to all the team members for your commitment, hard work and support at all the races. Whilst it is good that Bingley Harriers and A.C. is represented at National and County events - and the team’s aims for the future are to take part in the National Cross-Country Relays and the Yorkshire County Cross Country, the Northern and the National, but if, given the non-running commitments of the team members, local league races are more manageable in terms of time and travel, then better to turn out for those. I can’t wait to see as many ladies as possible at the 4 West Yorkshires (14 October Wakefield, 29 October Nunroyd Park, Guiseley, 19 November Spenborough, 2 December Keighley) , Yorkshire, Northern and National races. Everyone is welcome. Please support your club and team members and come and have a go at the races. Jo Buckley. BINGLEY HARRIERS & A.C. NORTHERN 12 STAGE ROAD RELAY REPORT

(At present the club has no Men’s Road Running Manager, the task of organising road teams for local, regional and national events being shared between John Smithurst, Stephen Fry and Phil Hawkswell all of whom have stepped in at short notice to keep the club represented at road races. Phil Hawksell similarly stepped in to keep the club’s Road Championship going after Katie Phillips had to resign as organiser. Stephen Fry volunteered at short notice to write this report. Hopefully, his enthusiasm demonstrated in this report will encourage other club members to volunteer to take on the role of Men’s Road Running Manager to maintain the club’s profile at road race events.) I was asked to write a report about the Northern 12 stage road relays because I organised the team, but some of you will look at the heading and see the word ROAD in the title and reach for your garlic bulb holding it out before you to ward off some kind of vampire, muttering “I am not a road runner! “Please put your garlic back in its place. This is about Running pure and simple. Let’s get to what some of you will see as the boring bit. The Northern 12 stage Road Relays took place in Stanley Park Blackpool on 25/3/2017 We finished 40th team out of 68. So, what are these relays and why are they important and why is it important we take part? The 12 stage road relays are arguably the number one team event in the road running calendar. Teams throughout the country compete in either the Northern, Southern, or Midlands championships, to gain qualification for the National event held annually at Sutton Park Birmingham. As the name suggests, it is a team race with 12 runners in each team. There are 4 long stages, and 8 short stages. A long leg is approximately 6 miles, and a short leg is approximately 3 miles. Unlike the “off road relays”, in the road relays you don’t run in pairs, you are on your own, carrying the pressure of expectation for yourself and for the rest of your mates. There is no hiding place. This is the “ Premier League “ of road running, and despite our long history, our list of Olympians and internationals, our 6 National team Cross Country titles, the 12- stage road relay is an event that Bingley Harriers have only managed to win once, back in 1996. Coincidently the year I joined the club. Whilst the regional relay championships are a qualification event, they are no less competitive. With around 60-70 teams battling it out for bragging rights to be the number one club in the area. In some cases, these are more competitive than the National. Here again Bingley has triumphed but the club have been England’s representatives in the European Cross- Country championships on more occasion than they have won the Northern 12 stage road relays, and although we finished in the top 5 on numerous occasions, we only have 2 victories. 1996 and 1999, such is the high standard of competition. Now you non- road runners have probably fallen asleep by now and still can’t see the relevance to you. Roads are flat, roads are boring, roads don’t apply to me. However, what should apply to you is words like, camaraderie, comradeship, supporting your club, or on a BINGLEY HARRIERS & A.C. NORTHERN 12 STAGE ROAD RELAY REPORT more personal note. Improving, getting faster. Maintaining a level of Speed Endurance. If you could look through the running order for many of those road relay teams through the 1980’s and 1990’s you would see the names, Andy Peace, Martin Peace, Ian Holmes, Mick Hawkins, Steve Hawkins, Matthew Whitfield, Mark Croasdale, Mark Kinch, Keith Anderson, Colin Moore, Steve Green, Steve Brooks, Rob Jebb among others, and in the Ladies teams Victoria Wilkinson and Ruth Whitehead. These are just a few of the numerous talented “ Runners “ who proudly represented this club in the road relays, and at Cross Country. They all without exception represented the club to a greater or lesser degree on the fells. The above jumble of letters is a link to a race results site going back to 1998. Look for yourselves. They were and are.... RUNNERS pure and simple, enjoying running over many different terrains. Yes, I am sure that some of them preferred to run on the fells and some of them preferred to run cross country or road, but over the years they ran together with their teammates over lots of different surfaces and 2 things happened. The first thing that happened is they developed a very strong team spirit.A camaraderie, a friendly rivalry. Racing each other week in week out over different surfaces, running for the team and for each other. When you look back through the results you will see they all beat each other. sometimes Andy Peace beats Steve Green and sometimes it’s the other way around. Sometimes Ian beats Andy or Martin beats Ian or Colin runs the fastest leg, or its Keith Anderson’s turn to win and set the record of the Sedbergh Hills Race. They race against each other and bring each other on. The Second thing that happened is they all get faster. Now you will notice that many of these names are still running and are running to a very high level. So, here’s something for the road specialists to bear in mind. Did running over a mixture of surfaces prolong their running life and lessen the injuries.? I believe it has but I am no expert. I merely throw that in for you non-fell runners or non-cross-country runners to think about the next time you are asked to represent your club. So back to the title. With our mix of youth and experience we finished 40th team but all who made the effort said what a good day it was. I would like to thank the team for turning out and representing this fine club. To keep the hooped flag flying. We need to support these races as these are the last true championships still unsullied by big business or hijacked by the charities taking over our sport. Running order and times. Ian Fisher 32.44, Andy Brown 18.09, John Parkin 36.04, Paul Lemmon 20.25, Andy Siddle 37.39, Don Johnson 23.05, Andy Gibbons 35.56, Jack Thorpe 17.53, Tommy Thorpe 20.09, Peter Stephens 18.20, Robbie Williams 19.39, Waheed Khan 19.19. BINGLEY HARRIERS & A.C. NORTHERN 12 STAGE ROAD RELAY REPORT

Thanks Guys. You did your club proud. Some of you may detect that I am quite passionate about running. All types, road, track, trail and fell. I want to run for as long as I can but although this is an individual sport you are always competing against someone. I joined the club to run in team events with friends. I wanted and still want to compete to the best of my ability and at the same time enjoy the camaraderie of competing against but also with my team mates. When I joined I was only good enough to get in the 6th team in the Calderdale Way relay team, but those were very special times. It is unlikely that we will win the National 12 stage in the near future.... but we can replicate the team spirit, we can replicate the camaraderie and hopefully by racing each other every 2 or 3 weeks one week on the fells, one week on the roads or cross country we can all get faster, all improve together. Who knows what the results will be...... but you have to be in it to win it.


