EU-Funded FP6 Research Projects on Antimicrobial Drug Resistance

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EU-Funded FP6 Research Projects on Antimicrobial Drug Resistance EU-funded FP6 Research projects on Antimicrobial Drug Resistance Project information Interested in European research? Research*eu is our monthly magazine keeping you in touch with main developments (results, programmes, events, etc.). It is available in English, French, German and Spanish. A free sample copy or free subscription can be obtained from: European Commission Directorate-General for Research Communication Unit B-1049 Brussels Fax (32-2) 29-58220 E-mail: [email protected] Internet: EUROPEAN COMMISSION Directorate-General for Research Directorate Health Unit Infectious Diseases Contact: Rachida GHALOUCI European Commission Office CDMA 02/155 B-1049 Brussels Tel. (32-2) 29-64826 Fax (32-2) 29-94561 E-mail: [email protected] EUROPEAN COMMISSION EU-funded FP6 Research projects on Antimicrobial Drug Resistance Directorate-General for Research 2010 Cooperation/Health EN Europe Direct is a service to help you find answers to your questions about the European Union Freephone number(*): 00 800 6 7 8 9 10 11 (*)Certain mobile telephone operators do not allow access to 00 800 numbers or these calls may be billed LEGAL NOTICE Neither the European Commission nor any person acting on behalf of the Commis- sion is responsible for the use which might be made of the following information. The views expressed in this publication are the sole responsibility of the au- thor and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Commission. More information on the European Union is available on the Internet ( Cataloguing data can be found at the end of this publication. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 2010 ISBN 978-92-79-16745-4 doi:10.2777/22731 © European Union, 2010 Reproduction is authorised provided the source is acknowledged. TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction 6 ABS INTERNATIONAL COMBIG-TOP Implementing antibiotic strategies (ABS) Combinatorial biosynthesis of industrial for appropriate use of antibiotics in hospitals glycopeptides: technology, optimization in member states of the European Union 8 and production 27 ACE Approaches to control multi-resistant CombiGyrase enterococci: studies on molecular ecology, Development of new gyrase inhibitors horizontal gene transfer, fitness and prevention 10 by combinatorial biosynthesis 29 ACE-ART Assessment and critical evaluation of antibiotic resistance transferability CRAB in food chain - ACE-ART 12 Combating resistance to antibiotics 31 ActinoGEN Integrating genomics-based applications DRESP2 to exploit actinomycetes as a resource Role of mobile genetic elements in the spread for new antibiotics 14 of antimicrobial drug resistance 32 e-Bug Development and dissemination AMIS of a school antibiotic and hygiene Antimicrobials by immune stimulation 16 education pack and website across Europe 33 EACCAD ANTIBIOTARGET European approach to combat outbreaks Molecular and functional genomic approaches of Clostridium difficile associated diarrhoea to novel antibacterial target discovery 17 by development of new diagnostic tests 35 BACELL HEALTH EAR Bacterial stress management relevant Effects of antibiotic resistance on bacterial to infectious disease and biopharmaceuticals 19 fitness, virulence and transmission 36 BURDEN EARSS Burden of resistance and disease The European antimicrobial resistance in European nations 21 surveillance system 37 CanTrain Host-pathogen interaction systems as tools ERAPharm to identify antifungal targets in C. albicans Environmental risk assessment and C. dubliniensis 22 of pharmaceuticals 39 CHAMP Changing behaviour of healthcare professionals ESAC and the general public towards a more prudent European surveillance use of anti-microbial agents 24 of antimicrobial consumption 41 COBRA Combating resistance to antibiotics by broadening the knowledge on molecular ESSTI mechanisms behind resistance to inhibitors European surveillance of sexually transmitted of cell wall synthesis. 