!i •.. t' •.: ';- .f 4. o- "....Iq ( ~ "....' CONTENTS.

PAGES A. General Population Tables. A-I Area, Houses and Population A-III Towns and Villages classified by Population A-V Tuwns arranged territori111y with population by livelihood classes. 10-11

B. Economic Tables. B-1 Livelihood Classes and Sub-Classes 12-19 B-II Secondary Means of Livelihood 20-2;) B-III Employers, Employees and Independent Workers in Industries and Services by Divisions and Sub-Divisions. 26-69 Index of non-agricultural ocC'upations in the district. 70-77

C. Household and Age (Sample) Tables.· C-I Household (Size and Composition) 78-fH C-II Livelihood Classes by Age Groups 92-85 C-:III Age and Civil Condition ... 86-95 C-IV Age and Literacy 96-103 c-v SIngle Year Age Returns 104-107

o. .Social and Cultural Tables. D-I Languages: (i) Mother Tongue 108-114 (i~) Bilingualism 115-119 D-JI Religion 120-121 D-III Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes 120-121 D-V (i) Displaced Persons by Year of Arrival 122-123 (ii) Displaced Persons by Livelihood Classes 124-l35 D-V 1 Non-Indian Nationals 124-125 If D-VII Livelihood Classes by Educational Standards 126-129 D-VIII Unemployment by Educational Standards ... 13l)-133 \ E. Summary Figures by Talukas and Petas. 134-139

Primary Census Abstracts. 140-Hl Small Scale Industries Census - Employment in Establishments. 422-·129 1951 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK DISTRICT BARODA

Baroda district consisted at the time of the 1951 CE'nsus of the area of Baroda district of the former (except for Petlad talukR. Bhadran peta, one village transferred to Panch Mahals district. and fonr villagE's transferred to Broach district ), with the addition of the form. r Ir,dial1 States of Chhpta Udepur, M. WBfiI, Pandu Mewas and Bhaderwa. One village of Panch Mahala district was addt'd to Baroda dist! ict. The district had a 1951 population of 1,194,746 and lin arf'a of 2,969'2 square miles, according to the area figure furnished by the ~urvl'yor General of . This Handbook contains tables for Baroda district, c'lmpilerl after the 1951 Census of India. The main results of the 1951 Census are embodiE'd in the State Tables published for the States of Bombay, Saur'lshtra and Kutch. In this Handbook, the data are exhIbited in greater detail. The numbers given to tables in this puhlication correspond to those given in the State CE'nsl1s Report. The following tables for the district have, however. not been included in this Handbook. :- A-II Variation in population during fifty years. A-IV Towns classified by population with variations since 1901. D-IV Migrants.

Tn the E-Summary table, in this Handbook, some columns have been omitted.

I In the case of the C-series of tablE'S, except C-I. the data were extracted OR the basis of a sample couut of approximately 10% of the census slips, illstf'ad of a full count of all the slips. The C-I table was preparerl from a fo1\r ppr cE'nt sample of the households recorded in the National Re",ister of Citizens relating ta each town or village. In 1941, the population fi~Ul'es ware exhihitAd accorrling to communities in the "Village Handbooks". publishHd ~y the Government of Bombay. In 1951, the basis of classification at the Census was changed fl' Primary Census 'Abstraots and in tables A.-V. B-1. B·l1, C-II and E are according to the following eight Livelihood· C1asses:- Agricultural Classes I Cultivators of land, wholly or mainly owned; and their d(>ppndant'. II Cultivators of' land, wholly or mainly unowned; and their clt'pendantB. III Cultivating labourers; and their dependants. IV Non -cultivating owners of land; agricultural rent reCf>ivers; and their depend'lntl!. NOD-Agricultural Classes Persons (including dependants) who derive their principal means of liveli­ hood from:- V Production other than cultivation. V r Commerce. VII Transport Vil I Other services and miscellaneous SOllrCelJ. Dependants, 'whether earning or non.earning, were classified at the census according to the principal means of livelihood of the persons on whom they were dependant.

The Primary Census Abstracts, which contain basic information in respect of every village and town, have been arranged according to talukas and petas, units into which every district. is divided for administrative purposes. Tbe taluka was, however, too small a: unit to adopt for preparing the main census tables. Therefore, in the B, C and D-series of tables figures have been given for tracts and not for talukas and .petas. Before sorting the census slips and tabulating the results, tracts were formed by combining the rural and urban areas of two or more talukas or petas. The tracts into which Baroda district was divided for this purpose are shown below:-

Rural Tracts

(1) Rural areas of Savli and Baroda talukas. (2) Rural areas of and taJukas. (3) Rural areas of Naswadi, and talukas and Sinor Peta. (4) Rural areas ofJabugam, Chhota Udepur and Sankheda talukas.

Urban Tracts

(1) Baroda City. (2) Urban area, of Savli, Karjan and Padra talukas. .. . (3) Urban area'l of Chhota Udepur, Dabhoi, Sankht"da and Waghodia taluka, and Sinor peta

Urban areas comprise the towns shown in table A-y.

Shortly before the 19.51 population census, a census of Small Industries was taken, and the results of this census are given in the table called "Small Scale Illdustrie:s Census-Employment 10 Est~blishments", included 10 this Handbook.

The intention was to find out something about Cottage and H~me Industries and small workshops. The larger establishments, that is, power.using establishments with 10 or more workers and non-power using establishments with 20 or more workers, were c::xcluded ii-om the scope of the enquiry as they now submit returns under the Factory Act.

The enquiry did not concern itself also "vith workers functioning on their own and not emp!oying other people, except when looms were used. Other}Vise the concept was of an enquiry which embraced all forms of associate acuvtty where articles were produced. repaired or 'ltherwise treated for sale, use or disposal. A-I-Area~ Houses DISTR.ICT

~-~--~,------~.--- ... _ ----~------1- Occupied Houses Area in Taluka or Pet. square Villages Towns miles Total Rural Urban

2 3 4 5 6 7 ---- Total 2,7803.3 1,700 10 204,810 ~ 169,485 35,325

1 Baroda 263,4 pI 46,R78 28,025 18,853

2 Chhota Udepur 434.1 279 17,847 16,024 1,823

3 Dabhoi 249.0 llll 19,690 14,575 5.115 I 4 Jabugam 3J9.4 212 13,745 ] 3,745

5 Karjan 232.4 94 14,435 13,109 1,326

6 Naswadi 212.4 328 13,21 f) ] 3,2]!)

7 Padra 20!l.0 S5 22,773 :!O,435 :!,338

8 Sankherla 253.6 177 2 17,240 14,79!J 2,441

9 Savli 314.9 173 20,79S 19,!):t3 1,265

]0 Sinor 114.4 40 1 7,748 6,545 1,203

11 Waghodia 185.7 72 1 10,441 9,480 961

Note:-I. The area figure of the district of Baroda supplied by the Surveyor General of India is 2,969.2 sq. miles. The area figures shown in column 2 of this table and the E-Summary table were obtained from the District Inspector of Land Records or from local records. 2. The number of villages shown in column 3 is the number of revenue villages, excluding uninhabited villages and villages which form part of municipal areas. 3. The number of towns given in column 4 is the number of towns shown in table A-V. In general, a town means a municipaJ area, cantownent area or a place which has a population of 5,000 or more inhabit8lnts and exhibits urban ~}"lorlt(lteristicl!I. ' aDd Population. B.... RODA


Persons Males Females

Total ···~~I Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban 8 10 II 12 13 14 IS 16 ----,------_.--'-_._---____:__---____:__---____:_--- 1.194.746" 851,528 297.218 624.359 466.135 158.224 570.387 431,393 138,994

348,~28 137.521 211,407 186,282 72,764 Id,nl8 162,646 64,757 97.889

101);426 100,704 8,722 56,243 51,628 .4,615 53,183 411,076 4,107

99,8111 74,867 24,952 52,071 39,~41' ]3,030 47,748 35.826 11.922

83.613 83.613 43,282 43.282 40,331 40.331

72.838 6.t'63 6,375 37,581 34,108 3,473 35,257 32,355 2,902

72.393 72.393 37,556 37,556 34,837 34,837

116.472 101.677 14,795 60,300 52,639 7,661 56,172 49,038 7,134-

90.441 79.017 11,424 46,621 40,859 5,762 43,820 38,158 5,862

108.363 100,887 7,476 56,628 52,681 3,947 51,735 48,206 3,529

41.387 34,286 7,101 21,435 17,832 3,6U3 . 19,952 16,454 3,498 •51.066 4.6.100 4,966 26,360 23,745 2,615 24,706 22,355 . 2,351 4.. The number of occupied houses given in columns 5, 6 ami 7 iii the number of census houses that were occupied at the time of the cenllUS.

5. A house for census purposes meant" a. dwelling with a separate main entrance". Thus more than one household might be found in the same census house. A.lll-Towns and Villagft

. .pISTRIC'.l' -"---~-----~------~------

_~_T_ot_a_I_P_o_p_u_la_t_io_n_. __ i ______~_T_o_w_n8 Total No. of l Less than 500- TaJulia 0)' Peta inhabited I towns & Persons Males Femalesi villages. I I No. Males \ Fema1es 2 I _6_---'-- __7_ _\ 8

Total 1.710 1..194.146 624.359 510.381 1.105 134.1101 125,195 1 Baroda 122 348.928 186.282 162,646 6,136 5,491

2 Chhota Udepur 280 109,426 56.243 53.183 222 28.410 27,126 i! Dabhoi 120 99.819 62,071 47,748 67 9,389 8,739

4 Jabugau1 212 33.613 43,282 40.331 159 20,206 18,782

5 Karjan 95 72,838 37.581 35.257 38 6,62'1 6,191

1'6 NlIo8wadl 828 72,393 37.556 34,837 298 23,801 21,996

'I Padr~ 86 116;472 60,300 56,112 23 3,566 3,288

S Sankheda 179 90.441 46,621 43,820 130 16.151 ]5,250

9 Savli 174 108.363 56,628 51,735 76 12.4!9 11.694 to Sino.". 41 41,387 21,435 111,952 11 2.171 2,010

11 Waghodla 73 51.066 26.360 24.706 37 5.689 5,225

A-III - Towns and VjJJage~


----~-- Towns and villages with a population of

~----- 6,000-10,000 10,(100-20,000 Taluka or Peta -- ~------

No. Males Females No. Males Females

1 IS 19 20 21 22 23

Total 9 31.521 29,(166 1 1,319 7,711 1 Baroda 4 12,085 11,255

2 Chhota Udepur . 4,615 4,107

3 Dabhoi

4 Jabugam 5 Karjan - 1 3,477 2,906

6 Naswadi

7 Padra 8,319 7,771

8 Sankheda 1 3,495 3,474

9 Savli 1 4,252 3,826

10 Sinor 1 3,~O3 3,498 n Waghodia ------.------Classified by Population.-concld.


Towns and villages with a population of

50.0'0'0--10'0'.0'0',0' I 10'0',0'0'0'- & above --~~~~-=~~~ ---- -I --'--I-'---~---'------I' .~ I No. Malea r Females No·1"'''''' ."""" .. I No. M.", ,_to. 25 I 26 27 i 28 211 I 30' 31 3 2

13.&30 11.922 1 114.356 98,508 1 114.356 98,50'8

1 13,0'30 11,922

- ----~--~~-- 10 A~V-Towns arrllllged Territorially DISTRICT


Population -----

Persons (including

Taluka or Peta Name of Town V Production Persons Males Females other than l cultivation \ I Males Females 1 I 2 I 4 5 6 7 ..----" District Urban Total 297.21B 158,224 138,994 39,800 33,333

Baroda Baroda M. 211,407 118,518 97,889 31,757 28,033 Chbota Udepur Chhota Udepur H. 8,722 4,615 4,107 875 705

Dabhoi DI~bhoi M. 24,952 H,030 11,922 2,690 2,354 Karj811 Karjan M. 6,375 3,473 2,902 603 508 Padra Padra Y. 14,795 7,661 7,134 1,063 ],237

8ankbeda Sankheds M. 6,488 3,238 3,250 862 828 Bahadarpur M. 4,936 2,524 2,412 443 380

Savli Savli M. 7,476 3,947 3,529 475 394

SiDor Sinor M. 7,101 3,603 3,498 066 498 Waghodia Waghodis M. 4,966 2,615 2,351 464 396

M stands for MuniciDalitT with Population by Livelihood Cla$ses. 11 BARODA


Non-Agricultural Olasses Agricultural Olasses ______.1 dependants) who derive their principal means of , I 1 . IV Non-eu tlVa- livelihood from I-III Cultivators, , ting owners of cultivating ----I-~~III Other land; agricultural . labourers rent receivers \ and their VI Commerce I VII Transport I services and and their dependants miscellaneous dependants sources --- i .Males Females I Males IFemales \ Males Femali'll Males Fem~les 1 Males Females

I 8 9 10 11 12 13 14, 15 16 17 \ I I \ 34,263 30,634 7.146 6,358 65,216 58.072 3,514 3,358 8,285 'l.239

23,971 21,503 5,492 4,808 4fl.954 42,940 1,454 1,224 ],890 :1,381

821 721 132 108 2,529 2,358 56 66 202 UD

3,559 3,221 813 729 4,417 4,150 472 483 1,079 985

829 6107 349 304 1,125 918 67 69 600 496

2,3H, 2,039 153 189 2,112 1,828 224 251 1,765 1,590

647 663 27 45 1,158 1,183 302 286 242 245 •

366 349 42 51 1,149 1,154 136 127 38f liB

71.H i81 H 30 1,447 1,323 '07 390 873 811 646 1106 60 66 1,357 1,380 188 219 78. 74' 379 346 34 38 968 838 208 243 &62 ,(91 --- .... -----. ---- 12 Economic Table - 8.1-Liyelihood DISTRICT

Note:-'Vhere a person was in receipt of an income and that income was 8Ufficient at least for his own maintenance then he, ( or she, as the case might bd) was to be regarded ali a self-supporting person for purposes of the census enquiry. Anyone who was not a self-supporting person in this sense was a dependant. A dependant might be either an earning Rural Areas of Talukas and Petas of

Savli Padra i Naswadi, I Jabugsm, and and Dabhoi, Chhota Livelihood Classes and Sub·Classes. I Bal"oda Karjan W &: Udepurand i ag~odiaSmor I 8ankheda

1 2 3 4 I 5

ALL CLASSES:- Perlon. 238,408 168,140 227,646 263,33!

Mal" 1 25,4i5 86,747 118,174 135,7iilt .

Females 112,963 81,393 109,!72 127,565

Agricultural ClaSie. :- Total P. 178,665 144,576 183,804 222,!H3 All Clall" M. 92,598 74,129 94,785 llU58 F. 86,067 70,447 89,019 108,&56

Sub·cla. (i) Self-suppori.ing M. 40,283 37,564 45,554 44,663 persoM F. 4,&32 6,458 3,215 2,680

Sub-cIa. (ii) Non-earning M. 42,43:? 30,071 40,685 50,048 dependants F, 64,91P 47,596 59,146 59;351

Sub-elMS (iii) Earning M. 9,883 6,490 8,546 19,447 <:Iependant~ F. 16,5]6 16,393 26,658 46,624

I-Cultivators of land wholly or mainly owned and their dependants: Total M. 49,539 38,986 57,201 01,539 F. 45,990 36,640 53,907 87,187

S. C. (i) Self-supporting persons M. 19.746 19,747 25,605 3',503 F. 844 1,311 590 1,018

8. C. (ii) Non.earning d.ependants M. 24,442 15,716 25,594 40,630

F. 39,441 28,134 39,350 47,998

8. C. (iii) Earning dependants M. 5,351 3,1123 6,OO! 16,406 1'. 6,705 7,187 13,'37 38,171

"'~ A<._~ ___ -"-'-__ '",",-_~ __ ~""" ~"---'---~ Classes And SubwClasses 1"l BARODA dependant. or a. non-earning dependant. The 'test wa"!! whllther he lleoured a regular in(lOme even thol.lgh it might be .small. Where the income which he secured _was not sufficient t6 support him that person Was an earning dependant. A person who did not earn any income ~ither in cash or m kind was a non-earning dependant. -

Orbaa Ilre88 of Total for the Di!!trillt ()hhota Udepur, Barod18 Savli, Dabhoi, Karjan and Sankheda and Rliral Ul'baD City -- PadM Waghodis TOTAl. Talukae Talukas Bnd Areas Areas Sinor Pets 6 7 8 9 10 11

211,407 28,646 57,165 897,528 29~,218 1.19','746

113,518 15,081 29,625 4(15,135 1-58-,224 ~24,359

97,889 13,565 27,5!0 431,393 138,991 .570,387

5,949 7,4043 9,004 72'9,858 22,3~6 ~32,251 a,3U 3,836 4,61f1 375,670 11,'199 -387,469

2,605 3,607 4,385 354,188 10,597 364,785

1,133 ' 1,870 2,091 168,064 0,094 J.!73,15S

156 311 251 16.985 '117 n,7fJ2

2,100 1,806 2,244 163,240 '6,150 169,393

2,346 3,062 3,838 231,012 9,246 240.258

111 160 284 44,366 555 44,921

104 !34 296 100,191 ~34 1'06,828

1,076 1,331 2,096 237,265 4,003 24'1-,'168

119 , 1,253 1,942 223,724, 3,914 227,638

349 656 954- 99,601 1,959 10l,566 16 II 28 3,771 55 :a,-S26

C!96 622 \,036 106,382 2,354 10S,736

681 1,186 ],847 154,923 3,714 158,637

31 53 106 31,282 190 31,472

22 56 67 ti5,030 14·;) 65,176

------.-~---- u Ecorromic Table - B-I-Liyefihood DISTRICT'

Rural Are88 or Taluli:as and Petas of

. 8avli Pad,!!. I Na8Wadi, J'abugam, Livefibood Crasses and' Sub-Classes. and and I Dabhoi, Chhots Baroda K8Irjan IWflghodis &; Udepur and Sankheda

]I ~ _~_I Si:&r . .. ~-.~.-. a I>

II·Cultivators .f land whoDy or mainly unowned .sul their depenclants; Tot",l M. 18,889' H,7gr 12,8511 fl,101t

F. 17,3IZ 13.a8~ 1l,86'i 5,73&

S.C. (i) 8el$.suppot'tiRg. persons M. 7,941 8,86& 5.9~!} 2,.573'

F. 299- 509" 146 222'

!!!. C. {iij, Non-earning dependalltlt M. 8,66Z !l.s~1 5,468 2,67(}

F. 12,44[t S,735 '1,76{) 3,33~

~. C. (ifi}' 1:a.rlling dependants M. 2,Z8()1 1,.58S 1,4f}2: 86~

lI'. 4.36S. 4,145- 3,961 2,175<

UI-Cultivating failo.ref. and their cI.peadaats ~ Tota.l M. 2I,.3'4g 11,45. 2T.195 15,b5~

F. 19,298' 16,604 19,191 14,285

S.C. (i) Self'llupporting peroons M. n,3t5 1l,528- 12,409 7,0l()'

F. 2,6H 3,674 1,&89 1.30Z

S.0. (i} Non-eMning depenOOntlt M. '1,985- fi,65~ ,,~41 6,0'40

}<', JOJ;9"2 8,{W1 9,15Z 6,.961

S> • (i;. 'iii} E ..... ning dep8ndantlt M. 2,038- 1,264 84& 2,OO~

F. 5.962 4,813 8,350 ".022:

'1/ ·Non-cultlvating 6wfi~t8 01 lod~ agricultural rent receivers and their dejeadauttl': Total M. 2:"S~lf 2,(1(11 3,52'9 1,451 F. 3,.461 3.81,6 4,054 1,441

S.C. (iY @elf.suPPol'tillig peteoll8 ).I, 1,265 1,423 1,611 67'1 F.. 8417 95' 190 138 S. C. (ii) Non.earning dl'lpendants M. 1;343 1,:163 1.68:1 70s

F. 2,341 2,68() 2,884 1,053

S. C. {iii) :fi:.llnring dependants M. 214 115 236 172

11', 281 17S 380 256

-::...... ::.::.._:...,.__.:------~--- .. - -~.------~----'" Classes And Sub·Classe8-contd. 15 BARODA

-----~-~~----.------Urban Arell8 of Total for the Distriot. Chhota Udepln~ Baroda Savli, Dabhoi, Karjan and Sankbeda and Rural Urban TOTAL City Padra Waghodia Are88 Ares! Taluk811 Talu1l:l18 and I Sinor Peta. _J~ ___ ~_I!__ 10 11 6 7 s _------'------

436 666 546 52,648 1,648 54,2116

405 611 510 48,304 1,526 "9,830

181 308 269 23,316 758 24.073 17 13 6- 1,176 . 36 1,212

228 322 245 23,137 796 23,932

348 564 440 32,279 1,352 33,631

21 36 3.2 6,196. 95 6,291 40 34 64 14,849 138 14,981

378 1,141 615 75,0"~ 2,134 n,18!

257 1,033 509 69,378 1,799 '31,177

225 626 341 40,272 1,192 41,46l

40 1915 62 9,309 298 ',607

131 448 197 28,625 776 29,461

HI3 697 308 M,862 i,198 36,06(}

22 67 77 6,151 Hl8 6,317

24, 140 13V 25,217 3"3 26.5.2&

1,454 698 1,362 1<0,709 3,514 14,223

1,224 710 1,424 12,782 3,358 16,140 378 280 627 4,876 1,185 .,0111

82 91 J56 2,72t at8 3,01S7 1,045 414 766 6.096 2,225 V,3.2.

1.,124 615 1,243 8,958 2,982 ll,fl40 31 4, 69 737 104 Ml 18 4 26 1,096 4. 1,143 16 Economic Table-B-I-Li'Yelihood DISTRICT

Rural Areas of Talukas and Petas of

Savli Padra Naswadi, Jabugam, and Livelihood Classes and Sub·Classes. and Dabhoi, Chhota Baroda Karjan Waghodia & Udepurand Sinor Sankheda 2 3 4 I 5 Non- Agricultural Classes:· All Classes : Total P. 59,743 23,51)4 43,842 40,521 M. 32,847 12,618 23,389 21,6(1 F. 26,896 10,946 20,453 18,910 S. C. (i) Self.supporting persons M. 17,779 6,598 11,632 9,865- F. 1,685 942 1,727 987 8. C. (ii) Non.earning dependants M. 13,453 5,178 9,769 8,911 F. 22,669 8,284 13,989 11,961 S. C. (iii) Eal'lling dependants M. 1,615 842 1,988 2,835 F. 2,542 1,720 4,737 5,962 Person, (including dependants) wbo derive tbeir principal mean. ef livelibood from ;0- V-Production otber tban cultivetion : Total M. 8,599 3,362 5,334 6,037 F. 7,189 2,934 4,360 5,138 S. C. (i) Self'!lupporting persons M. 4,815 1,702 2,666 2,819 F. 480 149 177 195 S. C. Iii) Non.earning dependants M. 3,271 1,4U 2,206 2,428 F. 5,845 2,277 3,212 3,293

S. C. (iii) Earning dependants M. 513 249 462 790 F. 864 508 971 1,650

VI-Commerce: Total M. 4,9ii8 2,865 2,956 2,678 F. 4,464 2,453 2,427 2,1.36 ,8. C. (i) Self· supporting persons M. 2,426 1,398 1,437 1,146 F. 145 161 45 35 8. C. (ii) Non.earning dependants M. 2,204 1,264 1,284 1,142 F. 3,975 1,998 2,216 1,851

S. C. (iii) Earning dependants M. 328 283 235 390 F. . 344 294 166 250

----~---- _------_- .---'~- Classes And Sub-Clas&es-contd. BARODA

o roall Areas of \ 'l'ot..l for the Distr!Ut ~arod:--~l~ ;:vli, -Ch~~~pur. _-- ! Karjan and S&nkhOO8 and Rural Urban City Padra Waghodia TOTAL 1 Taluk8ll Talukas and Areas' Areas , Sinor Peta I) 1 'i 8 9 10 n,

205,(58 21,203 48,161 . 167,670 274,82% 442,4'92

110,IH 11,2(5 25,006 90,465 U6,425 236,898

95,284 1),95~ 23.155 '17,205 12S,39'7 '205,602

6.5,125 5,677 lI,63! -45,874 7:2,436 1]8,316

6,7'(}1 718 1,479 5,341 8,898 14,23'

51,t07 5,196 11,(1)0 37,311 (;8,053 105,364

5ti,730 8,703 19,682 .li6,OO3 U5,ll5 172,018

3,642 372 1,922 7,280 6,936 13,216

l,!j53 537 1,99-' 14,961 4.384 111,3"

31,757 2,141 5,902 2'3,332 '39,8'00 6'3,132

26,033 2,139 5,161 1'.),621 33.,333 ~2,~64

17,130 J,171 2,7'1'1 12,002 21,1)78 33,080

89" 127 149 1,001 1,170 2,171

13,5?5 902 2,5~9 9,316 17,026 26.342

24,578 1,874 4,567 14,627 31,019 45,64S

1.102 68 526 2,014 1,696 :a,7lG

561 138 445 3,993 1,144 .fi,13!1

23,971 3.S74 6,nS 13,457 34,263 47,720 2],503 3,227 5,904 11,480 20,634 42.114,

10,691 1,797 2,752 6,4()7 If,240 ~!J.647

758 73 155 386 1l~ 1~372

12,334 1,919 3,214 5,894 17,467 :23,361

20,3;} 3 3,061 3,509 10,040 28,11&3 39,OOJ

946 158 452 1.156 1,556 2.712

352 93 240 1.064 (l8i 1.739 1~ Ec:dnomic T.Me- B.I-LiyeIihood DISTRICT ~-~------Rurd ApflaS of '1'alullall ami Peta.lt of : - 8avli P'ad're. Naswadi, Jabugam, and an'd Livelihood Classes and Sub~CJaS8e9. Dabboi, Chhota Barods KarJan • W trghodia &; Udepureud Sinor Sem1l.be

p Z 3 4 I) .-----.---~ .,.

tu-T..... pott ~. T6taJM. 4.,26'1 390' 641 379 .,.. 3,704 363 552 316-

S. C. (i) Self.supportlng ptr80!ls H. 2', 195~ 188 24!t 164

11'. 86' 13 :J 8

S. C. (i~) Non.eal'DIDg depel'ldallta M. 1,.911 l8S 258 188

F .. 11,47$ 291 448 254

B. C. 'iii} Elml'ing depeada1lttl M. 145 14 43 21

:t. 151 60 101 64 till-otlaer .ervic:e•• ard misc:eDan- eoil. SG1I1'ee. : Total M. ]Ii,03:J (I,OOl 14,552 12,51 '1

:t, ll,539 5,196 13,114 11,320

8. c, (11 Self·1In pPbttmg persoD!J M. 8,343 3,3l0 7,283 0,736

F, 980 619 1,502 749

8; Co (ii) 1fon.elU'ning dependants M, 6,061 2,315 6,021 5,153

F. v,g1a 3,718 8,113 6,563 e. c. (iii) 1i!arning dependants M. 629 376 1.248 1,628

F. ~] ,183 859 3,499 4,008 Classes And Sub·Cl.. ses-coII clJ. 19 BARODA ------Urban Area8 of Total for the Distriot Chhota Udepur, Baroda Savli, Dabhoi, Karjan and Sankheda ~ _' Rural Urban TOTAL City Padra Waghodia Areu Arees 'faluku Talukas and Sinor Pet&. 6 7 8 II 10 11 --__- 5,492 546 1,108 6,573 7,146 12,719

4,808 523 1,027 4,935 6,358 1l,293

2,546 294 629 2,793 3,369 6,162

34 3 Ii 104 42 146

2,758 223 535 2,561 3,1; 16 6,Ci67

4,742 469 952 4,466 6,163 10,629 188 29 U 229 261 490

32 51 78 365 158 618

48,954 4,684 11,578 48,103 65,216 II 3.31 9

42,940 4,069 11,063 41,169 68,072 99,241

24,758 2,415 5,576 24,672 3:1,749 i7,42l

6,015 615 1,170 3,850 6,700 10,550

22,790 2,162 5,102 19,550 30,0'"' 49,51H

37,017 3,299 8,604 27,770 .8,970 7f,740

1,406 117 900 3,881 2,423 .,304

908 255 1,239 9,549 2,402 11,961 20 Economic: Table-B-II-Sec:ondary DISTRICT ---- ._-_-- .._------I.IVELIHOOD

I-Cultivatoc8 of II-Cultivators of Ill-Cultivating ' IV-Non-cultiva­ No. of persons land wholly or land wholly or labout'el's \ ting owners of deriving their mainly owned mainly unowned land; agt'icultura.] secondary means rent recei Vf'rs . of livelihood I from: Males Females!i - ~~~:~l;emales I Males Females Males Females 2 3 • I_~' L~ 7 8 9 rOTAL l--Cultivation of awned land: Total 10,404 26,420 3,402 330 733 433 149 184

Self-supporting persona 3,107 79 456 84 125 16

Earning dependants 10,404 26,420 295 251 277 349 24 16~ II-Cultivation of unowned land: Total 9,967 985 1,258 3,129 175 72 39 23

Self-BUpporting persons 9,391 111 115 21 31 Ii

Earning dependants 566 874 1,258 3,129 60 51 8 8 III-Employmeut as cultivating labourer: Total 21,765 34,707 5,166 10,693 4,944 22,231 661 682

Self-supporting persons 3,312 308 1,059 186 212 87

Earning dependants 18,443 34,399 4,107 10,507 4,9a 22,231 349 595 I V-Rent on agri­ cultural land. Total 95lS 71 28 I) 326 57 104 55

Self-supporting persons 932 47 26 3 174 33

.i!:arning dependants 23 24 2 162 104 55 V-Production other than cultivation: Total 2,488 1,146 562 124 444 137 230 91

Self-supportin~ p~rsons 1,952 184 410 9 291 16 168

Earning dependants 536 962 152 115 153 121 62 53

VI-Commerce: Total J ,335 124 182 51 129 146 696 85

Self-supporting persons 1,118 14 135 3 92 31 573 29

Earning dependants 217 110 47 48 37 llii 123 56 VII-Transport: Total 647 • 47 2 7 Self,aupporting persons 659 37 3 7

Earning dependants 88 4 10 2 4 5 7 VDI-Other .ervices Ie misceHaDeous sources: Total 6,143 2,462 1,081 958 1,611 2,8811 1.072 358

Self-llUpporting persons 3.948 80 661 25 921 265 908 150

Earning dependants 1,196 2,382 420 933 690 2,1:24 268

------._ .-_-_---~------.--_--.. ------Means .f Li't'ebhood 2}. BARODA CLARSES - Persons who derive their prinoipal means of livelihood from:--

V-Production VIII-Other TOTAL other tba. VI-Commeree VII-Transport ~rvice8 and cultivation miscellaneous 80urces

Mru~\F~ Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Femalell

lQ 11 12 13 16 17 18 19 . I , l' 15 I POPULATION 878 185 323 116 U 6 1,34! 211 17,276 27,885

664 6' 268 4, 41 1,136 20 5,787 257

214 131 65 112 , 6 2()6 19l 1l,489 27,628

157 8 91 i 12 246 ~l Il,ll35 ',281

J43 3 79 2 II 19t 2 9,004 t54

14 I) 12 3 02 &9 1,971 '.129

686 I,In 2(}7 285 74 223 1,42' 2,6il8 34,814 72,612

316·· 68 58 8 8 1 500 64 5,525 722

370 1,055 149 277 66 222 8ul 2,60! 29,289 71,89B

659 23 1,189 26 85 3 1,979 Itt 5,325 .351

641 l' 1,114 18 79 2 1,929 78 4,895 195

18 9 75 8 6 ~O 33 4.3G 156

2,743 2,594, 363 246 75 24, 786 575 'l,6!B _,!137

481 46 142 12 14 203 17 3,741 322

2,262 2,54S 221 234 61 24 56S fi58 3;950 4,615

521 438 2,169 '172 37 16 63G 245 5,699 ),S77

256 16 430 23 7 3i3 lG 2,934 132 265 422 1,739 H9 :ro HI 307 229 2,765 1.745

36 7 23 38 179 l3 131 11 1.()84 flO

17 :I 10 20 13 6 tiGli 1.()

19 4, 13 37 159 13 liS 5 418 7@

1,217 1,071 1,166 341 25l 238 5,99t 8,472 17,53(} HI,789

669 108 728 22 88 :i! 1,787 200 9,710 8152

548 963 438 1119 163 236 4,2()7 8,272 7,825 15,937 22 Economic: Table-B-II-Sec:ondary DISTRICT


\ II·CultivatotB of II·Cultivators of III.Cultivating [Iv.Non.cultiva. No. of persons I land wholly or land wholly or labourers ting owners of deriving their i mainly owned mainly unowned land; agriculturiLl secondary means rent receivers of livelihood from: i ---~------,---1- I Males Females Males IFemales Males Males Females

1 2 4 6 8 9 i 5 1 RURAL I-Cultivation of owned land: Total 10,372 2(1,394 3,338 330 727 433 140 184 Self.lr.lpporting persons 3,052 79 450 84 116 16

Earning dependants 10,372 26,39,1, 286 251 277 349 24 168 II-Cultivation of unowned land: Total 9,735 985 1,246 3,109 168 71 31 23 Self.supporting persons 9,177 111 112 20 25 15

Earning dependant!! 558 874 1,246 3,109 56 61 6 8 III-Employment a. cultivating lab~urer: Total 21,688 34,656 5,121 10,638 4,869 22,092 550 673

Self.supporting persons 3,300 307 1,036 186 211 86 Earning depend'mtB 18,388 34,349 4,085 10,4(\2 4,869 22,092 339 587

IV-Rent on agri· cultural land : Total 913 67 25 4 321 56 91 43

Self.supporting persons 893 47 24 3 170 32

Earning dependants 20 20 1 151 24 91 43 V-Production other than cultivation: Total 2,44<1 1,1 36 533 111 420 ·135 205 78

Self· supporting persons 1,926 183 390 9 281 15 152 34

Earning dependants 518 953 143 102 139 120 53 44

VI-Commerce: Total 1,187 112 151 3t III 136 549 71

Self-supporting persons 1,009 12 118 79 29 452 H)

Earning dependants 178 100 33 31 32 107 07 52

VII-Transport: Total 637 4 37 2 (j 5 6

S&lf-supporting persons 554 27 2 2

Earning dependants 83 4 10 • 2 4 5 4 VUI-Other service. & milcellaneoul sources: Total 4.961 2,410 1,027 926 1,537 2,729 857 312

Self-supporting per80ns 3,t96 74 635 25 914 260 734 119

Earning dependant!' 1,165 2,336 392 901 623 2,469 123 193 Meana of Lwelihood 28 BARODA

CLA~S'ES ------~------, Persons who derive their prin.cipal means of livelihood from:·.

V.Productioll VIII·Other TOTAL serviOO8 and other thllD VI.Commeroe VII-Transport miscellaneous cultivation sources I I Males Females Males Females I Males Females Males Females Males Femalee

Hl 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 I I POPULATION 797 1S4 2%4 37 38 6 1,171 208 16,805 27,'1711 587 5i 173 S 3% 97.2 IS 5,382 25& 210 13() 51 3' , iJ 199 1110 11.,23 27,522

130 7 57 3 7 209 59 11,5S3 : ',ii7

u6 .2 66 7 163 1 9,6j)O k 149

14 .; 7 3 (IS 08 1,933 4,108

654 1,108 190 27% 71 218 1.,321 2,607 34,475 72,264

299 68 53 6 S 1 491 61 5,398 7~5

M5 1,04{) 142 266 ~S 217 8116 20646 29,077 71,5~~

'32 17 564 14 31 1,258 ~Ii 3,635 266

421 l() 533 10 3(} 1,226 H 3.297 148

n 7 31 4 1 32 21 338 120

1,37l 2,100 121 153 II 8 318 308 5,423 4.089 213 31 63 3 .. 146 6 3,177 281 1,158 2,129 58 150 i S 172 3(}2 !,246 3,808

247 285 935 433 5 e 148 69 3,333 1.143 159 II 182 16 67 2,065 87

88 274 '153 417 Ii Ii SI 69 1,267 1,056

17 4 Ii 37 87 li 24 3 819 60

11 t 6 G 609

6 4, 4 37 81 li IS 3 21'0 64t

380 422 2U I" 81 125 3,253 6.411 12.341 13.481 208 IS 135 3 II 2 756 51 7,189 .5i2

172 404 110 143 7(} 123 2.497 6.366 -5.U2 12,929 Economic T.b1e-B-II-Secondary DISTRICT


I·Cultivatol.'8 of II·Cultivators of III.Cultivating (IV.Non.cultiva. land wholly or land wholly or labourers ting owners of No. of pe1'llODS . d deriving their maInly owne mainly unowned 'I and; agricu I tur&I secondary means rent receivers of livelihood from: I ! Males IF_,,~i Male.s IFemalesi Females Males Femal ! ~ales I 1 2 4 I) 6 7 8 9 \ \ 3 I \ \ I URBAN I-Cultivation of owned land: Total 32 26 64 6 9

Self.supporting pereom; 65 6 9 Earning dependants 32 26 9

II-Cultivation of unowned land: Total 222 12 20 7 1 8 Self.supporting persons 214 3 1 6 Earning dependants 8 12 20 4 2 III-Employment .s cultivating labourer; Total (17 51 46 65 76 139 11 9 Self· supporting persons ]2 1 23 1 1

Earning dependants M 60 22 55 75 139 10 8 IV-Rent on agri- cultural land: Total 42 4 3 6 13 12 Self-supporting perllOnB 39 !l 4 Earning dependants 3 4 1 1 1 13 12 V-Production other than cultivation: Total 44 10 29 13 24 2 25 ,3

Self· supporting persons 26 1 20 10 1 16 4 Earning dependants 18 9 9 13 14 1 9 9 VI-Commerce: Total 148 I2 31 20 18 10 147 14

Self.supporting persons 109 2 17 3 13 2 12l 10 Earning dependants 39 10 14 17 5 8 26 4

Vll-Transport: Total 10 10 8 Self· supporting persons 5 10 5 Earning dependants 5 3 VIII-Other services &: miscellaneous 1I0urce.: Total 182 52 54 lJ2 74 160 216 46 Self-supporting persons 152 6 26 7 5 174 31 Earning dependants 30 46 28 32 67 155 41 ]5 Means of l.i.eliboocl 25 BARODA.


Personil who derive their principal means of livelihOod from;--

V -Production VIII.Other TOTAL other than VI-Con:unerce services and VII-Transport , misceilaneoull cultivation sources

Males IFemales Malee Females I Ma.les [Females I Malee !Fema:r--~alee Femalea I JO i 11 12 13 I 14 I 15 I 16 i 17 i 18 19 --_---I POPULATION

81 1 99 79 9 In 3 471 109 77 85 9 164 2 405 3 4 78 7 1 6" 106

27 1· 34 2 I) 37 2 352 26

27 1 29 2 4 31 1 314 5

5 1 6 1 38 21

32 15 .1 :! ]3 3 5 94 61 339 348

17 5 2 69 3 127 7

15 15 7 3 5 25 58 212 3U

227 625 3 721 46 1,690 85

220 581 8 49 2 703 34 1,598 49

7 2 44 4 I) 1 18 12 92 36

1,372 434 64 16 468 267 2,268 848

268 lIi 79 8 137 II 564 41

1,104 419 163 56 16 331 2116 1,70.& 807

274 153 J.234 339 32 10 482 176 2,366 73'&

97 l> 248 7 7 256 16 868 45

177 148 986 332 25 10 226 . 160 1,498 6S9

19 3 18 92 8 107 8 265 20

6 3 9 14. 7 6 57 10

.13 9 '78 8 100 2 208 10

837 649 921 195 170 113 2.741 2,061 5,194 3.308 461 90 593 19 77 1,031 149 2,521 300

376 559 328 176 93 113 1,710 ~1.912 2,673 8.008 26 ECONOMIC T ABLE-B-III-EMPLOYERS, EMPLOYEES AND BY DIVISIONS AND DISTRICT NOTES :-1. In this table, the self-supporting pe1'llOD8 in the non-agricultural cl811868 han­ been cb_ified aeeordiDg to the productive Induatriee and aerviCB8 in whie}) they ..... ere engaged. In addition to the ]26.'J'a aeIf.. uppOl'ting p81'llOll8 shown in th& tuble, ther" were 48:\. self supporting pe1'llOn8 who derivud their livelillood frou) uDJ,roductive activities as shown below:- NOIl-produ. the .ueans of hvdihood: P_ Males. Females II) Persons livin* principally on income from non-agricultural property 1,440 852 788 (%) Perwns living principally OD penaiona remittall1W8. echolarshipe and funds 2.698 %.1117 ]99 (3) Inmates Of jailto. almho_ & recipients of dole& 1 :-14 80 54

(4) Beggars &; vRgl'Rnts 1,607 1,204 303 (5) All other persons living principally fln income from non-productive activities 157 86 71

------,------~~~---~-----~--- Rural Areas of Taluka8 and Petas of

Naswadi, labugaon OCCUPA'l'JON SavliaInI \ Padraand Dabhoi. Chhota Waghodia & Udepur anti l5inor SaDkhffi3 ______B_a_:_O_d:____".: .. ~ 4 6

All Inclu.laiU and Senic... Total p. lP,178 13,074 10,753 M. 17.663 6,o:lO lJ.406 11 •• 80 F. ),615 J,ilb8

Employel'tl M .. Ul 130 259 F. 6 10 Elllpley_ M. )),203 2,161 3,378 3,474 F. 1122 117 3M 439

Indepentlent M. 6,tH9 7,7'i8 6,06' Worke... F. tii7 7311 l,304 527 Uhi.ion t- PaiIDU)' Total M. 5113 18' 478 1,070. bul•• ,riee ••, ebewllere ...alirtl• F 8) 24 28 149

Employer. )I. Ii F.

Employ_' )I. 7 J 88 lS9 F. i • 2 blA:iependent. M. 666 17. 8115 .28 Worun F. 24 24 147 .lND.EPENDE.NT WORKERS IN INDUSTRIES AND SERVICES 27 SUB-DIVISIONS BARODA 2. The census definltfons of the terms employer, employee and independent worker .were as fonows :- Employer : A person who had necessarily to employ other persons in order to carry on the busineBB from which he secured his livelihood. (Thus, if a pel'8on employed a cook or other pel'8on for domestic servloe, he was not to be recorded as an employer mertlly for tha.t re88on. )

Emplo," : A person who ordinarily worked under IIQme other person for a' salary or a wage in cash or in kind, as a means of earning a livelihood.

Independent A person who was not employed by anyone else and who did not also Worker I employ anyone else in order to earn his Jivelih~d.

~--~-~-~----. l'rban Areas of Total for the District T ______-.-~-~- ,Chhota Udepur, ------~------Baroda I Savli ! Dabhoi, I Ka.rjan and! Sankheda and Hural Urban ToTAL (ity Padro. I W~hodia Areal' Aresl T~luka.s I Talukal and Sinor Pet&. 6 7 I 8 9 10 Il. -- --~------'-'-~ 6,222 12,436 67,ti70 50,387 76,328 126,715

5,563 11,165 51,894 '5,269 68,622 113,891

669 1,271 5,776 S,118 7,706 12.82'

3S1 777 ',853 1,066 4,011 5,077

6 4 82 29 92 121

2,308 3.832 33,066 21),216 40,096 60,312

199 427 3,225 1,832 3,851 5,683

2,874 11,656 15,085 23,987 2',515 48,502 454 840 2,489 3,257 3,763 7,02&

24 271 386 2,294 681 2,975 ·8 ]3 .2 282 63 3" 2 'I' 2 t

:3 8& 109 23' 1911 414

11. 3 8 5 11

21 189, 277 2,055 487 2,542 8 U 39 2,. 68 all

- __ ~_~ ____T __ ------~-. . ----~------~--~--- t8 TableB-UI

- ---~.------_.-._._- ---~--. -_- --~--~~------~ _---_ Rural Al'eM of Talukae 8Ild Petall of

&vli Padre. I Naawadi. Ja.bugaoD. and 8Ild Chhota OCCUPATION I Dabhoi. Baroda Karjan . Waghodia & Udekurall.d i Sinor 880 heda I 1 2 3 l 4 5 -~. ----_._-_._ --_ ------_. - ----_-.------.- -.~--- .-- Sub·Division 0.1- Total M. 44:: 170 396 255 Sto

Employees M. II :1 63 103

F. 2 4 2

Independent M. 439 166 33~ 151 Workers F. 7;1 24 10 g 8ub.DlviHion 0.2- Total M. 2 Rearing of tmlall animals & insootll. F. EmploY61'1 M. F. Employees M.


lndependent M. :? Workers F.

Sab-Division 0.3- Total M. 18 4 2 Plantation Industriel! F. 3 Employen M.


Employee.. M. 4 2 F. Independent M. 14 Workeno • F. 3

Sub·Division. O·4~ Tatal M. 1>3 an Forestry and coUection '7' of products not F. 13t "I"",where 'pe.'ified. • EmpJoyeJ'll M. .,. " F. F..mployees M. 20 a. F. Independent M. !tll 3. 1'J1i WOl'ken F. , U. (lrban I\l't'aI! of Total for the Disl.rict

kh6ta Udepur. I BaI'9da. SavA Dabhoi, Karj •.,. and Saakheda and 'Rural U'rbttB i City Pa

IS t67 1,262 26il {.. 531) 8 8 37 1211 '33 '-82, J :s •

2 J71 38 ~O7

8 ~ 12

H 1.988 23t J,3HI 8 12J .. :)7" 2 .;l

22 24

1 I

3 6 :J ,.

It 18 '" n I I 1 iI

8 18' 162 Hi ~34 1-,.18' • 143 " Hl " I )

68 17 &5 US }fit

'J 96 1015 898 to'7 '.103 , ·141 .- 111

. -- - .-._..--.._ ~~------_'------"---- . ----._ -.---~- ;{tY Table S-ID ------~.------_-_- ___ -_-_-_. Rural Areas of Talukss and Petaa of

Savli Foora N88Wadi, Jabugaoo OCCUPATION and and Dabhoi. Chhota Baroda Kurjan W ..ghodia & Udepur and: Sinor Ssukheda r 2 3 4 .>------.. --- _- ---~------~.----- Sub-Division O. G-Fishilli. Tota. M. 38- 13 Y. '1

Employers M. F'r Empfoyeee M...... 11':

Pndependent. M. 3~ Ja Workers F; '1

DiriaioD I-Mining & Total M. IB9- I I 7(1 QuarJ

Employers M" F. Emplo;y6e8 M. 189' 31 F;_ n 2

independimt M'. 1 I 44 Workers F. 68' 45

8u1:i.Division T.0- Totar M. ], 7& J!on..JUfltaUic minJui'. 1'; Employers M. Y. Employeea lL 31 J\ Independent M- J Worke$ •• F. &b.I)ivision 1.5-- Tetal M 189' 1 8toB8-q_rrying. ow)' dd 88Dd pit& F~ '19- 4'1 Employers M. F. Employees M. 189' F. 11 2 fDdependent If.- J -WOrken F. 6& 45

_-~----~------_------+------~------..... ~---- -._------~.-.--- - -con/d. al ------_--_. ------Urban Areas of ------,-- - Tot~1 for the Dist,riot ------Chhot,a-Udepllr, __~ ______-l-_. --.----- Baroda Bavli I Dabboi. Karjsn and Sankheda aad Rural Urbst'l TOTAL City Padrs I WRghodia. AraBI' Areas Taluku Talukas and Sinor Pets. 6 'I ! 8 II 10 11 ------~--- -r------~- 67 61 109

(; 'I 12

2'1 27

I 1

'3"0 6\

4, 7 11 266 :268 126 '126

13 13 46 US 18

31 :31


196 '190 US !l28

188 II

1 f UI US 3~ T.b1e 8-01

Rural /Ie "e9!! of Talukas and Pet8.IJ of

-----~------_.--_------:'iavli l}adra Naswadi. Jahugaon. and and Dabhoi. Chhota OCCllPA'l'lON Barooa Ka.l'jan Wagbodiu 11£ Udepural1d ~il1or SlInkhedu.

~ 3 4 5 ----~ -__ -

Dhisi_2- 'l'otar ~L \.1:39' 1'44 l,Olt 7-17 Processing & MaDU Fa-c ture -FoodstuFfs. Textiles. F. 17& H 67 16 Leath., &: Pwocl_b thereof. ,Employe,,!! M. ]If n 12 I~ F.

6;mpfoyees M. •. :l3·~ 59 24t; 220 F. 145- S l!t

Independent III. 684 474 7M 509 Worker!.' Y.- :n 3~ 4'= 15 Suil.Divlsion 2.17- Total !tl'o- 18 1& & Food Industrial' otherwise V. \Hl(!18.il8i£ied. Employers M. I F. Employees M_ '* SO F. Independent M. 1. 5 I) Workers 1l'. &Si·Dfvision 2.1- Total M_ 'n 12 4Z J2 GlL'Qins and pu!sett. 1<'. 7

EmployerlJ M. oj: 2' F.

Employee>; M-. a~ 24 I} F._

Independent M.. l~ t!t 1& 2 Workers F: '7 SUb.Division 2.2- Total M._ HI> 67 Ij) 5!f Vegetable oil &; dairy pl'oelU('tR. F. 't ~ " Employers M. -. 5 F_

Empk>yeeit NL_ 13:;: 1f) JO 1'1 F. '1 lndependent. M'. n M 41 36 Workeftt P. • f -, ~--- -'.~. ------~- ~"td. 33

-~--". -.~-'.~- -~. --~ --~ Urban Areas of Total for the District . Chliota UJePUr. ----~-- Baroda Savli Dabboi, Kl\rjan and Sankheda and Rur'" tJt"b6l1 City Padra Waghodia TOTAL Talukas Taiukas and Are88 Areas Sinor Pets G '; 8 10 J II --_--- - ~------•.. 721 1,320 10,87'11 4,242 12.9~ 17,16:!

93 S4 626 303 803 1.1'(111 U 64, 2511 60 365 .21. : t8 1 II .2

:m~ 283 V.053 1,761 9,654 11,415

16 5 3&8 111 38. 506 841 973 1,687 2,'2l 2~90' -6,322

76 77 230 131 ~SS 'ilt

1 7 53 3. 61 1 Ott t • • 22 1 22 ~.

t 2 ·f

3 14 '3 • • "• 1 7 Z8 :4 ~ -e. 3 • • 2, 78 32: 131 424 .561 G tt 3 , 2S sa 3 It 57 7 'l' ., t t , 18 4. '12 a7 288 :Sll 2 S •• 10 - i3 fa t4 127 " S , " 1. 21 St '76 It 421 S:U .4 '111 f SO U 15 D • 4 27 7 :u 4i

46 43 HO 1'70 ••5 ., ! 16 " 17 :6 26 u t4 1" 1M 101 3 i 'I • IS .~-~-- Table B-nI Rural Ar,,&s of Ta.luk".~~~..i~P-;~8~-Qf .

Savli P>l.drl\ NdBwadi. Jahugaon OCCUPATION au.) and D,.bhoi, Chhota Ba.roda Karjan W",.".ndia Ie Udepllr and I Sin<>r Sankheda I ·2 3 4 I ~ 5 ------. - -~-----~-- ~------~--- lSub. illvision 2.4-' Total M. 8 3 Beverages. J'~ Employe1'8 M. 3 F.

Employee!! M. I) 2'

Y. . "

Independent :M. .... ' \\-orkeN F.

SlID·Division 2.5- Total M. 306 41t 115 21 Tobacco. F. n:;- :l I

Employ~r!! M •. 4 4


Employees M. Hj~ <} ll) F. 11.

_deJlf>lidell.t. Mv 247 .2 &1} 19 Workers F. I. 2 hb.DfvisiOn:;2.6- Total: M. 9:l0 &1 20l!i 403 Cotton· textilos. F. 3& 19 29 10 Employ_ M. 1 1 Y.

Employees M. 908 U 155 188

F. 3~ U II

bdependent M. u 6a lOll 214 Workenl Y. U 13 9 Sub· Division 2.1- 'Total M. 29l 236 ill 2 I 161 W~gapp&rel (exeept foot.wear) and 1'. Ii' 14 18 <1 lIlAiIe:up textiie ..... Empleye'" !f. ) e 6 8 ; . Y. J

Employees l&. a. IS 16

1'. 1

IMlependent M. 287 1111 300 162 W"rllen }', 12 14 18 4

...... _---=------"-" ----~--- ~--- ~~~ ---~- - -.--CO?'lI~ 35 Urban Area.. of Total for the Distriot ~ __ I------~------~-. ~-~ -----·--~I·· ~ _. .--IChhota Udepur, Baroda Savli Dabhoi, I Karjan and Sankhl'da and Rural Urban TOTAL Uty p",,~ W.,b<>

1 \ \

9 3 'I) IS

I t

2 81 7 S3 $0

12 ~ 18 It

62 237 396 521 <685 ;).206

It 20 118 30 148 2 6 '7 • 115 ~ t 1 1 '2 47 J69 IU ~38 :362 3 99 11 'loa 28 184 220 388 432 '82G

1 '7 17 lit 25 440

Z(J7 33-1 '7,886 1,668 :8,427 :to,095

72 8 363 97 -443 ·646

8 19 23 4 -8& M

1 S 4 4, 163 '13 '7,730 1,284 1,966 11,250

14 1 342 61 -3511 418 18 242 133 380· 4It 791 68 6 18 38 S2 U8

123 380 1.126 1,'003 ',729 =2,732

13 39 121 43 173 2ft 10 6 8(1 20 96 US I' I It :20 Jf) 36 349 32 4U 446 I I 8 I 118 389 8.7 951 1,21' .2,170 13 It I. 48 iii I" . _-_--_--, --~ "_ ------_------~-~ .--_ - -_._------~ . ;56 Table 8-UI ------Rural Areas of Talukas uilli Pet811 of

Savli Pam-a NaswlI.dl, JlI.bugaon, and and Dabhoi, Chhota O(1('UPA'I'ION Baro

~ 3 5 ------4 '

:"ub.Divillion 2.8- '1'€>~al III. 15 Textile Industries otherwis0 unclsssi· F. fred. EmpI~'eri M. Y. Employee.. l\i. F. Independent lU. I 16 Workers F.

Sab·Divillion ::!.9- Totlt! lW. 129' til' 214 8f w.ther,leutlwr pl'Odueb _a fOQtwur. F. ~ 8 7 1

EIl1ployer~ M. ;;. : ! F.

Empleyells M. 2-1. 11 2 1"- r !

Jmiepen.tent lit. roo> tfl l~i 8(1 Work.lIS ]1'. 3- '1 I} 1 I)"isi•• S- Totar M. 11.1. J29 25t U3 Pl'oceHiDl a .. lIIaDuflfttu ...- lIetal•• C .miciale aDd .. lTr It 4 f 'I_Ulte. tb.r.•• f. • Employers M. ~ i 3 F. Emp16)"ees 31·. 05Z H 1& 8 F. n iAc.iepenaent M. H@f 114 22Qt 134 "\A' 0rkers· F. }. 4 i • 1!u-o.Di?wun 3.0- Total ~L 21& i2~ jJ~5 14t M_ufacture of metllil products et~_iae ullclasaified. F. ! 4 ~ IS

Ewp-loyera ~fr ]0 3- S F.

~mpley_ };f. 7t: 11 6- a F.

Indopendent 1f. 131 114 ~12 13"3- Worllc-e '1'. I ~ 3 '8

------~~. --~--~-- . ------~~---.~---~------~------. ------_--- -cnntrl. 3'1 Urban -\r"M of Totn! fm t.he Oistt-ict Chhol;a U\}epu;'- Baroda Savli Dabhol. garjlln and Sanl{h"dll and Rllral l~rh"n City PUW·" \Vaghodi" TO'I'I\[, Taluk&il TalukaB and Areit~ Area. Sinor PAtAo 8 7 S 9 16 II

14 15 126 18 15:J ]69

., (... :,! li~

14 46 01 61

H '18 11) . ~~ ''OS 2 80 82 tj:!

119 166 449 626 734 ',?HIl

1 2 9 19 Ii! ~H

14 13 34 9 {It 'itt

1 2 3 3

28 43 157 43 228 271

3 2 ,.

17 no 25g 414, 44.'i '9i II

a 16 'l 2.~

37 294 2,882 \,311) :l.:!13 -{,Mil

2 1 98 28 HJt t:!11 14 99 lO 114 124. '"

11 63 t ,3!17 689 2,461 3,1110

H J2 44 1\(;

26 211 396 611 638 U/65

2 1 54 16 (>7 73

31 219 413 70"' 003 1.367

55 lIi 55 7'()

12 24 9 ~7 46

IS U HO 99 ]86 285 " 4 4 25 166 249 098 440 1,036 81 15 (ll M

~------~-~ ._ ------~--. ---~--. -~-. Table B-m Rural Areas 'of 'f aluItH,l' and Petas of

Savli I' Pa({ra NlI.swadi, Jabugaon OCCUPATION an.! and Da,bhoi, Chhots Baroda K .. rjan Waghodia & Udepur and .::\inor Sankl:eda.

4 5

lSuu-t,]vi"iOll ;:1.1- 'J'oLat I",,, 'lnd Steel (,tI.,,]C Wal1UfilctUI'O I F. Empj";)f'Ti! lvI.


Employees M. F.

Iadependent M. Workers 1".

Sub-Division ::l.3- Total • M. 2 TTii•• 8port Equipm,'ut. Y.

Employers 1Ii.


Employees M. F.

Indeppnrlent M. 2 Workers F. Sub· Division 3.4- Total M. )3 Ek('tric .. l m,lCbillt·ry. llppartLt •• s. appJiauccs F. and i'upplies. Employers M. F.

Employees]\.1. 13 F. J ndepcndent M. Workers F.

Sub-Division 3.6- Total M, 35 12 Machinel'y (other than electnc... 1 machiuery ) F. 1 illcluding Ellgiueering WOl·kshopll. Employers M . .F.

Emp]oyeoe M. 3S 10 F.

llluependent M. \Vorkel'll F. - - C"rban AreM of ! Total for the Distri!)t --;~rod:-! --;~~l;-- Chhn:b~~~piir, ------Urban TOTAL .Karja.n and 1\ Sankh.. da and I Rural fity Paora W"ghodia, Area.. Areas 'I'alnkas t Taluko8 and 7 : Sinor Peta. 6 I 8 9 __ 1_- __ 10 II

3 4

3 3

I" :!:! 340 2 363 :86.

:u 2( 24

270 ~71 :271

22 ~6 2 68 :10

, I

8 13 8 -JI


13 878 47 891 ~.(}3S

5 5 6

30 31 ::11

4- 787 46 791 ,gas

Ii 1 I) 6 8 61 2 (ill '71

A __ ~ ______~ '------_------_.- 40 Table 8-Ul ------_------~ Rural Areas of Talukas and Pew or 1------~---- 8avli Padm Na~wadl. \ J abugaoa. and OCCUPATION and D ..bhof, Chhat6 Baroda Karjan Wllf/hodia '" Udepurand l:iiuor . Saok.beda 1 2 3 6 .----.--~----. " -~----.- Sub.Div.i8ion 3.6- Total M. 1S7 t Basic Industrial Chemicals, FertiliSflF F. 10 1 and Powe)' Alcohol. Employei'll M. ... F·

Elllployeee M. h6

F. 10

Independent M. ] Workenll F. 1 Sub.Di\·ision 3.7- Total M. MeGical and Pharmaceutical F. preparations. EmployerB M. P. Employees M.

F. 1 Jndependent M. Workera Y.

hb·Division 3.S- Total M. .f7Z III M81lUfacture of chf'mical products otherwise 1'. "nclaaified. Employen iH. F. :t;mpIoyoo8 ]\.f. 471 .. F.

Jnderendent 1'<1. 15 WOI·kel'll F,

Di.i.ioD 4- Total M. T.33<1 849 921 784 Proce•• ing and Man,,' fac:tare--l'iot el•• where F. )32 30 76 24 ..~ec1. Employers M. :~ 13 jU

F. 3

Employees .:M. ·1(13 104 78 2$ F. St Indt'penoent M 924 732 843 735 Workel'll F .. 48 30 7:! !-i

---_------...------~------_-- -- -~)nttl~ : 11 '--.-~- il.,.. o\t'8M of :f To~] for tile ntBtrict .- --~-----.----~- ~. _ ~li _ 'I1a. ;.:;' _. _ ~8I'J ..n _d Sankh"da and Rural' Urban 'I City Padr& 'Wal!'hodia '1'OT!\t, TalukllS !Ta)ukas and Areas Areas SJnor /Pet" 6 '1 8 j -_-_._- l~ U

I Ie 1\9 ~5 ,!-q

~ II 3 14

2 :!

..... \

H ~7 22 ~~

2 I~' '_ 2 12 I " 7 ~, n III 1. l' 2\

Ii ", n 8 .. ~S(J 'fi89 :t

5 li Ji

, IS , 82., 844 S4~

'1 1 :'Z

7 14 31 :3,

, 36. 491 373 8ft

31 ~! ;ztz

16 1 15 ~..

.. 33.5 475 33' 8t4 2i 2t 2. .1 16 19 34- S 3 3

389 892 2,9~3 3.3~4 4.264 8,148

24 51 128 2112 203 46&

25 4t 137 37 206 243 3 a 3 6

113 117 1,402 1113 1,684 2,191

1 16 69 ·86 76 16t

299 7Sl 1.4" 3,234 2,474 6.70~ !3 35 66 174 124 !9"

- - - ~------_------TabJeB-ID ------Rural Area.a of TalukaB and Petae of

Savli. .~a(tf.' NaswAlli, J'abugaqD OOOUPATION anJ . and DabliOi•. . Cbhotil Baroda KaIjan Waghodia 01; Udepur and Sinor Sankh.8c1a J ;{ 3 4 --- 6 Sab-DiviBioD 4.0- Total M. 18 308 1~8 100 Manufucturing Industrie. ~th~rwllle lIDCiaa&ifit-ti. F. 6- ~ 2

Employers M. I 13 3 F.

, Employees M. ~ til} I'> F.

Independent M. 75> 226 121 92 WorkPrs Y. 6 ~ 2

Bub·Dwlsion 4.1- Total M. , ...... ,.,. Products of petroleum &tl.'l coal. Y. Empfoyers M. 1'.

kmployees M. 4 F. Independent M· Workers Y.

Sub·Division 4.2- Total M. 348 63 14 57 Brick!!, tiles and other structural claY' P. "'2 4 1'1 2 products. Employers M. 3 F. ] Employees M. 3ft) • 16 F. 81 1

Independent M. 8 59 58 54 WOBel'll F. II 4 16 2 . 8ub.Divwon ... 3- Total M. 9 Cement-cem,ent pipes and other F. . eemen\ produetl!. EmpJoyel'll M. F.

Employees ~. 8 F. Independent M. Workers F.

------~ .._- ... ---__,_..--~--- ~- ~~------~- -oonld.., 43 ------~-- -_" ------~------,Urb8dl Area~ of Total for the Distriot . IChhota UClepur, Baroda 8avIi Dabhoi, Karjan and Sankheda and Rural Urban TDTAL , City Padra VVBghodia Are .. , Areal Talukllll Talukas and 'I Sinor Peta. 6 8 9 10 . n ------.~--~- I 130 32'1 1,016 614 1,473 2.08'1 1 47 l'l ' 48 65

Ii 27 68 17 1'03 120

2 :! 2

27 3:! 372 'n, ~t WS

20 20. 20 "5 268 m6 Jj~ :939 1,4!>9 25 17; 211 "3 4, •

... • .. .l, ,, ,~ 45 67 542 HI 683

13 18 18 115 -49 'Hi4'

6 6 14 3 :25 :28,

1 II

2 22 29 36(} .nil 413

16 12 82 28 110

21.- 18 24 il19 <63 ::242 13 :2 6 32 :21 53

47 9 4~ .a. t 1


36 i 38 41

1 1 11 n n

------_._-_ Table 8-Ill ------~----- RlHal Areae of Talukas and Petas of -----. - ----_------_-- SavH PaMa I Naswadi. JabugaOe. and and Dabhoi, Chhota OCCUPATION Baroda Karjan Waghodia. & Udepur and I! Sinor Sankheda 1 3

..:: ub·Divisio» 4.4- Total M• ai'll 228 282 127 Non.metallic mineral pl·Otl\wts. F. 3& 12 2

Employ_ M. H F.

Employef18 M. !) F.

fndepentlenl; M. lJ6 \Vorkers 37 12

~n~Dh'ision 4.5- Total M. Rubber pro.lucts IDo.uufactm."f<. F. Employer« :.r. F.

Elllp foyees !If.

l'ndopendent ~I. WOl'keI'll F.

:'IlIb-Divieion 4".6- Total M. t5!} . 432' 49& Wood and wood products other than 1'. 14 18 fumitll~ and fixtures. Employers }l .. P'. 2

Employee.. M" 4S 19 1'.

rndependent 11-1. 515- :U54 473 Worken; F. I ~ 18

~lJb-·Dfvision t.7- Tetal M. Furniture and fidul'elt manufacture. F.

Employem M. F. Employees M. Y.

Independent M. Worbnt F. -c(Jnld. . .5

------~ ,--- . brban Areas Gf Total for the DiBt.rict

- - ~------_ ~lIepur, ,}--. BarocIa &,·li Dabboi, Karjs" and Sankbeda ·,md Rural Urhan City Pad!'a WalZbodi~ TOTAl. Talukaa Talukas and Areas Areas Sinor Peta 6 'I 8 9 10 tl

28 lU 2-10 99'1 -lll 1,-1"2

2 ~8 37 137 87 H4

2 4 7 12 13 25

2 2 142 U 146 18'7

21 21 2-2

24 137 91 838 252 1,190

2 18 16 88 35 121 1\4 'I 85 92

76 '1 "311 $3

... 9 t ~ ...

IS3 356 930 1,706 1,'6it '3,175

9 13 20 40 U -"82

8 12 , 21 :25

2 ~ 28 60 21' 106 297 403 2 3 :.

'147 303 699 1,69~ l,151 :2,74-'

8 13 18 38 31 -7!J 9 29 J 38 .at

2 2 2

2 11 U 1-'

'7 10 1 1'1 18 46 TabIeB-m RuralAI"388 of Talukas and Pew of

Sevli Padra Naswadl. ,Ilabugaoo OCCUPATlON ..n-1 ' and - Dabbol. I Chhota Baroda Kar!en w..... ;. &1 Ud_ .... dioor ISankheda • 1 ~ . '::-r.. I I t 3 -_-- i'------5 cub-Divwun 4.S- Total M. , Paper and P"'pei' pruuuc... manu- F. 2 tsetu.. Employem M-. .,.. -Employees M. 4 Y. 2' J ndependent M. Worken F.

Sub-Division 4.9- Total )I. II Priutinll and " AILe IJujulltriea. F. 1 Employen M. F. Employees M. -2 .. F. IadepencreBt M. Workel'll Y. Divi.ieD 5- Total 1'1 44-0 9 184 138 C_.tructiea ..4 Utilitie.. F. 63 II B Employe", M. 2 1 3 1'.

'£mployl'e8 M. 37t t 76 61 1'. M) 2 3

Independent M. 6~ 108 8f Workera F. ~ , Sob-Division 6.0_ Total M. Construction Il Valnte- DRUce of works other· F. wiee 1Il-nelasslfied. EmpJoyl'!!'II M. 1'. J!uaployees M. F'

IDdependen~ M. Workers F.

~~-,"...-.--_- "--~ ---~-- -contd. 4'l ---"------_---- Urban Areas of Total for the· Dlstriot . - Cbhota Udep•• Baroda Savll - I Dabboi. Karjan a.nd Bankhecla and Rural Urban TOTAL City Padra WO\ghodia Are.. ANa. TaJuk611 TalukaB' and Sinor Pet&. 6 'J 8 11 10 n

':! - 11 I 13 n I .- :: ! t

(I 4 ~ u ! 2

4 /') l'i

11 20 61i8 '6 ~87 .593

/') 1 6 .,

2 tl as 41 4'1

:I 1 t 506 6 -518 :oa

'" 3 3 3 4 3 20 27 27 .•. 2 3 4

113 4~9 1.570 771 '2,112 '2,9'l3

15 1,007 67 ',0" a,089 95 6 95 101

3 3 ~

81 39 669 fill '189 ,:,'301 .. 565 66 .069 42'

9:! 390 806 251 '~Z8S '1,-'539 I 11 439 It Oll ..12

29 259 288 S88

51 -51 ~1

SA 73 98 99

4 135 ... n •

-.------~------. Table B-UI Rural Area. of T.lukaa aDd Petal of

Savli Padra Na.ewadi. Jabugaon" and and Dabhoi, OCCUPATION Chhota &roda K&U'jan WaghodiA 1£ Udepur8lld l:Iil.lor Sankheda 3 4 --.. ----- ~\tb-Divisiou 6.1- Total M. 180 In 81 Construction and maintenanc_ P. 1& 9 ~uildings. 2 3


F. l~


Judependont M. Z Workent F.

Sub-Diviaion 6.~- 'fotal -"f. C<>D8truetion & maintenance operations-Irrigation & ot.her F. agrieuUural works Employel">l :\!. 11'.



'hdepend.,ut' :\f. Work.en Y. l5uh.D'ivitln..n 5.5- Totaf M:. Works & Servicee-EJeetrie l'ewElr & GlIB supply. Y. }

Employon+ M. F. Empfoyeea M. 68 -8 F.

Ldependent. )t. W'orkol'1l Y. -cflned.

t!rban _~re~!______I _ Total for the District Chhota Uuepur, I B~" Savli Dabhoi. Kari .. n and SankhA

n 813 2'1 34 5


3(1 417 J66

2 37~ 18 377 86 890 666 18t '.3:!:l 11 431S 9 446 7 71 13 78


7 71 11 78



31S 96 76 13\ ~O?

1 ;'J

, 8 8 ...

,,~ 38 sa '16 118 1't~ I t

6 I) IS

.----.~ - -_- -. ------Table ~I.I -----_. ------~------:-----:------Rural Al"'!8S of T.lukas and Pe1;M of ---- Savli Pad'ra Naawadi. IJabugBoOCl OCCUPATION anJ and Dabhoi, Chhota Baroda Karjau W~~odia &, Udeptu' and

______1 ______li______3____ _::r_lsan:~eda

S .. b-Div.sioll 5.7- Total M. 163 84 67 Sallit,ary works &: lI-~rviceB jpcluding F. 34 2 3 il<'OoV6ag6r&. Employers M. 1 F •

. Employ_ M. 163 43 29

F. 31 2 3

J.IIdepf'ndent If. 4f) 28 WorkerB F. :. i>ivraioa 6- Total M. 2,426 1,398 1,437 J.ltS CodImerce. F. 14& 161 35

E=ploycl'l! M. 370 182 131 Y. 4- 6 Employees M. 292 197 F. 4-

ladependent M. 1,llH 963 818 Workers Y. 131 147 45 28

IJllb-Divil!ion 6.0-- Total M. 393 1M 273 73 Retsil trade otherwille UIlClaMsified. F~ U 38 9 EmpfoyeT8 M. 37 23 '1 F'

Employees M. 43 108 69 7 F.

fndepBndent M. 313 626 lSI WOl'kel'l! F. 33 3'1 4

Sub-Division 6.1- Total M. 1,657 807 840 691 Retail trade in foodstuffs (including beverages F. 117 10~ 37 23 " Irareotiea). EmployerR M. 243 46 J06 '67

F. 4 Ii 4-

Employees M. 244 §7 128 53

F. J 7

Independent M. 1, I iO 525 606 471 'A'orkel'll F. 92 t7 37 19 -contd M

-~~~--~~-- ~- ~,. ------~- -~.~------_.- --.- , Urban Areas o( Total (or the Diet-riot Chho'ta Udeplilr, Baroda 8avU Dabhpi, . Karja.n and Bankheda and Rural U~ba.1l TOTAL City Padra Wl\ghodia A reaR Are.. a Taluka.a Taluk88 and Sinor Peta. 7 8 II 10 11 -~----- ~-- 21 27 304' 52 ;356 " ! 2 1113 39 195 234

2 1 2 .:l

19 4 25 23':; 48 :283

2 JOO 36 192 :228

2 ~ !,.' ~8 2 70 a 3 '3 11

),797 2,752 ) 0.1>111 6,407 15,210 :21,64-7

73 15'\ 7~B 386 '9~8 . 1,!li~ I 250 IH7 1,7' :! 779 2,6011 :a,:!~ 8 4 2 27 15 :as .u

340 649 2,61,3 945 3,688 -4,ti:l3

2 34 ]4 36 -00

1,20; 1,556 6,2-;0 4,683 9.()43 13,726 '

67 153 697 357 9n 1,274

655 54:1 4,4~9 1,524 -5;627 4','151

25 75 24~ 85 34% 427

1]2 84 72~ 118 '928 1,{!38

3 17 2 21 U

U3 58 964 2;r~ 1,155 , /f.,302

23 3 23 -26

410 401 2,741 l,)7~ 3,552 4,731

22 74 2Q2 8(1 298 37S

619 1.l!i8 2,523 , :l,6fS 4,420 g,na

~5 .57 39t 266 496 '!lOI

58 245 343 46t G48 -a ,107

6 13 7 ~6

74 3':'1 616 412 ~ll 1;373 1 - 4 8 5 IS 487 7]2 1.t64 2,772 2,!l63 6,635

,43 56 385 246 48. '729

-~--~~ -~.-----.----~---~--~ ~~-~~--~-~------~---<--. lit Table 8-RJ

-- ~- ~------_- --~-- - _. -----, Rural Areaa of Talukas and Petae of ---- SavH Padra Naswadi. I Jabug~ OOO11PATlON and and Dabhoi, Chhots Baroda Karjan W.,hom. &1 UdepuraDd SinOI' Sankheda .. % 3 + 6 8ug.-Division 6.2- Tota! M. 44 'i3 it R&tail trade in fueL (lDcluding petrol) F. I} H t

';mplnyel'& ,to Ii 11 IO F.

Employees M. () 35 23 F .. 2 • Independent ~l. 2-j; .21 21 WOl'kel'l! F. 7 .3

Siib~Diviaion 6.3-- "t'et

lind.epend'ent M. )00 IS 79 Workers Y. .. ~u&.DiVfsion· 6-.4-- T..t.s) MI. a: Wholesale tradE" in- t'.eodBt;•• F.

EmpJoyet'S MI. It T.

ltmplhyee.. M. 1'.

Indept'nden.t "F. Workers Y.

:>:nb-Divi8(on 1).15- 'Vot.al M. 1,,, 46 263 Wholesale trade in commodities other' F. I 2 tr.SR ~uff!t. Emproyel'8 M. J 2 26 I':

F.lRflloyoos M. :J. 3 76

r. ' ... ..: .. Independent M- n 41 un Worker. p_ I 2

-.~--.------. -OImtd. 1>3 ------.. _------_------~-~-~------_----- (' rbsn Area. of i Total for the Dletriot ------Ohhot.a-(fdepur~ ~aro'la Savli Dabhoi, ltarjnn a.nd 8anl~beda and .;Qr"a' Urban City Ptulra Wa)ihodia, TOTAL TaJukll8 TalUkaBand Area~ Areas SinO! Peta 6 7 9 10 11 _. __ - -_._------,. -_ ------_-_-_. ------62 126 411 1'171 599 770

I) 11 24 16 .0

12 17 99 35 128 HiS I

oJ,) 25 ••J 78 64 12'6 196 :~ " 25 116 ~34 a 345 417 5 1* n u 35

576 1,243 ~74 .097 2,~71 27 t 29 .3l

174 191 126 413 ~3t

1 t :t

!H 246 8t 458 :539 (- .. .. 162 268 806 367 1,226 1,693

22 2 24 26

30 3 00 3.

8 3 8 U , -- 8 'II .. - .. 14

27 18 .... 32. 46 ~ . . 3 ..

~ 11) .at

'11 82 11 '"

11 213 ".t: TaLle B-III Runrol AJ'

Savli ~~n. N~~i. Jabugaon aD,1' anti D!j,'.hoi, Chhota, Baroda Kal'jao Wagb'l

'. I " 3 5------.-----. ----- • &ub-Divillion 6dl'­ Total M. :Real E&t&te. Y. ~, , Eml'leyers M. P. Employees M. Y. Ia.upendent M. Worktlr& ll'.

S.b.DiviSion 6. 7- Total M •. I~. P.

Einproyer~ M.

l!'. Employees U.


lAdependent All Workers F. s.t..DivisioJl' 6.8- Total M. 07 lIoneyiending, banking &. o\hel' financi.u' busiReIlII. Y. 1 Employers M. .., 1'. Employ_ M. 7. independent M. It} Workers ". fH ..aiOD 1- Tot.sl l'lf.: 2t& 186 . 'h.llspert. Sto,,_e & ~mlDlIBi ••tioae y; IS 8 ElUployerl lIL 12 ·F.

Esnpl...yeeB M. 2,176 lilt 228 P. 86 2

lDdepend6'O" M; 'j 37 63 14 Worken! Y. --oot·td. &J - --~------Urban Areas of Total·for the Distriot

._-- -~ ~.--- ._._------.------~-fCiihotaUdepul", . Buod", 8avli DabbQi. ~ ! I' Karjan and ISanlthada. and . Rural Urbllb TOTAL ('It, Padra Wl\ghodia I Are. Are.. ft TalukM TaJuks8 and ' Sinor Peta. I 0 ., I 18 9 10 11 ------.---.---~-~ ~----~-----. . _ ------~----

1f! :. ~. 18 18

z sa 84 Sb

3 11 ,

IS 13 U

I) 5 5 2 79 8. 81

9 176 184 18f

12 12 l~

3 US $IS '96

6 70 'l{l 76

"'Ii' JJ7 211 J,S92 nil 2,Z29 2,33_ 2 )5 6 18 2.

8 21) ~43 '1 371 :J7t ... 18 103 789 2lf 910 '3' 1 2 2

96 82 760 30 ~88 1,018 \ \6 jj \6 22 833 6iO 2,986 2,897 3,!l88 ,6,785 3 i 116 104 124 228 '. S 37 21 41 6t

261 49() 2,383 2,755 . 3,134 ~,889

a 3 1D3 119,' lOll ~8 00 79 666 121 '.. 713 884 2 13 6; 15 .20

--'~--~-~------Table·B-1U Rural Areas of Talukas and Petas of

SavH . -;adu -.N:Wad i: ~I- J U~l1iQ()Q. OCCUPATION and and Dabhoi. Chho-~ Baroda Karjail Waghodia &: I Udep1l.l"8nd Sinor I 8ankhoeda

2 3 4 5

Snb·Dh'ision 7.0- Total M. Transport and Com. munioations otherwise F . . IIDolsl!8ifled and IncideRtal services. Employers M. F.

Employees M. F.

'Independent M. WOJ'kers F. Sub·Division 7.1- Total M. 100 138 21 21 Trans~ by Road. F. 2 .. Employers M. 12 7 F. Employees M. 87 120 7 F. 2

Independent M. 7 Hi 9 14 Workers F. " Sub-Division 7.2- Total M. 57 Transpol't by Water. F.

Employers M. 2 F .

. . l+~mployees M. F. Independent M. 19 54 Workers Jr.,

"!ub-DiYiaiOll 7.3- Total M. Trall8pOrt by Air F. Employers M .. F. Employees M.

Jr •.

.:. ~ . . Independent M • W.rker.. F. Tobai fw· .he Diatrioi 'Urban Are .. of \ "------~------~Udep\Dt ----.-- Baroda Savli : Dabhoi, JlarjBn and 88nU~rla and Rurotl U ',,\11 City Padra Wa.hodia l' T.\L 'l'alukll8 Talukaa and Areas ar"-\~ Sinor Peia 6 ., 8, 1* 10 11 ------'------12 12 ·f· I.! t 'IiI

u u 1:1; 2 2 .:! ., ., .,

132 78 1,116 286 1.:,26 1,6,12\ ., 2 10 6 i 1':) 1$

3 1 37 19 41 60 ...

60 19 514 211. 593 812

4 :! -I II

611 6li 565 48 6S~ 740 % II 4 8 I~ 21 7. :21 IW' I ,.

II 3

.. ~ 4: " ~.,

it ... 73 ~~ "!II 1 '4

:J ~ ~

3 3

.' .... l{ural A f" • of l'aluk,'· ::!!l:l .Petaa <;;

Savlj> p·.. ",lr& N,...... · ... J-i, JIIU,... coQD ',(:X'UPA' HI' sn,: b •• : ·1I D-'1-t~'!l!)i, Chl.&ta RR.]"1.18 KIt"iaD \Va"',,,·,H.. I; Ud.-), ,r aQ<} ""l,3r 8s,.!:heda

I ~ ~ 4 ~

::!iuv·'&:"i"i.. ;oo ;.4- To.&I M. !!,(:~ 9- ::3 1::3 l~; "'.ul..... y tra.nsport Y. 78 ]!,~ Z 4'

Empfoy"l'& M. F.,

EmpT{l\"eee l\f. F_

Ind<'p€'l1({ellt M .. Wvrkers F_

8Uf>-Divir.iOn 7.5- Totar M.' Stotage alld wsreboultnlo(.