The Bingley Harriers Junior Fell Running team has been going through somewhat of a transitional year as the outgoing team manager, John Merrick left a big hole to fill. I have recently taken over the role and am beginning to develop the Saturday morning training sessions and supporting our talented juniors. So far this year the training sessions have been attended by a range of youngsters from established club athletes to those completely new to running. We have been working on our fell running skills as well as all round fitness, agility and strength. Saturday morning sessions are open to any juniors from 8 upwards. See the club’s Facebook page for regular updates. I am currently having a push to get more of our adults involved with coaching our juniors so please get in touch if you would like to come down and help. However, despite the changes in the management the juniors themselves have been having a very successful year. At the time of writing we have had 33 juniors competing in races that count towards the club championship. In the U19 the talented Matthew Merrick and Eliza Findley seem to be heading to victory with some excellent performances especially in the FRA races. These performances have lead Matthew to achieve the Bronze medal in the FRA championships with Eliza and Vicki Merrick achieving 7th and 8th respectively. These runners also represented Yorkshire at the Inter-Counties Championships held as part of the Rossendale Fell races in May. Their performance help secure Yorkshire first place in both the girls’ and boys’ competitions. The U17s have been dominated by Josh Spencer and the outstanding Emily Field. Emily has also done very well in the FRA championships achieving 4th overall in her first year of racing. Emily’s performance at Rossendale finishing as the second Yorkshire girl helped the county to scoop the U17 girl’s title as well. This very talented athlete is also competitive across the codes and is, at time of writing second in the BOFRA championships. We have 9 young athletes competing in the U15 competition and it has been good to see a string of strong performances from Joseph Carnelley but equally good to see that Alex Flaherty who is very talented young cross-country runner making some appearances for the fell team. Grace Dawson deserves a mention as she is having a very strong second half of the season and seems to be getting faster every race. I have been personally impressed by the fact that some boys new to running, such as James Sinfield and Owen Pacey, have had a go at some of the races as it can be quite intimidating starting at this age group as they will be competing against some very strong and experienced athletes. The U13 is the most hotly contested competition in the championships. For the boys, William Askew has had an outstanding season and is really improving his speed and technique allowing him to stretch out a lead from Alistair Trusselle. Oliver Peace hasn’t been able to compete in all the races but looks unbeatable when he is running. For the girls, the result will be very tight between Eleanor Dawson and Elinor Gorrell. BINGLEY HARRIERS & A.C. JUNIOR FELL RUNNING REPORT 2017

Matthew Peace looks to be taking the U11 championship with a series of very strong results. Unfortunately, there have been very few runners competing in the U9 races.

I would like to say a really big “well done” to all the Bingley Junior Fell runners and would like to encourage as may juniors as possible to get involved in the 2018 championship so that the club can continue to perform so impressively in the future.


Ladies team up: As Ladies Fell Team Manager a key focus for me is to get teams out. A 2016 target was to get a ladies team to count in the English Fell Championship 2016 (EFC16) something we haven’t managed for a number of years. The final races, in a series of 6, were tough Long (L) or Medium (M) races - Borrowdale (L, Aug), Pendle 3 Peaks (M, Aug) and Langdale (L, Oct). A small group were fortunate to have time to recce, enter and stay fit & healthy for the whole season. It is a big commitment but more than repaid by great days out on recces, a fantastic sense of achievement on race day, and real pride seeing us listed in the EFC16 Team results. We had a team of at least 3 at 5 of the 6 races including Borrowdale and Langdale and, with 4 races to count, our final results were 9th Ladies OpenTeam (counters Lesley Watson, Becky Weight, Victoria Wilkinson, Denise Wright and Mandy Clarke) and 4th F40 team (Lesley, Becky & Denise). We have potential to improve this – I am not one of our fastest runners, and different runners can count at different races, so if a faster runner could make just one championship race and be a team counter we could improve the team result.

The team expanded to 10 (including reserves) for the Hodgson Brothers Mountain Relay (Oct 16) in Patterdale where we were one of only 8 clubs to get a ladies team out. All enjoyably and safely round and great experience especially for Ali Dewhirst, Shona Stone and Polly Green who had limited Lakeland fell outings. The relay is run in pairs and is a great opportunity to do a tough Lakes fell race in ‘company’. The other runners were Kate Farley, Mary Green, Denise, Lesley and myself with Sue Fulton and Marisol Carrera Viva as reserves. Vic ran with the men in an Open team.

Gathering Winter Fools (Dec 16), a local off-road relay gave opportunity for even more to have some pre-Christmas team fun. 27 ladies came out to play, recce the route, get muddy and lost, enjoy new paths, and juggle, work, family and Christmas preparation. 24 (3 teams) made the start line with critical last-minute reserve step ins for a work fall, a twisted ankle and a wood pile fall onto a foot. Especially pleased to have two junior ladies – Katie Smith and Eliza Findlay – join in. The teams were 2nd, 4th and 6th

The next off-road team event was the Bradford Millennium Way Relay (Jun 17). Thanks to Kate Farley who organised the team as it was the same weekend at the Eldwick Gala Fell Race which I took on this year as Race Organiser. With two teams of 10 out it gives scope for most ladies to try a local off-road / relay event, new routes and route finding and, as with the GWF Relay, we welcomed some new to event, or back from family, work, or injury timeout. With our 2016 win to defend the pressure was on but Bingley Babes stepped up to the mark again with a clear win in the second fastest ladies time in the last 10 years (7.04.30). In most fell / off road races there are team prizes up for grabs – you don’t have to enter a team as such – just your first 3 (sometimes 4) club runners count for a team prize. Bingley ladies have picked up a few: Boundary Way (Apr 17) 1st Lesley Watson, Shona Stone, Sarah Flaherty Three Peaks (Apr 17) 3rd Victoria Wilkinson, Lesley Watson, Ruth Thackray Fairfield Horseshoe (May 17) 2nd Becky Weight, Lesley Watson, Denise Wright Eldwick Gala Fell Race (Jun 17) 1st Grace Dawson, Eliza Findlay & Shona Stone Black Fell Race (Jul 17) 1st Lesley Watson, Denise Wright, Becky Weight BINGLEY HARRIERS & A.C. LADIES FELL AND OFF-ROAD REPORT 2016-2017

Especially surprised and pleased to get 2nd in the Fairfield Horseshoe and have 5 ladies running. I recognise it is a long stretch – distance, time, and experience – to get teams out in the Lakes. And great to see some of our junior ladies, Katie, Eliza, Grace and Vicki Merrick featuring in our senior teams and results. As team manager, I am always on the look out for new team members and always happiest when I am not in the team because there are faster runners than me available.

