Volume 2, Issue 3 – July – December – 2018 Journal-Urban-Rural and Regional ISSN-On line:economy 2524-2091 ISSN-On line: 2524-2083 RINOE® RINOE® RINOE-Republic of Peru RINOE Journal-Urban-Rural and Regional economy, Volume 2, Issue 3, July-December Chief Editor 2018, is a journal edited semestral by RINOE. RAMOS-ESCAMILLA, María. PhD La Raza Av. 1047 No.-Santa Ana, Cusco-Perú. Postcode: 11500. WEB: www.rinoe.org, Senior Editor
[email protected]. Editor in Chair: RAMOS- SERRUDO-GONZALES, Javier. BsC ESCAMILLA, María. ISSN: 2524-2083. Responsible for the latest update of this number Senior Editorial Assistant RINOE Computer unit. ROSALES-BORBOR, Eleana. BsC ESCAMILLABOUCHÁN Imelda, LUNA- SORIANO-VELASCO, Jesús. BsC SOTO, Vladimir. PhD, La Raza Av. 1047 No.- Santa Ana, Cusco-Perú. Postcode: 11500, last Editorial Director updated December 31, 2018. PERALTA-CASTRO, Enrique.MsC The opinions expressed by the authors do not Executive Editor necessarily reflect the views of the editor of the SUYO-CRUZ, Gabriel. PhD publication. Production Editors It is strictly forbidden to reproduce any part of ESCAMILLA-BOUCHAN, Imelda.PhD the contents and images of the publication LUNA-SOTO, Vladimir.PhD without permission of the National Institute of Copyright. Administration Manager REYES-VILLAO, Angélica. BsC Production Controllers RAMOS-ARANCIBIA Alejandra. BsC DÍAZ-OCAMPO Javier. BsC RINOE Journal-Urban-Rural and Regional Economy Definition of the Journal Scientific Objectives Support the international scientific community in its written production Science,