Jlnd"pendt'Ot Ir~ Workena F.

lLft-Dfvision 1.6- Totu. :g;~ .0IIt&l Servloea-. r~

Einpfoyel'9' M'~ F_ JrmpJOy_ )1..'

F. -cuntd 59 Ur·ba.n Total for the Distriot. Are.. ~ of f . ~I.hhota Udt>Wr •. Barod.. Savli Dabhoi, I Ka.r.ull 8.ud I8ilonkh"da. e.nd , !\\lral Urban TOJ'AL City _ Padra W..ghodia I Are""- Are .. B T ..luk...· Talukse and I i Sinor Pets.. 6 '1 ' 8 10 11 • ------~ --~--~ 162 430 ),416 2,428 2,007 4,(;,;) 3 3 16 97 21 118

162 415 :!,428

3 15 ,1)7 21 us


.... 13 u

89 40 886

82 82

.89 40 386 JOi 465 liet S2 S! ti


J 4 4 ...... ,

" 4. il ...

- ...... ~=-.-. Table B-UI

-~------~~~ Rura.l Areal! of Talukas and. Pet.. of

--.. ------.~- 1-, Savli Padra Na8Wadi .r abugllOn, and IUld Dabhoi. Chhota OCCUPATION Baroda l{arjan Waghodfa & UdepllTllnd Sinor Sankheda 2 3 • -----6 Sub.Dlvilrion 7.8- Total M. Telephon(' Services. Ok F. EmployerI' M. F. Employees M. F,- Independent M. WorkerR F. Diviriolt 8- Total M. 3,70" ],041 1,468 '01 Health, Educatioa & P.blie Administration. )<'. 99 36 62 12 Employel'" M. .. 3 12 2 F.

ErnpfoyeSt! M :~,Hit& 983 1.400 aD3 F. 95 !ll> 00 9 lndepoodent M 6" &5 56 213 Workera F. '* 1l 3 i!!t111.Qb·iSion 8.1- Total ~t. Ill> 1>9 83 46 Medica.l &: other HpJJJth 8el'Vi()6&. F. 3 3 Empleyel'l! M.

l;mptoyeelil M. 84 26 4\ :~2 a )I 1 F. I Indepenuf'nt M. 47 31 34 13 Work""''' V. 1 l'Ittb·pivision 8.2- Total M. 347 3(13 37(i 2H Educational Rervices &; Reeett.rch. F. 69 22 45 10

l<~mvloy(,111 :M. il F. Employees M. 330 331) 349 26

F. 6& 2~ 33 ,

J:¢Won~nt M. 17 :14 ~2 tit Ol'ke"M F. " It I ---~~------(' roan A.... 9cf

-- BB~.·-- -). ~.~Ii ~.. :~:' KarJ"n and Bankheda and Rural City P"dra W &Ilhodia '1'OI'AI.. Talukaa Talukas "nd Sinor Peta .___ .6______. ?__ - ___8 _'--__ 9 ___ . '0 n

I 37 37


768 l,'iIi S,tl9:l 7,l;W l(},873 17.~!Ji

~,G 141 1,384, 201) 1,!lU t.82~

13 16 58 21 8~ ·JOS

(; t 5 i

719 1,.3:)7 l ,.~:H; (:1,'7 12 lO,tsU 17.324


2 54 19 57 7t " ,,:1 li4 S·H 323 671 ':eM

I) II 226 8 239 !.'<&?

J~ t6 3:) 16 80 :{fa 3 3 :. .'" , 37 87 ZOO 182 37. .:568

4- 7 186 '1 191 "2&l

:u 4' 42 125 (11 ~! 1 37 3t H 119 2:10 1,039 I.au 1.1i.5S :a.16' 34 62 U3 146 63. ''1i.J

i A 1 t.J 2 2 :.

00 220 , ,476 ',044 ~,79% 2,836

II 62 3!. t~7 619 .,. 2 61 :!fit 5. MI i 11 1I!i 18 Sf;

~--~.--~--.------.-. ~~------~-~------_ --- T.LIe S..tU "--- --_.------~.- .. ------~ -~- ---

N"_,,a1i, Jabt","&Q OCCUPATION D ..bhl:>i. Ch)','ota Waghot1ia .t Udepur and Sinor ~nkh"d8

I 4

Lb-Vi'vi1lion 8.4- :rt)tal M. Police lother tbaD viII age wMcb.roeJl.~. F. 'Employers M• .... Emproy- M. 153 Y.

Lndepe.ntfeM H. Work.&re }f'.

l!ull.Di" isiOll 8.5-Village Tokl M. 339' 10& effieers and lIel'Vanttl iMJadiAg village wa,tchmen. F ., & 1 £mvtoycnI M.

II' .2 W8

)0 ~ 1

ht).:f)fviMon 8'.8'..... Total M .. 1.1; Employee. of Kunicf.. J)aliciee anti Lon&I , lJedie. • but DOt u)Cluding peNOlUl EnwpJo,'el'lt .•taMifiable UDder _yother diviJion ., ~.Mw.on). U

1 1

:r. ;. ...~ J.7 J '1 .., Itild>ivf.-ion 11.1- Total M. Emp1oye8 of State' Go"emmenta (but. T. )7 I 11 ao& ineluding peJ:'8OM ma.ifiable uncle. EIDJl~ M. _yother divWioft - e&h-divWoa. ) Y .. EmpJfl)"lH M, 387 807 35~ 1'_ )!


140 251 750 2,478 :9,<128 IS 1lJ

22 15 761 3; ~8' I 18 .. ,) t8 ...

22 16 76. 3; '488 111 t8

~1 189 1,483 1.693 i,'781 88 69 602 601 -(III

11 189 1,48S 95 1,691 '.'788 aa 69

4!6 688 3,160 3,260 4.(63 8 1'1) 31 IU

416 688 3,inG 3,266 '7,413 8 2 1.1 11 111 61 Table B-IU - ~.------~------i Rural Art'8e of Taluk88 8Ild Petaa of

I -----. ------.----.-----~ 1 Savli -Padra N8I!wadi .Jabugaco, I Chhota and and Dabhoi, OCCUPATION Baroda, ! Karjen Waghodla &! Udepur IUld r Sinor i 8ankbeda I I 1 J 2 :. 4 I 5 .-~------Sub-Divisien 8.8- Total 1\1. 640 Employ_ of the Union Government (but not F. including ptll'l!ODS classifia.ble under f;mplllYH8 :\1. any oth~r diviflion 0(' !rub-division. ) .I' •

Emptoyees 1\1. 6~Q F. Independent M. Workers F, Division ,_ TotRl )1. 3,983 :.!,'5t 5.851 4.584 Services Dot elsewhere ~pecifi~ •. Y. 7 ;',{ 603 J,:no 72Q

/ . Employer,; ~t 28 ., 211 62

F. t I)

VI'lploy('Of\ :\1. 2.~H 668 9511 l,IlS1

.1<'. 4W 5:! 275 .J~

Independent )1. 1,741 1.!811 4,3;;6 2,586 \VoFkers F. 3H. 45O 1,090 300

Sub·Division !J.O- ':rot~J M. 2,403 l';l7i5 3.973 3,641 S .. rvices otherwi~ tlnelassified. Y. 92ft .76 J,264 618

EmpTeyern ,\1. 2 36 F.

Employees M 1,42,) 1}92 278" 1,406 F. - 361 41 261 «10 Indeptmdt'llt :\-1. 980 H2 3,694 2.203 'Volker~ F. 2ilS -t21t 900 ns lInb-Didslon 11.1- TutuI M ;jSB 11 55~ -iS9 Domestic 1!<'r\'icel5 (but not including F. 76 11 28 services rendered by members of Empt~')er:t :\1. 2 family hOllll~holds \e one IUlQ!.}Jer). F. }3n,ploye.-s M. 558 14 474 442 F. 6lS lO t8 ., In~ndent M. 28 .J ilS 4i Vork",,;s 11'. Ie 1 to ------_.---- -COntrl. 85 U rblm Areu of rota! for the Dletriot Chhota"Udepur, Baroda S.vli Dabbol, KarjBn and Sa.nkheda and :aur.al Urblill Oity Padra Waghodia TOTAL / Taluk88 TaJukasand Meas Areas Binor Pdte 6 ., 8 9 10 Jl

'fG 640 75 '115

...... '16 640 75 715

I... ~

1,321 3,223 10,826 16,072 16,389 aJ,~l ~:"~~'71 aSt SZI 1,617 3,361 2,793 6,1'" 4'1 IU 458 1!f Itl 711

1 18 8 17 H

510 754 6,718 6,778 7,982 13,7.57

89 281 'l24 1,186 1,074 2,260

764 2,3!l0 3,61H 10,172 6,795 16.9C7 r 265 560 877 2,156 J,70!} 3,SJl8 \ 676 2,01}8 4.284 11,~96 6,927 18.523

320 760 3&2 3,0'" ),4~2 4~46J 3 28 89 31 70

1 1 4 2 6 81 51 2.2C3 3,696 2,395 6,091

88 235 163 1,069 486 1,61i1J

494 2,(Jl4 1,!1!i3 , 7,861 .4,501 12.362 (' 231 515 188 1,974, ..., 934 2,908 .275 477 2,881> 1,650 3,640 5,290 11 26 987 115 1,024 1,139 17 J 17 19

1 1 1 256 441 Z,607 1,488 1,303 4,791 '2 .86 94 807 801 20 86. 264 160 320 480 11 4 GC>I 21 InG 637 66 Table S-ID Rural Areas <)f TaluJr;ae Il"d Petaa of

Savli Padra I Naswadi, I J'ahugaoD OCCUPATION and and Dabl oi. ChllOt& Baroda Karje.n IWaghodia &\ Udepllr IUld \ .sinor Sankheda

1 ~ 8 4 !) _. Sub.Divison 9.2- Total ,,1.J1-. 338 295 .209 1":2 harbers and beauty shops. F. 4 2 4 1 Employers ?tI. S .2 .3 y,

Employees M 25 8 2.2 4- F. 1 tndependent l1. 810 287 IS5 165 Workers F. 2; 2 " 1 Suh.Divillfon 9.8- Total 1\1. 23 (j 19 13 LlluQdries and Laundry 8elVic8t.. F. 6 1 14 ii Eioployers 111. 1 F.

Employees M. 8 ,I', F. Indepenilent M. 15 5 19 11 Workers F. 0 1 It 2

Sub-Division 9.4- Total M. 173 10 150 98 Botels, restaurant. &eating houses. F. 2 5 Employers M. 21 2 21 17 F.

1l:roployees M. u:: 6 'l() 31

F. 1

Independent l\~. 40 !~ 5U 50 \Vorkor,. ;. ~" .

Sub-Division 9.5~ Total M. 68 47 4i Recreation servicee- Mdnflgenj and empioyeetl F. of dnemas, mHl,jciane, actors, dancers, Employers ]',I. acn>bate. etc. F. Employees i.L, 5 10 Ie F.

InaepAnnent M. 1\3 37 81 Workers F. -coned ~t . Urban AI'f'~a of I Total for the Diet"iot I . - 'Chhota Utl"P~. I Savli , Dabhoi, BI'rodl! " ! Karjan alla Sankheda and I Rural UrblYl TOTAL City Padra ,W~ghod;a AM,.. Are... I Taluku Taluka8 s,nd I Sinor Peta. I ,6 7 8 , 9 10 H

89 113 391) l,OI! 692 1,606 95 11 95 lot

2 24: 8 2~ 34

1 4- 98 59 it)! 141

2 2 3

83 113 268 947 ,\464 '.411

93 I) '93 102 17 55 276 sa 347 407 7 13 3(l 23 ~-' '13

14 1 U' 15 1 1 2

37 9 :37 46

11 11 11

1'7 55 224 50 200 :346 7 13 18 22 38 60

166 281 , 1.~OO 431 2,241 :2,678 1 4 35 7 40 4' 30 65 3()3 {It 398 459 8 8 8 110 160 1,285 219 1,555 t.77-'

2 21 2 24 26

26 56 212 151 29." -445

2 (\ {) 8 18

32 6.4. 351. I 162 4-'7 ~O9

8<' 86 86 4 (1 Ie ::0 :20 1

11 30 159 3t ~O :23-1 2.; 25 25

17 28 182 131 U7 3tH>

60 (ill ,60 ------68 TableB-W Rural A_ of Tal_as and PetaB of

8avU Padra Naiwadl Jab\JfaoD. Dabhol, Chbota OCCUPATION and and Baroda Ka.rjan WalJhodia ~ IiDoz ~::' 2 8 • 6 Bub.Division 9.6- Total M. I 1 Legal aud buame- • l8lVioei. F. Employers M. • F. Employees M. 3 1 F. 'hidependent M. B a Workel'll F. lub.Diridon 9.7- Total M. II .AN, )etten and joumaliam. " F. Employei'll M. F. Employees M. 1 F. Indppendent M. 1 Workel'll F. 8ub-Divlelon 9.8- Total M. 190 261 IS8 117 . Religious, Charitable and VVelfare Services F. ,. 2' 72 11 Employers M. , !! 1 6 F. 1 1 1 Employees M. 83 '8 101 18 F. 11 6 3 1 Independent M. 303 201 28. 16 Workers F. 30 18 88 j -cnntd.. " Urban t\reM of Total_ the Dietriot Obhota Udepur. , Baroda S.vli DabhoiO. Karjan and Sankhed8&ncf Rarat Urb8D City Padre Waghodia c TOTAL Talukas Talukasand Areas Areas : Sinor Pets IS 7 8 ~t 1,0 11

62 ,,4, 324 n 4,SO 4 ...

8 ... S 8 9 13 51) ~, 12 ~, •.. , ~4 11 100 13i tat '~ 8 :8

29 20 174 !j '~2S ~28 \, _ ... ' ..

25 11 00 t tOi a07 23 2 2, . 25 2 9 ,.. tt IlIl

2 20 I :2! 23

21 IJ 4() "J! 7~ .... 23 2 2i 2G 80 110 "" I, l4,1S :63' q88 16 5 22 148 .., 191 2 1 12 3 15,

13 4, " :z I 23 61 I" 268 231 .oot 11 ----- 2 9 20 31 57 "7 294 888 I S98 1,264 16 3 9 12li 28 ,163 70 DISTRICT INDEX- OF NON-AGRICULTURAL OCCUPATIONS


This index shows the number of self-supporting persons, males and temales, having as their principal means of livelihood, the productive occupations shown in the index.

The ind!!x should be rt"ad with Economic table B--III. There were 5,834 self-supporting persons who derivt"d their principal means of livelihood from unproductive activities as m~nlioned in the note to that table.

The group code numbers shown in column '2' of the index are the numbers given to the various oc~upations under the Indian Census Economic Classification Scheme

I PopulaHon ,I nroup t Occupation Co.i ... No. Porsons Mit!"'''

3 .-) ------.- Aerated waters and other beverages :!A() 111 I It} manufacture A.erated waters and ice venolors in shops .i. l:! 41 41

A lkalies manufacture ,!.If: HS 51'1 ]0

Artists, &eulptors and image' maKers 'J. -; J 122 97 :!j

Astrologe_f2 ILl} 70

B6kerie8 and other foo<} industries 2.0 Ii.') '1)0 5

Banking and moneylending u.s 2.360

Barbers !l.:! 1,71 :! l,tiO!; 1(1(;

Basket making 4.(>4 31H 316 45

Bidi IDonufooture 2.51 1,354 1,201\ 148

Blacksmiths 3.01 1.005 964 41

Book-binders 4.92 24 22 2

Bricks, tiles and other structural clay 4 ') 847 683 HI_' products manufacture . Brooms, matlll and other woody materials •• 60 18 6 12 manufacture Building construction works 5.10 675 76. 599

Butchers 2.03 44 40 4 , Butter, cheese and other dairy prOducts 2.23 76 70 6 IIl&nufacture -" ------.~..:::::..:~------_._------" District Index of Non-Agricwt1lral OccupationsrCotftd 71 Population Group Occupation Code No. Peraons .Males Females 1 2 I 3 4, 'i ---_.,.~--

Carpenters 4.(;2 ! 2,792 - 2,767 20

Cattle keeping (J.lt 570 448 122 , Cement products manufacture 4.3 57 5f) l

Chemical (mi!lc!'Uaneous) products 3.80 :773 74ft 28 manufacture ChemiclLI fertilisers manufacture ... 3.64 1

Charcoal burners 0.41 HI III

Charitable & welfare institutions employeell 9.8a 48 40 S

Cinemas and other recreation services 9.5 695 600 SI

I Clerical emplqyees of Trade Assaciations !l.M 11 II

Collectors of forest prodn<,e and lac 0.42 791 66l 1ft

CompounderA S.lli 78 77

Conservation of fo'rests 0.40 ~ .. 8:l

Construction & maintenance of roads, J .) ~j :! Ht I bridgeH at<'.

Construction & maintenance of works 5.0 t88 288 other,wiRe unda-Gsified

Cooks (

Coppersmiths ROt ll() 110

Cotton dyeing, bleaching and printing 2.63 110 109 I

Cottor ginning, cleaning and pressing '2.(11 1,190 1,038 1I}% , Cotton spinning and weaving 2.62 9,335 8,948 ~87

Dhobis and laundry services 9.3 480 407 '13 Doctorli:-

i) Registered Medical Practitioners 8.11 686 M2 64

ii) Vaids and Hakims 8.12 65 65

Domestic servants 9.10 5,337 4,257 1.1)80

Driqks and foodstuffs-street vendors of 6,14 58 58 12 DI.trIct Inde.. of NoD.-Apicultural Oc:cupatiODl-contd.

Population Group Occupation \ Code I No. Persons Males Females 5 1 2 3 I • Educational SBl'Vioes:- i) Professors, lecturers and 8.21 311 255 56 . research workers

ii) Teachers 8.20 278 278 , 729 iii) Servants in'edueational inst.ituti~8 8.2~ 3,365 2,636 Electric applianceS manufaetu.re 3.41 20' 20 Electrielty 81Ipply 5.6' 208 207 1 I) EngiBeeriog workshops and mechanics 3.5 944 938 EagiJlE'ers, aurveyors and aJ.'Chitoots 9.63 53 53 :Firework. maDufactul'6l< 3.62 39 35 4 J'jahing 0.60 120 108 12

J'umittlre. manut8ctUlle 4.7 39 39 Gal'denel!8 9.13 285 249 36 Glaaaware JDiUlutactu_ 4.44 159 149 10 GoldSllDiths 4.04 1,178 1,163 15 Godown KeeperS' 7.5 13 13

Government employees~- 142 il State cro\ 2.13 117 Gu.. repairer& 3.06 8 8 Hand pounderll of rifle and cereaF5 2.11 345 130 35 Hat makers 2.74 9 9 Hawkers and etreet vendors 6.01 1,171 J,O:!2 J49 Herdsmen O.ll 1,142 1,082 60 118 HOBpitals and health IBrvicefl 8.10 230 112 2,678 47 . HcKels and restau~ts 9.4 2,725

.,. District Index of Nen-Apicultural Occupations-C6nt-d.

Population Group Oooupation Code No.. Pe!."80ns Males Females 1 2 3 • 5 - __ _~_--'-

Pharmaeeu.lca) & other medical I.T 882 880 2 P1'tlJl&Utions. Photographers t.73 8 8 :PhotographiIJ & optitlal goods manuiaeture .•• ".1)2 47 47 Polio& 8.4 3,241> 3,228 17

Postal Servi068' 7.6 fll)) 569 82

Pottera ~.41 1.2M 1,130 124

Poultry m.rmel'6; t>.!1 2 2 ... J>rieste, aadhus & rengiou8' wori:ers tUn 1,5S8 1.419 16i)

Prating press wodters ".IH 576 571· /)

Quanying 1.5 316 190 126

:Radio lepairing 3.40

Real eatate ( .en.t ooRect«&r ••6 103 18 85 :ReJigioUlt edifice., burial and burning gllOund servants ,See 1l1...o unde~ "Pl'i6lltll" } 9.82 335- 321 14

:Rope making a.8S 206 127 75

:Rubber preau.,:es rIIl8nofi!.fl&'-*'" 4.5 92 92

,Sanitary lIel'Vi_ 5.7 Jj9Q 351i 234

Sawyers 4.61 86 86 / Service. unclsllllified 9.0 5,256 4,768 488

Shoe making &nd cobWing 2.92 J,204 ),179 25

sUtt reeling IE. weaving a.83 12- 9 3

Soap manufacture 3..82 106 104 2 Stationery manufacture 4.06 7. 7

Stenographers. accoi.ntantll and au.ditorl! 9.64 17 11 6 Dlatrict Index of NOIl...,AlI'lcu1bwal Occupatlona~nttl 75 Population Group Occupation Code No. Persons Males ! Femaleli 2 3 4, 'i

TAilors 2.71 2,897 2,678 219 Tanning 2.91 83 77 '" Telegraph Services 7.7 4 ( Telepbone Services 7.8 37 37 ... 866, 365 1 Transport ~quipment manufacture & repair 3.32

T~port Services

I Air transpert 7.3 3 3 2 Railway transport

i) Railway, Etnployefls 7.4-1 4-,lli5 4,040 na

ii) Railway hamal. 7.42 398 395 I

3 Road tranfSport 7.1

i) Ass owners 64 64

ii) Cartmen 124- 124, ..., , iii) Motor transport 1,039 1,021 18

iv) Hand cartrnen & rickshawallas 69 tilt v) Tonga drivers 3S( 33'

4 Water transport 7.2 101 100 I

5 Transport otherwise unclassified 7.0 21 U 9

4, Toy makers 4.09 4- '"

Trade retaiJ i~ ~" 6.0 to 6.S 1 Animals for food 139 139 ...

2 Bangles 86 78 8 3 Baskets I 1

4- Bicyoles 80 80 5 Books and stationery 202 190 6 'l~ District Index of Non-Agricultural Oc:cupations-centd.

\ Population Group I Occupation Code I No. ! Persons Males IFem"les .. 2 3 • I I) ~------

61 Cloth and _rIng apparel 2,563 2.!l3~ 31 '7 Copper and b.rasB. 188 180 8 8 Drugs lOS 192 4 9 Ea.rthenwBl'8' 66 46 20

1'0 Electrical goods' ~l j»)

III Firewood andl chare9all 781 741 40 1\2 Fish. 60 44 16

:k3 Fruita and vegetable&; 2,488 2.088 4,)1) 14 Fhmiture' 41 "" 1fj Fodden- S 3 f6' Gimerar store!':; 3,W8 2."'i8 220 V1 GlaBBware- \ 40 ",0

1.8 Grains,and pu1ges' 2.550 ~.41:? 128

Jl9 Ha.rdware and' cutlery 898 897 I 20 oTewellery and ornament& 645 645

ZI Lime- !} 9

22 Leather product~ 13S 139 23 Matches- » 9

24 Meat>· 138 136 2

25 Milk and dairy products 1,107 955 152

Z& Motdt spare parts and bicycle partll 500 499 1

27 ~UBica.l illiltrumentlO 4 4

28 Oil!l 225 218 7 15 29 Optical goodtf '" 11> 30 Pan, bidis ud cigarettes 1,214 1,178 36 District Index of Non-Agricultural OcCupations -coltel,l. 77 ----- .---~------Population Group Occupation Code No. Pel'8Qns Males Females 2 3 4 'i


ill Perfumes, and Scents 50 50

:l~ PetlOlf'lltn 29 29 3 :l;~ So.P 3 24, :34 Sweetmeatfl 1)12 6~S

:~5 Ten 53 53 (I 36 Timber 85 79

37 Tilt'S 25 26 176 ;l~ Tobacco 176

:l9 Umbrellas 6 5 1 ·w Wntches Brd clocks 51 51

Trade wholesale in :- 6.~. & 6.5. Commodities other than foodstuffs 372 369 :.I

2 Foodstuffs 33 33

Umbrella repairs 2.70 45 43 :2

'-' accinators 8.15 7 7

Vegetable oLI pressers and refiners 2.21 878 845 :33

Vegetable gardening 0.30 50 46 4

Village officers alld servar.ts 8.5 806 788 18

'Vatches and clocks repairers 4.03 59 59

Well.~ing Ilopparel and made up textile 2.75 2 2 good$ manufacture Woollen spinning and weaving 2.82 33 33

'Wood cutters 0.43 452 435 17

~------~ ----.~------78 C-Household and C-I-Household DISTRICT

Tot,al household population Total No. Total No. of house· of sample TRACT holds households

Persons Males I Females

1 2 3 oj 5 6 I I -- -~-~ ------District Total 240,843 1,184,867 618,066 566,801 8,112 Rural 177.236 891,084 462,222 428,862 6.295

Urban 63,607 2S3,783 155,844 137.939 ~.S17

Rural area$ of;-

1 Savli and Baroda 5fl,lI44 235.3113 123,670 111,717 1,\122

2 Padra and Ke.rjun 35,IB9 167.511 86.362 81,149 1,169 3 Nsswadi. Dabhoi. Waghodia and Sinor 44,508 225.767 117,010 108.757 1.599 4 Jahugam, Chhota Udepur and Sankh(lda 46,595 262,413 135,174 127,230 1,605

Urban are•• of :-

1 Baroda City 45,608 208,996 111,801 97,195 1,801 . 2 Savli, Karjan and Padro. 5,957 28,227 14,821 J 3,406 236 3 Chhota Udepur, Dabhoi, lSankheda. Waghodia and Sinor ]2,042 56,560 29.222 27,338 48{)

Note:-This table was prepared from a four per cent IIBInple of the householdll recorded in the National Regia,ter of CitizE'ns relating to each town, ward or village. The remaining C·series tables were prepared [rom a samplt· count of approximately tell per cent of the 08W1ll» slip'" Age ( Sample) Tables ( Size and Composition' BARODA

------~ ~--~----- Sample Households

---_------~------,-- Size of ,Households

Small Med;~: -I-~---:; Very Sample of household large pop'\Ilation 10 members j 3 members o~ less) 4--'-6 memoo;:-r 7-9 members - ,or above

- Persons I Males i FemalesllNumoor ' Persons Numbe~II-~perso,~B: 1Number Persons - -N~u-m-.-P-er-- 1 Iber,' sons 7 1 8 I 9 I 10 11 12 J 13, I ' 14 15 ' 16 17

,42,944 22,468 20.476 3;{)'~3 6,754 3,889 19,~~9 ' 11451 11,243 449 5.368 ' , 'l 31.608 16,424 15.184 2,838 ~,742 2.811 14,257 : 1,116 8,654 330 3.955

11,336 6.044 5,292 985 2,012 1.078 5,3~2 335 2,589 119 1,413 \

8,503 4,U5 4,058 742 1,557 799 3,i41 318 2,375 63 '786

6,131 3,156 2,975 391 927 543 2,995 188 1,639 47 57{)

7,889 4,117 3,772 495 1,120 747 3,747 279 2,120 78 902

9,085 4,706 4,379 410 1,138 722 3,6'74 331 2,620

8,045 4,304 3,741 735 1,486 737 3,611 234 1,834 95 1,114

1.116 605 ,511 80 179 106 535 46 358 4 43

2,175 1,135 1,040 170 347 23n 1,176 55 396 20 250 we C-Househol(i and C...:.J- Household DISTRIC'l'

-.,;;;..:;.__-"'-""~- ---~-- ~------~~-'-' -~---- I Sample -- --_"_------~-".---- 1- .. - Composition

I "-- ---~~'-~------I I i 'tRAcT I Heads of house· Sons of Other t Other Iholds and their wives heads Daughters male female I of of heads relations relations \ house. of house- of heads of heads holds holds ofhoUll6- of house Males holds holds IS IF"7~ I 20 21 22 23 ..._~,,-_' _,______.o _____ I Total 8,315 1.194 10,058 7.409 3,998 5.846 Rural 6,023 5.257 7.477 5,540 2.883 4.376 tIrba. 2,292 1.937 2,581 1,869 1,115 1.476

Rural ....eas of ; .....

Savli &, Barodll< 1.'7..& 1,6(10 1,!l54 1 ,50!! ?6t 1,041

Padra &; Kat'jllu 1.221 1,041 1,421 1,111 504 816

,llSBWadl, Dabboi, Wagh~ odia and Sinor 1,499 1,S42 1,849 1,303 156 1,123

labugam, ChhotaUdepur & SlIDkheda 1,568 1,374 2,2113 1,61!li 51~ 1,390

lJrltaD ateas of 1-

Baroda City .ta 1.643 1,346 t,185 1,lfi4 il38 1,07(J

8avli Katjan &: Padra oJ, 2!5 191 286 184 59 128 Chhots Udepllr, Dabbot, 8a- ftkheda. Waghodia. Ii: Sinor "01 tlP4 511 371 18S 272 ------.~ ------~----- ,,,--" -----~ ------_--- Age ( Sample) Tables 81 (Siz~ and Composition) BARODA


Gf HOUBeholds

Infants, non-adults and adults in householdl, Civil condition

ID.fants {age Non.adults (age Adults (age 21 Widowed or less than one Unmarried Married , 1.20 year~) years and over', Divorced year) ~ i M IFem. Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Felm. Males Females ales ales a 1'8 ' ,24 I 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 \ 32 33 I 34 35 iI I

656 591 16,796 10.009 Il,016 9,876 ipS! ,8,511 9,550 9,335 1,567 2,630

477 418 7,905 7,330 8,042 7,436 ~,241 6.339 7,046 6.912 1.137 1,933 179 173 2,891 2.679 2.974 2.440 ,,110 2,172 2,504 2.423 430 697

lOB 95 2,048 1,852 2,291 2,111 2.083 1,614 1,993 1,972 369 472

92 71 1,48i 1,446 1,58C) 1.458 1,595 1,212 1,318 1,291 243 472

98 98 1,992 1,801 2,027 1,813 2,095 1,502 1,7tH 1,832 261 438

179 154 2,383 2,231 2,144 1,99! :1.468 2,011 1,974 1,817 264 551

HI) 129 2,1\60 1,84'1 2,104 1,765 2,196 1,/}70 1,772 1,680 336 491

10 237 211 290 201 260 263 30 47

27 34 594 621 514 385 5U9 401 472 480 64 169 82 C-ll-Livelihood Classes DISTRICT

--~--~-~~-- _------_ -~-----.- LIVELIH00D ------_---_--_--- Agricultural classes

.--~--~------_-_--- Sample Population II-Cultivators Age I-Cultivator" of of land III-Culti vating Group land wholly or wholly or labourers and I mainly owned mainly unowned their dependants lind their and their dependants dependants _------+~--- Per8,Ons Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

2 3 4 Ii 6 7 8 9 10

---.--~--- I Total Total 117,131 61,494 56,231 24.100 22,616 5,398 5,024 7,542 7,141 0 4,075 2,087 1,988 839 794 164 110 239 243

1 4 12,057 6,203 5,804 2,780 2,492 525 418 659 726

5 14 29,556 15,468 14,088 6,44:l 6,031 1,401 1,071 1,896 1,778

15 - 210 21,319 10,1J37 10,382 3,956 4,051 932 1,086 1,309 12,05

25 - 34 19,158 9,921 9,237 3,57 4 3,464 884 912 1,332 1,302

35 - 44 14,438 7,894 6,544 2,960 2,5.')6 666 597 1,061 864

45 -- 54 8,92:l 4,725 4,198 1,748 1,643 441 494 591 562

55 - 64 5,448 2,836 2,612 1,215 1,0:15 255 236 325 319

65 - 74 2,103 1,07 l 1,033 449 421 108 81 106 118

75 & O"e1' 628 298 330 135 122 22 17 24 24

Age not stated 26 5 21 2 7 2 Rural Total 89,101 46,226 42,881 23,694 22,212 5,209 4,866 1,335 6,931 0 2,946 1,532 1;414 827 774 155 103 226 222

4 9,280 4,809 4,471 2,748 2,455 505 406 641 715

5 14 22.876 11,971 10,905 6,33!, 5,934 1.361 1,035 1,860 1,730

15 - 24 15,5:!1 7,777 7,744 3,858 3,977 896 1,060 1,273 1,170

25 - 34 14,366 7,35l 7,015 3,522 3.408 857 892 1,300 1,258

35 - -!4 10,906 _ 5,9~1 4,965 2,924 2,500 640 569 1,026 843

45 - 54 6,825 3,554 3,271 ],717 1,611 423 486 (165 50U

-.---- ~---- ._ --_--_- by Age Groups. 83 BARODA CLASSES

Non-Agricultural classes

IV Non- --P-erso-na--C-in-c-Iu-d-i-ng-t-he-i-r-d-'-e-pen-dants) who derive their principal cultivating owners means of livelihood from :- of land. agricultural I I rent receivers. V -Produ"tion VI f /VIII-Other services and their other than Commerce VII_Transport~ and miscellaneous dependants cultivation sources

Males F_Ill["'"' Females Males Females 11 I, 12 : 13 15 16 I i

Population 1.545 6.116 5.204 4.447 3,804 1,2%1 1.069 11,19!t 9,834 72 226 246 173 121 64 48 317 354

117, 106 591 685 429 436 130 126 1,022 919 386 326 1.314 1.223 1,108 1,009 302 261 2,619 2,389 264 213 1,266 1,074 895 730 219 209 2,096 1,814 142 187 1,145 887 689 622 175 213 1,980 1,650 190 849 570 , 551 399 186 126 1,473 1,242 122 153 434 296 339 242 101 44 949 704 /130 145 195 221 182 167 31 27 503 462

73 112 69 76 67 50 11 10 187 165 24 33 2; 25 14 27 2 4 50 78

8 1 1 3 1 1< PopulllJon 1.068 t.211 2,302 1,912 1.315 1.083 537 471 4,766 4,lltS

29 ,24 86 73 45 43 21 J6 143 159

87 81 203 220 119 124 62 58 444 412

288 261 539 469 324 288 123 120 1,138 1,068 157 159 416 360 238 196 110 86 849 '36 113 149 407 327 207 170 79 92 866 719

III 151 340 213 193 112 95 63 612 514

105 126 176 116 108 72 47 17 413 302 84 C-ll-Livelihood Classes DISTRICT LIVELIHoeD -~---.. - Agricultural classes

Sample Population II-Cultivators Age I-Cultivators of of land Ill-Cultivating Group land wholly or wholly or labourers and ) mainly owned mainly unowned their dependants and their and their I dependants dependants

P Males FeJDSles\ Males Females Males Females Males Females ! 1 i 7"\ 3 4 I) 6 7 8 9 10 ------51S - 64 4,260 2,225 2,035 1,190 1,020 248 222 320 313

fl5 - 74 1,644 834 810 439 408 102 75 101 116

75 & Over 459 227 232 129 118 22 17 :?:! 23

Age not stated U ;) 19 2 7

Urban Total 28,624 15,268 13,356 406 404 189 158 207 210 0 1.129 555 574 12 20 9 7 13 21

1 -4 2,777 1,444 1,333 32 37 20 12 18 11

5 - 14 6,680 3,497 3,183 1 ()4 97 40 36 36 48

15 - 24 5,798 :1,160 2,638 98 74 36 26 36 35

25 - 34 4,792 2,570 2.22~ 52 56 27 20 32 44

35 - 44 3,532 }.953 1,579 36 56 26 28 35 21

45 - 54 2,098 1,1'71 927 31 32 J8 8 26 21

55 -.64 1,188 611 577 25 15 7 14 5 6

65 - 74 459 236 223 10 13 6 6 5 2 71S & Over 169 7.1 98 6 4 1 Age not stated 2 2 1 ...

------~------by- Age Gr()Ups. 8~ BARODA CLASSES

N on-.t\gricultura:1 claases

IV Non- Persons ( inoluding their dependants) who derive their principal cultivating owners means of livelihood from :- of land. agricultural , I t , rent receivers. V -Prodwtion VI . 1~I1I -Other service's and their other than Commerce VII-TralUlport and miscellaneous dependants I cultivation sources - Males IFemales \ Males Females Males Females Males IFemales Males Females i I 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 I 18 19 20

106 119 !h 91 55 \56 13 14 202 200 55 103 33 31 21 17 6 3 77 57

17 30 11 11 5 5 1 19 27

8 1 3


t'J~ 334 3.814 3.Z9% . 3.132 2.721 684 598 6.0133 5.639 ,36 48 140 173 128 78 43 32 174 191 30 25 388 365 :110 312 68 68 578 503 98 65 775 --754 784 721 179 141 1.481 1.321

107 54 850 714 657 534 ]29 123 1.~47 1,078 29 38 738 560 482 452 96 121 1,114 931 37 39 509 357 358 287 91 63 861 728 17 27 :l58 180 231 170 5! 27 536 462 24 26 104 130 127 111 18 13 301 262

18 9 36 45 46 33 5 7 110 108 7 3 16 14 9 22 1 3 31- 51 ,.. 1 I

------~ 8i C-III-Age & DISTRICT ~ote'_The fj~re8 for divofOtld persons have been inoluded with widowed persons m this C -III table: Separate Cigul'6tl Cm' divorced persons, 8Q{)ol'ding to ase groups. are at! lIhown op:po ..te.; ....

Sample Populatioo.

I M 'ed j Widowed or am divorced TRACT ----~otal____ el :Po M. F,! Mo Fo F.

1 2 3 4J 5 i 6 7 9 10 ------______~ _____2_ Tot.l 117,731 61.49. 56.237 31,971 2U32 26,4542&,756 3,069 &,049 Rural 89,107 46,226 42,R81 23,626 17,679 20,250 20,801 2,350 4,401

Urban 28,624 15,268 13,356 8,345 5,753 6,204 5,965 R ....I areas af:­ Sev)i and Baroda 23,384 12,253 11,131 5,960 4,365 5,666 5,504 627 1,262

Padre and Karjan 16,702 8,697 8,005 4,043 3,319 3,660 3,61}8 494 1,018 N88wadi. Dabhoi. Waghodia and Sinor 2?,729 1l,668 11,061 5,865 4,062 5,171 5,874 J abllgam. Chbots. Udepur and ~9.nkheda 26,292 13.608 12,684 7,258 5,933 5,753 5,755 597 99~ Urban areas of:-

Baroda City 20,106 10.791 9,315 5,930 4,0,54 4,386 4,089 475 1,172 SavIi, Karjan and Padra 2,869 1,561 1,302 804 509 1173 637 90 106 Chhots Udepur, Dabboi. Sankheda, Waghodia and t)inor 6,649 2,910 2,139 1,611 1,190 1,145 1,229 J54' 320 eim Condition. R7 BA.RODA

Age Group Ma.les Females Age Group MaJes I"ema.les Age Group Ma.les Fem[\ks

Total 291 128 35-44 66 19 65-H 2

15-24 64 39 45-54 30 7 75 &; over 25 ..... 34 116 39 55-64, Ii 22 Age not stated...

Age-O A~ 1.4, Age 5-14, ----- Widowador Total To~l Total Unmarried Marr~d divor¥-

F_ M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F.

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 , 19 20 21 22

\ 2,887 1.988 &.253 5,804 15.468 14,088 15,267 13,539 201 638 1 11 1,532 1,41( 4,809 4,471 11,971 10,905 11,787 10,429 1'83 465 It

1155 574, 1,4" 1,333 3,497 3,183 3,480 3,110 17 73

306 330 1,331 ],143 2,925 2,801 2,861 2,tlOS 64 190 3

272 249 7!)1i 802 2,297 2,038 2,291 1,97! 6 62 2

364 315 1,138 ~84 3,071 2,631 2,990 2,490 80 138 3

, 390 520 I,SU 1,542 3,678 3,435 3,645 3,357 33 76 3

435 459 1,0",6 ~lit 2,366 2,139 2,355 2,102 11 37

40 33 14" 117 399 320 398 307 13

82 2ii 257 732 724 727 701 5 28 C-IIl-Age & DISTRICT

Age 15-24

- --~-- Total Unmarried Widowed or Married divorced TRACT -~~ I I - ---'--- I M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. 23 25 26 I I 24 27 ) 28 I 29 30

Total JO.937 10,382 6.487 1.923 4.314 8.325 1311 134 Rural 7,777 7,744 4.301 1,255 3,373 6,388 103 101

Urban 3,168 2.638 2,180 668 941 1,937 33 33

Rural areas 01:-

8&vli and Baroda 2,183 2,079 1,140 273 1,028 l,nO Hi 36 Padra ond Karja.n - 1,488 1,46(l 904 281 684 1,158 10 21 lilllllwadi, Dabhoi, Wagbodillo and Sh;lOr 1,974 2,153 1,120 245 828. 1,880 2~ 28 Jabugam. Cbhota. Udepur and Bankhelia 2,122 2,052 1,137 456 933 1,580 52 16

Urbau are... f !-

Baroda Cit,. 2,312 1,897 1,610 474 678 1,397 24 26

Inli, Karj~ and Padra 299 2&1 I Ill) 49 109 207 I') 3 tlbhota.Udepur, Dabhoi. Sankheda. Wagbodia " Sinor 541 482 391 145 154 333 4 ---- _,------Civil Condition.-"otn'· 89 BARODA

----- ~-- --- .. _---- -"- Age 25·34

----_------_ -_ -~ ---_- Widowed or Total Unmarried. MalTied divorced ,I ------_--- ~~ M'. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. I .31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

I ---~~--~- - ~------_-_- -~--~---- 9,921 9,237 1.221 96 8,27:6 8,662 424 479 7,351 7.015 783 54 6,215 6,621 353 340

2,570 2,222 438 42 2,061 2,041 71 139

2,017 1,812 207 " 1,727 ],701 83 1(\3 6 1,333 1,:WO li3 1,093 1,126 67 68.

1,869 1,968 177 10 1,5!J0 li847 102 101

2,132 2,045 Ziti 30 1,805 1,947 101 ' .68

1,897 1,555 313 36 1,539 . 1,415 45 104 ' , 2~i :WS 16 2 217 190 12 lfl

428 459 109 4 • 305 436 14 19 90 C-Ul-Age & DISTRICT

- --~--~.- _._---_--- .-~~ _.- Age 35·44

---- -_---~ --- Widowed or Total Unm&rried Married Divorced

~------_------_ TRACT M. M. F. M. F. M. F. F. I 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 j 46

._--- --_ - ---.---~----- Total ·7,894 6,544 346 36 7,000 5,475 548 1.033 Rural 5,941 4,965 222 28 5,323 4,244 396 693

Urban 1,953 1.579 124 8 1,677 1,231 152 340 Ru ral areas of:- Savli and Baroda 1,597 1,270 66 1,428 1,051 103 219 Padra and Ka.rjan 1,096 878 52 4 957 720 87 ]i4

NBswadi, Dabhoi. 1,386 1,331 30 12 1 247 1,131 109 US Waghodia and Sinor.

Jabugam, Chhota· 1.862 1,486 74 12 1,691 1,342 97 132 Udepur and Sankheda. Urban area. of:- Baroda City 1,332 1,067 90 8 1,146 810 96 249

Savli, Karjan and 1811 160 6 167 132 16 28 Padra

Chhots Vdepur, 432 352 28 3i4 289 40 83 Dabhoi, Sankheda, Wagho(lia& Sinor· CAd Condition. -conld. 91 'BARODA ------_ ----.----~.------~ --~------~ ~ Age 45·54.

Tota.l UnmBrried Married '----\Vidowed or Divore~

I -\ M. F. M. F. M. F. I M. I F. 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 t 54 ---,- ~-.I ----.------•• 725 4.198 165 26 3.874 2,138- 686 1.534 3.M' 3,271 93 16 2,936 - 2,H7 525 I,JO' 1,171 927 72 10 938 491 UII 426

897 879 17 735 664 145 315

686 841 27 2 553 376 106 263 970 888 24 4 809 617 137 267

1,001 863 25 10 839 590 137 263

614 63 10 621 307 11. 297 117 9 115 '72 19 45

238 196 10 202 112 26 84 92 C-II1-Age & DISTRICT

Age 55-64

------~--;------Total Unmarried I Married I WJ~=~or TRACT M. F. M. F. ~-T~--;--I-;'--F~--

1 65 56 57 {i8 I 5P 60 61 62

Total 2,836 2.612 85 10 2,020 919 731 1,683 Rural 2,225 2,035 60 4 1,605 764 660 1,26'7

Urban .11 577 25 6 415 156 171 416 Rural area. of:-

8avli and Baroda 699 551 17 1 511 ]84 171 366

Padro. and Karjo.n 468 446 20 327 ]79 121 267

Naawadi. Dabhoi, Wlighodia and Sinor 580 566 11 1 430 223 139 342 Jabngam, ehbo_ Udepur and Sankheda 478 472 12 2 337 178 129 292 U rbaD area•• f:­ Baroda City 411 402 15 4' 288 105 108 293 lavli. Karjan and Padra 67 liS 4 1 20 22 3t Chhota Udepur. Dabhoi, Saukheda. Waghodia and binor 133 122 6 1 86 30 41 91 CiYil COndition. -contd. BARdDA

Age 65·74

--- .------~-~-~ _._---/: · Widowed or Married . divorced.

---~----- l I M. F. M. F. M. F. Y. F.

83 64 65 66 67 68 69 70

1.070 1.033 1 640 166 3~5 866 834 810 33 1 510 . 143 291 666 236 223 12 136 23 94 200

239 12 149 40 78 164

200 215 5 Jl9 36 76 179

235 192 11 145 29 79 163

ISO 199 1 97 38 lIJO

159 145 9 86 15 63 130 \

2 18 2 II 22

48 2i 6 22 C-IU-Ase & DISTRICT

75 & Over.

Widowed or Total Unmarried Mtm-ied divorced ---_------TRACT I M. F. F. M. M. F.

'71 72 74 75 77 78

T~tal 298 330 13 3 130 26 ISS 301 Rural 227 232 4 2 105 23 118 207

Urban 71 118 1 3 37 94 Rural areas of:- Savli and Baroda 59 2 30 56 P adra and Knrjan 64 3 21 7 27 67

N 8swadi. Dabhoi. Waghodia and Sinor 81 42 1 42 3D 32

J II bugam. Chhota Udepur and Sankheda 41 67 1 18 5 22 Urban areal of :- . Baroda City 44 76 4 1 17 2 78 Savli, Kal'jan and Padra 11 1 4 1 7 10 Chhota Udepur. Dabhoi. Sankhed., Wagodia and Sinor 11 4 7 11 CIYil . Condition. -roucld. BA.RODA ------AGE NOT STATED

Total Unmarried lfuried Widowed~ divorced _.------~-~-- ~~-- }L F. Y. F. M. F.

'I I' 80 81 82 83 8.' 85 81 -_.'---- .--~_ --- .-._-----_.... _._------+-- 5 21. 6 7 S • 19 I) 8 3 ~.

2 ..1

3 1 1 2 2 ., 1 12 1 1 , .~.

... I

1 3 1

, .., 2 .1 1,

/'.... 96 'e-IV-Ale DIS:rB[C1' Nok:- The Cenllu8 definition of Iiteraey WM the abilit.y to ftlad and write a aimple letter in any language. Persons who were able to read but not write weN treated 118 illitel'ate at the C8Dl1UB. Separate figurM for ihi. oategOl'T _OIding to .e Broupe were ... ahown opposite:-

'-'-l-~-'-" 1-- Sample PopuJat.ion Total Literate IlJiterate f ____ _ TRACT ;.~ :. J:. M~_I_~_M~7·-----'. __:·.;_

Total 117,731 61,49t 56,237 22,865 9,57' 38,629 46.&67 Rural 89,]07 46,226 42,881 14,680 5,468 31,646 37,42S

Urban 28,624 15,26g 13,356 8,185 4,112 Raral areal of :- 1 Sa",1i and Baroda f3,3S" 12,253 11,131 4,404 1,452 21 Pad", and Karjm J6,702 8,697 8.005 3,9113 1,883 I lJaswadi, Dabboi, Waghoditl and Sinor 12,720 11,668 11,061 4,139 1,.73 7,52t 9,158' " labugarn. Cbhota Udepur and Sankhed. 26,292 13.608 12,684 2,IU

Ur),_ area. 01 1-

1 Baroda Cit,. 20,106 10,791 9.311 5,771 2.993 5,018 6.B22 2 Bavli, Karjan and P..dra 2.8611 1,567' 1,302 ••0 380 677 3 Chbotft Udepur, Dabhoi, Hokheda. Waghodia aDd SiDor 5,6(1 2.910 2,730 1,522 '1311 1,388 2,OM end Literacy, BARODA Age group M&les Females Age group Males Females Age group Males F.,lllaiee Total 813 SSO 147 32 II 145 101 123 12 I

lOR . 75 36 75 & over 2 i

15-2& 142 108 Age not stated •••

Age 0·4, Age 5-9

Total 1'otal Literate Illiterate

M. F. M. F. M. F.

10 11 12 IS .16 i_

8.3fO 7,792 7.977 7,395 1,022 sse 6.9S5 \&,811 1,349 5,885 6,29S 5,gU 6a2 5,666 5,496 i 1,907 1,019 1,554 390 1,289 1,315

1,639 1,473 1,475 1,419 152 79 1,323 1,340

1,01l7 1,051 1,171 1,035 155 122 986 9lS

1,%1}9 1,603 1,400 176 78 1,427 1,322

2,UI 2,0112 1,9~7 Illl 66 1,9.0 1,921

1,481 ),iI8 1,166 267 I'l2 899 183 191 171 42 14.9 167 -

339 322 367 81 63 241 304 .s C-IV--.t\ge DISTBlCT

.-~-----.,-.- ~~--~--~ Age 10-14 \ ------~------_.. - --~------. TRACT Total Litera.te Illi terate 1 ----..----~~ I------. -~~----- M. F. M. F. I M. F. I I I7 18 19 20 21 %, _---_------0- _____ ------I --. Total 7,491 6,693 3,361 2,336 4,130 ';4,357

Rur8I 5,673 5,064- 2,360 1,465 .3,323 ~3,69'

Urban 1,818 ],629 1,On 871 807 1M Rural area. of :-

I Elavli and Baroda 1,450 1,382 655 372 795 1,010

2 Padre. and Karj an 1,126 1,003 641 536 485 4'7 3 NS8wadi, Dabhoi, Waghodia a.nd Sinor 1,468 1,231 670 375 798 IU,S

4 labupam, Chhota Udepur and Sankheda 1,629 1,4"8 384 182 1,245 1,:65 Urba. a ...a. of :- Baroda City 1,200 1.1l3 622 6211 578 '" 2 Savli, Karjan and Padra 208 lt9 139 72 60 "'1 3 Chhota Udepur, Dabhoi, S811kheda. Waghodia and Sinor 410 367 230 170 160 197

------~------. ------_'- - ~ ------~ ---~ and Literacy.-contd. BARODA

Age 15-24 ····-----·r·- --.-_- Age 25-34 -_._-.--,-----_ Total Litera.te Illite~~1;e r ;:tal-- I _.Litelate __ , Illitera.te

M. F. M. I F.---'--M-.--;-. ---·M.'--\--;~-- M. F. I ~.---F-.-

. ,,__~._ 2·.1,. 27 "" ___ 2. _I 30 'I .. I .. 34

'°,93(110,382 6.037 3,230 4.900' 7.l5Z 9.921 9,237 5.086 1.885 4,835 7,352 7,'177 7,7443,667 1,909 4,110 5,835 7,351 7,Ol5 3,294 1,0,17 4,057 i),56S

~,160~ 2,638 2,370 1,321 790 },317 2,570 2,222 } ,792 838 778 1,384

~,183 2,079 1,132 521 1,051 1,558 2,017 l,e12 1,035 276 982 1,536

1,498 1,4ij,0 1,000 618 498 842 1,233 1,200 829 3M 604 846

1,974 2,153 9a9 563 1,015 1,590 1,869 1,958 946 290 923 1,868

2, 122J~2,052 576 207 1,546 ],845 2,132 2,045 127 1,648 1.918

2.312 1,897 1.745 950 567 947 1,897 ],555 1,377 611 520 944

299 269 22. U2 73 117 245 208 182 '71 53 137

649 482 399 !!9 160 253 428 459 233 158 100 C.IV-Age DISTRICT

Age 30.44

Tota.l I Literate Illitera.te TR...,\CT I~~-·· M. I F. .M. F .

35 I 38 39 40

Total 7,894 6.544 3.663 952 4,231 5.592 Rural 5.941 4.965 2.366 3,575 4.524 Urb8D 1,968 I,57P 1,297 611 656

Rural area. of1-

Sl\vli and B&roda ].6~7 1,270 754 ISG 843

l'aUra Bnd Karjan 1.096 l!78 651 151 446 727 Nsswadi. Dabhoi. Waghodia B.nd Sinor 1,386 1,331 639 110 747 J,221 JabugoIn, Chhota Udepur al.d baukheda 1,862 1,(86 322 44 ] ,540 1,442 U cban areal d:-

Barooa.Cit, 1,067 8'18 374 454 693

Savli, Ksrjan and PBdr. 189 160 136 50 63 110 Chhot,& Udepur, Dabhoi, f'ankheda, Waghodilloand (32 352 283 87 U9 266 "nor and Literacy-contd. 101 BARODA

---~ .. _-- - Age 46-54, Age 65.6'

~------I~-----~ Total Literate Illiterate Total Litera.te Illitera.te ) -~----- M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F.

4,1 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 4,11 50 51 52


"'12S 4,198 2,155 395 2,570 3,803, 2,836 I 2,612 1,086 123 1,750 2,t89 3,554 3,271 1,373 176 2,181 3,095 2,225 2,035 680 40 1.1i~j) ],995

1,1 'il 927 782 2J\J 389 708 611 577 406 83 205 494

':197 879 397 52 500 827 699 551 181 12 518 539

686 '. 641 393 66 293 575 468 446 208 16 260 430

970 888 416 42 554 846 580 566 222 9 858 557

1,001 i!63 167 16 834 84,1 478 472 69 3 409 468

?DO 1114 530 165 260 44Q (Ii 402 274 It 187 III

J43 117 97 25 46 92 67 53 44 4 23 49

~1l8 196 ]51) 29 83 167 183 122 88 10 41S IU 102 C·IV-AI. DISTBIOT I Age 60-74 I-- ! Total Literate Illiterate TRACT I M. F. M. F. I M. F.

1 53 54 " 55 56 I 57 68 L _____ ~_~_~~I-

Total 1;070 1,033 351 4& 719 917 Rural 834 810 254 !3 580 711 Urban 236 223 97 23 139 200 Rural are•• of:- SavIi and Baroda 239 204 71* 2 160 202 Padra and Karjan 200 215 72 16 US 199 N llSWadi. Dabhoi. Waghodia and Sinor 235 192 84 4 151 188

J abUl!"8lD. Chhota Udepurand Sankheda 160 199 Hi I Ul 198 Urba. area. of:- Baroda City 168 US 59 IS 103 11. Savli. Karjan and Padra 30 U 11 ! 12 22 Chhota. Udepur. Dabhoi. 8allkheda, Waghodia and Sinor 48 M 24 I) 24 49

---~--- ~------~~------~- and Literaey,-·col.cld, ]oa BA.RODA

,-~-- Age 75 &; over. ~ge inot stated

Total Literate IlUterate Total Literate Illiterate 1 ! t l }I. F. M. F. M. I F. 1f. I F. M. F. M. F. I I I I, 09 60 61 62 33 U 65 66 67 68 69 70 : I I I \ I

298 330 183 16 195 314 5 21 1 3 4 18 %27 232 63 9 16' 223 5 J9 1 3 , 16 71 98 4() 7 31 III 2 ... 2

54 ~. 18 1 36 58 a 3 1 1 2 2

61 ,4 14 4 37 60 1. 1ll .~ .. 1 12

II 42 27 2 54 40 1 1

41 . 67 2 ,37 65 I 3 2 1 1

44 76 25 7 19 69 2 2

12 11 6 6 II

11 9 6 11 {O4 C-V-Single Year Age Returns. DIS'rRJCT RARODA ------~------~--- - Rural Urban TotflJ Age Returu ------_------_--_- Males Females Malee Females Males _Fsmale.-

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I

ALL AGES 46.226 42,881 15,288 13,356 61.494 56.237

() 1,5~!l 1,414 555 574 2,087 1,98S

'1 J,013 1,042 iH7 345 ] ,33'} ],387

2 1.254 ],177 394 349 1.648 1.626

~ l,30~ 1,144 368 329 1,677 l,·ria

~ ],233 1.108 365 310 l,5~8 1,418

5, 1,34S 1.292 342 332 1,6\)0 1,624

6. 1,190 1.133 339 276 1,529 1,408

7- 1,256 1,162 337 283 1,593 1,450

8>- 1,548 1,31:12 363 359 1,!HI 1,741

~, 956 872 298 300 1,254 1,172

l~ 1,1l:!2 1.467 469 426 2,(1)\ 1,892

1l 6~2 65-6 287 295 979 051 l~ 1,616 1.261 461 384 2,077 1,M6

13 ~20 7112 286 233 ],1l5 11°2. 14- 1)14 888 315 292 1,229 1,180

16 1,126 972 405 292 1,531 1,264

If•. 797 831 292 257 1,089 1,OS&

17'; 081 64& 242 211 82( 167

18-, 1,126 l.165 426 342 1,552 1,507

10~ 400 31)2 217 174 617 47.

21). 1,413 1.56'1 018 520 ],931 2,087

2l'. 393 363 222 148 fns ill

11:' 1,08& 1,064 411 356 1,41H 1,419

21: In 448 224 174 1107 622 2" .77 486 203 HI5 680 61H

21- 1.'1'1 1.66~ ii'1S 523 2,.~r. 2,183 2" 431 421 223 180 661 101 n .11 320 Hl2 1113 is. 483 2' IU I,031S 267 253 J ,201 1,219

------~~~- ---~~-~- .,;.--.------~- c-V-Single Year Age Returns-contd. H).I) DISTRICT BARODA

t Rural , --I-~---- U~b!ID-~- Tot'l.l Age Returns i~--~~------1-, _c_~ __ ~ --,--~ ______I______L_ Males I Females II Males \' Females ! Males I Females

1 2 3 1 4 ,5 1 6 1 7 1 \ I ( I t

29 Iii ltHi 100 71

30 1 ,1139 1,890 634 549 2,573 2,439

31 222 )80 7~

32 905 861 269 242 1,174 1,103 33 209 246 )01 81 310 327

236 112. 88 3~7 3~4

35 1,\)33 ],497 606 464 2,539 J,~tit

36 3(l9 356 145 121 514 477

37 233 224 107 89 340 .;H3

38 .553 565 lU l05 (i97 670

39 231 III 60 48 291 1611 40 1,623 1,405 513 473 2,136 1,87R

41 201 124 67 42 268 166 42 568 467 196 153

43 133 136 52 30 1S1i 166

44 97 80 63 54 1&6 IH

45 1,319 I,ll),! 370 310 '.{lS9 1,464

46 164 118 56 :220 178

47 )40 94 80 31 22(} 12i

48 259 311 64 6i 323 377

49 92 72 35 17 127 89

50 952 1,018. 343 302 1,293 1,326

51 164 118 47 22 211 Uti

52 276 246 93 62 3611 308 63 73 62 32 26 105 I

54 111) 78 51 31 u.e lOll

55 76~ 644 18. 171 t48 815

56 132 lIZ 46 33 171 l~i

57 123 3. \6 153 7. 58 225 HI) 37 25 262 17. 106 C-V--Single Year Age Returns-contd. DISTRICT BARODA ---~---.------~------~--.-"------~- -"----~--- _._-_------Rural Urban TotaJ Age Returns ~---- I Males Female'! I Males Females Males Females 1 2 3 i 4 5 6 7 59 111 45 26 12 137 57

60 630 735 185 237 815 !J72

61 76 92 23 26 99 118 62 120 162 46 37 166 199 63 23 31 ]5 10 38 41 64 23 14 17 11 40 25 65 431 403 93 101 524 504 ij6 26 25 21 10 47 35

87 25 13 5 6 30 19

6& 35 40 S 7 43 47

69' 11 8 5 5 16 13

7() 231 261 59 76 290 337

n 17 22 10 6 27 28

7Z 41 26 17 7 58 33

73 8 11 7 1 15 12

H 9 1 11 4 20 5

75 99 82 25 42 124 124

76 11 9 5 3 16 J.2 77 " 2 4 1 8 3 78 7 i) 4 11 i

79 3 4 1 3 f.i

Il() 58 72 U 23 77 96

81 5 3 2 . 6 i

82 3 9 1 4 9

83 I

~4 1 1

85 U 19 4 7 U 26

.86 7 1 7 1 87 1

$8 1 1 .. C-V-Single Year Age Returtls.:...... concld. lfft DISTpu,,,, BARODA

------~- Rural Urban Total Age itetunus ------Males Females MallliB Females 1\1,.le8 Femal'la.· 2 3 , :> 6 'I

------_-.- ---~-- -~----- 89 I I .1 2 t DO 6 J5 2 '1 8 22

III 2 2 I 2 3

9:1 3 2 3 93


II.:; , 3 I if IHi i

91 I , 9S 1 I t

99 1 I

100 1 2 2 "3 % 101 1 1 102 103 )04

lOI) t

106 107

108 109

110 1.

111 lU'


114 )11) 1 1 .. no 11'7


119 128 A .. aot; ._tett is 1. 2 IS It ------D- SOCIAL AND CULTURAL TABLES. D-I-LANGUAGES--(i} Mother Tonsue. DISTRICT BARODA

Language Males Females ------CU14RATI 554.512 510.655 Rural areas of :-

8avli and Baroda TaJukas 117,692 108,255

Poora and Kllrjan 'ra!ukas 85,23(~ ftO,816

Naswooi, D:\bhoi a.nd W"'-,hodl" TBI"lm8 and Sinal' Pets 108,686 100.986

J'abllga.m, Chhots Udepllr and Sankh"ds Tslukss 134,237 126,307 Baroda City 71,099 50,160

Urban areas of:-

f;avli, Karjan ano Padr3 Talukas 13,723 12,559 Chhota Udepur. Dabh,.i, !';ankhed!\ and Waghodia Talukae alld Sinor Peta 23,846 21,574 IIARATHI • 21,514 20.641 Rural areas of :-

liavli and Baroda Talukas 794 603 "aora and Karja& Talukas 69 Je4

Nasvvadi. Dabhoi and Waghodia :alukas and Sinor Peta 104 126

iTabugam, Chhota Udepur and Ssnkheda Talukae 221 238

Baroda City 19,602 18,971

"rban areas of :- Savli, Karjan and Padra 'raluku ·272 209 Chhota tJdepur. Dabhoi, Sankheda and Waghodia Taluku and Sinor Peta 452 388' URDU 19,971 18,9Z9 Rural areaa of :-

8avli and Baroda Talukall 1,813 1,4'6 P.dra and Karjan Tah.kaa 17& 207

Naswadl, Dabhoi and Wagbodia Talukaa and Sinor Pets 2,290 2,011

.Tabugatn. Chho~. Udepur and Sankheda Taluka8 899 866 Baroda City ',467 8,864 lfrban areas of 2- BaTli. Karjan and Padl'a Talukas 813 ClS"1

Chhota Udepur, Dabhoi, ~ankheda and W~hodia Ta.1ukall and Ilinor Pet. ",429 4,888


Language Malee Femalett

BHILI 7.669 '.417 Rural areas of :-

\ , ISavIi and Baroda Talukas 138 111 Padra and Karjan Talukas 977 162

Naswadi,! 'Dabhoi alld Waghodia Talukas and Si~or Pets 6,~61 5,957 , labugam, Chhota Udepur and Sankheda Taluk~s 52 29 Baroda City 165 9 I Urban area:~of:- Chhota Udepur, Dabhoi, SaIlkheda and Waghodia TaJuka88.nd.Sinor Pet,a 76 14t ~DHI 7.308, •• a.. , RJal areas of:- SavIi and Baroda Talukas 1,429 13311 Padra and Karjan Talukas 31 Naswadi, Dabhoi and Waghodia Taluka(and Sihor Pets 206 113 1! It labugam, Chhota Udepur and Sankheda Tahlkasl 8B1'oda City 5.262 ... Urban areas of:-

S.vIi. Karj611 and POOra Talukas 20 28 Cbhota Udepur, Dabhoi, Sankheda and WagbodtJJ. Talubll and Sinor Pets 347 276 HINDI 7.852 .,35 Rural areas of:-

SavIi:and Baroda Talukas 1,316 305 Padra:and Karjan Talukas . 138 60

Naawadi. Dabhoi and Waghodia Talukas and Sinor Pets 283 II! labugam. Chhota Udepur and Sankheda Talukas 143 70 ""tj B&roda City o,69i 3.3S4""" Vrban areas of :-

Savli. Karjan and Padra Talukas 121 61

Ohhota Udepur, Dahhoi. Sankbeda and Wagbodla Talukas and Sinor Peta ' 248 123 IlO D-SOCIAL AND CULTURAL TABLES. D-I-LANGUAGES-(i) Mother Tongue. DISTRICT BARODA

Language Male" Fema)l\II

RA)ASTHANI l.697 971 Rural Areas of :- S"vJj IIo1ld Baroda Taiuklll< 3.% 228

Padra and Karjan Talukas 11 19 NaswBdi. Dabhoi and Waghodia Tldukal! and Sino.; P",ta 23:! 92

Jabugam, Chhota Udepur and SankhedB Talukas 29

Baroda Cit.y 749

Ur1;lan ateas of :- l:5avli. Karja.n ..nd Padra TlIlukfilJ 31 Cbbota Udepur. Dabhoi. Sunklw.tu and I,"I'aghodia Taluka.. and Sillor Peta 146 99 PUN)ABI 511 Rural areas of:-

SavIi lind Barot.la TalukR8 1,035 Padra and Ka1jan Talukalt • N&fI>WHtli, Dabhoi and Waghodia 'falukall ami Sinor Pet.!> S.

Jai>tlgaJl1, ('}liJ6ta '(TOt'PUF alld 81lllkheda TI\\uku 2

Ilaroda City 334 Urban areal! oi:-

Savfi. Kltl'jan ~ Padm Ta(ukM

~hhota Udepur, Dabhoi, SIIollk.h ••da and Ws~hodia TalukaR and Sinor Peta Jfjo

~ACHCHHl 46&

Rural areas oj' :~ SavU IIo1ld Baroda TafukaS' 11 1&

PimFa and Karjan 'Valllkfts oft 9- ~M1vadi, Da.bhot and Waghodi·a TafukM Itild' ifinor Pets .,z- 36 labugam. Ckhota U

Sa'(7Ji. Karjal'l ~d 1'>adra t'afukas ff

Chhota (Tdeput, l>aDhot, SAnkh~da and W&:Ilhodia Taluka.t and BiROi' Psia ' 2(}, 10 D-SOCIAL AND CULTURAL TABLES. Ul D.I-LANGUAGES·-(i) Mother Tons.... DISTRICT BARODA


TAMIL C17 251 Rural areas of :-

~avli and Baroda Talukas 133

NaRwadi. Dubhoi ami Waghodia TalukSllllnd, Sinor P"ta I

Jabugarn. ehb"!.,, Udepul" and i';,wkheda Talal"",. 18 8

Baroda City ., 24(1 20¥

Urban areug of:-

Savli. Karjan and Padra Talukas

Chhotu',Udepul". Dabhoi. Sankheda and Waghodia Taluklls and Sinor Peta 8

HINDUSTANI 315 III Rural area of :-

S>l.vli and Baroda Talukos Baroda City

Urban area of:-

8avli. Karjan and Padra Taluka8 4

TELUCU 131 Rural areas of :-

5avli and Bal'oda Talukas 42

N88wadi. D&bho~ and Waghodia~Taluk88 and Sinor Peta 12 " Bucoda City U9 Ii' t:Trban area of:-

Cbhl}ta Udepul'. Dabhoi, Sankhedll and Waghodla ~alukllB and SinOf Peta ...

NAIPAU 24& Rural al.'Mll of :- Savli And Ital'oda T.,111ka8 , .. I. Padrll 111ld Karjan Talukaa 1 :a NSilwadl, Dabhoi and Waghodla 1'alukBil and SlnOl' Petfl 6 I JBbugam, Cbhot·a Udepur and Sankheda Tall1kall S &roda City 110 llZ D-SOCIAL AND CULTURAL TABLES•. D-I-LANGUAGES-(i) Mother Tongue: , DISTRICT BARODA

Language Males FemaJeso --_."_-" ----_._._---'---- I Urban areasof:-

8avli, KarjaD and Padra. Talukas 11 7 Chhota Udepur, Dabhoi, Sankheda and Waghodia. Taiukaa and Sinor p ..ta 16 6 MALAYALAM 231 41 Rural area. of:- 8&vli .a.nd Baroda Talukalf 164

Baroda City 67 IANNADA 119

Rural an-a' 0(:- liavIi and &rods Talukal'l 31

Padra and Karjan Tslukas 4

Na,wadi, D'abhoi and Waghodhlo Tl\lukal! and Sfnor Pets 3 I

labugam. Chhota Udepur and 8ankheda Taluk.a& 6 )0

Baroda City 67 66 Urban areae of r-

Savli~ Karian IUld Padm Talukaa :r Chhota Udepur. Dabhoi, Sank.ht0d3 and Waghodia Tamkllf! and Sinor Peta 6 KONKANf" 85 Bural areas of:- lI.vIi and Barodl\ Taluft8IJ 20 Fadm and ltarian TslUkaIJ BlIl'Oda City 36 tTrhll area of:-

Chho~ Udepur. Dabhoi. ~ankheda and Waghodia TalulilJlt and Sinor Pet,. If 10 PORTUCUESE I. 61 .ral_ eft- 8.,,11 and Baroda. TaJUklll!J 23

Baroda City 38

.rbaa ate8 ef 1-" Cbhota UdepUi'. Dabhoi. 8abkheda aM Wagbodla 1'alukll aacl flinor P.ts . ; I ._--_-----'-- · D -SOCIAL AND CULTURAL TABLES. lIs D-I-LANGUAGES-(i) Mother Tdngue. DISTRICT BARODA \ /

Language Males Females ----'- ·1


Ru~al areas of:-

Savli and Baroda Talukas 19 1'1

Naswadi, Dabhoi and Waghodb Talukas and 8il)or .P"ta, 1,

Jabugam, Chhots Udepur and Sankheda Taluk6s 2 Baroda City 63 a8 Urban areas of:-·

Savli, Karjan a.nd Padra Talukae

Chhota'Udepur, Dabhoi, Sankheda and Waghodia TaI~ and Sinor Pets . 1

ENGLISH Rlll'al:a.rea of :..:...

iavli and Baroda. Talukas 19 B8l'oda 9ity 88 U"ban area of :-

Clthota Udepur, Dabhoi, Sankheda and Waghodia 'falukol and Sinor Pets

PERSIAN Rural area of c- Savli a.nd Baroda TalukBIl IS Baroda City 3

PASHTO' Rural areas of:-

Savli and Baroda Tahlkae 1

Naswadi, Dabhoi and Waghodla Taluk8ll aud Sinor Pets­ I}

Jabugam, Chhots Udepur and Sankheda Taluk8ll 1

Ba.roda City I Urbal1 area of:-

Ohhota tMepur. habhoi. Sankheda and Waghodil\ Taluk!lil! and Sinor Peta ' 114 D-SOCIAL AND CULTURAL TABLES. D-I-LANGUAGES-{i) Mother TC)ngue. DISTRICT BARGDA I Languag8 Male!! l<'emale~

BALocm , IS Rural areas of :-

Padra an.l Kerja.n Talukaa t

Naswadi, Dahhoi Bnd WaglH>dia Ta,luk .. " Hnd Si"",' ('",ta '7

Baroda City fi KASHMIR! IJ 6

BarodaC!ty ~ BIHARI 1 z Rural area of:-

:!!avIi and Baroda Ta'luk_ 7 2 GERMAN 3 JturaT area of :-

SavIi and BMOd's T .. I1)okalf 1

-earoda City 2


SavJi and Baroda Tafukas II 2

Naswadi, Dabhoi and Waglwdia TaTukas ",~1 Sinor ret>}

Baroda City 2 SPANISH 6 1 Barods City 5 1 ARABIC z

Rural area of :~

ASSAM'S£: z lWral ..ea of:-,

SIlvn and Baroda Taluk81' 8Aroda City CHINES £ 2 :Baroda City 2 .-RENCH I JJa.rod. City' 1 D-SOCIAL AND CULTURAL TABLES: lU ,D-I-LANGUAGES-(ii) Bilingualism. DISTRICT BARODA, , ------Total peljBOns returned as'" speaking , SubSidiary languages Total Speakers a language subsidiary' -- _------, to that shown in No. of Speakers Mother column 1 I tongue ----_------I ------i Language i Rural Urban Rural Urban Rural Urban area area area area aTeB area

2 3 4 J 6 7 8

~--.---. -----'------_. -----.-----~-.- Gujarati - 862,208 202,959 2,252 3~650 Hindi 421 2,tHO Urdu 723 476:

" ;Ehili 747 2 ~a.rathi 141 4611. Hindustani 79

Rajasthani 6t 14

~jn~hi 20 40 K~chhi 28 10

Kannada. 14 17

Sanskrit 9 IS

Bengali 1 tl

Pashto 4

Tamil 2

Punjabi a

Marathi 2,261 39,894 1,249 16,149 Guj&'ati 946 111.259

Hindi 69 849

Hindustani 193 Kanllada 18 35 Bhlll 21

Urdu 2 ~ Tamil ;;

Telugu 2

Urdu 0,818 29,088 8,767 17,747 Gujarati 8,696 17,2~7

Hindi 30 37-1

Marathi 3 iS7 Hinr.luatanl 36 ---- 116 D-~~AND-CULTU~ TAsw$. , D-:I-LANGUAGES-(ii) -Bilingualism. -. W'STRICT BARODA ----,- '-r'-~O~~~:ker8 --, rei~~~~~~king Subsidiary languaps a. language subsidiary to that shown in : Mother , column 1 I No. of Speakers teDgue I ! Language I-~------:-'I---- I Rural Urban Rural!' Urban I Rural ' Urban " 1"7.7 j '71 7 [,177 ... _.,...,..,..-.------~----~------~------_- Kaohchhi 1 7 Pashto 7 Kannada 2

Puujabi .,



Bhill 13,687 399 12,673 all Gujarati 12,6:?F. 3tO

Hindi 48


SiDdbi 3,148 10,826 131 3,381 Hindi 63 2,706

Guj&ra:j 75 11811

Urdu 2 79

;,Iarethi 16

Hindi 2,42 7 9,640 911 3,131 Cui" .,~ti 819 2,960

MBrl).l~li 18 143

Urdu ,')5 19 ;'u_,jabi 5 8

Sirc1hi 8

BhiE 5 Kbc'whbl 1 'Tamil

1,121 t,547 724 815 Gc:jarati 631 769 Sindhi 149 2 Hindi 43 14 Marathi 3 Hindustani D-S,OCtA~, AND Ct;JLTURAL TABLES. [17 D-l-LAN~UAGES-{ii) BilinsuaUsm, DIBTRlCT B/l.RODA ------. ------[------~-- ._!-~--~------_.-. -----. Total pellIIOnB S.biddla.ry lancuaa- Total Speakers returned as ~pealdng ; a language subsidia.ry \- - Mother to that shi)'wn in No. of Speabn tongue column 1 i : Language Rural' Urban Rural ' I Urban Rural Urban area area area area area area

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 i _------Punja.bi J ,!lOCI til';; 1,251 289 Urdu ~.(}33 13

Hindi 108 t~9

Sindhi ~a 19 'lJujarati 15 "75

~arathi 3

K80hobhi IlS7 616 . 213 332 Gujarati 209 3H)

UI\du 4 12

Hihrli 4:

Tamil 193 476 143 201 Hindi ISS Qujarati 4: "7. Marathi 1 Si Urdu 2 a • Sindhi 1

HIndustani '61 4.8 286 It Qujarat.i taS It Urdu I Hindi

TeluiU 70 270 38 Hili Hindi IJ ., Marathi a .a QujaraU 31

Urdu 2 i

Naipali 66 256 42 178 Hindi 2S Hit .l 14 D

Maratbi 2


Total persons . Subsidiary languages Total Speakers returned as speaking i a language 8U bsidiary 'i ------Mother to that shown in No. of Speakers tongue column 1 I Language :------T Rural Urban Rural Urban ! Rural Urban area area area area Ilol'ea area

1 3. 5 6 7 8

Me.la.yalam 179 93 166 60 Hindi 164 33 Gujarati 14 Marathi 13 Tamil

81 133 33 77 Gujarati 16 28

Hindi 10 27

],larathi 21



Konkani 41 III 29 79 Hindi 16 40

Gujarati 10 18

Mmtthi 21 Urdu 2

Portuguele 102 33 58 Gujarati 27 21 i Hindi 32

Telugu 3


Bengali 39 106 _ 28 89 Hindi 24 Gujarati 3 40

Marathi 6 Urdu

Bnglish 49 87 21 56 Qujarati 3 35

Hindi ]7 Hi

Marathi 1 4 Urdu 2 D-SOCIAL AND CULTURAL TABLES. 119 D-l-LANGUAGES-(ii) Bilingualism. DISTRICT BARODA . ------Total perso~ Subsidiary languages returned 88 s g Total Speakers a language subsidiary to that shown in Mother column 1 I No. of Speakers tongue I Language Rural Urban Rural prban Rural Urban area area area area area area

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

------Persian 46 3 29 3 Guj~rati 29 3, Puhto 16 19 12 11 Gujarati 10 3" Urdu 2 4 Hi~di 4 Balochi 15 5 14 2 Gujarati 14 2

Kasluniri 14 12 Hindi 11

Gujatati I \ Bibari 9 7 Hindi 6

Bengali I

German I 7 6 Hindi 4 Gujarati 2

Oriya 5 2 2 Hindi 2 2 Telugu 2

SpaniSh 6 5 Gujarati 5

Arabic 2 2 Gujarati 2

Assamese 1 1 1 Hindi 1 1

Ohlnese 2 2 Hindi 2 120 D-Il­ DISTRICT TotaJ. Population I--S::--\- Jains TRACT .----~----~----~------persolIS I M81es IFem~es11 Malee IFema16siM81ea I!:ies-i- MaJeein!r;. ______1 ___.;______2 3 "'____, _ _:5:..___.1..1_6=--_ _;_7 _. __ ...!.. __9____ 10_

Total 1.194.746 624.359 570.387 564.078 517.076 1.259 449 6,269 5,877 Rural 897,5!8 466,135 431,393 4315,800 404,791 938 227 2,035 1,875

Urban 21}7,218 158,224 138.994 128'278 112,285 321 222 4,234 4,002 a..... are.. 01:- 1 Baroda and Savli '73 492 ~: o· ! Padra and Karjan 168,140 86,747 81,393 71S,641 71,122 5 II 862 904

3 Naswadi, Dabhoi, Waghodia Illld Binor 227.64' 118,174 109,472 111,806 103,356 371 317 .. Jabugam, Chhota Udopu.r and Sunkheda 263,334 185,769 127,565 132.594 124.983 2 3 329 162 Urbaa are•• of:­ Baroda City 211,407 US.1l18 97.889 93,561 80,307 305 216 2,593 2.491 2 Sevll, Karjan and Padra 28,646 15,081 13,565 12,380 11,156 2 '193 768

:l Chhota Udepur Dabbo:f, Sankheda, Waghodia and Sinor 57,165 29,625 27.540 22,337 20.822.14 6 846 7ft __ ,3

\ D-iIl--Scbeduled Castes andll DISTRICT --1!i

Scheduled ClUltos Scheduleu Tl'ibc.s ; ) TRACT ------I I i Personll Males IFem:les iPer&ons ~Iale8 : Females 1 2 3 5 6 I 7

Total 79,773 40.174 39,599 208.899 107,822 10M7? ~... ',' ... ~ UuraJ. 611,063 84,517 33,546 197,835 101.665 96,170

Urbn.ll 11,710 5,667 6.053 11,064 6,167 4,901

Rarat .I'e.' .1 1- i' Baroda'nnd S""ll 21,51\5 10,800 10.765 17.798 9,Ot1 8,757 2tPadra and Karj3ll 18,080 9,567 8.513 17,451 9.206 8,2-&5 a NUIIWi!odi, Dabhoi. Waghodfa 18,265 9,018 9.247 84,:146 42,929 41.217 and Sinor l labugam, Chhnta Udopur 10.153 11,132 5.021 78.HO 40,489 37,9:)1 and Sv.nkhtlda RelilioD' 121 BARODA

A Buddhist. Zoroastrians j Muslhns Christians '11 JeW8 IOther Relfglomr I Non.tribal Femalesi Males ~""I malesF·I-romabol .....' iFomaio.lM&M I~I_IF_': 11 12 13 U 15 16 17 18 ~ ~ ~ H

I 33 333 294 50,1&4 44.627 2,199 2,021 12. 4Z 12 1 38 44 26,095 23,207 1,226 1,247 2 2 1 33 295 250 24,0611 21,4.20 973 7,. 10 " 11 1

7 Ie 8,899 5,802 1,074 l,ll'l8 2 S 10,100 9,%42 138 Uo 1

8 • 6,4'0 6,78' 4

28 26 2.808 2,377 10 16

2715 240 )5,8615 13,871 898 723 )0 40 II 1

83 {I • ],819 l,6()9 48 26

11 , 6,385 5,940 32 25

Scheduled T ribl: •. 'BARODA

Bohed~led Caate. Scheduled Tribee TRACT

Persons Males I Femalell -;er:omi Malell Female. ·1 , 3 , 4 6 7

Urban ar•• s of :- 1,879 I Baroda City 7,768 3,648 '.120 S,865 , 1,480 2 Savli, Karjall and Padra 1,553 770 788 717 408 all 8 Chhota UdE'pur, Dabhoi, San. t,389 1,!?39 1,160 6,98% 3,872 1,110 khfda. Waghodia and Sinor 122 D-V (i)-Displaced Person. UISTRIOT

Total Population Displaced persona of Displaoed Persons 1946 1947 TRACT 1------'------~----- .~---- Persons Males Femaleal Males Females Males Females

2 3 4 5 (I 7 8

Total 14.476 7,612 ,,834 26 30 3,558 3,249 Rural 3,462 1,962 1,500 -l 793 4!H

Urban ... 11,014 5,680 5,334 26 26 2,765 2,755

Rural area. of :,- Savli and Baroda 3,110 1,736 1,374 i2 706 431

2 POOra and Karjan 23 22 1 5 8 NlI8wadi, Dabhoi, Waghodia and Sinor 320 199 121 2 78 58 4 J abugam. ()}Ihota· U depur - and ~Bnkheda 9 5 4 4 4

Urban ..-reas of :- 1 Baroda City • __ 10,337 5,305 5,032 26 26 2,U2 2,631

2 Savli, Karjan and Padra 73 41 32 :n 25

3 Dahhoi, Sankheda Waghodia and Sinor 604 334 270 2-l2 100 D-V (i)-Displaced PersonS DISTRIO'I'

Displaced persons -l-~~~-8-- 1946 1947 TRACT Males Females Males Females Males Females 1'1 20 21 22 1 17 18 ------Total _-- ---~------3 21 --9 2:; Rural 3 'i 3 Urban 11 6 24

Rural areas -of :- lSavli_allq Baroda 3 7 3 2 Padra and Karjan 3 Naswadi, Dabhoi, \Vagho. dia and Sinor

4 J abnN.. m. ~('hhota. U depur and Sankheda

Urban area. "f :- Baroda City 6 24

2 Suvli, Karjan and Padra

3 Dabho!. Sankheda, Waghodia and lSillor • by year of arriyal. 1~3 BARODA from West Pakistan.

1948 1949 1950 1951

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

3,727 3,294 199 184 80 63 6 2 I,U2 979 8 10 8 5 3 2

2,585 2,315 191 174 72 58 3

1,017 929 2 4 3 2

16 1

108 50 IS 6 8 IS


2,485 .2,243 189 J69 72 57 3

9 2 IS

91 70 1 1 by year of arriyal BARODA from East Pakistan

1949 1950 1951

Males Female. Malee Females Males Femalbs 23 24 25 26 27 28 124 D-V (H)-Displaced Penon. DIBTR'JCl' A grlC• ultw- .. I -~ - ~ 1-Cultivators II-Cultivators Total Population of ofhmd wholly of land wholly Displaced Persons or mainly owned or mainly un· I & thei&' depen. owned & their TRACT dants dependants 1-I lHales Males Females I Males Females I Persons iFemales I i I I 1 2 3 I 4 5 6 7 8 I i I I TOTAL 14.476 7.642 6.834 263 195 11 10 Rural 3.462 1,962 1.500 202 144 11 10 Urban 1].014 5,680 5,334 61 51 Rural areas of :- Savli and Baroda 3,110 I,736 1,374 56 51 11 10

POOra- and Karjan 23 22 1 Nllswadi. Dabhoi - Waghodia and Sinor 320 199 121 146 93 Jabugam, Chhota Udepur and Sankheda 9 6 4

Urban area. of:- Baroda City to.337 5,305 5,032 7 6 Savli, Karjan and Padra 73 4) 32 Chb.. ta: Udopur, Dabhoi. Sankheda, Waghodia and ... 604 334 270 54 45 Sinor . _ D-VI-Non-Indian D1STHIOT

Total \ Pakistani I Nepali I Portuguese \ Amerioll.n TRACT Rationals Nationals I Nationals Nationals

1 M. F. F. I 1M; P,m I""';" I:~M IMil:' 1:·1 9 I 10 I ~'I 12 Total 631 333 298 230 233 60 11 23 13 5 21 Rural 59 31 28 21 3 6 2 13 Urban 1'>72 302 270 209 230 60 It 17 12 3 8

Rural areas of~-

Savli and Baroda 31 11 20 3 2 I) 1 2 13

Padro and Karjan 12 4 8 ~ 1 Naswadi, Dabhoi. Wa· ghodia. a.nd Sinor 15 15 15 J abugam, Chhota U de- pur and Sa.nkheda. 1 1 1

Urban areas 0(:- Baroda City 651 288 263 207 230 57 11 8 5 3 8

Savli, Kal'jan and Padra 1 1 Cbbots Udepur, Dabhoi, Sankheda. 20 13 7 2 2 9 7 Waghodia and Sinor by li.elihood cl.sses. BARODA Classes Non.AgricultW'al Classes IV- N on.culti. Persons (including dependants) who derive their principal III-Cultivating vating owners means of livelihood from- ,r labourers & of land; agri. their depen· cultural rent V-Production 'I I, I VUf~therservi. donts. receivers &their other than VI-Commerce. :' VII , cas & miscellane· dependants. cultivation., I Transport. ous Bources. i MaleS 1,IFe'U ties I, Males 'i,Females iMales Females :Males Females iMa:f Fe. Males Females I • males I ' i ' \ 9 I' "') !I 11 II 12 1 13 14, I 15 16! 17 IS i 19 20 !, I I ----~------~----~----~----~--~------~- 7 19 19 855 792 3,694 3,393 341 303 2,452 2,12Z

2 2 1 108 84, 618 52i! 141 110 878 629

5 17 18 747 70S 3,076 2,,871 200 193 1,5H 1,493

2 1 103 82 577 4P4 141 l10 846 6~

2 20 I

2 5 2 36, 24 10 2

3 4 2

1 17 17 732 690 2.85(} 2,700 199 193 1,499 1,426

4, 3 17 10 2(} lit

4 1 11 1.') 209 161 I fi6 48

Nationals. BARODA

British , Spanish German Chinese Afghan Swedish Nationals Nationals Na.tjonals Nationals Nationals j Nationals M. F. M. F. F. M. F. Y, F. H. 1-!"I, 13 14 Hi 16 ~I17 18 19 20 21 22 I 23 1 15 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 11 ...