Ladies as individuals: Individual results for the English Fell Championship 2016 (EFC16) were still in the balance at the last race, Langdale in Oct but strong clear runs gave Victoria Wilkinson the Female Open and Becky Weight the Female 55 Championship victories. Victoria broke the women’s record which had stood for 20 years. Vic continued in winning and record breaking mode throughout the year – some examples Jan 17 Nine Standards BM 10th out of 150, new female record Feb 17 High Cup Nick BM 11th out of 250 breaking her own previous record Mar 17 Long Mynd Valleys AM 24th overall out of 387, first English Champs race for 2017 Apr 17 Three Peaks AL 13th overall, new female record, breaking the World Long Distance Mountain Running record from 2008 Jun 17 Tebay AM 46th overall, new female record

The Three Peaks result earned Victoria a Great Britain place for the World Long Distance Mountain Running Championships in Italy in August. She also earned a GB place at the European Mountain Running Championships (Uphill) in Kamnik, Slovakia in July where she took 5th place and was part of the GB Ladies Gold medal winning team.

Lesley Watson, who featured regularly in winning teams, and race placings, was the winning lady in the 2016 Bingley Harriers Fell Championship. A 2017 target for me was to encourage more ladies to participate in the club Fell Championship. So far, helped by a focus on club and more local events, the numbers are up, with 22 ladies competing in one or more of the first seven races against 12 in the whole series in 2016.

I am going to let some of the ladies tell their own stories about fell and off-road races:

Rivock Edge Fell Race BM 10.9km 269m Sun 19 Mar 2017 by Eleanor Brown To sum the race up in one word - muddy! It was the same day as Heptonstall and the reason we chose Rivock Edge instead was that the conditions were very wet and windy. We were worried that Heptonstall was too long and that we wouldn’t meet the cut off times. BINGLEY HARRIERS & A.C. LADIES FELL AND OFF-ROAD REPORT 2016-2017

The Rivock race was steep. It was a good route to do as some of it, including the trig point, is on private land so it was a good opportunity to run it. Terrain was a mix of canal tow path, farm fields, woodland and rough moorland pasture. On that day, it was pouring down and had been doing for a while. Everywhere, even the canal, was incredibly muddy. It was slippery so you couldn’t move quickly at any point. It was well organised and you got a hand wrist chip to clock in with at the trig and again at the end. The fee went to charity (possibly the local scout group). There were marshals and tape to mark the route, but despite all that I still managed to miss a turn at one point hence my slow time!

Guiseley Gallop 10k Multi-terrain Sun 16 April New members Liz Garlick (Heywood) and Clare Smith wrote: Liz: I did the Guiseley Gallop, really enjoyed the two-lap route despite the hills x 2! Weather was great on the day, overcast with a little bit of drizzle here and there but nothing to ruin the day. Terrain was dry underfoot although off road shoes were needed! Clare: I haven’t done much trail running so really enjoyed the GG! Easy set up and good organisation and nice to run through a lovely route rather than the usual roads which I’m used to. Quite a tough course but adds to the challenge and would do again next year!

Bingley Harriers - Bob Smith Spring Handicap, Trail, ~6k Thu 20 April 2017 By Liz Garlick, one of our new members “Really enjoyed the spring handicap. The weather was great, sunshine that evening and a great turn out! Route was really well marked and for those enjoying shorter off-road routes I would definitely recommend although for those of us that went off first you did feel ‘hunted’ by the faster runners!!”

Baildon Boundary Way, Multi-terrain 13.6m 410m ascent, Sun 2 April 2017 By Sarah Flaherty as a ‘first timer’ and Shona Stone on her 3rd BBWay Sarah: My first off-road half marathon. Entered on the spur of the moment, literally a couple of days before (thank you to Jason for the number!). Really enjoyed running along the river and canal and especially when Shona spotted Jonny Brownlee! Worst bit was when Shone took off up the hill just after the canal bit and I had no chance of keeping up with her... That next long uphill section through the woods and onto Shipley Glen was much harder than anything I’ve ever come across doing road half marathons and really tested my resolve to keep going (and not to trip and fall over). Another best bit was finding out we’d won when we had completely written ourselves off having spent ages adding up the points! Shona: My 3rd time doing the Boundary Way & 3rd ladies team prize. Glad we were back to the 2015 route, as the 2016 one was definitely more challenging! Set off with Sarah Flaherty who felt to be running strongly in the 1st part of the race. Luckily for me, she’s less experienced in off-road running, so I was able to pull away later in the race. Nonetheless, a great run by Sarah, lots of off-road running BINGLEY HARRIERS & A.C. LADIES FELL AND OFF-ROAD REPORT 2016-2017

potential, if she wants to do more in the future. Long Distance Ladies A select few ladies target ‘long’ events. The Hobble (51km, Mar 17) saw Kate Farley, Ruth Thackray and Jo Buckley in action. This was part of Kate’s warm up for her second go at the Transvulcania mountain ultra-marathon (73km/45m, 4,400m ascent, May 17) in La Palma which she completed in 15 hours. Ali Dewhirst took a break from marathon training to complete the Cotswold (100k m/62ms, Jun 17) in just over 20 hours. In terms of time on the job Kerry Gilchrist and Kate Farley (& Rick Gilchrist) took the top spot when they put in over 80 hours marshalling in two days for the Lakeland Ultra Races (Jul 17). Races don’t happen without marshals. Kerry commented ‘Never mind training to run it, I should have put some training in for marshalling! Still wandering around like a zombie!’ I hope you enjoyed some other perspectives on Fell and Off-road running. Something for everyone – from a friendly local trail to a high mountain challenge. Becky Weight Ladies Fell Manager. BINGLEY HARRIERS & A.C. BINGLEY LADIES VETS REPORT

The standout performance amongst our Lady Veterans since I wrote last year’s report in August 2016 is our Ladies Fell Captain’s excellent performance in the English Fell Championships, with Becky Weight winning the LV55 category in the 2017 English Fell Running Championships. It was also good to see both Lesley Watson and Stephanie Robson achieving success in BMAF championship events this year.Notable performances during the last 12 months include: BMAF Home International Cross-Country Championships - these were held in Glasgow on 12th November 2016, Sue Becconsall was selected to represent England in the LV55 category and came 2nd in her category with England winning the team gold. This was closely followed by the BMAF Cross Country Relays, which were held on the 19th November 2016 at Long Eaton – a LV55 team consisting of Becky Weight, Mary Green and Sue Becconsall headed down the M1 to run around some rather flat football pitches. The trek however was rewarded with the LV55 category trophy, Sue running 12.24, Becky 13.48 and Mary 12.59. The next major event in the Vets calendar was the Yorkshire Veterans Athletic Association’s cross-country championships, these were held in conjunction with the Northern Masters’ cross-country championships at Doncaster in 4th March with Stephanie Robson coming home as 2nd LW45 in the Northern Masters Championships and 4th LV45 in the YVAA Championships. This was closely followed by the BMAF cross country championships held in Liverpool on 18th March 2017. Braving lots of mud and rain, a Bingley Ladies team of Stephanie Robson, Lesley Watson and Sue Becconsall had a very successful day winning the LV45 Team competition, Sue was also 3rd LV55, Lesley being our fastest runner on the day in 26.26, followed by Stephanie in 26.54 and Sue in 27.21. Closer to home we had success in the YVAA 5 mile road championships held at their usual venue at Haworth – Jo Buckley was first LV40 in 33.55 and Lesley Watson was first LV45 in 34.46 The next British Masters event was also closer to home, being the 5k road championships held at Horwich. On a very hot day in the middle of June, Lesley Watson won her first individual medal at a BMAF event as 3rd LV45 in a time of 19.42, Sue Becconsall was 2nd LV55 in 20.07. The YVAA 5k championships were held on a not quite so hot day on the 22nd June in Todmorden, our sole ladies’ representative, Jo Buckley was first LV40 in 19.50. If you are interested in competing in any future vets events or would like any further information, please contact Sue Becconsall and many thanks to everyone who has completed for Bingley during the last 12 months. Sue Beconsall BINGLEY HARRIERS & A.C. MEN’S VETS REPORT 2017