25 infections 43 GRACE ET-PA Genomics to combat resistance Enabling techniques for the development against antibiotics in community-acquired LRTI of a novel class of protein antibiotics 45 in Europe 67 HAPPY AUDIT EU-IBIS Health alliance for prudent prescribing, yield Invasive bacterial infections surveillance and use of antimicrobial drugs in the treatment in European Union 46 of respiratory tract infections 69 EUCAST European committee IPSE on antimicrobial susceptibility testing 49 Improving patient safety in Europe 71 LeishEpiNetSA Control strategies for visceral leishmaniasis (VL) EUR-INTAFAR and mucocutaneous leishmaniasis (MCL) Inhibition of new targets in South America: for fighting antibiotic resistance 51 applications of molecular epidemiology 73 EURESFUN Integrated post-genomic approaches MagRSA for the understanding, detection Fully automated and integrated microfluidic and prevention of antifungal drug platform for real-time molecular diagnosis resistance in fungal pathogens 53 of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus 75 EuResist Integration of viral genomics MalariaPorin with clinical data to predict response Validation of the plasmodium aquaglyceroporin to anti-HIV treatment 55 as a drug target 76 Eurofungbase Strategy to build up and maintain an integrated sus- tainable European fungal genomic database required MANASP for innovative genomics research on filamentous Development of novel management strategies fungi important for biotechnology and human health 57 for invasive aspergillosis 77 EPG micro-MATRIX European virtual institute for functional Workshop on strategies to address genomics of bacterial pathogens – antimicrobial resistance through EuroPathoGenomics 59 the exploitation of microbial genomics 78 EuropeHIVResistance MOSAR European cohort coordinating network Mastering hospital antimicrobial resistance and on HIV drug resistance 60 its spread into the community 79 EuroTB NewHiv Targets Surveillance of tuberculosis in Europe 62 Identifying novel classes of HIV inhibitors 81 NEWTBDRUGS New drugs for persistent tuberculosis: FUNGWALL exploitation of 3D structure The fungal cell wall as a target of novel targets, lead optimisation for antifungal therapies 64 and functional in vivo evaluation 82 GENOSEPT NM4TB Genetics of sepsis in Europe 66 New medicines for tuberculosis 83 NPARI Tailoring of novel peptide coatings and therapeutics derived from a newly identified Tat machine component of the human innate immunity Functional genomic characterisation against resistant infections 85 of the bacterial Tat complex 103 Phagevet-P Veterinary phase therapies as alternatives TB Treatment Marker to antibiotics in poultry production 86 Establishing a TB treatment efficacy marker 105 TB-DRUG OLIGOCOLOR Development of a molecular platform PNEUMOPEP for the simultaneous detection New methods of treatment of Mycobacterium tuberculosis resistance of antibiotic-resistant pneumococcal disease 88 to rifampicin and fluoroquinolones 106 PREVIS TRAINAU Pneumococcal resistance epidemicity Training risk assessment in non-human and virulence – an international study 89 antimicrobial usage 107 READ-UP TRIoH Redox antimalarial drug discovery 91 Targeting replication and integration of HIV 109 Tuberculosis China REBAVAC The diversity of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Novel opportunities to develop vaccines strains in China: tracing the origins to control antibiotic resistant bacteria: of theworldwide dispersion of the multidrug- from the trials back to the laboratory 92 resistant Beijing genotype 111 REPLACE UNITE-MORE Plants and their extracts and other natural Uniformity in testing alternatives to antimicrobials in feeds 93 and monitoring HIV resistance 112 SAFEWASTES Evaluating physiological and environmental consequences of using organic wastes after VIRGIL technological processing in diets European vigilance network for the for livestock and humans 95 management of antiviral drug resistance 113 SavinMucoPath Novel therapeutic and prophylactic strategies to VIROLAB control mucosal infections A virtual lab for decision support by South American bacterial strains 96 in viral diseases treatment 116 SIGMAL Targeting malaria transmission through VITBIOMAL interference with signalling in Plasmodium Vitamin biosynthesis as a target falciparum gametocytogenesis 98 for antimalarial therapy 117 SLIC Biosensors in molecular diagnostics nanotechnology for the analysis of species- specific microbial transcripts 100 Index of Acronyms 118 StaphDynamics Functional genomic characterisation of molecular determinants for staphylococcal fitness, virulence and drug resistance 101 Index of Coordinators 119 6 | INTRODUctiON COMBAtiNG ANtiMicROBIAL DRUG RESISTANCE The discovery and use of antibiotics has had an enormous impact on our healthcare system. Nowadays, the treatment and pre- vention of microbial infections fully depends on the availability of effective antibiotics. In addition to this, advanced surgical proce- dures like organ transplants, cancer chemo- therapy and care of preterm babies heavily rely on effective antibiotics. Unfortunately, the emergence of and rise in resistance to the currently available antimicrobial drugs threatens the treatment of both hospital- and community-acquired bacterial infections and endangers many modern medical prac- tices. This situation is further aggravated by a sharp decline in the discovery of new an- timicrobial drugs needed to overcome drug resistance. Such developments represent
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