6 4- 3 2 2 2 2 1


2 7

3 2 1 1 126 D-Vll-LiYel.ibqod Classes DISTRICT

Agricultural ----- I II Cultivators of Total Population Cultivatol'B ef land wholly or Educational Standll.rd land wholly or mainly 1UlDwned mainly owned & & their their dependants dependants

Persons Males iFemalesl Males /Females Males IFemales I 2 3 I 4 ! IS 0 7 I 8 TorAL 1.1__ '- 307,8~6 214,5" 93,302 74,19-' 1~.363 20, t 1Ii CI,07'

MJddle Sohool 19_7~2 16,61G 3,107 2,967 168 11. l' Matrioulate or B. L. O. 8,983 7,9(:0 1,023 730 11 40 1 Higher Seconda.ry hlt.ermeuiate in 1,035 i26 1'>9 66 2 1 Al'taI 01' ScienOto

De,re,.:a". Diplomaa Graduate 11.1 Arta .. , 1,770 1,386 SSIl 26 1 1 2 or Science Post-Graduate in 209 199 10 1 Asts 01' Scienoe

Toacrun" 770 1l0' 266 17 13 EngilUlerWg 279 279 ... Agriculture 46 46 S 1 V.t.erinary

Coroxneree 213 2'iB S Le,al 431 431 S·

Medical 356 329 27 6 1

Otbltn 117 ll6 1 RURAL Literate •••. 201,174 146,81}5 54.279 71,904 28.015 \9,3ill 6.840

Middle School 6,380 ~,71)7 613 2,492 134 80 10 Matriculate or S. L; C. 1,732 1.6H 88 GIl9 7 38 Higher Secondary [ntehnediat.e ill 4.tw 7~ OJ 10 19 . ~. or Scien08

Degrell 01" Diploma. Graduate IJl .6.rts or Science 123 106 11 1lJ 1 POIIt·GraduatAt in Art.. or SO Z1 II 1 Scieno. Teuhfn8 3'3 3It) 27 13 J

ll:n,ineerins 11} It' , •... , By' Educatloul Standatd. BARODA ~------~~~---- Non-Agricultural Classes

III Persons ( including dependants ) who derive their principal Non.~~lthra. means of livelihood from:- Cultivating Iting' tm ners of labourers & I 'landl agricul- 1----,------their tural rent:. I v: VI VII VIII dependants I receivel'B ,and Production Transport Other services their dependa. other than Commerce, and miscellaneous I nts. cultivation i sources. 1 -'--~---7---- MaleS' r!:ies!'l\faleS IFemaleeilMales IFemales! l\

, I 19 III ..n 9 i 10 f 11 112 !~ 13 1 14 I 15 16 I 17 j 18 i (.v

!?OPULA !ION 17,836 4,795 7,351 5,181 27,025 10,947 23,816 13,930 4,554 2,244 39,653 20,769'

39 4 1,194 114 1,883 218 3,869 642 844 202 5,691 1,79p

Hi 2 295 24 574 96 1,228 156 589 47 4,489 686 3 70 2 50 7 156 16 43 6 537

~2 46 7 166 17 153 40 89 0':;2 313

16 2 178 9

26 2 4 4 12 234

6 77 12 21 159 ~ ~ 36

5 45 75 2 143 10 16 29 363

3 10 4 6 2 299 24 5 • 5 10 l' POFULATJON

17,393 4.702 5,669 3,650 9,225 3,099 7,179 3,543 1,906 660 14,220 4j~6/j

21 8 555 35 23'1 22 635 ao 348 77 1,399 _ 252

8 1 65 1 22 14 109, 12 140 13 708 4()

3 2 7 15 7

1 3 7 75 Hi ~'

1 1 2 17

1 2' 276 23 3 2· 8 3 118 D-Vll-LlYelihood C1use. DIRTRIO'f


I II Cultivatol'll of Total Population Cultivator. of 1ami wholly or EdU06tio_1 Standard I land wholly or mainly Wlowneci mainly owned & &. their their dependants dependants

IPersona Malee Femalesi Males jFemalea IMalea IFemalea

2 3 6 8 1 " i 6 I '1 I Agriculture 2 2 Veterinary

Commerc;€ ~ 4 Legal 19 19 , Medical 71 66 /) a

Othera 4, 4 URBAN

Uterate 106,672 67,649 39,!l~3 2,290 1,848 716 228 MJddle School 13,392 10,848 2,&44 473 34 4. "" Matriculate or 8. L. C. Higher Secondary 7,251 6,31~ 935 171 4 7 1 Intermediate In Alta ... SoieAoe 963 864 99 .7 2 lJegr.u or Dipl_a

Graduate, in Arts or Science 1,647 1,279 368 13 2

P08t.GNduate ia Arl4 or 183 178 /) SoleQCe 'I'eachlog 427 18! :23~ • 11 E~ 163 '63 Aarieult\J.l'O " • 1 Veter1ur7 " .... eomm..... 169 lIG9 .2 I.epl '12 ,12 3

MecUoal 285 263 ~2 S 1 Oth"," 113 112 1

--".--~ B~ Educatlonal'Standiltds l.~. BARdDA ~--~------.-.------~-- ..__ -- CIM86Il ,:Non-Agricultural CI_s ------... _----___j:'_. III IV I Persons ( incluuLlg dependtJnts ) who derive their princip'" Non-cultiva- m"an" of livelihood" from :- CultiVt\tjng ting 0\\ nere: of labourers & , their 1~!ai~~~I-I'-- ---V : I VI I VII VIII dependants reoeivers ,and Production 'I ! Transport Other Sefvim,,,, their dependa- other than Commeroe and mi>mella,;('otl8 uts. cultivation sourc6t! • . -~aIes \ !::-leslMa.l!~I Females\M&leS IFemalesl Males' Fem~esl Males Females Males Femal•

.. _~_1_10 f 1l_1_12_(_~~J_14 __l~_, 16 ( __ ~~ __1_8 __~_~

I .... 2

3 ~, ... 3 11 '. 3 2 60 3 " POPULATION .'3 93 1,682 1,531 17,800 7,848 16,637 10,387 2,648 1,581 25,433 16,004 ~ 18 1 639 79 1,646 196 3,234. 662 496 126 4,292 1,043

7 1 230 23 552 82 1,119 lU 449 34 3,781 ~

3 67 2 46 5 149 16 29 6 622 89

2 38 6 166 17 160 40 32 5 877 291

15 2 ~61 5

2 4 2 U 179 stt

Ii 74 10 18 166 1 " ... 45 75 ! '143

16 29 2 362

3 10 4, I t31 21 .t 5 l' .2 1 .------~-~~--~~ D-VIll-Unemployment DISTRICT ------_.. --_.,-'- Number of pert'OD; I Number of persona Educational outside the la IJ?ur foree§ gainfully employed Standard I ,------; 1 pe1"SOIlsI Males IFem&.Ies iPersons I· Males ·f F~alee· 2 3 41 & 6 .7 - _-_ -----__ .._.

,)Hiterate 524,3~S 20\,721 322,621 311,150 13S,l29 142,121

11,264 4,158 5,106 7;4UO 16,01;4 1,431$

Literate' 146,873 65,6t3 81,230 160;589 48,529 12,060

JlWdle Schoof 1 1,142 8,110 3,032 8,473 8,348 126

:J1 atri~urate tTr 1'1. L. 0'. 3.549 :,632 917 5,365 5,266 106 Highel' beco:noary

Iatermedia~ in Arts or Seie_ 724 625 .9 30S ~98 10

466 1'17 279 1,307 1,200 )06

86 86 123 114

Teach~ 74 22 52 li9.6 -214

38 38 239 23~

10 ~~icuIture: . 36, 10


115 115 153 153

54 3'77 377

62 32 10 :293 277 1ft

10 9 101 11)1

i All '~~ below 16 or above 60 ~rs of age, housewi~~ 8tudent,,;, permaaently dJIji!b}ed p8P1i1Onl etf:. 11'81'8 trea~ 88 heiDi outsi~e the labour fo~. by . Educational Standards 131 BARODA ---:------.---- - .-- Number of pereoDs unemployed for :- . / 3 complete 4 compl&,e &I complete 6~plete upto 3 months months monthrl months monthrl

Males IFemales Males II Females -~~Ies IFa:ales- Males /Females Males IFemalell .__ ~______9_'_, _ .~_, 11 ! '12 13 14 15 16 17 , .. ~,---_._-, . 78 100 22 13 21 3 7 29 I

3 2

82 7 33 34 38 I

10 9 7 1

3 7 ,


t 1

182 n. 70 14 78 12 1.. 3 182 D-VlU-Unemploymem DISTI·urYr Number or per80nB unemployed for:-

Educational --7-co-mplete ,--;-compl~te -, 9 ~:Plete . St-a.ndard months ,months months

Malee I' Femalee 'I ~al~-I ;:~~~ IMales Fem,,!e~ 18 19 20 21 I 22 .-_---I 23 Illiterate 2

Partly literate .

Literate- 10

Middle School

Matriculate or S. L. G. 0'1 Higher Secondary

Intermediate in Artll OF SeienC8' Degree8 9,. DiplomlUl

Graduate in Arts OF Science

Poat.Graduaies in Artlt or Scienee-









Total 12 21 J 1 by Educational Standards-con '1(1. , BAIWPA -----Nwnbor of persons u.lle~ployed for :- ~--.---.

to complete .! 11 eo,nplete 12 complete ~nths I r.GOnths months Tot"l ';~:--II Fema;~-i-Males ! Fe~:r: Males] FeInales -~;er801~-- --1- ~ale8 24 2.'i: 26,. 27 28 29 30 . 3 1 ------6 1 :'.Q4 Hl! 836,088 37o,.)~7 4M,Q6t

3 16,771 11'-225 fl,5"6

12 13() 3 367,818 214,514 9;4,:ICl!

95 19,77! 1~')15 :I L'i1

48 8,P83 7,960 l,tt:U

S t,035 926 10.

1 1,770 1.3!l5 3!1S tot 1" .1

n& 50' lei

1 27. 17. .... 4' ,.

1 2'11 ,n

4S1 dt

1 lit

11' 11' 1

588 117 .1.111,748 824.351' ...., E-Summary Figures by raluk.. and Petag. DisTRICT BARODA

Density Area PopuJatioD per squa.re r in mile Taluka or Pete- 1951 11151 ~q. [ I Mil&a I 1- .----.-.~ -~I I Pers;ns Males I Fl'maiee 1 2' 4 5 6 ~~.~--- I - .--~------~--.-- I~- -- ~---- I);strid 2788.3 l.l94.746 824,359 570.387 428

Rurat 2727.9 ~97,52S 460,135 431,393 329

(:rban 6(1.4 297,21S 158,224 J:~)\,99'" 4,921

Baroda 263 .• 348,928 186,28Z 162.646 1,325 Ruraf 252.17 137.5'H 72,764 114,757 5!5

Urban " ... 1{}.9 :BI.407 113,518 \)7,889 19.395

{ lb.ot.-Udepulll' 434.1 109,426 56.243 53.183 252 Rural' 433.1 100,704 61,628 49,076 233

Urban, J.O 8 f 722 4.61& 4,107 8,722

Dabhol 249.0 99,819 52.071 47,748 401 RuraF 2'39.S 74.867 31!,Otl ::1.5,826 31:1

Urban, 9.2 24,952 13,030 11,922 2.712

Jabugam 319.4 83,613 43.282 40,331 262

Rura}: 319.4 83,613 43,282 40,331 262

Urball1 larjaR 232.4 72.838 37.581 35,257 313 Rural 226.3 66,4,1;3 34,108 32,355 294

lJrbllrJl 6.1 6,3;6 3,473 2,902 1.0tfl

•••••di 212-4 72.393 37.55& 34,837 341 Rural 212.4 72,393 37,556 34,837 341

VrbafJ E -Summary Figures by T sJukas and' ,Petas 185 I DISTRICT BARODA


,UVELHIOOD CLASSES I ------.------~ -- -- Agricultural Classes ! III 'I I II I , IV Cultivaoors of Cultivaoors of CJltivating Non-cultivating land wholly or land wholly or labourers and ownerB of land; mainly owned mainly nnown- their dependants agricultural rent and their ed and thdr receivel'8 and their dependants dependants dependlUlts I _,------_ I Males 1 Females ~:~I Females T-::~ ;:~~es - ,,{ales Females 7 8 I __ ~ ___, 10 I 11 I 12 , 13 14 ------.~--~ ------" 241.768 227.638 54,296 49.830 77,18% 7q77 14.223 16,140 237,2,j5 223,724 52,648 48,304 7.5,048 tHJ,378 10,709 12,782

1,6t8 3 358 4,;;03 3.9H 1,526 :!.13t 1,799 3.514 1

2U17 22,257 10,902 to,065 13,843 12,754 2.993 3,141

23.S!! 21,538 ](1,4136 9,660 ] 3.465 12,497 1,5311 1,911

l,q76 719 4-36 -l05 378 :Ui7 1,454 1,224

43;676 4t.340 361) 328 934 804 300 32$

4:1,1'94 otl,208 345 311 9::9 804 24-1, 259

, 182 132 15 17 [) &6 6{\

16,224 14.885 4.278 3,899 9.841 8.9ts 1,7'35 1.918 15,603 a,a17 ',.,090 3,719 9,571 ",708 1,211:1 fi,43a

62\ 568 )88 18(,\ 27Q ~:n 4,2 48S

32,781 31,045 560 488 3.541 3,339 557 515

:32,781 3I,{H:i 560 488 ~"HI :~.339 .507 ·fHe

15.317 14.148 UOI 4.309 8.814 8.339 965 1,359

)5,069 14,4\J0 ~,717 4,237 8,611) 8,ln 898 1,296

248 258 84 72 168 16() (li tiD

23.453 22,331 4.075 3,864 2.988 2.431 1&5 ..;9ot ';-'~_;'1 23,463 2'?,:J31 4,075 3,861 2,988 2,4:11 760 900 186 H--Sunmaary Figures by T aluka. and Petas DISTRICT BARODA. LIVELIHOOD CLASSES Non-- <\grieultural Cl888e8

------~ ...__.__, __ ._--- PersonR (including dependants) who derive their principal means of livelihood from:-

v VI VII I VIn Production Conunerce Trltllsport I Other services and 'l'aluka or Peta other than ; miscellaneou8 j cultivation I sources. ;-~~-eB-I'~em~;~:! -~al~:-I;e:ales! Males 1;:UaleB 1--;~:~-I-;emaleB i 15 16 17 18! 19 I 20 . 21 22

District 63,132 52,954 47.720 42,114 12,719 11.293 1133.9 99,241

~3,332 19,1l~ I ] 3,457 1 J ,480 1;,f'7:l 4,935 48, J 03 41,] 69

Urban a9,80U 3-l,26:l 30,!):!! 7,146 6,355> 65,216 58,072

Baroda 38,349 31,649 27,587 2'(,764 9,488 8,281 58,503 49,135

Rural U,I)!92 6,616 3,611l 3,~61 :1,!196 3,473 9.549 6.796

Urball 31,757 2:',971 n,503 5,~92 4.H08 48,954 42.940

Chhota-Udepur 3.656 3,282 1,900 1,647 194 151 5,823 5.306

Rural 2,711 2,577 1,079 9:.'6 62 43 3.294 2,9~8 Urban 875 705 821 721 132 lOB 2,62;) 2,358

nabhoi 4.591 3,946 4.671 4.182 1.123 1.056 9,596 8.917

Rur,,1 ] ,907 1,69~ 1,1If1 91it 310 327 5,179 4,767

Urban :!,(\90 2,354 3,559 3,221 813 729 4,417 •• HiO 1,618 t,306 594 395 93 79 3.53% 3.184

Rural 1,l)tR 1,306 594 395 99 79 3.532 3,164


Itarja. J.199 1578 1.777 l.492 586 528 3,522 2.984

Rural 1,196 1,070 948 885 237 224 2,397 ),986

Urban 603 508 829 607 349 304 1,125 918 N.. ",adi 1,541 1,236 1.065 82. 82 10 3.587 3,17.

Rural 1,541 1,236 1,065 Sj!O 82 70 8.58' E-Sum~ary Figures by Ta.lukas and Petas. 137 DISTRICT BARbDA

Density Area PopulatioQ , -- '. gq'~a",' mile in Ta.luka or Pets 1951 11151 ~-q. I MilQS I Males 2 4; I_~~:J:J ____ 6_"_, _ Padra 209.0 116,472 ,6(),300 5&,172 557 - Rural 203.8 101,677 52,639 49,038 499

Urban 5.2 14,795 7,6f\ 1 7.134 2,845 Sankhec!a 253.6 90.441 46,621 43,820 - \ 357 \ Rriral 244.5 71.',017 40,859 38,158 323

Urban 9.1 11,424 5,762, 5,662 1,255 Savli 314.9 108,363 56,628 51,735 344

Rural 308.9 100.887 52,681 48,206 327

Urban 6.0- 7,476 3,947 3.529 1,246 Sinor 114.4 4t,387 21.435 19.952 362 Rural 108.1 U,286 17,832 16,454 317

Urban 6.3 7,101 3,603 3,498 1,127 Vaghodia 185.7 51,066 26,360 24.706 275 Rural 179.1 46,100 23,745 22,355 257

Urban 6.6 4,966 2,61 b 2,3&1 , 752

Note;-The &..rea figure of the district supplied by the Surveyor General, India is, 2,fl69.t sq. miles. E-Summary figures by Talakas and Petas-c,lt1t,/ DISTRICT BARODA LIVELIHOOD CLASSES

Agricultural Classes

I II III Cultivators of Cultivators of Cultivating lalld wholly or hmd wholly or labourers and mhinly owned mainly unmvn­ their dependants Taluka or Peta and their cd and their dependants dependlillts

1 ----_------Padra 24.667 22.839 10.434 9.467 9.460 9,017 Rurlll 23,917 22.150 10,074 9,152 8,805 8,431

Urbl\n 750 689 360 315 655 5S0

Sankheda 16,260 15,325 5.347 5.065 10.672 10.219 Rursl 15.864 14,934 5,204 4,937 10,fiSg 10,142

UrblilD 396 391 143 128 811 77 Savll 26,331 24.758 8.645 7,876 8.201 7,882 Rursl 25,!HI8 24-.452 8.423 7,652 7,8&3 6.801

Urban 333 306· 222 22-1, 318 I 281 Sinor 8,531 1.826 1.162 l.O68 4.610 4.414 Rural 7.9:>2 7,275 1,122 1.031 4.i'iOI) 4.262

Urban 5S5 551 40 37 Hil 162 Va,hodia 10.S05 lU.284 3,732 3.401 4.218 3833 Rural 10,193 3,572 3,253 4,12B :l.71l6

Urhl!.tt 312

Persons (including de-pendants) who derive their prinoipal IV-Non­ means of livelihood from :~ CMlltivating owners e{ land; agricultural VII rent receivers ;;~!u~~i~: ---I---~-- 6~!r ser- tind their other than Commerce Transport vioes & misoell- dependants oultivation I aneou8 souroes

Males Fen;:les ! M~l;S I Fe~:lesT~~;~e-:Fe~;l:sl~;~es I;:r;~~f~~s IFe~e~

13 _ .-.. ~ ---r------.--_. ______~_

2,227 2,775 3,229 3,101 4,261 3:607 306 328 5,716 s.o~8 2,003 2,fi:!-l 2,166 1,864 1,917 Ui6i 153 139 3,604 ,210

224 251 1,063 1.2:37 2,344 2,039 ]53 189 2;112 1,828 1.086 2,945 2.463 2.018 :1,827 287 290 7.998 7,545

673 1,638 1,255 1,005 815 194 5,691 5,208

413 1,307 1,208 1,013 1,'012 96 2,307 2,337

1,690 1.94:) 2,482 1,967 2,~43 1,784 :ios 261 6,931 &.061

1,283 1,550 2,O!)7 1,573 1,342 1,203 26\ 231 5,484 4,744 407 390 475 39! 701 581 44 30 1,447 1.,323 1.052 1,176 1,611 t.402 1.046 909 147 150 3,%10 3.007 I 864 !l57 1,045 904 400 304 87 94 1,863 1,627 \ 21\) 566 498 646 605 60 56 1,357 \. 1,380 996 ,305 1.024 752 687 102 99 4.901 4,382 637 753 841 628 373 342 68 61 3,933 3,644

208 464 396 379 345 34 38 968 83S ------, Primary Census Abstracts.

These abstracts show figures of populati.on according to eight livelihood classes for every town and village. In the case of Baroda City and mO,ot municipal'areas, figures have been given for wards as well. These abstracts are in essence a village directory, with the data exhibited according to livelihood classes instead of communities as in 1941.

The area figures given in column 3 have been obtained from the District Inspector of Land Records of Baroda or from local records. The total area of Baroda district as calculated by the Surveyor Genera! India, is 2,969·2 square mile~,

The figures given in columns 4 and 5 and 9 to 12 have been extracted from the National Registers, prepared by enumerators after the census. These Registers consisted of a transcription of the replies to the more important census questions in respect of every person enumerated. Figures of literates according to tracts, derived from the census slips, shown in . t4ble D-VII, are more reliable than the village figures derived from the National Registers. The census slip on which the replies to the censu~ questions were recorded was the main document. The National Register was merely a copy. In addition, mistakes seem to have occurred while extracting literacy figures for villages in the Tabulation Office. The percentage of literacy in the di.strict was 28.62% according to table D-VII. It was "J7.55% according to the 10% sample table C-IV and 27.1)9% according to the figures given in the Primary Census Abstracts.

Information contained in columns 29 to 33 has been extracted from

the dat~ collected for each village by the Bombay District Gazetteers ( Re"Yision ) Uitorial Board. III

The following abbreviations have been used in the abstract :-

M. tor Municipality. p. S. for Primary SchooL V. p. for Village Panchayat. C. C, S. for a co-operative:Credit Society. C. S. for a Co-op<':rative Society of any other kind. Sun. for Sunday. Mon. for Monday. Tues. for Tuesday. Wed. for Wednesday. Thurs. for Thursday. Fri. for Friday_ Sat. for Sat~rday. 14:1 Prim..., Ca•• Absttat t Occupied Hou_-- Total No. of peraooa No. of lnm.. t.e. 8. Name of y 10..,. or Area of No. of· enumerated [illOluding of iDllt.itutiol)t village No. of bouse inmatee of institutiooa and housel_ bolds p8rllODllj No \Own/" .d or toWD housell and houael_ P81'11ODII In IIquare \ ----_ 1011611 Pel'llOD8\ Males [Femalett

S 4, 6 6 7 8 II l~ 2 I ! I ·"'r------CITY 1 Baroda M. 1o.!1 18.853 45,608 211.407 113,518 97,889 1.717 694 Ward I Babajipura 3,971 10,110 46,046 24,893 21,153 196 15

., II City ~,3S3 8,306 39.869 21,052 18,S17 118 6 .. III Fatepura 2,247 5,031 22,784 ]2,053 10,731 268 ]32 IV 3,831 9,293 43,390 23,173 20,217 718 369 " .. V Sayajiganj 1,033 4,620 20,794 11,84,5 8,94,9 267 116' ., VI Wadi 3,388 8,248 38,524 20,502 18,022 150 56 VILLAGES 1 Ajitpur 0.7 17 20 118 67 51 14 11 2 Ajod 1.6 160 162 763 389 374 a 1.3 342 356 ],560 828 732 2 (j 4 Aladpura 2.0 91 103 503 262 241

6 Alamgir 0.6 51 51 214 120 94

6 Amaliars 1.9 108 135 566 294 272 7 Ampad 1.8 97 119 461 252 209 8 Anagadh 4.0 955 1,053 5,396 2,679 2,717 13 7

\I AnlI.hi (Por) 1.5 102 104 506 274 232 4 5

10 Ankhol 1.4 69 74 277 14,4 1113

11 Ankodia 2.0 249 268 1,3D5 731 664

12 Aeoj 4.2 354 355 1,709 895 814 8

13 At.ladra 2.1 280 311 1,275 675 600 1

14 Bajuvil 0.8 293 329 1,436 816 620

15 Bapod 2.9 H 78 392 216 176 15A Baroda Kll8ba 8.5 328 383 1,457 838 619 151 57

16 Bhaili 7.1 927 979 4,322 2,208 2,114 5 I

17 Bil 2.9 382 382 1,603 854 749

}8 Cbapad 1.9 199 196 937 469 468 5 2

~-~-~------BARODA TALUKA 143

A grioultpral C181111e~

I. Cultivat.orB U. CuJtivatorB ,II. Cultivating IV -Non-oultlvating ;' Llteratee of l8nd wholly of land wholly labouren and • ownerB of land, agd. or mainly owned or mainly un- their dependanta oultural rent recei· and their owned and vera. and their dependant. : their dependant. dependant.

---,----7(------~.. ------'---..,------Mal_ p,emalea Malelll.!'emalea i Males Female~ Male~ I Femalea Malea Femalel 11 11 \ 13 i 14 I )5 ) 6 17 I 18 ) II 20

62,121 30,853 1,016 119 436 495 3'18 Z57 1,454 1,224 13,691 6,497 214 137 85 76 48 43 323 329

13,31.7 7,387 .92 50 11 11 2 273 2.27

5,186 1,878 52 41 51 54 54 41 100 85

14,218 7,7U 384 230 66 68 92 48 328 284

5,908 '. 2,632 91 59 53 22 105 81 145 74

10,407' 4,685 243 202 170 174 77 41 285 225

4 39 30 5 5 8 6 1 160 39 143 135 87 94 122 lOS 9 11 227 30 78 65 10 67 200 175

118 37 82 86 68 71 102 65 6 40 6 60 45 )0 4 50 '5 145 43 70 83 36 36 125 117 3

1240 34 137 115 71 59 J2 9

65S 136 1,849 1.854 272 308 39 52 9

108 23 131 114 7 4 118 99

. 19 2 37 29 3b 36 37 37 3 3

276 132 276 266 75 79' 322 255 4 8

344 175 285 253 195 163 243 228 39 42

867 122 231 213 32 40 141 111 9 16

2JO 103 80 75 32 36 39 32. 8 5 22 4 71 63 87 52 340 94 2 6 981 383 696 655 720 652 3n 304 ]38 176 456 157 218 1'11 169 U5 292 278 36 37

~19 '11 150 148 125 107 82 107 26 26 144 Primary Ce.sull Abstract

I______N_O_D_-_A_g_rlcultural Classes P"faODa ( including dependants) who derive their prinoipal means of livelihood from s. Name of villa,. or I -- --vIII-Other V-ProductioD VI-Commerce VII-Transport services ana NO'I \own/ward \ other than cui. I roisoel.laneollf tivation,I I souroes

Malee Females I Malee IFemaleR', Mal"H I Females! M1llea Female. 2 __2_1_-,-_2~2 __ L:_1_~4 _) _~~_! 26 I 27 28 CITY 1 Baroda M. 31.757 26.Q33 23.971 21.503 5.492 4.808 48,954 42.940 Ward I Babajipura 4.947 3.947 4.499 4.170 979 939 13,798 11,512

II City 5.238 4.632 6,761 (1,005 805 681 7,870 7,208

III F'atepura 4.061 3,399 2.722 2.354 451 332 4,561 4,425

IV Raopura 5,657 4,757 4.199 ~,701 962 856 11,185 10,273

V SayajigaDj 4,il40 3,316' ],411 1,201 937 744 4,464 3,452

VI Wadi 7,2a 5,982 4,379 4,072 1.358 1,256 6,776 6,070 VILLAGES 1 Ajitpur 15 9

2 Ajod 6 9 :3 4 I 1 18 12

3 Akota 367 305 58 64 24 15 35

4 Alsdpura 2 Ii 1 4 3 4

5 Alamgir

6 Amaliara 19 9 4 39 22

7 Ampad 7 5 7 4 14 13

8 Anagadh 165 173 88 81 1 257 234

9 Ankhi (Por) 2 3 7 9 8

10 Ankll'>l 3 1 26 25

11 Ankodia 22 22 11 13 3 4 18 17

12 Asoj 42 28 20 33 29 25 42 42

13 Atladra 130 171 15 9 13 12 104 28

Bajuva 276 194 98 68 67 152 216 68

15 Bapod 4 6 36 25 18 30

J5A , Baroda [{asba 32 16 11 2 754 579 39 16

16 Bhaili 106 90 75 81 2 3 159 153

17 :Eil 52 55 21 17 76 46

18 Chapad 34 30 5 9 23 25 24 16 BARODA TALUKA H5 '-1~'-' _-_ I W~t poet Offi~6 N.,...... ,..~ .&atlway Nearest bar.ar vm.. ~, ! ltem8 "ud It.B di.etstl<'.e h. 8L8t1Of, and its its distance in miles andi of note miieto d!8t.anoe in t.ili!6~ B"r.ar day. _ :

30 31 32

P.O. Rly. Statio., Bazar, Fri. P.S., C.s,

Karwan, 6 Ito]a, Ii Baroda, 14, Fri, Dallaratb, 1 Bajuva, Baroda. 10; Fri. 1'1.B., V.P.,

Baroda, 1 Baroda, 1 Baroda, 3, Fri. i>.S., "~P.

Baroda, 6 Kelanpur,2 Baroda, 6, Fri. P,8.;C;(:.0. '

Va.rnama, I Varnama,2 Baroda, 5, Fri V.P.

P,O, Baroda, 8 Baroda, 6, Fri.

Bhaili, 4. Bhaili, Ii Baroda, S. Fri. \1),8.,. 'V.l"

P. O. Ranol;,3 Baroda, 10, Fri. P.B.,C.S

Por, 1 Itom, 3 _ Baroda, 10, Fri, P,s.,V.P.

Baroda, 4 Pratapnagar, 6 Baroda, ~, Fri

P. O. Bajuva,2 Baroda. 6, Fri 'P.8., V.P.

P.O, pIlol. ~ Baroda, 8, Fri. _ P.S.• V.P" C.S. Bhaili, 1 ~ Bhaili, l~ Baroda, 6, Fri. V.P. P. O. Rly. Station, Baroda, 6, Fri P.s.. V.P. Baroda, 3 Baroda, 3 Baroda, 3, Fri, V.p-. P. O. Rly. Station­ Bazar, Fri. P.S.

P. O. Rly, Station Baroda, 7, Fri. P.S.,V.P. C.S.,C.C.S. Br.roda, 7, Fri. _ P.S.,V,P., P. O. Bhaili, 1 e,c.s. Padra Makarpura, 2 Bllloda, 6, Fri. P,S .• VP., C,C.S. -~------_. __ ._-- 1'6 Primary Ceasua Abstract.

Oooupied Houses

Total No. of pt>rBOllI! No. of lam,,".. " 8: Name of "lIlage Or Area of No. of enumerated [ including of institution' village No. of house iwnates of institutions and houseles.· No. \OwnJwarJ or town houses holds and bouaeless per8Ofl8) persons In square miles Males Females 1Males !Femalss> 3 2 . 8 I {j [ 10

19 Chhani 4.2 1,132 1,179 5,352 2,777 2,575 65 60 2U ChikhoJm HZ 120 533 263 270

~1 Danteswar 2.6 878 800 3,400 2,181 1,279

22 Dasal'ath 3.6 594 607 2,401 l,t33 1,168 23 Dena 1.7 165 177 866 453 413 33 IS

24 Dhania.vi 5.2 19& 19S 1,067 041

25 Dhanor& 104 136 148 743 370 373 6

1I6 Diwalipurn 1.2 47 51 208 liZ 96

27 Dodka 3.0 301 30S 1,363 719 644 28 Dolatpul' 0.5 11 11 25 19

29 Dumad 4.11 365 380 1,715 893 8%2 8 6

3f) Fajalpur 2.4 53 53 263 140 123 :n FajaJpur (San} 0.7 215 236 1,012 502 510 12

3~ Fatepurs. 0.6 33 35 H9 Sl 68

33 Gokalpura 0.6 49 134 131

34 . 3.6 1,636 1,638 7,319 3,897 3,422 32 11

35 Gosindl'8 2.S 109 B4 641 279 262

36 Gotri 1.4 407 422 1,802 9!1 821 30 33 37 Hansajipura 1.0 20 25 95 59 36 38 Hanltspura 0.7 32 32 154 77 77

39 Harni 6.8 890 933 3,922 2,053 1,869 40 Hetampura, 1.0 42 43 212 lOt 108 41 HingIot lol 49 62 260 146 114

42 100180 6.0 391:1 432 2,0&2 1,012 990 85 73

43 Jambva 2.4 130 ]30 679 358 321

44 Jetalpur 0.8 205 219 922 50s 414 lO 45 lobentakri 0.2 26 27 llO ot 56

46 Kajapur 1.0 42 42 215 no 105 BARODA TALUKA 14'7

A grioultur~ Claaeea I I J. Cultlvat·ors II- Cultivators I II~. Cultivating IV.Non-oultlvating Literate! of IBnd wholly of land wholly 'I ilabour8rl! \and owners of land, agri. Ior mainly owned or mainly un- their dependants _ oultural rent recei. . and their owned and ven. and their dependantl! tt>eir dependantsi dependants

I Males 'l.I'e~alelll Males Females I Males I Females : Male. I Females Males Femal.. 13 a 111 12 \ ]5 i III 17 I 18 20

1,363 768 407 367 449 407 569 539 18 27

7 70 73 78 74 96 98 7 7

985 156 120 108 94- 86 220 196 2 1 80-1, 263 469 425 216 214 411 383 12 2l 7 167 151 3 3 112 116

206 31 288 281 55 149 159 10 3

154 '73 236 240 70 64 38 41 15 18

16 7 64 58 4 8. 33 24 1 1

83 22, 87 79 471 406 48 38 24 33

4 1 13 11 5

385 162 261 2.53 323 276 184 177 17 24

53 4 90 75 11 12 ]2 13

2lti 28 3G6 405 5 15 15 2 1~ i 10 3 20 H 18 16 27 21 2 4

75 25 42 22 22 52 50 6 8 823 402 427 399 172 ·127 117 97 22 2&

132 25 8S 92 127 110 50 49 6 19,

572 l~ 341 2(8 86 70 161 Hi6 28 28

18 12 8 33 21 10 4 25 9 39 38 3 2 35 35 1,117 492 312 250 42 31 ]76 15] 28 19 I 37 3 17 ]9 18 21 39 35 26 21t

32 8 47 35 93 73 1 4- 3

ol84 257 271 248 143 157 256 258 34 201 87 ]53 123 14 18 ]22 119 17 16 100 7 32 19 36 32 114 85

8 12 11 ]2 18 30 27

17 5 89 85 5 4 13 14 Primary Cell.us A b.tract

I Non-Agrioultural Classes 1------.- .------P"rsous ( including dependants) who derive their prinoipal . means of livelihood from S. Name of vIII ... or i --I VIII":Other No. town/ward V-Produotion I VI-Commeree ',VII-Tran~port services and other than oul- ' miscellaneoUf tivation I sources I ! Males Females I Males j{ew,,)e~ Males Female. I 1 2 21 22 24 I 25 2f~ ___ L_:__ _28

19 Chhani 252 205 466 418 39 27 577 585 20 Chikhoora 5 2 7 16 21 Dantaswar 220 190 40 42 349 309 1,136 347 22 DaSarath 43 36 17 S 17 12 48 66 23 Dena 82 43 57 68 32 32 24 Dhaniavi 26 32 1 8 9

25 Dhanora 1 5 8 5 2

26 Diwalipura 6 2 4 3

27 Dodka 17 15 5 13 67 60 28 Dolat~ur

29 Dumad 69 38 10 7 3 3 26 44

30 Fajalpur 9 5 18 18

III Fajalpur (San) 10 14 24 23 50 35 32 Fatepura 2 3 s 4 4

33 Gokalpura 3 5 7 6 2 6 34 Gorwa 722 599 240 2&i 1,637. 1,395 560 577

35 Gosindra 4 4

36 Gotri 143 105 96 88 7 5 Jl9 113

37 Hansajipura 3 1 2

38 Hansapura

39 Harni 207 162 608 563 13J 123 549 579

40 Hetampura 4 4

41 Hinglot 2 2

42 Itola 142 85 62 57 57 53 121 98

Jambva 19 17 4 2 28

Jetalpur 2~7 1 "~I, 13 52 43 34 44

45 Jobentakri

46 Kajapur 3 2 BARODA T ALUKA ______~~------L-----~~------~-_.------_,------~~.

Iieareet poet office Near86t R ..UW8Y Neare"t baIl8r: ... llIage, I Itemll ,~ud ita distanoe h. I st&tion and Ita Itil dis,tanoe In mile" and1 of note .f.lee distanoe In mil"" Badr day. . I i I '

31 ! 32 I P.O. Rly. Station, Baroda, '6, Fri. p s.,V,P.

Baroda, 5 Bawda, -5 Baroda, 5, Fri. V.P.

Pratapnagar, ~ Pratapaagar, ~ Baroda, I~, Fri. P.S.;C.S, P.O. Bajuva, It Baroda, 8, Fti. P.B., V.P.,C,s.

Baroda, 4 Chhayapuri, 5 Barodit, 4, Fri. V.l'.

Mllku~ pm'a, 4 Kelanpur,3 Bitroda., 8, Fri. P .8.,"\i.P"C.s.

Koyali, 2 Bajuva,4o Baroda, 8, Fri. P.S.,V.P.

Pratapnagar, 7 Kundhela, It Baroda, 7, Fri. V.P.

P.O. Ranoli, 5 Baroda, i4, Fri.

Karwan, 1() ltola, 5 Baroda, ] 4, Fri. v.p..

Chhani,l Chhayaplwi, 2 Baroda, 5, Fri: P.S.,V.P,.

POI', I ltola. 3 Baroda., 10, Fri.

8ankerda, 2 Ranoli. 3 Baroda, 10, Fri.

Varnama, Z ~·Il.rnama, 2 Baroda, g, Fri.

BhaHi, :?.'. Bhaili, 2 Baroda, 6, Fri.

P.O. Baroda, Bar@da, 3, Fri. RS.,V.P.,C.S.

SaraI', Sarar,l Baroda, 5, Fri. P.S.,V.P,

Sevasi,l Baroda, 3 Baroda, 5, Fri.

Kundhela, Kelanptir, 3 Baroda, 9,Fri.

Karwan,4 Kundhela,4 Baroda, g, Fri. 1'.S.,V.P.

Baroda, 3 Baroda, 4, Baroda, 3, Fri. P.s.v.P.

Pratapnngar, 5 Kelanpur,l Baroda, 6, Fri.

BhaUi, " Shaili.6 Baroda, 8, Fri.

P.O. Rly. Station, Baroda, 15, Fri. P.S.,V.P.,C.s.

Makarpura, 1 ~ Makarpurll,l ~ Barods, 6, Fri. P.S.,\".p.

Sayajiganj ! Baroda, ~ Baroda, ], Fri. V.P. (Baroda) Kelanpar 3 Kel!mpur,3 Bltroda., :I, Frj,.

Karwa,n, ]0 Itola, 5 Baroda, 14, Fri. v.p. •15

48 Kandkoi l.t 31 33 150 1& 72

Kapurai 2.4 J47 15-3 721 369 352

1.9 278- ~15 1,624 826 7~S

61 KarsH 1.2 72 7ft 316 18~ 130 '1

52 Karodfa 1.0 }62 867 452 415

KaElhipura 1.8· 114 121 647 343 304

54 Kelanpur 3.3 }82 861 458 409'

Khalipul' J.9' DO 98 42& 230 1!)5

51> Khllonpul" 0.1 93 462 256 20(}

61 Khatamba 1.3 6& 318 161 11)1

58 KetaJi 1.3 79 409 216 193

6~ 'Kotna 1.6 Hi:! 817 404 413'

60 Koya)i 0.6 895 895 4,\)3 2.149 \.964 6' 'Maf/anpunJ De81'ted 61 Mshapura 0.5 513 259 254 62 MaIJ8l'pura Kasabs 2.0> :no 1,6:!8 874 754 47 40

63 Maneis 1.0 82 IG~ 427 237 190

)lanjalpul" 2.1 70(J 3,346 1,710 1,631

Maretha 1.0 69 310 111 145 Mastupur Gamdi... 0.5 44 45 213 110 98 .. - 6'1 Meghakoi r.7 170 JilO U6 3ib 371

liS . Muzar Gamdi 0.9 31 37 19;) 104 91

&9 N agarwada 0.9 14 50 26 29

7u Nandeaa.ri 3.0 307 822 823

71 Nsvapura 0.4 26 25 108 50

? 2 Nizampura 0.& 337 380 1,814 873 tlU 73 Padmala 2.7 228 3a4 1,584 821 763 BARODA TAL.UKA 15l

11 Agrioult.ural Ol88l18s

--~--~------j 1- Cultlvaior~ II- Cultivators 111- Cultlvat.ing IV -Non-oultlvat.lng Llterat.... 1\ of l"nd wholly of land wholly labourers and owners of land, agrl or mainly owned or mainly un- t.helr dependant.. oultUJ:al rent. l'1Ioei- I, and their .' owned lind vers, and their i dependant. tLeir dependants dependants

---;- .--...,-~- -- '-~------.-----~'- ~------Males Females ( MaieH i Femalel! I Males Flimales Male~ Female. Males Femal4111 I i 16 l6 17 18 Ii 20 11 12 \ 13 ! 14 I

~-~-~- 220 129 117 87 6-1 60 91 90 23 32

32 25 23 8

117 37 94 91 69 68 105 5

378 16i 372 313 74 SO Hi~ 1M 19 22

III 33 95 72 ti3 44 14 10 2 3

9 163 40 35 45 51 2 2

70 118 106 55 120 12

168 42 10.5 78 126 J 23 66 56 19 24

1:.!5 30 39 87 67 59 59 Iii

148 67 97 72 49 60 58 44

19 32 37 40 88 76 I

24 3 80 84 9 10 91l 72 2

156 57 2~0 254 109 106

!cIOO 413 70-1 615 439 368 365 372 107 Hi Deserted

179 81 233 227 9 8 16 476 130 26 15 115 132 127 102

129 59 28 17 51 41 31 22 15 17

566 127 389 355 190 156 320 337 15 13 75 24 98 82 7 8 35 24 12

28 3 33 7 8 58 46 3

2:12 80 206 190 58 62 66 65 13 21

71 3 43 35 18 19 25 21 I 5 1

171 2 631 647 14 8 97 97

6 6 7 5 16 10 5 3 1

31.16 367 83 78 35 42 55 52 4 4 384 114 400 376 86 87 99 88 34 ------~------15:] Primary CeDIIUII Abstract ---,------;------Non-Agricultural Classes

P"rso,llS ( including dependants) who derive their principal meane of livelihood from S. Name of vlllag_ or

No, \own/ward V-Production \ VI-Commeroe \ VII-Transport 1- ~~~~t:~ra other than cui. , miscellaneoili _ _ct_iv_a_t_io_n__ --,-I ______L-__ sources

Males Fem.. lesl Male" I Femal."" Mal"" ~'eml\le,,1 Males Female. 21 1 2 22 _1_:_ I 24 I 25 _:_1_2_7 ___ 2_8~ ------~- 47 KIl,lali 71 51 3 2 4 40 20

48 K&ndkoi 3 49' Kapurai 32 25 37 29 39 29

50 Karachia 107 101 49 58 21 19 20 21 51 Karali 2 5 5 52 Karodia 34 2S 99 88 18 18 51 45 63 Kashipura 6 8 8 9 6 3

54 Kelanpur 20 17 11 9 67 48 44

55 Khlllipur 4 4 6 3 6 7 1

56 Khanpur 22 12 7 21 9

57 Khatamba 3 8

58 Kotllli 5 4 22 21

59 Kotna 24 23 5 3 36 27

60 KoyaJi 222 196 77 4 2 231 195

60 A Maganp~tra Dese? ted

61 Mahapura 7 4 4 5

62 Makarpura Kasaba 129 119 58 59 35 27 326 2H

fi3 Maneja 32 3 42 34 32 32

64 238 249 90 88 54 45 419 388

65 MQ,retha. 5 4 14 11

66 Mastupur Gamdi. •. 6 1 ' 4 2 4 5

67 Meghakoi 7 7 10 13 15 13

68 Muzar.Gllmdi 18 15

69 Nagarwada 12 13 1 2 2 6 13

70 Nandesari 9 8 4 2 36 35 30 25

,?'J_ Navapura 2 26 28 3 1

72 Nizampura 387 357 77 68 78 82 154, 258 73 Padmala 59 58 III 86 42 34 BARODA TALUKA 153

1'8 ...... ' poe, office . Neal'ell' Rallw.. , N~.' bazar ",m"ge, It.ellDJl , ad lti diBtanoe b. .tatioo and Ita lte dletanoe in mllee and of note mflea dletariae In mlleoo Sa_rd.. .,.

211 30 81 32 83

Bil,2 ViBhvamitri, 3 Baroda, 6, Fri. P.B.,V.P.

Karwan, 4 Kundhela,4 Baroda, .8. Fri.

Baroda, 3 Pra~pnagar, 2 Baroda, 3, Fri. P.S.,V.P.

P.O. Bajuva, 1 Baroda, '7, :rri. P.B.,V.P.

Varnama. I:} Varnamn, I Baroda, 10, Fri. P.B.,V.P. Bajuva, Bajuva,l Baroda, 6, Fri. P.B.

r·o. Sarar, ! . B~od~, 16, Fri.. P.S.,V.P.,O.B• Pratapl.agar, 5 Rly. Station, Baroda. 5, Fri, P.S.,V.P. POOra, 2 Makarpura, 3 Baroda, 6, Fri. P.S.

Sevasi, t Bhaili, ~ Baroda, 6, Fri. P.B., V.P. Kelanpur,3 Kelanpur, 3 Baroda, 5, Fri. V.P.

Baroda, .. Baroda, ! Baroda, 4, Fri.

. Koyali, to BajuTa, 4 Baroda, 10, Fri• P.s., V.P. P.O. Bajuva, 2 Baroda, i, Fri. P.B~,V.P.C •. S •.


Sev3si,5 Baroda, 5 Baroda, 7, Fri. P.B.,V.l'. P.O. Rly. Station, Baroda, 4, Fri. P.B, Makarpura. t Makarpura. 1 Baroda, 5. Fri. P.S.,V.P. P.O. Vishvamitri, t Baroda, 3, Fri. P.S.,V.P. Padra. 4t Makarpura, 3/4 I!aroda, 6, Fri. P.S.,V.P. Karwlm,. Kundhela, 4 Baroda, 9, Fri. V.P. Salad, 2 Karwan,3 Baroda, 12, Fri. P.S.,V.P.

Makarpura. ,I Makarp"ra, .3 Baroda, 7, Fri. Baroda, t Baroda, 1 Baroda, t, ]'ri. Ranoli, It Ranoli 2, Baroda, 10,. Fri. F.B.,V.P. Baroda, 3 Baroda, • Baroda, 3, Fri. Baroda, 2 Baroda, i Baroda, 2, Fri. c.c.s. Ranoli. It Ranoli, 2 Baroda, 10, Fri. P.B·tV.P. 154 Primary Cell.us Abstract

~~------C------I------Occupied_ HO::_\

Tot.al No. of persOWI No. of lnm.. t.at enumerated [including of IJlstitutiom s. Name of yUlage 0' Area of No.of I' village No. of house Inmates of institutions ..nd house}es. or town house.. hold!! i and houseles!! persoDII} lle~DI! In I ! square 'I milo

2 3 I,

'14 pa.taiV8Ili 1.5 85 88 412 219 193

75 Por ~.8 28l 294 1,347 n9 628

16 Rabhipul'3 0.8 540 67 262 119

1.4 97 110 490 251

78 Haika 158 6H 340 304

71) RamartgBmdi J. t 47 47 283 J38 145 11 16

Ramnath 1.1 81) 461 219 242

til Ranoli 2.7 442 4-90 2,:~13 1,:!:H 1,089

82 9 II 6t 28 33

83 Ratanpur 1.1 63 114

t.5 188 Ul8 S6l 457 401

3.1 HI;,) 211 l,fl27 5t2 -I

86 Sltme. 2.4 37i 31l\) ::, 1()3 1,476 627 J;J

87 Samastpura 1.3 lOt) 106 1)31 255 27ii

88 Samiala 1.11 tot 5(lti 539

R9 Sams!lbad 2.4 95 4~5 t5~ 236 8 11

Sank8l'da. 2.8 537 2,782 1,427 1,355 It } 1

Sar,"" 4.3 283 1,316 676 1)40 18 8

Savad 1.4 30 30 119 tH 55

Sl1yajipura 3.3 92 Itl 648 331 317

2.5 -tlG 431 2,030 1.0:~7 993 5

Shahptll'& 1.2 45 55 303 152 151 5 7

Senkerpum 1.5 59 59 301 161 140 8 5

91 Sherkhi 4.8 752 3,564 1,868 1,706 12 8

(J'{ A. 8hinariapur'a

98 Sindhrot 4.2 409 444 2.178 1,116 I,U62 4

1111 Silwa ).1} 180 184 931 494 437

100 Sokhda 4.6 1,0(1) 1.002 5,273 2,iS:! 2.Ml BA.RODA TALUKA 155

Agrioultural Claseee

~------.------.~--- ; I· Cultivators I II. Cultivators III. Ou.ltivating IV.Non.oullivatintl Lltera~.11 , of is\nd wholly I of land wholly 'labourers and ow-nan ofland. agrl. , or mainly owned, or me-inly un- t.beir dependanta cultural rent recei. !, and their : owned and verll. and their : dependants : t"eir dependanta dependants I ! __ _;______

-~alee-j;~male.1 -Ma;~H iF"males \ Malee IFemalesl Male.! Femal811 Malee I"SII1aIM 11 I 12 \ 18 i \4 15 i 16 i 17 IS 111 20

85 38 68 38 72 23

374 136 301 ;!61 32 183 20 18

40 46 .49 42 52 18 28 3

118 36 J07 lOt 24 27 71 50 I}

106 17 119 III 16 4- 8

61 19 8 8 58

fi7 208

746 372 377 lOti l02 356 354 49 \}

U ::3

38 12 55 41 53 2

lu9 163 23i 27' 148 5

:!39 86 96 lil 200 31

167 IH 187 19

IlIl 5(1 60 70 HI

134 In] Ii-! 1.t8 13n 1 \ 3 13 15

J I U 43 42 47 fi4 Hl7 88 7 7

180 162 12U 1 ~ I 19 3·5

4116 11 ;, Iii ]9~ 19 19

3 2 (i 3 14 11

74 16 40 36 ]34 126 98 95

544 266 537 497 38 49 264 251 44 • 60 5 14 21 38 46 75 61

16 18 56 :39 73 64 2 8

486 112 1,304 1,189 146 111) 1115 57 7:! Deserted

3\1 12 202 165 652 639 117 28

1M) 27 264 237 62 48 1J5 93 15 16

680 3:H 1,1 (10 989 537 508 607 560 56 10! 156 Primary Ce.sus Abstract

Non-Agrioultural Cla_

P"rS01l8 ( including dependants) who derive their prinoip.. 1 means of livelihood from S. Name of vII .... or VIIJ-O",", VII-Transport I servicel!l ano \own/ward V-Production VI-Commerce \ N°'I other than oul. tniscellaneoUt tivation I 80urces i Males \Females I Males --."1 M.'~ Females! Mal88 Female. 1 2 21 I 22.! 23 24 25 26 27 28

I --~-----.-.--~------

74 Patalveni 7 () 2 3 5

75 Por 32 23 84 65 67 42

76 Rabhipura 3 4 2 8 ()

77 Raghavpura 18 18 12 6 17 22

78 Raika 4 Ii 19 20 49 42

79 Romang'llnd I ]0 j5 10 ]0

80 Ramlloth 7 4 1 :l 3

81 RanoIi 121 102 71 49 42 33 102 80

82 Rasulpur

83 Ratanpllf 9 10 t} 5 7 4

84 Ru"ad 7 5 II 11 5 6

85 Salad 30 27 :?..J 15 46 41

86 Sarna 50 40 13 15 992 196

87 SamastpUl:a 2! 13 4 3 9 15

88 SHmiala 36 18 19 Ii . 9 4 55 50

89 Samsabad 13 15 20 15

90 Sankerda ) 21 110 6t 71 87 74

91 Sarar 19 14 :~7 ~n 25 31 37 25

~2 Savad 28 2-l v" 10 8 6

93 Say>tjipur.. 45 52 ~ 10 8

94 SevbBi 38 40 37 30 79 66

DO ~hahp~ra 1 j 8 6 9 • 8 6

9fl 8barJkerpnra 6 6 8 5

97 Shel'khi 58 45 20 ::3 63 63 !)'lA Shinoriap'Ura Deserted

98 Sindhrot 85 6.'; ~ 10 28 40

fl9 Siswa 8 5 21 13 4 1\ 25 20 100 Sokhda 133 119 93 78 3 203 183

-----_------~ ------_ ------BARODA TALUKA }l}7 I !

...... 1 Nearest Rallwa, Nearest bazar "1I.,,e, lteDlll 'I ad Ita diBtanoe In station and Ita Ita diBt.an06 in mitee and of note Remark. milea diatan.... in milel' Sa_r da.,.

I1t 30 31 82 3a

Ka.rwan, 4 Kundhela,4 Baroda, 10, Fri. P.S •• V.P

P.O. Itola, 2 Baroda, 10. 1l'ri. P.B., V.P•• C.C.s.;,

Kundhela, 3 Kundhela. Baroda. 8, FIll. V.P.

Makarpura, II Kundhela, '" Baroda, 10, Fri. P.8.,V.l'.

Sankerda.3 RanoU, '" Baroda, 12, Fri.

Itola, 1 Itola. 1 Baroda. 1 3, Fri.

Por, 1~ Itola, 3 Baroda. 13• .Fri. V.P.

P.O. Rly. Station Barpda, 10, Fri, V.P.. P.S.,C.s.

Karwan.8 Itola.6 Baroda, 15, Fri. V.P.

K'O'lst;'pur,2 Kelan»ur, 2 Baroda,4, Fri. V.P.

P.O. Itola.41 Baroda, 12, Fri. P.S.,V.P.

Ruwad, t ltola, 4! Baroda, 12, Fri. P.S .• V.p.

Barc;ida, 1~ Baroda, It Baroda. 1~. Fri. P.S .•V.P" , Salad Kundhela,3 Baroda. 10. Fri. P.s.,V.P.

Shaili,2 Bhaili, 1~ Baroda, 8, Fri. P.S.,V.P.

Salad, 1 Karwan, Baroda. 13, Fri. P.B.• VP. P.O. Ra.noli, Z Baroda. 9, Fri. ... P.s., V.P ••fJ.C.B, P.O. Rly. Station, Baroda, 16, Fri. P.B., V.P.,C.S. Baroda. NH Vishvamitri, Baroda. Nil, Fri.

Baroda, 3 Pl'atapnagar,4, Baroda; 3, Fri. P.B.,V.P.

P.O. Bhaili, 5. Baroda, 5, Fri. P.s.,V.P.,C.S.

Karwan, 6 ~arnalna, '" Baroda, 12, Fri. V.P. Kelanpur,3 Kelanpur.3 Baroda, 5, Fri.

P.O. Bajuva,5 Baroda, i 2, Fri. De8erted

P.O. Padra, D Baroda, 12, Fri.

Dasarath, 2~ Chhani,3 Baroda. 8., Fri. P.S.,V.P.• C.8.

P.O. Pilol, 2~ Baroda, 10, Fri. P.S.,V.P. 15i Primary Ceasu. Abstract ---- -~--~ .. ------.- . ! I occupied Houses I I I Total No. of pereoWl No. of Inm.. te. S. Name of .. 1II ..~e or IArea of, No.of enumerated [ inoluding of Institution. I i village i No. of house inmatee of institutions and houseles. I.Own/ .....rd : or town: hOllRes hold .. aod housel_ perilons) pSl"8onp No'1 In I square ------I ----- miles f I I Personsi M... IF_.'~ i ...... !F.m.l~ I 3 4 6 I \I 2 6 7 8 10 I I I ______' ___ ' ------

HH Subhanpur~ 0.4 III 132 657 419 238 l(J2 Suklipur 1.2 74 82 390 206 ]84

103 Sultanpum, 0.8 41 42 200 107 93

Hl4 Sunderpur.. 1.5 105 105 521 28t 237

105 Talsat 0.9 40 40 201 106 95 106 TandaIja 1.6 161 178 842 438 40i

H)7 4.0 MO 585- 2,R64 1,749 1,] 15

HlS Tatarpura 1.8 137 137 ;;J:; 295 278

1{)9 Under.. 1.7 260 271 1 ,24~ 663 585

110 Untia-Kajupul" '" 0.8 33 34 130 70 60 lJl Untia·Meclhatl '" 1.4 68 70 299 155 144 liZ Vadadala 1.5 111 121 639 329 :1I0 li3 Vadsala 2.7 131 138 605 324 281 :)

114 Vadsar 2.3 224 224 1,033 540 4913

1\5 Varnama 6.S 542 579 2,711 1,402 1,309 101 58

HG V a!lina· Kotaria ... 1.9 325 335 1,794 928 866 20 14 n'i Vasa .. Saiyad 1.3 184 Ill8 883 477 406

118 Vemali 1. I IU5 115 503 273 230

] I!. Virod 4.2 1.70 181 737 399 338

]20 Vora GSflldi 1.5 3\.1 .3 234 119 115 8 8 12l 'yadi.Wtldi 0.2 lIZ 131 563 303 260

Total for villages 252.5 28.025 29,694 137.521 72,764 64,757 830 551 Total for talua 263.4 46,878 75,302 348,928 186,282 162-846 2,5(7 1.245

~--~-~----:------_------BA_RODA TALUKA 159 I I Allriouitural Clulle8

-I -I. Cultivat,ore II - Cultivators III. Oultlvatin@ IV -Non.oultivatinll: Llter&~eS I of bmd wholly of land w-ftolly laboul'ers and owners of land, agll or mainly owned I or mainly un- their de~endan_ts cultural rent recei· I and their i owned and verso and their depen<1&nt8 : tbeir depandan~8 i dependants I I , ' ~ales :;emalea r ~:~~8 IFern:leal ~::R i Fem:e8! Mal6.l Female

2-19 73 15n 82 50 31

51 21 81 66 33 57 2

3 53 19 ]5 29 29

1:!2 113 141 JIS 2

16 1 51 24 20 15

:!28 76 III 34 28 255 247 14' 23

1,Uli6 277 243 223 155 1 i)\ 224 182 29 32

103 27 .36 81 81 )41 130 5 6

302 157 195 co 101 85 25 26 18 32 23 33 29

13 93 81 3 34 42 12 12

HI 14 lOZ 103 115 101 :15 33 8 9 17() 61 80 73 93 78 57 20 24- 222 77 191 161 5S 63 173 14 20

709 466 411 1~3 183 393 391 39 62 , 68 3\8 784 7~O 10 77 14 6

328 159 162 117 lU2 90 65 51

uo 57 92 88 5l 37 83 76

U3 30 135 100 46 41 184 164 2 3

14 25 36 34 26 36 28 7 13

111 34 16 9 10 7 4 12 9 6

29,607 11.085 23,541 21,538 10,466 9,660 13,465 12,497 1,539 1,917 92,334 41.938 24.617 22,257 10,902 10,065 13,843 12,754 2.993 3.141 160 Primary Cell.u. Ab.tract

-l~---- .__ N_o_n_-_A_g_rloultural 01_ P .. rsons ( including dependants) who derive their prinolpal means of livelihood from S. N ..me of vlll&lJ. or , ; '-'1 VIII-Other" \o ..n/ ....rd V-Produotion I, VI-Commerce! VII-Transport servioes and other than oul- : I miacellaneoUf N°I tiv&tion I I 1 80uroe8 I M&lesiFemaleRf Male:1 ~~~~~~: Male.l;em:':sl Male: Female. 1 i 2 21 ; 22 I 23 : 2~ ; 25 I 2t1 j 27 28 I I i

101 83 46 13 9 6 108 69 102 Suklipur 8 10 17 8 103 Sultanpura 1 3 2 2

1{)'4 Sunderpura 3 2 6 9 19 17

105 Talsat 6 4 4

106 Tandalja 34 3 13 9

107 Tarsali 137 89 74 37 28 849 355

108 . Tatarpura 2 2 3 2 2 3 5 2

109 Undera 107 119 38 36 ]\l ]2 65 52

no Untia-Kajapur ... 3 4 5

111 Untia Medhad 4 2 112 ,Vadadala 13 ]3 7 26 20 23 26 ])3- ·Vadsala 22 16 6 3 ]5 13 25 17

114 Vadssr 41 38 8 4 13 19 42 34

115 Varnams 79 48 27 26 99 74 116 114

116 Vasna-Kotaria 17 4 7 29 21

117 V 88na .Saiyad 81 83 29 15 5 33 50

11~ VeroaH 6 3 16 10 ? 1 23 11) 119 Virod 10 2 2 20 27

120 VoraGamdi 8 7 9 5

121 Wadi-Wadi 95 127 8 24 25 26 136 49 TotalEor villages 6,592 5,616 3616 3,261 3.996 3.473 9,549 6.795 Tota] for ta]uka '" 38.349 31.649 27.587 24.764 9.488 8,281 58.503 49.735 BARODA TALUKA 161 ____~ ______;_------.__~------~--.-----~------c

11',,_, pOll' office Nearee' &n.. a, Neareet b.. _r ..allege, it.ellUl and Ita diatanee b. ..tlon and Ita" Ita dilltanee In mile. and of note mllee distance In mil... Ba_rday.

Z9 30 81 12 83

Gorwa, Nil Baroda, 1 Baroda, 3, Fri. P.s.,V.P. Baroda, 5 Barbdu,5 Baroda, 5, Fri. P.B.,V.P. .. Pratapnagar. (j Kelanpur,2 Baroda, 7, Fri. Varnama,2 V&rnama, 2 Baroda, 9, Fri. F.B.,V.P.

Bil,3 Makarpura, 1 Baroda, 7, Fri. ',Bhaili, 1 Bhaili. 2 Ba.roda, 5, Fri. P.B.,V.P. Pratapnagar, 2 Pratapnagar, 2 Baroda, 3, Fri. P.B.,V.P. Kelanpur,2 KelanpUl',2 Baroda, 5, Fri. P.B.,V.P. Koyali.l Bajuva, 1 Baroda, 4, Fri. P.S..,V·P. Karwan.10 Itol.. , 4 Baroda, 14, Fri. V.P. Sarar,2 Sarar, 2 Baroda, 12, Fri. ,P.B. Pratapnagar, 2 Pratapnagar,2 BarOda, 3, ,Fri. P.S.,V.P. Varnama,l Itol.. , 1 Baroda, 12, Fri. P.s.,V.P., C.C.S. Makarpura, 1~ Makarrura, l~ Baroda, 6, Fri. P.B.,V.P.,C.8. P.O. Rly. Station, Baroda, 9, Fri. P.B.,V.P. Sokhda,l Pilol, 3 Baroda, 7, Fri. P.S.,V.P. Bhaili, 1 Baroda, 3 Baroda, 5, Fri. P.S.,V.P. Chhani,2 Baroda, 3 Baroda, 3, Fri. P.B. Asoj,2 Pilol, 2 Baroda, 8, Fri. P.B.,V.P.

Makarpura, 2~ Makarpura., 2~ Baroda, 7, Fri.

Baroda, ! Baroda,i Baroda, I, Fri. V.P. 16:! Primary Ceana Abstract -_--_.. _------,------Oocupied Houses j Tot.. No. of persons No. of inmates 8. Name of ylll.. g. Or IArea of No. of enumerated [ including of institutionJ vjll~e No. of house inmates of institutions and bouseJeSt No. \Own/ward or town h011888 holds and housel~s persons] P"rBODl! i In I 'I square' I milee persoW!~ale81IFem81es r~al~!.Fem~l:a J___ ~_ 6 6 I 7 8 \ 9 ! 10 TOWl(

1 Chhota Udepur .. , 1.0 1,823 1,883 8,722 4,615 4,107 114 lZ Ward I 167 175 888 464 424

II 213 2'17 945 460 485 2

HI 347 1,564 834 730

IV 253 1,241 1\90 545 82 2

V 393 402 1,799 859

VI 279 293 1,304 668 636 15 5

"II 171 18! 9S1 553 4:?S 15 5 VILLAGES

T Achhallt- 3.5 73 78 f,86 309 277

2 Achheta 1.1 37 229 112 117

3 Akelbara S.O !fS HH 540 291 249

4 AJsipur o.} 25 25 ltW 75

I) Ama1want. 1.0 5S 58 352 171 181

13 Ambadlmgal" Z.O 21 21 133 72 61

7 Amb.. la 3.1 106 III 602 309 293

8 Am!ota 2.0 49 50 303 171 192

9 Antroli 3_0 87 89 259 286

10 Ar ..tiit 1.1 21 21 124 62 62

Ii Asap 1.0 97 }01 572 285 2117

12 Athatlungllori 2.0 117 117 765 3110 385

13 Badv81v 1.0 29 29 lo3 88 75

14 Saga1 is 1.1 97 103 525 263 262

15 Saidia 88 88 541 271 270

16 Baladguam 1.5 45 47 279 145 134

17 Balawant 1.0 23 23 128 73 55

18 Sandibhi~ 1.0 45 45 142 122 CHHOTA UDEPUR TALUKA 163

Agrloult.ural UI_ i I , I ,I I 1- OultlvaiorB I II- Oultlvators 111- Oultivating IV -Non-oultlvatlna Lltera,,-_ i of land wholly of land wholly labourers and owners of land, ag9' i Or mainly owned i or mainly un- ' t.heir dependant. Gult.ural rent reoel. I and their ! owned and van. and their [ dependant8 : tLieir dependant. I dependants

MaleSliFe-ma--le-s--C.- Males !Female~ Males:1 ;e:'~~81 M~IN Femal811 Male. Femal_ r 11 12 I 13 a 10 I 111 I 17 18 20

1.9,81 716 182 132 15 17 s S6 66, 364 IJ1 13 10 1 213 138 2 2 19 18

199 41 5 5 2 2 256 51 60 26 2 2 17 27

413 124 88 9 11 6 6

128 13 10 2 12 II

262 63 3 7

214 19f\ 37 31 9 5

2 100 103 1 1

4 1 215 188

46 38

168 180 2

71 60

18 1 162 167 8

166 189

241 264 2

61 61

3 205 205 (j 4 23 25 2

265 285 II II 48 38 3

83 72

47 5 125 130 17 9

7 217 218 5 1

1 127 116 13 10 3

73 1

126 111

------,'--, --"--- 164 PrImary Ce•• u • Ab.tract

. --~_------.- I Non-Agrloultural CIa_ P"reone ( inoluding dependants) who derive their prinoipal means of livelihood from s. Name of vllla.. or \ I VIII-Other No. \own/ward V-Produotion VI-Commeroe \ VII_Transport.j services and other than oul. misoellaneoUi tivation I souroes MaleH Females I Males IF,emales Males I Females Males Female. I 2 21 22 ' 23 24 26 26 27 28 I I - _--.------~------~------tOWN 1 Chhota Udepur M, 875 7(15 821 721 132 108 2,529 2,358 Ward I 138 123 198 162 IH 128

II 58 38 55 56 5 6 321 365

III 104 69 10 7 7 706 643 " IV 118 109 144 128 3 5 350 250

V 119 103 96 108 54 48, 568 509

VI 210 166 130 117 299 331 " VII 128 97 188 143 63 49 171 132 VILLAGES Achhala 49 45

2 Achheta 11 13

3 Akelbara 76 61

4 AIsipur 8 20 31 17 5 ' Amalwant 6 Ambadungar 1

7 Ambala 103 98 10 7 26 17

8 Amsota 4 3 1

9 Antroli 17 20 1

10 Aratia

11 Asar 33 34, 9 7 10 10 12 Athadungari 43 37 ... 10 11 13 Badvav 5 3

14 BagaJia 121 123

15 Baidia 22 23 27 27

16 Baladguam 2 5

17 Balawant

18 Bandibhit 16 11

_--"_------_._------_. ~------~------CHHOTA UDEPUR TALUKA ,l~

• eMeai poet office N eart'lIIi Rall wa, Nearest hazar ... llIage. hema and Ita diatanoe IL eta.tioo and Jts Its distance in mUss and of note Remark. mileR dilltan~ in mUea B..... rd.,.

30 31 82

P. O. RJy. S~tiOJl Bazar. Fri. Dak p. S., C. S. Bungalow

Tejga.h, It Tejgadh, 2! Tejgadh, l~, Mon· .'.A,

Tajgadb, 6 Tejgadh, 5 Tejgadh, 5, Mon. ... ~ Cbbots Udepur, 3 Chhots Udepur, 's Chhota Udepur, S, Fri.

Joz, Tejgadh. 9 Joz, 1, Sat.

Kawant, 4 Chhots Udepur, 22 Kawant, 4, Mon. Kawant, 10 Chhota Udepur, 30 Kswant, 10, Mon.

Chhot.. Udepur, 8 Cbhota Udepur, 8 Lehwant, I, Tues. P.S.

Kawant, 5 Chhots Udepur, 17 Kawant, 5, Mon. Chhots Udepur, 12 Cbhots Udep'Jr, 12 Cbhota Udepur. 12, Fri.

Ka.want, 7 Cbhota Udepur, 25 Kswsnt, 7, Mon.

Panvad, 5 Chhots Udepur, 10 Panvad, 5, Tues. P.S.

Ka.want, 6 Chhots Udepur. 23 Kawant, /), Mon. PanIToo, 2 Cbhot.. Udepur, 10 Panvad, 2, Tues. ... K~want, 1Z Cbhots Udepur, 18 Kawsnt. 12, Mon. Kawilnt, 5 Cbbots Udepur, 27 Kswant, 5, Mon. Kawant, 6 Chhots Udepur, 16 Kswsnt, Ii, Mon. ~ .. Alirsjpur. 10 Chhota Udepur, 13 Chhota Udepur, 13, Fri. Dungarbhint, 1 . Tejgadh, 6 iToz. 4, Fri. 1.6 Primary Ceasua Abatract

Oooupied Houses

Total No. of persoW! No. of inmatM S. Name of ylllBoMe or Are. of No. of enumerated [including of iDlltit.utioDt village No. of boul!8 inm&t.ee of institutions a.nd housel_ holds No. ~wD/w-.rd or town hOUIleR and house1esa persOWlj parRoW! in - square miles I \ PerSOD8 Males \FemaleS Males Femal811 3 4 II 7 8 9 10 % I 6 i .

19 BandI. 1.5 15 15 108 58 50

20 Baroj 4.0 56 56 495 252 243

!l Bedwi 1.5 15 15 109 55 54 22 Bhekhadia 37 37 230 1I1 119

23 Ehensa. ;l.0 12 12 67 34 33 24 Bheretha 1.0 46 46 241 132 109

25 Bhilpur 1.1 91 94 557 281 276

26 Bhol'da. 4.0 113 113 738 381 357

21 Bhordali 2.0 38 38 269 137 132 %8 Bhumaswada 11.5 154 156 941 500 441

29 BhundmaJ'ia l.1 26 27 14l 79 63

30 Bildba 3,0 33 37 203 105 98

31 BHw811t 1.5 34 3t 179 94 85

3~ Bt>dgl'lam 4.0 69 72 413 219 194

33 Bokadi.. 1.1 1).'> 1)5 427 212 215

3~ Bopa 1.1 4» 49 289 156 133 35 Borchapds I.E) 16 16 111 55 56 3'6 Bordha 30 3ll 218 116 102 37 Bnnjar 1.0 HI 20 147 83 64

38 Chanduwant 1.1 22 22 13:! 71 61 39 Chaparia 1.0 37 37 224 108 116

40 Chathawada 3.0 29 30 182 91 91

.fl Chbodwani 51 53 :l56 197 159

42 Chichaba 1.1 54 54 413 209 204

43 Chichod 2.0 62 6:! 560 292 26~

44 Cllikhali 2.0 40 46 :l04 157 147 4.3 Chibrwant 53 5t 357 169 188

46 Chiliawant 3.0 71 72 390 203 187

~ -~---~------~----~----- CHHOTA UDEPUR TALUKA 167

I ______~ ______A_g_ri_O_u_It_u_r~_l_C_~ ___-_I __ i ______

1- Cultlvat_on II- Cultivators trIo Cultivating IV·N ollo(lultlvatm, Llterat.ee of land wholly of lanel wholly labourers and owners of land, agd, or lXI&inly ml'ned or mainly un- their dependant. Guttural rent reoei. \ and their I, owned and vers, and their I dependants Itheir dependant. depend6ntB J'emale.1 Malea lJ'emaIe8 \ -- ~-:1-e8---F-em--a-Ie-II__j_-Ma--l8I!J--!-;-J'-e-ma---le-.---C-M-a-1-e-.--;--J'-e-ma--_- Mal..

11 12 _I _13 1<& I 15 16 17 I 18 111 20 ------58 50

3 1 243 235 2 3

55 54 .. ~ \ ... 103 108 .. , 4 ;) 18 22 14 11

l~U 109

15 258 254 7

5 381 357

137 132

36 4 468 409 3 1

45 41 27 HI

4 93 88

}1 94 85

2 203 1i5 4 3

1 211 215

137 114

54 52

3 109 99

3 78 60

71 61

102 112 2 2

;) 76 80

190 152

193 195

3 23', 221 2 2

144 137 3

90 102

186 173 168 Primary CeDBUI Abstract

Non-Agricultural Clas&6s

P ..r~onl! ( including depeude.n~ ) who derive their principal means of livelihood from ' B. NllIme of villa,. or I VIII-Other~~ \own/_aM V.Production I VI-Commeroe \ VII-Tr.. nsport I services and other than cui. miscellaneOllE tivation souroes I Mslea Female!! I Males Females: Msles Females Males I FemaIe. I 24 25 1 2 21 22 i 23 26 27 28 I _J - -.--- -,------.------_!__-- 19 Baudla

20 B,ltroj 4 3 5

21 Bedwi 22 Bhekhadia 3 4 2

23 Bhensa 2

24 Bheretha 2

25 Bhilpur 15 20 26 Bhorda 27 Bhordali

28 Bhumaswada 18 24 5 3 6 4

29 BhundIllaria 7 3 30 Bildha 6 5 5 1 4

31 Bilwant 32 Bodguaro 10 16 2

33 Bokadia 1 34 Bopa 19 19

35 Borchapda 1 !

36 Bordha 7 2 37 Bunjar 3 4 2

38 Chanduwant

39 Chaparia

.0 ChAthawada 13 11 2

41 Chhodwani 5 2 2 6

42 Chichaba {) is 11 4

43 Chichod 3 I 49 44

H Chikhali 4 6 6 3

45 Chilarwant '" 79 86 46 Chiliawant J7 14

-_ --~------_--_ _-_---- -_-----_-_ CHHOTA UDEPUR TALUKA

Ileareet poet office Neareet R ... Uwa, Neare-"t ba ..... r "Uj... ge, heme 1 a.nd Ita dlsta.noe h. station .nd Ita Ita distance in miles &Ild of note mflell distance in mil.,. Bazar day.