Hello summer, goodbye summer, it just flashes past like Alex Flaherty! Hopefully though, it leaves us with some good memories. We had National success in two British Masters Road Championships. At the 5K Road Relay in Sutton Park, Birmingham (20 May); we fielded one M55+, two M65+ and one M75+ teams. We took bronze team M65+ (our best placing for some years) thanks to Gerry Bell, Bryan Parkinson and Les Haynes. Our M75 team took gold with John Smithurst, Dave Barber and Fred Gibbs. Star individual performances by John Convery – 2nd fastest M55+ in 17-00 and Fred Gibbs top M75+ with 22-57. Such was the standard of competition, that Bryan Parkinson’s 20-10 gave him 8th fastest M65, with top man David Oxland clocking 18-14. In the 5K at Horwich on a hot 18 June, John Convery took 2nd M55 in 17m-15 and Fred Gibbs 3rd M75 24m-14. Our M65 to 74 team won gold with Bryan Parkinson, Gerry Bell & Les Haynes and our M75+ team silver with Fred Gibbs, Dave Barber & John Smithurst. Again, the standards were high, with Bryan’s 21m-22 placed 7th M65 and Les Haynes’ 21m-50, 6th M70. The Eccup 10, held on 2 July, incorporated the Yorkshire Vets 10-mile Road Championship and featured some outstanding runs by Bingley vets: Gerry Bell – first M65 73m-38, Oliver Downing – 2nd M70 91m-09, and John Smithurst – 3rd M75 104m-51. It is good to see Gerry back on form after prolonged injury problems. The Yorkshire Vets Grand Prix events have been well supported, but it proved difficult to negotiate with Clubs to secure the preferred number of fixtures. So, this year the best 5 out of 6 races will decide the overall age rankings. At the latest event hosted by Halifax AC on 9 August, 100 women and 148 men competed on a mainly flat canal side course, just under 10K. The M70 placings were fiercely contested – I overtook an M70 with 1K to go, thinking I might have third, only to be passed by another just before the finish. The three of us finished 3 seconds apart and the first M70 Geoff Cumber was 49th man in an impressive 41-17, ahead of Bryan Parkinson (41-34) who took 1st M65. Bryan, with 2 events to go, looks well placed to be top M65 for the Series. By the time you read this Report, the “Deadwater Ultra Marathon” will probably have been released as a blockbuster movie, starring John Parkin. John has a Parkin Weekly Blog website, on which he has posted an inspiring account of this race, and reading it is highly recommended if you have any interest in running challenges. Suffice to say the 225-mile race from Deadwater near the Scottish Border to the Welsh Border over 6 days, carrying food, clothes and camping kit demanded navigating mainly off-road stages of 29, 36, 43, 57, 30 and 30 miles. John won the race! As someone whose concept of ultra-running is a 4-hour effort, it blows my mind. This latest triumph adds to the massive achievements of other Club runners who have previously completed Mont Blanc Tours, runs, etc. I am considering organising a Candle Fund collection at the AGM, as our President John Smithurst will be (God willing!) 80 in November, and Les Haynes 75 in October. As an aging vet, birthdays may be considered a mixed blessing, but entering a new age category, with the opportunity to be the “new kid on the block” is a great incentive to keep training. It does not always live up to expectations, as I have found this year, but I will show ‘em when I’m 75! BINGLEY HARRIERS & A.C. MEN’S VETS REPORT 2017

Post-AGM, we have the League cross-country at Wakefield, then the British Masters Cross-Country Relays should be coming up, where I hope to field teams. Also, the Masters International Cross-Country Championships to be held in Derry, N. Ireland on 18 November – best of luck to our elite vets competing here. Then 3 more West Yorkshire cross countries plus Harriers v Cyclists and it’s Tally-Ho to Christmas – doesn’t time fly when you are having fun! Peter Ellerton Men’s Vets Captain BINGLEY HARRIERS & A.C. YDL LOWER REPORT 2017

I would like to thank all the athletes who competed in the Youth Development Team this year. It has been a hard season as we have competed against clubs with much larger squads but our athletes have shown real determination and have achieved some great results. We finished fourth in the league which was a surprise as we had such a small team for the first two matches, hopefully the athletes who had their first taste of competition this year will compete again next year and we will be able to start next year with much stronger team. Points Awards 2017 Under 13 Girls 1st Rebecca Kerman 2nd Alicia Kerman 3rd Isobel Henry Under 15 Girls 1st Gabriella Smallie 2nd Ruby Klarzynoka 3rd Megan Ellis Under 15 Boys 1st Alfie Vincent 2nd Jack Muir 3rd Drew Walford Sadly this year I was unable to award any under 13 boys as we only had a team for the last match. Jill Jones. BINGLEY HARRIERS & A.C. YDL UPPER REPORT 2017

Summer 2017 has been similar to previous years in this age group, very skilled athletes who are extremely competitive in the events they compete in. Congratulations must go to all athletes that have competed this summer. Special thanks, both for volunteering to take part in the 1500m Steeplechase and also for providing the BIngley team with some merriment, have to go to Olivia Francis. Olivia had never run the 1500m Steeplechase before and her first attempt was made during the secondYDL match. She negotiated all the barriers successfully except the water jump where she took a dive into the deep end the first time she went over. Nonetheless she recorded a very good time and her performance suggested this could be her event. She gave the race everything she had. Well done Olivia. The only thing holding this age group back from being more competitive with our closest rival clubs (Spenborough and Scunthorpe) is the number of athletes we have. On average, we fill spaces in around a quarter of the events on offer, most of which are field events, so as usual there is a call to all athletes in the club if you or a friend wish to try out any Track and Field event. We have everything from Javelin or 3000m to Long Jump with space to accommodate you and teach you how to do it if necessary! Thanks as always goes out to all the U20 athletes who came back from University to help boost our points, the athletes who during and after finishing their exams still turned out to compete, and every athlete who came out and gave their all for Bingley, I hope we will see you all back next year! Phillip Jones. BINGLEY HARRIERS & A.C. PULTON CUP 2017 REPORT

This year the Pulton Cup was held on the 4th July. Sadly the weather was wet so we moved the competition inside. We had 76 athletes taking part, the standard of competition was really good. The medals and certificates were given out at the Pizza and Prizes night on the 18th July. The winner of the Pulton Cup 2017 was Oscar Pors with a great score of 79 points out of a possible 80. Well done to all who took part. Jill Jones BINGLEY HARRIERS & A.C. SUMMER SERIES 5K REPORT

Another year another 6 races along the canal to Roberts Park with Bingley Harriers Juniors and Seniors battling it out to set their fastest times and each other.

It’s a great sight to see the runners racing each other around Roberts Park where blue and white hoops are strung all the way round the cricket field. And then, closer to the finish along the canal where, if I’ve done my job as a handicapper, it’s a super battle all the way to the finish. It’s not unusual to have 40 runners crossing the line within a minute of each other. This makes it interesting for the timekeepers and number takers but is fantastic to see.

As ever it’s thanks to the helpers that the series can go ahead so I’d like to thank Kerry Gilchrist, John Capenhurst, Tony Pickles, Paul Tiffany and everybody else who helps out on the nights, it’s much appreciated. This year we’ve actually struggled to cover the whole course on a couple of nights which has meant that some runners have not completed the full course. So, if you aren’t able to run the event, why not come along to support your club and fellow runners by marshalling or helping out at the start/finish area.

For some reason this year numbers have been down compared to previous years and there is definitely a downward trend over the past 2-3 years. I’m not sure why this is, maybe someone could tell me. It does seem that the number of juniors has decreased.

As most people probably know, winning an age category for the summer series isn’t about being the fastest runner, it’s all about how you fare against what the handicapper thinks you will do. The handicaps are adjusted after every event so, in actual fact, you are penalised for running well in the previous race. To beat the handicapper continuously means that you’re improving all the time which is the whole point. The look of delight on runners faces when they realise they’ve gone into a faster Group is great, conversely the disappointment when someone has been put in a slower group hopefully gives them more motivation to improve.

The Age Group winners are listed below, well done to you all. It means you’ve run at least 4 races, shown a great deal of commitment and beaten the handicapper more often than not. BINGLEY HARRIERS & A.C. SUMMER SERIES 5K REPORT

Junior Girls U8 - Hannah Jones. U12 - Mia Naylor. U14 - Fearn Garbutt. U16 - Ruby Firth. U18 - Eliza Findlay

Junior Boys

U8 - William Johnson. U10 - William Askew. U12 - Callum Ruskin. U14 - Ben Rees. U16 - Josh Rees

Senior Ladies

Senior - Eleanor Brown. Vet 40 - Eva Watson. Vet 50 - Becky Weight

Senior Men

Senior - Scott Poole. Vet 40 - Paul Tiffany. Vet 50 - Paul Spencer. Vet 60 - Phil Hawkswell. Vet 75 - Les Haynes

The overall winner was Becky Weight who scored the lowest points amongst everyone, congratulations and it won’t happen again next year!!

I must also make a special mention to Scott Poole, Josh Spencer, Les Haynes, Paul Spencer, Phil Hawkswell, Anne-Marie Roper and Callum Rudkin for running in every race, well done. All we’re pretty consistent but none could beat Les who’s fastest time was 22.43 and slowest 23.21, great stuff.

As far as fastest times are concerned it’s a story of youth against experience with Mike McCartney and Alex Flaherty fighting it out amongst the men most of the summer and Lesley Watson, Ruby Firth and Rebecca Flaherty amongst the ladies. In the end, with a great final race,Alex Thompson , Alex Flaherty, Ged Callan and Reuben Mantle all beat the previous fastest time and all came in with 13 seconds of each other. Reuben came out on top so youth and speed came out on top in the men’s and amongst the ladies. So well done Ruby Firth with a time of 20.55 and Reuben Mantle with a time of 18.05. BINGLEY HARRIERS & A.C. SUMMER SERIES 5K REPORT

Again, the fastest times are down on previous years and I do wonder why not many of the faster runners are unwilling to come along and support the event regularly or even on a one off basis. A hard 5k as a race or a tempo run gives just a much benefit as a track or grass session and they’re a great way of monitoring your training and progress. I do appreciate that the Summer is a busy period of racing but come on Harriers Gentlemen and Ladies at the faster end of the club, give it a go, join the fun and provide some inspiration to your Club colleagues.

All in all another great series, so I guess we do it all next year.

In addition to the summer series the Junior running coaches are also starting a Winter Road 3k Series around the roads of Nab Wood, a simplified version but along the same lines. We hope that we can encourage more of our Juniors to come along and, importantly, to then compete for Bingley Harriers. Watch this space.


Once again Ian Holmes became English and British fell champion in 2016 season. This time in the Vet 50 category adding to his history of winning the titles over the years, and cementing his accolade as one of the best overall fell runners to ever put on a pair of fell shoes. Not only did he win The Vet 50 category he also earnt a silver medal in V40 English championship against tough and much younger opposition. Well done Holmsey! Onto 2017 season and staying with Ian Holmes he had a great run at Howarth Hobble in March finishing in 6th place in a time of 3.57, narrowly missing out on qualifying for an international long- distance event, but nevertheless a great run indeed. Myself and my Brother Rob ran the same event as pairs and whilst I couldn’t keep up all the way round he waited for me and we won the paired category. Bingley Harriers men also had success at this year’s Three Peaks Race. Bingley`s men won Vet 40 Team with Robert Jebb, myself and Paul Tiffany. The Vet 50 team prize was also won by the blue and white hoops with Ian Holmes, Ian Ferguson and Dave Stephenson in the team. Obviously, the performance of the day (or `year/century`) goes to Victoria Wilkinson who smashed the women’s course record in a time of 3.09 and an amazing 13th place overall. Well done Vic! Elsewhere around the fells of England Rob Jebb has continued his strong performances with wins at Old County Tops and Lakeland classic Duddon, to name but a few. It is with regret that I have to announce that Rob is leaving Bingley Harriers this year as a first claim runner. He is moving to a club closer to his home in the Lake District. Rob is still continuing second claim honorary membership at Bingley Harriers and I am sure all of Bingley Harriers wish him well and continued success at his new club. I more than most will miss running with him in the blue and white hoops very much. Good Luck Rob! Other Bingley runners running consistently well this year are Tom Gomersall who has run at many of the big classics in the Lake District and Scotland and he had a stand out run at the very tough Wasdale race running it in a very credible time of 4.37. Also, Ged Callan has worked through some bad injuries and seems to be back running well and more importantly injury free, Ged won Settle Hills race and he seems to be well positioned in many races closer to home. I must once again mention John Parkin in this year’s fell report. His crazy adventures continued this year as he tackled the unknown. He decided to enter the Dead Water ultra-marathon which was a 235 mile, 6-day event from the Scottish border to the Welsh border taking in 27,000 feet of climb. As John does he focused his training on this event and not only completed this gruelling challenge but came home in first place.I am sure a great experience was had, although John has now told me he is focusing on getting fast for next year, so the track team will have to watch this space! BINGLEY HARRIERS & A.C. MEN’S FELL REPORT 2017

Relays; We had two men’s teams in Millennium Way this year and both ran well, our A team coming home in second place overall and B team all ran consistently well on the day.