29 30 31 82 33

Alirajpur,10 Chlwta Udepur, 15 Chhota U depur, 15, Fri. Joz, 2 Chhota Udepur, 10 Jor:, 2, Sat.

Chhota Udepur, 8 Chhota Udepur, 8 Lehwant, 3, Thurs.

Kawant, 9 Chhota U depur, 27 Kawant, 9, Mon.

Chhota Udepur, 3 Chhota Udepur, 3 Chhota Udepur, 3, Fri

Kawant,4k Chhota Udepur, 23 Kawant, 4h Mon. JO'll,3 Tejgadh,6 JO'll, 3. Sat. ('.S.

Kawant, 2 Chhota Udepur, 15 Kawant, 2, Mon,

Alirajpur, 10 Chhota Udepur, 14 Devgadh,4, Panvad, 6 Chhota Udepur, 12 Kaw .. nt, 6, Mon. F.S. Kawant,9 Naswadi,15 Kawant, 9, Mon.

Ka\vant, 7 Ch hota IT depur, 25 Kawan!;, 7, Mon. , Ali~ajpur, 8 Chhota Udepnr, 15 Chhota Udepur, 15, Fri. w.

Chliota Udepur, 18 Chhota Udepur, 19 Lehwallt, 8, Thurs. Alirajpur, 10 Chhota Udepur, 10 Chhota Udepur, 10, Fri. ~ .. Tejgadh, 2 Tejgadh,2 Tpjgadh, 2.. Fri. Kawant, 3 Chhota U depur, 21 Kawant. 3, Mon. ~ .. Kawant,5 Chhota Udepur, 16 Ku.want, 5, Mon.

Kawant, 6 Chhota Udepur, 26 Kawant. 0, Mon. ,,_

Chhota Udepur, 11 Chhota Udepur, 11 Chhota Udepur, 11, Fri.

Kawant, 2~ Chhota Udepur, 19 Kawant, 2t, Mon. Chhota Udepur, 7 Chhota Udepllr, 7 AmbaJa, I,

Kawant,7 Chhota Udepur, 25 Kawant 7. Mon.

Kawant, 3! Chhota Udepur, 21 Kaw8nt, 3t. Mon. Tejgadh,3 Tejgadh,3 Tejgadh, 3, Fri.

Panvad, 5 Chhota "udepllr, 11 Panvad, 5, Tues.

Chhots. Udepur, 5 Chhota Udepur, 5 Chhota Udepur. 5, Fri. Kawaat,5 Chhota Udepur, 17 Kawant, 5, Mon.

-"--~--~--- --~ -"----~-~-. 170 Primary Cell.us Ab.strac:t

Occupied Hou8esl ___~ __ I

Total No. of p..rSOQ8 No.oflnw .. tu B. Name of ylllagtl or A.rea of No. of enumerated [including of 1D8t.itution~ village No. of house inmates of institutions and hOllseie&. No.; \own/ward or town houses holds and hou!l61esll per8()nsj PSl'IIOnR In I square I milM I -P-e-r-8o-ns-I-M~a-le-8 1;::~~le~I!-M-...-le-8-F-e-m-a-IM-

1 i 7 8 9 10 8 I 4 6 \

---~ ~------~.~ -----~-~-~~. ------.~

47 Chiliawant 1.5 56 56 494 254 240 48 IJbipan 0.1 24 126 69 .57

49 Cbj~8dia 2.0 68 68 572 290

50 Chokdi 3.1 40 40 219 113 106

51 Chorwan« 1.0 22 22 178 86 9Z

52 Dadiguaffi 0.04 35 35 193 101

53 Deri 0.5 II 11 58 31

Devadl> 1.1 83 83 455 232 223

55 Devnlia ~.O 151 155 1,163 599 564 Dhadaguam 25 173 85 88

Dbnmodi 0.1 22 145 73 72

3.0 15~ Hi6 !l47 496 451

59 Dlll:miwada 40 150 113

60 Dbaniwarli 0.1 23 212 95 117

Dhanpari t.1 51 59 336 174 162

DllanpU,. 1.0 52 364 192 172

£3 Dharmai 1.1 19 19 82 44 38

Dh()lisamel 1.0 311 .38 232 117 115

65 Dhorkuv;a 0.05 20 20 99 46 50

66 Diawant 1.0 37 2i6 123 123

67 Dobaeh'lpara 1.1 13 15 81 37 44

68 Dolana 2.5 148 148 941 464 477

6\J Dumali 2.0 III 96 631 332 299

70 Dun 0.1 41 41 197 99 93

71 Dungarbhint 2.1 68 68 370 185 185 72 Dungarguam 4.0 113 113 SuO 405 395

Ferkuwa 1.5 63 70 437 222 215 1

Gabatlia 5J 52 244 133 III CHHOTA UDEPUR TALUKA' 171

Agrlcult.ural Clasl!68

i I. Cultivators I II. Cult.ivators ·III. Cultivating IV.Non-cultlvati~ L!t.erat.ee of ll\nd wholly I of land wholly labourers and owners of land, agrl \ or mainly owned i or mainly un- t.heir dependant.e Gult.ural rent. recei. , and their : owned and vers, and their I dependants i their dependants dependant.1

------;--;-~ -- - --~(~------. -----.-- - I I Ualrs iFemalesi Males IFemales I Males Femalesi Male~ Females Malee Femalee 15 16 17 18 11 I 12 \ 13 I }4, ! 20

21iO 239 2 2 1

67 55 2 2

6 271 271

113 ]06

86 92

97 87 27 31

3 226 ~15

24 537 506

,0.' so 77

73 72

n 341 307 19 30

147 ]08

86 111 3 6

160 149

164 IS9 2 1 1

15 2 27 21 3 .. ,; 2 2 I

III 109

41 44 1 122 123 1

32 42

17 4i12 466 1

3 1 285 260 7 5 4

93 89

6 161 164

385 383 5 2 1 181 136 32 74

1 88 71 1 17~ Primary Cell.us Abstract

N on-A gricultural Cla8868

P"rsons ( including dependants) who derive their principal , means of livelihood from B. Name of villa,. or I VIII-Other \own/ward V-Production VI-Commerce VII-Transport I services and N°'I other than oul. millCeUaneout I tiva.tion 80urces \ I I I I I Male8 Females \ Malee Femalesi MaleR Females Males Female. \ 21 22 23 24 26 28 1 i 2 26 27 I ------_._- ---~-----~- I ------47 Chiliawant

48 Chipan

49 Chisadia 3 16 It

50 Chokdi

51 Chorwanll

62 Dadiguam .} [>

53 Deri

54 Devadh 1 5 8 a5 Devalia 51) 50 6 6 6 2

56 Dhadaguam 5 11 a7 Dhamodi

58 Dhandhoda 112 f);? J3 11 11 II a9 Dhaniwada 2 2 1 3

60 Dhaniwadi 6 61 Dhanpari 13 11 1 2

1t2 Dhanpur 25 31

63 Dharmaj 10 16 64 Dholisamel 2 1 ·4 5 65 Dhol"kuwa 4 5

66 Diawant

67 Dobaohapara [1 2

68 Dol""ria 3 5 5 2 5

69 Dumali 14 26 29

70 Dun 6 9

71 Dungarbhint 17 21 2 5

72 Dungarguam 13 9 1

73 Ferkuwa 4 2 3

74 Gabadia 38 24 "6 16

~------~- -, --- ~------_ ------_--_-- .---~- CHHOTA UDEPUR TALUKA 173

lleaftl8t poIIt office Neal'88t Railway N~9t bazar "mage, It.elIUl and ItII diste.noe h. station and ItI! Its dlBtance in inile~ and of note mllet! di8tance In mllee Bazar d&y.

29 30 31 82

Chhota Udepur. 13 Chhots Udepur, 13 Chhota Udepur, 13, Fri.

Kawant,7 Chhotlt Udepur, 20 Kawant., 7 Mon, Chhota Udepur, 10 Chhot .. Udepur, 10 DeV'Want, 3, :rhurs.

Tejgadh, fj Tejgadh, 5 Tejgadh, 5, Mon."

Joz,2 Chhota. Uq.epUl.', 10 Joz, 2, Sa.t,

Chhota Udepur, 1,0 Chhota Udepur, 10 Chhota Udepur, 10, Fri.

KawBnt,6 Chhota Udepur,]8 Kawant,6; Mon,

Kawant, 4 Cheot.. Udepur, 18 Kawant. 4, Mon.

Tejgadh, :l Tejga.dh, 2 Tejgadh, 2, Mon.

Chhota Udepur, 20 Chhota Udapur, 20 Joz, 12, Sa-to

Chhota Udepur, 8 Chhota UdepClr~ 8 Chllota Udepur, 8, Fri:

Chhota Udepul'. " Chhota Udepur, 4 Chbota Udepur, 4, Fri. P.s.

, Kswant, 2~ Cbhota Udepur,15;! .Kawant, ~k, Mon.

Kawant. ~ Chhota Udepur, 16 Kawant, h Mon.

Panvad, 1~ Chhota Udepur, 8~ Panvad, 1h Tues. P.s.

Panvad,3 Chhota Udepur, 10 Panvad, 3, Tues.

Tejgadh, 2~ Tejgadh, 2~ P.s.

Joz, 5 Te.jgadh, 15 Joz, 5, Sat.

J'oz, 6 Chhota Udepll.r, 18 1070,6, Sat.

Alirajpur, 10 Chhota. Udepm, 13 ChhotR Udepur, 13, Fri, Joz, 6 Tejgadh, 16 Joz, 6, Sat. Joz,3! Chhota Udepclf, 13 Joz, 3~, Sat. 1'.5.

Tejgadh. J~ Tejgadh, l~ Tejgadh, I~, l\{on.

Joz, 8 Chhots Udepur, 18 Joz, 8, Sat. p, O. Tejgadh,8 Joz, 5, Sat.

Kawant, 4 Chhota Udepur, 10 Kawant, 4, Mon.

Chhota Udepnr, 24 Chhota Udepur, 24 Lehwant, 12, Thurs.

Chhota Udepur, 3 Chhota Udepur, 3 Chhota Udepur, 3, Fri. --_- '-- ._------.. _--_.. 174 -- Primary Cellllus Abstract Oocupied HouBe!!

Tot.al No. of persons No. of mml>teD B. Name Q( vlHage or Are. of No. of enumerated ( including of Institution. vlUage No. of bouse iDIl:lllot.es of institutions a.nd house}sa. holda No. \own/wlU'd or town house8 I and housel_ persons] psrsOns I in i Square -1------I miles i Pel'aons Ma.lee Female. i Males IFemales 1 ! 3 4 6 7 8 i 2 6 9 10 I , 75 Cadoll!, 0.05 22 22 146 71 74

70 G,.id"tha §7 67 339 1&5 1M

77 GaJ81awan.t 14 14 82 47 35

78 Galisar 2.1 37 40 260 1213 J 32

79 Ganthia; :? ... U 57 (it 360 Hl8 172 ao Ghelwant 1.1 12 76 453 :)~9 224

8l Ghogadev 2.1 43 43 253 !:!Il lZ6

82 Gojaria 1..1 41 41 293 J5t 142

83 G~darm 1.t ~ Q 48 :!4 24,

S~ GandhI» 1.1 35 35- Zl9 114 105

85 Gudl~ Z.O 80 80 [-27 273 254

86 Gunttt8J 2.1 SI 81 5i:O 277 2.73

8, G\.l,ng&J~a 1.1 52 &2 J~!) 228 198

88 I}ung&wadm 1.1 65 &5 440 2~8 214

Sit Han:tirptH'" 1.1 39 41 240 ll!; 1~2 to Hanf J &. () 69 69 456 24.') 21} ffl Harull!& 2.0 51 01 326 171 155 ItJ Harp&lpuril> <.5o 52 52 362 187 175 t3 Ha.rwllnt Z.O 94 99 567 301 266

It.. H80thithau 1.0 22 22 111 95 76

9'5 Jadiyana. 51 55 30i Hi 153

96 Jadn-H 40 40 269 132 137 fJ7 Jalod", 2.0 83 116 659 345 314 65 35

98 Jamoo 2.0 iii 68 288 1M 134

W J"mla ~7 ,H 575 284 291

Ion Jall'lli MUllet Z.O 40 .w 277 Ii7 130

101 J umli Vagudan a.l 73 74 3,0 199 171

102 Jamli Zer 52 62 431 217 214 5 4

"--- __ ...... _---, -.---~-~~"----~--~ ------~-- - ~------...---~,------<- .---~-~------CHHOTA UDEPUR TALUKA 175

I Agrloultural CI881188 \ I I I. Cult,lvat·ofs I II- Cultivators III· Cultivating IV -N on-oultlvatlnl of IImd wholly of land wholly labourere and owners of land, agrt. their dependant. \ or mainly owned or mainly un- aultural rent reoei· o and their . owned and vers, and their I dependants I their del'endantl! I dependants

--~:~.I;-ema-'-le-8-';r-Male8--'Fe~~~~1 Malee Fem::~ Mal~- Femalea Malea Femalea

11 I 12 \ 13 I 1, I 15 16 17 18 20

---~------, 53 57

153 126 1 I) 4

3 26 5 9 14

122 123 1

167 151 2 2

133 4 3

121 122 7 3

143 139 3

2.. 24

108 102 1 1

3 248 237 I

4 254 258 1

221 189 1 .1

182 166 1 2 t

89 89 7 11 242 209

120 113 . -, 145 132

12 7 244 220 3S 28 94 76

137 136

124 13~ 3

1 261 258

128 114 9 9 I 255 259

2 125 114 9 7

2 198 171

192 191 1 6 3 176 Primary Ce•• us Abstract

Non-Agrioultural Classes

P"rSODS ( including dependants) who derive their prinoipal means of livelihood from Name of villa". or S. VIII-Other --- No. town/ward V-Pl'bduotion VI·-Commerce VII-Transport services and other than oul- I Ql.isoellaneoUE tivation I I sources

Males Females Males \ Femalesi Maleil \ Females Males Female.

1 2 21 22 23 24 1 26 I 26 27 28 I I ------75 Gad"ola 18 17 76 Gaidetha :I 23 21 77 GajaJawant 2 78 Galisar 5 8 79 Ganthia ]9 19 80 Ghelwant 81 84 2 .. 81 Ghogade\'

82 Gojaria 5 3

83 Gondaria

84 Gondha 2 4

85 Cuda 2:: 15 3 1

86 Gunata 12 10 10 2

87 Gungalia 6 6

88 Gungawada 41 -47

89 Hamirpura 8 6 14 16

90 Hanf "2 2

91 Hansda 51 42

92 Harpalpura 42 43

93 Harwant 6 10 4 2 9 6


95 Jadiyana 17 17

96 .Tad"li 5 5

97 Jaloda 52 42 32 14

98 Jamba 7 4 8 6 99 .Taml.. 2S 32

100 Jamli Muspt 13 9

101 Jam Ii Vagudan 1

102 Jam.1i Zer 6 4 12 16

_----- _--_-----_. --~--~------_------_-- ---~- -- CHHOTA UDEPUR TALUKA 177

.eare., pon office Near6llt Railway Neareet hazar 'f'llllllge. 1M_ and Its dlstanae In lta~ion and Its Its dlato.nce In milelll and of note Remark. mUM distance In mil. BaEar day.

18 30 81 82 83

Joz, 14, Chhota Udepl1r, 24: Joz, ff, Sat.

Kawant, ~ Chhota Udepl1r, 22 Kawant, 6, Mon. Kawant,12 Chhota Udepur, 20 Kawllnt., 12, Mon.

" Kawant,3 Chhota Udepur, 19 Kawllnt, 3, Mon. Cbbota Utlepur, 4 Chhota Ud"pl1r, 4 Chhots Udepur, 4, Fri. Chhots Udepur, 3 Chhota U depur. 4 Chhota. Udepur, 3, Fri. Joz, 6 Chhota Udepur, 13 .Toz, 6, Sat. Kawant. 2 Chhota Udepur, 14 Kawsnt, 2, Mon. Chbota Udepur, 4 Chhota Udepur, 4 Cbhota Udepur, 4, Fri. Panvad,5 Chhota U depur, 12 Panvad, 5, Tues. Joz. 1 Chhots Udepur, 10 Joz, 1, Sat. Chhota Udepur, 18 Chhota Udepur, 18 Devwant, 5, Thurs.

Panvad, ! Chhota Udepur, 12 Po.nvad, 4, Tues. Tejgadh,2 Tejgadh,2 Tejgadh, 2, Mon. Kawant, 2 Chhot.. Udepur, 18 Kawant, 2, Mon. Kawant, 13 Chhota U depur, 32 Ka'IVant, 13, Mon.

Chhota Udepur, 16 Chhota Udepur, 16 Devwant, 3, Thurs. Chhota Udepur, 9 Chhota Udepur, 9 Devwant, 2, Thurs. 'l'ejgadh. 3 Tejgadh,3 Tejgadh, 3, Mon. Kawant,3 Chhota Udepur, 21 Ka'IVant, 3, Mon. Joz, 10 Chhota U,lepur, 18 Joz, 10, Sat. Kawant,9 Naswadi,14 Kawant, 9, Mon. Tejgadh,5 Tejgadh,5 Tejgadh, 50, Mon.

Kawant,8 Chhota Udepur, 26 Kawsnt, 8, ~fon.

Joz.5 Chhota Udepur, 6 Joz, 5, Sat. Kawant,2 Chhota Udepur, 16 Kawant, 2. Mon. Kawant, 3 Chhota Udepur, 21 Kawant, 3, Mon. J oz, 3, Cbbot.s Udepur, 13 Joz, 3, Sat..

--~"-~--~-.-' 178 Primary Cellllus Abstract

Ocou pied Houses

Total No. of pel'8OlII! No. of inmate, 8. Name of 't'lllage 0' A.rea of No. of enumerated [including of institution_ village No. of house inmates of institutions and houseleBI No. \0wnJward or town house8 holds and bousel888 pafllons) parsons In IIquare miles Per80nsl Male8 Female8 Males Female.

3 4- 6 6 7 8 9 10 % I I I i ]03 JhanjharjhoI 0.1 25 25 195 96 99

It)' Jharoi 1.0 42 '2 231 112 119

lU5 Jhijharwani 2.0 65 57 213 99 114

106 JhilsVI'a 0.1 19 19 120 53 67

107 Jhtllwanra 0.1 18 18 107 53 54

108 Joz 3.1 239 241 1,377 695 682

109 JuJawant 1.1 38 38 201 122 129 I

110 Juna Udepul" 1.1 14 14 54 25 29 III Kachhfj) (Kana-, .. 1.1 M 55 335 171 164 want) 112 Kachhel (Sur- 39 39 263 136 127 ) 113 Kadai 1.0 31 35 222 107 115

U4 1{adipani 1.0 22 23 154 79 85

:; I i> liaidb.want 1.0 il7 42 2W 120 110 liS Kaks.dkund 0.1 19 19 108 48 60

117 KakaJpa 3 . .'> 33 33 240 lll! 121

JI8 Kakanpur ~.O 54 54 378 1!>8 190

II!! Kanabtldlll 1.0 40 40 248 123 125

Ii\) lianalwa 2.0 225 229 1,5U 797 777

121 Ku.nal!l 2.0 5il 68 3!8 177 151

J:!2 Kanawant 3.1 39 39 298 165 133

U3 K",ra,iwant 1.1 118 113 701 349 :J52

124 Karvi 0.1 HI 19 134 71 63

1:15 K311sra I.O l~ 12 76 41 3'>

126 Kasarvav 1.1 27 27 149 75 74

127 Katarwant 0.1 IS 18 104 56 48

128 KatklAwant 1.0 37 37 258 127 131

119 Kawilnt 4.0 487 517 2,543 1,329 1,214 6

130 Keldhar9i 2.0 82 87 569 276 283

-~---- CHHOTA UOEPUR TALUKA 179 I I Agrioult.ural 018811611 I I I. CuI...... n I II. Cu'.,,"'n III. Oultivatlng IV .N oD-oulti vatinll . L!ter.'&11 of land wholly of land wholly Jabour~ra and owners of land, agr4- or mainly owned I or mainly un- their dependante oultural rent reoei· . and their i owned and vera, and their I dependants ; tl.eir dependante dependante

Malss I'ewalall r Males IFemal&! Mal8fl Femal~81 Mal80i /Fewale. Malel lI'emal88 11 12 13 a 15 16 I 17 18 111 20 1 I

83 88

98 107 3 11 I·

I 95 109

7 53 67

53 54

24 6 436 439 1 l

3 115 123 6 /)

1 Ii) 13 11 11

3 156 158 6 5

108 101 8 8

1(J0 103 1 71 75

5 1 102 93 12 2

48 59 1

115 119

1 2 171 184 117 122 3 1

1 735 719 39 39

177 151 160 129

8 289 294 2 1 ti7 GO

37 32

71 73

38 29 1 4

108 113 18 18 5iS 201 86 85 3 2 2 2 81 78 6 240 259 2 2 180 PrImary Ce.,uI A bltrR ct I Non-Agrioultural CI&8888 P"rson8 ( including dependants) who derive their prinoipal means of livelihood from 8. Name of vU ..... or VIII -Othei--- No \own/ward V-Productiofl VI-Commerce VII-TrsnspOl:'t services and other than cul- miscellaneotlP tivation I \ 80Ul'Oes Malfls Females Males ._.... \".1 .. Females MaieR Fem.1e. 1 2 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

-----_------_------_ - -103 Jhanjharjhol, 13 11 lOt Jha.roi 11

105 Jhijharwani 4 is

J06 Jhilawa

107 Jhulwania

lOS Joz 229 212 6 10 23 11

109 Judawllnt 1

110 Juna Udepur 4 5

111 Kachhel (Kana.... 7 1 1 want) 112 Kachhel (Sur- 20 18 kheda) 113 Kadai 5 II 3 114 Ka.dipani ;) " 2 1 5 115 Kaidawant 6 15

116 Ka.k"dkund 117 Kakadpa " 2 ... IlS Kakanpur 10 5 1 1

119 Kanabeda :I 2

120 Kanalwa 7 6 16 13

121 Kanas

J22 Kal1awant 3 1 3

J23 Karajwant 41 43 8 13 9

J~" Kilrvi 4 3

125 Ka8ara 2 1 2 2 12d Kasar"\"av " 1 121 Katarwant 16 15 1

128 Katkawa.nt

129 Kawant 2.')1 234 402 377 20 13 484 423

130 Keldhara 5 6 22 15 5 3

--~----.------.-.-~ -----.~-.------... _------_-_._-_-- 181- CHHOTA UDEPUR TALUKA

.ea...,., pOll' office Neaf68' Rall.a, Nearest ,baar 'rlllage, HeIDI! and ItAr distan" h. station and ItAr ,"" dlRt.nee in mile~ and of note R.emarkt aailet! dist.a.noe In mil.... B .._r day. I

II 3() 81 82

Pan'Vad, 7 Chhota Udepur, S Panvad, 7, TQell Kawant,9 Cbhota Udepur, 27 Kawant, 9, Mon. Dungarbh int, 3 Tejgadh, .i Tejgadh, 4, Mon.' Panvad,7 Chhota. Odepur, 12 Panvad, 7, 'I\re~. Kawant,1 Chhota Udepur, 1 D Kawant, I, Mon. P. O. Tejgadh.8 Bazar,Sat. t Chhota Udepur, 21 Chhota Udepur, 21 Lehwant, 9, Thurs. Chhota Udepur, t Chhota Udepur, ! Chhota Udepur, k, Fri. Joz, 3 Chbotll Udepur. 11 Joz, 3, Sat.

Chhot" Udepur,4 Chbota Udepur, 4 Chhota Udepur, 4, Fri.

Kawant, 10 Nssw"di,13 Kawant, .10, M<\n...... , ...,.~

Panvad, (; Chhota Udepur, 10 Panvad, 5, Tues. Joz, 6 Cbbota Udepur, 14: Joz, 6, Sat. Alirajpur, 8 Chhot,a Udepur, 10 Chhota Udepur, 10. Fri.

Ifawant. 2 Chhata Udepur. 20 Ka'W~t, 2, Mon.

Kawant, 6 Chhatll Udepur, 24 K&want, 6, Mon. Panvad.2 Cbbota Udepur, 10 Panvad, 2, Tues. Alirajpur, 10 Chhots Udepur, 12 Cbbota Udepur, 12, Fri. Joz, 3 Chhots Udepur, 11 .1oz, 3, Sat.

Panvad, 3 Chhots Udepur, 10 Panvad, 3, Tuell.

Kawant, 10 Chhota Udepur, 28 Ka'Want,] 0, Mon. Chhot. Udepur. 2! Chhota. Udepur, 2i Chhota Udepur, 2i, Fri.

Kawant. 4~ Chhota Udepur. 16~ Kawant, .it. Mon. Chhota Udepur, 9 Chhots Udepur, 9 Lehwant, 3, Thurs. Kawant, 10 Chhota Udepur, 20 Kawant. 10, Mon. P. O. Chhota Udepur. 18 Bazar, Mon. t p.s.,V.l'.; C.S. Kawant, 5 Cbbota Udepur, 13 Kawant. 6, Mon,

t P. W. D. Rest House. 182 PrhuJy C•• a Ab.trac t

Occupied Houses

I Total No. of POOfllOQII No. 01 in mat'" S. ' NMDe of ... 1II"'1l. or ,A.re .. of i No.of enumerated [ iooluding of inllt.it utim•• I villitllJe i N u. of : bouse inmatee of institutioQII and oou88l_ \0... / ...... 1 holds and bOU88I_ perSODlI J PSr801lll No.: i 01" town: houf1t88 i I In square mllN ---'-1- ~-! -I ~-~ ·- PerROnl! Males !Females MaiM IF.maln 'I I 2 3 .. ~ p, i 7 I 8 9 I 10 ._1 I i I : _~~ -- ~------) 31 'Kevdi 4.5 48 .8 267 138 119 J32 Khadakwada 2.1 66 76 442 216 226

lil3 Khadala 3.0 23 23 137 62 75

IS.' Khadkhad 2.11 J18 124 704 353 3lH 1 135 Khajuria 2.0 97 100 608 321 287 136 Khandanillo 1.1 17 17 112 54 58

187 Khandibara 1.1 48 49 2P5 146 149 ]38 Khannada 2.0 49 4{1 326 156 170 )39 Kha28ra 1.1 27 27 147 77 70 HO Kb>.ltilnrant 113 118 593 301 292 HI Kberka 2.5 63 65 457 229 228 )42 Khoowania 53 65 390 183 267 143 Khol 1.1 47 49 261 134 127

IH Khuntslia 2.1 38 39 219 122 97 H5 Kikawooa 2.1 99 104 687 313 274 US Kochyad 1.1 50 50 313 165 148 H1 Kol 1.1 70 70 3S3 198 185 1,,8 Koli 4.0 83 86 529 264 2611

H~ Keliathar 1.0 27 27 158 82 76 ]50' KOlta 0.1 28 28 180 89 91 161 Kotbi 1.1 13 15 93 48 45 152 Kothsr.. 0.03 36 36 182 90 92 153 Kumbhani 2.1 55 55 306 161 145 154 Lagsmi 1.1 27 27 211 109 102 165 Lalpur 0.1 21 21 117 67 60

156 Lehwan~ 2.5 46 46 275 136 139 157 Limbeni 1.1 15 15 81 39 42 168 Luni 2.1 49 49 284 146 138 ------CHHOTA UDEPUR TALUKA 183

Agricultural Clulle8

I , I i 1. C"ltlvat.ors I II. Cultlvato1'll III. CultivatlDf 117 .Noll·ouJtiv.tIDf Liter.... i of IImd ",hotly , of land whotly labours1'II and o ... neftl of land, agrl ; or mainly o .... ned : or mainly un­ their dependant. cmltural rent reoei. and their owned and vera. and their dependantl! ,their dependant!! ! depend.ott!

~fale" Irem.lel ( Males Il.I'emalea I M.. le~ Femalea Malflll I Femalel M.lee Females 13 14 i Iii HI I7 18 18 20 11 I 12 \ i I __ ~I ~~ __~~_I ____~ ____

126 97 1

16 2 210 226

58 69 353 351

283 24'1 3 3 3 2

35 12 6 '1 10

1 128 131 16 14 129 145 20 16 5 77 70

58 Ii 255

8 201 ,

183 2 16 22 116 III

76 53 1

II 302 266

160 146

2 1 1911 182 1

1 238 235 5 6 80 74 84 87

33 3S Hi 12 76 83 161 145 109 102

52 66 1

6 1 1I0 105 7 6 3' 37 1 79 79 33 31 1 1 8 184. Primary Ce ••u. Ab.tract

.------:------~-~------~ -~~------Non-Agrlcult.ural Cl __

P"l'tIonfl ( Including dependants ) who derive their prinoipal meanll of livelihood ftom s. Name of vlll.W_ or I VIII-Other - No to.n/ward V-Production VI-Comrneroe VII-Transport I 8?rvioes and other than (luI. I ml!!CellaneoUF tivation I I 8Ource~

MaiM Males I Females I Malesl Females Female. \ Male. Female. I 1 ! 21 22 ! 23 I 24 25 2fl 27 28 i i I [

131 Kevdi 12 21 132 Khadakwada 2 133 Khadala 4 6 134 Kbadkhad 135 Khajuria ... 32 35 136 KhBlldlUlia 137 Khandibara 2 3 138 Kharmada 6 4 139 Kh8B8ra 140' Khatie.want 2 7 3 30 33 141 Kherka 1 4 ... 29 23 142 Khodwsnia 143 KhOli 11 9 7 7 IU Khuntalia 45 43 145 Kikawada 4 1 7 7 146 Kochvad 3 2 2 147 Kol 2 3 148 Koli 12 10 2 7 a 149 Koliathar 2 2

. JISO Kosta I) 4 151 Kotbi

1Ii2 Kothara 14 9 J53 Kumbhani ]54 Lagami

155 LaIpur 4 4

156 Lehwant 11 14 Ii 9 3 1

157 Limbani 5 I) 158 Luni 29 19 ---.-----_- _.- C:HHOTA UDEPUR TAl-UKA

NearetJt baza.r village, ltema Ne_t poiI~ offi()e Nearellt ,:tail way RemarIr8 and its distllD(l6 in station and its it. distance fa' mil811 &: of note miles distanoo in mileB Baza, ay. I I

29 30 31 32 S3

Joz, 6 Chhots Udepur, 14 Joz, 6, Sat. Chhots. Uaepur, 22 Chhota Udepur, 22 Lehwant, 9, Thurs. P.S.

Kswant, 9 Chhota Udepur, 21 Kswaot, 9, Mon. , Chbota Udepur, 19 Chhots Udepur, 19 Lehwant, 9, Thul"ll.' , Chbota Udepur, .. Chhots Udepnr, 4 Chhots Udepur, 4, Fri. Kawant,12 Chhota Udepur, '20 Kawant. 12, Mon. Kawant, .. Cbhots Udepur, 20 Kawsnt, 4, Mon. KswIIDt,10 Cbhots.Udepur, 20 Kawant, 10, Mon. Kawsnt,6 Chhots Udepur, 25 Kawant, 6, Mon. Psnvad,S Chhota Udepur, 13 Pan vsd, S, Tue•• P.S. PIIDvad, S Chhots Udepur, 13 Panvsd, 8, Tuea. Joz, 3 Chhota Udepur, 11 Joz, 3, Sat. Tejgadp, [) Tejgsdh,5 Tejgadh, 5, Mon. Chbots Udepur, 5 Chhota Udepur, 5 Chhot.. Udepur, 5, Fri.

Dungarhbint, 3 Tejgadh,8 Tejgadh,8, Mon. Kawant,6 Chhota Uddpur, 13 Kawant, 6, Mon. Alirsjpur, 8 Chhota Udepur, 14 Chhota Udepur, 14, Fri. Joz, :I ChhDta Udepur, 11 Joz, 3, Sat. Chhots Udepur, 15 Chhota Udepur, 15 Lehwsnt, 8, Thura. Kswant, [). Chhota Udepur, 24 Kswant, 5, 'Mon. Kswant, )0 Naawadi,ll1 Kawant, 10, Mon. ...

Joz, 10 Chhots Udepur, 20 Joz, 10, Sat. Joz, 5 Chhot", Udepur, 14 Joz, 5, Sat. Joz, [) Chhots Udepur, 12 Joz, 5, Sat. Kswant,11 Chhots Udepur, 17 Kswant,. 11, Mon. Chhots Udepur, 18 Chhots Udepur, 18 Bazar, Thul"ll. P.S,

Joz, 4 Tejgadh,U Joz, 4, Sat. Panvad,:'! Chhota"Udepur, 8 Panvad, 2, Tuea. 186 Pri~aJ'y Ce ••u. Abstract ------~-~------_L 'Occupied HOU868 I I Total No. of persons INo. ofinmat6e Area of, , enumerated [including , of institutioDli S. Name of village or village ;1: inmates of institutions I and bouaele;;& i or town I No. of No. of and hOllseless pet'sone] pel'llOnt; No.' town/ward , in i houses , house square holds miles

, Per8~n~ f Males i-~~~ale~ll\fale8 i Femalpi

I, 2 3 4 5 6 ______i ______~ ____8___ ~_I_l_()_

159 Mal 0.03 23 23 114 58 56 160 ~alajs 73 75 484 245 239

161 Maldhi 1.5 63 53 303 167 136

162 Main 2.0 42 42 237 J21 116

163 Mallswant 2. I 81 81. 716 379 337 164 Mandalva 2.1 Be 89 577 296 281

1M Mandwada 1.0 38 38 142 72 70

166 Manka·Cbhota ... 1.1 85 85 622 312 310 Udepur 167 Manka Kawant ••• 0.1 27 27 145 67 78

168 lHankodi 3.0 123 130 790 397 393 2 3 1619 Marchipani 1.1 8 9 49 25 24

),0 Mithali 1.0 31 31 J24 98 171 Mithibo:re 1.1 89 811 493 255 238

H2 Mogra 2.0 1i2 62 389 202 187

173 Morangana 1.5 61 67 427 213 214

174 1I1otaglaooa 0.1 56 378 193 J85

175 Mota Rampura .•. U) 4!i 46 220 110 110 176 Motavanta 1.1 76 78 406 208 198

177 Moti.Cbikhali 0.1 25 27 149 76 178 Motisadli 3.0 119 125 777 415 362 13 12

179 Moti.SankaI 2.1 85 88 515 271 244

180 Moti.Tokri 80 80 571 296 275 l81 Mundamol lJ) 54 269 143 126

182 Munilawant 1.0 22 22 138 6" 76

183 MUlI&t 1.1 52 52 323 167 156

184 Nalej 1.1 44 44 273 153 120

185 Nalwant 48 48 231 118 113 186 Nakamli 2.0 33 33 202 103 99 CHHOT4'UDEPUR TALUKA

Agrloultural Cl_1I

I·Cultivators II·Cultivators III.Cultivating IV.Non.culti:ating Llte.atAl , of l8Ild wholly of land wholly labourers and owne~ 'of land, agri. ; or mainly owned or mainly uil. their dependants oultural rent recei. IWd their I owned and vers, and their ' dependantll , itheir dependlllltil ~, dependants I ~~Ies \;~males I Males !Females \ ~ales 'IFemBles I Males \ Female. I Males Females 11 12 13 14 16 20 __1_6_-,--_17_' 1~ __J 19

58 56 221 215

2 11;1 97 2

112 10~

16 330 297 I 2

5 26Q 268 1 10 62 61 I 296 293 •• J

61 7I

28 348 342 3 3 7 1

2 Ii 22 121 93

4 230 217 3 5 2 188 179

8 199 200 2 2 8 2

140 136 3

4 105 106

8 180 172 20 22

74 75

1 336 293 2 9 5

255 225 9 11 2 ,

2 1 241 223 I) 3

7 2 100 87 1 33 33 1 2

55 69

155 145

126 96

15 1 67 67 17 21 12 7 99 96 188 Primary ~eD..u. Abstraet

--.~.------__ -- .~~ ... --.----~ Non-Agricultural Classes

Persons (Including dependants) who derive their principg,1 mAlinS of livelihood from

S. Name of vm:ge or ------~~ ------~ VIII-Other !!lo' town/ward V-Produotion VI-Commeroe VII-Transport .~rvices and other than oul- Iml8C8Uaneous tivation I____ --__:_----~~__,'---=I!OIl~r::ces:.: Males [Female@ \ Males !Femalesl Males iFemales\ Males\Fe~~f~ I I \ ' I 1 I· 2 I 21__ '__ 2_2_~~~_:_ _.~_ 24_J~~_J 26 I 27 I 28 159 Mal

160 Malaja 24 24 181 Maldbi 54 35 162 Malu 2 2

163 Maflawant 24 21 3 20 17 164 Maudaiva 33 13 1. 1

16& Mandwada 9 9

106 Mauka·Chheta ••• 4 16 13 Udepur 167 Mankll Kawaut .•• 7 16& Mankedi 1 1 38 36

169 Marohipani 8 2

176 Jrfith&li 3 5 171 Mithibore 2 14 9

172 Mogra Ii Ii 3 173 Morang&na 2 I} 2 1'H 41 40 9 9

175 Mota Rampura .•. 5 4 176 Metavanta 7 4 1 117 Moti·Chikhali 178 MotiladJi 1 13 12 55 50 179 Moti.Sankal 6 4 180 Moai-Tekri 39 42 11 7

181 Mundamor 3 1 5 3 112 .7 7 ISS 12 11

IS4. Nal.j 27 24 185 Nalwant 1 1 21 17 186 Nakamli 4 3 , CHHOTA 'UDEPUR T/l.LUKA.

\tea..... ' poe' office Near",,' R ..nway Neare.t bal.... vIII"",,,. he,n. and Ita distance IL station snd its ItB di8to.nce in milefoJ and: r·f not"" . mllllll distanoe In mil811 Bazar dB},.

29 30 31 32 33

-----~----~---- Joz, 12 Chhota Udepur, 16 Joz, 12, Sat.

Chhot-a Udepur, 4 Chho~a Udepur, 4 Chbota Udepur, 4, Fri.

Tejgadh, 2~ Tejgadh, ~~ Tejgadh, 2!,.,Mon. Tejgadh,3 Tejgadh,3 Tejgaklh, 3, Mon. Pauvad,3 Chhota Udepur, 9 Panvad, 3, Tues.

foz,l Tejgadh, 12 Joz, 1, Sat. .~", Kawant, 10 Chhota Udepur, 17 Kawant, 10, Mon.

Kawant, 5~ Chhota Udepur,23~ Kawant, 5~, Mon, C'hhota U depur, 1 Chhota Udepur, 1 Chhota Udepur, 1, Fri. Kawant,8 Chhota Udepm, 16 Kawant, 8, Mon. Joz, 6 Chhota Udepur, 14 Joz, 6, Sat. . Chhota Udepur; 18 Chhota Udepur, 18 Devwant., t Thurs.

Joz, 6 Chhota Udepur, 18 Joz, fl, Sat.

Kawant, 12 Chhota Udepur, 28 Kawant, 12, Mon.

Panvad, 3 Chhota Udepur, 9 Panvad, 3, Tues.

Kawant,4 Cbhota Udepur, 10. Kawant, 4, Mon.

Alirajpur, 10 Chhota Udepur, 15 Chhots Udepur, 15, Fri. Kswant, ·8 Chhota Ud3pur, 26 Kawant, 8, Mon.

Kawant,7 Chhota Udepur, 27 :r:r-awant, 7, Mon.

Chhota Udepuf, 17 Chhota Udepur, 17 Lehwant, 6, Thurs.

Kawant,3 Chhota Udepur, 19 Kawant, 3, Mon. Kawant,4 Chhota Udepur. 10 Kawant,4, Mon. P.S.

Kawant, 8 Chhots U depur, 16 Kawant,8, Mon.

Kawant, 10 Chhota Udepur, 17 Kawant, 10,Mon.

Kawant, lk Chhota Udepur, 13 Kawant, 1~,Mon.

Chhota Udepur, 2~ Chbots Udepur, 2~ Chhota Udepur, 2MFri. Kawant, 12 Chhots Udepur, 20 Kswant, 12,Mon.

J. C'hhota. Udepur, 2 Chhota. Udepur. ~ Lehwant, Thurs. 1~O Primary Ce ••uB Absl:ract -1-" I''''':!, :-j,m"k[---'-'-

T Jt ... l No. of p"r.un. No of inrlllOL,. i::.. ret (} \( .. uf HWlmeruted r induding of. insuitutioOi i vill"g­ ill)~lSP inmates uf instivutions ,.0 I house Iss. hf)itl~ Ilnd hou~ele"s persons ~·\~rs()n~ I or t')·,,'l J I I::: RqUd.:H: mne~ I'll tV,," liFeroales 3 4 : s 10

~---- , 187 NaktH,1 53 56 349 178 171

188 Nakvindhia 0.5 21 21 104 51 53 189 Nana Rampura... ,1.0 25 25 154 76 78

190, Nanavanta 1.0 30 30 204 94 110

191 Nani Chikhali 1.1 33 33 218 103 115

192 Nani Ghodi O. I 23 23 141 72 69 H)3 N ani Sadli 1. \ 72 75 466 246 220

H4 Nani Tokri 1.5 58 58 421 210 211

1{l5 Narukot 1.1 43 48 282 149 133 3

]9li Navagam 1.0 44 44 310 163 147

J97 Navalja 2.1 77 81 557 287 270

198 Oda 2.0 01 (i3 362. 183 179 '

199 Odhi 1.0 2\1 29 143 78 65 Oliamba 2.0 55 362 194 168

201 Ozadi 1.0 i5 15 100 48 62

202 Padalia 2.0 56 62 344 171 173

203 P-adharwant 1.5 61 72 429 200 229

2M Padwani 1.0 3-1 36 232 li3 119

205 Palasda 7.0 25 25 133 6(i 67

2U6 Palaskuwa 8 8 59 27 32

201 Palsanda 2.0 98 98 6i5 326 319

208 Pandhada 0,1 6 6 30 24

209 Panvad 4.0 388 405- 2,OU 1,082 9W 3

210 Patadia 0.1 8 8 43 23 2&

211 Pipalda 1.1 62 62 355 181 174

212 Pipaldi 2.1 50 50 397 219 178

213 Piplt'j 3.0 63 64 278 150 128

214 Potia 0.1 28 28 140 76 64 CHHOTA UDEPUR TALUKA 191 ------~----.------Agrioult1.lral CIe.s8e8 ------_-_. --_-----. I· Cultivat,ore I II. Cultivator~ " ~n. Cultivating IV.Non-cultivating ,: Literates of Irmd wholly of land wholly labou"etls and ownere of land, agrl~ or mainly oWRed I or mainly un- their dependant•. oultural rent reoei. and their owned and verso and their dependant!! Itbeir dependants dependants _.- --- I ------_. I Males lf~maleB \ MaieR IFemale~ Male.j Female. Male. lI'emalu :11 12 I ~:~ I'"~:'"I 10 I 16 17 I 18 18 20 172 170

1 41 42 6 {j 4 6 76 78 9S no .,. lOS 115 134 62

{j 176 168 ... 190 195 1 7

5 1I6 92 5 3 7 160 147 , 276 266 4. ,

1 ... 115 110 59 56 \'- 77 65 ...\ 175 150 11 5 47 52 1 2 149 HiO 2

1 177 197 8 lQ JIO 116 2 1 66 G6 18 17

2 265 252

30 24

241$ -66 413 357 19 16 2 45 41 23 20

170 160 203 170 • 92 75 5 3 71 58 5 6 192 Primary Cells us Ab.tnct

Non-Agricultural Clas8es

P"rROl •• ( including dependant. ) who derive their prinoip,,1 means of livelihood from S. Name of vIII ..". or VlIl-Other Ko tQwnj ....,d V-Production I VI-Commerce \ othe.r tl,'.'n cui. tlvatlOn i I --~- I I I Males , Fem .. les Males Female.

2 21 IF".;;"" i 23 26 27 28

187 ~akhal 6

]88 Nakvindhia

]89 Nana Rampura ...

190 Nanavanta.

191 Nani Chikhali

192 Nani Ghodi 6 Ii 2 2

193 Nani Sadli- 21 ]7 45 35

1M Nani Tokri 9 ]2 2 4

195 Narukot 27 36 1 2

1S6 Navagam, 3 197 Navalja 7 4 ISS OdB 5 10 2 3 2

199 Odhi 1

200 Olillmba 8 13 201 Ozadi

202 Pad alia 20 23

203 Padharwllnt 14 ]9 1 3

204 Padwani 1 2

205 Palasda 1

206 Palaskuwa 8 15 1

207 Palsanda 59 67 2

208 Pandharia • 209 Panvad 167 163 126 110 1 2 311 268

210 Patadia

211 Pipalda 3 6 6 3 2 5

212 Pipaldi 3 7 4

213 Piplej 7 11 • 46 3. 2i4 Potia CHHOTA UDEPUR TALUKA \93

_____1 Nearea. Rallw.. , NeereBt hazar Ylllage, I~JIllI and Itli dlstanee In ltation and Itli I_ dlBtahce tn mile~ and of note Remark.. mllea diatanoe In mllea Sa_rda,.. I I

29 30 31 82 38 ------_ Kawant,6 Cbhota Udepur, 6 Kawant, 6, ,Mon. \

Kswant, 11 Chbots Ud~pur, 20 Kswsnt, 11. Mon. Alirsjpur, 10 Chhots Udepur, 14 Chhots Ud.epur, 1,4, Fri. Kawant,4- Chhota Udel'ur, 23 Kawant, 4, Mon.

Kawsnt, 4 Chhota U dellUl', 22 Kawsnt, 4, Mon. Kswllnt,4 Chhots Udepur, 10 Kllwant, 4, Mon. Chhots. Udepur, 16 Chhets. Udepur, 16 Betrsnt, 5, Thurs.

Kawant,4 Chhots Udepur, \0 Kswant, 4, Mon. Kswsnt, 6 Chhots. Udepur, 16 Kswant, 6, Mon.

Ka)IVant, 5 Chhots Udepur, 15 Kswant, 5, Mon.

Kawsnt, 3 Chhota Udepur, 20 Kswant, 3. -Mon.

Joz, ~ Chhots Udepur , 8 Joz, 2. Sst.

Alirsjpur, 10 Chhots, Udepur, 14 Chhotl\ Udepur, 14, Fri.

Cllhot~ Udepur, 3 Chhots Udepur, 3 Chhots Udepur, 3, Fri.

Joz, 2~ Chhota Udepur, l() Joz, 2~, Sat. Chhota Udepur, 8 Chhota Udepur, 8 Lehw8nt, Thurs.

Chhots. Udepur, 3 Chhota Udepur, 3 Chhots Udepur, 3, Fri.

Kaw8nt, 10 NSSWadl. 20 Kawsnt, Ie, Mon.

Panvad,_ 6 Chhots. Udepur, I} Psnvsd, 6, TUBS.

Kawant, 3 Cbbots. Udepur, 21 Kawsnt, 3, Mon. Tejgadh, 3 Tejgadh, 3 Tejgadh, 3, Mon.

Kaw811t, 14 Cbhots Udepur. 34 Kswant,14, Mon. P. O. Chhota Udepur, 4 Bazar, Tues. t P.S.,V.P. Kawant,10 Chhots Udepur, 20 Kswant, 10, Mon.

Kswsnt, i Cbbots Udepl:r, 16 Kawant, 4, Mon. KawBllt, 4 Chhotd Udepur, 14 Kawant, 4, Mon.

Chhots Udepur, 2 Chhota Udepur. 2 Ohhot.s Udepur, 2, Fri

Joz, 3 Chhota Udepur, 9 Joz, 3, Sat.

---~------t P. W. D. Rest House. 194 Primary C._ua Abatrad

Occupied Houses

Total No. of persona No. of Inmate. 8. i Name 01 .Ulage or rea 0 f INo of enumerated [.lneu I din g of IDBtitutioDt village No. of houlI8 Inmates of institutions and housele8f houses and honse_ p8r80D11J P8rBOQII NO.' \Dwn/.ard or town I holds i in I t square mUea 1-- I PersoM Males Femalea Males!Femalee \ 3 4 IS 1 i 2 6 7 8 II I 10 i I I

215 PuniwBnt 2.0 77 79 :;27 270 257 216 Raipur 1.1 II! 55 346 167 179

~17 Raiawllnt 21 21 127 69 58

218 Rajuwant l.O 31 31 ) 91 93 98

219 ){Qmpurn :W 9 9 61 29 32 2 4 220 RIlngpur loz }.) 39 45 238 130 108

2!1 Ralllgpl1l··Kawat .. 1.1 118 122 742 384 358

222 RlmikJ.,la 2.0 21 21 ]33 63 70 223 Raychha 2.0 40 40 262 144 118

224 Raysingpnra ~J) 109 1 J 7 711 368 343 .tIar",aJlt Raysi,,!(pura 2.1 73 73 4~1 237 194 K .. W"H~ Benda 2.1 62 62 3-1>..) 180 ]72

R!lnd; 2.0 50 50 334 ]53 181

228 Ri~chheveI 6.1 10 10 51 29 22

H.odtn~" 2.1 91 91 577 2i!8 ~89

23H Rozkuwa 1.1 fH 1.\5 492 249 243

211 Rozwa 1.5 26 ?(l 153 74 79 232 Rumadia 150 160 957 480 477

233 Rnnvad 2.0 44 44 250 ]29 121

234 S&idiw8ean 2.0 168 ]78 1.091 570 521 235 SamalW81l1 :'.1 63 69 489 250 239

236 Sauada 1.0 92 9:! 558 288 ~70

237 Sihada 10.0 183 188 ],105 55i 547

238 Siloj 1.1 29 29 T92 90 102

239 Simalfalis 2.] 71 72 494 245 24!l

Simalkuwa 1.0 44 4t 278 146 132

241 fling-aIda 2.0 49 49 348 170 178

242 Singalja 0.1 25 25 126 66 60 ----_-_. ------._ CHHOTA UDEPUR TALoUKA 19~

Agricultural CluBeI

\ 1. 0.1...... In. Cul ...... IU· O,ultlvatlog IV -Non-cultl~atlDt Llt.era_ of land 'wholly of land wholl, labourers and ownen of land, agrt. 01' mainly owned, or mainly un- ~eir dependant- eultul'al J'8nt _I. and their ! owned and ven, and their r dependanto : their dependania dependants I '

Malee J'emale.\ ""•. 1...... 1 Malee Femalell\ MaIN IFernalea Malee Fernalee U 11 IS 14 j 16 16 , ' 17 I 18 111 2() I I \ ! j i I ------~-- --- ~---- -~------HI 3 211 219 2.J 2, 22 6 • 3 143 1M 8 13 5 51 45 " ....

III 98

13 8 21 28

2 2 93 93 20 6

19 343 335 11 12 1 63 "10

134 112 2 i

3 309 295 5 22 11

225 187 167 160 139 171

29 22

266 269 16 15

2 238 234 74 79 458 446

99 101 3 3

11 2 515 468 2 231 220 3

256 247 I 464 464 7 7 3 ,

89 100 1 S

4 160 163 3 5 9 3

7 144 132 149 166 1

1 65 53 1 7 ----_--- 196 Prlm.ry Cea.U8 Ab.tract


P"l'8On~ ( Ineluding dependants) who derive their prinolpal means of livelihood from s. Name of vIII.,. or . VIII-Other No. \own/ward V-Produetion VI-Commerce IVlI-Tralll!port. servi088 and other than ou1. rnillCellaneOlU tivatlon I sources I Male. Females I Males IF emaltlS Males Females Males Female. I 1 J 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 I I - --- I---~------_-- 215 Puniwsnt 11 8 216 Raipllr 1 10 11 217 Rajawant 14 13 4 218 Rajuwant 1

219 RampUl'a 2 4 220 RangpurJoz 2 14 9

221 Rangpur- 29 11 Kswant 222 Ranikheda

223 Raycbha 8 1 221 Raysingpura 26 28 , i Harwant 225 Raysingpura 10 4 2 3 Kawant 226 Renda 3 2 10 9

227 Rendi 4 4 10 6 228 RinchheveI

229 Roddha 4 3 2 2

230 Rozkuw3. 11 9 23\ Rozwa

232 Rumadia 2!! 31

233 Runvad 15 4 11 13

234 Saldiw8san 16 12 39 39 235 Samalwant 13 8 5 8 236 Sanads 32 21 237 Sihada 8 9 76 63

238 ·Siloj

239 Simalfalia 73 78 240 Simalkuwa 2

241 Singalda 11 9 9 :I 242 SingaJja

-~-~--'----- ._-_ ------.-----_------.--~.---- -~------CHHOTA UDEP,",R TALUKA 197

-N-=-e-bl"-es-t-p-o-a-t-O-ff-I-'ce-'-N-ea-rea---t -R-a-i-lw-.,~ll N._. b_ vi..... I It.em. I and its distance in station and its its distance in miles At of note milep distance in miles! Bazar day.

29 30 31 32 33 ------I ------Chhota Udepur,3 Tejgadh,3 Tejgadh. 3, 'Mon. .. Fam'ad, 1 Chhota Udepur, 8 Panvad, 1. Tues.

Alirajpur, 8 Chhoto._ Udepur, 14 Chhota Udepur, 14, Frl

Kawant, a Chhota Udepur, 21 Kawant, 3,' ,Mon.

Tejgadh, 4 Tejgadh,4 Tejgadh. 4, Mon. P.S.

Cbh9ta Udtlpur, 18 Chhota Udepur, 18 Lehwant, 7, Th\lfS. P.B.

Kawant, 8 Chhota Udepur, 15 Kawant, 8, Mon.

Joz,'a Chbota Udepur, 13 Joz, 3, Sat.

Panvad. 6 Chhota Udepur, 9 Panvaq., 6,,Tues.

Kawant,,3 Chhota Udepur, 21 Kawant,3, Mon.

Tejgadh, 2~ Tejgadh. 2~ Tejgadh, 2k, Mon.

Kawant, 5 Chhota Ud"pur. 24 Kanal1t,5, Mon.

Kawant. 3 Chhota Udepur, 21 Kawant,3, Mon.

,Toz, 6 Chhota Udepur, 18 Joz, 6, Sat.

Panvad,8 Chhota Udepur, 12 Panvad, 8, Tues.

Tejgadh.9 Tejgadh,9 Tejgadh, 9, Mon.

Alirajpur,10 Chhota Udepur, 14 Chhota Udepur, 14, Fl'i.

Panvad, 3 Chhota Udepur, II Panv~d, 3, Tues.

Chbota Udepur, 5 Chhota Udepur. 5 Chhota Udepur, 5, Fri.

Kawant,4 Chhota Udepur, 22 Kawant, 4, 1I10n.

Kawant,3 Chhota Udepur, 16 Kawllnt, 3, Mon.

ChhotaUdepur,19 Chhota Udepur, 19 Chhota Udepur, 19, Fri.

Panvad, 1~ Chbota Udepur, 10 Panvad, 1~, Tues.

Tejgadh, 4 Tejgadh,4 Tejgadh, 4, Mon.

Chhota Udepllr, 4 Chhota U depur, 4 Chbota Udepur, 4, Fri.

Panvad, 8 Chhota Udepur, 8 Panvad, 8, Tues.

Kawant,4 Chhota U'depur, 22 Kawant, 4, Mon.

Joz, 6 Chhota Udepur, 18 Joz, 6, Sat. 198 Primary CeDlIu5 Abst1"8d

Oocupier! Honses

Total No. of perso". , No. of inI'B&te@ "A~ea of enumerated [including of institutiontl S. I Name of village or I village inmates of institutions and housele!!1 1, or ~own I No. of I No. of BOr! hOllseleRs persons] persone No.! town/wBrr! In houses I house square holr!R miles ;"'8ons I Males " Female",Malee Fern"I...

2 3 4 5 6 7 S 9 1(1

243 Singalkuw6 1.0• 53 58 .jOS 217 191 2it lainglB 15.1 51 Iii} 344 1St 1i13

245 Sodhvad ).0 29 2ft !?Ill} 13i) 133

2t6 i'lul'kheda. 2.1 50 fii} :!\l(i 155 IH

2.&7 Snrsi 1.1 ~.::; ~5 13~ 1i5 67

US Tlldk achhBIB 19 2'l 114 Ii5 59

240 Talav l.O 13 13 77 3S 39

250 Tahvfalia 1.0 :n 31 :!ll 134 1,li

21H Tawa 5,> tiO 418 ~13 ~('5

252 Tejgooh 5.1) 420 4:'8 2. :io2 1.2l:l I,IIH .. 3

253 Tenalia 1.0 51 51 :!ijJ, 141 123

254 Thadguam 4.0 III 114 722 367 355

255 Thambhala 0.1 2Z ?:! 143 7J 70

266 Timid 1.1 66 57 3-13 182 HH

257 Titod 2.0 57 57 346 1M 179

258 Tundwa 7.0 77 ~1 47] ~40 ::!:ll

259 Turkheda 6 6 28 U 14

260 Ucheda 2.5 31 34 1118 103 9.'>

261 Ukhlllwant 1.1 37 37 ?H ]31 143

262 Umarwa 1.1 32 34 196 102 (q

263 Umthi 6.1 llO 110 7!H 397 397

26{ Undwa 0.1 16 16 92 48 44

285 U8ela '!I.1 43 43 276 148 128

266 V achalibhini 3.0 66 ('6 442 230 212

267 Vadhwan 2.0 20 20 116 50 66

2tlS Vagalwada 1.0 46 46 237 118 119

269 Vagudan 1.0 43 43 235 121 1U

270 Vajepur 29 89 498 263 235 CHHOTA UI!)EPUR TALUKA 199

i Agricultural CIMBes I _ ~~ ______~~~ ___ ~~_.

I.Cultivators 'I II-Cultivators i III-Cultivating IV-Non.cultivating Llter.. t,... of land wholly of land wholly ! labourers and owners of land, egri. ur mainly owned ! or mainly un· ; their dependants cultural rent recei· and their r owned and j - vers, and their __depen~:ntB_ _theirdEl!>:n~~nts ___ _;_____d_ep_e:_dan_t_s _

-Malea iFema;~B I Males :Females I Males :'Females i Malee Females Males Females

11 12 15 16 17 IS 19 20

9 191 172

8 132 120 7 8

110 106 3

152 139 3 2

45 46 I

01 53

32 37

119 94

202 ~(ll

"9 320 112 5 1- ;iU3 3 47

4 118 108

8 356 347 1

65 67 8 3

143 129

160 169

227 218

14 14

2 84 78

126 139 5

48 15 95 85

38:! 384

46 44- 1 1 llO 98 31 26

2 2U9 190

50 66

69 71

118 IH 3

257 230 200 Primary Census Abstraet

Non-AllTicultural CI_es

, Persone (inchuiing dependants) who derive their principal mpans of livelihood from

Name of village or .~------_.------I VIII-Otber Nfl"S'I' town/ward V-Production I VI-Commerce VII-Transport I services and other than (lui. I ,misceUaneou8 ! sources ! tivation _--'-;____ - Ma~~-!~emale8' Malee 'Females Malee Fornal,,>, Male. FemalES

I 2 21 22 23 24 26 26 27 28

243 Singalknwa 2S I!)

244 SingTa 23

245 SodhvBd 23 21

246 Slukhedl)

H7 flursi 20 \1 3

248 Tadka("hhal'llI 3 2 3

249 TalaI.' 6 .>

26() Talavfalia 11 11 2

251 Tawl} It) 4

'l'ejgadh 78 81 )58 152 36 349 305

Tenalillr s 7 8 2 7 Thadgnam a 7

2'66 Thambhala 266 Timla 34 31 5

257 'Fitad' 5 3

258 TWldwa 13 13

2'59 Turkheda

260 Ucheda 19 11 261 lJ'khal'want

262 Umllrwa 2 5

263 Umthi 9 8 6 I)

284 Ulldwa

266 'Usela 2 2 6 26& Vachalibhini 19 18 4

267 Vadhwan

268 Vagalwada 49 269 Vagudan

270 VajlO'pur 6 I) 201 CHHOTA UDEPUR TALUKA

.eared poft oft'lee Neare., RaD_, Meane.. ball&l' "flllage,] be_ and It. di8W.noe In .tation and Ita b_ dlatanoe in mU811 and of note Remarks mUM dietanoe In mllee Basarday. I

30 31 33 ------!.------Alirajpur, 10 Chhots Udepur, 18 Chhots Udepur, 18, Fri.

Cbbots Udepur, ! Chhota Udepur, 4 Chhota Udepur, 4, Fri.

Kawant,11 Cbhota Udepur, 17 KawBDt. 11, Mon. i Chhota Udepur, 6 Chhota Ude-pur, 6 Chhota Udepur, 6, Fri.

Chhota Udepur, 7 Chhota Udepur, 7 Devwant, 2, Thurs.

Kawant, 8 Naswadi, 17 Kawant,8. Mon. Kawant,3 Chhota. .Udepur, 2l Kawant, 3, Mon. Tejgadll, 2 Tejgadh. 2 Tejgadh, 2, Mon.

Pll.nvad, l~ Chhot~ Udepur, 8! PanvBd, l~. Tues. P.O. Rly. Station, Bazar, Mon. t P.S.V.P. Tejgadb, 4 Tejgadh, 4 Tejgadh, 4, Mon.

Kaw8ut,5 Cbhota Udepur, 21 Kawant, 5, Mon.

Kawant, 10 Chhota. Udepur, 21 Kawant, 10, Mon. Cbhots Udepur, 20 Chhota Udepur, 20 .Le-hwant, 8, Thurs.

Kawant.4o Chhota Udepur, 10 Kawant, 4, Mon. Chhota Udepur. 19 ChllOta Udepur, 19 Lellwant, 8, Tburs.

Kawant, 16 Chhots Udepur, 36 Kawant, 16, Mon.

Kawant.12 Chhota Udepur. 17 Kawant, 12. Mon.

Joz, 4, Chhots UdApur, 13 Joz, 4, Sat. P.O. Tejgadh, 4 Tejgadh, 4, Mon. 1'.8. Kawant,4 Chhota Udepur, 22 Kawant, 4, Mon.

Kawant, 3 Chhota Udepur, 16 Kawant, 3, Mon.

Kawant, ti Chhota Udepur, 18 Kawant, 6, Mon.

Joz,3 Tejgadh, 8 loz.3, Sat.

Joz, 4 Chhot& Udepur, 12 Joz, 4, Sat. Cbbota Udepur, 10 Chhota Udepur, 10 Lehwant,2, Thurs.

Kllwant,3 Chhota Udepur, 21 Kawant, 3, Mon.

Kawant. 1 Ohhots Udepur, 19 l{awan~, I, JUon.

----~------~---~ ----_------_-- ---~-- -~- - -~------t P. W. D. Rest Houee. 202 Primary Ce.sua Abstract , I Occupied Houses Total No. of peraoDII No. of Inmate 8. Name of ... 1lI~. or Are. of No. of enumerated [including of lWltitutioru village No. of house inmates of inIItitutioWl IUld houseleat No. !.own/.fWd or town house8 holds and house lees persona J parBons In square mile& Persons Male. Females Male8 Female.

, II I 8 g 10 - 2 3 6 7 _1- --- -_, I 271 Vanar 2.0 61 61 310 166 144 272 Vankaner 1.1 45 45 289 163 126

273 Vantd." 0.5 25 26 180 87 \13

274 Vasedi 2.1 148 150 810 428 382

275 Vijli 27 27 184 93 91

216 Vijol 2.0 52 52 289 145 144

27~ Virpur 2.0 99 99 622 a19 3()3 278 Zala·wa.nt 4.0 45 45 255 118 137

279 Zer 0.1 97 100 600 312 288 total for villages 433.1 16,024 16,426 100,704 51.628 49,076 103 65 Total for taluka 43401 17.841 18,309 109,426 56,243 53,183 211 77

-~~-~~-.~~------_--- CHHOTA UDEPUR TALVKA 208

Agrloultural ClaeIIee

t' I. Cultlv.iorll n. Cultlv.tors In· Oultlvating IV.Non·oultlvatlna Liter.... of !I\nd wholly of l.nd whoD), laboureJ'8 .nd owners of land, agrk or mainly owned or maiw.y un- their dependant. eult.ural rent recei· and their owned and vel'll, and theil­ dependllnt.8 their depe,ndaD'te . dependants

. Ma.lea F:male8 ( Ma.le8IFemale& I Males) Femalel MaJN j Femal_ Ma.lee Femaletl It 20 11 l' \ _1_3___ __:_1~~6 __l~_16 _ __ ~7__ 1_~8 __ _

14' 125 16 16

133 llO 9 4 14 8

78 80 1 1

21 5 222 21fi 15 8

93 91

144 140 1

274 268

1 10j 119 9 ]5

303 281 2 2 ),192 4711 42,894 41.208 345 311 929 804 244 259 3,873 1.186 43,076 41,340 360 328 934 804 300 325 ------204 Primary Ce.sus Abstract

Non.Agrioultural Claseea

------p"rsons ( including dependants) who derive their prinoipal means of livelihood from S. Name of vllia•• or VIII-Other No. \own/ward V-Produotion VI-Commeroe VII-Transport servioes and other than oul. mieoellaneoua ___tl_·v_a~ti_o_n ____I~ ____• _____~_____ I - sources I 'Males Females Malee Females Males Females) Malee IFernalp! ! 21 22 23 1 ! 24 I 25 26 28 I , I ~~ I

271 Vanar 8 2 1 7 2'72 Vankaner '" 273 Va£ltda 6 9 2 :f

274 Vasedi ~3 46 138 112

275 Vijli

27i .Vijol :I 217 Virpur U 35 .. , 278 Zailntant " 3 219 Zer 7 5 .'. Total for villages 2.781 2.577 1,079 926 62 43 3,294 2.948 Tota] for taluka 3,65& 3,282 1,900 1,647 194 151 5,823 5,3&&

------~ ----_----_------~------CHHQTA UDEPUR TALUKA 205 ------,------

NeW'e8t post office Neareet Railway Nearest b_ village, Items and its distaDoe in station and-its its distance in miles &; of nots mile9 distance in milee Bazar day.

III 10 31 32 1111

Chhota. Udepur, IS Chhotll Udepur, 5 Chhota Udepur, 5, I'ri.

Kawant, 7 Chhota Udepur, HI Kawant, 7, Mon,

Panvad, 2 Chhota Udepur, 9 Panvad, '2, Tues.

Chhota Udepur, \ Chhota Udepur, 1 Chhot~ Udepur, 1. Fri, Kawant,6 Chhota Udepur, 17 Kawant, 6, Mon.

Tejgadh, 3 Tejglidh, 3 Tejgadh, 3, Mon. J'o~, 1 Chhota Udepur, 10 Joz, 1, Sat.

Kawaul,3 Chhota Vdepur, 19 Kawan'. 3, Mon.

,foz, 4 Chho~a Udep'Rr, 8 Joz, 4, Sat. 206 Primary Cellsus Ab.tr.ct

I Oooupled HOU888

Total No. of peJiBODS No. of Inmate• 8. Name ot Ylllage or Are. of No. of enumerated [inolQding of InstitutioDf village No. of hOIlll8 Inmates of Institut.ions and house... hold. No. ~wD/ ..ard or toWIl hou_ and bouse_ penons) parsons In square mliel Persoll8 Males Females Males Femal61

4. II 1 II 8 6 7 8 II 10

TOWN 1 Dabhoi M. 9.2 &,115 5,394 24.952 13,G3it 11,922 114 100 Ward I 763 798 4,097 2,121 1,976 39 42 II 758 SOl 4,llS 2,189 1,929 14 7 III 671 715 3,283 l,6\l3 1,6110 '. IV 902 957 4,4M 2,285 2,169

" V 1,183 1,243 5,502 2,241 2,661 9 13 VI 651 693 2,658 1,450 1,208 31 25 VII 187 187 840 451 3S9 21 13

VILLAGES 1 Abdalapura 0.7 31 31 250 121 }29

II Akotadar 2.3 79 79 402 203 199

S Akoti 1·9 101 :()~ 50! 267 237 1 ., .. Ambav .~ 47 47 258 135 123 11 Amrelhwar 2.2 178 178 1,018 545 473 4

6 Anguthan 2.9 170 172 764 394 370 13 6 7 Arania O.S 40 41 220 118 102 8 Aligo) 0.7 39 40 216 109 107 9 ASQdara 2.2 65 71 3&9 214 175

]() Bagalipura 0.4 28 28 189 93 96

11 Bllmboj 2.7 11& 117 605 311 294 3 12 Ballaiya 0.6 31 39 18t 90 91 13 Banand 1.6 It5 125 521 264 207

14 Ba.ripur 1.5 97 99 U7 229 218

15 B"hrampur 1.4 66 66 307 171 136 16 Bhalodara l.S 81 86 414 200 214 17 Bhaupllra 0.7 '30 31 U5 67 78

J8 Bhilapur 2.2 192 196 974 514 460

--'--~-----....._ .. - DABHOI TALUKA 207

AgriCultural Cl",1188

I- Cultlv.. tOl'8 II- Cultivators III. Cultivating IV.Non-oultlv.. $tDf Litera'" of land wholly of lImd wholly labourers and OWPBl'Il of land, agrt. or mainly owned or mainly un- their dependants oultural rent reoei. and their \ OWPBd and vers, and their dependants their dependants dependants I I I I Mal.. J'emale.1 M&Ie&IFemalee I Male& ) Female8 M.. 11IoI ) Fema1e8 Malea J'ema_ n 11 13 14. I 16 16 17 18 ttl 2() \ I I I

6,789 3,031 621 568 188 180 270 237 472 483 1,046 445 80 74 19 15 27 33 87 90

1;326 385 91 91 13 11 6 1 84, 87 860 302 72 56 13 13 31 44 62 57 1,558 971 131 131 23 26 111 101 102 121

],S 17 771 239 209 99 88 62 3fj 11i 116

249 49 8 7 21 26 33 22 21 16 233 108 1 2

31 2 56 65 28 3l 20 12

29 4 30 33 41 35 129 129 2 2

140 34 170 143 6 4 75 77 5 ,;

26 51 46· 29 29 44 36 4 8

228 83 215 227 20 20 2n 165 '1 16

235 122 180 154 23 24 133 136 10 U

15 100 84 18 17 1

18 3 71 73 33 32 I

64 HI 165 130 11 6 24 2l 2 3

19 86 88 2

87 13 122 130 75 67 87 77 3 HI

S 46 46 4 9 40 36

130 49 )20 111 83 77 40 53 5 3

64 43 89 70 13 11 23 14 I

III 37 68· 62 12 5 65 62 2 '1 66 11 ]37 136 10 13 32 37

10 {} 15 17 18 28 41 1 1

20) 71 83 110 62 68 186 ]39 14 21 208 Primary Ce.sul Abstract

Non-Agricultural 01allllfj8

P"r80n. ( illcluding dependants) who derive their prlnoipal means of livelihood from S. Name of villa•• or I I VIII-O.... No. \own/ward V-Produotion I VI-Oommerll8 VII-Transport services and other than oul. I mi808JlaneolU tivation , .ouree. Males Females I Male. Femalesi Males IFemales i Males ' Female. 1 2 21 22 23 2' J_: _I 26 j 27 28

TOWN Dabhoi M. 2,690 2,354 3.559 3,221 813 729 4,417 4.150 Ward I 307 294 611 572 83 63 907 835 II 517 419 827 770 58 58 593 492

III 439 4:!:! 568 480 32 29 476 4811 " IV 573 498 834 760 15 23 496 509 354 331 525 480 51 37 ],396 1,364 " V VI 473 363 186 147 213 207 495 426

VII 27 27 8 12 361 312 54 35 VILLAGES 1 AbdaJapura 18 21 2 Akotadar 3 Akoti 2 3 8 5

4 Ambav 7 4

5 Amreshwar 32 21 3 7 57 22

6 Anguthan 10 II 38 28

7 Arania 8 Asgol 4

9 Asodara 10 7 1 5 1 3 10 Dage.lipura 6 6

11 Bamboj 3 21 10 12 Banaiya

13 Banand 2 14 13

14 Baripur 8 11 5 90 111

15 Behrllmpur 4 2 20 8

16 BhaJodara 10 S 11 19

17 Bhaupura 8 2 1

18 Bhilapur 34 24 49 42 17 19 69 57

-~~__...._~------DABHOI TALUKA 209

Nellol'6llt b~1Io1" village, Items Neb1'eBt post office Nello",st Railway Remark~ and its distance in station and its itB distance in miles .I; of. note milell distance in mile. Bazed'day.

29 so 31 32

P. O. Rly.Station Baroda, 17, Frio P.1V·D. Rest P.S.,C.S. House

Bhilapur, I~ Bhilapur, q Baroda, ,12; Fri.

Vadhwa.na, 2 Vadhwana, 2 Baroda, 20. Fri. V. P.,

Bhilodia, 2k Vadaj, , Baroda, 27, Fri. P.S •• V.IP.

Thuw~vi, l~ Thuwavi. k Baroda. 17, Fri. Km'Inaliapura,3 Karmaliapura, 3 Baroaa, 25, Fri. P.S.,V.P.

Thuwavi. 2 Bhilapur, 2 Baroda, 12, Fri. P.S.,V.P.

Bhilodia, Vadaj, 6 Baroda. 28, Fri.

Bhilodia, I~ Dabhoi, 8 Baroda, 26. Fri. Bhilodia, 2 Dabhoi. 8 Baroda, 25, Fri.

Chandod, 3 Chandod. 4 Baroda, 31. Fri. Karmaliapura,3 Karmaliapura, 3 Baroda, 23, Fri. V. P. Thuwavi. 2 Thuwavi, 1 Baroda, 16, Fri. ... Vemar, Ii Vemar, Ii Baroda, ]8, Fri. P.B., V .P.,C.B Mandala, 2 Mandala, Baroda, 10. Fri. P.S.,V.P.

Bhilapur, 1 Bhilapur, 1 Baroda, 10, Fri. V. P.

Ohandod, 2 Chandod, 2 Baroda, 30. Fri.

Bhilapur, Bhilapur, Baroda, 10, Fri. V. P. P. O. Rly. StII,tion Baroda" 12, Fri. P.S., V.P.C.S. 210 Primary Ce.sus Abstract

I Oooupled Hou88s ------I Total No. of persons No. of inmate 8. Name of "lIIage or Area of I No. of enumerated [ inoluding of institution. village No. of houae inmates of instiiutions and houeeles, No. \own/wal'd hOu~e8 \ holds and boueelesll persona] I persons or town t In ! i I square ---- milal! I Per.oOB Males Females Mal811 Females

1 3 4 (i 6 7 8 10 2 I 9 19 Bhilodia 2.2 303 307 l,oH 774 767 3 5

20 BhimplIra 1.1 41 41 J 94 112 8~ 3 (Nanderia) 21 Bhimpura 2.6 124 127 738 366 372 1 2 (Vadhwana) 12 Bhumasya 0.4 31 31 210 102 108

23 Burbar 3.0 171 li5 !l00 464 43'i 25 11

24 Boriad 1.3 127 12!1 6~3 312 311

2;) Chandod 4.7 290 308 3,067 1,636 1,431" 1

26 Chanwada 1.8 121 123 GOO 294 306

27 Ohh,\tral :!.I 191 19::: 963 489 4H

28 Dangiwa.da 1.9 71 7;~ 348 188 160

29 Dharamapura fI.5 2S 29 160 ~7 79

30 DhanIlapllri 3.5 200 20.5 !JS5 528 457

:n Dholar 3.3 2,11) 252 1,155 592 563

3:! Dongikuwa 1.1 38 3~ 190 99 97

33 Furtikui 1.1 121 Ih 624 329 2115

3,1 Fofali ... 1.8 107 10, 486 267 219

35 Fulwadi 1'7 81 82 421 195 226

36 Gamadi (Kana- lll! 119 594 291 303 13 13 y"da) l.' 3.7 Gam"di (~anJ- 1.3 9 9 53 27 26 erill) 3S GopaJPuru. 1.8 20 20 108 61 47

3.9 Gozali 1.6 93 !)! 452 213 :!09

40 Gumaupura 0.8 40 40 223 III 112

41 Habipur 3.8 213 2Hl 1, 1 ~4 617 50i 24 17

4~ Halls"pur 1.2 42 43 2(}5 107 98

43 J eshangpura 1.2 1> 5 34 19 Ii)

44 J uni l\langrol f). It 52 52 ::71 142 129

45 Kadadhar ... 2.7 171 171 767 408 359

4t> Kadadharapura '" 0.5 29 29 158 91 67

-----~ ------_-- -~------DABHOf TALUKA 211 ----~------. -----_ Agrlou"ural Clas~8

I- Cuitlv&t,on I II- Cult.lvatorl \ III- Oultlvating I'V -Non-oultivatlna' LlterallllB of land wholly of land wholly labourer. and owners of land, agrl. or mainly owned or mainly un- their dependant. eultural rent reeei. and their i owned and ven. and their dependanUi : their dependantB dependantB

MaieR Femalell Male.! j Femalea Malllll 1I'emal. 15 16 17 I 18 20

239 97 351 334 5 5 \HH 150 62 73 44 2 13 ]0 ]4 10 11 7

177 52 115 100 121 151 116 115

8 9\J 105

202 101 222 2DO 61 80 104 91 18 1

227 50 112 10V 47 45 141 146 1

425 232 1115 122 53 25 25 100 96

11 157 157 7 HI 120 '1 15

250 91 260 251 18 7 113 115 30 39

32 4 41 41 81 82 56 29 Ii

6 80 70 6 5 3 I

'171 74 290 flO 57 110 III 20 18

127 188 173 43 28 252 24:1 2t

19 5 63 52 26 30 1 l

176 40 180 146 5 4 107 III 3 1

1~4 43 178 167 7 32 5 1 1

42 9 103 131 ]5 11 46 44 s , 12

158 7 104 107 78 74 59 62 15 16 12 \)

21 2 1 60 47 ]S3 50 120 94 19 27 60 58 13 9

6 71 76 3 1 19 12, 4. 3

337 166 276 226 40 37 169 128 19 2(l

50 10 49 43 3 2 36 31 :1 3

1 18 ]5 37 4 59 52 25 15 43 6

206 62 148 14'1 8a 122 103 17 12

18 1 8 11 44 30 35 25 3 21:] Primary CeDSUS Abstract

Non-Agricultural ClaBses

p.,rsons ( including dependants) who derive their principal means of livelihood from s. N am.. of villa,. or No. \own/ward V-Production \ VI-Commerce \ VII-Transport I ~~~t!~d other than cui. miBCellaneolll! tivation souroes ------.------,.-----~----~-

_1______2~ ____ ---'___:_M_:_:e_s__,_F_e_m_2_:_I88.--'_.M_,:.. ':.:-[ M;:- 1":""1 M;"I':~

19 Bhilodia 106 103 36 35 63 67

20 Bhimpura 10 7 9 16 9 (Nanderia) 21 Bhirnpura 3 1 4 ( Vadhwana) 22 Bhurnasya .;2 3

23 Borbar 17 18 10 40 36

24 Boriad 7 4 3

25 Chandod 236 209 322 265 50 63 656

26 Chanwada 2 HI

27 Chhatral 16 12 8 8 44 42

28 Dangiwada 2 2

211 Dharamapura

30 Dhannapuri 13 16 15 11

3t Dholar 45 53 7 9 37 36

32 Dongikuwa 9 12

33 Fartikui 16 10 2 17 21 340 Fofalia 49 46

35 Fulwadi 3 3 17 25

36 Gamadi 29 31 7 11 (Kanayadr. ) 37 Gamadi ( Nanderia) 38 Gop.. Jpura

39 Gozali II 6 22 15

40 Gumanpura 13 18

41 Habipur 47 46 2 2 64 48

42 Hansapur 16 19

43 Jeshangpura

44 J uni Mangro I 8 ]3

45 Kadadhara 12 15 6 16 12

46 Kadadharapura 1 213 ------DABHOI TAL..UKA

Nebl'est post office N

19 so 31 32 11'3

P. O. Vadaj, Ii Baroda, 25, Ffi. Chaudod, Chanuod, Baroda, 29, FI'i.

Dabhoi, ~ .. Vadhwana, 2 Baroda, 25, Fri. P.S., V.P.

!'a.nor, 2 Chandod, 3 Baroda, 32, Fri.

Nada, 2 Baroda. 15, Fri. P.B., V.P,

DA.bhoi, 2 Dahhoi, 2 Baroda, 19, Fl'L P.B., V.P.

P. O. Rly. Station Baroda, 28, Fri. P.B. Bhilodia, 21 Vadaj, 4 Baroda, 28, Fri. P.s., V.P., C.C.S.

Mandala, :1 Mandala, 3 Baroda, 27, Fri. P.S., V.P.,C.S.

Dab~oi, 3 Pragpura, ! Barorla, 26, Fri. V.P.

Bhilodia. 2 Dahhai, 8 Baroda, 25, F~i.

Dabhoi. 2~ Dahhoi. 2k Baroda, 22, Fri. P.S" V .P., C.s.

Karmaliapura, 1 Pragpura, 1 . Baroda, 26, Fri. P.S., V.P."C.C.s.

Karvan, 3 Mandala, 3 Ba.roda, 10, Fri.

Dahhoi, 3 Rly. Station Baroda, Hi, Fri. P.B., '\T.P.

Karvan, 2 Ganratpura, Baroda, 18, Fri. P.B., V."P.

Chandod, 1 Chandod, 1 Baroda, 33, Fri. ••• I

Dahhoi, 3 Dahhoi. 3 Baroda. 21, Fri.

Chandod,_ 1 Dablloi, 3 Baroda, 22, Fri. P.B., V.P., C.S,

Vadhwana, 2~ Pragpura, 4 Baroda, '25, Fri.

Thuwavi, I! Thuwavi, 2 Baroda, 13, Fri. V.P.

Sanor, 2 Chandod, 4 Baroda, 32, Fri.

Nada, 1~ Nada, 1~ Baroda, 15, Fri. P.B., V.P., C,S.

Dabhoi, 3 Rly. Station Baroda, 16, Fri.

Sanor, 1~ Chandod, 4 Baroda, 32, Fri. Dahhoi,41 Dahhoi. 41 Baroda, 22, Fri. V,P. Bhilapur, 4 Bhilapur, 2 Baroda, 14, Fri. P.B., V.P.

Bhilapur. 2t Bhilapur. 2~ Baroda, 14, Fri. Primary CeQ.us Abstract ·I~"':;'::;-~.u .., I

Totoal No. of persons No. of Inm8te~ 8. Name of Tllla!!e or Are. of No. of enumerated [inoluding of InstitutioW' village \ No. of house Inmates of institutions and houselelR No. \Own/ward or town bOIl~e. holds and houseleR8 persons) p"rson8 In ! I J ::Sf::e - I I Persons: Males Females Mallls Femal9!) I . l I S __1______- J __ _ __: ____~ ____6__ 1 __ ~___ ~ ____ 9_l__1_0 _ 47 0.7 52 52 258 H5 113

4S Kanayada. 1.6 83 84 427 219 208 49 Karan l.(} 99 99 457 252 205

Kallalipurs 05 60 60 326 154 172

51 Karmal 137 IH 760 405 365 24 II

52 KarnaH !.4 311 316 1 ,:'78 ~OO 678

53 Karnet :1.0 148 15-2 787 419 368 Karvan 12,4 1,048 1,071 4,984 2,650 2,33!

55 Khanpur l.fj 95 95 482 ~41 241 a6 Kothara. 1.6 89 91 483 250 233 Kukau In 13{) &32 319 313

Kunrlhela 4.7 287 :294 1,6('3 Rt6 757 8

l{unvarpur- I.t 149 136

Kunvfrrwada 2.40 It3 143 652 342 310

61 Llngl\t!thaJi 3.5 215 215 926 486 440

Lunaura o.\} 3S S8 184 95

Mahamadpur 0.& 51 51 256 142 ]14

:.r alharpur 0.7 33 33 175 87 88

Mandala 7.3 442 4;;6 2,~27 1,274 1,15:3 18 11

66 Manuawa 4.7 409 2,087 1,090 997 1

67 Manpul" 0.7 47 47 218 101 117

68 11avali 2,4 126 126 6&7 343 3h 7 69 Menpul' 1.7 JOS 109 51& 266 249

70 l\'[orpura. 0.3 31 32 172 85 87

M08fl.mpuv 1.1 42 42 188 101 87

72 N'ada 4.0 3d8 368 l,iZ2 903 819 16 9

Nagaol 0.8 79 80 H9 224 225 3 74 Nanderia 2.0 124 125 534 264 DAB HOI TALUKA 215

1------1 ___ Agrloultural CI8l!88S

I. Cultivator. 'I' II- Cultivator! III· Cultivating IV·Non·oultlvatlng Llterat.88 I of IItnd wholly of land wholly labourers and owners of land, agrl~ i or mainly owned, or mainly un- their dependant.e . oultural rent l'6osi. l and their owned and 'Vers. and t.heir [ dependants I their dependant.e dependant.e

----,-----'-- - Malee Females Malee Ferns I"" Males Femalesl Male~ Femalee Malee Femalee 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 111 20 I

31 3 80 21 20 3S 25 1

117 55 76 75 84 89 311 30

120 56 67 58 63 54 71 46

eo 37 56 67 16 15 66 75

217 itS 214 189 19 21 90 80 16 22

176 70 221 209 89 88 198 191 8 19

206 42 197 164 .25 40 149 130 4 10

I,3tH 616 7f10 651 22 16 132 96 154 152

97 37 47 46 61 31 7

98 88 64 50 30 16 3

131 II" 121 i5 72 112 103 7 10 392 187 329 312 130 115 2IO 195 36 37

85, 31 70 74 3 41 8

153 411 16'3 141 15 107 90 17

151 260 242 19 ]7 120 102 2

14 28 33 6 4 48 49

10 2 30 25 48 46 55 3.")

45 56 6 6 l

(is3 ~;W H5 671 10 . 10 48 61 065

:/.67 54 237 25~ 56 Ii 6 8 7

]ll It ]7 22 52 53 26 33

165 77 I~O ]23 45 40 113 115 27 15 146 65 131 6 3 10 2l

18 2 25 32 30 22 27 6 Ii

23 6 27 19 18 19 41 35 5 6

434 215 382 359 36 37 294 225 55 74

81 21 149 44 47 10 14

138 37 150 120 10 10 75 85 11 216 Primary Cells US Ablltract

Non-Agricultural Classes

I ~-~-"--~-- I p"raona ( including dependanta ) who derive their prlnolpal means of livelihood from S. Name of villa•• or I VIII-O.... ,- V-Produotion V I-Commerce VII-Tranllport Iservices and No_ ,own/ward other than cuI. miscellaneoll.8 tivation I \ sources

--~I I I Males Females! Males Females! Males I Females Males Female.

I 1 2 21 22 23 [ 24 25 I 26 27 28 I I --~--~-~ --_-_-_------~~~. 47 Kajupur 4 1 48 Kan[lyada 22 12 49 Kamli 26 2Q 8 7 17 18 50 KaraJipurd 4 12 15 51 Karmal 18 3 4 4 44 26 52 -Karnali 10 ) 7 8 !.I 17 7 149 138

53 Karnet H ·14 ! 26 9 54 Karvan 330 255 263 212 20 t4 969 93>1 55 Khanpur 4 3 2 120 158 56 Kotha1a 3 2 3 89 118

57 Kukad 1 9 7

58 Kundhela. 45 44 15 16 51 38

59 Kunvarpur 20 14 3 12 40 60 Kllnvarwada 18 10 2 20 25

61 Ljngasthali 13 11 5 7 68 59 62 Llluadra 3 3 4 63 r.h,hamadpur 9 8 64 Malharpur 3 2

65 Mandala 72 53 :!S 23 ·15 8 295 27{l 66 Mandawa 51 40 52 47 68 7.S 581 514 67 Manpur 5 9

68 Mavali 19 10 19 11 69 Menpur 9 6 2 1 97 93 70 Morpura

71 Mosampur 6 7 2 2 1

72 Nada 39 33 7 4 23 23 67 {H:

73 Nagdol 7 2 10 12 4 2

74 Nanderia 13 12 7 3 11 23

• _~ ______-.L __ ~_~ ___ ~. ___ ~------.. -----~ _------~-. OABHOI TALUKA 217

N",hfeat post office ~earest Railway Ne... rest bSll.!lr vitlage. It6ill8 ,,,,d its distance in station and its its distance in wilee & c.["no"", miles distance in miles Bazar day.

29 30 31 32

Dabhoi,3 Dabhoi,3 Baroda, 26, Fri.

Dabhoi,3 Dabhoi,3 Baroda. 23, F1'1. P.B., V.P., C.s.

KarmaUapura, 1 Pragpura, Baroda, 26, Fri. P.H., V.P.

Dabooi,4 Pragpara, ~ Baroda, 30, Fri. P.S.

Manda1.,2 P arikh a, 2 Baroda, 19, Fri. P.S .• V.P. 1".0. Chandod, 2 Baroda, 30, Fri. t P S., V.P., C.S. Dabhoi, .it Vadhwana, 2~ Baroda, 22, Fri. P.B., V.p.,c.e.s. - P. O. Rly. Station, Baroda, 15, Fri. t P.B., V.P., C.B. Karvan, 2 Karvan, 2 Baroda, 17, Fri. V.P.

Mandala, 2 Baripur Mandala, 1 Baroda, 25, Fri. P.S., V.P.

Dabhoi,3 Dabhoi.3 BarOda, 18,. Fri. P.B.,V.P. P. O. Rly. Station Baroda, 10, Frl. P.B., V.P,,'C.S.

Ksn:an, 2 Karvan,2 Baroda, 17, Fri. P.S., V.P.,"C.S. Bhilapur, 3 BhilapUl, 3 Baroila, 7, Fri. P.S., V.P., C.S.

Karvan, 2 Karvan, 2 Baroda, 17, Fri. P.S., V.P., C.s.

Karmaliapura, 3 Karmaliapura, 3 Baroda, 23, Fri.

Kundhela, 1 ~ Kundhela, 1 Baroda, 5, Fri.

Kelanpur,2 Kundhela, 3 Baroda, 5, Fri.

P. O. Rly. Station, Baroda, 24, Fri. P.S., V.P.

Chandod,~ Chandod, ~ Baroda, 29, Fri. P.B.,C.S. Vadaj, 1 Ten, 2 Baroda, 29, Fri. P.B., V.P.

V anadara, 1 Bhilapur, 2 Baroda, 10, hi. P.S., V.P.

Karvan, 2 Karvan, 2 Baroda, 25, Fri.

Dabhoi,2 Dabhoi,2 Baroda, 17, Fri.

Kundhela, l~ Kundhela, 2 Baroda, 6, Fri. P.O. Rly. Station, Baroda, 21, Fri. P.S., V.P.,C.S. Bhilodia,l Vadaj,6 Barod,!I, 28, Fri. Chandod,2 ·Chandod, 2 Baroda, 30, Fri.

t p. w· O· I~~s\; \-\O\4S«'. Primary Ce•• uI Abstract

-..,.------.----~-.---:------:------Occupied HOllses I

Total No. of peteoDS No. of inmate s 8. Name of ",lIIall8 or Area of No. of enumerated [including of Institutiol s village No. of bouse Inmatee of ill8titutioDS IKKi bousele<" NO., or town bOUI!I8A bolda and bousele88 perBOns J p..-sonJ In square 1------... ---.. ---. I mil.... I pereon8t Males Females MaleslFemalM I 3 4 6 I 6 I 8 II I 10 I ------_..'._--._ ..:...... _---- 75 Naranpura M 27 27 141 75 66

76 Naris 2.6 152 152 757 402 359 2 77 Navapur' 0.5 29 29 166 81 78 78 Navi-MBngrol 0.9 52 52 277 145 132 7t Ordi 1.0 53 321 155 ]66 SO PalBlliwada 2.6 137 145 724 387 337 8 81 Pansoli 3.0 111 III 646 288 258

S2 Pard. 0.7 40 40 202 106 96 83 Paragam O.S 45 21H 150 141 84 Parikba 2.6 132 677 351 326

8& Pisai 2.6 137 148 828 429 399 17 8 86 Pragpura 1.0 50 60 267 132 135

&7 Pads 2.2 107 108 540 274 266 2 3

S8 Puniad 2.1 119 122 599 326 273 Includ· 89- Raisangpura ••. f'd in As 14 65 35 30 odara RajaJi 1.2 94 98 4{19 254 215

91 Rajpura 1.2 61 66 392 201 191

»2 Ruulpur ] .1 36 36 215 118 97

83 Samllberpura 0.4 60 60 298 160 138 94 Sanor 2.6 199 982 507 475 .6 SatbOloi 7.0 406 2,022 1,015 1,007 22 35 .8 Seguwa.da . 1.1 94 393 202 ]91 2

t7 Sejpur 0.9 52 52 329 167 162

tl8 Simalia 3.8 215 US 1,069 064 505 99 Siroia 2.3 171 173 i58 409 15 5

)00 8itpUF 3.6 I~4 ]86 978 '55 101 'Sompura 0.8 46 46 324 170 1M

102 SnltB.npur 1.0 47 47 251 132 11.9 DABHOI TAL·UKA 219

Agrioultural CluII88

I· Cultivator. II. Cultlvaton III. Cultivating IV -Non.oultlvatlna, of hmd wholly of land wholly labou'arB and owneN of land, _gr; or mainly owned ot mainly un- tbelr dependant.. Gultural rent reoel· and their owned and ven. and ~heir dependante their dependant. dependant.. , Male. Female·i Male. IFeroal"" Male. Females MaJe.. Female. Malea 13 14 16 lfl 17 18 11 11 \ 20

10 10 25 23 20 20 13 12 2 3

210 92 257 174 6 81 129 15 17

40 1 67 46 16 13 13 18 45 44 47 30 20 49 43

15 8 106 118 2 11 46 33

·115 38 137 130 74 60 108 98 1

23 62 49 49 35 173 188

32 9 60 112 35 26 3 14 125 123 1 2 2

184 73 189 140 1 11& 144 22 132 29 l!51 233 23 21 79 79 II 31 3 37 42 40 38 43 45 8

1,28 46 91 94 8tl 77 70 64 23

157 58 202 209 8 91 63 7 1 10 9 3 10 15 134 29 132 110 14 14 68 62 1 5 lIi8 150 13 18 28 18 2

31 8 36 17 17 3tl 36 .3

81 20 18 11 33 3i, 102 90 84 58 224 196 23 23 31 26 23 J3

liOli 292 417 423 191 187 257 246 14 211 8 72 60 49 H 69 19 e 3 36 24 au 76 2 2 66 67 I 185 59 180 169 97 86 268 236

2140 91 203 187 75 81 98 76 22 22 274 137 252 217 40 39 150 128 II 2{) 69 5 133 118 3 2 7 6 8

44 20 68 63 9 8 38 32 2 :no Primary CeQ sus Abstract

N On- A ~rie!]lt.lll',li Classe@

p,.rFN,. ( in~lllci"g dtlp"ndante ) WilD derive their prirHlip"l mean" of livelihood frow s. Name of villa,. or -_ \- -_ _ _-_ -_ - vTfl-·tJihpr No. \own/ward V -l:'rodllction I v I-CemH,e,ee V H-TranAport: s~rviCBs and otloer than cul_ , , w1RCeHaDt3011f tivatioD ' I I 80urceE --,-----1-- - _------_--_-- ~.1,,1{,8 'IFeme.les I Me.le8 Fem"l",,! Mal". Ferfla.k·si :Male. Female. I 2 21 I 22 23 24 I t5 25 ! I___ ~ ____ ~28 _ 75 Naranpura 13 7 2 1

76 Naria 13 5 3 2 27 27

77 Navapur 1

78 Navi-Mangrol 7 7 9 11

79 Ordi 4

80 PaJaswada 37 22 5 4 4 3 21 16

81 Pansoli 2 3

82 Para 10 4 1 1

83 Parag!l,m 22 16

84 Parikha 11 9 6 7 6 7 5

85 Pisai 13 11 4 2 46 44

86 PJ:agpura 6 2

87 Puda 2 3 5 4 3 1

88 Puniad 9 2 II

89 Raisangpura

90 Rajali 12 10 3 3 24 16

91 Rajpura

92 Rasulpur 4 16 6

93 Samsherpura 7 3

94 Sanor 21 19 27 22 158 156 95 Sathod 47 50 23 21 1 50 65 7 96 Seguwada 6 ()

97 Sejpur 1 16 16

98 Simalia 6 3 13 12

99 . Sirola 20 12 6 6 25 25 100 Sitpur 25 22 10 9 35 20

101 Sompura 4 8 17 17

102 ~uJtanpur 16 DABHOI TALUKA 221

Ne_t poet office Neare&t RaHway Neare&t bUM village, Items and Ita distance in station and ita Ite distance in miles &;. of note mileR distance in miles D_day.

211 80 31 32 33

Dl\bhoi, 4 Pragpura, 1 Baroda, 30. Fri.

Karvan, 4 Mandala, 4 Baroda, 12, Fri. P 8., V,P.,C.8. Bhilapur, 1 Bhilapur, 1 Baroda, 10, Fri.

Dabhoi, Dabhoi, Baroda, ,22, Fri.

Bb!lodia, S Vadaj, 2 Baroda, 24, Fri.

Kundhela, I~ Kundhela, 3/4 Baroda, 7, Fri. P.S .. V.P. Pragpura, 2 Pragpura. 2 Barodll, 20, Fri. V.P. Bhilodia, Ik Dabhoi, S Baroda, 25, Fri. Sanor, , 2 Ten, Baroda, 26, Fri. Mandala, 2 Rly. Station, " Baroda, 17, Fri. P.B..,V.P. Mandala. a Mandala, 4 Baroda, 17, Fri. l'.S.,V.P.

Dabhoi, 4 Rly. Station, Baroda, 20, Fri. "I Dabhei, 4 Dabhoi, 4 Baroda, 14, Fri. P.S.,V.P.

Karvan, 3 Karvan, 3 Baroda, 18, Fri. Bhilodia, l§ Vadaj, 6 Baroda, 28, Fri. Bhilapur, Thuwavi, Bar@da, 11, Fri. P.S.,V .P .,'C.S. Sanor, a Ten, 4 Baroda, 25, Fri. Bbilapur, 2 Bbilapm', 2 Baroda, 8, Fri. V.l'.

D~bhoi, 4 Vadhwana, 1 Baroda, 20, Fl'i. l'.S.,V.P. P. O. Chandod, 2! Baroda, .30, Fri. P. O. Dabhoi, 4 Baroda, 15, Fri, P.S.,V.P.C.S. Bhilo.pur, 5 Kundhela, 3 Baroda, 6,Fri. P.S.,V.P.,C.S, Mandala, S MandaI .., 2 Baroda, 14, Fri. V.l'.

Pra~pur'l, a Pragpura, a Baroda, 25, Fri. P.S.,V.P. Ten, 3 Ten, a Baroda, 16, Fri. Bhilodia, 2 Dabhoi, 5 Baroda, 24, Fri. P. S., V.P.,C.C.s.

Sanor, 2i Chandod, 5 Baroda, 26, Fri. Mandala, 2! Parikh a, 1 Baroda, 18. Fri. V.P. 2').)_-' Primary Ceasus Abstract

Oooupied Houses

Total No. of p81'801lII No.oftnrnat.t.s 8. Name of yll1e.ge or Area of No. of enumerated [inoluding of inBtitutior s village No. of house inmates of institutioDB and houselel S holds No. \Own/.vl or town h01l868 IHId hOU86~ pel'l!oll81 pH'80nt in I square milee PeraonJ Males [Females I \ Male8~emllol&' I 3 4 6 6 7 , 8 II 10 % \ I I 1 I I I I I ------.I ---.~-- -,------. -_----- lfiZA [Sunthwpura 1.0 Deserted

103 Surajghoda. 0.3 9 10 52 27 25

}04 Suvalj,a 1.0 54 54 262 128 134 l(}a Tarsana 1.9 83 86 512 277 235 2 6

166 Ten 5.4 327 3"29 I,SI5 836 779 16 13

107 Tharwasa 1.3 ti5 65 :?97 145 152

10li Tbikaria tty 34 3-1 181 no 71 }69 Tbuwavi 5.3 358 3il 1,812 9.'i-t 858 27 26

}10 'Timbi 0.9 75 7t; 355 183 172

III Vadaj 5.4 277 279 1,308 69-1 614

112 Vadhwana 3.0 ]75 175 810 420 390 16 11 113 Vakhatplu" 0.7 30 30 ]53 76 77 114 Yulipur 0.8 29 29 159 80 79 115 Vanadsl'& 5.3 315 316 ],42-1 736 688 8 l]6 Vasai 3.3 191 194 9,17 512 435

H7 Vasaipura 0.7 45 45 221 115 106 2

118 Vayadpur 1.3 112 93 451 241 210

119 re~ti 1.3 1')0 60 294 155 139 11 16 Total for villages 239.8 14.575 14,813 74,867 39,041 35,826 323 211 Total for taluka 249.0 19,690 20,207 99.819 52.071 41,748 437 3ll

-----" ~-~-- -"---~------_- DABHOI TALUKA 223 ------I Agrioultural 'Cl_B I I. Cultivators I II. Cultivators I III. O,Jltlvating I

:\Iale8!ll'emale. \, M.. 168 ',Females \ ~Ihl,,~ F6m ..16.'i Ma~ !Cernal... Femalei' i I 11 i 12 ' 13 'I 14 I 16 16 17 18 111 20 I ,

Deserted ... 7 18 19 • I)

46 3 70 77 9 8 19

87 :!3 48 36 25 15t 145 5 4

307 206 259 230 134 lIO 280 275 6

35 4 79 86 5 4 51 3-

46 5 15 12 :~o 10 48 37 1

478 11)9 336 :187 97 78 257 to3 62 52

50 8 40 35 38 86 85 11

376 2(1) 249 210 120 115 170 129 37 67

215 91 104 119 57 48 137 131 31 27

23 11 44 39 II 12

22 25 9 15 43 33 2

i-Hi 2J5 222 212 126 111 272 26! 17 17

219 71 159 128 40 3t 225 :::09 36

4 43 37 34 29 24 2 1

56 13 43 16 20 142 121; 10 12

25 3 30 27 12 13 80 67 15,989 6,431 15.603 14.317 4.090 3,119 9,571 8.108 1.263 1,435 22,718 9,468 16,224 14.885 4.278 3,899 9,841 8.945 1.735 1,918 224 Primary Ce•• ua Ab.traet

Non-Agricultural C188l!et!

P"rson8 ( including dependants) who derive their principal means of livelihood from S. Name of vIII.,. or VIII-Other No. \own/w.rd V-Production I VI-Comm'eree \ VII-Tranllport I aervice.. and other than oul. miscellaneoup tivation IIOUrllet!

Males Females Males Female.. i Males F8IDaleil Malee Female.

21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

-, I 102,A Sunthiapura. Deserted

103 Surajghoda

10' Suvalja 17 30 105 Tal'88na 11 11 11 7 6 7 106 Ten 49 56 34 36 14 9 60 46 107 Tharwal!lB 7 9 108 Thikaria 3 ,3 13 8 109 Thnwll.vi 62 46 19 17 19 19 102 96

110 Timbi 1 1 2 1 4 2 3

111 Vadaj 35 15 36 45 3 1 44 42

112 VadhwaDIl. 15 9 8 4 5 4 63 48

113 Vakhatpur 4 6 17 19

114 Vll.lipur 6 4

115 Vanadara 32 36 20 Hi 47 36

116 VasBI 20 15 26 12

117 Vasaipura. • 2 4

118 Vayadpur 4 4 7 7 5

119 Vega 16 20 13 11 Totai for villages l,S07 1,592 1,118 961 310 327 5,179 4,767 Total for taluka 4,597 3,946 4.677 4.182 1,123 1.056 9,596 8,917 DABHOI TALUKA.

Ii Ne..rest post office Nearest Railway Nearest bazar village, hems I .nd Itli distance In station and itll its distance in miles & of note i miles distance in miles Bazar day. I

!9 30 I. 31 32 33 -~~----. , .. -.~-'-~---. Deserted Bhilodia, 2! .Dabhol,8 Baroda, 25, Fri. Dabhoi, 4 Pragpura. 3 Baroda, 23, Fri. V.P. Dabhoi, Dabhoi, Baroda,- 111, Fri. P.s.,V.P. I 1'.0. Rly. Station Baroda, 23, Fri.

Dabhoi, 3 Nada, 1 Baroda, ~O, Fri. V.P. Karvan, • Mandalll.,3 Baroda, 1;J, Fri. P~O. Rly. Station Baroda, 17, Fri. P.S.,V.P.• O.S. Dabhoi,2 Dabhoi, 2 Baroda, 26, Fri. P.O. Rly. Station Baroda, 23, Fri. P.S.,V.P., C.S. Dabhoi,6 Bly. Station Baroda, 3, Fri. P.s..,V.P. Mandala,2 Mandala, 2 Baroda, 26, Fri. C.s.

Kundhela, 1 ~ Irundhela, 1 Baroda, 10, Pri.

P.O. Bhilapur, 4; Baroda, 18, Fri P.s., V.P. Dabboi,3 Dabhoi, 3 Baroda, 15, Fri, P.S.,V.P. Dabhoi,3 Dabhoi,3 Baroda, 17, Fri. Bhilapar, 1 Bhilapur, 1 Baroda, 12, Fri. Dabhoi, i Dabhoi, ! llaloda, l8, ]i'rl. 226 Primary CellllUa Ab.trad ______, ____._r __~ ---~ .. --. Oooupied Houses I


I Tot-al No. of ptlnlIOW! No. otlnroat, s I 8. Name of "W"'ile 9' Area of No. of enumerated [ inoluding of lruttitutior t'I village No. of house inmates of institutions a.nd· hou.seie. IS No. ~wn/ .... a.r I or town hOUI!8R holds and housel_ persona] p -t'8onJ in squa.re roileR Per!!OnBl ... i I M~ I·"':~" I~':I··m:l: I 3 6 2 .. 6 7 ! 8 . II I 10 i I I I- I .------__--_--- -~------.~.----~ TOWN"S Nil VILLA CIS 1 Amslpur& 0.5 16 16 136 80 06 :2 Ambadi 0.5 48 40 239 125 la 3 Ambakllut- 3.3 III 99 493 272 221 4 Ambala, 1.3 49 il 326 ]58 168

i Ambazaii 2.3 4t 60 28& 1M 129

6 Aniadari :U 117 121 773 405 368

'1 Athsyaii ),0 107 129 684 341 343

8 ~adalla 1.0 2& 26 ]24 62 62 3 2 II BamroJi 1.2 13 i4 562 285 277 J6 DaDM 2.6 3& 37 188 99 93 11 Bar 2.2 71 79 429 235 194

U llaraYB6 2.6 11& 1211 760 372 378 13 Bhabh&F 1.3 .. 1 .. 80 48 32 14 Bballpari 0.7 33 33 183 98 15

Ii Bbanplll'" Q.7 2: 22 Itl8 115 83_ II Db_nhi 1.5 12V 183 S19 416 403

1'1 Bhikhapura 1.3 88 92 643 277 266 3 2

IS Bhilyarue. 1.4 is tJ3 3lO 168 142 1 10 BhiDdoi. 2.4 ]07 J09 631 274 257 2. Bhord. 1.3 45 48 247 143 104

21 Bordha 0.1 JI~ 128 6111 322 293

22. Borkuad.. ].7 IIi 96 667 33' 333 23 Chaehak 0.9 95 106 546 292 :.t54 17 19

24 Ch.aiaa, 1.2 61 63 426 22& 2()1

26 ClIaJam&li 1.1 at 149 770 416 354 JABUGAM TALUKA 227

'Agricultural Cl_s

I i I. Cultlvat.or. ! II. Cultivat.ors III. O'lltlvat.ing IV .Non.cultlvat~ '\' of lAnd wholly ! of Ia.nd wholly labou ral'8 and owners of land. agrl , or mainly owned I or mainly un- their dependant. oultura.l rent. recei. and their owned and verso and their I dependants "their dependants I dependant.s I. ! ---~-~--~--- , .'-~~"- __ I Yale8 Females i Male8jFemal.... ,! ~1I.le8 Female. Male~ Female. Male. Females

11 12 13 I U I Iii 16 17 18 111 20

\ -t---~ I ------_____

11 80 66

8 III 103 4 2 26 220 214 3 26 4 158 164

8 3 142 122 8 7 3 24 390 365 13 13 1

160 58 185 191 9 11 123 126 7 5 8 33 34 22 23

16 259 2110 3

2 84 82

4 182 163 1

50 298 308 20 25 2 47 32

3 85 77 9 6 4 2 2 54 59 29 24

67 1 330 343 22 10 3 I 60 6 215 221 1

13 4 130 114 23 11:1 2 1 17 204 198 1

3i 3 118 76

11 3 261 245 1 6. 6 326 326 7 7

67 1 )14 117 83 77

11 223 200

177 91 125 IH 30 24 71 70 51 41

----~--~--~-- 228 Primary CealUI. Abstract

--c------~ ~-~---~--~---- Non-Agriollitural Classes

Parsolls ( iflcluding dependants) who derive their prinoipal means of livelihood from s. Name of villa,. or ~~ - VTIl:::0ther No. \own/ward V-Produotion VI-Commerce \ VII-Tr .. nMport! services anG other than cui. i miscellaneow- tivatlon I I 8ource.

Males IFemale.. Males' Females; Males I Female.. ' Mal""i Female.

2J 1 1__ 22 23 I 24 I 25 j 2fi I :~7 l_:__


2 Ambadi 5 4 3 2 2 3 3 Ambakhut 16 3 3 4

4 Amba)ag 4

5 Ambazati 1 2

6 Aniadari 1

7 Athavali 9 4 8 6

8 Badalia 2 5 5

9 Bamroli 11 5 12 12 10 Bandi 3 2 8 9

11 Bar 52 30

12 Baravad 4 7 7 2 43 34

13 Bhabhar 14 Bhanpari

15 Bhanpur 2

16 Bhesavahi 31 19 5 1 25 29

17' Bhikhapura 28 22 17 4 16 19 18 Bhilvania 9 5 4 4 19 Bhindol 11 59 46

20 Bhorda 29 28

Bordha 60 48 22 Borkunda

23 ChlWhak 51 32 21 11 2 2 21 15

24 Chaina 2 1

25 Chalaniali 7I 55 ]II 18 49 32

~---~---~~~------~------~-~ -~----- JABUGAM TALUKA

N "..reet post office Nearest Railway . Nearest ba,,8ol' village, Items 6lKI its distanoe in station and its its distance in miles & (}f note miles distance in milet! Ba_ d 1\y.

30 31 33 Primary Ceaaua Abstract

Ooou~iedHo~Bes -i

' Total No. of perotOllJ! II! o. of inlllattEf S. Na.-- of "UI .. jof. or Are .. of No. of " "numerated [ including of institutior e village \ No. of house !lnmates of illBtitutioD8 i ..nd Dousele, e lIro. \(1w·n/ ...... ! or town) hon""" holds , IHld hou""l_ perRone] p r80nJ in \ square i miles i I M ..leslFemaleR MaiesiFemale9 I 3 ! \I i I 10 2 I

26 Chapargota 0.8 36 39 265 151 114 27 C.beihapul" 1.B 73 73 603 243 26Q

28 Chhatrllt~ 1.5 129 13t 675 342 333 2 !P 2.3 36 3& ]94 116 78

30 Chimali 1.0- 52 53 299 148 151

31 CaudeJ 1.2 81 81 232 213 32 Chuli 1.8 121 124 730 408 322

33 Cl.undheli 1.6 73 458 214 34 DabhetM (t.& 34 199 98 101

35 5.4 32 32 174 91 83

36 Deomori' 1.1 IS 26 176 83 93

37 :Deria 0.7 41 41 252 137 H5

38 1.8 56 301 152 149

39 3.6 97 101 731 388 343

40 6.S' 100 100 618 309 309

41 DungarV81l.t 1.4 92 98 596 315 280

42 :FatBl 0.5 46 40 267 135 132

43 J'atepurn 0.3 30 213 112 ]01

J'erk.uwBI 4.1 102 102 579 308 271

45 Gadoth 0.9 47 50 377 ISO 197

Gaidia 1.()' 67 70 463 233 230 Gajarll 1.9 24 25 133 65 68 48 Ganbhio.pm.·$ 0.7 32 32 227 126 101

49 Garolia. 0.7 17 17 89 48 41

50 Ghad 0.9 100 104 597 319 278 4

61 GhaiarapurBl 0.7 28 28 241 125 116

Ghota 1.7 44 27 17 6-3 Ghociaj 2.3 14 14 70 34 36 JABUGAM TALUKA 231 ~~ ----~--~-~ -_------Agrioultural Cl_s

I I. Cuitivat.ora II- Cultivators III. Oultlvatinj;! IV -N on-oultlvatill4 Llteratel I of IImd wholly : of land wholly' labourers and ownel'8 of land, agtJ I or mainly owned: or mainly un- their dependant. oultural rent reoei- and their ' owned and vers, and their I dependant8 . their dependant.s dependant.

-::~I'~e-ma-~le-s-i- Male. IFemales; Male" Fem~le81--~=I"1 Fe~:;:---' Males Femalea 20 11 : 12 \ 13 I U ; Iii 16 I 17 I 18

3 126 92 25 22

2 217 242 7 4

121 3 120 114 56 55 161 160 1 3 I 22 6 66 43 10 15 29 15

1 ]31 138 17 13

42 5 210 192 20 18 8 392 315

33 13 142 121 14 9 20 14 2 2

2 96 99 1 32 26

5 81 87 2 6

3 126 106 10 8

7 III 115 1 1

64 4 317 297 4 3 1

15 3 255 258 33 32

8 282 247 10 2 1 3

4 135 132

1 112 101

73 72 139 127 13 9 155 135

3 160 173 5 8

161 159 8 10 21 23 28

1 56 11 12

1\ 2 102 83

47 41 1

72 8 280 256 3 1

5 125 116 "' .... 27 17

15 II 8 9 11 14 2 232 Primary Cellsus Abstract

Non-Agricult.ural Classe@

P"r"OllS ( ill('hlding dependants I who derive their prinoip.. 1 meallS of livelihood irorn S. Name of vlll~iI. or

No. V-Production VI-CommA'"'' \'] J-T rttJlMp')rt ~t"rviC~R and other than c"l. I rniscelluneo1h tivatioII source"" : M1'11'8 I-F ,,~:.. -:r~lal .. " Male", }("maJet , ! 1 11 I 22 i 23 I _27_1_~

26 - Chapargota

27 Chethapur 18 14 28 C'lIhairali 1 1

29 Chhotanagar 5 4 6

30 Chimali

31 Chmiel 1 3

32 ChuJi 2 2 10 4 4

33 Chundhl'li 66 68

34 D ..bherai

35 DE-gala 59 57 36 Deomori

37 Deria

38 Dhanpur 40 33 39 DbaroJia 2 62 40

4(} Dhorivav 1 21

41 Dungarvant 10 16 6 5 6 7 42 Fats

43 Fatepnra

44 Ferkllwa

45 Gsdoth 7 5 g ')

46 Gaiditt 1 1 13 47 Gajara

48 Gan bhia pltra ]6 ]5 3

49 Gat"olia

60 Ghad 11 8 25 13 61 Ghajarapura

52 Ghata

53 Ghodr.j ------JABUGAM tALUKA 233 I

Nearest Railway Nearest b8l!:8I' village, N'e..rest poet office lteJDB I l'temark' Uld itll dist&.nce in station and itll its diste.n

10 "I 33

Jabugam, 1 Jabugarn, Jabugam,

Dungarvant, 3 Pavi.8 Jetpur

Ka.rali, 2 Jabugarn. 8 Jabugam, 8 P.s.,V.P.,C.$.

Jcltpur, 5 Jetpur, 5 JetpuT, .~

Karali, 6 Cbhota Udepnr, Panvad, 4, Tues.

J'etpur. 4 Pad, 5 Jetpur, 4

Kadncbhala, 1 Bodflli.7 Jetpur, 7

Jabugarn, 3 Jabugarn, 3 Jabugam, 3

Chhota Udepur, 7 Chhota Udepnr, 7 Chbota Udepur, 7, F'ri.

KaraH, 5 Pavi, 2~ ChaIKm".li. 3

Krrali,. 3 Jabugam, \1 Kavara. 14. '\lOll.

DungaryaJl t, 2 Pavi,8 Pavi, 8,

Jabugam, 3 Jabugam, 3 Jabugam, 3 P.S.

J,anbughoda, :I Jabllgam, 2 Jabugam• 2 P,O. Pavi,6 Jetpur P.S.

Jetpur. 4 Pa\Oi, I\~ Jetpur, 4 JeLpllr, 5 . Pavi, 5 Jetpur, r,

Cbalamali, . 11 Cbalamali. 1

JabugsID, 11 Jabugam, 1~ Ja.bugRm, 1~ Jabugam, 3 Jabugam, 3 Jnbugam. 3 P.s. ... Karali, 5 Pavi, 4 K",vllra, I .5, Mon.

Dungarv8nt. 3 Pavi, 5 Jetpur

Karali, 2~ Jabu3am. 8 Jabugam, 8

Kadval, 5 Pani Mines, 4 Kadvsl, /)

Jetpur, 4 Pavi, 4 JAtpur, " Dungarvant. !I Pavi, 9 Jetpur, 8 .. '. Karali, i Jabugam, 7 Chhota Udepur.16, Fri. _10. PrImary Ce•• us Abstract ------..---~------~ Oooupled Houses

Total No. of persoWl No. of Inmat. e 8. N~ of yUlap or Area of No. of enumerated [ including of institutiol! S village No. of house Inmates of institutioDB and housele~8 lio. town/ward or town houses holda and bouseleee p&r80D8] ponon, In square mllss Per8o~~~:-FemaleSr~alea f~em~11!tI I ' 3 Ii 6 7 8 I ~ I 10

',.i, ,Ghodiala 0.5 29 29 167 88 79

I. Goga~lilll 1.3 38 39 249 129 120 M GUlW) (l.a 29 29 196 102 9.1

117 Gutia 1.3 77 4115 248 247

~l! Gutna'l\'llri 2.2 94 592 318 274

119 HaraklJpuF 1.9 73 80 465 245 220

tiO Haripura 0.7 :u 36 177 85 92

61 Hatbipaght 26 135 li3 72

1.1 55 59 451 231 220

63 Intvada 1.0 22 23 124 6! . 60

Jabngwn 3.8 41:~ 420 2.0;9 1,069 1,010 Jamba 1.3 5t 479 255 224

66 J"tPUF 1.7 517 2,631 1,401 1,230 31 22

tii Jitnagar 0.6 16 ]u iii 43

68 Jivanpul'8. 0.3 8 t6 33 33

IHI JogsI'mi' 0.3 2Y 21 134 62

70 Jogipura 0.8 :u 31 185 96 89 7i Juna Timbarva u.s " 4 17 8 9 7:! Junirudhi 0.9 18 19 140 71 69

73 Kadacbbala 7.1 361 366 1,787 1106 881

Kadh.-vakuva 15 15 86 39 0.0 ... 75 - .... 4.7 33S 338 1,981 ~~9 3 3

76 Kalh'apura 1.0 6 Ii 3': 11) 17

'i7 Kalarani 1SS I!N 93t! 490 448

Kali"ri 1.8 121 121 687

79 Kalikui 0.3 I) 6 48 20

1.4 87 87 687 294 293

81 Kandla Amadar '" 1.3 92 91) 609 :U6 291 JABUGAM TALU~A 235 ~----'-r-~--- Agrioultural CI&8il88 I ---- ... ~--.---.. -.-.

1\ 1. Cultivators II. Cultivator. III. Oultlvating IV.Non.oultlvatiDf Llter.1Ies of land wpolly of land whoU,. labourers and ownertl of land, agrl or mainly owned or mainlYj un- their dependant. Quit-ural rent raoel. and their owned Ilnd verB, and their I dependant!! : their deperidant8 dependantil M.:M 1"71 :':I'::--! :'" ;:"'-:--I··:-l ~:" .;; ..

_. __ .-,--- ._- _- ~ --- 88 79

6 120 107 2 3 5 8 12 102 94

14 liS 178

24 -6 :300 257 I) 3

12 196 165 27 19 16 27

7 1>0 88 2

62 10

£} 138 129 20 15 69 76

59 59 . 1

432 176 353 337 40 40 22 12 34: 4l

14 1 241 211

620 ~33 221 190 2 236 :!20

35 36 2 4

22 17 9 2 2

4 70 62

8l 72 11 13

7 3 2

4 40 4; 31 22

186 31 503 50l 8 11 326 302 17 21 2 47 39

233 19 748 741 5 3 20 29 15 28

2 15 17

106 29 338 30G 55 51 3

14 350 33i 2 1

6 28

5 '3 285 2sa 5 5

10 1 240 243 6 2 1 236 Primary Ce•• u. Ab.traet -----~----. -_- 1-.. ---_.- Non-Agricultural 01 .._ P"rsons ( including dependants) who derive their principal means of livelihood from S. Name of vm.... O~ - 1- .. --..... ---- -. -VIII-Oiher V-Production VI-Comm6rce VII-TranHport services and No_ ...... n/w .. rd 1 I other than cui. I miscelisneoUl! tivation sources ---~------.- --.-- _------Males \Fem"l"~ FemaleI'll Male.. Femal",,' Ma.les Female. 21 23 2' 25 26 27 28 1 l 22

54 Ghodiala

55 Gogadia 2 2 56 Gundi

57 Gutia 57 4 2 9 ]0 58 Gutnswsd 10

59 Hara\rhpur I)

60 Haripu)'a 3 61 HhthipllgJa

62 Hirpari 3 63 IntvRrla 2 1

64 ;J'abugam 141 140 6] 45 19 16 399 379 65 1amba 12 4

66 Jetpur 197 173 1;,S 109 46 4] 538 '491

67 J'itnag'u­ 3 3

68 Jjvanpura -I. 69 .Togapnr 2

70 Jogipura 4 4 71 ;Juna Timbs,,·s

72 lunirnflhi

73 .Kadachhala 33 25 1 2 ]8 111 74 l\adhaVitkuva

75 Kadval II) 7 7 3 121 117 76 Kadvapura

77 - Kalllrani 18 20 19 50 48

78 Kaliari

i9 Kalikui

SO Randa 3 3 2 81 Kandin .<\ matisr 3 3 8 36 33 JABUGAM TALUKA

. J

'N e..rell't post office Nearest R&tlway N e8reet bazar village, Items I ~d its distance In station and its itt! distance in mile8 & or note I milm distance in miles Bassrday.

I I 31 __j ___ ~~ J

~Brali, (\ Chhota Ude, Panvad. 5, TUt!8. pur, 7 JambH~hoda, 1·:, Jabugam, 4, J'abugllm, ., " Bhikh8pura, -1 Pavi. -1., Jetpur, I}

Dungan8nt, 3 Pavi, Pa.vi,6

Du ng.uv ant,. Pavi, Tejgauh, ti, Mon.

Jl!tpll1', 5 Pavi, J"tpUl'. 5

KaraH, Jl\bugam, 8 K9.v,u·s,. ]-5. Mon.

Jetpnr, Pavi, '1 Jetpur, '1

Jetpnt, Jetpur, 3 Jetpur, , 3

Pan! Mines, K&dval, ~ P. O. Rly. Station"' Bazar. 1".8., v.~, K"dval. Pan 'Mines. Kadval 9 P.·O. Pavi, Bazar, P.8.,V.P.,O.:J..

ChnlamRli, Bodeli, 18 Chruamali, (

Jabugam, ~ .1llbugam, ~ Jabugam, ~ Kndval, 10 Panl Mines,l) Kauval, 10

Kfld'<"at, to Pani Mines,l} K8dval, 10 Chalama1i, 3 Bodeli, ' 17 Jabugam, 12

CbalaIDali. 2 Bodeli, 20 Chalamali, 2 --.e- ••

Koslvdra, 3 Bodcli, 8 Bodeli, 8 'I>.S.

Jetpur, 10 Pavi, 19 Jetpur, 10 P. O. Paui Mines,1 Jefipur, 4 Pavi, " Jetpur, KarsH, 3 Jet-pur, l Jetpur,

la.mbughoda, 5 Bodeli, 7 Jetpur, ......

Kadval, /; Pani Mines, " Kadval, I) ...... Kadval, Pani Mines, {; Kadval, ..... Dungarvllnt, " Pavl, jetpur, Primary Ce... u. Abatrad -1 \oOOUPied Houses

j -- ---~~ ---

Total No. at pel1!O&l No. ot iuma... If 8. Name of ylBag. 01' Area of No. of eoumerated [ including of lDlltitutioJ) 8 village No. of bouse 'DlDatee of inatitutioDB and housele[ 8 No town/ward or town house.. bold. and houaeleee perllOll8] pftl'llonJ In equare milee p"r80~ Male. Femalea Ma&es Female.

1 3 6 I 7 8 10

82 KanBiya 1.1 31 as 194 106 88 83' :Karajvant 1.3 73 73 355 177 178

84 KaraIi I.~ !03 207 1,054 56S 486

2.8 121$ 133 678 350 3:!S

86 Katall pUll 31 41 25-2 139 113

0.7 15 i5 122 66 56

ISS Kavara. u.:Y 62 liZ 389 1115 194

89 Kvvda ],0 15 15 IZI

1.0 4S 51

1)1 KhalitJiskuva 0.6 18& 82 lOt)

0.3 Ii !H

93 KJ.arech. O.li J:!6 71

1.& 206 186

Ill) Kheda liS

1.\1 38 ::65 IH 121

117 hOflomm iii 27li 131> HI

98 Kothii. -II 184 101 83

99 Aukall'" 0.1 71 73 377 1117 180

160 Kunuuf 4.:3 ft7 100 554 270

:f01 Limbal j, O.S 311 158 153

102' Lodhan 1.3 73 399 179 loa LUllaj" bl 53 3H ]73 lS}

H)4 MlIgiuo 0.7 24 24 158

105 MajigarR J .3 334 Hi6 178

1fJ5A Mavli. J .1 Dese'l"ed

]Otl 32 32 87 S7

]67 You.. Dwngad .•• 2.1 78 89 526 2M 261

HIS Mota Amadara ... 1.3 58 59 444 225 219 JABUGAM TALUKA 239 ------~-----~------I ! Agrioultural elllo8,",1 -_ ------I. Cultlvat·ors II. Cultivators III. 0llitl vatlng IV.Non-oultlvatlna- Llterat.ElI of IRnd wholly of land wholly labouren and ownen of land, agH. or main!, owned or mainly un- their dependants eultural rent reoel· and t eir owned and ven. and their dependante their dependants I dependants , I - M9Jee -r;e~le. [ ~~lsl IFemalee I MaisR .;~--~-r~~ma .. Malee I'emalee 13 I 16 I 15 16 17 I 18 18 20 11 I 11 \ ! , ----- 1 10i 88

2~ 1 165 169 6 4 112 5 365 332 72. 69 13 It IG :l :!56 :!41 5 4 34 44 8 5 Iv l:;,j l',- .) ..,;

ti5 56 1

158 106 87 28

67 51

21 IUti u.s 37 33

HI !ill 1i2 4 5

5 51 42 <, 5 :!1 11 .~.

26 4 126 129 6 7 4

3 IIll 1:33 2

4 143 120

lOt} 104

28 10 14 23 17 19 55 41

3;; ]55 141 1 2

1 _ ="15 :!Ui 15 19 2

153 142 5 11 " HI;,! 158 6 140 123

72 84 2

4 146 162 4, 3 Dese'l'ted

1 84 81 2 4

93 5 167 172 82 80 1 229 219 240 Primary CelilUI Ab.traet ... ------.. _--_._-._------_.. _-_--- I Non-Agrloultural Cl&ll8es I· - ---... -.--.------, P"rsons ( Including dependants) who derive their prinolpal means of livelihood from s. N amf! of villa,. or \ownjwal'd V-Produo~;~: "\- -;I-Co~meroe \ VII_Tran~por~-11 :~~~~~~~-- otber tban oul. miscellaneou. tivation I BOurce~ Male. ;~::~--~:e"-~~~~;~~ale8 ~em~le~li Males Female. 1 21 22. 23 ! 24 I 26 26 27 28

82 Kansiya

83 Karajvant 3 2 2 3

84 KaraH II 3 61 28

85 Karsan 16 12 3 27 19

86 Katfinpur 4 87 Kathula

88 Kavara

89 Kevda 90 Khadakaia. 12 Ii 91 Khandiakuva .,. " I) 4 92 Khandivav

93'- Khareda 49 4::1

94 51 38 95 Khooa 2

806 Kobivav

97 KOrl!lnm 29 31

98 Kothia 13

99 Kukana 13 t3

100 Kunda~ 4 101 LhnbRni

25 2\ 103 Lunaja 3

H)'; llIajignm 7

!05A Itfavli De8e'rted

H)" Mel'l8ra I

)07 Mora Durngari ... 4 3 IfS :\Tota Amadara ... JABUGAM TALUKA 241

NetAl'8llt post office Nearet!t Rsilway Nearest. hazar village, Items and ita distance in station and ita its distance in miles & of note miles distance in miles Bazar day.

%11 30 31 32 33


Karllli, (\ Pavi, 2J.,· Jetpur, 7

ChaJamali, 5 Bodell, 19 Chalamali, 5

P. O. Jabugam, 8 Panvad, 15, Tues. P.R. KariIi, t Jabugam, 8~ Panvad, 14h Tues. Jetl ur, 3 Pavi, a Jetpur, a Jambugboda, 5 Pavi, 10 Jetpur, 10 Karali. 7 Chhota Ude- Panvad. 2, Tues. ... pur 7 Dungarvant.3 Pavi. !j Jetpur, 10

Jabugam. 1~ Jabugam, 1~ Jabugam. lk " ;J' ..bugam.

Kosivdra, 1 Bodeli, 9 Bodeli• 9

Ka4:val. 3 Panl Mines. 3 Kadval. 3

Bhikapura. 5 Pavi, 5 Jetpur. 5

Jetpur. 6 Pavi. 6 Jetpur. 6


Dungarvant. 4 Pavi, 10 Jetpur. 6

Jetpur. 7 Pavi, 7 Jetpur. 7

Jetpur. 2 Pavi, 2 Jetpur. 2 Dungarvant, 4 Tejgadb, 8 Jetpur, 9

Jetpur. 7 Pavi. 6 Jetpur. 7

KarsH. 5 Pavi. 7 Kavara, 17, Mon. De8Brted

ft Jetpur, 3 Pa.vi. 2§ Jetpur. oJ

Chalamali, 3 Bodeli. 17 Chalamall, 3 Karali. 2 Jabugam, 6 iTa.bugam. i Primary Ce•• u. Ab.tract

Oooupied Houses ------Total No. of persona No.oflnmatee 8. Name of ymage or Are. of No. of enumerated [illOluding of illlltitutioD e village No. of boulle imnates of illBtitutiollB and bouseles8 K o. \ownl.... d or town bou_ bolds and boUl1elesa persons] psnonil iD \ lIquare ----- mile!! MaleR Femalea Malee Femalea

8 , I) 7 8 II 10 l ! P71 I - 109 Mota Amadara ••• 1.0 '0 49 212 105 106 llO Motabuti8para .•• 0.2 14 23 135 73 62 111 Motakant\'B 1.5 113 113 687 340 347 112 Motiamrol 6.5 270 2{17 1,801 946 855-

113 lIotibej 2.4 164 167 1,031 525 506

114 illotibumadi 1.1 98 100 541 288 253

US Motikbandj 1.2 31 31 234 ]22 112 116 Motipum 0.2 20 21 140 .7 73 (Gadotb) 117 lfotipura 0.2 6 6 34 22 12 1 (Kadval) J18 Moti Raati 1.2 76 76 468 239 229

Jf9 !lfotitaglivav n. :J SO 32 185 90 95

120 Motivan~ 0.9 63 65 364 189 175 121 Mudhiari 3.1 30 30 204 103 101 ~ )22 Muldhar 0.7 QO 91 719 375 344

123 Muthai 1.5 5. 05 32:2 161 161 12"4 Muvadt. 2.7 167 173 1,083 597 486 J25> Naqa Amooan ... 1.0 0 44 358 181 177

]:6 N aDa Amadara '" l.Z 87 IH 503 268 235

127 Nanabuiiapura .•• 0.3 23 24 126 66 60 7 ~

128 Nana Kant... 0.7 88 38 228 117 111

129 Naniamarol 1.7 50 62 289 155 134

130 Nanibej 1.1 71 7£ 4M 224 230

131 N8Ilibumadi 1.1 50 63 402 20& 196

]32 Nani Khandi 1.~ 53 54 272 136 ]37

133 Nani Raeii l.t 69 59 341} 170 170

134 Nanit~j8vllv 0.61 10 10 52 27 25 135 NSllh-ant Q.i 3 3 9 " 5 136 NaITania 1.4 ~4 34 247 121 126 JABUGAM TALUKA 248


Agricultural CI811!J81 I I I. Cultivators II. Cultlvatorl III. Oultlvatlng IV.N onooultlvat" Liter.... of land wholly of land wholly' labourers .nd owners of land, .jp'I. or mainly owned or mainly un- their dependant. oulturalrent reoei. and their owned and ven. &lid their I dependantB i their dependants dependants I ' i ----~---~-.- _----".- Males FemaleB Mal88 Malee J'emale. ( lIoIoT-- 1 Malee J Femaletl J'emalell 11 11 13 U I 15 HI 17 18 18 20 \ I i - ----~------,11 82 79 23 25

11 73 62 30 14 335 342

, 65 6 727 683 19 8 9 4

20 361 3H 4, 6 15 11

36 256 220 1

9 105 99 1

8 31 36 14 9 8 3 ,16 206 189 1

7 9 63 65

59 34 83 63 91 104 6 92 92 1

35 320 301 65 43 9 124 133

22 4 633 440 2 4,

18 172 169 9 8

'16 34 '78 '79 183 166 3 60 69 1 2 17 117 111 116 82 .-- 13 2 ]70 182 3 3 \I 7 3 191 176 ]3 l' 29 1 117 133 1 6 ]34 ' 164 4 27 26

4 5 103 1GB 18 18 244 Primary Ceil.... Abatr.ct

Non-AgrlclUltural ClaeaN

P"rsonB ( Including dependants) who derive their prinoipal meane of livelihood from s. Name of villa.. or VI-Commeroe VII-Tran.. port. VlII-Oeervioee.... and - No. \own/ward V-Produotion \ \ I other than oul. mieoellaneollll sources tivation I ------_.! MaleeiFemales I MaieR I}t'emales: Males IFemalesi Malee Female. 2 21 I 22 I 23 i 2, I 25 I 26 I 27 28 ------~- - 109 Mota Amadll·ra .. , 1 2

110 Motabutiapura .. ,

III Motaklllltva 5 5

112 Motiamrol 8 6 6 6 177 148

113 Motibej 132 142 6 2 7

114- Motibumadi 7 5 24- 28

115 Motikhandi 7 2 9 11

116 l\Iotipnra 36 37 (Gaduth) 117 Motipura (Kaoval) JlS Moti Rasti 12 9 20 31

119 Motitaga.... av 4 4 23 ~6

120 Motiv8.nt _9 7

121 1Vfudhiari 10 S

122 Muldhar 123 Muthai 32 28 2 3

124 Muvada 10 11 2 60 31

125 Nana Amadara _;_

]26 Nana Amadara '" 5 ... 2

'127 NanabutiapUTa _.. S 1

128 Nana Kantva

129 Naniamarol 40 42

130 Nanibej 42 38

]31 Nanibumadi 2 2

]32 Nani Khandi 7 2 ~ 3 5 2

133 Nani R8Ilti 36 f

134 Nanitejavav

135 Nanivant ]36 Narvania

---~~---.~------.-- -_- JABUGAM TALUKA

N 8t6l"e8~ post office Nea.rest RaHway Nea.rost bazar village, Items and Ita dietaDoe in sta.tion and ita it. distance in miles at· of note milE!ll distance in mile. Baza.r day.

!t 30 31 32 33

Kadval,2 Pani Mines, 3 Kad"al, 2 J'abugam • .{ J'abugam, , Jabugam,4 Jetpur, 8 Pav!, 6 letpur, 8

Jetpur, I) Pavi, " J'etpur•. 0 Dungarvant, 4 Pavi, " .Tetpur, .6 1'.8.

,J abugam, 2~ Jabugam. 2~ Jabugam, 2~ P.s. Kadval,2 Pani Mines, 2 Kooval, 2

,T ambughods, Jabugam.3 Jab'lgam, 3 Ii Bodeli, 8 Bodeli,8 Bodeli. S ,Jetpur,l Pavi, 1 Jetpur, 1

Ja.buga.m, 2 Jabugam, 2 Jabugaro,2

Jabugam, 12 Jabugam,12 Jabugam, ]2 "'('.

Jambughoda., I) Pavi, 10 Jet pur, 10 ....,;

Jabugam, I~ Jabugam. l~ Jabugam, Ii Dungan'ant, 3 Pavi, 12 Jetpur,

Kadval, I) Panl Mines, 6 Kadva.l, I) Karali, 2 Jabugam, 6 Jabugam,6 P.S •• 'V.P. Kadval.2 Pani Mines, 2 Kadval,2

Jambughoda. 2 Jabugam,3 Jabugam,3 '.... Jetpur,6 Pavi, 6 Jetpur, 6

ChhotaUdepur. Chhota Udepur, 8 ChhotaUdepur, 8 8, Fri. Dungarvant, 3 Pavi, ,5~ Jetpur, 6 - Jabugam, " Jabugam, 4 Jabugam, 4 ... KMdval, I Pan! Mines,l Kadval,l

J ambughoda, , Bodell, {; Bodeli, I) P.B. Jetpur,l Pavl,l Jetpur. I Chalamali, 1 Bhupur, 3 ChaIamaIi. 1 letpuJ:,7 Pavi,7 Jetpur,7 21() Primary Ce•• ua A&'trac:t - -_--_- --_--- --_< I Oocupied HOUBesl

1 Tot.&! No. of partlOW! No. of hunat.es 8. Are .. of No. of enumerated [ inoluding of I,netitution s vill~ge No. of house inmates of institutioll$ and houaeie@. No. I, or townl hou..... holdA and bOUII61_ persOWll purson, 8q~~e\1 I miles ,I I Males Fem.. les Males Female. 7 8 10 J B ! • I\

Navagam 0.8 44 56 300 162 138

138 Navatimv8.wa 1.8 68 82 437 238 199

139 Navirudhi 0.6 II 11 54 31 23

14{) Oliakillam ].2 70 70 219

141 PaUa 1.2 63 63 183 2(}5

Pandhara 0.8 84 87 49:3 251 212

143 Palltlharwa 2.8 22 22 122 66 56

Pani 0.0 73 463 255 208

145 Panihar 1.8 114 641 320 321 146 0.7 47 47 287 146 HI

141 Pavi 0.9 67 69 3!!2 181 Ht

148 Polallpur 0.8 12 Ii) 77 38 39

149 l'rat~pnagar 1.0 24 159 76 83

15(10 Ptatapura G.6 15 15 tl6 5?

Raipur lUI 49 49 277 149 laS 1&:2: H.sjhodeli 1.2 86 98 510 257 253

153 Rajpur 0.1 39 39 284 109 125 (Kadval) Railmr 85 85 242 221 (Karalit 155 Rajvb.Sana 0.6 16 16 39 36 3 100 Ranbhun 1.4 117 60 179 145 o la7 S&d ad han 1>.4 19 19 102 63 49 5 2_ us S adhll Ii 2.2 132 753 386 367 l!i9 Sagaura 11.5 36 36 223 116 101

160 SlIojod 0.7 46 46 236 12S 107 161 SlljuIi 2.l Ii 82 40 42 U12_ Sakhandr.. 3.8 135 139 882 454 428

:63 8801uj 1.4 85 614 267 247

164 Stunadi 1.6 22 23 H6 61 JABUGAM TAL.UKA 247 ---.---.-----~------Agricultural Cl88BeI

1. Cultivators \ II. Cultivators III. Cultivating I'V -Non.oultivatln, Liter.... of land wbolly of land wbolly labou,.e1'8 and owners of land, agrl or mainly owned or mainly un- .heir dependantl . oultural rent racei· and their I owned and verB. and their I depe~dantB \ their dependants dependants

~ale8 f~male. f Males J Femalel!l Male. IFemale. Male. J'emale@ "··'1"-'1 15 16 17 18 U 20 11 I 12 \ 13 U I !

I ------~---~---- -~--~--.------. _... ._------40 8 126 109 26 20

41 1 114 107 2 2 26 111 I} 7

If 2411 215

1 182 202 61 3 215 212 9 S 14 I. 63 50 2

67 1 185 155 3 237 235 80 86 1

~ 128 122 14, 16 6 1 168 133

6 1 24 26 13 11

3 1 62 77 ......

48 42 4 2

5 132 109 4 7 4 6 105 43 167 176 52 51

7 1 107 119 1 1 J ••

1 212 188

7 1 II 8 21 24

21 4 156 129 S 7

20 2 20 14 30 35 16 309 288 1 62 O. 2 1

3 87 84 Ii 7

6 113 92

40 4\

70 343 301 Ii

1 267 247 3i 3i 248 Primary CeQsus Abstraet

Non-Agrloultural CI_ee

Pt!rSODII ( Inoluding dependants) who derive their prinoipal means of livelihood from S. Name of villa.. or VIII-Other No. \own/ward V-Production VI-Commeroe VII-TranRport servioes and other than oul. I misoellaneo1lll tivation I \ sources

Male8 Females Males Females Males Females Male!! Female.

1 I 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

_------~ -- --~- ~ ~~------137 Navagam 2 3 8 6

138 Navatimvaw8 2 l:!O 90 139 Navirudhi 140 Oliakalam 5 4 14] Palia 1 3

142 Pandhara /} 3 7 :} 143 Pandharwa 2 4 144 Pani 4 66 53

145 Paniba1" 2

146 Patie 1 1 2 2 1 147 Pay; 12 8 1

148 Polallpur 1 2

149 Pratapnagar 14 6

160 Prttapura 151 Raipur 2 7 6

162 Rajbodeli 2 7 3 29 22

153 Rajpur 1 4 (Kadval) 164 Rajpur (Karali} .•. 30 33

166 Rajvltssna 6 4 4

106 Ranbhun 7 4 8 I) 1

157 Sadadhan 1 2 158 Sadhali 9 9 " 2 169 Sagadra 14 14 1 2

160 &jod 1 2 12 14

161 Sajuli 1 162 Bakhandrn II 4 4 90 123 163 Baloj

164 Samadi 26 20 JABUG4M TAl-UKA ------r~ ------

Nearest post. office Nearest Railway Nea..... bazar v~llage. _d its distance in station and its it.t'd_ce in miles & ~~=ool milell distance in miI6s B_day. I I

so 31 32 I -'------~------~--- Kosivdra, 3 Bodeli, 11 Bodell, 11 Chal&mali, 2 Bodeli, l' Chalamali, 2 Chalamali, 1 Bodeli, 12 Chalamali,

-Kadval, Pani Mines, 4 Kadval, 3

Jetpur, 3 Pavi, :I Jetpur.

Jahugam, 4 Jabugam, 4 .T'tbugam, 4,

Jabugam, 1 J"bugam, 1 J abugam, ~.s.

Kadval, 2 Paui Mines, I Ksdval, 2

Karsli, _ 5 Chhota Ude. Panvad, 7, Tues. pur, 9 Jetpur, 3 Pavi, 3 Jetpur, 3

Jetpur, Rly. Station. Bazar,

J'lbugam, 3 Jabugam, S Jabugam, 3

, J'abugam, 2 2 Jabugam, 2

,Jabugam, 3 Jabugaru, 3 Jabugam, :I Dungan-ant, 3 Pavi. 6 Jetpur, 6

Kosivdra, 2 Bhatpur, 8 Kosivdra. 2

Karali, Jabugam, 8 Jabugam, 8

Bodeli, 5 Bodeli, 5 Bodeli, 5

Chslnmali, 2 BodeJi, 12 Bodeli, 12

Jambughoda,3 Jabugam, 3 Jab'ugam, 3

J arnbughoda, 5 Jabugam, 6 Jabugam, 6

Karali, 6 Chhota Ud,e, Panvad, 5, Tues. .. lP;8. pur, 7 Dungarvant, 1 Pa,vi, 10 Jetpur,

DUllgarvrmt, 3 Pavi, Jet-pur, 5 Chhota. Ude. Chhots Ude. Chhota Udepur, pur, S pur, 8 8, Uri. Jabugam, 3! Jabugam, 3§- J'abugam, 3k F.B. Karali, 8 .:rabugam, 8 Jabngam, 8

Kadval, 7 Pani Mines, 8 Kadval, 7 ~;)(i Primary Ce.1lU1 Abstract

--.------~- ... --.-----~------Oooupied Houliles I.

Total No. of perllOllfI No.oflnmat.eEr No.of i 8. Name of "lIlage Dr Area of enumerated [ including of institution 5 village No. of I house Iwn&tetl of inBtitutions a.nd housel88& No. or town houses hold8 and houseleM persons] p'rlton! In 8QUare ------'------~ aiiles MaieM Females Males FemalefS

2 3 II 7 8 10

165 SB1.han 2.7 6,4 66 ~87 196 191 ]66 Segwa Simali 0.6 22 22 122 56 6!}

1'67 2.() 185 187 1,060 655 500 Ii

}68 Setva o.~ 21 2! 188 {1, 92

169 l'!engpUl! 1.0 2() 23 109 58 51 no 8e'rpufa> (1.9 17 17 95 58 37

J'fl Shivappura 0.8 &1 62 2!ft 147 147

J7Z Sihod 1.0 56 58 473 243 230

173 Simalghoda () i 2(} 133 Gi

174 $imaliya. 0.8 82 86 25! :?50

175 iSithol La 73 577 285

17& ~u8kali 2.7 2J4 214 1,510 773 737 ]0

J77 Taukachh&la 1.3 1~8 136 844 421 423

178 Tambolia 1.0 65 72 37& 194 182

170 Tarapur 1.7 39 40 186 99

'fhalki I.S 113 113 799' 405

J81 ThambhBIa 1.0 21 21 117 79 68

182 'I'imbi 98 61 79 494 250 2U

183 Tokerva: 0.3 31 31 218 110 108

184 UChapalJ 3.3 167 Hi7 1,111 571 1140 J85 Udhani& '.2 13 14 87 39 48 186 Unada 1.0 35 35 166 III 75

187 Undava 1.11 24 24 119 58 61

188 Un.' 1.1 61:! 78 432 211 221

18tt Untkoy 1.4 62 62 4()O 217 183 1

190 Yadatalao 1.0 23 24 Jl2 59 53

191 0.9 57 61 286 H7 139

1112· Yadivada 1,0 26 138 70 68 I . JABUGAM TALUKA 2:>1

Agrloultural Classes

I. Cultlvetors I II- Cultivators III. Cultivating IV -Non-oultlvaUna Litera'" of land wholly of land wholly labourll1'll and owners of land, agrl,. or mainly owned or mainly un- their dependants _ 3ultural rent reoei- I and their ! owned and verso and their I dependants i their dependants dependant.s

------~~~----~ Yale!! Fe~le. ( Malea IFe:~~ II ~:~~~~ ;emalesl Maled J Female. Malea FemaleB 11 12 I 13 14: 16 16 I 17 I 18 111 20 I ' --~----~------~-----

17 136 1::7 I) ]7

21 1 4lJ 59 3 2 4 3 29 405 392 130 104

11 92 89

58 51

22 13 8 7 26 15 2 2

13 139 144

211 190

12 1 61 61

35 3 196 HI? 58 53

3 276 207

138 7 569 552 6 4 106 115 1

114- 3 302 316 5 100 88 1 1

58' 3 132 123 12 6 40 50

22 7 41 36

8 1 405 394 75 68

25 3 175 173 65 68 3 1 ,.. 106 105 4 3 48 8 568 5i0 2

2 1 39 48

11 2 79 66 10 9

6 33 34 18 21 I)

20 5 75 69 1

36 3 187 150 17 15 22 6 25 16 3 5 19 16

43 25 90 6 6 44 47 4 8

35 9 46 Hi 21 3 1 252 Primary Ce ••u. Ab.traet

Non-Agricultural Classes ------P~rsons ( Including dependants ) who derive their prinoipal means of livelihood from S, Name of villa,. or VIII-Other VI-Commerce VII-Tran~port No- \own/.ard V-Production services and other than cuI. miscellaneoU8 \ tivation I , sources MaiM I'~'IM Male. Female8 Male8 Females Males Female 1 • 21 22 23 24 26 26 27 28 ----- ~ ---_. .. --- -_._ ------_ ---- 165 Sathan 23 13 4 28 34 166 Segwa Simali 3 2 167 Sejava 9 2 8 7 3 168 Selva 4 3 169 Sengpur 170 Serpura 171 Shivajipura 1 2 6

172 Sihod 2 31 38 173 Simalghoda 1 174 Simaliya ' .. 175 - Sithol 16 18

176 Suskal 5 3 8 10 1 1 78 51 177 TadkRrhhala 8 10 5 3

178 Tambolia !; 2 2 3

179 Tarapnr 3 2 55 49 180 Thall';

181 Thambhala 4

182 Timbi 5 2 1 lR3 Tokerva 184 Uchapan 1

185 Udhania -'- 186 Unada 2

187 Undllva 7 1 188 Une 135 15) 189 Untkoy 2 2 11 16

190 Vadatalao 12 16

191 Vadhari 3 4 It2 Vaaivada 4 1 2

------~-~- --.------~----~----- JABUGAM TALUKA 253

i ,

li.. arest post offloe : Nel.\l'eet Railway Ne'H"st t. ..z ..r VIU8I1;"e.1 Items and Its distanoe h. I station and Its ItEl diAt8llce in mile. and, of note Rem.. rl.. miles ' di"tanoe in mil.... Bazar, day.

20 30 3l

Kacival, 6 Pani Mines, 6 Kadval,6

Jetpur,3 Jetpur, 3 Jetpnr,3 P.8.

Karali,7 ChhoLa Ude­ Pa.nvad, 8, Tues, P.S. pur, 10 KadvRI,4 Pani Mines, 5 Kadval,4

,Tetpur, 4 Pavi, ·n Jetpur, 4

Karali,3/4 Jabugam.7 Jabugam, 7

Jambughoda, :; Pavi, 10~ Jetpur, 11

Jetpur,2 Pavi.2 Jatpur,2

Kosivdra, 2 Bodeli,7 Bodel'i,7

Bodeli~ 2 Bodeli. 2 Bodeli,2

Jioltpur; 2 Pavi, 2 Jetpur,2

Jabugam,3 Jabugam,3 Jabugam,3 P.B .

.J abu'gam, 2 Jabugam, 2 Jabugam.,2

Jetpur,4 Pavi. 4 Jetpur.4

Jetpur,l Pavi.l Jetpur.l

Jetpur,3 Pavi, 3~ Jetpur, 3 P.8.,

Karali,4 Pavi, 14 Jetpul'. 14

Jabugam,l Jabugam, Jabugam, 1

Bodeli 3 Bocieli, 3 Bodeli.3'

Jetpur, 5 Pavi,5, Jetpur.5 1".8.

Kadval, " Pani Mines, 4, Katival,4 Naswadi, 5 Naswadi,5 Naliwadi,5 Karali, 5b Jabugam, 8 Panva.d. 15. Mon. .... Chalamali, 3 Bodeli, 13 Chalamali, 3

Naswadi, 5 NaBwa.di,5. N'aswadi.5

Jabugam,3 Jabugam,3 Jabugam.3

KarsH,2 Jabugam,8 Jabugam.8

Kosivdra,3 Bodeli, 16 Kavara, 12, Mon. P.i. 254 Primary CeDIIUII Abatra~t

._------~ ------IOccuPied Houses I \ I--~- - ~-I Total No. of person8 i No. ofirunate. I Area of i enumerated [including : of institutionp 8. Name of village or village inUlates of institutions I and houseles. lor town I No. of No. of and hOllseless personA] persone No. town/ward : in I houses house I square: holoA mileA per:~nA I Males IFemale!l,.vra\eA Femal,.

2 3 4 fi 6 7 8 II 1(1

-----_._----_.------193 Vadoth 1.0 50 72 362 194 168

194 Vaghwa 2.5 ]52 152 920 483 437

195 Vajpur 1.1 61 62 375 188 187 196 Valothi 1.1 66 67 431 223 208

197 Valpari 1.5 36 36 225 119 106 198 Vandha 1.7 121 122 644 322 322 2 199 Vankala 0.9 :!9 29 139 78 61 200 Vanki 0.7 40 40 247 121 126 201 Vankol 0.6 31 37 218 113 105

202 Vanta 0.7 38 47 217 104 113 2 1 203 Vantada 1.6 19 23 157 83 74

204 Vasangadh 1.4 45 48 293 152 141 205 Vav 0.7 44 45 264 143 121 206 Vavadi 2.2 36 36 219 117 102 207 Virpur 0.7 17 17 113 59 54 208 Visadi 0.6 62 63 331 lU 160 209 Zab (Sajava) 18.5 46 47 280 143 137

210 Zari 2.8 63 63 4~8 235 213 211 Zooj 0.5 18 18 83 36 47 212 Zrab (Valothi) 1.8 77 77 468 239 229 Total for villages 319.4 13,745 14,279 83,613 43,282 40,331 110 73 and tallika JABUGAM TALUKA 2!)5

Agricultural CI_8

I.Cultivators II.Cultivators III-Cultivating IV.Non.cultivating Literate

- __ ---'------\f"les !"'emales rCMalf'~emale8 Males 'F'~:'J M,~~ i F:~M 1__ M_:I_; ___ F_e_7_:_les _1_1 ____~~__ 13 I ~_4___ 1 f,

-6 134 123 4. 3 5

13 470 432 8 1 3

2 1 156 155

21 1 204 191 4, 6

6 50 48 7 3 62 55

74 28 123 J42 42 40 91 81

78 fil

5 liS 120 5 5

14 4 97 92 4 3

40 12 . 57 58 34 42 3 7

2 62 55 9 ]3

7 94. 95

5 •• 0\ 143 121

117 102 ','0

59 64

23 151 142 18 17

3 124 115

230 213 2 2

1 - 28 39 8 8

1 220 210 5 2 14 17 5,471 1.153 32,781 31.045 560 488 3,541 3,339 5S7 51S 206 Primary Census Abstraet

Non-Agricultural CI&8l!es

------~---~------Peorsons (including dependants) who derive their prinoipal I ! me,e.ns of livelihood from Name of village 01' I--~------~------~----- s./ I VIII-Other No· town/ward V-Production I VI-Commerce I ~II-Tran8Port i services and I, other than cul- I !miscellaneoua tivation ' sourcet!

MaleslFemalesi Males IFemaleA 27 1 21 22 23 24 I 25 26 28

193 Vadoth 29 17 12 10 12 12

194 Vaghwa 3 2

195 Vajpur 1 5 29 26

196 Valothi 5 2 10 9 197 Valpari

198 VandhA. 19 8 6 11 41 40 199 Vankala

200 Vanki 1 1

201 Vankol 7 8 5 2

202 Vanta 8 4 2 2

203 Vantada 2 10 6

204 Vasangadh 56 45 1

205 Vav

206 Vavadi

207 Virpur

208 Visadi 1 1

209 Zab (Sajava) 5 7 15

210 Zari 1

211 Zooj

212 Zrab (Valothi) Total for villagel 1,618 1,306 594 395 99 79 3,532 3,164 and taluka

------__ ------~- 257 JABUGAM TALUJ

Ne_t post office Nearellt Railway Nearest hazar village, Items Uld Its distance In station and its it-s distance In miles &: of note miles distance in miles' Bazar day.

211 30 31 32 33 _I______

Kadval,2 Pani Mines, 2 Kadval.2 " ...

Jetpur.3 P&vi.3 Jetpur.3 Jambughoda, 2 Pavi,10 Jetpur,8\

Jambughoda.3 Pavi,10 Jetpur, 10 P.S.

KaraH, 2 Jabugam,8 Jabugam,8

Chalamali, Nil Jabugam.12 J abu~am, Ul

Jetpur, 1~ Pavi, Ii Jetpnr, l! Jetpur,7 Pavi.7 Jetpur, 7

Chalamali, Ii BodeJi. 20 Jetpur, 2

Jabagam, 1 Jabugsm,l Jabugam, 1

Jabugam, 4i Jabugam, o1~ Jabugam, 4~ Dungarvant, 4 Pani Mines, 7 Kadval,8

Jetpnr,2 Pavi,2 Jetpur, 2 KarsIi,6 Pavi,7 Kavara, 18, Mon.

Kadval,6 Pani Mines, 7 Kadval, 6

Jambughoda,2 Jabugam,2 Jabuga.a, 2

Jetpur.8 Pavi, 8 Jetpur, 8

Kadval,2 Pani Mines, 2 Kadval,2

Chalamali, 3 Jabugam, 1~ Chalamali, 3

J ambughoda, 6 P&vi,10 Jetpur, 8 258 Primary Ce.sus Abstrad ------! Occupied HOU8~8

Total No. of per80WI No. ofinmate8 S. Name of 'l'Utage or Area of No. of enumerated [including of Institution s village No. of house Inmates of institutioDll ~d houselef S No. \O'III'n/ .....d or town hou8e8 bolds Bdld bousele88 persons] p'rllonj In

-~ equare ------_._ ~------miles Per80M Malee .~I»_IF~ 2 3 4 1\ 6 7 8 • II 10

--- --~------~ ------~------I - ---_ -_ fOWN 1 Karja. M. 6.J 1,326 1.449 6,375 3.473 2,9D2 84 32 Ward I 748 749 3,352 1,798 1,554 35 20

II 476 582 2,599 1,44,1 1,158 31 8

III 102 11S 424 234 190 18 4 VILLAGES

1 Abhara 2.5 111 123 636 323 313

2 Alampnr 0.8 68 '/3 373 174 199

3 Anastu 3.3 210 2n 998 504 494 .. ~. 4 Arajanpur .... 0.5 2R 28 147 71 76 D At.aJi 2.8 120 125 597 309 288

/ 6 Bachar 2.4 137 137 786 420 366 30 6

7 Bakapur 0.7 23 23 105 46 59

8 Bamangnnl 2.8 lil 171 ~la 414 401

9 Barthali 1.6 75 77 3tH 196 185 10 Bharthana 3.6 ]85 205 851 424 427

II Bodaka 2.4 150 152 696 357 339 :2 4 12 Chhanchhava 2.1 87 87 429 22'1 202 13 Chorabhuj 4.8 J36 136 684 34(;l 338

14 Chorands 4.7 ~47 365 1,782 933 849 15 Delvada 1.0 76 76 367 If!2 185 16 Deroli 1.5 83 83 387 200 187 3

17 Dethan 3.0 171 186 801 414 387

Ii Dhsmanjs 2.2 70 70 36:! 184 178

19 Dlmnora 1.2 53 53 273 139 134 5

20 Dhavat 4.11 251 267 1,283 665 61S

. 21 Divi 1. '7 48 48 271 142 129

22 Ftltf'pllI' 1.8 88 88 417 226 192 2

---~------. _------_------_----_------~- KARJ4N TALUKA 2;')9 _-~~------~~-- Agrloultural ClMeeB

I. Cultivators II. Cultivator. III. Cllltlvatlng IV.N on.oultlvll(lnt Litera_ of land wholly of land wholly labourers Ilnd owners of land, agrl 01' mainly owned or mainly un- their depend~nt8 cmltural rent reoei. \ and their owned and verso and their depen

:rsmale. [ Maleg 117emaleg \ Males i Females Mal8il I:remal .. Males l!'emale~ 11 11 l 13 I 14 15 16 17 I 18 111 20


1.826 765 248 258 84 72 168 166 67 69 1,002 440 222 218 74 63 I'43, 148 39 49

714 306 26 40 6 7 21 15 28 20

110 HI 4 2 4 3

127 28 149 H2 67 65 92 91 1 4

96 . 57 89 91 3 5 77 92

262 117 201 217 74 81 155 117 28 30

36 8 53 58 7 3 llO 37 125 130 105 78 60 63 6

247 120 202 \l~) 49 43 82 63 12 24

20 2 13 14 26 41 1

116 138 140 83 63 138 123 10

123 40 97 8U 17 57 62 3 5

168 45 198 ~27 73 68 98 81 18 17

228 121 143 143 62 46 lil6 88 26

152 77 83 7~ 69 44 4

)53 33 131 126 91 96 74 6Y 9 10

461 192 309 299 1~5 116 215 167 19 25 J02 48 106 106 26 24 34 32 10 19

92 33 92 88 7 8 63 56

250 124 207 207 72 52 53 61 '1 _ 100 82 53 64 76 72 43 34 3 " 'i6 38 25 29 45 39 56 3 8

354 137 360 320 31 32 2J3 193 8 14 50 11 94 87 23 13 22 26 106 ]8 100 2 1 76 69 260 Primary Ce•• _ Ab.tnet ._--_- ---_._-----"----- Non-Agricultural Classes

--~ L- P"f80ns ( including dependants) who derive their principal meane of livelihood from S. N arne of vIII.,. 01' _--- VIII-Other No. town/ward . V-Production VI-Commerce \ VII-Transport servioes and other than oul. miecellaneolU I tivation ------_- souroes -~""'" Males Males __ .Iul --Ol-i .... ·1 F_••• Female. 2 21 22 23 24 I 25 26 27 28 I .-----~-- TOWN 1 Karjan M. 603 508 829 607 349 304 1,125 918 Ward I 213 200 521 378 92 76 494 422 -, II 387 307 307 228 73 47 593 494 III 3 1 1 184 181 38 2 VILLAGES 1 Abhara 4 4 3 :! 6 4

2 Alampur 5 .4,

3 Anastu 18 21 8 7 2 5 18 16

4 Arajanpur 4 7 2 2

.~ Atali 7 4 2 7 5

6 Bachar 25 15 a 2 4 4 43 25

7 Bakapur 6 3

8 Bamangam 17 21 9 10 24 28

9 Barthali 9 8 1 16 12

1-0 Bharthana• 11 9 9 11 17 H

11 Bodaka 4 3 5 8 23 25

12 Chhanchhava 11 ]8 3 2 6 4

13 Chorahhuj 8 4 6 14 27 19

14 Choranda 47 44 31 41 27 30 160 127 15 Delvada. 3 2 3 2 16 Deroli 5 8 12 12 21 10

17 Dethan 1 5 3 72 66

18 Dhamanja 2 2 7 1

19 Dhanora 1 10 3

20 Dhavat 26 27 8 9 19 23

21 Divi 3 2

22 Fatepur 19 15 13 10 5 3 6 9

-~---'-~ -~-~-.---~----~--- -~------~_--- KARJAN TALUKA 261

~i, 'I

Nearest bazar village, lteul8 N_t post office Nearest Railway 1 RemarlJ$ MId ita distanoe in 8tation and itll it.., distance in milea & of note I milell di8tance in miles Bazar day.