We have teams entered at Ian Hodgson relay in early October and also have open team and vets’ teams going to British championship relays in Llanberis in Mid-October so good luck to everyone running.

Many thanks

Andrew Jebb (Men’s Fell Captain) BINGLEY HARRIERS & A.C.



BINGLEY HARRIERS RECORDS (August(Updated 20August17) 2017)

MEN 100m 10.65 D Nelson 2013 200m 21.50 D Nelson 2013 400m 48.84 D Nelson 2013 800m 1m 50.0 S Fielding 1986 1,500m 3m 42.04 S Fielding 1988 1 Mile 4m 02.2 M Hawkins 1987 3,000m 7m 48.0 R Nerurkar 1992 5,000m 13m 22.39 J Solly 1986 10,000m 27m 40.03 R Nerurkar 1993 110mh 14.9 A Gill 1996 400mh 52.42 Oliver 2011 Robinson 3,000m SC 8m 36.55 M Hawkins 1995 4x100 Relay 42.84 G Parlett, L 1996 Fortune, S Maufrais, A Gill 4x400 Relay 3m 26.9 T Crowley C 2008 Cox O Robinson J Allan High Jump 1.97m M Dawson 1993 Long Jump 7.19m S Maufrais 1996 Triple Jump 14.28m S Maufrais 1996 Pole Vault 4.00m N Robinson 2011 Shot Putt 16.20m I Lindley 1987 Discus 50.38m H Eberlein 1972 Hammer 46.20m F McKenzie 1974 Javelin 60.25m B Ambler 2008 Decathlon 5357pts S Harrison 1993 Half 61m 06 R Nerurkar 1996 Marathon Marathon 2h 08.37 R Nerurkar 1997


100m 11.94 N Crosby 1998 200m 24.30 N Crosby 1998 400m 57.46 J Oates 1997 800m 2m 6.9 A Coates 1988 BINGLEY HARRIERS & A.C. ROLL OF HONOUR

1,500m 4m 27.54 E Clayton 2012 3,000m 9m 12.62 E Clayton 2013 5,000m 16m 37.27 E Clayton 2012

10,000m 33m 04.36 C Greenwood 1994

100mh 14.6 E Noble 2003 400mh 61.26 J Oates 1998 3,000m SC 10m 24.24 E Raven 2011

4X100m Relay 49.25 R Calvert, A 1996 Bretherick, J Oates, N Crosby 4X400m Relay 3m 57.8 A Bretherick, J 1998 Oates, SJ Littlewood, SL Littlewood High Jump 1.76m L Dickinson 1997 Long Jump 5.60m J Oates 2001 Triple Jump 11.53m K Brow 1997 Pole Vault 2.20m R Calvert 1996 Shot Putt 13.80m S Benson 2013 Discus 38.33m J Crosby 2005 Hammer 53.32m J Mayho 2012 Javelin 44.08m E Lilly 1995 Heptathlon 4344pts R Calvert 1996 Half Marathon 76.57 S Jarvis 2009 Marathon 2h 51m 33 S Jarvis 2011

5,000m Walk 26m 57 S Woodcock 1996 10,000m Walk 58m 09 K Brook 1997

BINGLEY HARRIERS INTERNATIONAL REPRESENTATIVES Muhammad Ali Boxing Flyweight Keith Anderson Road, Marathon Andrew Atkinson Cross Country James Ashworth Marathon Roy Bailey Cross Country Sue Becconsall Fell, Cross Country Gerry Bell Cross Country Steve Binns Cross Country, Track Angela Bretherick Track Oliver Brewer Track & Field Stefan Briggs Fell Steve Brooks Cross Country, Fell, Road Alistair Brownlee Fell, Triathlon Jonathan Brownlee Fell, Triathlon BINGLEY HARRIERS & A.C. ROLL OF HONOUR

Anne Buckley Mountain Running Emile Cairess Mountain Running Sue Cariss Cross Country Emma Clayton Mountain Running Pete Covey Cross Country Angela Crewe Cross Country John Cordingley Cross Country John Convery Cross Country Mark Croasdale Fell, Road Nicole Crosby Track George Buckley Cross-Country Leone Dickinson Track & Field Meryl Dodd Road, Cross Country Bob Dover Cross Country Emma Raven Track & Field Dennis Farnsworth Track Simon Fielding Track John Firth Cross Country Harold Frobisher Track & Field Fred Gibbs Cross Country Siggy Gould Fell Steve Green Cross Country, Road Carol Greenwood Cross Country, Fell Abigail Greetham Cross Country, Track Mick Hawkins Track, Indoors, Road, Cross Country Steve Hawkins Fell Les Haynes Cross Country Ian Holmes Fell David Humphreys Cross Country Helen Jackson Fell Sarah Jarvis Road, Cross Country Robert Jebb Fell Helen Johnson Fell Mark Kinch Fell Emma Lilley Track & Field Rebecca Long Track & Field

Stewart MacDonald Cross Country James Mason Fell Lucy Mayho Cross Country Matthew Merrick Mountain running Victoria Merrick Mountain running Peter Moon Track Colin Moore Cross Country, Track, Marathon Richard Nerurkar Cross Country, Track, Marathon Joanne Oates Track Catherine O'Halloran Track & Field Bryan Parkinson Road, Track William Padgett Road Andrew Peace Fell, Mountain Running Andrew Pearson Cross Country, Road, Track, Fell BINGLEY HARRIERS & A.C. ROLL OF HONOUR