10 31 32 33

P. O. Rly. Statioa Baroda, 19, Fri. P.W.D.O.k P.S.,C.s. ,Bunl·low

Miyagam, 8 Mobha, " P.S.;V.P. Moti Koral, I, Nal'ellhwar Ro ad, P.S.,V.P.

Karjan, :I.~ Karjan, 2~ P.S" V.P.,C.B.

P8chhi~pura, 2 Nal'8shwar Road, 2:\- V~ P. P,'S.,V.'P.,:C.s. Chol'anda, l~ Choranda, I! P. O. &Iy. Station P.S.,V.P;,

Palej" 8 N I'reshwar Road, 2~ v. P. Kandari, Ganpatpura, 2 P.S.,V~P.

Karjan, 3 Rly. Station P.s.,P. V.;C.s.

Miyagam, 3 Barthali, P.s., V.P .~C.S.

Handod, 2 Karjan, [) P.S.,V.P ,C.s. Cborlll\da, Choranda, P.S.,V.:r.

Sokhada R~hu, l~ MiyaglWl, 8 P.B..V.P.,C.s. P. O. Rly. Station P. S., \'.p •• 'C.8.

Pachhinpura, 1 Palsj, 7 V.P•• U.s.

Ranapur, H Saniyad, 2~ F.S.,V-P.

Palej, 4 Lakodara, ! P.s., V.P.,C.s. " Miyagam, 2 Ltokodara, 2 P.S.,V.P.

Kandari, Ganpatpurllo. 1 V. P.

Karjan, 4 Choranda, 3 P.S• .,V.P.,t:.S.

Palej, 2 PaIej, 2

Ranapur, 2 Saniyad, 2 P.S.,V.P.,C.C.B 262' Primary Ce.sus Abstract

Ocoupied. Houses

Total No. of persoW! No. of Inmates 8. N arne of .,mag. or area of No.of enumerated { including of Institutiolls village No. of house inmates of illlltitutioDB and bouseIe' s 50. \<)wn/wlIl'd or town hou"e~ holda and bousel_ perSOIlll] p9r80n~ in square milM Personsl Males Females] Males-·Femal:

3 1\ 1 :2 6 I 7 8 i II 10 ______. __- ______1 ______.__ . ______l_ I

23 Gandhara: 3.0 IJ8 131 624 306 318

24 Ganpatpura 3.1 138 139 678 360 318 3

25 HaJdarv& 2.4 167 168 850 433 417

26· Handod 3.9 173 184 828 425 403

27 Harsundll 0.7 35 39 174 99 75 2 28 Hirgipura 0.6 27 135 64 71 29 ,lUlli Githarui 1.1 103 1011 650 319 331 9 16 Kala ],5 87 88 500 26-\

!{amboJa 3,7 189 IS9 • 961 476 1

32 Kanabha 1.7 95 99 533 ~64 269 33 Kandari 6.2 426 440 2,188 1,146 l,OJ2 27 20 J(anthf'yiy" 1.6 82 82 429 235 194

35 Karamadi 1.4 202 203 1150 510 44{) 36 Karan 1.8 87 89 4HI 216 36A Karjan Non­ 3 8 4 4 municipal a~1J 37 Kashampur 1.9 78 79 396 199 197 13 12

Khandha. 3.0 115 111 619 312 307

39 Kberada 1.8 71 78 400 205 195

49 Kiyo 3.6 100 10;:; 611 314 297

41 KohoB" 1.6 77 391 199 192

42 KoIiyad 3.0 219 !!:!l 1,066 P3S 528 3 43 Kotbav 1.0 75 78 408 205 203

44 Rothi" 1.8 J32 653 329 324 45 Kurai 3.2 lll5 Hi5 956 503 452

46 Knrali 2.3 140 HI 829 435 394 12

47 L8~odlU''' 2.9 ·142 145 662 316 346

48 Latipur Timbi 0.9 58 59 353 11)1 162

49 Lilalpur 0.3 29 29 137 72 65 KARJ4N TALUKA 263

Altrioultural 018ll!le8

1- Cultlvat.orl! II. Cult.lvators III- O,.ltlvating IV -Non-oultlvll.t!na Llteratet! of land wholly of land wholly laboursr8 and owners of land, agrl or mainly owned or mainly un- their dependants oultural rent reoei- and their owned and verso and their dependantB their depen;danta I dependants

-~:e: jFemale. r Males i Females Male;o Female. Males Femam. I 11 I 12 I ]3 14 li'\ JII 17 18 20 I '\

147 41 128 136 79 76 71 74 5 15

203 118 l17 108 58 66 )26 iH 9 12

218 ,54 237 240 5 6 117 114 8 9

246 121 ]44 169 139 120 \}3 60 11 20

22 4 33 28 210 17 31 22 1

11 35 24 23

]64 83 16! 189 13 21 110 79 2

136 37 136 139 49 35 48 38 5 6

305 201 182 180 27 36 181 162 9

145 43 169 172 35 45 34 23 8 16

646 224 433 .il76 140 III 293 302 76

139 67 87 :6 1 123

291 142 241 1111 20 11 178 161 37

107 42 8! 21 18 88 77 20 :2S

3 ,3

95 9f> H)\l 3 81 73

155 70 103 103 120 136 46 22 15 a8 99 i8 128 115 25 18 31 33 5 16

·U4 9 141 115 69 69 6il 76 13

83 24 115 109 69 69

21:14 119 153 144 109 108 196 195 38

114 15 138 123 11 10 47 56 1

156 61 172 171 ]7 17 95 101 2 8 294 116 U9 131 ]28 120 123 112 50 4e 2-10 117 192 183 135 68 ·43 91 2

186 70 216 227 53 47 32 48 8

111 25 136 125 17 11 20 12 -13 12 21 11 25 29 12 5 34 31


l!i8Mfellt . po!It office Nearest Railway Nearest bazar Village, Items Remarlll MId lte distance In station and ite Ita distance in miles & of note miles distance in Plilee Bazar day,

211 30 31 32 33

Karjau, 6 Ganpatpura, I} P.S.,V,p.. O.S.

Karjan, {) TIly. Stati()tl P.S.,\'.P.;C.S.

Sanilarod, k Palej, 2 ...., P.S.• V.P.. C.8. P. O. Karjan,6 P.S., V,P.,C.S,

Miyaga.m, 3~ 1)al'ar, ~ c.~ Palej, tl Nareshwar Road, 2):. P.8.,V.P. Karjan; I} Karjan, Ii P.S •• V.P.,C.S. Palej,6 Bachar, 1 P.B.,V.P,

Handod.2 Karjan, '7 P .B., V.P .;C:C.S. Handod.l Karjan, e P.H., V.P. ,C.S. P. O. Bly. Station P.s..V.P.,C.8.

Vemar, 3~ Choranda, 2 V.P. Miyagam,3 Karjan,3 Baroda. 20, Fri. P.B.,C.S)

Pachhiapura, 2 Saniyad.2 P.B ..V.P.;C.C.S.

P. O. Rly. Station Baroda, 1 9, Fri. P.S.,C.B. Mjyagarn.5 Choranda.2 P.S.,V.P,

Ka.·jan. 2~ Miyagam.2k P.S..,V.P. '

Miyagam,2 Kaahipura, 1i P.S., V.P.,C.s. Palej,2k Lakodara,2 P.B.,V.P. Palej.7 Saniyad,3 P.S.,V.R P. O. Falej,3 P.B., V.P.,C.C.8. Vernar,l Vemar,l V.P. Ranapur, t Choranda. 6 P.S.,V.P.,C.S. Miyagam,3 Karjan, 3 P.S.,V.P. Vemar,2 Vemar,2 P.8"V,P·,C.C.8. Miyagam.2 Rly. Station P.B.,V.P Bachar, I Bachar, 1 P.S.,V.P. Moti Koral, I Moti Koral, 1 V.P. 266 Primary Ce•• u. Abstract ------I !OccuPied Houses i I Total No. of persons No. of Inmat~e enumerated [ including of s. Name of ... lUage or Are .. of 1\ No. of lnlltitutlone village No. of houll9 Inmates of institutions and hOU8ele~& bolda No. 01' town hOUH"" and housel_ persons] psr90n. in i sqUIV9 I 1------miles Personsl MaieR IFemales; Mals"IFom8lfti I 3 6 Ii 7 I 8·: \I ! 10 2 __i ______! i

60 Lilod ].5 98 100 4113 265 228 61 Magarol 3.' IS!} 130 693 340 353 lIfdkan 1.4 103 116 556 295 2() 1

63 Malod 0.7 36 lI8 2fJl 138 123

ManaplJr 1.9 107 126 531 278 253

55 M&ogHj 2.1 94 94 466 229 237 23 20

66 Mantroj 1.S 92 92 476 248 228

57 JUo81\rad 4.1 140 148 823 411 412

Methi 2.2 159 159 849 431 418

Miyagaffi 631 632 2,807 J ,408 1,399

Moti Koral 2.t> 348 562 1,660 846 815 Ii

61 Nani Koral 1.7 91 95 437 233 204

62 Navi Jithardi l.t> 54 .,)5 284 145 139

63 Nil;lllia 1.1 66 320 170 150 tit 3.2 150 150 795 397 398

65 07. 3.6 :?36 243 1,200 1)32 568 29

66 Pacl" I i~ pu ra 2.6 J!lO 198 980 501 479

67 Pingalwada. 3.0 173 179 800 402 398

68 Pura 2.1 149 153 686 340 346 2

69 Ranapur 2.l 211 212 979 504 475 70 RarQd 2.7 1811 198 ],149 601 . 548 37 15

7. Ropa 0.7 74 409 215 194

'12 Seg"dol 1.9 1~8 13~ 701 368 343

73 ~amarj, l.O 96 97 41H 23!l 212

74 S .. m"fU 2.4 132 145 624 321 303

75 Sambbol 2.8 127 135 1\39 277 262

76 1.7 82 83 417 223 194

77 1.0 64 64 315 1112 153 KARJ4N TALUKA 267 ------_------Agrioultural CI88_

i I I. Cultlv&tors I II. Cultlvaton I III. C'lltivatlng IV ·Non.oultlvatlnll" LI~rateB of IRnd wholly of land wholly labou"srB and owne1'll of land, agri'. or roainly owned or mainly un- t.heir depf'ndants cultural rent reeel. and their I owned and I ..el'8. and their I dependants Itheir dependant:' I dependant. ------_-':------'- - -- '.laiea IF.male.1 Malfls (FemalM ,i Males; Female. Mal8IJ IIremal... ' Male.. "emale. 11 I 11 I 13 14. 10 16 17' 18 111 20

126 35 145 114 69 62

HIS 65 102 112 74 67 127 137 13

119 7 181 17ii 5 45 19 :I R

43 9 95 88 13 J1 7 f!

134 71 96 78 78 33 26 3 66 8; 94 54 43 70 80 1

48 136 )20 23 21 67 67 I 247 102 Hi7 164 so 69 43 12

198 103 177 ]fiS fi1 44 117 126 17

'760 335 545 590 I6!} 167 282 248 39 512 249 ]05 90 189 167 213 48 77 29 SO 67 26 93 93

4t 20 65 63 (i 3 72 63 n:! 47 95 76 14 33 16

224 ]09 234 41 76 82 7

2i4 115 262 :!19 89 80 171 161 24 :28 -

32S )43 185 173 29 117 121 24 :ali

66 )71 158 112 102 93 18 .29

107 150 169 ~6 41 111 92 12 174 97 182 I51'! 10 15 Joe 179 14

336 166 278 27:1 3 181 180 3

13) 76 104 86 68 63 t

181 64 229 15 21 83 73 3 % 108 17 201 172 1 2 23 29 9 '1 171 25 158 161 20 24 126 96 5 8 139 50 H8 165 41 31 52 46 9 12

128 66 100 !l5 75 2 9t 40 90 70 12 37 53 3 268 Primary Ce..... 'Abmaet

-~-. ------~----- Non-Agrloultural Clall8eB

P"rSOli& ( Inoluding dependanta ) who derive their prinoipal meanB of livelihood from s. Name of ",III...... Vill-Otber VI-Oommeroe No. ~.nl .... rd V-Produotion V~I-Tr ..nMport I16fvioes and other than oul. \ miscellaneoUt tivation sources .. _------I I I I Males IFemales Males __· ...1 ..·,.. Female.

1 2 21 22 23 h 26 26 27 28 iF-··r'"I

-----~- I ------_ --

fiO Lilod 13 H l~ 8 26 30 51 Magllrol 23 to 5 ·1 "-

5:! Mak"n 18 Ii 4~ 52 53 Malad 2 16 10 () " 64 Mallapur 26 22 18 17 24 18 55 MangJij 2 2 " 5 11 I} 56 Mantroj 6 13 8 3 7 13

57 Mese.fad 8 8 1:! 11 73 98

58 Methi 20 13 8 8 2 1 39 42

59 Miyagam 91 82 102 120 5 I) 115 130 60 Moti Koral 64 58 92 ~~•• 34 30 116 92 61 NaniKoral 6 4 7 7 4 .4 17 !l

6!! Navi Jithnrdi 2 9 63 Nisalia 3 6 3 " 22 31 64 Osalam 9 2 7 8 23 19

65 Oz 20 17 21 H 45 {9

66 Paohhiapura 34 37 50 35 62 5! 67 . Pingalwada 2 " " 4 11 8 68 Pure. 17 9 2 12 10

69 Ranapur 42 3') 24 17 9 II 57 U

70 RlIorod 42 26 14 14 80 U

'il Rope. 17 17 1 8 6 18 20

72 Sagadol 3 6 3 7 22 5

73 Samari 4 2

H Samaru 2 5 4 2 5 8 75 I!lambhoi 6 .. 7 I 4 3 76 Sanapur 2 ! 9 9 [> " 77 Sandarana U II 7 ---_---_--" KARJAN TALUKA

Items !I~ poa, office Nearetl~ RaIlway Neareet bazar village, Remarl... ad Ita diatanoe In station and Ita Ita distanOB in milea &: of note mile. dlBtance ID mile. BazMday.

III 10 31 32 13

"'---'---"- ..----. ----- Moti Koral, 3 Nareshwar Road, 2 P.B.,V.P.

Handod, 4 Kllrjun, fl P.S.,v.P.

Palej, 1 Palej. 1 V.P.

Moti Koral, :~ N al'eshwal' Hoad. 2 V.P .• C.S.

Kurjan,4 Karjan. 4 P.B., V.P.,C.S. Ka.ndari, Ganpatpura. :l .,. P.S., V.P.,C.S • Palej,

Palej, 3 Karnboi. ~ P.s.• V.P. Vernal', 2 Vernal', 2 V.P

P.O. Hly. Station, Baroda, 23, Fri. V.P •• C.S. P.O. Rly. Station, P.B"V.P.,C.B. Moti Koral, 1 Moti Koral, P.B.,V.P;

Karjllon, 2 Karja.n, ~ P.S .• V.P.·

Vernar. 3 Choranda, 1 ~ P.B.,V.P.

Chorandlt. 1:, Choranda. 1 ~ P S •• V.P,.C.B.

Moti Korol, 3~ Nareshwar ROhd, P.S •• V.P•• C.S. :Ii P.O. Moti Koral, 3 P.S., V.P.,C~S.

Miyagarn, 6 Karjan,6 P.B.,V.P .• C.C.s.

Moti Koral, 2 Mot! Koral. 2 P.S .• V.P.,C.S., C.C.S. P.O. Sadhali. I) P .S., V.P .,C.S. M oti Kor9.I, 3 N areshwar Road, l P.B., V.P.,C.C.8.

Palej. 9 NareBhwar Road. P.B.,V.P. Mot! Koral, 2 Nareshwar Road, 1 P.B .• V.P.,C.C.S... Bachar. 2 RBn!yad,8 P.S.,V.P.,C.s. PaJej, 8 Sanlyad, 1 'P .S.• VP.,C.C.S,

l'Iandod, 2 KarjaD.6 P.B.,V.P.

Paohhiapura, 4 Saniyad,2 P .S., V.P .,C.S.

Cboranda, 1 Choranda.l P.S.,V.P. 2'10 Primary Ce•• us Abstract

Oooupied Houses

Tot.al No. of pe:nons No.oflnmaH8 8. Name of "map or Area of No. of enumerated [ Inoluding of lnst.ltutloDS village No. of house Inmates of instit.utions and houseles8 No. )own/ward or town house8 holds and housel_ peraoDB] pSl'IIOnll. In equare __._. __ ------._._._--- mllell Persons Males Females Mals8 Femalea

1 I 6 ____• ______~____ _:_ __1__ _. ____ ' ___8 ___II ___~_- '8 Saniyad 2.7 164 164 757 383 374 79 Sanpa 4.2 135 142 703 363 340

80 Sansarod 3.6 352 358 1,962 1,037 926

81 Saring 3.4 184 185 967 482 485

82 Sarupur Timbi 1.3 78 78 376 203 173

83 Sayar 3.1 179 1(i3 980 502 478

84 Sherpur<\ 0.6 30 34 I6! i~ 85

8& Simlili 2.9 191 J91 8S9 460 429

86 Bamaj 0.6 29 2~ 136 79 57

87 Surwada ].7 155 lfi9 665 329 336

88 Umaj 2.1 119 119 553 269 284

89 Urad 1.7 91 91 489 249 246 » 2 90 Vadava 1.0 15 15 54 29 25

91 VaJan 9.0 633 657 3,530 1,836 1,61H

92 Vernal' 4.0 257 258 1,285 653 632 6

93 Vemardi 2.0 105 105 495 250 :l45 7

9! Virjai 4.1 196 :'07 888 454 434 Total for villages 226.3 13,109 13,508 66,463 34.l08 32,355 251 150 Total for taluka 232.4 14.435 14,957 72.838 37,581 35.257 335 182 KAR.l4N TALUKA 211

Agrlou1t.ul'a\ C1 __

I. Cultlntora II. Cultivator. III. Cultivating I

Mal.. Female. ( Male:--;emal~ \ Males) Female9 .MaIN IFemal.ee Males Femalea 11 11 I 13 16 I 15 I 16 17 .j 18 111 20 .----~----~----~ 214 98 130 137 82 73 108 103 9 8

209 82 165 147 68 84 15 19

535 91 tHO 5~9 39 29 172 168 13 18 259 124 145 1':'6 169 170 99 86 16 20

126 71 137 109 2 3 49 48 4 4

321 69 312 277 40 46 99 114

31 3u 35 17 23 25 26 1 260 122 188 1S7 179 169 18 27

43 13 48 27 2 11 16 10 7 193 61 198 HH 51 51 50 5 25

117 68 102 ]1)8 66 71 69 57 19 24 \ 90 34 114 110 9 8 93 92 5

2 11 10 2 2 6 7

951 289 750 718 364 289 398 401 37 41 334 216 259 257 21 16 227 200 23 32

164 92 145 lU 78 79 3 12,

295 65 238 234 91 79 100 87 12 23 17,880 7,194 15,069 14,490 4,717 4,237 8,646 8,173 898 , 1.290 -- 19.786 7,959 15,317 14.748 U01 4,309 8,814 8,339 96S 1.359 272 Primary Ce..... Ab.traet

Non-Agrlllllltural Cla_ 1------P"I'8ODS ( Including dependanta ) who derive t.helr principal means of livelihood from B. Nama of .,.m... or VIII-Other No. M_n/ward V-ProducUoD VI-Commeroe \ VII-Transport aervioea and ol

tll) Sansa,rod 19 17 68 41 3 3 113 100

81 Saring 26 :.'8 10 5 17 2{'l

82 Sarnpnr '.fimbi 4 -4 2 5 4

83 Sayar 17 I:! n 13 23 16

84 Sherpura

85 Simali 8 !i 7 8 36 t5

86 Somllj 4 2 4 4

87 Surwada 24 22

88 lTmaj 9 12 14 12

89 Urad 23 12 9 13

110 Vadava '1 3 3 3

III Valan 56 49 88 70 34 30 109 96

92 Vemar 22 34 21 25 lJ 7 69 61

93 Vemardi 7 6 17 24 94 Virjai 5 2 " 7 4 2 Total lor "ilIages 1.196 1.070 948 885 231 224 2,397 1,986 Total for talak. 1.79' 1.578 1.777 J.492 586 528 3.522 2.904

-.- ~--~ '---~~~---'--. ---_------._---- KARJAN TALUKA ~------.------_------I

Netarellt post offioe Nearest Railway Neareat bazar village, lteme ReIBarIIoo and ita distance In atation and its ita distance in milea &: of-note milell distance in miles - Bazar day.

10 31 32

Bachar, 2 Rly. Station . P.S.,V.P.,C.C,s.

Handod,2! Karjan, '1 P.S.,V,P.,C.S. P.O. Palej, I P.S.,V.P.;C.S.

Pachhiapura., 2 Palej, '" P.s.,V,P.,C.S. Koliyad,l Bachar, 2 P,S., V.P.,(].B.

""loti Koral, 3 Nareshwar P.s.,V.P, Road, 2 Pachhiapura, Saniyad, 2 V.P.,C.C.s.

Vemar, 3 Choranda, 3 V.P.,C.s.

Palej, 7 Palej, 7 V.P.


Sokhada Karjan,11 P.B.,V.P.;C.s. Raghu, I! Palej,6 Bachar, l~ P .B., V.P.,C:.I!.

Karjan, '" Karjan,4 V.P. P.O. PaIej,2 P.B., V.P.,C;C.S. P.O. Rly. Station 1'.B., V .P.,C.C.s. Karjan, 13 Kandari, 1 P.B.,V.P.

Miyagam,9 Mobha, '" P~B.,V.P .,(l.s. 214 Primary Con. Abatraet '---'- Ocoupled Houses

I --~--- ToM! No. of persons No.oflnmatee B. Name of village or Area of No. of enumerated [inoluding of Institution e village No. of house Inmates of institutioN and houselee s .0. WWaJwIWd or town houees holds and houael_ persons) pllftlOnJ In I square ----- '_- ---- mllee Malee Females Male8 Feroalee

2 3 4. 1\ 7 8 I) 10

"71,------~---~-.-- TOWNS Nil VILLAGES

1 Abadpura 0.2 ~ 8 n IS" 23

2 Agar' 2.2 159 159 779 393 386 10 8>

B Alampur'Bi ().fii 25 zll 146 79 67

f Aliyaghodl1l 0.1 '1 11 "41 23 18 ~ #) Alwa Z.t 13. l3S 738 316 362

ft Amalkuvs 0.2 ~ & 44 25 19 '1 Ambadllf 06 22 31) 152 88 64

8 Ambalia. 0,& 35 36 17" 94 80

~ AmroIi 2.8 251 251 1,299 180 619 11

If) l\mta 0.2 3 :; 2:l 11 11

,II AmwdpuJ'i 0.1i 4~ IH 282 145 137

If Andhali fU 8 6 lit 24 30

13 Ankoh81 2.0 15'1 li11 '177 383 394 1'+ Antr ... '.2 8 :!! 45 22 23 )5 Bagli. 0,3 1& i& 96 51 45

J6 BandarpuTI!I 0.2 20 26 ]71 90 81

11 narir Mahad'", 0.3 :J 3 27 13 14

Jt Barol; 1.6- 1M It7 '187 311& 3111

It J3aiupal8l!ani I).(t 16 10 ti3 3& 27

20 BedikuY5 0.2 18 16 sa 51 43

:n Bharlarwa 0 .• 52 58 3311 ]70 166 2!? BhIlgwanput'1t ... 0.4 a , HJ t '1 (Bodad l!llltat&, 23 Bh8~anpUrit> ... 0.3 1'1 1& 9& &2 46 (l'Ir8lnvlldi EIt.lltet 24 Bhaka 1,6 74 74 382 200 182

"Ii Bhaka KhlldaJd&... 1.6 3~ 36 189 89 100 JBh~ka E.>tatt>} '~-'''''''''___'--"-~~--j ""'"--~ .....-- NASWADI TALUKA 275

r Agrloultural 01_.

' ~~. Ourtlvators II.Oultlvators 'III. Oultlvatlng IV ·Non.oultlvatln,! Ltteratoea \ of bind wholly of land wholly labourers and owned of land, agrl. or mainly owned - or mainly un- their dependant. oultutal rent reoel. I and their owned and 'l'erl. and their . I dependantll itheir dependan~ dependantll

- Males '-~8maJe8 r Ma;e~ I;emalea }lal:TII'em:les/- Ma~ j II'emaJee Males I'emalel . 11 11 \ III U 10 i 16 , 17 I 18 18

3 11 14 1 2

132 16 191 194 54 65 73 50 3 4

4 66 5,1, 4 3 II 10

21 17

37 5 aso 311 4- n 22 26 8 11

22 17

4 70 49 6 7 11 7 1 I

7 31 24 58 51

:299 120 161 164 106 100 148 147 11 10

II '" \ 11 5 93 97 21 10 8 7 15 16

24 30

!!2 270 264 8 6 63 78 18 24

21 22

51 45

60 59 6 6 111 16 .,.

12 14 1

19 4 119 127 106 95 II 3

30 21) 6 1

4 35 31 8 6 8 6

61 4 141 138 4 4 4 1 3 4

6 7

36 35 16 11 64 11 138 141 4 ... 14

6 76 94- {) 2 1

~-. -----~ 276 Primary Ce.SUI Abstract

N on-A grioultulal Ola88e&

------_------~-----. ------_ PIOTsons ( Inoluding dependants) who derive their prineipal means of livelihood from s. Name of vllbw. or VIII-Other No. \own/ward V-Produotion I VI-Commerce VII-Transport services and other than oul. I misoellaneou@ tivation sources

Male~ Females Males Females Males FemBles Males iFemale. 2 21 22 29 24 25 26 27 I 28 ,':______!'--_. ____ 1____ - __ ---.... _-- TOWNS Nil


I Abadpura 6 7

2 Agar 26 20 13 11 33 42 3 Alampura 1

4 Aliyaghoda 2 1

5 Alwa 5 7 5

6 Ama.lkuva 3 2

7 Ambada

8 Ambalia 1 1 4 4

9 Amroli 56 52 54 38 27 16 117 92

10 Amta

11 Anandpuri 5 2 3 5 12 Andhali

13 Ankoba 6 4 1 17 17

14 Antras 1 1

15 'Baglia

16 Bandarpura

17 Barir Mahada ]8 Ba.roli 25 29 12 13 123 124 1'9 Batupalasani

20 Bedikuva

21 Bbadarwa 2 2 16 17 22 Bhagwanpura ( Boriad Estate) 23 Bhagwanpura (Naswadi Estate) Bhaka {j 4 39 37

Bhaka Khadakia ... 2 2 1 1 (Bhaka Estate) - ----~---~.------

tilelOl'eBt post office Nearest Railway Nearest baz&C' village. items and ita distaooe in station and ita its distance iII miles & of note mile!! distance in miietJ Bazar day.

I 10 31 J 32

"\V"dia, Ii Naswadi, S KawaIit, 15, Mon. p O. 'Ghantoli. 6 Baroda, 4Q, Fri. F.S.

-Tijakwada, 2 {)handoci. 12 Baroda, 26, Fri.

Vajiria, ~ {)haoood, IU Baroda, 27, Fri.

Savli, 2 Naswadi,6 Kaw8.nt, 21, MOlli , .... ,.

Boriad, 16 1'anakhala, 16 Kawant, 5, Mon.

'T anakhala, 3~ TaDllkhaII1, 3k Kawant, 10, Mon. Agar, 2' Ghantoli, 6 Baroda, 40, Fri.

P.O .. Rly. Station Kawant, 15, Mon, 1'.S.,V.P.

Tanakhala, 10 Tanakhala, 16 Kawant, 20, MOB. N aSWl'u;li, ! Naswadi, ! Kawant, Hi, Mon. Boriad, 16 Tanakhala. J 6 Kawant, I 2, Mon.

Naswadi, 1 Naswadi. 2 Kawant, IS, lion. iF.S.

Tanakhala, 12 Tanakha,Ia, 12 Kawant, 15, MOR.

Gad Boriad, 10 Naswadi, 17 Kawant, 8, Mon.

Ravli, I! Naswadi, 7 Kawant, 15, Mon.

Boriad, 1.'; Tanakhala, 15 Kawant, ii, Mon.

Amroli, 1 Amroli, 1 Kawant, 10, Mon. "\' .P.

Gad Boriad. 8 Naswadi, 15 Kawant, II, Mon.

Agar, 3 Naswadi,5 Kawant, 15, Mon.

Wadis, 6 Chandod, 18 Baroda, 43. Fri. PaS.

NaswAdi, 2 Kaledia, ~ Baroda, 40. Fri. ....•

Tanakhala, 4~ Tanakhala, 4! Kawant, 17, Mon.

Boriad, 2 Naswadi, 9 1.' Kawant, 15, Mon.

Gad Boriad, 3 KaIedia, 10 Kawant, 8, Men. P.S.

~-~ ... ------.------. _Primary ~e.sua Abstract --.------.-----~------,------Oooupied Houses

Total I't

3 I 6 I 7 8 \ II I 10 --_ ------16 Bhangiwad 0.6 13 '14 3Z

, 2'1 Bum.wadi 0.5 32 183- 9'1

6.4 51 IH 262 148 114 -::.:: 29' lI:havpurlf> 0.4 r:l" ~ 35' 3() Bilgam 0.3- 119

:H 'Bofa 6.2 72 37

32 . Bsriad (Bl'iifn P 6.6- 161 84 BOTi&

0.4 1& 111

S5 Batiyalimv& 0.2' 27 I 36 Budhajaldhuni- +1 26 21

0.2 :3

38 B'tlnjetblC' 2.9 406 378

3D Chllmeth~ 3.& }'I~ 315 291 7

Chandanpu!1ll' 0.1t 100 55 41 Chll..fidrapul'lll 0.1- <:!: 13 7 Chathi Ar;nbli 0.2 17& 95

12 A Chovrio 1).1

Chhaktarna 0.2" 3& 205 11() 95 I .... Muvada ChharOOT& 0.2 • 22 13 0.2 17 125 &5- 60

Chhevat 0.3 If)(} 04 46

47 Chhoti V'aner 0.4 13 6a 29 3~ 48 fl.v 74 78

Chor.ma} O.f 46 213 105 1()8 50 Chor lSahtldr 0.2 ~ G 31 fil ChosaJpura 0.2' 43- !Jt H5 99

62 1.9 1t8 644' 318 ! - ~------.-- -~~-....___----~------~-- --~~--j--- -_ -__ ---

280 Primary Ceas\l.l Abstract

Non-AgriclUltural Classes ---- P"l'sona ( including dependants) who derive their prinoipal means of li'V'elihood from Name of yllle,_ or S. VIIi-Other VI-Commeroe services and No. \6 ... n/ward V-Production VII-'... ,p''"' I other than oul. misoellaneous tivation \ sourceS MaieR Females Males Females Males F_.'" I...... F_~. 1 2 21 22 23 2~ 25 26 27 28 , ----_-- --~---_-----~- .------26 Bhangiwad 6 3

27 Bhafeswadi 5 10

28 Bharwada 4, 46 25 29 BhavpurB 8 5 30 Bilgam 31 Bofa

32 Boriad (Bhilni Boriad) 33 Borkhad

34 Borwani 5

35 Botiyakuvu

36 Bl1dhajaldhuni

37 Eudharanbor 15 ~8 Bunjetha 31 22 7 3 14- 39 .Chametha 6 4 3 5 40 ChanaBnpura

41 ChBndrapum

42 Chathi ArnbJi :I 4 I) 9

42A Chavria Deserted

43 Chhaktarna Muvada 44 ChhllorbBra

45 Chharvanta

46 Chhevat 2

47 Chhoti Drner

48 Chitrakhadi 8 'J

4!l Choramal 2 4, 19 28 50 Chor Mahudi 3

51 Chosalpura 2 52 Chudeshwar 48 aD

------">---~--~~------~~ -~--- ~ASWADI TALUKA

NettoreBt poet. office N_rest Railway Nearest baz6l' village, It.elDB and itS -distance in station and its it.a distance in miles & 'of note miles distanoe in miles Bazar day,

2i1 80 31

BOl'iad, 14 Tanakhala, 14 Kawant,5, Mon.

Amroli, 3 Amroli, 3 Kawant, 15-. Mon. V.P.

Amroli. 3 Amroli, 3 Kawant, ]5, Mo~. Tilak,vada. (-'handod, 10 Baroda, 30, Fri ..

Gad Boriad, 6 Amroli, 9 Kawant, 15, ]\10n.

Gad Sodad, ~ Naswad, l~ K8want, 7, Mon. P. O. Naswadi, 7 Kswant, 15, Mon.

1 Kawant, 8, Mon. Bodad. il Naswadi,10 Gad Boriad, 3 Naswadi,10 Kawant, 9. !'.lon.

Amroii, 4 Amroli, 4 Kawant, 15, Mon.

Boriad, \8 N aswBui. 25 Kawant, lil, Mon.

Boriad, 15 Naswadi, 18 Kswant, 15, Mon. .'.,

Karnali, 4 Chandad, 5 Baroda. 40, Fri. P.S.WP.

Kaledia, 1 Kaledia, 1 Baroda, 40, Fri. P.B.

Gad Boriud, ~ Naswadi, 8 Kawant, 15, Mon.

Vajiria, 2 Chandod, 7 IJaroda, 30, Fri.

Amroli, 4 Amroli, 4 Kawant, 18, Mon. Deserted

Gad }3oriad, 1) Naswadi, 12 Kawant, 1], Mon.

Boriad, 12 Tanakhala, 13 Kuwant, 4~, Mon.

Boriad, 12 Tanakhala, 13 Kawant, 4i, Mon.

Gad Boriad, {) Amroli, 8 Kawant, 4i, Mon.

Gad Boriad, 5 Amroli, 8 Kawant. 4k, M~n,.

Tilakwada, 3~ Chandod, 12 Baroda, 24~. Fri.

Gad Boriad, 1 Naswadi, 8 Kawant, 15, Mon.

Wadia,6 Tanakhala, 6 Kswant, 16. Mon. Ghantoli, 3 Baroda, 40, Fri. Vora, 3 ,:t·;., Tilakwada, 2 Cha.ndod, fj Baroda, 30, Fri. P.S.,V ... ;~C.s.. 28Z Primary Ce.. u. Abstract

"~--~. I Oooupied HO:::_\

Total No. of per80Dl! No.oflilmatul S. Name of yillage or Aree of INo.o' \ enumerated [ inoluding of Institution s village No. of \ hOUl~e inma.t.elt of inatitutioDB and houaeleu· houses holds and nouseless persoas] p8l'8On~ No. \&wn/ward or town ! " In i square -.~----~______..~-. -~~ miles PeraoJ Males Females Malee IFemale>;" I 3 4. (> 6 7 X II 10 :I ! I --~--- -.~ ---~-- i3 Chunakhan 004 23 23 126 60 65 a~ Dabba- 0.3" 9 9 53 27 26 i5 Dabbed 0.1 36 :m 204- 104- 100 h:, Dabhen tr.3 11 11 H 28 ]6

57 Dabhm O.l 14 14 00 58 33

58 Dagipul'a (Chune- (i.! iO 11} 57 2~ 29 shwar EstAte) 59 Dnjipura 0.2 12 12 46 26 20 (Vunmala Estate) so Dakoch" 0.4 3 3 ]0 6 4 6f DamoN 1.2 3'4 34 14& 78 67

6·2 Dani 0.4 5f) 50 319 15S 161

63 Devalia 2.8 !l2 104 545 286 259

64 Dhadlmnh 0.2' 16 )6 106 62 44-

65 Dhamnni Amba 0.4> I~ 12 If)/) 56 50 ...

66 Dh~masla V.4 ~:? 87 442 22] 221

67 DhAni<~ UmMV8 .•. 0,2 f5 1& 9-5 4-7 48

68 Dharllimal 0,6 l~ 12 'i0 37 33

119 Dhori Kotardi 0.2 22 7:: J21 59 62

'i0 I>humna O/! :I 3 21 9 12

'1' Dughadha 6.6 T7 I7 108 59 49

Fatepur (Boriarl ... a.~ lO;; 109 616 3.2] 295 :I 1 '2 Estate) 13 ]<'atepur (Vagiria ... :?l Sl6 ~ ~, 282 256 Estate) . 'H Fatppur (Va.nma..~ ~.l 33 35 154t 84 70 EBtHte) 7i Ferkuda 0.2 Iii [) ~2 15 7

76 Ferkllwa O.!; 3J 38 232~ 118 U4

'11 Fulwadi (BoriaJ .•. 0.3 [> 5 30' 18 12 ElJtatt') '18 Ftwal.i (Panta1a. 0.6 t\ I) 35- 16 11} adl ElState) '19 bad 0.4 g 8 40 22 18

10 GamblJirpura 0.3 30 80 In 98 73

---_---- '----~-- --~~------=-- _------~--~-~ ------~-.----- NASWAOI TALUKA 283

Agrloultural Classes


I· Cultlvat·ors I' II. Cultivator. III. Oul'tlvatlng nr·N oll.oultlvatln" Llter.~e of jRond wholly of land wholly labou~Bn and - ownerll of land, agrl. or mainly owned I or mainly un- their dependantB Gultural rant raoei. and their i owned and Yen, and their depandantt! : their dependantt! i dependantll ! '

I I' MeJee !1I'emaleB, !

5 53 58 6 5 26 25

11 88 89 12 10

27 14 1 2

2 50 35 6 3 2

9 6 7 8

26 20

6 '" 1 56 8 ,9

158 161

51. 5 256 1 15 20

.. ,'. 62 .. , 06 50 31 2 118 117 6i 69 33 26 2 2

47 48 34 33

41 45 9 10 6 4

!l 12

55 47

74 5 237 215 15 8 58 1 252 228 4, 3 3 11

16 36 33 39 31 8 6 15 7

13 104 105 1 2 3 3

4 2 15 10 3 2

16 19

19 Hi <1 3 57 4') 27 19 ....

------.... ~--.- .... __ ._.--._-_. --.. _.--. 284 Primary Ce.sus Abstract .------.------I Non-Agrioultural ClaSS6S

PtlrSODS ( including dependants) who derivs their principal means of livelihood from s. Name of viII.,. or ( I' VIII-Other------"---1'V-Production VI-Commerce \VII-TrallHport services and \o",n/ward I other than cui. miscellaneou@ \ tlvation . . i. sources Males Females --;~~~-I;em~le81 M~le8 Females! Males \ Female. 21 _____2_~___ 23 I 24 _ I 25 26 l 27 __ I__ _:_ 53 _Chunakhsn 2

54 Dabba 1

Dabhed 1 3 1

56 Dabhen

57 Dabhis

58 D8gipura (Chud .... 12 15 eshwar Estate) 59 Dajipu-s (Vanm .... ala Estate) 60 Dakoch 61 Damoli 2 2

62 Dani

63 De"",lis 7 5 2

64 Dhadhania

65 Dhamani Amba ...

66 Dharnasis 1 2 3 5

67 Dhania Umarva ... 88 . Dharsimal 3

69 Ubori Kotardi 2 2 1 70 Dhumna

71 Dughadha 4 2

72 Fatepui'(Boriad ." 8 10 9 7 52 52 Estate) 73 Flitepur (Vagiria ... 2 23 12 Estate) 74 Fatepur (Vanrnals 1 Estate) 75 Ferkuda

76 Ferkuwa. 3 3 3 4 77 Fulwadi (Boriad ••. Estate) 78 Fulwali (Pantals. wadi Estate) 79 Gad 3 2

80 . Gamhhirpura 3 2 7 NASWADI TALUKA

lI'e __ poet office Nearest RaIlway NeareSt balll&l' viHage, Items ad Ita distance in station and ita it. distance in tDilea &; of note milee distarwe in ~ B8Z81'day.

10 31

Naswll.di, t Naawadi, t Kawant, 15, Mon. P.8. Savli, 4: Naswadi, 7 Kawant, 15, Mon.

Tilakwada, 5 Chandod. 16 Baroda. 33, ll~ri:

Gad Boriad, 8 Naswadi. Hi Kawant. 8, Mol'\,

V njil'ia, 3 Chsildod. 10 Baroda, 30, Fri.

Tilakwada, 2 Chadrlod. 5 Baroda, 24, Fri.

K'aledilt, 4: Ghantoli,2 Baroda, 4(), Fri..

Boriad, I) Tanskhala. to Kawant, 15. Mon.

Palasani, 2~ Naswadi. 7 Ka.vant, 15, Mon.

Boriad, 3 Naswadi.l0 Kawant. 15, Mon.

Tilskwada, I) Naswadi, Il Kawant, ) 5, Moll. P.S.;C.S

Gad Boriad. S Naswadi.15 Kawant, 8, Mon.

Boriad, l4t Tanakhala. 14 Kawant, 5~, Mon.

Agar, 1 Naswadi. 2 Kawant, 15. Mon. i'.S. Gad Boriad, 7 N8swadi, 14 Kawant, 9, Mon.

Boriad. 18 Tanakhala, 18 Kawant. 10, Mon.

Palasani. 1 Naswadi. 6 Kawant. 15, Mon.

Boriad. 4: Tanakhala, 8 Kawant, 15. Mon.

Boriad. Tanakhala, 9 Kawant, 12, Mon. Tanskhals. 4t Tanakhala, 4k Kawant. 18, Mon.

VOl'&, 2 Ghantoli, 4, Ba.roda, 40, Fri.

Vajiris, 2 Chandod, 8 Baroda, 25, Fri. P.8. Boriad.30 Tanskhala. 7 Baroda, 14, Fri.

Wadis. 3 Cha.ndod. 10 Baroda, 27. Fri.

Agar. :I Naswadi.5 Kawant,'15, Mon. Chandod, 1 Chandod. I Baroda, 18, Fri.

Boriad. 4" • Amroli, 6 Kawant, 18, Mon. TiiakwlSda, 3 GhantoJi, 4 Bs-rods, 40, Fri. 2~1:) Primary Ce...... Ar.atrati

-.~---~------I Oooupied HOIl~"il 1-

Toeal No. of persona No. 01 bimat. '" B. Name of .,.mago Or Area of No. of enumerated [ iaoluding of lastltutior a village No. of hou8e Inma.t611 of in..titutioDB a.nd houll6lef!! No. t-ovrn/Vlfard or town hout-:-es hoids a.nd housel_ persons) pbrson. In

8qua.re ----~------.-- mile. PerlOOD8 Males Fema.leai M"!"B Femai"" 1 I 3 4 () tl g i Ii 10 -- ! ~ ----~-'_J ------81 Gamod 3.7 153 158 837' «21 416

82 Gangdia 0.2 11} II 66' St 3&

Z,)· S3 Ganlk.hod 0.2 1~ 15 19 ' 4~ U Ghaniarba.rs 0.4 g: ;l 13 7 6

85 Ghatamhli 0.2 :?3 23 W 50 4~

86 Ghatash,\ l.1 69 70 273 14-1 ·12!}-

87 Gl.teswndi o .~ 8 8 55 32 n

88- Ghooa O.~ 2~ 2:t 141 70 71

Ml Gbutia Ambe. \U '1 '1 3~ i\ \'1

90 Gochari-s OA 1~ 21 148' 84 64

111 Godhsm 0.3 34 34 185 76 109

92 Go(H Simal (Pa- .. 0.7 6() 60 320 155 165 la8Sni ElOtate) 113 Godi Iliimal (Sind. 1.1 17 19 74 3S 36 biapUl"3 Estate} 94 Gola T"lavdi 0.7 H 44 220 115 105

115 GOYil.want :!.\) 1~ ',H 4'!S 201 2~'

D6 Gundaatnba. 0..1 7 4 :l

97 Hafispura 0.1 24 24 IH i3 71

D8 Hamirpura (!.~ 25 25 J33 68 61t

~9 Hanlli 0" a H 67 40 27

JOO Haripura (Naswa. 0.3 56 56 337 177 160 12 1:f di Estato) ,0\ Hlil'ipura. tOld ... 0.2 n 11) 16 39 31 TiIakwa.da) 102 Haripura I Pa. 0.7 fH 61 384 ,2 182 laeani Estato) lea Haripura (Uc. 0.2 6 8 55 30 25 bad EBtate~

lO~ Bariyabar 0".~ S 10 46 25 21

fo"l }05 Barkhod Q-.2' II 11 I~ 35 27 , 106 H ..teli 0.2' 1 1 3 2

l()'1 Himstpura 0.1 20 21 99' l,n +& 16i Hi:zda Mahudi 0.3 12 12 80 - 45 1M __ ~ t.,.__ ~-.~-~------~-. -~-~- --~~ ...... ~---- NASWAOI TAJ..UKA 287 ---~ ------~-.------

Agrloul~ul,'al Clullel ------I I- Cuitlvat·ors I II. Cultivator. III- Cultivating 1"9' -Non-oultivatfu, LlterateB of }A.nd wholly of land wholly labou~er8 and ownera of land, agd. Or mainly owned or mainly un- their depl;ndanta Gultural rent reoel. \ and their owned and I verB, and theiJo I . dependante itbeir dependants I depelldall~B

-- \f:;e81~~=-Ie-:-r--Male81J'emale8 Males j Fem~I:'- -~alee r;::w.lel - Malee lI'emalea U 20 11 J 11 \ 13 U 15 I i 6 17 I IS

118 287 301 2 1 93 84 a 20

4 22 30 7 I) 1

II 36 2 7 6 49 49 1 16 3 108 106 10 8 7 32 23

1 63 63 1

l? 16 4 1

15 2 71 5 3 3

9 1 51 76 5 4 20 29

8 2 1540 158 3

2 24 24 6 7 8 5

1 10!'. 94 3 4 1

13 165 160 H 18 7 1 2 7 4 3

73 71

3 63 56 1 36 24 1 3

6 2 57 34 75 81 35 32

4 33 30 6 7 17 155 142 19 13 6 3 30 25

21 16 33 25 1 2 1

2 33 10 9 7 3

33 25 10 7 1 3 288 Primary Ce•• uI Abltract

Non-Agrloultural ClaaseB

Persone ( Inoluding dependan~ ) who derive thalr principal meaDe of livelihood from 8. N ...... of yUIap or VIII-Other No. W_n/·ard V.Produot.lon VI-

Malea Females Malea Females Malea Female& Males Femalet

1 21 22 23 2, 25 26 27 2 , 28

---~-- ---~~----'--- .~------NASWADI TALUKA

liewest pdIIt office . Ne_t ,R8,Uway N SMelt bUM villag~. 1t.em8 and Ita distance In station and its it.1l distance in miJelJ & oloote miles distance in ..ile. Bae&rday.

I 31 32 1

Chandod,2 Chandod,2 Baroda, 18, Fri.

Bavli, 2 Naswl!-di,6 I Kawant, 15, hIOD.

Boriad,4 Tanakhala, lO Kawant, 16, Mon•.

~oriad, 8 Naswadi, 15· Kawant, 15,. !\:[ij

Boriad.14 Tanakhala., l' Kawant, 5, M/)n.

T6nakh~la, 4 Tanakha~, 4 Kawant, 15, ;Mon. Boriad,16 Tanakhala, 16 K&wSJ.nt.. 5, Mon.

Boriad, 16 Tanakhala, 16 Kawant, 0, Mon. Boriad,7 Tanakhala, 8 Kawant. 10, Mon.

Sav!i, 2 Nllswadi. 6 Kawant, }fi, Mon. , Naswadi,5 Kawant. 17. Mon. Agar1 3 1-. Tilakwada, 6 GhantoIi.5 Baroda, 4Q, Frt .

P~ni,1 Naewadi,5 Kawant, 16, Mon.

Tilakwadf\, 4 Chandl'>d, 10 Baroda, 24, Fri.

Tanakhala, 5 Tanakhala, 5 Kawant, 15, Mon. P •.S,

Boriad, 5 Tanakhala. 5 Kawant, 15, Mon.

Tilakwada, 2 Chandod, 9 Baroda, 26, }<'ri,

Gad Boriad, 3 Naswadi, 11} KlIowant, l2. Mon.

Boi-iaG.7- Tanakhala.9 Kawant, 8, Mon. Naswadi,3 Naswadi,3 Kawant, 15, Mon.

Nl\8Wooi,2 Naawadi,2 Kawant, 15, Mon. Boriwi, i Nllswadi,7 Kawant, 15, Mon.

Tanakhala, 2 Tanakhala.. 2 Kawant, 8, Mon

T&nakhal~ 8 T anakhaia, 8 . Kawant. 8, Mon. Boriad, IS Tanakhala, 18 Kawant, 8, Mon.

Borio.d, '" Naswadi, 11 Kawant. 15, Mon.

Agar, ]~ Ghantoli, Baroda, 40, Fri.

TIlakwada, 3 Naswadi.9 Kawant, Hi, MOD. 2fO Ynmary Ce...... Abstract

I Oooupied HOUBeIl

To,a) No. 0-( peraolUl No.o(lnm.. tt It &. Name 01 ylHa,. or Area of No. of enumerated r inoluding af Institution e vlllage No. of bouse inmatea of institutiolUl and hOlJlI6le~. ~ ..Il}w .... d houees bolda and hotlsel_ persona] I).NOI"" B<»i t or ~wn ! _quare ! mUee PersonA Ma.les Females

B 6 6 7 8 ...... tI r· ....· I 2 • 10 _L. ___... I "--"--.-. -- IGi Indarma 0.8- 49 .. 9 33!' 174 160. .

)10 Intis. 0.2 25 2tl 183 lOt 79

HI JaduJi 0.4 H 11 69 33 36-

112 Jajw6l> 0-.2 II 6 ~4 It 10

H3 .1akshi. 0.9 40 40 226 '112 113

Fit J'akJdl'. l.f) 133 133 6117' 337 ..--360 2 Flo Ja.mb. 1.0 19 21 102 54 48

))6 Ja:mllU,hod. 0.2 2} 22 H)D 67 Ii;!

ll7 Jam Ii 8.2 62 113 3i4 199 195

Ill! Jem&Igadh I., 76 76 416 208 201 II' Jeeingpura 0.4; 36 36 176 90 ~6 12' Jiral 0.'1 ~ 3t 191' 115 76

)21 Jitl'Ja,al" 2.& 4& 46 221 113 114

122 ,}itpura 1 •• ~ 68 332 ,]6* HIS

1-2S JitplAl'. 0.7

12i I:.dad. 0'2 Il 6 37 17 2&

U& ](adBi 0.2 21 21 174 84

121 Kadikul'llt 0 .• 11 11 70- "3+ 36

128 KaduIi MahuCi .•. O.! 2~ 29 153 8t 6i .i. lilt X.k.cii. 0.7 21 21 135 .6 76 ,.. I.karvani 1.t ]3 U H 37 37 111 I.Ii.pUr.. 1.2 II 34 16:J 10 83

Ul2 K:alkgeA 8.3 3} 3t 124 70 M

133 KNn801i I>.i 2~ 31 171 .11 80 IS.. I_dl.j t.' Ii- U! 117 t3 M .,. 18i Jralltl•• 1t.3 31 31 1110 " 91 13. K&uku"'uan '.'2 ::!1 28 134 611 6i

------.------~.----- NASWADI TALUKA 29}

: Agrioultural CI_ ------,------I I. Cultivator. II. Cultivators III. Oultlvatlll8 IV.Non.oultlvatlnf Litera.. of land wholly of land wholly labourers and o.nel'll of land. ag," or mainly owned or mainly un- their dependant. eultural rent reoei. and their owned and vers. and then depl3ndanta Itheir qependantB dependanta --_ ---- .. _------~~~-;emale.1 Males Females Males Femalesl Malea j lI'emaletl Males lI'emalea - IJ 11 1'· 13 14 15 : 16 17 18 111 20 I i !

11 1 151 136 20 21 15 3 ti7 41 47 38 32 3li

14 10

11 7-1 72 3 1 3

127 43 181 213 10 10 ?3 68 _30

1 32 31 1& J5 7 :! 2 35 30 19 19 199 195

42 3 135 161 18 17 5 1

19 84 82 6 4

76 51 7 2 12 9

15 86 88 18 21 3

4 127 12S 23 28 1 132 lli 3

29 1 1

17 20

87 82

5 :.l 29 3 ..

89 64

4 41 44 20 8 3

3 24 24 2 1 3 1 26 3 49 Hi 15 15 .. " 5 67 53 1

10 1 64 53 11 6 10

s 18 15 22 22 16 13 7 72 " 7 15 8 6 23 23

------__ ------292 Primary Ce.su. Abstract

Non-Agricultural 01&8868

p~rBOn8 ( Including dependaDtR ) who derive their prlnoipal mMDII of livelihood from 8. Name of or "Ju.p VIII-Other No. \owD/w.rd V _Production VI-CommerCII \ VII-Tran"port aervicea and other than oul. miaoeUaneom tlva.tlon lIOurceS I ----_.. Male. 'emaIM Male.. Femalell Malea Female8 Mal" Female. , 1 26 2 I 21 22 28 2' 26 27 28 I I i ------

109 Ipdarma 1 1 .2 110 Intia III Jaduli 112 Jajwa 113 Jakshi .2 .2 14 10 114 1alodra 11 6 8 10 24 18 115 Jamba 116 Jarubpgh()da 3 3 117 Jamli

118 ;Temalgadh ,. 6 ,. 39 24

U9 JeBingpu\'~

120 Jiral 20 14

(I 5 121 ;Titnagnr ,. 122 litpura 5 • 1\ 1 5 123 Jitpura 2 1

124 JuniGamod 125 Kad"da 125 Kadai 2 12'Z Kadikuv8 128 Kaduli Mahlldi .. , 129 Kakadia 130 Kakarvaloli 131 Kaliapura 132 Kalkoch 133 KamllOJi

134 Ka~dlej 135 Kandva 136 Kankuvasa.tl NASWAOI TALUKA

\ \ .e&n!t!t post office I Ne...... t R. ..t1wa, N_reet b ...... r .11181(6, Item. and 1t8 distanoe IL 1 ItatioD and Ita It.!! dlstanoe In mllep imdl of Dote mite. diotance In mUee BaBltor d&y. !


Savli, :3 Naswadi,6 Kawant, 15, Mon. Kaledia.2 Ghantoli. 1 t Baroda" 40, Fri. Tnnakhala" 15 Tanakhala, 15 Kaw-ant, '5, Mon.

Pa18sani, t NSBwadi, 3 Kawant, \5, Mon.

Tanakhall1, 4 Tanakhala, 4, Kawant, 12, Mon. Y. P.

Vajiria, 3 ('handod, 6 Baroda, 23, Fri.

Borlad,4 Tanakhala, 8 Knwant, t 5, Mon.

T8nakhala, Ta.nakhala, 1 Kawant, 13, '!I.{on. Gad Roriad, 4 Nas'Wa

Amroli. 4 Sandhill,'1 Ka'Want, 12, Mon. P.S.,V.l'.

Sanor, 1~ Tentalav, 5 Baroda, 30, Fri. Vajiria, 2k Chandod, 5k R8ro.Ia, 22, Fri. Tanakhala, 4 Taftakhala, " Ka'W811t, 15, Mon.

Naswadi, 3 Naswadi, 3 Kltwant, J 5, Mon.

Nsswadi, 2 Naswadi, 3 Kaw&nt, 15, 'Mon.

Boria.d, 18 Tanakhala, 18 Kawant, 8, Mon. Boriad, 16 TanakhaJa, 17 Kawant, 3, Mon,

TaDakhala, 1 Tanakhala. 1 Kawant, 8, Mon. v. P.

Boriad, 16 Tanakhala, 16 Kawllnt,8, Mon,

Agar. 2 Ghantoli,4 Baroda, 40, Fri. Pal8,sard. N8Bwadi,6 Kawant, J 5, Mon.

Tanakhala, 4, Tanakhala,4o ~{a'Want, 8, Mon.

Gad Boriad, :3 Naswadi,9 Kawant, 15, thn.

Titakwada, 1 Ch8lldod, 11 Baroda, 28, Fri.

Agar, k Gh8lltoli, I) Baroda, 22, Fri. Nas'Wlldi, 1 Kawant, 14, Mon.

TRnukhala, 9 Taoakhala, 9 KRwant, 12, Mon, Primary Ce•• u. Ab.tract

Oooupied Houses

I Total No. of personB No.ofinmaf.ee Area of e numerated [including of iD8titutiona N sme of "lIIage or village inmates of illlltitutions and houaele811 8·1 or town No. of No. of a nd ho_lell6l persons] perlone No town/ward in houses house [ square holds I miles i I I Persons Males '-p-e-m-a-les-l~~:8- Perna!: ! 3 .. I) 6 7 8 I 9 10 1 I I I -/ l37 :Kantharpura 2.1 152 152 810 428 382 138 Kanf,iambar O.S 5 5 29 16 13 )3' KaraUledi 0.6 56 56 326 170 155 H9 Ka:reli 0.2 6[ 62 303 164 139 HI Kariclori l.~ 63 63 343 ,.183 ]60 HZ Kasotiya 6.3 Z8 28 185, 88 97

l43 KS8umhia 0.4 25 25 142 ;tIO 82 (Old TilskwaEl., Hot ,Ksttuudar 0.4 42 42 233 126 167

145 Katkoj. 0.4 37 37 265 125 140 146 KatkuwlI> 0.6 34 34 170 96 i4 }47 Kelanillo 1.3 56 li8 310 166 144 ~ 1048 Keearpura 6.! 21 21 103 53 J>O (pal~_nj Eatat-e) IU Kev-adi O.~ 14 14 133 7-1 59 )5' Khodaiia 1.0 10 10 59 30 29 ,Khareda Es... to; lOt Khambhayata 8.6 6' 64 330 1M 165 1112 Khaparia 1.8 77 77 385 191 194

111.3 Khsl'ed.. 1.0 56 65 364 .83 181

)54 Khatod 0.4 13 13 83 ,46 37

155 Khata Alihitar .,. 0 .• 48 49 268 136 132

U6 Khed. O.~· I) I) 2,) 14 11 lli7 KhermaJ 0.3 7 7 £2 31 31

J58 Khetambar 0.4 1 11)" 6 4 159 Khichadia 1.0 56 56 358 177 181

160 Khodiya tI.~ 39 39 267 143 12t

161 Khokhr8 (Old 0.& 7 7 38 18 20 Tilakwflda Mahal) 102 Khokhra 0.2 2'1 21 146 75 71 {P alR.ani Eetate. J63 Khok.hra 0.1 35 36 215 111 104 (Wagach Estate) ](14 Xhuaalpur& ... 0.2 2'J 27 127 71 56 (BOFi6~ ElItateJ___ . __ ~ ______~ __ ~_~ ____~ ______NASWAOI TALUKA 295 ------~-~ ------~~------~---- Agricultural C18ll116. 1 , I-Cultivators I I1-CuItivatore III-Cultivating IV-Non-cultlvat· mg­ Literate. I of land wholly of Iand wholly labourer. and ownere of land, agri­ 'lor mainly owned I orowmna inly un- their dependants cultural rent r_i and their ed and vere, and their I pendants dependants .--____ .l~eJ>endants Itheir de , I i , Mal611 Females Males FemaleSj Males ,Femal6ll Male. Females Males Females I 13 14 . 15 I )6 17 18 19 20 11 12 I I I .. _-_. 84 4 307 289 22 20 2 16 fa 8 121 107 11 10"> 14 8

33 3 117 106 1 34 25 8 63. 23 63 oS 57 52 48 37 3

82 88 <5 3 6

1 34 48

24 7 6i 59 35 25 5 7

13 113 131

4 71 50 4 8 13 7 2

2 154 134 5 .) 5 6

1 52 48

68 58 3

2 29 28 21 2 110 122 7 7 9 3 3

·3 78 81 73 75 15 13

45 5 121 120 3 ~ 12 3 6 , 1 33 26 8 4 3 7 18 2 96 94 .... 34 32

14 11

30 31 1

6 4

12 2 )64 170 8 3 6

38 . 1 115 105 15 11 2 18 20

6 59 08 3 9 1

1 31 37 . '79 65 47 42


iN ASWAO\ TALU'K~ ;-----~----

N_t post. effiee Nearest Railway Neareit build' village, Items and ita diet8dlC8 In station and ita its distance in milell & olnota _ilell distaaoe in Dlilee Sazarday.

It 10 31 32 '33 , ~------~------~---~---~------~ Wadia, 3 Chandod, 13 Baroda, 30, Fri. P.S.,C.S.

Boriad, S Naswadi, 15 Kawant, S. Mon.

Gad Boriad, 3 Naswadi, (; Kawti.,nt, to, Mon.

Vajiria, 3 Chandod, 6 Baroda, .23, Fri• Naswadi, 3 Naswadi, 3 Irawant, 15, Mon.

Agar, 3 Chandod, 8 Barooa, 25, Fri. l'Wkha1tt., ~ Tanakhala, t Ka'Want, 15, Mon. V.P. WadUi, 3 Chended, 10 BlI.l'oda, %7, Fri.

Wadia, 6 Tanakhala, 6 Kaw"nt, 18., Mon. Tile.kwada, 4, Chandod, 10 Baroda, 27, Fri.

Palasani, 1 Naswadi; 3 Kawant, 15, Mon. Vajiria, 2 Chandod. 6t Baroda, 23, Fri. Tanakhala, 15 Tanakhala, 10 Kawant, 4l, Mon.

Gad Boriad, 2 Naswadi, 9 Kawant, 11, Mon. P.S~ Amroli, 4 Amroli, 4 Kawant, 10, Mon. P.B.

Tanakhala, 1 Tanakhala, 1 Kawant, 15, Mon. V.P. Boriad, 2 Naswadi, 9 Kawant, 8, Mon.

Savli. 4 Naswadi, 7 Kawant, 22, Mon. Agar, 3 Cbandod, 8 Baroda, 25, Fri. Boriad, 8 N88wadi, 15 KawBnt, 15, Mon. Boriad, 10 Tanakhala, 12 Kawallt, 8, Mon. Boriad, n TIlnakhala, a Kawant, 9, Mon. Gad Boriad, 2 Tanakhala, 6 Kawant, 10, MOll. P.S. AmroIi, Sandhia, 1 Kawant, 18, Mon. V.P. Tanakhala, 2 Tanakhala, 2 Kawant, 18, Mon. V.P.

Palslani, Nt\Swadi, 6 Ka'Yant. 15, Mon. Boriad, 4 Naswadi, 11 Kawant, 15, Mon.

Boriad, 4 Na"l"w ..d , 11 Kawant, 10, Mon.

------, -- --.--".----~-~-'" "ff . Prfmary CeD8UI Abatl'ad ---~------~-~.~ I \Ocoupied Houses i I I ----~---- -~--

I Tot&} No. t>f perfOOrul No. of mm .. t. fi No.(}f & B. I Name (if VIUHo!l o. Are .. Ofl enumerated [ including of In8titutio~ village No. of hOllse inma.tes of institution!' an'; houseleFs No_I \own/ .... ud or towni. hot1~e" hold~ and hOUse)eto8 perSORl! J ~n'lIon" in I square ------_- 1 mllel I i PersOl",i M &!esIFemHolee MolesIFf,,-,,"ale-. I

3 4 I) II I '; I g 11 )0 Ii ! --/---'I ' ];65 Khl\~ha 1';)11 Til (1.40 I} IJ 114 ~ 30 3i (A'-!:,w E;stats) 166 K_ol.~!nhja l,Z 62 Ii"~ 32.; I7a no

161 KoJinj Boriad- (I.~ IIf 94 501:1 25g 2&0-

:t68 NoTu 1.a 42 42 230 In ]f)!}

Jl6!} KOLdtm fUI 5~ 59 271 139 132

l-71t Kothj 0.4 4 6 ~S lS 9

t7t K0thi", 1.-I! 51 53 256 136 120

]172 KoyaH- 0.3 43 43 24i- 13&

!7:J Koyari 0.6 10 11 50 27 n-

:fH Kukardb 0.2 1),3 53 300 15S 142'

J!7o Kukayati O.t ii~ 33 211 102 109

176- Kukrej o.a; H) \0 25 17 S'

177 KumetP.l O·Z g. 5 3

178 Kunda. 0,2 2 :2 11 8 i}

17fl' Rupl1l 0.2 H} }!) iiI, :1'1 23

]80 Lavakoo 0.4 60 til! 334 1.91 H3 ,., HI l.llgadh 0.2 It} 12 ~':; -10 32

1'82 Limadia. 0_3 is 13 \ '~, 75 1'>9

183 Limpure. 1.2 89- 96 460)' !50 215 6 6

184 Linda 1.:J: 44 4i 261 IU 133

185 lUakanpn.. f'< 0.2 3 3 W 6 4 ]1l6 lUaldugel' 0.2 H 12 5-2 21 25 .... 1F1 Marsan 1.3 HI 19 93 . , &,1 39 188 Manmdhla 0.5- 1'.1 ill ll:}lh 51 54 lS9 lUatllajaldhuni ... I:}.. .) J. 3 It) 4 6 }gO MatharanVoF 0.4 13 13 73 38 35

191 MatoJ"8 0.2 Z~ 23 HO 70 70

192 Mebhutpura UA 6 6 45 22 :13 NASWADf TAL.UKA 299 --- ____,_ ~_~ ____~ ______L ___ _

Agrioultural 01(18868

I. Cultlvat.ors II. Cultivators III- Q'lltlvatlng IV-Non-oultlvatinll ! of lfmd wholly of land whollv iabou"srs and ownere of land" ilgrl. : or mainly owned or ma.inly un:' their dep8urlant. eultural rent recei- and their owned and vers, and t.helr dependants ! th"ir dependants i dependant8 i I ;-f~:}~male~ 1~~31e8 \':.',~!,"""" Females! Male" Female. 11'emalell , I 11 I III I 13 1 1\ 15 17 18 20

28 34

28 J 3~ 17

36 1-3 ·76 21 69 75 2 4

If! 04 47 30 26

13!) 132

2 11 5

~1i0 6 10"' 93 7 4 19 20

i6 91 110 10 7 '1

26 23 1

157 142

87 97 11

16 8 5 3

8 3

28 20

13 138 120 2 27 3 I

4 34 32 4

22 11 31 35 3 31 23

37 3 207 185 5 7 5

20 3 114 113 4 4 3 8 9

2 2 4 2 24 23

2 45 31 I) 5

3 19 19 14 12 4 6 2 2 4 6

6 2 38 35 70 70 ,t 14 ]9 300 Primary Ce.sus Abstract

Non-Agrloultural CI&II!I68 ------P"r8on8 ( Including depend&ll.ts ) who derive tohel? prinoipal

meaDI o( livelihood (rom C s. Nam. of .. 11 ... or VIII-Other No. \own/ward V.Produotion I VI-Commeroe VII-Transport aervi

_1_____ • ______21__ -'---- __2_2 __'---_2_3 ___ ~___ 1__ 21i ! 2~ 27 I 28

166 Kbushalpura (Agar Estate) 168 Kolamb18 2 \ 167 Kolini Boriad 15 13 15 13 60 48 168 Kolu 37 36 189 Koudha 170 K(}thi

]71 Kothia «I 3

172 Koyali 10 9 178 Koyari 174 Kukarda

175 Kukavati

176 Kukrej

177 Kutneta J78 Kunda

179 Kupa ISO Lavakoi 5 18 u 181 Lilgadh 2

182 Limadia 10 1

188 Limpura 24 15 4 5 3

18~ Linda 3 4

185 Makanpura

186 Malduger 3 2 187 Marsan

188 Marundhia 12 15 189 Mathajaldhuni ..• 190 Matharanbor

191 Mator", f92 Mebhutpura 8 4


• eareD poe' office Near".t Rail way N"arellt ba .... r village, Item• and Itil distanoe IL atat.ion and Itil Its dlst.ance in IIlnep and of note mUea dilltance in miles Baur day.

18 30 31 32 33

Gad Boriad, 3~ Amroli,5 Ko.we.nt, 10, Mon. .... Palasani,l Naswadi,3 KawRnt, ')li, Mon. ....'.

P.O. Naswll/lii,7 Kawant, 15" Mon. P~8.

Amroli,2 Sandhia,2, Kawant, 15, 'Moil. V.P.

Gad B~MiEl, 2 Naswadi,9 Kawant, 13, Mon.

Tilakwada, 5 NaswQlii,9 Kawant, 15, Mon. -C.S. K,aledia,2 Ghflntoli, 1 Baroda, 40, Fri. P.s. Wadia,4 Challdod,16 Baroda. 41, Fri.

Naswadi', ] Naswadi, I Kawant, ]li, Mon.

Tanakhala, 12 'l'anakhala, 12 Kawant,l5, Mon.

Naswadi,1I Naswadi, 3 Kawant,15, Mon.

Agar, 2~ Ghantoli,5 Barod~, 40, Fri.

Boriad, 15~ Tan1!.khala, 15: KawRnt, 4, Mon.

Boriad, 18 'Tanakhala, 18 Kaw8nt, lOk. Mon.

Vajiria Kaledia, I) Baroda, 40, if'ri.

Tanakhala. 7 Tanakhala, 17 Kawaot, 15, Mon.

Vajiria, :I Ghantoli,9 Baroda, 4(), Fri.

Tilakwada, 6 Ghantoli,5 Baroda, 40, Fri.

Vajiria,3 Chandod,4 Baroda, 28, Fri.

",Agar, 2 Kaledia, 3 Baroda, 40, Fri,

Vajiria, 2 Chandod, 6~ • Baroda, 33. Fri, Boriad,8 Naswadi,15 Kawant, 18, Man Wadia, It Chandod, 10 Baroda, 37,.Fri. C.s. Tilakwada, 3 Chandod, .. Baroda, 23, Fri.

Boriad,4 Naswadi,l1 Kawant, 15, Mon.

Boriad,3 Nsswadi, ]0 Kawant, 8, Mon.

Boriad,4 Nsswadi,lI Kawant, ] 5, Mon.

Agar, 3 Kaledia, 4 Baroda, 40, Fri.

,--...... ~---~'--~------~ 302 Primary Ce•• u. Ab.trad

Occupied HOUIl6B

T ...'N ••• ' ...... Area of enumerated [including 1"I of... inatitutiom, ...... B. Name of village or village inmates of inatitutiom I and housel_ or town No. of No. of and houseless pe't'801lI!I] pel'8onc No. town/ward in hOUBeB houlI6 square holdl! milew IP.-I'IIO-n-~-M-a~:8 ~F~e:~lesll~M~a1~e~s ~~e~m~~:1 ___2 ~ ___ ~J_S_ 4 I) 6 7 8 I} 10 193 Media 0.6 13 13 82 ~8 34 19t Modhla 2.3 125 125 669 348 321

]95 Monghu 0.2 16 16 124 .63 61

)96 Mora 0,3 16 16 74 30 44

197 Moradi .. 2,3 28 &0 151 75 76

ll;~ Moria 66 66 325 16t ltB

199 Motizari 0.6 28 28 148 81 67

200 Nakhulpur, 1.1 18 18 92 46 46

20J Nalia 1.3 31 32 185 ,91 94

::02 Namalpur 0.6 41 43 216 120 96

20~ Namarh. 1.3 68 68 403 211 192

204 Nanavora 0'" 21 22 104'

205 Nanawat 0.2 23 23 123 ~65 58

206 Nangam 0.5 41 41 256 129 127

2()7 Naniztld 2.-1 11 48 30 18

208 Nanupnm 0.6 14 24 IMI 77 79

209 Narao .. 0.2 26 26 J :12 67 65

210 Naswadi 1.2 b09 56~ 2,468 1,293 1,175

211 Navagam 0.2 16 )6 35 39

Navapura (J 'J 10 11 40 40 (Alwa Estate) 213 Navapu,ra (Vasan 0.4 25 '137 78 59 Virpur Estate) 214 Navgama (Tilt>k· :i.O 104 10! 606 ,253 262 w&daMahBI) 215 Od"mbia ).4 67 75 232 224

216 Pals 0.6 118 119 729 375 354 8

217 Palasani 2.2 %01) 201 1,086 380 506

%i8 0.3 33 33 226 118 108

Pani Hahud" 0.4 25 25 149 79 70

220 Pankholi 0.2 6 29 15 ]4 NASWAOI T4LUKA 303

A griculturlll CI8II8eB I ______~ ______I I-Cult.iva.tors )) II-Cult.iva.tors i Ill-Cult.ivat.ing I IV.Noll-cultivating~ Literatee I of land wholly of land 'Wholly I labourers and I ownel'll of land, agIi. , ~o~r mainly owned or mainly un,. their dependants I oultural rent fecai , and their : owned and I I vera. and their , dependants their dependanf.8 ~ I dependante

M&leslFemaJes -l\~aJeH iFem~:~r:'le8 'i;:~&~:---~81~sl-~:~81e8 ~ Males Females 11 i 12 13 16 16 17 18 L 20 32 :I

20 2 252 221 16 20 33 35 7

12 52 7' 8 1

2 IS 30 2

1 50 57 8 '1 13 10 4

28 " 1 137 it5

81 67

2 41 41

3 90 92

'21 \) 100 83

15 In 165 3 2 29 18

}l :3 3 4, 1

65 58

9 89 85 8 10

18 1

75 77 2 2

58 57 2 1

1,19l 321 ' 87 99 3(1 35 6 5 ~2l

35 39

2 1 38 38

3 60 40 16 14

32 3 67 70 86 100 87 75

49 8 225 228 4,

39 1 280 279 4 3

139 22 384 337 35 31 26 3 l~

28 98 89 1 2 1

2 34 35 45 35 3 )5 304 Primary Cea.u. Ab.lr_et ------~ ------Non-Agrioultu ral Ci888es

Persons (including dependants) who derive their prinoip~l means of livelihood from 8. Name of vlHlIoge or No' town/ward V-Produotion I VI-Commeroe I VlI-TrlldlllPort I ~~~~t:~ other than oul- misoeUaneolU tivation 801ll'06II

~ma-le-8-'-I-M-a-le-s'IF-ema--le-s--M-a-les- \Females Males Females

1 I 21 I 22 \ 2 S I U 26 \ 26 27 28 I

193 Media. 1 194 Modhla 5 3 5 2 30 30 195 Mongbu 1 1 196 Mora 8 2 J97 Moradia 19S Moria. 25 16

199- Motizari

200 _Nakhalpur

201 Nalia 1 2

202' Naroalpur 7 7

203 Namaria 204 Nanavora 34 42

20~ Nanawat

NangaID 31 32

207 N a.niz~ri

208 N aDUpura

209 Narada 3 4 5

210 Naswadi 279 241 217 170 30 22 523 475

211 Na-v~gam

212 Navap,-,ra fAlwa Estate) 213 Navapara .'. 2 5 (Vas.a Virpnr Estate) 214 Navgama 6 3 4 (Tilakwada. Mahal} 115 Udambia 3 1

:U& Pam 91 72

217 Palasani 6 7 I) 4 105 87

218 Palsar IS 17

21~ Paui Mahuda 220 Pankholi NASWAOl TALUKA

Nel6l'8IIt pol' office Nearest Railway Neare8~ buill' village, ltems e.nd itll dist.&n

1t 10 31 32 3S

. - __----~- - "-~------_------_.- Boriad, 4, Naswadi, 11 • Kawant, 15, Mon.

Palasani, 1 Kaledia, {) Baroda, 40, Fri.

Vajiria, 2 Chandod, 4. Baroda, 31, Fri.

Tilakwada, 2~ Chandod, 6 Baroda, 22. Fri. Palaaani, 1 Nilswadi, 3 Kawant,·15, Mon.

Tilakwaua.. () Chandod, 6 Baroda, 33, Fri. i.>. S.

OaCl Boriad, 4, Amroli, 7 Kawant, 15, Mon.

Tanakhala, 2 Tanakhdla. 2 Raw ant, 18, Mon. V, R

Tilakwada. 2 Chandod, .~ Baroda, 27. Fri.

Tilakwada. 6 Ghantoli. 4, Baroda. 40. Fri.

Agar, 2 Ghant1..11i, 4 Baroda, 40, Fri. Vajiria, .. Chandod, 11 Baroda, 38, Fri. Gad Boriad. 7 Naswadi. 14 Kawant, 12. Mon.

Tilakwada. 5 Chll.nuod. 5 Baroda, 22, Fri.

Boriad. 6 Tanakhala, 9 Kawant, 18, Mon.

Naswadi, 1 ~a8wadi. 1 Kawant, 15. Mon.

Tanakhala, 5 Tanakhala, IS Kawant, 16, Mon.

P. O. rtly. Station Kawant. 15, Mon. P. S.,C.S.

Boriad, 4 Naswadi. 11 Kawant, 15, Mon.

Sareli, 2 Naswadi. 6 Kawant, 15, Mon.

Wadia, 3 Tanakhala. 7 Kawant, 15. Mon.

Gad Boriad, I! Sandhia, 4 Kawant, 15, Mon. V.P.

Vajiria, 3 Dabhoi. 7 Baroda, 14, Fri. P.B.

Amroli. 1 Sandhia, Kawant, 15, Mon. P.S.,V.P., C.S. P. O. ':Nllswadi, l'Ii Kawant, 15. Mon. P.B. Amroli, i Sandhia, 1 Kawant. 18, Mon. V.P. Tanakhala, 2 Tanakhala, 2 Kawant, 18, Mon. V.P.

Tanakhnla, 6 Tanakhala, 6 Kawant, 18, Mon. Primary Cea.a. Ab ....ad

I· Oooupied Houees

Tot.eJ No. of perlOW! No.ofinm.. tt.e 8. Nil..... of "mag. or Area of No. of enumerated [ inoluding of Institution. village No. of houss Inmate. of institutions and housslell8 No. or town houlles bolds and bouael_ persons) pSl'IIOn, ill equare -~J-- I -~-\--.--~.- mllee - Per80 M BoleS/Females I' Males/Female!; J_8 6 I 7 8. II ! 10

22l Pataciia 0.4 6 39 24 15

:.) .) Payakoi 0.& 261) 131 129

223 PichhipUfa. 0.5 29 29 18S' 112 76

Pilldoli 0.5 32 170 93 77 Pipalwani 0.2 9 33 2&

226 Pipmg 0.2 22 22 118 68 liO

227 l'ilSayata. 0.4 24 24 144 73 71

l'ochamha 1.2 80 80 458 236 223

Pothlipurao 0.5 2& 132 66 6tl

:l3!) Puchhpura 1.1 76 10 ,339' 197 1<62

i31 Ra.dhnipillni 0.2 8 43 21

2S2 Rajgadha. (j.6 9 5f} 29 21

2'"033 BajpUP8 0.4 H 11 73 32 41 f:H .Rama Pa.lallooi ..• 13 92 43 49

235 Rampuri (Agar .•• I.~ 3-l 187 Jl6 7' Estate) 236 Rampuri 1.3 27 27 IiI 84 87 (Nas1Vadi Esta\e} 237 Raneda 0.3 30 at. 78 63

238 Itanipura 0.4 36 197 104

2311 Ratakdav 0.3 6 23 1&

240 "1.atanpurlt fI.6o 21 29 81 72 (Gad lloriad Estt\tp) 24-l Ratdllpllra 1.6- t3tJ 750 384 366 tNj\Swadi Estat",) 242 Ratudia 0.5 41 247 137 II(}

243 Raypur 0.4 45 220 127 93

244 Rdysingpufal 0.5 33 169 90 79

245 Relia .<\mha 0.4 1% 12 ZD 26

246 RengaD 1.1 35 35 172 88 84

2f7 Rooppur& (" .11. 0.2 ill 23 125 63 62

248 1).7 It IS 69 2'} NASWADI TALUl

Agrioultural m-

I. Cultivators II. Cultivators Ill. Oultlvatlng I'V -Non·oult.1vatw, Llteratee of land wholly of land wholly labourBl'II and ownera of Jand, agJ'k or mainly owned or mainly un- ,'heir dependantl lultural rent. recei. i and their I owned and vel'll, and 'heir ~L depe~da~:. i t.heir dependants dependants

Male. Femalesi Mslao iFemalea Male8 Fem81es\ Mal~ IlI'ernalel Males Fernalea 11 13 16 16 17 ,I 18 111 20

15 2

11 l()4 10 8 19 10

6 79 54 /) 16 ,13

6 83 72 3 I 2 33

8 56 'I 3

63 114

64 8 1M 151 10 21

2' 56 15 9

2 151 118 11 8 19 ]9 ,.. 2 26 21

5 31 41 1

013 49

18 86 55 10 3 15 12

2 58 62 18 2 2 t'

8 73 .5 6 , 93 104

23 15

5 9 9

U 338 349 6 18

2 13ti 110 2 96 70 2 12

9 2 53 41 3

28 25

3 37 36 10 13 2

9 67 60 6 2

1 1 43 22 3 308 Primary Cellia. Abstract ------_--- Non-Agricultural Cl_

---~---- -_----_------_------L,P"rilonil ( inoluding dependanta ) who derive their prinoipal meanll of livelihood from s. Name of ",lila, .. or I------_------No. \own/ward V-Production I VI-Cornmerce I VII-Transport I' ~~~;!!t~~d other than cui. millCellaneow tivatlon ! -80urces M::" \'-::;: .. 1 ~.~ I;':.:~I ~::. ':~I M.~~ '~;

221 Patadia 222 Payakoi 5 7 223 Pichhipura 8 2 3 2

224 Pindoli 1 1 1 225 Pipalwtmi

226 Pip lag 2 227 Pisayata 10 7 228 Pochambu 11 7 14 24

229 Pothlipura

230 Pnchhpura ]1) ]4 5 5

231 Rlldhnipani 3 2 232 Rajgbuha

23~ . Rajpura

234 Rama Palsssdi ...

235 Rampuri (Agar ... 2 1 1 Est&te) -236 Rsmpuri 2 3 1 t N8swadi Estate) 237 Rsneda ... 1

'"238 Ranipma

239 Ratskdav

24U Ratl

243 Raypur 7 s ~, 2.. Raysingpom 3l 31

245 Retia Arnba

246 Rengan 35 29

247 Rooppura

248 Rezanar NASWADI TALUKA 30'

I'.... re.t P08t office Near.. 8' Ratlwa, I Neare.t b&zar "Wage. heme end Ita distance IL .tation and Ita I Ita dl8tance in mlle~ and of not,j! Remark. mil... di.tanoe in mile. BaAr d ... y.

III 30 31 32 33 - -_._------

Gad Boriad, 8 Naswadi, 15 Kawant, 7, Mon. .~.

Agar. Ii Ghantoli ,3 naroda, 40, Fri. Vajiria, 3 Ghantoli, 8 Baroda, 40, Fri.

Vora, ~ Bahadarpur, 4 Baroda, 18, Fri. NaswaJi, Naswadi 1, Kawant, 14, MOll.

Naswadi, Naswadi, 1 Kaw8nt, 14, Mon.

Naswadi, .t Naswadi • 4 Kawant, Hi, MOD.

Amroli. l~ Amroli. 1~ Kawant. 18. Mon. p.s.,e.s.

Tilakwada, I) Ghantoli, 5 Baroda, 40 Fri ,

Tilukwada, 6 Ghantoli, 4 Barod a, 40, Fri. P.S.

BoriOO, 18 Tanakhala. 111 Kawant, 9, Mon.

Borh~d, 4 Naswttdi, 11 Kawant, 8, Mon..

Saqor. 2! Tentalav, 2~ B~roda. 28, Fri. Boriad, 12 Naswadi, 19 Kawant, S, Mon.

Vajiria,3 Naswadi, 7 Kawant, 15, Mon.

Nsswadi, 1~ NIlSWadi, I! Kawant, 15 Mon. Boriad. 6 Naswkdi, 13 Ka VI ant, 15, Mon. Gad Boriad, 3 AmroIi, 5

GAd Borjad. 7 Nsswadi, 14 Kawant, 10, Mon.

Boriad, 6 Tanakhala, 8 Kawant, 18, Mon.

Naswadi, 2 Naswlldi, 2 Kawant, i4, Mon. P.S.

Agar, 2 Ghantoli, 8 Baroda, 35, Fri.

Boriad, 5 Tanakhala, 6 Kawft ~t, 16, Mon. Amroli, 4 Sandhi"" 4 Kawant, 18, 'Mon. V.P.

Boriad, 8 Naswadi, 15 Kawant, 15, Mon.

Tilakwada, 4 Chandod, 15 Baroda, 32, Fri.

Wadi&, 6 Chandod, 18 Baroda, 43, Fri. , ~ -_ i Tilakwada, 3 Chandod, 8 Baroda, 25, }I'ri. 310 Primary Ceaa... A_trad

Oooupied BOUBes Total No. of persone INo. ofinmate. Area of enumerated [inoluding I of institution! B. Name of village or village inmates of institutiolll! and houeeles. or town No. of No. of and houseles8 pe~8olUll personc

No. town/ward in houses house I square holds miles I I ' I-per~~:~~~~les Females .VIalf's FemaJ•• -

4 I) 6 7 8 ! 9 10 2 3 I

%49 Rozill 0.5 45 45 2i;8 121! 130

25{1 Sagpalia 0.4 43 43 242 113 129

251 Sahph,mrR 0.5 59 &9 ;H9. 157. 1132 1

252 8amarpura 0').~ 38 38 205 101 101 253 Sandhi .. 0.8 26 3-1 175 85 lil)

254 Sandula 1).4 J2 1.2 48 22 2!}

2M Sankftl(WagaC'h .•. 0.4 13 13 86 4-:! 44 Estate) 256 Saripani 0.6 48 48 207 104 1(13

267 SariyapaHi 0.& 5 3 2

:/1\8 Savli 1.7 202 202 J,185 620 56;) 27 1&

259 8engpm' 0.2 61 IH 277 138 139

260 Sevada ]. J 69 ~.,, - 35~ 194 16! 261 'I"hahpufi\ 0.7 :!l :22 100' 55 45 6

262 Sh'mkilr (Old 0.3 174 I."u ii53 496 3i)7 26 :2 TilHkwada Mahal) 2tJ3 5haukarvav 0.5 14 H 61 32 29

264 Shankdibari 0.2 6 6 35 18 17

265 Simal 0.2 3-1 34 1(;2 88 74

266 SimaliB 0.-1 ~4 ~4 106 55 51

266 A Sima/Halu lJeserted

261 Sindhadi.. 0.6 26 26 H9 "77 72

268 Sindhiapul'& 0.7 72 73 401 n3 188

269 Sindhikuva 0.7 47 47 309 161 148 (Na;;\Vadi Estatd} 270 Sind hikllva( Old ... 0.5 29 29 207 105 102 Tilakwada) 271 .Sindblpani 0.2 I) 5 30 16 14

272 Sirs 0.4 61 M 357 177 181) 2

27:1 Sisan 0.3 7 7 37 ! 20 17

2H Soda' 0.1 29 :!9 168 86 82

275 Soika"a l.7 22 23 1211 63 58

.-...... _- -._ -~-- 311 . ._--- NASWADI TALUKA Agricultural CI8111188 , I-CvI"v.to~-1 n.Cu~~;~~:-! --;u-CuJ"v ..... IV-N on-oultivating- Literate. Iof land wholly of land wholly labourers and owners of land, agri- . Qr mainly owned or mainly un. tbeir dependants cultur aJ rent recei • and their ~ owned and vers, and their dependants [their dep~ndants dependants

------.------_ ------~----- MaiealFemalesl Males 'Females Males IFemalesj Males Females Malee Females I ' 11 i 12 I III 14 16 17 18 19 20 , I 16 I

19 63 7-l 32 28 2

19 76 !I() 9 8 13 14 2

32 2 100 lIt 1 I II 13 6

1 75 83

15 1 51 54 16 ).l 16 19 1 10 8 3 4 5 10

~ 42 H

101 ]00 2 3 3 2

248 43 ~70 261 29 16 137 136 2 138 139

H 6 18<1 161 2

3 28 24 16 15 7 3 219 73 16 11 42 39 8 7 7 14 7 5 21 21 ]8 17 ... 88 74

7 31 30 18 19 De8erted 8 63 60 10 7 2 · .... t 98 10 174 164 3 2 23 15 2 5

2 128 121 18 14 9 10 2

!l 3 56 55 8 6

16 U

84 4 142 157 23 15 3 1 15 14 2 S

8 601 62 6 li 12 9

3 31 25 18 18 7 8 ? 7

--_._------~-.-- . --_ ------~- 312 Primary CeDSUS Ab.tract _------_- --- Non-Agricultural CI8886B

Persons ( inoluding dependants) who derive their prinolpal means of livelihood fram 8. Name of village or No· town/wud V-ProduotioD I VI--{)ommeroe VII-Transport IVIJI-O-servioes and other than oul. miscellaneous tivation 1 sources

Males Females Males Females Males \Female,,! Males Female. 1 I 21 22 23 24 2li I 26 I 27 28 , -~------~--~------~- %49 Rozia 1 1 30 27 250 Sagpalia 13 17 251 Sahebpura 6 8 6 6 21 19 252 Samarpura 2 6 23 15 253 Sandhis. 2 '3

204 Sandula 4 4

255 ~ankal (Wagach Estate) 256 Saripani 257 Sariyapani 258 Savli 101 96 49 37 33 17

259 S,engpur 260 Sevada .3 3 261 Shahpura 4 3

262 Shankar (Old 124 57 152 107 14 15 133 lU7 Tilakwad~Mshal) 263 Shankarvav .•• 4 3

264 Shankdibari 265 Simal

2lo Simalia 5 1

266 A Simalkhalu De8erted

267 Sindhadia ,\6 7 i

208 Slndhiapura 4 3 4 . ,

~69 Sindhikuva 1 3 3 (Naswsdi Estate) 270 Sindhikuva 41 U (Old Tilakwad&) 211 Sindhipani

27t Sirs :! 8 5 273 Siaan 3

274 Sodat 4 6 275 Soikuvs NASWAOl TALUKA 313

!iflloreS\ poe\ otriae Nearest RaHwa, Nesl'88t baz&r viUage, he_ and ItIl distanoe iG station and Its Ita distance in miles ok of note miles di8taooe in miJes BaEarday.

10 31 32 33

Amroli. 2 Sandhis, 2 Kawant, 15, Mon. V.P.

Pslasani,3 Kaledia, 1\ Baroda, 40, Fri.

\"ajiria, 1 Chondod, 8 };taroda, 20, Fri.

AmroJi, 5 Amroli, Ii Kawant, 1 ii, Mon.

Amroli, 1 Rly. Station Kawaut, 15, 1\lon. V.P.

Tilakwada, 4, Chandod, 10 Baroda, 30, Fri.

Aglll',2 Ghantoli,7 Baroda, 40, Fri. .~ ! Boriad, 18 Tanakhala,18 Kawant, IO~, Mon.

Gad Borio.d, 5 Tanakhala.16 Kawant, 8, Mon. Agar, 2 Ghantoli, 3 Barods,:40, Fri. P.s.

Gad Boriad. 5 ~aswadi, 12 Ka;~t;10, Mon. 1'.8.

Vora, 2 Bahadarpur, 8 Baroda., 18, Fri. P.S.

Vora, 1~ Ghentoli. 4, Barona, 40, Fri. Tanakhala, 1 Tanakha.la, 1 Kawant, 18, Mon. P.S.,V.P.

Tanakhala, 1 T &n akhala, 1 Kawant, 18, Mon. V.P.

Boriad,4 Tanakhala, 4 Kawant, 15, Mon.

Gad Boriad, 4 Amroli, 7 Kawant, }8, Mon.

Tana.khala. 4, Tanakhala, 4 Kawant, 15, Mon. puerted

Gad Bofiad, 4 NaBwadi,11 Kawant, 13, Mon.

Tilakwada, 6 Ghantoli,4 Baroda, 40, Fri.

Kaledia, I Kaledia, 1 Kawant, 10, Mon.

Tanekhela, 2 Tanakhala, 2 Kawant, 13, Mon. V.P. Borian, 10 Tallskhsla, 8 Kawant, 8, Mon.

Savli, 2 Naswadi,5 Kawant, 15, Mon. P.S. Vajiria, :\ Ghantoli,8 Baroda, 40, Fri. Naswadi,2 Naswadi'1 Kawant, 15, l\{on • . VOl's, ! Ghantoli,3 Baroda, 40, Fri. Primary C.... Abatrad

Oooupied Houses

Total No. of pe1150l>8 No. of inm"tee S. N_ of ylUag. Or IAre .. of No. of eDumerated: [ inoluding of illBtitutione vlllage No. ot house tnruat611 of iDiltituiiolll! snd OOl186JS.8 No. or town\ hOU"eR holda and houaelfll!ll! persona] p1IrllJIU in square mUeR -P-':"I-M-~ 1"~-e8-'~-:eB-I';:~ I I a ------2,16 Sukapura 0.3 12 87

277 Snkli VaSM 1.0 !W 28

278 Sl1rjipuca 47 47 286 138

27!} SUCVIl 0.4 56 315 162

281) Tadkachhla 0.2 11) 13 f, 281 'ra}av U.2 22 24 )49 87 62 l!~ 2 Tal .." Dhareimal O.t> 2 6 2 283 'l'anakhalll f!.4 )6 16 87 37

~84 1'arol 0.2 J5 1& 116 51

28& 'l'ekra 0.4 23 2& 137 73 64 285 Thunpum 0.2 lZ 12 63 3B 25

287 'l'ilakwada 1.6 509 612 2,301 ! 97 1,1\).1 10

288 Timba \12 34 34 i!~O J08 112

2.0 H2 112 550 298

290 Udlll.i :'w!andv" ... 45 45 26M 142 119

291 Ujet. 5 5 25 13

292 Umarkoi 0.2 41 191 98 93

293 UWE'dpura 0.4 '8 18 77 41 36

;!!H U lld ",',otar 0.4 6 16 ' 6 10

295 UtavaH 1.3 63 312' 164 148

296 Vadadli u.\) 34 197 IlS 98

O.S 44 44 268 128 14(1

2118 Vadl. 0.4 73 73 347 187 160 .(N'allwddi Estate) 299 Vadia (Panhls­ 0.6 26 31 180 'Wadi Estate) 860 VIl(lia Ttlkl'i 0.6 HI 10 43

361 \'adiq, (UchAd 0.7 9 10 21.) EBtate) 302 Vagheli 1.0 75 75 247 201

3.08 Vagbia 0.3 80 30 178 78 100 NASWADI TALUKA ( 315

Agricultural Cla88e8

I· Cultivators II· Cultivators III. Oultll'atln" IV -Non.'ultlv8tin~ Litera," of land wholly of land wholly laboursI'll' and oynel'll of land, .grl. or mainly owned or mainly un- . their dependant.. oultural rent reclei· and their owned and vers, and their dependantil ___L_~epe:d&~t8 __ J their _~:~ndant. ______---,- Malee Female. \ Mal""/Femal""'/ Mates j Female. Mal"" I Malee Fem.ales 17 18 20 11 11 I U l 1. I 16 ! J 6 I 111

28 24 7 2 1

3 27 26 10 15 3 5

·32 111 108 22 6

23 ]40 152 3 2 3


1 81 60 5 6 2

7 28 23 9 6

46 40

31 37 8

3 25 18 12, 6 1 1

657 304, 77 78 54 48 17 10 80 87

1(J3 108 5

53 4, 244 20t 4 46

23 6 113 IS 2 13 12

98 1):3

3 1 20 20 9 4 5 10

1 143 i30 10 3

1 16 16 4S 44 2

2 37 36 88 101 1

47 15 107 85 II 15 6 2

1 92 78 .2 {;

16 2 27 21 14 14 2 3 I

5 24 23 1

89 3 178 151 13 J5 7 7 19 11

- 69 94 9 6

._. ------_._------31li P"';ary COBUS Abstract

Non-Agricultural CI8SBeB

P"rHonl! ( Including dependant!! ) who derive their prinolpal means of livelihood from S. Name of vtll... or VIII-Other No. \own/ward V-Production VI-Commerce \ VII-Transport services and other than oul. miscelbmeou, tiva.tion \ I SOllrllf!ll Males Females Males Females MaieR IFemales Malesi Female 1 I 21 22 23 24 26 I 26 27 28 __I __ ._ j ---- I 276 Sukapura 277 SukJi Vasan 24 19

~7S Surjipura 4 2 3 279 Surva 7 8 280 Tadkachhla 3 3 10 3 281 Talav 2 282 Talav Dharsimal 283 Tanakhala 2 2 11 6 284 Tarol 1 2 2 2 3 285 Tekra 34 23 286 Thunpura 287 Tilak.wada 286 239 239 219 6 7 438 416 288 Timba 289 Uchad

290 Udhai Mandva ..• 4 2 291 Ujet 292 Umarkoi

2S3 Umcdpura 2 3

29! Undakotar I

295 Utavali 3 4 6 7 296 Vadadli 3 3P 38

297 ,"adesis 2 2

298 Vadia 1 2 1 62 50 (Naswadi Estate) 299 Vadia (Panta- 2 1 )awBdi Estate) 300 Vadia Tekri 8 4 301 Vadill (Uchad . Estate) 302 Vagheli 3 3 4 2 23 12 303 Vagbla

.------~--~~ ---~------. NASWADI TALUKA 3U' T-- ~ -..,------

til earest po.. t office Nea...... ' Rallwa, .Nearest bazar "mage, Items and Itli distau0'8 Ir. station and Itil It.~ distance in Iilile~ and of note milea distanoe in miles Baitsi' day.

31 32

Naswadl, 2 Nll5wadi, 2 Kawant, 15, Mon,

Tanakh"la, 2 Kawant, HI, Mon.

Agar,' ! Naswadi, 4 Kawall:t, 16, Mon,

Wlledia. 4 'l'anakhala, 12 Kawant, 16, !\Ion

Boriad. S Tanakhala, 16 Kuwant, 15. Mon.

Earnali. 3~ Chandod, 4 Baroda, 21, Fri.

Boriad, 16 Tanakhala, 18 Kawant, 10, lI/{on. "...

P. O. Rly. Station Kawant, 10, Mon. V.R

Boriad, 8 -Tnnakhala, 10 Kawant, 15, Mon.

Tilakwada, l~ Chandod, H ,Barroa, 28, Fri,

. Palasani, 1, Naswa

Naswadi, ~ Naswadi, 3 Kawant, 14, Mon.

Tilakwada.i 4 Chandod, 10 Baroda, 37, Fri. Vajiria, 2 Dabhoi, /) Baroda, 37, Fi'i.

Boriad. 19~ Tanakhala, 19~ I(awant, 9, Mon.

Gad Boriad, 2 Naswadi, 9 Kawant, 15, Mon.

Vajiria;' 2 Ohantoli, !l Baroda, 40, Fri.

Gad Boriad, 4 Amroli, 4 Kawant, 18, Mon.

Vajiria, 2 Chandod, 6! Baroda, 10, Fri.

Amroli, 3 Sandhia, 3 Kawant, 15, Mon. V,IP,

Tanakhala, 4 Tanakhala, 4 I(awant, 15,_M'On. V.P.

Palasani, Naswadi. 4 Kawant, 15, Mon.

Agar, 3 Nsswadi, /) Kawant, 16, Mon.

Tilakwada, 3 Chan dod , 10 Baroda, 18, Fri.

Rampura, 2 Oachhipura, 5 Baroda, 18, Fri.

Savli, 3 Naswadi, 8 Kawant, 15, Mon. P ..S. Nsswadi, Ik Naswadi, lk Kawant, 15, Mon.

t P. W. D, Bungalow. :j I ~ Prtmary Cealul Abstract

,.-----~~------~-----~--~ - -~------, !occuPied Houses' i I-~ Total No. of persons i No. ofinmatee I enumerated [including , of institution! ! Area of I. I inmates of institutions and houselesl II. Name of village or 'I' village I , ,or town No. of i No. of and houseless pe~BonsJ per80nc '{o.i town/wInd I in houses, hOllse I I square : holds i I miles

Pe::ons I Males i FemflieR,Maies I Female. 2 3 4 [> 6 7 I 8 9 i 10 I--- 304 Vaghuma 0,2 16 16 95 56 39

:l05 Vajiria 1.0 226 1,156~ 614' 542 3

306 Vafpura 0.5 30 37 192 ,]02 90

301 Vandha 0.5 1i0 50 286~ 152

- :108 0.2 10 10 55 24

Vankla 0.6 52 52 327 176 151

31() 0,3 16 If} 41 45 all Vanmah 0.4 51 51 14& ali Vantda. 1.0 63 172 168

313 Vsrvstln J.3 45 45 ,} 32 132

31-1. Vaean J 0} 431 22(1

3i5 '-aswani (J.t> 18 108 58

316 0.1 5 22 11 11 3I7 0.17 15 15

31'1L!: Vimmp"ra 1 ieser/pt/.

318 Vi-rpUl' 0.7 63 175 171

al~ YiyawlinU It 11 .J 41

320 "ora

a21 Yyadhm' 81 \\3:, 301

322 Wadis 6 {; 3~ 25 13

323 ~Vaga"jT 1.6 293 293 1,145 551 59!

324 Wandrt& ().2 10 45 21

325 Zflri 0.3 23 :24 ]39" 71

326 ZlIJ'khali 1.6 9& 530 260 7

. 327 Zazpura (} ') 2:! 22 1I7J 56

328 Zer O.t 75 75 431 2;10 Teta! fer "mages 21U 13.215 13.514 72.393 37,556 3«.837 144 66 ~_~R_I!_ ta.I.lEa

320 Primary Cell.us Abstract

--~. -_-- _- --~<----. Non-Agricultural Classes

Persons (inoluding dependants) who derive their principal IDeans of livelihood frOID s. Name of vlUage or ------~- \ VIII-Other No· \ownlwud V-Productlon I VI-Commerce VII-Tran8port services and other than oul. I IIDisoellaDeOua tivation I sources ""'" [F.m." \ Males Females Males \Femalesi Male8 Females 1 J 21 22 23 24 26 28 , ! \ 26 1 27 ----_-- 304 Vaghuma

305 Vajiria 70 52 32 14 129 126 306 Valpura 307 Vundha 2 5

308 Vankikhakhar S 2 309 Vankla

310 Yankol

311 Yanmala 6 2 3 2 32 26

312 Vantda 4 9 9

313 Val'vada 3 21 25 314 Vasan 4 4 82 45 315 Vaswllni

316 \'egangar

317 Velari

317 Virampura De8erted 318 Virpur 27 19 319 Yiyawant

320 Vora 66 67 26 38

321 VYlldhar 2 3 2 ·3 1 I 14

322 Wadia

323 Wagach 3 11 11 6 6 324 Wllndrill

325 Zari 326 Zllrkhali 4, • -32"1 Zazpura

328 Zer 2

Total for villages 1,541 1,236 1,065 820 82 .70 3,587 3,176 and taluka

------"- .- . -----~-~-- NASWADI TALUKA


._~ P"" om" I N_re8t Railway. N .... re.t t. .. ,. ... tll!,,!;e, ·!tewa and Iii! distanoe h. station and iii! 'it. dist.ance in mil". I\Dd of not... mUse distanoe In mil.... B", ...u day,

!Ill . 30 3J 82 33 ------

Gad Boriau. 9 Naswadi, 16 l{"'Wttllt, 8, ;\1011. '1- P.O. ChanuoJ, 10 Baroda, 37. F.ri. P.S.,C.S.• Naswadi, & Naswadi, ~ KawaRt. 15, Mon . Naswacli, .& Naswadi, ~ Kltwant, 12, l'.Ion. Tanakhala. 2 T anakhala, 2 Kawant, 15. Mon.

Gad Bariad, (} Naswadi, 13 Kawant, ~5. Mon.

I-;areli, .t NaB wadi, 5 Kawant, ) 5, Mon.

Vora, q Ghantoli, 5 Baroda, 4f}, Fri. P.S.

Amroli, I} Am:roli, 1 ~ Kawant, 16, Mon. V.P.

Tilakwada, 5 Che.udlld, 3 Baroda, 32, Fri.

Til.. kwada .~2~ C'handod, 14~ Baroda, 40, Fri. V,P.

Gad Bariad, 7 Naswadi, U Kawant, 12, Mon.

Naswadi,. 1~ . Naswadi, l~ KlIowant, ) 5, Mon. P.S.

Naswadi, ~t Nllswadi, 2 Kawant, t6, Mon. P.s. Deserted:

Wadi .. , 2 NaBwadi, 11 Kawant, 15, MOll.

Boriad, 8 Tanakhala, 10 'Kawant, j 5, Mon.

P.O. Ghantali, 9 Baroda, 40, Fri. P.S.

Wadia. 5 Chandod, 10 Baroda, 37, Fri. P.S.

P.O. Chandod, 10 Baroda, ll7. Ffi. § P.S.,C.S.

Boriad, 4 Naswadi, 11 Kawant, 15, Moo. Gad Boriad, G Naswadi. 12 Kawant, 15, Mon. - Savli. 1 Naswadi, 1 Kilwant. 15, Mon.

Amroli,~ Sandhla, ::.1 Kawant, 15, Mon.

Savli, 2 Naswadi. 7 Kawant, Iii, Mon.

Gad Borip.d, 3 Naswadi.. 10 Kawant, 12, Mon. Primary Ce•• ua Ab.traet --;------.---~------.------loccuPied HouBes

Tot.al No. of persons No. of inmateI Area of I enumerated [including , of institutions B. Name of village or village [. inmates of instit.utions and houseles8 qr town No. of No. of I and houseless pe~sonsl persone No. town/ward in houses house I square bolds miles

PerRons Males l~e~:le"IMale8 j Femalea 3 4 6 ·7 I S 1/ 10 ----- TOWN 1 Padra M. 5·2 2.338 2.883 14.795 7,661 7,134 45 zs Ward I 829 1,000 4,935 2,614 2.321 26 1,1 .. II 837 1,0'10 5,463 2.833 2,630' III 672 8H 4,3!t7 2.214 2,l1i3 19


Abhol 2.9 260 273 J ,2~4 667 617 25 25

2 Akalbara (Incl. Ba. 2.3 313 3!3 1,462 712 750 baparn & Bhavparu) :I Ambada 2.9 203 Z3~ 97,) 509 466

4 AmI. 3.9 illS 318 1,39:1 7HJ 674

5 Anti 3.3 287 317 1,566 809 757

6 Hhadara 1.& 54 57 267 145 122

7 Bbadsri 1.4 So 75 378 198 180

8 Bhanpll'i' 1.3 IlZ il3 403 232 231

II Ahoj IIneluding .•. 4.4 6~:-I 687 :l,:?H l,6~5 1,562 Hafllruner) JO Brahmanvasi 2.3 - 265' :?73 J, 158 607 551

11 Chansad 6.7 :no 375 1,594 850 744

} 2 C'hitrai 1 A 188 IHS 825 4M 371

13 Cookad 5.3 727 766 3,685 1,lS66 1,819

14 DabooS8 (Includjllg 4,& 606 630 3,041 1,562 1,479 Kande raopura) 15 Dabka 7.5 560 692 3.427 1,743 1,684

16 Danoli 1.9 140 140 601 318 283

·17 Darapura 1.6 365 310 1,554 819 735

.> 18 Dhobikuwa 0.8 50 57 303 156 147

19 Dudhwada 2.2 289 1,39~ 746 652

20 Fatepur 0.1 51 53 24S 10~ 140

Gametha 1.0 320 397 1,6t2 855 787

Gavasad 3.7 H2 1,1)'" Q82 9311

~------PADRA T4LUKA 323

Agricultural 01_8

I-Cultivators I II.Cultivators • IlI-Cultivating IV -Non-oultivating• Literate. of land wholly I of land wholly , Ia.bourers', and owners of land, agri. or mainly owned, or mainly un· their dependants _ cultural rent reoei and their I owned and verso and their dependants Itheir dependants dependants

\1 ..188 Fem.. le8 Males Females U 12 ~: ';.~:If:~- !~~:;. '~~"~I ;::-~ - 19 20

4,510 2,257 750 689 360 315 655 586 224 251 1,273 461 275 258 "109 90 295 , 297 47 45 ),990 1,210 169 161 III 93 109 ,82 III 130 1,247 586 306 260 140 132 25i 207 66 76

388 201 270 247 153 125 i64 16i 22 36

166 38 l66 491 93 97 44 45 34, 50

261 127 226 185 65 68 103 108 24 20

462 J9~ 104 100 2-17 208 217 212 67 80 2iiG 3' 451 106 99 162 144 8

48 8 108 103 5 2 - 18 9 4 1

90 8 16:~ 14\J 27 1 4

130 51 54 54 III 118 27 25 15 U 592 224 997 910 157 101,0 306 293 71 71 3t:>' 15! 312 2(iB 190 181) 52 46 2

462 241 216 1811 2113 186 337 317 16 318 127 217 161 102 83 64 67 21 21

848 __ 354 J ,554 1,568 8 3 30 24 10 18

741 251 602 533 406 377 291 289 57 70 1,012 479 647 625 539 486 205 198 99 131t

204 77 159 149 69 62 23 10 1 6

491 ¥9 136 114 ]87 134 145 144 62 66

100 41 130 126 14 13 5 1 3 3 449 299 341 278 21 13 148 144 36 45

34 13 88 121 4 10 13 2 2 430 133 589 521 106 99 100 89 14 433 353 317 299 23i 204 172 15'7 80


PAORA T.t.LUKA ------I

:!I elUell' pOll' office NeareR\ Rlllhll'a, Nearel!t bazar "mage. hem. and Ita dilltanoe It. I lltatioli and ItI! ItI! dl.tance In mile. and of note Remark. mil. di.tanoe In ml188 B ... B ...r d ...y.

30 31 I Ii -----_----I ------_------\ ---_------'-----

P.O. RIy. Station Baroda. 10 P.S.,C.&

Ma.sar, l~ Masar Road, 1 ~ P.S•. V.P.,C.C.s. DabhMa. :.! Padra.7 Baroda, 12 Fri. P.s..,V.P. SOOhi, 3 Bhoj.2 P.S.• V.P.

P,O. ' Latipura, :I P.S.

Sadhi, Ranu. I! P.S.• V.P.~ Sadhi, 3 Ranu.3 V.P.

Sadh~, 3 Ranu.6 P.S.,V.P. Mobha., 3 Kural,2k P.S.,"'.P.

P"O. Rly. itation. P.S.,V.E\ Osjers, Ii Massr Road, 3 Baroda, 20, Fri. P.B•• V.P. Darapura, 2 POOrs, 3 P.S.. V.P.,C.s.

Gavasad, I~ Mobha Road, 3 P.S.,V.P. P,O. Mobha Road. 4 P.S.,V.P. P.O. Padm.3 P.s.,V.P. P.O. Bhoj I'.S., V.P.,C.s.

Vtmachra Ik Masar Road. 3 P.~.,V.P. P.O. POOrllo,l P .S., V.p.,e.s. Mujpur.l Bhoj,3 P.B. P.O. M.bha Road, 8 .- -Baroda, 24, Fri, P.B.tV.P. Padra, 3 Padra, 3 Maaar Road, 4 Kural,2 P.S.,V.P. P.O. Ifoblla .Road, 2 P.S.,V.P.,C.8.

--__..-"'-..,...._ ...... -, Primary Ce.sus Abstract

Oooupied HOUBes

Total No. of perllODB No. ofimnate. Area of enumerated [including of institutions 8. Name of ..map or village Inmates of institutiollll and housel_ or town No. of No. of and houseleR~ pe~soD8] person!: No. \Own/ward in houses house square holos miles

M , p"";'"'I"oJM ""'"'l ","" ;_.... ~-!.-____2' __ ~_1 __3 _ .___ 4_ _:__ 6_ ___:_ ___! __ 7 _ _c__~S_L __ ~_~~1_0 __ 23 Gayapura 0.8 71 71 330 166 164'

24 Ghayaj 2.8 299 327 1,404 767 637

25 Goriad 2.4 Zit 241 1,128 590 1>38

26 HUBepur 1.7 75 82 3,5 199 176

%7 I alaipUr' ).6 Z9

28 Jal

2'~ Salyankui 1.8 90 90 356 196 160

3& RaDda 1.6 122 122 544 294 250

31 Katizat 2.8 531 531 2,270 1,2Z!l 1,On

3,2 Karakhdi 11.8 657 657 3,292 ) ,786 1,5U6 33 KarilakuwlI 0.6 107 lOS &38 294 244

34 Kotna (Including... 2.8 137 146 701 374 327 Kallhipura} 35 Kothwada 0.9 58 58 248 140 lOS

36 Kltl'aj 2.2 352 352 1,60!! 819 790

37 Lakhdikui 0.2 50 &3 277 147 130

38 L9.tiPUF& 1.4 :!68 299 1,510 783 747 39 Lolli 0.5 130 134 565 3]0 255

40 Luna 1.7 2U 248 1,237 659 578 10

41 Madapur l.l 7~ 80 386 193 193 \

Mahmadpul' 4.0 132 141 625 34~ 281 5

Mahuvad 2.8 129 144 529 263 266

MS8ar 5.3 388 450 2,041 1,061 980 45 Mazatan 2.2 241 254 1,227 625 602 16 12 46 Medhad 1.6 75 90 360 190 170

47 'Mobha 5.1 480 048 2,461 1,302 t,159 4 3 48 Mujpur (InoI. 3.4 760 873 4,333 2,107 2,226 Vaniapura. Rail. pura, Ha~mpu:r) Mural 3.0 341 359 1,611 830 781

NarBhipura 1.0 221 237 1.142 611 531 PADRA T4LUKA 327

Agrioultural Cl_'

I, I-Cultivators II-Cultivators Ill-Cultivating IV -Non-oultivating Llteratail of land wholly of land wholly labourers and ' owners of land, "gri. o r mainly owned or mainly un- their dependants Ilultural rent reoei and their owned and vel'll, and " their dependants their dependants I dependants : ---- I Males 'Females IMales Females M&les Females Males Females 13 14 I 15 16 17 18 19 20 I - - _------. _-- - 89 60 109 108 5 48 .42 4 ~O, 271 335 270 51 45 233 214 2

358 224 238 219 74 '18 215 182> 13 22

76 32 61 45 ,7~ 64 8 7 I 446 190 211 212 141 120 141 115 27 42

178 '.59 254 307 87 86 27 20 Si us

120 57 48 37 82 63 52 41 II 14

141 72 108 106 '18 60 89 77 2

646 244 212 216 2)5 200 109 124

927 470 759 597 107 '105 421 364 88 87

159 83 138 115 84 82 31 18 n

153 60 14\1 130 81 78 1'7 10

21 ' 1 29 19 75 58 11 10 '1

46R 251 276 2M 160 135 236 250 45

18 5 109 97 7 5 19 16 6

451 2S4 305 2iO 133 127 245 254 26 29

191 63 248 205 21 8 18 13 14

381 161 219 184 183 176 161 140 u 156 112 47 46 82 71 35 46 s 7 137 90 91 Ib9 126 31 26 , 151 64 191 187 20 17 28 37 U 802 266 237 202 316 282 278 266 '123 ll2

76 30 433 409 46 60 40 42 18 23 In 28 28 28 13 6 4

55'7 241 385 332 122 105 294 306 50 00

847 421 1,433 1,501 344 365 U is 61i

274 339 274 , 218 208 120 134 67 92 416 373 146 125 25 10 Primary CeDlius Abstract

Non-Agricultural ClusBs -----_-----_._- --- Persons (inoluding dependants) who derive their principal means of livelihood from s. Name of Ylllage or VIII-Other No· wwn/ward V-Produotion I VI.:commeroe /' VII-Transport services and other than oul- Imiscellaneous tivation ---- I BOIl1'088 Males \Femalesl Males\Femalee ~:I8!l Fe::les \1 ::"" "-:""1 1 I 25 I 26 ; 27! 28 _ ___;"--_. ______~____ .1 Ii!

23 Gayapura 2 5 2

24 Ghayaj 45 40 9 4 lit 62

25 Goriad 15 7 8 7 27 23 26 Huaepur 58 60

27 JaJalpur 72 44 25 6 2 40 65

28 Jaspur 29 13 47 39 47 43

29 Kalyankui Ii 4 30 Kanda 2 " 2 2 11 9 Kanzat 12Z 107 296 162 35 30 210 153

Karakhdi 150 117 117 108 4 2 140 126

33 KI}rnakuw3 9 6 8 3 7 6

34 Kotna (Includ­ g 9 110 92 ing KashipuJ'a) 35 Kothwada ••• 18 15

36 Kural 33 41 17 7 7 32 43

37 Lakhdikui 6 4

38 Latipura 25 26 13 10 7 29 26

39 Lom 19 15

40 Luna 18 .10 19 24 46 29

.Madapur 7 9 14

Mahmadpar 3& 21) • 24 12 43 Mahuvad 2 2 8 11 44 17 15 ]2 15 78 69

45 !Uazatan 34 21 18 II 36 36

46- Medhad 4 4 74 83

47 Mobbs 141 119 J64 117 42 29 104 9l

48 Mujpur (Incr. Da­ 36 37 27 32 1& 13 169 J6~ niapura. RailplIra '" Hatempur} Muv.l I} 10 77 6/j NarsJUpurll 7 3 3 6 :I 329 ------PAORA TALUK4

N ...rel' pOB' offloe I N_I'6II' Bath,a, Nearellt hazar "mage, heIDI \ IIDd Ita diatanae h. 8tation and Ita Ita dilltaoce in mile~ and of note dietahoe In mile. . B .....r day. . 1Il1.... I I

n 30 31 32 13

~ ----~---.--- ~--- ~-----~ Sadhi, 4 Bhoj. 4 P.S.,V;P.

Darpura. I Padra, Ii P.S.• V.P. Sadhi, 2 Padra, 3 P.B.,V.P. Amla. a Itola, 5

Mobha, 2~ Bhoj, If ('.s., V.P.C.S.

F,adra, 3~ Padl'a, 3l.2 P.S. Sadhi, 4 Bhoj, S F.S.,V.P. Sadhi. 5 Mobh,. Road, 4 F.S.,V.P. P. O. Rly. Station, Baroda, 2!, Fri. P.S.,V.f>.C.s. P. O. Mobha Road, 7 P.S .• V.P.C.S. \isdu, I Bhoj, 2 ,F.S.,V.P., c.s. Sokhada Ra- Kural. 6 dhu. 1 Sadhi, 5 Pad"", 9 v.'P.,c.C.S. Masar Road. 4 Rly. Station, P.S.,V.P. Padre-, 3! Padra. 3t P.S. Padr&, 1 Rly. StaHon, Baroda, J2, Fri. P.S.,V;P., C.s. Gavasad, 1 MobhaRoad, B8l'O~a, 20, Fri. P.S•• V.P. l~ Dabhasa, i Padra, 3 Baroda, 10, Fri. P.S•• V.P. Dare-pura, S Pedra, 4

Dabka,3 Bhoj, 3 P.S.,V.P. Mujpur, 1 Ranu, 2

p. O. Masar Road, 3 P.S.,V.P. II Chokari, Ii Mobha Road, 4 Baroda, 25, Fri. V.P. Sadhi. 6 f adrs, 7 P.8•• V.P., O.C.S. P. O. Rly. Staiion, P.B•• V.P.O••• P. o. Rano, 4 P.B•• V.P.C.I!.

Gavas8d, Ii Mobha Road, p .a .• V .P.C.B. It Vadu, SIS Bhoj, 3 P.8•• "'.P.O.8. 330 Primary Ce.sus Abstract·

Occupied Houses

Total No. of persons No. ofinmatet Area of I enumerated [including , of institutions S. Nam" of village or village inmates of institutions and bousel_ or town No. of I No. of and housele8B pe~80ns] persoru; No. town/ward in I houses house square ' bolds I miles , Persons Males FemaleS/Male:' ;em~- 2 3 • 5 6 7 8 I 9 I 10 &1 Nedra (!riCI. Nava l!.l ~5 74 358 198 160 Nedra Ratanpur) l>2 Newjaspur 2.5 247 247 1,173 581 592 2 3 ii2A Pad'/lJ Non-mttnici. Incl. 237 249 1,:!\15 658 637 area (1 nel. Gmt· .n patpuro, Ven; ..],- P adra UTa &: othe,. rural M. arM oj Pad,.o) 63 Patod (Incl. 2.0 218 220 9.0 498- 472 4 l,avellpur) 54 Pav(la (Incl. 2.2 68 71 383 198 185 Navapura) 1}5 Pill~lt.pa 2.7 152 159 646 349 291

56 Piph I.e; 166 175 880 441 433 1 57 Rajupura 1.() 188 197 883 438 445 16 • 3

ItS Ranu 3.3 468 615 2,872 1,51 (; 1,357

59 Sadacl 1.5 72 72 841 177 164

60 Sadbi 5.8 485 486 2,214 1,131J 1,078

61 S .. dr. 3.0 215 215 1,227 612 615

62 Sillier. 1.2 U 8t 380 188 192

ail SlIndha 1.3 195 195 915 485 430

64 SUllgma 1.3 200 215 1,076 5;;8 5lS

65 S.npuJr 2.0 167 167 785 406 379

66 Sapia 3.4 16l 168 822 442 380

87 Sarejil 0.7 8 8 32 16 16

68 ~al'llavani 4.2 209 209 1,410 '157 683

89 @ejllkuw& 1.4 323 3~3 1,55~ 786 772 'i0 Shihol 1.8 74 H 407 212 195 Z

71 Sokhda Kb. 1.7 264 204 912 496 446 (Inc!. DadQPl!Ir.) 72 80khda Radhu 1.'7 216 -216 893 445 448 • 73 Somiipurtl; 1.0 125 132 779 408 371

'14 SultBnpW" 1.2 21 27 12'7 67 60

'i5 Tajpura. 1.3 201 201 1,100 M8 ;;42

76 Thikariamatb 0.7 58- 58 287 143 144

~". "'1;!1,- .. ,:." '.f"h".·~,~ 0.1) ." ~<) '3'7 '/9 A"; PADRA T4LUKA 331

Agrioultural C1_. 1 ___..- I I.Cultivators I II·Cultivators III·Cultivating IV·Non.oultivafing. Literate!! of land wholly of land wholly labourer. and owners of land, agri. or mainly owned I or mainly un· their dependants oultural rent reoei and their : owned and ven. and their dependants :their dependante dependants I ~,' __~ ______~ ______~ __. __ ~ ______

Males Females Males -·;-Femalesl Males -!Females' Males Females Males Femaleli

11 12 13 14 I 16 I 16 17 18 19 20 i I 35 43 13 93 18 380 425 60 6 91 104 13 23 188 49 160 159 257 249 178 163 10 "

218 93 126 116 202 184 118 11 12 97 9 167 166 22 11 2 2 1 200 78 169 160 72 55 63 45 26 18

288 ] 21 212 214 113 93 90 99 10 230 150 116 113 110 116 94 107 26 28 797 347 743 635 297 270 231 227 33 32 52 5 25 23 116 III 8 4, 7

559 350 !'l92 345 179 172 307 318 49

159 73 340 339 115 117 82 83 45

61 6 91 92 42 31 53 3

276 91 391 :'HiO 15 13 38 21) 12 333 liS 209 19:.! 73 62 178 J67 4

200 90 171 144 98 97 68 63 34 201 87 180 148 158 138 59 45 19

7 3 5 5 7 7 2

78 30 214 169 153 147 ]50 121 81> lOS 4S0 265 2{13 Hl2 231 225 223 221 2(} 34 96 40 88 86 75 65 41 39 1 2 341 182 lot 130 122 114 15!> 147 9 14,

317 t08 197 ]86 86 88 ]00 100 10 17 195 4! 346 329 40 27 6 6

Ii 2 30 33 10 8 2 1 353 180 325 298 35 40 1]9 132 20 19

42 11 36 38 54 5/j 35 32

It 29 22 13 12 13 17 s 7 Primary CeDaua Abatraet 332 - Non-Agrioultural CI_es -- Pereollll (lnoluding dependants) who derive t.helr prinoipal meaIU! of liveHhood from 8. Name ot village or Vln-Otbe! 50' knrn/ward V - Produotion I VI-Commer VII-Traneport services and other than oul· ~I misoellaneoua tivation I IIOW'Cle8

Malee Females Malee Femalee Malee \FemaleS!\ Malee Females 1 J 21 22 23 2 26 26 27 28 I ------51 Nedra (lnpl. Nava 55 -. Nedra Ratanpur) 62 Newajspur ." 22 17 3 5 12 62A Padra Non-munici. 1 4 4 11 48 area (Incl. Gan­ patpura. Veniap· ura· &I other rural area of Padra) 53 . Patod (Incl. La- •. 6 ", 14 17 21 11 VenpUftl.) 54 Pavda (Incl. Na-_ .. 3 2 2 3 vapura) 55 I'indapa 8 6 14 11 7 2 66 PipJi 6 " 3 4 13 5 67 Rajupura. 39 29 22 18 31 34 1i8 Ranu 73 77 33 24 19 24 86 68 69 Sadad 1 2 23 16 60 Sadhi 71 66 60 52 78 62

61 S ..dra I} 5 6 2 15 21

62 Sabera 4 3 1 3 7

63 SaOOha 6 1 23 18 64 Sangma 21 17 25 16 48 61 66 Sanpur 18 16 13 8 4 4

Sapia 8 2 6 4 13 8

67 Sareja 2 3 68 SarsRvani 47 39 19 (\ 88 93 69 Sejakuwa 24 21 21 24 3 3 61 52

70 Shihol 2 5 3 71 Sokhrla Kh (Incl. 17 12 2 5 36 24 Dadapura) 72 Sokhda R·arlhu 7 5 26 29 HI 28

73 Somjipura 3 ... !... 7 5 2 U Sultanpur 14 12 3 8 6

75 Tajpura 17 7 13 9 2 1 27 36

76 Thiksriamath 9 8 1 ,.. 8

77 Thikari.. ]\IIubarak !) "7 PAORA TALUKA 383

N e...... ' po.' office Ne.. rest a .. lIwa, Nearest bazar .,mage, Itoma a.nd Ita dist.. noe IL stat.ion and liB Ita dlatanoe in mil,!!. and of note Remark. mile! dilltanoe In mll811 Ba... r day.

It 30 31 83

Vaaachra, Malar Road, 4 --P.B.,V.P-.--- Padra, Padra, 4. P.O. :Rly. Station.

narapUltl, 1 Padra, 2 P.S.,V.P.

Chokari, Mobha Road, 4 V.P.

Mohha Road, Kura), P.S.• V.P. Sadhi, 2 Latipura, P.B •• V.P.

Salihi, 3 Bhoj, l~ P.S.,V.P. P. O. Rly. Station P.S.,V.P.

Sadhi, 5 Ranu, 7 V.P.,C.C.S. P. O. Ranu. 5 P .S .. V.P.,O.S.

Mobha, MobhaRoad, I~ P.~.,V,P.

Sadhi, ti Bhoj. 6 V.P. Vadu. 3 Mobha Road. 4 P.S.. V.P.

Padra, I! Padr~ .• I~ P.B.V.P. Mobha, 2 Kural. 2 P.S•• V.P.• C.C.8.

Maear. l\laaar Road. 1 P.S.V.P.,C.O.S.

Darapura. 1 POOra. a P. O. Itola. 3 P.S•• V.P.,C.S. P.o. Latipura. 1 P.B .. V.P.,O.S.

Darapure., 3~ Itola. S P.S•• V.P. Darapure.. Padra. Ii P.S.,V.P. P. O. Mobba Raod, 6 P.S.,V.P•• O.S. Vadu. Bhoj, 3 P.S •• V.P. nabke., Bhoj, '7 P.B •• V.P· Padre., It Padra, :2 P.S.,V.P Sadhi, 6- Bhoj. 6- V.P. a_vltni, 3 Itola 4 V.P. 334 Primary Ce.sus Abstract

Oooupied Houses

Total No. of person. No.ofinm&tet Area of enumerated [including of ill8titutiolll S. Name of village or villa_ge inmates of institutions an.d housel_ or town No. of No. of and houseles8 persons] personc No. town/ward in houses house I square bolds milea ._1 ____ _ Persons Males Females Males Female, 1 2 __ L_~_' __ _I) 6 7 8 II 10 78 Tithor 8.9 600 FiI4 2,251 1,170 I,oal

'79 Umraya 2,1 ·348 348 1.597 783 tlI4

80 Vadadla 1.0 III 126 629 338 291 12 8

81 Vadu 3.4 753 863 3.767 1.949 1.8111 II 8 82 Vanschra 3.3 182 183 896 444 452 1 11 83 1.7 25 271M 86 86 7 8

84 Virpur 1.1 58 58 257 139 118

85 Vishrampur 0.9 234 243 1,136 605 531 Total for villa g•• 203.8 28.435 21,681 101.677 52.639 49,038 134 94 Total for taluka 209.0 22.773 24.564 116.472 60300 56.172 179 119

Primary Cell SUB Abstract

! Noo-Agrloultural Cla~8611 1------Pln'sOlll! ( including dependants) who derive their prinoipal means of livelihood from Name of viII.,. or I VIII -Other -- "' .. n/ .....d V-Produotion I VI-Commeroe VII-Traol!port servioe8 and other than oul. misceilaneou. tivation i I I SOurce8 i Males Females! MaleR Females Males Females Malas Female.

I 21 211 j 23 24 25 26 27 !8

'73 Tithor 60 68 51 64 44 37

1t Umra7a 4 3 13 6 33 88 Vooadla 29 21

IH V.du 69 64 224 2U 172 154 82 24 26 28 20 .2 1 49 46

811 Va.naref 8 8 8 4

84 Virpur 3 1 1 ]8 18

8i Vlllhrampur 11 12 9 8 12 11 Total for ril..... 2.166 1.864 1,917 },568 153 139 3.604 3.210 PADRA T4LUKA 335

Agtioultural CI_s

------.1.Cultivators I1·Cultivatorl'! III.Cultivating IV.Non.cultivating· Literate. of land wholly of land wholly labourers and owners of land, agri. or mainly owned or mainly un· their dependants cultural rent racei . and their owned and veni, and their dependants de_pe_n_d_8n_t_8_._lth~:_de~::~~ ______! Males Females-I Males Females Males ;Females Mates Females Males Females

11 12 13 14 1 (j I 16 17 18 19 20 I

580 164 906 795 10 16 76 67 23 49

Hl4 18 426 451 163 166 133 136 12

201 94 160 130 95 91 54 49 J,541 1,4015 768 (l6I 395 378 28~ 246 91 102

188 113 91 94 133 134 107 108 10 24

,24 2 29 21 29 22 11 10 1 3

~6 45 58 43 37 4 11 15

360 lO6 320 276 213 185 20 19 20 20 26.409 . 12,376 23.917 22,150 10.074 9,152 8.805 8.431 2-.003 2,524

30,919 14,633 ..::2=4.=66:_:_7-+~:::Z,8:::39:::____:1:.:;O::_,43=-:4:__~9,:.::::46:.'-.7 _ _::9,460 9,017 2,227 2,775 PADRA TAL.... KA ---1;------1------, 1

N_t poIIt office Nearest Railway Nearest. bazar villase. ltemB .nd Its distance In station and its it4 distance in roUes &; of note mile. distance in mile. Ba&arday.

211, I '0 31 32 III -~ P. O. MObha Road, 8 . Baroda, 24, Ft'i. P.S•• V,P• Dabhaea, If Padra, 4 P.S.V.P. Ranu,1 Ranu,l P.S.,V.P.

P. O. Shoj, 2~ P S., V.P.,C.S.

P.O. Mobha Road, 61 P.S.,V·P. Sokhda Radhu, 1 Mobha Road, 6 Sadhi,3 Paora, 6

Vadu, l~ Mobha Road, 1~ Baroda, 24, Fri. V.P. 336 Primary Cea.. Ab.tr.tet -- _---- - _-- .---~---. I Occupied Houses ------To&a1 No. of pe1'8ODII No.ofuunates 8. Name of ",Ill.,.. or Are. of No. of enumerated [inoluding of Insti'utioD s village No. of bouse Inmat811 of institutions and hoUl!8I881!1 No. \own/ward or town hOUlle8 hold8 and bouselees persona] p&ftIon. In aquare ...... ----.--_._._--- roUes Pereons Malel Females Males/Female. , 6 1 I 3 6 7 8 ~ 10 -- --_-- TOWNS

1 Bahadarpur M. 5.6 1,097 J ,143 4,936 2,524 %,412 7 II 2 Sankheda M. 3.5 1,344 1.383 6,488 3,238 3,250 4 3 Total for towns ... 9.1 2.441 2,526 11.424 5,762 5,662 11 14 VILLAGES 1 Achhali 2.0 64 64 336 179 157

2 Ajali 0.6 50 54 264 149 115

3 Akakheda 1.6 72 72 304 1&4 150 4 Aktyarpura 0.6 21 22 174 94 80

5 Alahdarpura 2.0 97 101 572 291 281

6 Amarpur 0.4 18 18 f7 48 49

7 Ambapura J.l 108 108 495 263 232

8 Amroli 0.6 62 62 294 Iii4 J4()

9 Anagari (l.t 36 39 211 107 104

10 Anandpul"a 1.5 96 96 503 26:> 238 5 :I 11 Aritha 1.40 6S 68 345 173 172

12 Bamr(»)i 2 ., 117 123 768 398 370

J3 Bhadrali 1.7 51 5t 270 130 140

14 BhatpuJr 4.7 436 484 2,334 1,193 1.141 16 7

15 Bhojpur 1.2 41 41 216 112 104 a ... :.

)6 :Bhulvan 2.3 130 139 601 312 289 .,

17 Bihora 0.5 29 29 152 SO 72 18 Biliya 0.9 64 64 286 142 lU 19 BobdakUWR 0.7 17 17 126 67 69

:10 llodeli 1.[ 648 651 3,245- 1,729 1,516

2'1 Bortalav 1.0 137 13~ 7HI 352 358

22 Chamarvada 9.7 52 52 289 152 137

23 Chanapur 0.4 44 44 246 129 117 6 4J


Agrloultural Cla!l8e8

----- ~------~---. ------I- Cultivator. II. Cultivators III. Cultivating IV.Non-oultlvatla. of land wholly laboUrers and owners of laad, agr'. i'I' :! :n":!l;~:~!ct or mainly un- 'beir dependants cultural rent recei. and th. eir owned and ver•• and their dependants _ 'heir dependants dependants I ---'------_._------~~I@~ IF8m~~:r~aleB Iremalea I MaieM II'emalei Male~ j Females I Males Females 15 16 17 I 18 I H' __ ~_L_~ II 13 H l \ \

1,298 258 245 89 78 28 12!1

i ,80n 937 138 146 5~ 4·9 288 1,521 396 391 143 128 89 438 413

42 1 46 45 a2 59 46

7 21 17 '9 8

17 21 12 52 60 73

;Jl 24 58 5i 61 127 121 89 89 23 17

8 1I 40 38

5 49 47 1

55 8 135 123 6 6

i'4 5 85 21 t5

139 67 126 102 13 9 lO;}

68 30 80 79 22 25 16 15

99 21 144 140 107 95 123 117

38 2 13 14 41 49 75 7'7 m3 278 496 506 4 4 395 393

;20 1 30 28 22 20 ..•. ,,,.) 69 18 28 33 28 33 ''''- llO n 12 4 49 38 19 21

S3 35 23 21 25 31 91 92

4 69 762 299 223 221 46 41 38 37 22 75 21 352 353 3

23 4 70 57 1 78 75

20 5 115 109 g 2 338 Ptfllility Ce•• ulI Abstract

NOIl-Agrioulturaf OIa.aaee

Person8 ( tnohrding depenQants ) who deri"'8 their prinoipal meaD8 of livelihood from S. Name ot "III.... or I Vlll-O",,-' No. \own/ward V-Production VI-Cornmerll<'l "If I I-'fraD~por' service8 ano other tl,an cui. miseellaneou. tivation I \ 80urces ~----.. -- Mal .. s Females Males Females Male8 Female.. Males Female.

1 I 21 22 23 2. 26 26 27 2S

------~-----~------~ _ ------'

TOW~S' 1 Bahadarpur M. 445 38(1 3il(f 349" 42 lSI 1.149 1,1541

t Sankheda M. 862 828 1H7 663 21 45 1,108 1,183

Total for tOWD..... 1.307 . (.203 l.O13 1,0tz. &9 '5 2.. 307 2.331 VILLACES 1 AehbsH 16 U 2 1- " 2 Aj"Ii .'.r. II!} 90' :I Akakheda !l 4

4 Aktyal'pura 5 IY

5 AlahdarpuJ'&' 8- I} 2 .... 4l 44- 6 Amarpul"

? . Ambapurs It H * •• .. ... 127 91

8 Amroli 13 11:

I Ansgari' 1

'to Anandpul'& :Y 1 Ii 14

II Arithll' 5'~ 50 at

U 13amrofi 24 1it ~

II Bhadral.i

14 Eftatpm-' 7~ 6:J EO' .u 1 4 US IllY

15 Bhojpul" • tI.~ } 59 5"6 l'6 Bhulv8n' S 1 it II 00 40 51 50

1'7 Bihora; ,,,-_ ! H ]2 1. BiIi)"&; I 2 i9 Bobdakuw8J f !';.

20 Bodeli 2G. 222 471 463 33 38 628 521

21 Bortala.... I

22 Cham8l'\1adQ Z 2' 4 \ 23 Chandpu.r 5> I-

I ____ -----'-~----"-. - ._.....,-~ _- ~~ -_ .---~-~---~-~~ _'--- -~------'------:...... __._-_'>. - SANKHEDA TALUKA 339 ~------c------,------,------,I'

NetArellt pcet office Nearest Railway Nearellt buar village, heIDI! and -Ita dilltance In station and ita ita dilltance in mile8 & of note mile. di8tarloe in mile. Buarday.

28 80 8~ 32 33 ------

P.O. Rly. Station Baza.r, P.W.D. Rest Hou8e P.O. Gojpur Sankheda Bazar, P.W.D. Rest House

irojuva. 4, jojuva, 4 Bodeli,

Bahadarpur. Bodeli, Bodeli,

Sankheda, 2§ Gojpur Sankh. Sankhed,a, 2~ V.l'. eda, 2, Blibadarpur, 2 B,ahadarpur, 2 Bahadarpur, :l V.P -, Bodeli.2 Bodeli, 2 Bodeli, ~ P.S., V.P. Bhatpur, 2 Gantoli. 2 Sankheda,

Mankani, 2 J~juva. 3} Sankheds, P.S.,v.P.

Bhstpur, 3 ~hatpur. 3 Bodeli. P.S.,C.s.

VOl'S, Gojpur Sankh. Sankhed.a, eda, Cha,ndod, Bahadarpur, Bahadarpur.

Bahadarpur, 3 Bahadarpur, 3 Bahadarpur. 3 ,P.S.,V.P, Jojuv8,3 Jojuva, 3 Bodeli, V.P. Jojuva, 2 Chhuchhapura, Sankheda, V.P. 2 P.O. Rly, Rtation S~l1kheda, P.S.,V.p .. C.s. Tandalja, Bod eli, 3 Budell, 3

Bahadarpur, Chhuchhapura, Sankheda, V.,P. Gojpur Sank~ Sankheda, ada, Bahadarpur, Chhuchhapura, Sankheda,

Babadarpur, Bodell, Bodeli, P.O. Rly. Station Bazar, t P.s.,V.P.• C C.S. Vajiria,4 Bhatpur,4 Dabhoi, P.B.


VOl'&, t 'Gojpur Sankh. V.R 006, ------___,_--~ ------t p, W, D. Rest H_l!e-. 340 Primary Ce.aua Abatract ------,- !ooouPled Houses I --I I : Total No. of peraoll8 No. of fum.tee 8. IArea ofi I No.of enumerated [ including of InstitutloD!! , vmage \ No. of \' house Inmates of institutiollE and houselellB \own/ward and houseleas perHonA 1 pA1'IIOn. No. I ~"nl houses I holds i or square I mUea \ I persons! -~-~=-!Fe~8Ies ~~e8 F~~aI8~ 6 6 1 2 3 141 7 : 8 I II 10 I ,

24 Chhachhedra 1.5 46 46 275 150 125 2 21, A Chhatrapura 0.2 De8erted

25 ChhoT6Ilgla 1.1 86 86 308 155 153 6 13

26 Chhuchhapura 0.3 9 12 52 23 29

27 Chikhodra 1.7 160 160 904 465 439 29 13 28 Damapura 0.6 5l 53 243 121 122 Included 29 Dunmighoda in Chho· 26 26 103 53 50 ranglo. 30 Damoli 1.1 45 45 217 119

31 DeToJi 0.4 82 82 382 183 HHJ

32 Desan 1.3 58 58 294 148

33 DharoJi 0.9 83 83 415 216 199

34 Dhokalia 0.3 133 14(\ 538 311 227

35 Dholi 1.3 107 519 296 253 lJ 10

36 DhoJpura 1.9 147 149 796 402 31}-t 1

37 Divalipura 0.7 77 77 364 177 187

38 Dormal 1.5 81 87 434 222 21:! 2

39 Dudhpur 0.4 30 30 HiS 81 87

40 Fa fat 0.9 42 43 lllG 101 95

41 Fata 1.2 51 6u 318 171 147

42 Fatepura 0.7 57 5, 309 160 149 43 FazaJpura 0,2 43 43 230 106 124-

44 Gajip1ll"tt ).0 49 49 303 16\ 152

0.3 13 14 102 47 55

46 Ganeshvad 1.; 123 1~5 787 4(19 378

Gantoli 1.3 52 52 310 161 149

48 Garda 1.6 12i 128 549 281 26S 2

49 Gayadia 0.6 31 :n 180 96 84

50 Geherpura 0.3 22 22 105 51 SANKHEOA TALUKA' 341 ------~ Agricultural CI888ea

-- .---- ~------.-- ---.------~------I.Cuitiva.to1'8 n -Cultivtotol'8 Ill-Cultivating IV.Non-cultivating- Llter.. '_ , of land wholly lAbourers and OWDe1'8 of land, agri- o'land who"y or mainly owned or mainly un· J their depend_ts cultural rent recei and their owned and vera, and their dependants their depen~e.nts ciepelHlant. ------I \I~I811 IFemaleB Males IFemalea Males Females Mlloies Females M8leB Femalea I 11 12 13 j ., Hi 16 17 18 19 2G I -_" _------_--- 61 17 72 60 22 21 '1 36 Deserted

37 8 4.7 38 i5 '1

13 14 10 1;5

196 102 187 181 23 16 212 2J.l 4 ~

36 ]2 75 80 5 2 37 37

"3 44 40

28 2 88 76 24 18

M 15 130 100 2 46 45

64 6 .. , 21 63 29 26 " 43 .Ji 40 6 76 65 u..,? 27 75 75 166 61 26 20

23 2 79 68 7I 59 23 22

29 4 79 64 159 170 146 160 , 3 122 134 13 10 t 3 119 41 81 73 14 8 112 119

III 48 51 ](l 15 16 II 42 12 14 10 13 15 74 70 81 47 50 41 36 38 61 56

4~ 14 42 33 61 11 211 20 35 10 42 49' 15 lit 151 152

3 13 17 24 29 9 9 35 3 32 30 281 264 II Ie 38 7 45 48 41 37 16 17 138 29 98 102 107 90 19 4 96 84 Ii 3S U 3 ! Primary Ceasus Abstract ------,------Non-Agrioultural Classes

Pel'llOl'l8 (inoluding dependants J "'00 derivA their principal .1 • me&JlB of livelihood from N~.I, N&~~:~~:::~ or ·~v--p-r-oduot-io-n-·--I vI-Com-me-t-o-..---V-:r-I~~ran- .. p-o:1 ~t:~ other than ou.- miscellaneoue tivation i IlOUrCIlI!

Male8 Females \ Males Females' Malee \Females\ MaleS\FemaleB

:I 21 2'2 I!U :4 ;ll) I 21} 27 I 28 • __ ~ ___ 1 I __ .___ _ ChhMhhadia 16 ilIA Chkatf'ap'll1a Deserted 25 CnROt'sngla- 6 4 82 9Z

26 Chhue-hhapul'a n Chikhodra- 1 11 28 Damepura 29 DSInnighodQ 9

30 DarnoLI 7 4

31 DeroI-f 4

32 DesslA' 1 33 30

34 iiI 41 II"!

35 Dbal. 12 12 HI

36 DholpT)r~ 13

37 Diva1ivurn. 41 40

38 . Do-rmsl 1 8 7 39 . DudhpuY 7

+0 Faf6t.

4'1 Fats l'Z 9 F .. tepurl$ 28

FazaJplH'1If 49 56

,t4, Gajipur..

45 Gamthi Sekhsl 1

46 GRnel'hvad 88 74

41 Galltou 1 l2 19 , 18 IS

48 Gard~ 61 72 .,. .. 10

--~------~ ---~-~-.. -"---..._- --~----~-- --'~--~- ----___.-~- ,_ ~ ----~ SANKHEDA TALUKA 343

"",t .e.. ""II' 0 p~' offloe Ne.. R ..llw .. , Nearest baz.., ",Ul ..ge, hellUl and Itil dilltau08 h. station ..nd Ita It.s dilltanoe in mlle.o and of note mile. dilltanoe in mil... B .._rd .. y. -

30 81 82 33

Kosindra, 3 Bodeli, 6 Sankheda, p.!S.,V.P.

De8~rted -

Bhatpur, 3 Bhatp'lr, 3~ Sankhelia, P.$.,C~C.S.

Jojuva. Rly. Statiun Sankheda,

I Kosindra. :! 8hatpur, 7 Sankheda, P.s.,V.P.

Sapkheda. 4} Sa.. kheda, 4~ Sankheda, 4,~ \T.P. , Bh'atpur, 3~ Bhatpur, 3~ 8ankheda, C.S.

Vajiria, 8 \'adhvana. 2 Sankheda, V.P. BhatpJ,lr, a Bhatpur, 3 Sankheda, c.s.

Kosindra, Ii ~hatpur, 7 Elankheda, V.P.

Manka'li. :l Bodeli, 6- Sankheda,

BodeJi. Bodeli, Bodeli,

Sankhetia, 3 Gojpur, Sankh· Sankheda, :3 V~P. ada, 3 M ilnkani, l~ Joj'lva, .Jo Sankheda, V.P. Charldod, Gojpur Sankhe. S>lnkheda, da, Jojuva. 3 Chhuchhapura. 3 Sankheda, P.B.,v.P.

Chandod, Gojpur Sankhe. Sankheda, da, B"hadarpur. 9 Jojuva, 2 Sankheda. P.s.

- Jojuva... 4 Chhuchhapura, 31 Bahadarpur; P.S.

Bahadarpur. 6 Chhuchhapura, , Sankheda, V.P.

Mankani, 1 Jojuva, 3 Sankheda,

P. O. BodeJi, Bodeli;

Vora. Gojpur Sankhe. Sankheda, \T.P. da, 5 Bodt'li, 4, Bodeli,,, Sankhed.a, V.P. Kaledia, Rly. Station, Sankheda, P.S.

Vora, 3 Bhatpur, 4, Sankheda, P.S.,V.P.

Sankheda, 4 Gojpur Sankhe· Sankheda. " da,4 Bhatpur, 3 Bhatpur, 3 Sankheda. C.S.

------. 344 Primary Ceasus Ab.tract ------~~-- --~- ~~--I I iOoIJupied Houses!

~~---I-~ Total No. of persons No. ofinmatel 1Area of I I enumerated [including of institutiollll s. Name of village or village ! inmates of institutions I and housel_ or town No. of! No. of and houseless persons] ! person!) No. town/ward in houees house I [ square holds I miles :------I Persons I Malesi Femalesl~~:--Femalel I ! 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 I 8 I 9 10

- ----~-~---

51 Getpure 1.9 101 101 491 255 ~36

62 Ghoda Chhorangla 0.3 23 23 Ill! 61 55 53 Ghoda Vajiria 0.6 62 62 319 163 156 64 Gojp~ 0.1 31 31 182 96 86

55 Gola Gamdi 3.2 87 88 474 249 22,j 56 Govindpura 0.6 16 21 107 50 57

57 Gunder 1.1 81 81 382 195 187 58 Gundicha 1.7 177 181 969 488 481

59 Handod 1.4 114 117 513 264 249 60 Hansapura 1.4 42 4::! 199 91 .108

!'l Hareshawar 2.9 99 103 569 294 275

62 Indral 2.'1 ]56 ]85 880 461 419

63 Jenflingpura O~8 37 H 286 133 153 6' Jogipurs 0.5 36 36 205 102 103 6Q Jojuva 0.7 59 60 290 157 133 ]0 66 Kachhata 1.2 61 62 332 170 162 67 Kadila. 1.2 61 57 313 156 157 6S Kadwakui 0.2 22 24 137 68 69

69 Kamaplapati 25 25 137 71 66

70 Kanakuva 1.4 49 54 321 170 151 71 Kandeval 1.7 59 59 3t9 171 158 72 Kandupura 1.8 22 26 H4 77 67

73 Kanteswar 3.6 158 le8 770 383 387 74 Kapa~a 0.5 29 29 144 65 79 7.5 Karali 0.5 22 22 100 52 48 76 Kal!lipura 1.6 110 III 554 291 263

77 KSl!lumbiya 1.7 153 153 744 372 372 2 73 Kathari 1.6 2 2 9 5 4-

----~.-~- -- - ~~~~.---- SANKHEDA TALUKA 345 ---~-,.._------I I I Agricultural ()1~8 ------, I· Cultivat.ors II. Cultivator. III. C'lIUvat-ing IV.Non-oultivathlltl Lltcr~tell of land who-lly of land wholly labours1'8 and OWnertl of land, ag,-It 01' mainly owned or mainly un- their dependant. wltural rent reoei. and their owned and 'l'el'8, _d ~heir dependanw 'heir dependan~ dependantll

~------Malt'alll'ema'e.( M.te. jFemales I M.aleal Females Female. Malee Vemale, , M.ale~ I 11 11 13 14'1 Ifi 16 11'7 18 111 20 J I I I I 36 HI H)8 1()4 25 IS 93 112

9 1 43 41 1;J 10

H)3 1~6

12 9 9 § 13 ~!7 -55

I Uti 34 38 41 39 39 15a I3:! ~ 4 11 6 6 6 1:.l 8 9 15 2 .. 26 3 45 36 42 U ij2 '00

267 97 196 211 168 '1.6'

149 73 84 86 12 H 133 129 2 ~

6 () ,. 43 -52 40 41) 110 39 73 73 139 121 70 71 '55 55 90 89 43 39 143 143 :2 !:J. 126 151

13 3 2 92 92 '1 1}

58 11 ~J 14 35 35 37 35 40 3 18 23 35 29 III 1()6 20 2 51 70 46 43 46 39 66 68

14 2 48 47 ~ 4

12 1 36 31 60 56

80 25 56 45 lli 20 95 91 2 5 5 62 49

~HI 48 113 122 94 103 153 U7 , '4

13 33 39 32 40

22 5 45 41 7 7

8 195 168 3 I) 2 I

1'17 46 85 98 112 94 140 139 1 .... I) 4 _._------, ~------_._- Primary CeII.US Abatrad /- Non-Agrioultural Cle._ P"F@ons ( including dependants) who derive their prinoipal me&ns of li1'elibood from of or Name .m..... I ------~-,------J -~--~-- v Hl=-Utbei- 'No V-Productiofi I VI-Commeroe' I V H-Tran"'l>ort servioes anc othe,r th~n cui. I \ miseeUaneou. tlvatloD i Bourt'tl8

Mal~~ ilfemal""T Males IFemal~:i Males IF"rnalell-~ale8 Fem"~"J 1 21 \ t2 '23 24 \ ~5 I 26 27 28 '1 Getpure :: 52 Ghoda Chhvr6ng)a

Gojpurc /;

GolaGamdl H I}

$6 Govindpur& II 1 10

07 Gundel' J 11 17 Guuctich& '7 81 7& Handod 1 28 II'


61 HarE'lIhaW6J' 11

62 Indral 7t 13 15 68 49

63 Jensingpul'a 8 64 Jogipura

65 14 18 2'4 28 19

66 nachhata 6

67 Kadila - J } 10 2

fl8 Kadwaku-j

()9 Kllmsplapltti 19 1& 76 Kauaku91t.

'11 liandeval J :l

12 KandupIU8 10 13

13 Kanteswaf 1 18 '11 7. Kapadiya 13 Karali

'i6 KaBipura 1 90 77 Kallumbi18 10 2 23

78 Kathari ;.,. SANKHEDA TALUKA 347 ----~------~-~~------~ ------~------~~-- i

Nearest Railway NeareBt hazar village, Items l!i'e ..... ellt poat offioe Remark. IUJd Its distanoe In station and 'its its distanoe in milee & of now mile. distance in miles Bazar day.

III lIO 31 32 33

Bhatpur,3 Bbatpur, :~ Sankheda,

Bhatpur.4 Bhatpur, -t Sankhoda, C.8,· , Vajiria,5 Bhatpur, 4~ Sankheda,

Sankheda,~ my. Station Sankheda.~ ~ Bahadarpur, 2 Bahadarpur, :.: Bahadarpur,2 P,S.,V.P.

Bahada.rpur, 3 1:

Sankheda, 2 Sankheda, 2 Saukheda.2 V,P.

Sankheda,3 Sankheda,3 Sankheda, a P.S.,V.P. C.S. Sallkheda, I Bahadarpur, I Sankhoo6,1 P.S,

Sankheda, 2 Gojpur ·:jankhe. 1:Sankheda,2 da, 2 Bahauarpur, ,t Bahadafpur, -1 Bahadarpur, 4 P.S.,V.P,

Bhatpur,2 ilhatpur, 2 Sankheda, P.S ,V.P.

Bahadarpur, Budeli, Bodeli,

:\fankani, 3 Jojuva, 6 Saukheda.

P. O. Rly. Station Bodeli, V.P.

Bhatpur, 3 Bhatpur, 3 Sankheda,

Bodeli, ~ Bodeli, 2~ Bodeli, :!~ Bahadurpur, Sankheda, Sankheda,

BhatpUI', Ii Bhatpur, {; ~ankheda, c.s. Bhatpur,2 Bhatpur,2 Sankheda, V.P. Bahadarpur.41 Chh1lchhapura, 3 Bahadarpur, 4t V.I'. Sankheda Gojpur Sankhe Sankheda, da, Bahadarpur, I) Bahadat pur, {; Bahadarpur,5 :V.P. Kosindra,3 Bhatpur,4 Sankheda, V.P. Vajiria., Gojpur Sankhe. Sankheda, da, Kosindra, Gojpur Saukhe· Sbonkheda, da, Malu.l~ Bahadarpur, 5 Bahadarpur, 5 P.s .• v.P., ,: C.S. Chandod, Bo,deli, Bodell.

t P. W. D. Rest HCilU*'. 318 Primary CeRsul Abstract

i:ooOIlPietl Houses I I--I'----~-I Tota! No. of perRone No. of Inmates Name of "mags or Are .. of I \ No. of : enumerated [ including of institutions village No. of \ house inmates of institutions and housele&& \own/ward or town houseB bolds and housels8s perHoDsj personJ In I mil_square \ \

1 a I 4 10 ----'-- . 79 KathOli 1.4 81 84 HI 237 204

80 .Kavitha 6.5 262 269 1,387 723 664

81 Khel'wa 0.4 2:.! 22 142 74 li8

82 Kherwa 1.6 83 S5 526 268 258

83 Khodia 1.0 41 41 23!J 112 127

84 Khunvad 3.4 286 287 1,429 733 696 7

85 Kosilldra 2.1 332 4400 1,801 924 877 36 15

86 Kotuli 1.4 44 260 134 126

87 Kothia 0.1) J3 14 85 47 38

88 Kuberpura 0.2 26 27 1~5 61 6t 8 6

89 Kundi Bahadar· 0.6 21 22 113 59 pur Kundi Ucha. . •. 1.1 34 193 101 92 kalav Kalam 91 Lochharas 3.3 134 134 679 348 331

92 Ladod 2.5 205 209 1,162 600

93 Laveli 1.4 92 103 499 273 226 10

94 Lombhia 1.1 11 11 59 26 38 95 Lotja 2.1 86 89 470 240 230 ... 96 Lunadfa 2.9 21 21 12{ 65 59 97 Malpur 1.0 78 78 403 214 189

98 l\Ialu 2.9 149 153 750 395 355

119 Manrlasar 2,4 114 116 G21 312 309

100 MangoI' with 4.7 270 284 1,465 784 681 13 7 'Para 1{)} Mankani Lwit}} 9.1 751 858 3,996 2,041 ],955 1 1 Para 102 Manpur 0.5 15 15 81 42 39 lOS Mombhia 0.5 51 57 311 151 160

104 Morad 0.6 21 21 111 55 56

105 Mota Raska 1.6 14 14 88 61 37

106 Moti. Pura 0.5 34 34 179 95 84

------_------~------'SANKHe:OA TALUK~ 349 -_-----1---- . Agrioultural Classes

1------~---- ; I.Cultivators I I1.Cultlvators III·Cultivating IV.Non.cultivating- LI",ratee I of land wholly I of land wholly, labourers and ownere of I_d, agri· "' ...... y o.~d I "' mom', un· /,• .;' dep"d_'" oultural rent recei and their owned and vers, and their dependants itheir dependants depenaants I __ ------4-_ -- -~-~-

'Js.les Females Males Females Males Females I ".... t.molMI M••• !F.m .... I 11 12 13 14 1 15 i ]6 17 18 III 26 i • i ' -~ ------~--- --,- -~---~--- 44 7 165 14U 15 17 53 40 396 180 2-19 243 91 87 311 277

:l 51 49 23 19

ll5 43 215 205 2 1

29 12 14 15 39 H 1i5 (16 I 2 359 169 332 324 32 31 288 277

461 252 381 377 9 9 2130 247 46 3~

24 3 102 81 11 9 2 2 I 2

4 3 4 18 16

1 43 51

12 5 13 14 7 7 32 85 21 3 41 39 3 57 52 149 38 32 29 139 136 157 149 .8 " 193 75 255 156 33 ]3. 178 20l

128 48 147 III 3 5 97 96 26 33

148 82 19 21 129 109 85 97 3

7 17 13 21 ]6 6 7

lS5 57 72 50 38 39 88 88 197 90 93 67 28 24 223 214 2 -4

47 6 141 132 87 86 17 14, ~ 300 91 293 274 11 10 421 371

479 189 li5l 527 533 521 546 519 69 ~l

1 1 6 :! 12 16 22 13 19 147 157 2 3

16 18 5 5

3 46 28 5 1) --- i5 84 Primary Celt.us Abstraet --- N on-Agrioultural Ol_es

Pe1'llons ( inoluding dependants) who derive their prineipal" means of livelihood frOD! 8. Name of vlDage or - Otnel No' town/ward V - Produotion I VI -Commerce VII-Transport servioes and other than cui- "---TIll- miscellaneou8 tivR.tion I I!OUfces j Males Females I Males Females Males 'Females\ Males\Fema.les I 1 I 21 22 23 24- 25 26 I 27 28 \ I . ----. ----_-_" -~-- ._." I __ ""_-~--

70 Katholi 1 ~ 3 3

80 Kavitlul 23 18 8 5" 41 34

S1 Kherw~ 82 Kherw81 4 4 6 5 41 '3 83 Khodia 1 2

~"' Khunvsd 54 49 26 14 l!1Y Koeindra. 94 88 84 33 12 10 74 76

86 Katali 18 29

87 Kothia: 217 Itf 2

~8 Kl'lberpnm Ii 6 H) 7

Sit Kundi 2 3 Buhu

112 Ltlodod 3 131 192

93 L.wed 13 -; 1:J 7

94, Lombhiflll

115- Loti81 1 4 Z

1)6- LunadrllJ 21 :>3

tl7 Malpu<1" I 15 II

9% ~alll' 19 Jft 7 9 23 21

99 :Mand~r 3 67 72

JO(), MangO'r with 28 15 1 2 30 !1 Para JOt Mankani' 86- 711 30 42 226 200 with Para H)2 Manpur 2 ... ;} 103 ::.\{ombhia Z

l!)l Moraa 34 3S lOa "ota. RIl3k:& , 1110 XotiPui'& ._-- ".-~"~.--'.-.. -- SANKHEOA TALUKA 351

._~., po.' office I Neares' Rallwa, N _rest hazar yUl.. ge. hems and ttl! di.tanC8 It; ! station and Ita It.s dl.tance In miles and of noile R.marks mil" i distance in mll811 Bazar day.