Mark Peters Road Peter Probin Cross Country Dennis Quinlan Cross Country Steve Robinson Cross Country Neil Robson Cross Country Charlotte Sanderson Mountain Running David Slater Track Robert Slater Fell Mike Smith Cross Country John Smithurst Cross-Country Jon Solly Track Gerry Spink Cross Country Victoria Stainburn Race Walking John Taylor Fell Sharon Taylor Fell Jill Teague Fell David Throup Cross Country Rebekah Tiler Weightlifting John Waterhouse Road Craig Watson Fell Matthew Watson Cross Country, Track Ian Wellock Fell Natalie White Fell Matthew Whitfield Fell Mark Whiteley Track & Field Mary Wilkinson Mountain Running Victoria Wilkinson Fell, Road, Cross Country, Mountain Running Sian Woodcock Race Walking


European Club Cross Country Representatives 1997/99/03 European Club Cross Country Bronze Medallists 1997 National Cross Country Champions 1991/93/96/98/01/02 National Cross Country Relay Champions 1995/96/98/00 National 6 Stage Road Relay Champions 1979/90/94/95/96 National 12 Stage Road Relay Champions 1996 National 10k Road Champions 1990/99 National 10 Mile Road Champions 1996 British Fell Running Champions 1997/02 British Women's Fell Running Champions 2000/02/03/06 British F.R.A. Relay Champions 1991/92/98/01/06/08 British F.R.A. Womens Relay Champions 2008/11 English Fell Running Champions 1991/98 English Women's Fell Running Champions 2003/04/06/07 Northern 6-Stage Road Relay Champions 1982/88/97 Northern 12-Stage Road Relay Champions 1996/99 BINGLEY HARRIERS & A.C. ROLL OF HONOUR

Northern Women's 6-Stage Road Relay Champions 2004 Northern Cross Country Champions 1991/92/93/94/95/96/97/01/02 Northern Women's Cross Country Champions 2007/2011 North of England Division 3WC T&F Champions (M&F) 2006/2008 Yorkshire Cross Country Champions 1968/69/70/71/79/85/87/93/94/98/99/00/01/02/03/04/ 05 Yorkshire Women's Cross Country Champions 07/06/2001 Yorkshire 6-Stage Road Relay Champions 1983/84/85/87/89/90/91/95/98/99/01 Yorkshire 4-Stage Women’s Road Relay Champions 2008


World M50 25k Club-Team Champions 1985 British M35 5k Champions (Road) 2010/2012 British M50 5k Champions 1993/94/99 British M55 5k Champions (Road) 2011 British M60 5k Champions 03/02/1998 British M65 5k Champions (Road) 2013 /2017 British M65-M74 5K Champions (Road) 2014 British M70 5k Champions (Road) 2012 British M50 10k Champions 1999 British M60 10k Champions 1999/02/03/07 British M65-M74 10K Champions 2014 British M60 10m Champions 2004/06 British M60 Half Marathon Champions 1998/04 British M50 6-Stage Road Relay Champions 1993/94/96/99 British M60 3-Stage Road Relay Champions 03/01/1999 British W45 3-Stage Road Relay Champions 1996 British W55 3-Stage Road Relay Champions 2006/2013/ 2016 British M40 Cross Country Champions 1983 British W45 Cross Country Champions 2013 British M75 Road Relay Champions 2017 British M50 Cross Country Champions 1985/93/94/96/00/03 British M60 Cross Country Champions 07/04/2003 British M65-M74 Cross Country Champions 2014 /2017 British M70 Cross Country Champions 2010 British M50 3-Stage Cross Country Relay 1995 Champions British M50 4-Stage Cross Country Relay 2001 Champions British M60 3-Stage Cross Country Relay 06/02/2001 Champions National L35 Road Relay Champions 2009 FRA Veterans 4-Stage Fell Relay Champions 1991 British W35 3-Stage Road Relay Champions 2009

British W55 3-Stage Cross-Country Relay Champions 2014/16 JUNIOR TEAM TITLES National Junior Cross-Country Champions 1989 BAF Under 17 Race Walking Champions 1995 BAF Under 20 Race Walking Champions 1997

INDIVIDUAL SENIOR CHAMPIONS Alistair Brownlee Olympic Triathlon Champion 2012, 2016 Alistair Brownlee World Triathlon Champion 2009/2011 Jonathan Brownlee Olympic Triathlon - Bronze 2012 BINGLEY HARRIERS & A.C. ROLL OF HONOUR

Jonathan Brownlee Olympic Triathlon- Silver 2016 Jonathan Brownlee World Triathlon Champion 2012 Jonathan Brownlee World Sprint Triathlon Champion 2010/2011 Richard Nerurkar World Cup Marathon Champion 1993 Rob Jebb World Buff Skyrunner Champion 2005 Jon Solly Commonwealth 10,000m Champion 1986 Steven Binns U.K. 10,000m Champion 1983 Richard Nerurkar English CC Champion 1990/91/93 Steven Hawkins British Fell Running Champion 1992 Ian Holmes British Fell Running Champion 1996/97/98/00 Rob Jebb British Fell Running Champion 13/06/2003 Natalie White British Women's Fell Running 2006 Champion Victoria Wilkinson British Women's Fell Running 2013/2014 Champion Mark Kinch British Open Fell Champion 1997/98/00 Kirstin Bailey British Open Fell Running Champion 1982,3,4,5,6,7,8,91 Mick Coffey British Open Fell Champion (Div 2) 2003 Mark Kinch British Trail Running Champion 1998/99/00 (Long Course) Martin Weeks Fell Running Champion 1976 Robert Whitfield English Fell Running Champion 1987 Ian Holmes English Fell Running Champion 1996/98/00/02/03 Rob Jebb English Fell Running Champion 2006/2008 Natalie White English Women's Fell Running 2006/2008 Champion Victoria Wilkinson English Women's Fell Running 2013/14/15/16 Champion Jon Solly A.A.A. 10,000m Champion 1986 Steven Binns A.A.A. 10,000m Champion 1988 Richard Nerurkar A.A.A. 10,000m Champion 1990 Emma Raven England 3000m Steeplechase 2011 Champion Mick Hawkins Inter-Counties 3000m Steeple Chase 1987/89 Champion Colin Moore Inter-Counties 10,000m Champion 1983 Colin Moore Inter-Counties CC Champion 1984 Phillip Tedd Inter-Counties Mile Champion 2000

INDIVIDUAL MASTER CHAMPIONS Derek Lawson World M50 25km Road Running 1985 Champion Peter Moon World M50 3000m Steeplechase 1999 Champion Derek Lawson Commonwealth M50 10k Road 1986 Running Champion Derek Lawson Commonwealth M50 25k Road 1986 Running Champion Mike Smith European M60 1500m Indoor 2003 Champion Mike Smith European M60 3000m Indoor 2003 Champion Mike Smith European M65 800m Champion 2008

Roy Bailey British & Irish M40 Cross Country 1991 Champion (Eng) BINGLEY HARRIERS & A.C. ROLL OF HONOUR

Gerry Spink British & Irish M60 Cross Country 1991 Champion (Eng) Fred Gibbs British & Irish M60 Cross Country 1999 Champion (Eng) Les Haynes British & Irish M60 Cross Country 2002 Champion (Eng) Sue Cariss British & Irish W55 Cross Country 2004 Champion (Eng) Mick Hawkins British M40 5k Road Running 2002 Champion Dennis Quinlan British M50 5k Road Running 1993 Champion John Smithurst British M55 5k Road Running 1993 Champion Fred Gibbs British M60 5k Road Running 03/02/1999 Champion Fred Gibbs British M75 5K Road Running 06/07/1905 Champion Neil Robson British M50 10k Road Running 2001 Champion Les Haynes British M50 10k Road Running 1994 Champion Les Haynes British M55 10k Road Running 1998 Champion Fred Gibbs British M60 10k Road Running 1999/00/01 Champion Fred Gibbs British M65 10k Road Running 2004 Champion Fred Gibbs British M70 10k Road Running 2009/2010 Champion Fred Gibbs British M75 10k Road Running 2013/14 Champion Gerry Spink British M50 10m Road Running 1981 Champion Neil Robson British M50 10m Road Running 2000 Champion Fred Gibbs British M55 10m Road Running 1998 Champion Fred Gibbs British M60 10m Road Running 2000/02 Champion Fred Gibbs British M65 10m Road Running 2004 Champion Stewart MacDonald British M40 Half Marathon 2006 Champion Les Haynes British M55 Half Marathon Road 1998 Running Champion Fred Gibbs British M60 Half Marathon Road 1998 Running Champion Fred Gibbs British M65 Half Marathon Road 2004 Running Champion John Firth British M65 Half Marathon Road 2006 Running Champion Gerry Spink British M50 25k Road Running 1981 Champion Pauline Smith British W60 5k Road Running Champion Sue Cariss British W55 10k Road Running 2005/06 Champion BINGLEY HARRIERS & A.C. ROLL OF HONOUR

Sue Cariss British W55 Half marathon Road 2006 Running Champion Derek Lawson British M45 Cross Country 1983 Champion Derek Lawson British M50 Cross Country 1986 Champion John Convery British M50 Cross Country 2013 Champion Gerry Spink British M55 Cross Country 1988/89 Champion Les Haynes British M55 Cross Country 1998 Champion Fred Gibbs British M60 Cross Country 2001 Champion Mike Smith British M60 Cross Country 2003 Champion Les Haynes British M65 Cross Country 2007 Champion Gerry Spink British M70 Cross Country 2004 Champion Fred Gibbs British M70 Cross Country 2010 Champion Fred Gibbs British M75 Cross Country 2014 Champion Sarah Jarvis British W35 Cross Country 2009 Champion Sue Becconsall British W45 Cross Country 2007 Champion Sue Becconsall British W50 Cross Country 2010/13 Champion Sue Beconsall British W505k Road Running Champion 2009 Bob Whitfield British M40 Fell Running Champion 1991/92 Ian Holmes British M40 Fell Running Champion 2006/2008 Fred Gibbs British M60 10,000m T&F 03/02/2000 Champion Fred Gibbs British M65 10,000m T&F 2004/06 Champion Ian Lindley British M40 Shot Putt Champion 1997 Mike Smith British M60 1500m Champion 2006 Sue Cariss British W55 10,000m T&F 2005 Champion

Mike Smith British M65 1500m Champion 2008 Mike Smith British M65 5000m Champion 2008 Fred Gibbs British M70 5000m Champion 2009 Fred Gibbs British M75 5000m Champion 2014 Fred Gibbs British M70 10000m Champion 2010 Andrea Dennison British W45 10000m Champion 2009 Ian Lindley British M40 Shot Putt Indoor 1998/00 Champion Ian Lindley British M45 Shot Putt Indoor 2001/03 Champion Ian Lindley British M50 Shot Putt Indoor 2006 Champion BINGLEY HARRIERS & A.C. ROLL OF HONOUR

Neil Robson British M50 3000m Indoor 1999/01 Champion Mike Smith British M55 800m Indoor Champion 1998/02 Les Haynes British M55 3000m Indoor 1999 Champion Mike Smith British M60 800m Indoor Champion 2003 Fred Gibbs British M60 1500m Indoor 1999/02 Champion Mike Smith British M60 1500m Indoor 2003 Champion Fred Gibbs British M60 3000m Indoor 1999/00/01/02 Champion Fred Gibbs British M65 3000m Indoor 2004/07 Champion Fred Gibbs English M70 Fell Running Champion 2009 Bob Whitfield English M40 Fell Running Champion 1991/93 Ian Holmes English M40 Fell Running Champion 2006/07/08/09 Ian Holmes English M45 Fell Running Champion 2011 Alison Raw English W45 Fell Running Champion 2011 Peter Covey English M70 Fell Running Champion 2011 Peter Covey British M70 Cross Country 2011 Champion

Peter Covey British & Irish M75 Cross Country Champion 2015

Bryan Parkinson Irish Masters M60 800m Indoor Champion 2011

Aly Raw British W50 Fell Running Champion 2014

Becky Weight English W55 Fell Running Champion 2016


Steven Binns European Junior 5,000m 1979 Champion Victoria Wilkinson Junior World Cup Fell Running 1997 Champion Alistair Brownlee European Teenage Mountain 2003 Champion Alistair Brownlee British & Irish U16 Junior Hill 2004 Running Champion Sam Webster British & Irish U16 Junior Hill 2005 Running Champion Jonathan Brownlee British & Irish U16 Junior Hill 2006 Running Champion Alistair Brownlee World U20 Triathlon Champion 2006 Alistair Brownlee World U23 Triathlon Champion 2008 Jonathan Brownlee World U23 Triathlon Champion 2010 Steven Binns English Junior CC Champion 1979 Catherine Bennett English Girls CC Champion 1983 Steven Brooks English Junior CC Champion 1989 Leone Dickinson W.A.A.A. Girl's Pentathlon 1990 Champion Keith Daniel UK Sportshall Under-15 All Round 1990 Champion BINGLEY HARRIERS CLOTHING SHOP

Bingley Harriers Clothing Shop

Junior Senior Vests £15.00 Crop Tops £15.00 Sublimated T-Shirts £16.00 T-Shirts £10.00 £12.00 Polo Shirts £11.50 £13.50 Hoodie £16.50 £20.50 Zip Hoodie £18.50 £22.50 Hi-Viz Hat £8.00

Sizes Available: Junior – 7/8, 9/10, 11/13 Senior – XS, S, M, L, XL


FAYE FIRTH at BLACKFELL RACE 2017 Photograph courtesy of Bruce Duncan

Photographs courtesy of Geoff Thompson, John Smithurst, Dave Weatherhead.

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