1111 30 31 82 38 ------Vora, ~ Gojpur San~heda. V.P. S8.nkheda, 6 Bahadarpur. Bahadarpur, Bahlldarpur. Baha.darpur, 1 Bahadarpur,l Bahadarpur:. 1 V.P. BodeJi. Bodeli,

KOBindra, 3 Bodeli,5 Sa~k;beda. V.P.

~hatpur, 3 Bhatpur.3 Sankbeda, F.S.,V.P. P.O. Bhatpur,7 Sanklleda, P.S.,V.P.,C.S.

Vajiria; 8 Dabhoi.4 SlLukheda. V.P

Kaledia, 3 Gantoli, 2 Sankheda.

Bhatpnr,1 Bhatpur, 1 Sankbeda, C.S.

Jojuva, 2 Jojuva, 2 Hahadarpur,

Jojuva, Ii! ,Tojuva,11 Bahadarpur,

"asana,2 Bhatpul' • .5 Sankheda, P.S.• V.P.

Bodeli. 5 Bodeli, 5 SankMda, P.S.,V.P~.C.s.

Jojuva. 2 Jojuva,2 Bahadarpur, P ..s.,Y.P. Bodeli, Bodeli, BodeJi,

Bahadarpur, 3 Bahadarpul', 3 Bahadarpur, 3 P.S .• V.P.

Bahadarpur. Gantoli. Sankheda,

Sankheda, 2~ Gojpur Sankheda, 2,! p.S .• V.p. Sankheda. 2h P. O. Bahadarpur, f{ Bahadarpur. 6 P.s..,V.P.,()'S., Bodeli, t Bodeli, 1 Bodeli,l V.I'. Bl1hadarpur, Bahadarpur, Ballada:pur, "... P.O. Jojuva,2 Bodeli, P.S.,V.P,

Sankheda, l~ Gojpur Sankheda, lk V.P. Sankhetia, 1 Gajipura. Gojpur Saukheda, Sankheda. Mankani,2 ~ojpur Sankheda. 3~ Gajipura, Bodeli. Bodeli,

Bahl1darpur. Bodeli, Bodell, ~ ..

~--~~-~'-.-..._.--~-----~-~ ------~.------352 Primary Ceasull Abstract

Ocoupied HOUBas

Total No. of persons No. of inmate. I Area of i enumerated [inoluding , of institutionl s. Name of village or I village I inmates of institutions and housel_ or town No. of I No. of and hou8ele88 pe~8oIlll] I personc No., town/ward in houses I house square holds I miles I , I PersonA: Males i Females;\lItleM FErnal,.. 2 3 6 7 8 9 ]0

Iii? Nagurvada 0.9 30 :;0 131 69

lOS Nandpurll. 1.2 103 103 5H; 276 270 5 3 109 ].4, 4 .. 296 ,151

110 Nurpura O.1i 23 23 157 80 77 3 ]11 Padhuvan 0.9 61 368 196 172

]12 J'anej 2.0 120 120 ,,91 321 2 2

113 J'aniyaparu 38 38 213 102 III

114 Parvat>l 5.8 356 460 1,902 1,032 870 ·7 3

ll5 PataJpTlfa 0.5 22 22 123 66 57

116 Patna. 0.3 77 85 487 249 23g 26 13

} 17 Pip alia 1.0 59 60 268 143 125

118 Pipalsath 3.0 171 177 819 445 374

119 Pitha 81 85 504 274 ~10

120 Prlitappul"a 0.3 27 28 Ul7 70 67

121 Puchhuwarla 1.1 113 113 614 340 334

122 Rllipul' 1.0 58 58 283 143 140

) 23 Rajkherwa 0.0 25 25 185 94 91

124 Rajpari l.n 64 64 298 154 144

125 Rampul'a ~.3 274 284 1,486 7119 697

126 Ramsllri 0.7 32 35 15F 82 76

127 Ramsingpura 0.3 13 13 68 36 32

128 Ratanpnr ].2 105 107 6Q8 316 292 Kamaraj 129 Ratanpur 1.2 79 81 423 205 218 Thana 130 Sajaripura 0.7 49 49 282 152 130 27 22

Ill1 SaJpllra 0.5 23 29 15'5 80 76

132 Samdhi 0.6 .0 44 266 131 135

133 8slllldra l.8 24 105 53 52 ]34 2.5 50 57 321 178 143 SANKHEOA T4\LUKA

Agricultural 01<108868

~ -----~------I.Cultivatortl LI·OultivatorB I III-Cultivating IV -Non-cultivating. Literate. j of land whoUy of land who Uy labourers and ownertl of land, agri. or mainly owned lor mainly un . their dependant. cultural rent recei

and their owned and j vers, and their I dependantB tbeir dependan ts de~ndants H ..les Females Malea Females Males Females Malell Females Malea Females

u 12 13 15 16 17 ' 18 19 20 ------I) 11 15 11 16 36 36 114 41 269 265 9 110 IQ4 38 ~o I 2 18 10 1

9 46 33 54 68 94 78

163 54 230 IlI6 124 121 I

60 22 19 31 33 34 40 40

627 151 136 122 238 222 76 60 11 II

2 3 64 56 2

106 34 15 68 19 16 83 101

72 35 H 31 16 66 59 l'l5/ 44 16S 128 42 38 22 U S 159 44 130 127 34 27 64 ., t 3 1 70 67 140 35 146 144 32 33 162 167

60 12 121 121 5 3

21 9 44 47 3 6 153 143 207 45 517 446 7 .. 26 30 35 48 2 12 8 41 36 27 30

11 3 26 21 109 20 223 222 71 61 58 23 116 114 I; " 17 92 31 2 88 78 2 I 28 22

29 9 36 38 6 7 84 28 18 4- 96 106 .. 26 U 11 6 31 29 17 17 " 3 17'1 U2 1 354 Primary Ce.aaa Abstract

Non-Agrioultural C1ua611

Penon. (inoludlng dependants) who derive their principal meam of livelihood from 8. Name of .ltIage or --- VlD-

J08 Nondpura & Z Z ~ S

JO\! Nani RR6kl 1

II f) NurpllrAo 2 60 66

JIl l'odhovllD 8

lIZ Panej 2 2 J 7 2

J 1:J PaniYBparu 10 6

JH- J'arve\& 114 'J~ 1)3 75 9 14 356 293 :tlSo Patalpul'ji

1I~ Patna 81 25 6 6 26 20

J1'J Pipalilll 3 I I \6 12

)18 Pipalilath 32 35- 176 150

119 Pith.. 2'J 11 "I 3 12 11

128 Protappul'll

121 Pochhuwa4a

}2lr Raipur .7 16 44 J28 :RaitherWa '" S 3S )24 RajpllTi ) 1

Jft-.. a RampUF& 23 22 IS 14 165 133

J26 Rsmsari J } 2

127 Ram.lngpum 10 11

128 Ratanpur it 3 17 6 Kamarej 129 Ratanpur Than" 8 S

130 &janpura 12 I. 3 18 12 131 So)pura 2 .. 1 2 .;,

132 8amdhi 1 I 4 ~ 133 ,sa.nadt'll 1 3 lB' Saneava ------'SANKHEOA TALUKA 356 -- ~-- ---..,..------

.earetl\ poet offlee . Nearellt l\allwa, N_rest hazar YlUage, _ Ueme and It. dietanoe I.. station and Its Ita di.tance ill 0111_ and of DOte Ba_r day. IBtlel distance 1[. mil...

211 3{) III It 33


8ankheds, 1 Gojpur Sankheda, I 8ankheda, ~ p.s•• V.P, Sankheds, 4 Gojpur Sankheda,4 8allkheda, 5 Gajipuro.. Bodeli. Bodeli,

Bahadarpur. 4 eh huchhapura, 11 Sankh~da,

Bhatput:, 2 Gantoli, 2 Sank" f'da. P.8.,V.P. Kosindra. 3 BodeJi. 6 Bodf>li, 6

Bahadarpur, Baharlarpur, Bahadarpnr, P.s.,V.P. Kaledia. Kliledia, Sankheda, Bodeli, 6 Bodeli. 6 8ankheda. 'P.8. Jojuva, I~ Jojuva, 1 J; Bodeli, V:.P. Sankheda. I~ Bahadarpur. Rallkheda, l~ P.S.,V.P. Bahadarpur, :! Bahadarpur. 2 Bahadarpur, 2 P.S.,V.P. Jojuva. I Jojuva. Bod eli. V.P. Ssnkheda. 4 Gojpur Rankhed ... Sankheda 4 Bahadarpur,lO JOjUV8. 1 Sankheda,

Chandod. Bahadarpur. Ba4adarpu r.

Bahadarpur. Bahadarpur, Bahadarpul',

Bahadarpur, Bodell. Bodeli, P. 0.- Gojpur ~8nkheda:. Sankheda. \f.P. Bhatpur, G .. ntoli. 1 Sankheda, " US. Bhatpur, 2 Bhatpur, I! Sankheda.

Vajir;a, 7 Vadhvans. 2 Sankheda, P.8., V.P.

Vejiria, Bodeli, Bahadal'p\1I',

Gaiipur~ Guipur Sankheda, Sankheda, V."P, J~juvl\, 3 Jojuva. 3 Bodeli,

Jojuva, 2 Joiav8. 2 Bodell, Vora, 2 Gojpur Sankheda, V.P~ Sankheda, 7 <':riI.jipura.. Bodeli, Bodeli,

------~-- -_- -- _. .------~~ -- - - -.------,.----~- 356 Primary Ce.aua Ab.trad

[Oooupied Hou_ I i I Total No. of persona No. ofinme.iel Area of enumerated [inoluding , of iDlltitutioDi Name 01 yillat!& or village mmaies of ill8titutioDII I and boUll8J.e. orWWD No. of No. of and housele88 pe~soD8J , perllone wwn/ward in I houBeil house equare bolde miles I !;~:an81 Males IF:~;:-8:Male8 Femalee

2 ! . 3 4 Ii 6 7 I 8 . 9 10 ------i 135 881liadri !!.9 117 367 326

lJ5A Sunkhcda Son· 103 257 municipal (lfeG 136 Sanoli 1.0 38 166 90 76

137 Saradia 1.9 68 68 342 li5 167 14 I)

138 Sarangpur 0,8 61 59 521 262 259

J39 SIlrdarpU1'8 0.3 13 13 55 32 23

140 :Sarge 1.5 78 78 398 208 190

141 Sassinda 0.8 i5 76 426 212 2!S

HZ Sllvjipura" 10 10 58 32 26

l!Jekhenpura 1.3 8 14 75 38

Shroo Gam 1.0 39 39 1115 92 Dhamka Shr!;e Gam c.;) 11 65 3u Kanbi 146 5inh"dra 3.1 41 41 ::71 136 135

)47 Sil'sinda Chh,. ..•. 1.4 68 68 3~9 170 159 ebhs 148 Sirsillda Zsrvan .•• 2.2 165 IdS 713 346 367 6 2

149 Songir 1.7 70 70 386 203 183

150 80ytha 0.7 17 17 100 53 47 9

8u ndarpUl'8 0.5 64 330 11)2 168 l52 Surya 3.4 HiS 793 416 377 1 f53 Talakpura 0.5 45 248 127 121 f54 Taleli 1 .) 61 328 176 152 loa Tanakhala 1.1 48 310 155 165

156 Tandalja 5.9 22,& 224 I.~:n 641 590 33 II)

)57 Targol UI 62 62 315 ]65 150

158 Timba 2.9 239 239 1.(181 646 533

15\) Timbi 0.7 50 50 281 145 136 160 Undi 0.9 44 328 169 159 ...

IfH Vadadla 1.5 58 268 135 133 SANKHEOA TALUKA 351' ------'-'----'-,-- ---.- Agrioultural Cl_s

---~------r--'- , , I.Cultivators I1.Cultivators i HI.Cultivating IV.Non.oultivating­ LIteratell I of land wholly of land wholly /' labouf61'8 and ownel'8 of land. 8gri· or mainly owned or mainly ltn. their dependants oultur e.J rent reoei • and their owne'd lind vera, and theiT dependants their depend8.ll ts dependants

--_---'------_;__------_. _-_.. _----- I I Malllll F emal'es Males Females Males e l68 Mates Fematee

11 12 13 14 16 17 18 111 20 : i -.~-- --- r ------26 9 191 182 52 32 23 19

3t 2 27 20 34 31 96 87

6 24 17 13 10 47 411

66 30 126 136 10 8 17 14 2 1

13 2 39 68 47 148 156 7 .28 20

73 28 94 82 6 12 89 89

40 16 118 118 l~

3 7 6 22 19

2 3 3 4 1

48 8 37 36 60 40 3 1 11 11 3 5

18 16 8 6 1 107 115 6 13 60 106 96

121 45 110 113 94 97 3 1

66 26 61 38 28 42

8 8 S 5 2

23 1 27 30 79 180 44 117 97 56 55 215 205 10

12 2 13 11 48 48 6 2 I I 28 1 38 34 77 63 51 45

110 109 40 43 2 3 221 69 188 169 77 83 172 180 40 16 '2 148 13. II 10 273 134 171 246 11 13 222 231J .7 6 103 94 34 36 31 1 31 U 93 41 40

16 17 18 110 109 1 1 Primary Cea.u. Ab.traet - --, Non-Agricultural CI_II

PersoDa (inoluding dependants) who derive their prinolpa meal18 of livelihood from s. Name of village or -\ I VIII-Othet No town/ward V - Produotlon I VI-Commeroe VII-Transport I18rvioee and other than oul. • miBoellaneou. tivat.ion I IIOUJ'C88 -MaiM Fem.. leA Malee Females Malee FemaleR MaleR FemaJE'tII

1 2 21 2 2 23 24 26 26 27 28 I ---.------_,------135 $aniadri 100 93

135A San1eheda Non- 9 8 10 1 8 4 73 73 municipal area 136 Sanoli 6

13'1 Sararlia a 5 6 3 138 Sarangpur I} 6 3 3

13Q Sar

140 BIU"g8 15 Ii 4 2

141 ~Ilssinda 70 76 HZ Sllv}ipm>a

H3 Sekh,.,npura 1~ 14 19 16

)41 S)lree Gam I' 2 15 Dhamk.. ItS 8hree Gwn 16 19 Kanbi . J.l6 Sinhadra \; S 3 3

147 Firsir"i .. Cll-ha- 4 4 ehba 148 ~ir .. inda g 4 149 152 Zarvan 149 Songir 22 1.6 2 45

1.50 Soyt.hlt 39 37

151 Sundarpnnt , 2 52 57 HZ Bury.. 2 17 9

103 ralakput'a 5 64 68

IiH Tateli 10 10

I.'ll> TonskhldR 3

15(j Tlmdalja 60 33 2 2 ]04 93

1.37 Tario} 5 }.

}:l8 Timba 10 12 4 1 26 22 lSi;) Timhi' 9 2 6

160 Undi 9 4

161 ~adadra I 6 --_--'--- - SANKHEI)A TALUKA I I Nearee~ ba~ Yillage. lielDll poe' office I' Nearee' Rallwa, and.eareo Ita distanoe It. station and Ita 1t8 dt.tanoe tn mU ... and of note Remark. Ba_rda,. mllea I dlst&rroe in 'mil... !

28 30 3J .2 33

--.-----~-- -- Tandatja, 1 Bodeli, 3 Bodeli, S P:.B •• V.P. P.O. ' Bazar, Jojuva,4 Cbhuobbapura, 1 Bodell•. V.P.

Sankheda, 3 Gojpur Vora. P.S.. V.P~ Sankheda, 3 Bbatpur, 5 Gantoli, 1 Sankheds, V.P.

Bhatpur. 3 Bhat,pur, 3 I'lankheda.! C.s..

Kosindra, 1'J Bhl\tpul". 6 S8,nkheda, I P.S•• V.P~ Bhatpur. " Bhatpur. " 8ankheda, P.S.,C.s. Kosindra. 2~ Bhatp\l~, 5 Sanltheda.,

Sankheda, 2~ Gojpur SA.nkheda, Sankbeda. 2~ Vora. 3 Bhatpur, 4 Sankheda, V.P. Cho.ndod, Bhatpur. Sankheda,

Vasana. I Bhatpur, 6 SAnkhooa,

Sankhede. 4 Gojpu~ 8~nkheda, 4 V;P, Sankhed8;; 4 Bhat.pur,2 Bhat.pur,2 Sankheda., P.S.,V.l'.

Bhatpur. 2 Bhatpllf. 2 Ssnltheda, P;S. VOl's, 3 Bhat,pur. " Sankheda, V.P.

Mankani, 2 Bhatpur, 3~ Sankheda. J'ojuva, Ii Jojuvs, I! Sankheda, P.S.,V.l'. BankhOOs, 2k Cojpnr Sankheda, Sankheda, 2~ Bhatpur, I) Kaledia.,2i Sankheda,

Vajiria., 0 Dabhoi. 6 Bodeli. V.P.

P. O. Bodeli. l! Bodeli.l! J>.S.,V.P, Gajipura, Bodeli. Bode);'

Bhatpur, 1 Bhstpul', Bahadarpur, 'P.B,.V.P, Bbatpul'.3 Bhatpur.- 3 &nkheda, 'C.S.

Bahadarpur. Cbbuehhapura. Sankheda., 1 BhatplIP, II Bhatpur. II Sankheda. 0.8.

--_--_- --~- .... --- -~--- -- 360 Primary Ce ••u. Abatraet

I I IOooupied Hou_ I 1-, ___ . ____ I' Total No. of persona INo. ofinm&tet Area oil,' enumerated [inoluding Iof institutioDII s. Name of YlUage or village I inmates of institutioDl! and hoUll6leu or town No. of No. of and houII61ese persons] person" No. $own/ward in I houses house equare ' holds miles perso~ 1--~ale8I~::al~!;~~ Female. 3 4 6 i 7 I 8 I 9 10 1 I 162 VadadJa 1.7 57 59 137 142 163 Vadadli lA 65 ti5 3tH 173 188

J64 Vadeli 1.5 166 195 892 448 444 165 Vadia 20 20 89 44 166 Vadiya..Bihora __ _ 0.4 22 24 127 70 t,7

167 Vagetha 1.2 63 78 368 i87 181

168 Vaniadl'i L3 119 102 568 276 292

169 Vasan Sevada ].2 05 66 380 211 169

170 3.0 323 388 1,742 1120 822 :.16 15

]71 Vatvatia 0.6 69 611 312 153 ]59 5

172 VejaHa 1.6 3 3 12 7 (j

173 Velpur 0.8 53 63 241 126' 115

174 Virampura 0.5 38 38 166 ]02 6i

)76 Zampa 0.4 28 28 172 92 80 25 6

176 Zankarpura 1.7 82 83 455 239 216 177 Zand 1.6 ]5 15 73 38 35

Total for villaRes 244.5 14.799 15~90 19.017 40.859 38.158 382 188 Total for taJak. 253.6 17.240 18.416 90.441 46.621 43.820 393 zez SANKHEDA. TJt.LUKA.. 361

Agrioultural . Cl_ ---

I·Cultivaton I1.Cultfv~ III -Cultivating IV -Non-oultivatin Literate. of land w holly of land wholly labou1'81'8 and owners of landJ agri or mainly 0 woad or mainly un· their dependants oultural rent reoei and their O'lVlled and vent and their dependants their depend8Ilts dependants

Males Femalee Malee jFemales Males Females Males Female. Males Femalas 17 18 19 SO 11 12 18 I 16 Iii 16 --_---_--_ ------.~------.---. ------12 2 93 92 6 10 ... 17 4 67 76 99 97 266 153 131 126 74 S2 70 25 .5 IS

16 6 32 43 9

11 1 38 29 28 24 3 3 101 34 67 64 60 63 55 53 4 1 8 1 )06 117 61 63 7 . 1

61 12 125 93 64 47 9 l~

391 78 245 209 58 42 328 313 U fi2

33 2 90 90 36 43 4 Ii 3 41 6 39 44 25 17 13 4, 5 66 42 27 16 9 6 3 6 5 54 60 8 8

65 6 146 119 16 18 49 1S7 2 37 35

13.088 4,466 15.864 14,93" 5.204 4.~37 10.583 10.142 656 873

16.191 ~.987 16.260 15.325 5.347 5.065 10.672 iO.219 1.094 1.086 ------_------362 Primary Ce ••u. Abltraet ------_..._-- Non-Agrloultural 01_

---_-_ -~----- P"l'IIOn8 ( Including dependants) who derive their principal mean. of livelihood froaI S. N eme of ",me,_ or VIII-Other No "".n/.ard V-Produotlon VI-Comme... \ VII-Transport eervicell and other tban oul. millCellaneolb tivation IOUloeS I _"_- T---- Malel Females Male. Femalee Males Female. Malee Female.

I I 21 22 211 U 26 26 27 28

------~------In Vlldadl. 38 '0 1.1 Vadadli '1 l' I" Vadeli lil 12 .. 8 IU 1'17 185 Vadia 3 2

16& Vadiya-Biltora 1 161 Vageth. 1 168 Veniadr; .. 1 98 11' 16t Veaan 8 ...."'18 .. 3 7 ., 12 10 170 Vea_a .5 i' 27 23 148 124 J'j) V."atia 3 2' 26 nil Vejalt.. 178 Velp",!' 411 50 .14 VirampurlJ 111 Z8lI:lp. :34 1

.76 Zankarpura 28 22 177 Z_d Tot" for vill.gel 1.638 1.25& 1.015 8ts 218 194 5.6.91 5.208 TotII) 10., talab .. , 2,945 US, 2.018 1.827 287 290 7,998 7.545

~-~-.---.----.-- SANKHEDA TALUKA 363 ! I Neareet pcHI' oftloe I N_' Rallw., I Neernt ba&aJ: "Wale., be_ &lUi I_ distanae b.. I .t&tioll and ,_ lte dle\ance In mllee and of nolle _ IDt ... dllltADoe In' mll..../ Ba_rd.,.. 1 I I \ 10 11 I~~J II Vaaana. :2 Kaledia.3 8ank'hed8, Babadarpur, 3 Amalpur, It ',Sankheda,

Babadarpur, ~ Chhuchhapura. Sankheda, P.S.,V.P., :I , C.S. Sankheda, 3 Gojput' Sankheda, 3 8ankheda.3 Chandod, Bahadarpur, B~htMiarpur, Bhatpur.2 Bhatpur. 2 Sankheda, P.s .• v.P.

Tandalja, 1 Booeli. 1 Bodeli,l V.P. Rampurs, G9jpur Sankheda. Sankheda. P.O .. Bbatpur. ($ Sankheda, P.8.,V.P., C.s. BbAtpltt:, 'Ii Bbatpur. 2! Sonkheda, e.s.

SankhedB , :1 Gojpura SankhOO&., Sankheda. :1 VOl'S, '2 Bhatpur. I) Sankbeda,

VOl'8, 1 Bahad~pur, 7 Sankbeda,

Sankhe~a, l~ Sankheda, 1 t Sankheda, I~ Bodeli, 1 Boden, 1 Bankheda, a.jipurs. Bodeli. Bodeli. 364: Primary Ceasus Abstract

IOoOupied Houses I I 1------Total No. of pe1"8Oll.S No. ofinm&t.ea Area of; I enumerated [inoluding I of institutioDB s. N arne of village or village . i inmate8 of inst.itutiolllll , and houseleiiB or town I No. of No.of and houseless pe~80DB) persona No. town/ward in I houses house square I balds miles

I Per80DB Males I-Females Males Femal". 1 2 a I 4 I) 6 7 1 8 I 9 10 -~-- --~--~ --- -_ TOWN 1 Savli M. 6.0 I,Z65 1,625 7,476 3,947 3,529' 131 102 VILLAGES Adalwada 2.5 66 121 557 284 273 2 Ajabpura 48 49 233 123 110

3 Alindra 3.3 . 92 106 607 272 235 17 12-

4 AmraJ.lura 1.8 119 120 493 254 239 6 Andharwadi 28 28 100 48 52 6 Andrakhai 29 30 115 55 60 7 Andrakhiapura 13 13 69 38 31

8 Anjesar 2.0 239 261 1,372 734 638 69

9 Ankalia 1.6 141 145 649 324 325 4 5 10 Badanu Muvadu '" 20 24 ]22 67 55

11 Bahidra 4.3 27 27 119 58 61 12 Balanu Muvadu ... 20 20 143 77 66 16 Hi 13 Balanu Para 3.8 145 145 692 356 336

U Balevillo 20 22 110 59 51 16 . Bandiapllofa 45 46 181 91

16 Bautoha 1.5 126 131 609 317 101 15

17 Bhaderva 2.0 746 799 3,619 1,803 1,716

18 Bhadiapura 6 6 26 17 9

19 Bhamar Ghoda 19 21 120 63 57 4 7

20 Bhatpura 32 32 141 75 66

21 Bhilonu Muvadu .•. 21 22 77 41 36

22 Bhuval 6 I) 26 14 12 23 Charanpura 1.6 80 81 430 221 209

24 Chhaliar 11.0 318 323 1,550 796 764 10 25 Dabhiyapura 13 13 69 37 32 SAVLI TALUK~ 365 --- --'--~I--- -,,------~... _A_g_r_i(l_UI~~·~eJ~~';_C~lasse-.-8-.-,-_-,_ .. ______

I I.Cultivators II-Cultivators ' "I1I.Cultivating IV.Non.cult(vating­ Llteratea : of land wholly of land wholly labourers and owne1'8 of land. agri. i or mainly o~ned or mainly un­ their dependants cultural rent recei and their owned and vers, and their I dependants )their dep~ndants dependants I J I-~" -:eJe>o IFemaies' Males I,FemaleR I Males Femalesj MaleS/i Females Males Females I II 12 I I4 .,:0 _.' ~~6~ J,_~~ ~~ __ _ Hi 20

l.989 1,083 333 306 222 224 318 281 40'1 390

59 15 67 63 128 117 86 1 ,

122 110

31 fI 77 57 3D 33 128

28 114 109 122 113 6

46 49 2 3 It 43 51 5 7 8 ..t to 20 13 8. 3 364 208 277 262 32 22 236 217

48 6 4, 10 288 286 32 28

20 14 30 27 16 !3

11 32 28 15 26

28 26 33 23 .... 1

74 {) 26l 220 87 II4 4, 2

18 58 49 1 1

11 90 88

73 16 212 205 39 37 42 32 It it

787 373 265 258 375 321l 19 8 1()3 Hi

1 14 8 3 1

8 3 11 13 20 11 10 6

25 3 61 54 4, 2 7 6 3

3 2 32 24 3 4

14 12

37 5 39 64 141 117 13 263 96 H5 31lS li2 96 96 72 7'1

8 27 ·22 7 2 2 7 ;J6(j Primary Ce ...... Abalraet

Non-Agricultural CI~

P"rRor'III ( in"ludir'g dependants) who deriv.. their principal means of livelihood from 5. Name of .. 1Il",._ or VIII-Other V I-Commerce J No \own/ward V-Production V I-Traollport. eervicee and other thall cui. miecellaneolll tivation I I 8Ouroe~ I Malee MaleR lI'ernalBR Malea Female, '''emales ·~·""'IM'I" 2 ~I ~~ 23 ~4 ~fi :.:ri 27 28

TOWN I S.. Ji M. '75 394 101 5S1 44 30 1.447 1.323 VILLAGES' 1 Adalwada 1 I ... 12 5 2 Ajabpurtl

3 Alindra 5- 1 4 10 10 2

4 Amrapurs 4 9

5 AndharwAdi

6 Andrakhei

7 Andrakhiapura

S .AnjetllW In -i2 8 1 125 84

9 AnkaliHl it) Badanu Mmradu.,. I

11 Bahidra ~ • I.

I! Balanu Muvadu d. Ii lIS' 13 Belanu P.ra 14 Balevilk 15 Bandiapa,.. 2 Ii Bautha .. , . j i t7 Bhaderv'~ :21)1 :216 309 266 3 2 &B 4!':l

I'S Bhadi.. pura .. '_' 19 BMma,' Ghoda 22 27

20 Bhatput·. !!

21 BhiJonu KQ~6dlt ... 2 I 2 4

22 Bhuvaf

23 Chatanpdl'a 2 3 26 26

2. Chhaliar 19 lit 6- 2 1(lli 113

J'i Dabbiyapttrl.ll 1

. ___ ~_ ...... __o ___ -~~--____;____--~------" SAV.. , 'tALUI(A 36i

NeAI'88' pOll' oIfIce Bearee. Bail ..., .Nearellt. ba.... 1' .Ulage, ha_ "Jld I• oe In • ,,-t.iOll and Itl t\8 dllt.anoe in mU.. and ·of DO • !\e_arlr.. .:=n I distance 10 miles Ba.. rday. i

211 80 81


t5amalaya. 3 Samalaya, 3 Baroda, I~, Fri. ...

Bihora, I Wasallpura, 5 Baroda., 2~. 1<'ri.

Bamalaya, 2 Rly. Station, Baroda, 10, Fri.

Bavli,3 Savli, 3 Baroda,18, Fri.

Savli, 1~ Savli. I} Baroda, 20, Fri. Pe.ndu Mewas, 2 Dakor

~a.vli, 3 Savli, ,3 Baroda, 24, Fri.

rundall', Pilol, 5 l3arod~ 16, Fri. ..fantral, I San i68al, :2 Baroda, 25, Fri. V.P.

Mevli, 1 Mevli, I Baroda, It), Fri. Bhaderva, Ranoli, 10 Baroda, 8, Fri.

Chhaliar. Pandu Mewas, 4 Dakor Savli, 1 Sa17li.2 Baroda, 24, Fri. Pandu, 3 Pandu Mewas, 2 Baroda, 21, Fri. P.O. Savli, • Duar, 2

Tundav, 1 Savli. 4, Baroda, 10, Fri. P. S., \'.P.

P.O. Savli. '1. Baroda., 20, Fri. P.s.~C.S.

Pandu, 1 Pa.ndu Mewas, 4,

Savli, 2 Savli, 3 Baroda, 20, Fri. Chhaliar, 2 Pandu, 4 Dakar Paudu, 2 Pandu,2 Dakor ..... Intwad,2 Desar, 3 Dakor Savli, 2 Savli, 2 Baroda, 22, Fri,

P.O. Pandu Mewas, 5 Dakor }l.s. Mevli 2 Mevli, 2 Baroda, 10, Fri. .'..

. ~------... _-_.- 31.i8 Primary Ce.sus Abstract -_ ------_.------I . looouPied HOUllesl Total No. of persons INo. ofinmat.,. 1A~a of ,---II enumerated [inoluding I of illlltitutione and housel_ 8.1 Name of village or VIllage 1 inmates of inetitut.iona or ~wn No. of I No. of and houseless pe~80nsJ personc No.,I $ownfward m I houses I house ! square , holds ! miles . --.-I -- --~ Persons) Males i FemalesiMales Femak« 2 3 • 5 6 7 8 I} '10

26 D~r 6.b 609 660 3,229 1,660 1,679 27 Dhanora 1.0 93 101 506 242 264

~8 Dhantej 6.0 381 423 2,1711 1,114 . 1,065 ]3 8

211 DllltrumBji"IJUra ... HI 12 48 ~t) 22 30 Dipapura 109 114 486 264 222 9 31 Dolatpura 66 69 312 164 148

32 Dungaripara 76 76- 381 181 ~()() 33 Dungrapura 4.5 73 81 855 187 168

34 Ganeshpura 1.3 17 20 90 45 45

35 Ganeshpura 10.0 32 35 148 78 70 36 Gangadia 5.0 233 393 1,575 868 ·707

37 Ganipura 0.5 47 47 228 122 lOS (Ranipura) 38 Gantial ... 2.0 127 139 637 331 306

39 Gardhia 2.0 158 175 782 404 378

40 Ghandhiaopura 0.3 44 45 184 91 93

41 Ghanta I} Ii 23 14 I}

42 Ghelapuri :24 24 134 67 S7 43 Ghemalpura 40 40 181 89 92

44 Gitsangpura 31 31 156 84 72

45 Gokalpura 14 16 72 31 41

46 Gopari 83 83 420 212 208 47 Gorsan 0.8 42 43 197 l03 94

,,~ Gothada 9.0 776 777 3,674 1,896 1,778

~!l Gulabparl> 40 4() 1116 lIi7 89

5(1 Gulabpurs 1.0 11 11 42 25 17

51 GutBrdi 3.1) 123 136 652 339 313

52 Gntaria 16 16 87 44 43

53 Haripura 2.5 72 78 431 212 219

---~------_------~.------~ ------SAVLI TALUK4 339

Agrioultural Cl_

I.CultJvatol'8 II.CultilVatol'll I11.Cultivating IV-Non.cultivUiDg- Llt.erali8ll of land wholly of land wholly labourel'll and ownel'll of land, agri. or mainly owned or mainly un. their dependants oultural rent re.oei and 5heir owned and vere, e.nd their depeDdants tbeir dependants dependants

M:aIee ].I'emaletl I Malee IF~~aleil IMalee IFemaleR Malee Female. MaleR Femaie~ I 1.2 I 16 18 1(1 28 11 I 13 I 14 : 16 I 17 -~----______I- I ~----- 165 240 411t 5lS 363 328 190 12.( as ,6 32 3 86 106 25 26 129 12. -I 280 30 '89 481 319 .285. 2Z1 J08 I' 21 2 2 I) 6 4 17 II 44 11 150 138 40 3. 53 39 I

65 22 123 121 1 2 3

4 172 187 H 7

38 1 79 85 10 IS 95 ~8 46 43 I

19 6t 53 16 17

216 77 256 236 128 ISS 328 '7' '3 2 121 102 104 22 liS 99 98 86 91 81 .. 1M 31 153 160 51 45 8 3

9 U 25 36 46

1 14 7 2

6 26 27 38 37 3 3

88 91 1 2 83 63 I • 3 31 40

9 110 162 34 36 1 2 I I

17 102 91 I I 1

271 224 i,030 997 299 262 3 3 29 2&

34 32 2\ 62 53 \3 H I

19 13 5 2 ,

46 "- 264 255 9 .. ~ 5 11 -23 5 2 38 41

57 37 67 84 43 39 97 86 3 9

------.. ~------~------~------...... ~----- 310

Non-Agrloultura.l 01 __

------~------. p.,reone ( lnoluding dependante ) who deth,e their prinolpal means of livelihood ftom S. Name of ..III .. ,. or VIII-Other V-Production VI-Comrneroe VII-Tr.. n .. port service!J and other than oul' llIiacellaneouf tive.tiob I 8()uroe~ Me.16aiF8Inales MaieM IFemS;:I! Male~ Ferns~=i Malee Female, 21 1~2~ ____2_3 __ . 24 25 __ 26___ 27 28

26 Desai' 169 136 118 137 288 296

Dhanora :I :I

Dhant.j 26 28 36 30

29 Dharamajiapura ... :I 2

30 Dipllpura 13 4 8

31 Dolatpul''l 11 8 26 1.!1

32 DUngaripara 1

33 Dungrapura 2

34 Gant'shpura 35 Ganeshpurfl;

Gangadia 11 136 4

87 Oanipura (Rani-. .• .,. 1 puritY • 38 Oantial II 6 2 9 8 Gardhia 4 ]82 155

Ghandlapnr 23 7 3

41 OLanta

4~ GhelaJltlri

43 GhemnfpuM

·U, Gita&.trgpul'll>

45' GokaJpum

Gopati 4 :I


Gothada H 18 J2 11 28 495 436

GulabplI'fllo 3

60 Gulabput'ff

61 Gutardi 10 1 41 25 62 Gntaria

HBl'ipura 1 SAVLI TALUKA 371 }"------! I N earetI\ pOll' office II Ne... r"l1\ R ... Uw... , Neeorellt. bazar Yillage. heme lionel Ita distance IL etation and Its lte dlllt8llce In miles and of note Remarkl' mile. ' distance In mlleoo S ....rd .. '. , i , l

2' 30 11 III 33

P.O. Ely. Station 'Dakar

,Tarod, 1 Jbrod, 1 ~a~oda, 18, Fri. V.P.

P.O. SandaS8!,2 Baroda, 26, Fri.

:\ievli, 4 Baroda, 24, Frj; , Salldasal, Baroda, 25, Fri.

Pandu, 3 Pandu M .... w"!l, 2 D,tkor, 13 P.'S.

Pandu, 6 Paudu Mews8. ~ Dakor, 13'

Vasanpnra, 1 ~ Val'al,pUra, 1~ Baroda, to

Pandu, 1 Pandll M ,was, l Dakor

Pandu. 1 , Palldu M',~as, Dakor

Smnalaya, Sam",laya, I Baroda, 18, Fri. P.

Kh[\khari, 2 Rhakhari, 2 Baroda, 15, Fri.

Jarod, 1 Baroda, j 8, Fri. ;P.~., V.P.

ParthampurM.,2 Mevli, l Baroda, 24, Fri.

Pandu, 1. Pandll Mewas, Dakor

Pandu, 1 Pandu Mew>l.~, Dakor

Pandu,3 Pandu M~W"8, 3 DakOr.13

Savli, Z Savli,2 Baroda, 22, F'l'i.

ParthampuI'a,2 Mevli, 3~ Bbroda. 24. Fri.

Palldu, ~ Pandu MeWa8, '" Dakor, 14

Chhaliar, I Sffi15lastll, 4 Baroda, 27, Fri. P.S. P.O. Savli, 2 Baroda. 17, Fri. 1'.8., V.l'.

Parthampuro.,2 Mevli, 3 Baroda, 24, Fri. P.O. Baroda. 17. Fri.

Sandasal, It Sandasal. J t Bllroda, 25i, Fri. Savli, 2 Savli,2 Baroda, 20. Fri.

Jarod, It Jarod, 1~ Baroda. ]8. Frl. V.P.,C.C.S. 372 Primary Ce•• us Ab.tract

~---~ IOCCUPied BoUIIM I I Total No. of peJ'8OD8 No. ofinmatM Area of I enumerated [including of inatitutioDi 8. Name of village or village inmates of institutions I and houseleBII or toW1l No. of No. of .and boueeleee pet'80D8] I personc kl1m/ward bOUBB I I ~o. I ill I bou_ I equare bolds I , oules I I M Ip~ I .. "..I·-1 ....- • .-: ! 3 4 15 6 I "7 i 8 9 10 I I I ._----- __~__.,...____~c~ 54 Himatpura 43 45 214 109 105 56 Indrad 4.0 231 245 1,146 596 55& 56 Intvad 1&3 I'D 898 454 444 57 .Jabapur.. 34 34 11)7 83 84·

58 Jambu-Goral 5.5 226 24:1 1,299 682 617 28 23 59 oTavala 3.5 111 117 544 305 231} ,9 36 60 Jesar 1.5 68 58 287 137 150 61 .Htpura 24 24 123 68 55 62 Kadaebbala 2.5 162 175 865 450 .H5 6 4 63 K.lillnu Muvildu ... 14 14 33 19 14

6' KalupuJ'Q 0.5 5 5 26 9 17 .... 65 Kamalpur. 2.3 77 79 419 236 183 66 Kanoda 104 104 443 224 219 &7 Karehiya 2.5 93 100 440 215 225

68 Kasla Paginu ].0 41 45 219 112 107 Muvadl1 69 KaI!liapura 9 9 44 17 27 70 Kesranu. 27 27 134 73 61 Muvadu 71 Khakbari 2.8 228 329 1,475 787 691 72 Khanderllopuya ... 2.5 112 213 896 510 386

73 Khaadi 0.5 89 89 388 206 182 74, Khokher 3.0 193 207 1,096 568 528 75 Kumbola 2.5 67 '11 305 167 138 16 Knnpad 2." 189 210 1,024 545 479 3 1 77 Lachhanpor 1.0 58 58 254 134 120 78 Lekbanu 111 19 82 43 39 IInwOOu 79 Laaundra ~"I} 115 115 5-ll 301 240 26 11 80 Latv8Du :n 32 16) 83 78 Muvadu !!1 Leheripura 2.0. 6 ti 32 14 18

..,.4 ...... _~_ .~ ------~---~~~--- - SAVLI T~LUKA 373 ------:------~----- Agrioultural O._

I-Cultivatore II-CultivatorS , III~Cultivating IV-Nqa~~at.iug- Lltera_ orland wholly of land wholly labou1'81'8 and OWDe1'8 01 Iiild,'agri- or mainly owned or mainly un- their dependantll Gultural rent racei and their owned and 9'81'11, and their dependante tbeir depend~ts dependants I

Male. :remal.. Malee Females I Male. Females Malee Females YMea Female~ I 11 12 13 14 i 16 16 17 18 .t 29 , I

--- ~----'-' -_ --_------~.------~- 9 1 102 93 1 ... 108 61 !3J 2Jl S9 101 208 171 3'1 38

110 26 309 317 32 40 '86" 6-5 9 , 74 77 2 4 7 3

90 {j 489 472 49 29 101 76 Ii U

1~4 29 97 73 19 13 54 38 , :s 29 8 122 132 6 ... :2 ... 61 53 7 1 , U9 36 234, 219 115 100 18 22 4 .. 3 11 6 ... 2 9 13 4

76 19 18 16 11 6 153 U6· n :21 29 3 224 216 3 16 8 112 114 47 40 1 ,. 10 91\ 102 1

I 9 19 8 () 3 .3 3 60 54 2 'S 233 8\ 231 241 29 20 193 173 2 ::a 14t- 65 87 76 73 75 19 164 146 35 21 3 8 • if 36 238 227 49 45 263 243 8 • 45 10 56 46 26 18 6'1 57 269 65 302 241 117 94 61 60 13 II

~O 20 130 105 4 U 1 7 43 38

69 23 278 227 12 ., II 13 70 62 " , 14 18 .,.

----~------~------._---_ ...... -~.----~ - ---- in4 Pt1maf'Y Ce•• ". Abattad ------.--~--- Non:"Allricultural 01_1 /~--. . -~"-~-_'_~ P"r8on~ ( in"ludinll dependant8 ) who derive their prinoipal means of livelihood from :0; N ..me of .. Ill.... • w I VIII-Other I No. towa/ward V-ProduotioD VI-Comm"roe V 1I-Tr..... Rport servi068 and other than cul- I miooellaneolU tivation I 80uroe~ ~-~------~------I I Malf!S!l<,.,maleR Mal.,H Female" Males Female8i Mal... Fema••

Z 21 ill 23 24 25 211 27 28

-----_ I - ----~--- I ~-----. &4 Himatpurl5 1 H) 1

&5 IndTBG I) 1 15 15- 10 I}

6& Intvad 11 9 !! 4

57 Jabapura

[Hj Jl1mbu.Gorsf 1'1 9 ;) :5 19 12 (l!1 Javala 34 24 92 83

6U Jesal' 9 I) 61 .Tit.purs

62 Kadachhula :n lJ 13 19 5& 34

63- Kaliann it '1 Muvadu !J'l Kalupurs.

6~ Kamalpura 4- ~ 16 14 •

66 K"'J>oda , 67 Karchiya 54 60'

~B Kaslzt Pa;ginu n I) Muv... du (\9 Ka8li"puF'~

10' Kesl"anu II 4 Muvadu '11 Khakhari H :lEt b& 60' 120 93 113 71

12 Khanderaopura 63 :n 133 l:!;l 14 9 140 6&

73 KhaDdi 4 14 KLokher 10 " ~5 Kumbola '1 6 10 11

16 Kunpad 6 6 10. l~ 00 46 '17 Lachhanpul'

18 Lalkhanu ) Muvadu 19 Laaundra Z

10 Latvanu 12 1[; Muvoou 11 I.eberi~ra

_____ .-=_ ~_=_ _ __:c __ -~------"---____...;__~~---- SAVLI TALUKA

N .. a .....' poB' office! Near".' l\aIlwa, N ...... "t ba_r" ... illage. 1"1D8 &nd Ita diriance 110 atatioD and Ita I. distance In mile. and or Dote l\em<*k f mllee dilltj&noe In mtl_ 8.sarday. j

81 33

Chhaliar, 6 Pandu Dako~ Mewa.s.6

P. O. Alin~ra., 2~ Baroda. 11, Fri. -~-","

Chhaliar, I; Desar Rd., :; Dakor

Savli, ;J Savli. 3 Baros{a. 21, Fri.

Varasatla. 3 Desar y"d., " D"kot

\8avli. 1 SlI.vIi. Baroda, 20, Fri, Pandu, S Pandu. Dakor, 13 P.s. MewaB, 6 Chh'l.liar, :Z DeBar Rd. 2 Dakor

DesaI', l ,n,"Ear Rd. I Dako •• 13 Pandu, P.andu Dakor Me was, Bihbra,2 Mevli, 15 Baroda, 24. Fri,

Savli, 2 Savli, 2 Baroda, 25, Fri.

Savli, 3 SaVli.3 Baroda, 30, Fri.

Sarnalaylt, 1 Rly Station. Baroda, 14, Fri. Samsuli, 3 Pandu Dakar MewafJ, 3 BavU,2 Savli, 2 Baroda, 20, Fri,

Chhaliar, 2 Pandu, 3 Dakor P.O. Hly. Station. Baroda, 14, Fri.

£amalaya,2 Samalaya, 2 Baroda, 12, Fri.,

Bhaderva. t 1 Vfl.sad,3 Baroda, 20, lri.

Samalaya,l . Alindra, 2 Baroda, ]{I, Fri.

Khakhari ,2 Kha.khm-i, 2 Baroda, 14, Fri, .,,' .. l'tIanjusar, 2 Alindra, :; Baroda, 10, Fri,

P arthampura, 2 Mevli,4o Baroda, 24, Fri. Pandu, 1 Pando Dakor Mewas, 1 'rundav,l Karchiya, 2 Baroda, 12, Fri.

Pandu, I Panda Dakor Mews!!,l Chhaliar, 2 PtWdu Dakar __ ~_, ___ ~ ____ Mewas, 2 376 Primary Ceaaua Ab.tract

IOCCUPied Housee Total No. of persona No. of inmate. Area of enumerated [including of inatitutiona B. Name of "'lIags or village Inmates of inatitutiona and housel_ or town No. of No. of and houselesli per8ons] I perSonll Ro. bouse equarein fhOUees holds mileB Persons Males IFemales ~ales Female.

3 4 6 7 I 8 9 10 I I ._L I 82 Limdapa 53 53 243 116 127 Muva.d.u 83 Limdi !lD 90 4Ii 222 192

114 Lotana Z,O tl3 95 HI} 232 208 85 Mahapura 60 329 171 Hi8 11) 24 86 .M8.hudia 17 17 38 36 87 Mal Ankalia 2.0- 196 109 500 251 249 23 20 88 Manekla 6,0 41 43 253 119 134

89 Manjusar 6.t> :US 324 2,611) 1,339 1,271 Mankodiapura 21 22 119 60

Mevalipura f).5 59 64 33S 178 160

.2 M~vli 3.p. 309 330 1,549 793 766 &8 lUithapura 38 39 190 92 98

!Ii Mobhakhanu 13 43 21 22 Muvadu fl5 Mokampurll. 1.0 51 51 !12 108 10-' '6 Mokshi 4.S 537 558 2,153 1,136 1,017 10 7 .7 Mora Amli ~.3 47 5' 284 153 13t '8 Moti Bhadel 3.S 139 161) 728 380 348 tU Mot;ipUl'8 I.'" 55 77 356 195 161 21 16 ! 00 M&ti V &rt\o{j 2.0 104 106 510 273 237 5 5 101 Mundhela 2.5 133 148 H2 383 359 39 25 )02 Mawa} '1.f) 191 193 982 525 457 63 "1 lea Naharpura 74 78 413 228 185 J64 Nam.sara 3.8 204 213 963 507 456 J6& Nani BbadoI 3.5 IH 13t} 6!H 380 311

IEl6 Rani Varnol 29 151 83 68 (Vanta) :tt>7 N ani VarnoH V} 24 24 98 44

'f>8 Nara 3.0 156 171 7'4 401 363 .2 3 . J{l1r N IlfPflri Ram - 36 36 153 73 80 Jluri ----..------.-- ._-- SAVLI TALUK4 377 - Agrloultural 018888. ------

I.Cultiv.. tol'll 1I.Cultiv,,~1'8 , I11.Cultlvating IV.Non.oultipatin ' Litera... oflaad whoUy of land whony \labourel'll and OWD6l'll of land. agri· or mainly owned or mainly un· their dependants oultural rent reoei aad their owned and vet'II, and their . dependants their dependants dependants i

Femalell ~rJea IFemales ! Malee Fema11l1! Males I~emales Males Females Mates 20 11 I 12, I III l' 16 16 17 18 111 , ,

--~------_-~- I ------~-.------114 122

42 2'0 197 J69 3 ! 9 16 4 i

44 6 13li ~42 26 19 46 29

19 2 79 71 41 37 1~, {j It 8 :l5 31 1 2 :z 3 41 182 189 6 8 63 42 3 , 4 115 132

473 348 857 816 57 63 191 JU 13 22 2 43 42 4 7 13 10 9 ]01 86 ,63 66 1

180 25 424 391 164 147 62 40 65 85 2 91 96 ... I 3 20 Hi 3 I' I

10 107 102 I I 59 2 501 443 180 t62 42 46 In U!

38 6 116 93 11 6 n II , 78 26 160 129 21 13 1f18 Ie! It ~& 49 20 63 63 1 I) 66 54 4 • 53 6 202 174 45 37 8 4 3 14 10 2 US3 146 11 9 130 128 13 U 167 86 156 132 47 49 228 196 2 -5 96 38 118 99 29 29 3 5 196 104 152 _218 6 3 162 86 127 1'00

182 62 238 192 20 22 100 74 5 73 61 1 ! 2 38 47 3 3 • 'I l!4 8 372 323 20 28 [I 7 ~

I) 43 44 28 34 2 t

-----~- ~---~-- .--~~- 378 Ptldlary ~e•• u. Ab.trad

~-~------_-_-_. Non-Agrioultural CI_

------~-----. P"rllOna ( inc hIding depende.nt.a ) who deriv.... heir prinoipal means of livelihood from ~ Name of "". or I - I V I II-Other No ",trDI-ard V-Produotion V J-Comm"roe V II-TrBnM.".rt eervioeB and odll!), t.ban cui. miAoelle.neou. tivatioD i i -oouroe@

Mal... Females -Males IFemal~si Mal=--Fem~:~81' Ma'"" Fem.. lee :I 2) 22 2:j i::l 26 til l 2~ lit!

- - --_----" --~-----

8Z Limdanu 2 5 Muvadu li3 Llmdi 6 7 3 9

1St Lotana 3 2 18 It 5 5 85 Mllhapur.. '1 10 23 27

86 Mahudia

87 Mal Ankali!l 3 3 3

88 Manekl" 4 2

1'19 Manjusar 50 44 49 48 122 135

90 Mankodiapurl'

91 Mevalipura 4 9 8

~2 Mevli H 11 7 19 6 ·9 74 5~

93 Mithapura

94 Mobhakhanu 3 Mu\"du 95 Moktlmpurl!.

96 MQkshi 33 18 ]6 10 193 182

97 Mora Amli 2 3 IS 11

98 Moti Bhadol I) 3 1'1 15

99 Moiipura 1 61 43

100 Moti Varnoli 2 2 13 ]0

101 Mundhela ~ 8 68 57

10l Muwal 8 7 84 68

103 Nsharpura 15 63 52

10' Namisara J~ ]5 2 39 3. lOS Nan; Bhadol 3 4 2 ]8 17

106 Nani Varnol 9 4 .(Vanta) 107 Nai Varno)i

108 N8I's" 4 6 lO~ Narpuri RAmpuri SAVLI TALUKA 379 ~------.------I I 1_

Ne.-., pOll' offloe Nearell' Ralh.... , N_rellt t.e._r .IUa~, 1.. _ aDd Itli diBtanoe h. stat.ion and ttll ,.. dlatanoe In mllei! and of Dote • tlel diatanoe In mil• B ...... day.

30 11 31 ___ ~ __ ~.L ______Chhaliar, 2 Deea.r Rd., 2 Dakor

Pandu.l Pandu Mewas, 1~ Dakor P.S.

Khakharl. 2} Khakhari. 2~ Baroda', 14, Fri. Bh."lerva, ;, Rsnoli, 8 Barqda, 16, Fri.

Savli, ~1 Savli. 2! Baroda. ] 5, Fri.

SlI.udas",l, 2:~ Sandasal, 2i Baroda, 24, Fri.

Pandu, 2~ Pa.ndu ~ewae. 2~ Dakor

P. O. Pilal, 2 Baroda, 8, Fri.

Savli, 2 Savli, 2 Baroda. 20. Fri.

Bhaderva., 5 Sa~ Ii, 5 Baroda, 19. Fri.

P.o. Rly. Station ~aroda, It', Fri. P,S.

Parthampur", t Mev Ii, 4~ Baroda. 22. Fri,

Panuu, I Pandu lI'[ewa8, Dakor

Samsuli, I} Pandu Mewa8, 3 Dflkor P.o. Ranoli, 7 Baroda, 18. Fri. PS.,o.c.s. Sihora, 2 Mevli, 5 Baroda, 22, Fri.

Samalaya, a~ Samalaya, 31 Baroda, I 2, Fri.

Samalara. l~ Samalaya. I! Baroda, 12, Fri.

_Pandu, a~ P&Ildu Mewa8, 3~ Dakar

Khl.llihari, 2 Khakhari, 2 Daroda Savli. q Savli, lk Barode, 25, Fri. P.S.,V.P. SandasaJ, Sand8saJ, Baroda, 30, Fri.

TundAv~ l~ Savli, 2 Baroda, 10, Fri. P.8.,V.P.

Samalaya, 3~ Samalaya., 3~ Barod a, 12, Fri.

P-andu, 4! P.mdu Mewa.8, .~ Dakor

Pandn, 4~ Pandu Mewan, 4 Dakor Mevli, 2 Hevli, 2 Baroda, 27, Fri. P.S. Pandu,3 Pandu Mewa8, 3 Dal(or, 13 380 Pnmary Ceasus Abstract

Oooupled Rou_ ! 1------; I Total No. of pel'llOnB INo. ollumatee Are.. of enumerated [ino\uding I of inatltutiolll s. Name of villap or viUage inmates of institutioIIJI and house_ or to_ No. of No. of and bouseie811 pel'8Oni1] I perBOM . No. to-.m/lI'ard in hou8e8 bouse &quare holds I m1lH P8l'11OnB I Mal~ iFemales ~~8 ~ema1~. 1 3 i 6 I 7 I 8 II 10 , ' . -----_-_ ----~------~.------.--

lJO Natv~magar 194 197 1,020 549 471 24 11

Jlt Navapura 3:) 35 187 96 91 }12 Navapura 0.6 96 99 512 263 249 IBhaderva) 113 Navapura 2.8 33 32 158 81 77 (DungripBra) 114 Ntllt ,. 62 240 182 108

115 Paidi 1.3 48 54 239 122 117

116 Pandu 9.0 221 237 1,003 556 447 11'1 Parthampura 97 112 473 244 229

118 Pas""a 3.0 t05 112 542 291

119 Pathamp&rB 1.3 81 333 178 160 120 Pilol 4.3 270 278 1,260 663 607 9

'21 Pinglini 86 36 192 117 95 Muvadu 122 Pipaliani 85 36 209 112 97 Muvadu 123 Piparchhat 82 85 360 194 186 (with Vanta) 12. Poicha '" 3.0 26() 264 1,196 629 567 125 Poicha (Kanoda) 3.8 104 104 433 233 .200 2

)26 Pr~t8ppura 0.8 9~ 533 284 249

127 Rajpur 1.5 36 35 1611 84 85 128 Rajupura 87 96 218 197

129 Ranchhodpura .,. 0.5 128 123 316 295

130 Rania 2.5 216 229 1,223 635 588 3

131 RanipurB 2.8 1110 199 (127 482 445

132 Raswadi 0.5 89 93 466 237 229 20 19

133 Rasulpur 1.5 94 101 456 235 221

134 RupaTJkui 45 45 189 106 84

13& Sadara 48 254 125 1211

J~t) Sagani 2 15 7 Muvadn l37 !"amalaya 4.5 20s !l61 520 HI 23 )0 SAVLI TALUK4 , Agrioultllral 01_ - I.Cu.tlyatol'll II·Cultivato1'8 III.CultJvatiDg IV..N;o,~,. Uterawa ' of land wboDy of land wholly laboul'81'8 and - OWD8l'II

1. 79 76 2 2 45 1 28 28 3 3 6 .. 8 S 23 26 32 26 6' 6$ 121 II 354 288 22 14 4A 25 It U

74 15 167 156 14 1(1 8 '1 l'() 16

26 1'13 76 76 62 117 97 Ii -8

136 8 114 112 14 16 4 1 3 ~

252 38 338 386 130 108 159 " 138 Ii $ !i 97 95 ... -~ ~ 112 96 I

5 72 72 93 82 t It 299 208 216 196 171 144 73 85 16 tV 58 16 146 129 25 22 at 29 II u,

n 264 227 2 ~ I 6 81 81 2 ...... '2 -- 93 31 122 llO 5 1 5 4, I 38 3 51 45 243 217 17 20 I

356 129 211 185 177 169 78 67 11 20 182 47 349 336 30 27 56 14 ,

35 24 27 159 148 2 " 14 4 146 151 9 3

4, 92 70 ;I; 2 Ii 12 .. 2 92 94 6 2 24 ll~ " 7 8 52 ]5 250 218 60 49 178 li2 ... 382 Ptllllary C•• a. Abatract ._------__. - - -~--- Non-A!lrloul~ural Cl__ J P .. rllOn8 ( irwillding dependants) who derive t.helr prinoipal meane of livelihood from S NalD. of 0,11 ... or ,! V-Production VI-Commeroe VlI-Tra'li.port ~rvioea and Na IIQWD, ••rd I \ I vm_,_, other than oul. rollioeilaneollt tlvation ______.. i source!

Mal ... Femal.... Male8 Femalee M.. le. Femalee M.lee Fero....

I :II 11 Z" 23 2' !!6 :6 Z1 18

-----~.---- -_._-- I! () N atvernagar 11 9 4 :r :6 14

111 Nuvapura

Jl2 Nhvapura 3 2 CBhomerva) 113 N"vHpuru (Dungrlpara) JU NeB 27 If 68 58

115 Poldi

116 Pandu 11 10 12 10 100 8&

Hi Part.Lampura 4 3 7' () 44 38 liS Pas",. 4 4 I) .. } 19 Pathampara 4 8 3 a 31 19 l:!O- PilQI 2 3 5 5 14 {I 121 Pinglini ... Muvadu 122 J.'ip .. lioui Muvwlu 123 Pipa.rchhat 16 18 2 2 4 (witb Vl\llta) Jt4 Foieha 76 91 II 12 86 59 125 Poicha (Kanoda) 3 2 9 6

126 Pratappura 4 I> )2 lit 127 Rsjpur 2

128 Rajupurlt '26 16 11 JO 49 55

129 RanchhodpurM .• , 3 9 2 2 1

130 R"ni" 107 92 3f 21 2 15 34 1St Ranipuro I) 6 27 24'

132 RSlIWadi 62 54

131 R_8ulpur 13 14 7 68 4'1 134 Rupankui

136 Sadara 3 10

136 Sagani Maveda 137 Samalaya 12 1 3 2 16 10 SAVLI TALUKA

NeerM& pon olflee Neat88' Rai"r., Neanlllt ba&aJ' "lIIage. 1 .._ sud ItI! die6anoe In I ltation and Ita It~ dilltanoe In lUll" and of ao" l\eIDArlu mllM I di_t.aaM In mllea BaAl' d ..~.

!. 30 al 33

Savli, 2 Savli,2 ~~rode., 22, Fri.

Sa"li,2 SavIi, 2 n;:lrcda, 22, Fri.

Mevli. 2~ Mevli, 2~ Baroda," 27, Fri. Mt-lvli,5 Barofla, 24. Fri. Partbampura..2 I . SamalayA. 2 Samalaya, 2 Baroda, 14, Fri. P.O. Pand'll Mewas, 1 D1akor P.S. Bhaderva,2 Ranoli,1O Baroda, 20, Fri.

Samalaya, 1~ Karchiya,l Baloda, 14, Fri.

P. II. Medi,5 Baroda, "27, Fri.

Samalaya, 2 ItIy. Station Baroda, 8, Fri. Sihoro.,2 Mevli.5 Baroda, 27, Fri. Deear, 4 Desat Rd., 4 Dakor

ChbBliar,3 Pandu Mewae. 4, Dakor P.O. Savli, 4 Baroda, 23, Fri. P.R.

Savli.2 Savji,2 Baroda, 24, Fri.

Sihora. :I Mevli, Il Baroda, 25, Fri.

Chbaliar, 2 Panda Mewas, :I Dakor

Pandu, 3 pandu MewB8. 1 Dakor,13 P.S. SavU. B 8avli. 3 Baroda, 20, Fri. P.S.

Bhaderva,2 c' 8avli, 6 Bar.oda, I D, Fri.

Savli. 2 Savli, 6 Baroda, 15, Fri.

SlIovli. 2 Savli, :I Baroda, 22, }<'l'i. P.S.,v.P, Savli, :I Savli,2 Baroda, 26, Fri. P.S•• V.!'.

8a\"li,2 Savli.2 Baroda, 22, Fri.

Khakbari.. 2 Khs.khari, 2 Baroda, 14, Fri. Sihor.,2 Mevli, Ii B6roda, 27, Fri. P.O. Rly. Station Baroda, 12, Fri. -----_._---- 384 Primary Ceasul Abstraef

Oooupled Hou_ I 1-____ 1 Total No. of persona No. oflnmatM Area of enumerated [inoluding of institutione 8. Name of vtllage or village Inmates of iDlltitutioDS and bouee_' or town No. of No. of and hOU881888 p8t'80U) peJ'llOllfl No. town/ward in hou_ hou.. I square holds wlea I i IPersons MaiM IF8males ~ales ;emalcl. 1 a i __8 ____ 7_1 __ ~ ___9 ___ :_ __ -~--_.___------'------'------ISS BaJi<1asal 3.0 470 565 2,727 1,434 1,293 39

139 Bardarpara 43 43 224 118 106

139A Savli Non.muni-... 138 J38 744 375 369 cipal area 140 Shamadpura 2 2 6 4 HI Shanpia 32 39 220 100 120 142 Sherpura 4.0 J3U 135 657 351 306 ]8

143 Shihora Junn 86 88 446 232 214 5 3

144 Shivpur 6 6 29 ]4

HI) Sigonia 0.8 13 Hi 59 25 34

146 Sihorn 4.5 267 277 ],295 676 6]9 14 4 147 Subhelav 1.5 55 55 262 126 136 U8 Tlldiapum 103 106 532 )167 265

149 Transis 59 59 333 169 164 150 Tulsigam 5.5 127 191 847 428 419

151 Tulaipura 5.8 87 110 487 258 229 2 2

152 Tundav 5.5 576 646 2,Il86 J ,421 J ,265 45 38 15S Udaipur 1.5 187 210 805 477 328 32 22 154 Vadadala 2.5 87 96 440 231 209 155 Vadis 2.! 97 102 565 310 255 156 ]3 13 24 1'7

)57 Vaktapura 1.5 96 97 389 188 201 158 Valevav I.S 86 92 417 241 230 159 Vanka Neda no 111 5:!3 269 254 160 Yankanf'J' 6.3 573 2,:?0.5 ],146 ],059 161 Vansia ,4 80 377 ]92 185

162' Varuada 8.0 1I48 .70

163 Vav 26 128 65

IIH Vechaear 2.0 12!J 159 417 409 SAVLI TALUKA

4trrioul~ura) Cluae.

I. Culth'atora U. Cultivator. III. Cultivatllll IV -Non-oultlvatinc Litera'" ,01 1and wholl, of land wholly labourer. and ' o_nen of land, all,l. 01' mainll owned 01' mainly un- their dependants eultural rent reoei· and their owned I and "en. and thei· r 'dependant. 'hell' del"'n


Male. "em.. ' til ~~I·:-17~r·:-I~I·~1 ~:*I··:"" 111 20

I 153 85 181 172 311i 277 135 121 32 27 107 97 6 2 2 12 73 94 236 206, I 2 4

40 88 112

€l 22 68 65 89 'll 127 113 30 225 204 6

1 14 15

3 1 ]8 5 1 I 97 36 497 31 22 26 33 'I

16 I) 36 44 21 23 60 58 13 2 194 189 55 56 15 20

148 145 14 18

40 33 87 86 109 99 225 234 46 7 145 156 40 13 68 51 s 555 158 ' 749 655 205 210 156 121 53 S. 77 16 2 47 31 12 13 3 I 79 9 101 99 55 44 75 66

33 6 un 132 , 28 42 23 43 48

4 24 17

62 20 164 154 2 4 3S

108 32 135 126 13 17 61 61 11 8 259 242 283 102 436 383 353 328 16 52 6' 36 ]57 139 20 18 3 , 6

333 70 1.102 ) ,065 ]52 144 456 345 21 34

jj - 7 51 45 7 lO uo 247 262 40 39 87 92 3RG Primary CeD.ua Ab.traet

Non-Agricultural Cl_e8

Persons (Including dependants) who deriv8 their principal Dlf'Bne of livelihood from Name of vlUage or VIII-Other .N'l" town/ .... ard VII-Transport servioes and misoellaneoUl I sources Male$ Fem~~e8\ Males Femalae

I 26 26 27 28

:-;anddS.l\ 188 178 206 ]83 19 358 321

1 !{\} Sardarpura 3 7

1:l9A So.vli Non-muni-, .. 2 cipal are'} 1 W Sh ..rnadpura

HI Shanpia 3 9 7 Sherpurtl 2 9 7 58 .8

143 Shihor" J unu Ii 3

111 Shivpl1T

14 Ii Sigania 6

145 Sihoro. 15 26 28 72 56

H7 Subhelav 8 11 14S Tadiapura 3 149 Transi... Ii

150 Tulsigam 4

)51 Tulsipura 5

)52 Tundav 114 62 43 31 101 130 153 172 177 100

)55 Vadia 30 24

156 \'ariia

157 Vakt·,pura 2 )6 18

158 Ii 16 1!Z

159 Yanka :'\eda 3 9 9 lGO 33 22 20 228 218

161 . "ansia 2 ]0 HI

162 \-lIra8ada 41 11 10 65 57 163 Vsv 3 lU \Techasnr 2 2 2J SAVU TALUKA ,387 --/------.

Ne_t post office Nearest Raihvay Neareet hazar village, Items .... et Its dillt8DC''' In etation and ita It. distance In milell & of note mileR distance in mfle. Bazar day.

!II 10 31 32 33

---_. ------~ -~~-.-. ~------_----_. I'. O. PanellI Mewa8, 3 Ihkor P.S.,V.P.

Bhad~rvR, 2~ Savli. ~ BRroda, 24, Fri. P. O. Rly. Station

Sa.vli, 1), Ha.vl i, I!,. Baroda, 24, Fri.

Pandu, Pandu Mflwas, 2 Dakar P.S.

Samalaya, 21 SamaJaya, ~~ " Baroda, 13, Fri.

Sihom, 2 M.w]i, fi Barocla, 25, Fri.

Ghh,diar, 2 Pandu Me-was, :I Dakor

Khakhari, 2 KhakhlLri, 2 Bltrfld'l, 1~. Fri.

P.O. Mevli, 4 Baroda. 25, Fri.

SamaIa.}'a, 2 Alinrlra 3 Baroda, 11, Fri.

Savli, 3 Savli, 3 Baroda, 23, Fri.

Pan\~1J? 2 Pandu MewaR, 2 Dakor

Vechasar, ~ Rly. Stlttion Bllrooa, 21, Fri. V.l'. Dhantej, 2 Sandllslll, 3 Baroda, 31, Pd.

P.O. Pilol, 4 Baroda, 15, Fri. P.S.,V.P.C.s.

Timba, 2 Timba. 2 Dakor

Samulaya, Samalaye, Baroda, 18, Fri. V.P.,C.S.

Pandu, PandlI Mewas, ~ Dakor

Pand{T, 3 Pand II Mewas, 3 Dakor, 13 V.P.

Pa.ndu, :I Panda !\Iowa8, 3 Dakor DesaI', De8ar Rrl .• Dakor

~. Pandu, 2 Pandu l\oTowBS, 2 Dakor,12

P.O. Sa vii , 5 Baroda, 22, Fri, PS.. V.P.,C.S,

Pandu. 1 Pandn Mt'W'as, 2 Dakor

P.O. Dellar R.i., 5 Dakor P.S.,V.P.C.S

Pandn, 2 Pandl1 Mewas, 2 D8kor

P.O. Tulsigam, 1 Beroda, 25, Fri. P,s.,V.P.

.-----.--~- -_------.. 388

Oooupled Houees

To'a1No. of paraoDl No.oflnmaka S. N_of.m.,. or Area of No. of enumera~ [ including of lD8titutton Il ... mage No. of houlI8 lnmat8IJ of ins'itutioDl and houae18ll1 No. ttOwD./ ward or town houl!88 hold. and houlI81e.a perROne) pUllon. In lIIquare - mll8IJ PenoDl lIlalea Fema'- Malee F.maIe..

6 G 7 i 10 I S • 8 I " .--~ ..- ----.- .------_------1611 Vejpur 10.0. 379 462 2,171 1.204 967 5 1

166 Vemar 147 160 729 381 348 167 Vintoj 1.5 124 129 590 315 275 168 Wag.pura 11 11 78 37 41 169 Warnol 9 13 49 24 25 170 Wallsnpura 3.5 141 US 736 369 367 171 ZalaD;lpera 0.5 66 66 299 152 147

172 Zumksl 0.8 31 34 142 79 63 173 Zumkha 1.0 7(1 73 356 177 179 Total for villages 308.9 19,534 21.250 100,887 52.181 48.206 939 695 T.tal for taluka 314,9 20.799 22.875 108.363 56.628 51.735 1.070 797 -,..__._--_---_. -_--- SAVLI TALUK6. 389/

Agrioultu~al OI_s

J I-Cultivatol'8 I I1-Cultivatora nl-Cultivating IV -Non~oultiyating- Literate. Iof land whOlly of land wholly labourers and owners of land, agri- or mainly owned 01' mainly un- their dependants . oultural rent reoei- and'their I owned and vera, and their I dependants It:ir d1pendants dependants I I I I • f Males Females Males IFemal611 Males Females Males Malee Females F_MM I 11 12 13 14 16 l6 17 18 HI 10

-_ I ------~---~-- 441 1~4 448 395 III 98 422 356 1 1

52 4 333 301 5 ('j 12 10

28 1 306 262 3

37 41

~O 22 4 3

147 In °1 to, t leo 8 i08 122 1

~ 11(1 103 J 2 29 U ]2 7 2G 22 17 11 34 24 2 3

28 2 14G 150 12 11 10 9 5

12.256 ".?20 25,998 24.452 8."2~ 7.652 7,883 6;801 1.283 1.558 If.245 5.303 26.331 24,758 8.645 7.876 8.201 7.082 1.690 1.941

~ -- _. -~----- _.. - 390 Primary Ce•• uI Ab.traet

---~-~------~------Non-Agricultural 01&1111el

P"rsonR ( including dependanta ) who derive their principal m_nR of livelihood from 8. Name C>f .. m.... or I I-vin-o.... • No w .. n;-.... rd V-Production VI-Commeree I'VII-Tranllport I B?rvicetl and other than cui. IDuroellaneom tivation aouroes I -~ - 1 MaieR Femal.... r Males Femalea Male. FeoialeR Mal81 Female. : i ,1 I 21 22 I 23 26 26 26 27 28 I -----_------'165 Vejpur 80 36 48 29 6 5 89 4i

166 Vernar 4 2 3 21 21

167 Vintoj 2 2 1 8 168 WQgapura 169 WarDol 170 Was&Ilpum 10 10 1 4 85 61

171 Zalampara 9 1 10

172 Zmnkal 3

173 Zumkha , 3 Ii Total for villages 2.007 1.573 1.342 1.203 261 231 5.484 4.744 Total for ta.laila 2.482 1.967 2.043 . 1,784 305 261 6.931 6.067

_._----- . -.-_-~ ------SAVLl' TALUKA 391

Nearen 'pos. ~ff108 I Ne.res' .Raihra, Nearest basal' Ylllage. h._ and ItB distan'" In station and ItI! Iv dlst.anoe In mile, and of note Remark. mil.. distanoe I_ mil.. Bazard.y.

!O 30 II II 31

P. O. Rly, Station, Baroda, 25, Fri. P.S;,V.P. \ Samllliaya, 2 Karchiya, 2 Ba.roda, 12, Fri.

Mevli, l'Jevli, Baroda, 22, Fri. P.B. , Desa.r, 4 DesaI' Rd., 4; Dakar Savli, 5 Savli, 5 Baroda, 22, Fri.

P. O. Rly. Station, Baroda, 22, Fri. , Bhaderva,2 Savli, 6 Bltl'oda, 20, Fri.

Tumia.v, 2 ~\.lindr8, 3 Baroda, 10, Fri. Mevli, 2 l\Ievli, 2 Baroda, 24, Fri. 3~2 Primary C~.UI Ab.tract

Occupied Houses

Total No. of perBODs No.oflnmatel Area of enumerated [inoluding of institution. s. Name of village or village inmates of institutions .and house~ or town No. of No. of and houseless pet'sons] pel'SOnfl No. townlward in \ houses house I I square I I holds I miles I I Persona ,- Mal68 j Femalf!8'~~e8 FeIIl~: I ,1 ____2_ I 4 I II 6 7' 8 " 10 tOWN , Siaor M. 6.3 1.203 1.229 7.101 3,603 3.498 11 4 VILLAGES 1 Achil!ara 2.8 ]02 102 509 275 234

Ambali 2.0 116 573 299 274

3 Anandi 3,0 174 174 918 494 424

4 Avakhal 5.3 291 294 1,758 888 870 67

5 Barka) 2.3 297 299 1,352 697 865 5

6 Bawaria 2.5 80 80 446 227 219

7 Bhf>kheda 0.8 56 325 179 146 17 4

8 Bithllli 2.3 14~ 142 786 409 377 10 10

tl . Chhanbhoi 2.0 ]]1 III fi81 287 294

10 D61llapura 1.8 60 60 36~ 194 168

11 Damnf>gar 1.3 64 369 192 177

12 Dariapura 1.0 40 40 225 114 111

13 Divpr 3.8 158 158 835 439 396

Fofalia 3.8 316 316 ],525 !lll 714 8

15 Garadi 1.5 ~7 fi9 476 238 238

]6 Habipura 1.3 83 415 216 200

17 Kanjetha 3.5 118 121 593 1133 260

18 Kuka8 3.0 215 217 1,271 637

19 Malpur 1.8 91 91 523 261 262

20 Ma]sar 3.0 301 303 J,473 793 680 3

21 MandwR 1.8 J57 16J 866 446 420

22 Menjrol 3.5 182 183 ],007 510 497 11

l\findhol 3.5 227 230 1,178 611 5f17

5.3 167 169 829 425 40t

MoU\·Ka'!'alfi '3.5 25. :!60 1,28t 664 620 6 SINOR PETA ---'-l~---- Agrioul~Urai CI_8 i ------I I.Cultivator. I1.Cultivator. I, III·Cultivating IV·Non.oJ!.tivuiDg­ LIt

11' 12 I 13 I 14 I 10 I I

1.727 812 585 551 co 37 161 152 181 21S

145 49 12\1 110 12 16 63

160 48 74 61) 51 55 88 84

164 i6 316 268 9~ 88 I 608 422 347 334 9 147 94 167 193 452 lS9 282 58 54 125 UO 29 4" 139 86 79 124 126 i • 97 32 96 35 30 2

219 98 loti 15!) 13 12 142 145 22

173 67 150 150 19 19 66 69 21

98 25 l11i !J2 5 7 60 59

103 49 91 88 3 2 77 63 8

27 3 36 39 17 13 45 43

232 J29 125 113 266 250 :s

223 .. 32 374 46 178 26 37

103 16 80 77 51 41 4 n

118 59 85 79 123 116 I

137 178 146 29 17 73 6t 8 8

442 284 32S S31 58 55 124 J25 95 SS

103 38 136 US 22 20 54 55 9 7 454 226 265 216 61 40 245 258 49 " 144 19 200 181 28 31 140 132 21 288 153 285 293 5 2 129 135 10

333 104 407 383 117 101 %

187 6Q 148 130 107 114 102 95 6 5

388 !ll 266 49 148 155 17 2i 394 Primary Ce•• u. 'Ab.traet ~------,--- , -.---~--. L Non-Agricultural 01_88 Ptll'8onll ( Including dependantll ) who derive t.belr principal meanll of livelihood from 8. Name .f ylll ••• or -, ---, VIII-Other No. \Own/ • ."d V-Production VI-Commerce I Vll-TraDMport eervioes ano other than cui. I I ooiscellaneom tlvatioll I I sources I _------I Male. Femalel Malee Feooal8111 Male. Female. Ma18ll: Female. I I 21 22 23 26 26 27 28 1 ! -~------_-_--- _~~L -- -_------tOWN 1 Sinor M. 586 498 646 605 60 58 1.357 1.380 VILLAGES

1 Achiearft 6 3 4 2 33 19

2' Ambali 19 %1 6 D 10 I) 25 26

3 Anandi 31 26 3 5 40 36

4 Avakhttl 39 32 15 9 164 202

5 Barkal 67 45 19 11 ]7 20 110 84

ti Baw8ri... 2 9 5

7 Bhekbada 29 16

i Bith81i 30 27 3 33 2S • ebhanbhoi 6 8 2 :! 21 14 Jt DlUD8pur. 5 3 7 7

11 Damn&iu 8 II 5 9

12 Dariapura 16 16

IS Diver 14 11 3 31 15

H }'ofali. 61 56 11 13 49 39

15 Garadi 7 12 12 12

U Habipur. 6 4

11 Kanjetha 3 13 4 29 20

]. Kuk.. 8 6 4 2 27 27 l' JdaJpur II 10 1 30 27 20 MaIN!" 32 22 8 10 24 29 109 61

!II Jdandwa 15 12 8 7 35 36

2Z lIanjI'Q1 23 _ 18 2 8 6 i3 32

23 Mindb.l 19 ~ 3 6 64 66 21 MoleQ. 15 17 ,; 3 42 40 2. Mota· Kania as 37 17 26 72 63

------~~ --~ --~- ~-- ~--- ~--~ SINOR PETA

------~--- I

N ___ I/ N_rea' Rath"6, i Neareet basal' ,,1116ge'j helWl IUId ItII diatanoe In ltation and lte ' ItII dlnanoe In mile. and of DO\e mJlM dilltanoe In mil.. : Ba... r da~. I ' , , ) I I III 30 31 ______8_1____ I 12

p. O. Rly. Statio. P.W.D. P.S.,C.S. Reat Hou.e.

Avakhal, 1 Sadhali. 3 P. S., V.P.,C.C.S. Sinor, 3 Sinor. 3 t P.S.,V.P. Ten Ta)l\v, 4 Ten Talav, 4 BarQda, J!!, Fri. P.S•• V.P .,C.O.S.

P •. O. Sadhali, 2 P,S.,V.P.,C.C.S. i P. O. Sinor, \} t P.S.,V.P.,C.C.S~ Sadhali, 4 Tarva" 3 P.S.,C.S.

Avakhal, 3 MandaI, 4 P.S.,C.s. Mota.Karala, 1 NaBwadi, 3 P;S.• V.P. Avakhal, Sadhali. 3 .I;'.S.,V.P. Sinor, Sinor, p.s. Ten, 5 MandaI, 4 P.S:,-C.O.s..

Chandod, I~ Chandod. 10'.

Ranapur, J! Sadhali, 3 Sarod.., 2ti, Fri. t P.~.,V.P. P.O.- Sinor, 5 Baroda, 25, Fri. P.S.,V.p· MandaI, a Parikha, 2 -- Karwan, 3 Karwan, 3 I'.S.,e.s. Sinor, 2 Sinor, 2 P.B.,V.P.

Sadhali, 3 Sadhali, 3 baroda, 22, Fri. P.S., V.P. Simali, 8adh6li, 4 P.S. P. O. Rly. Station Bltroda, 60, Fri. P.S., V.P.,C.s. Sinor, 2 Sinor, 2 Baroda, 60, Fri. P.s.,V.P.

Sadhali, Sadbali, 1 P.S.,V.P. Sadbali SadhaJi, 1 P.S., V.P.,C.S. Cbandod, 3 Cbandod, 3 P.B., V .P. ,C. S. P. O. Ten Talav, 5 t P.R.,V.P. ._----- t P. W. D. Rest HIW8e. 396 Primary Ce.sus Absuad. ------_------_------\ Oooupled Hou_ I I -[----- Total No. of persona I No. ofinmat.el Area of I enumerated [inoluding . of institutions S. Name of village or village inmates of institutions and houselesa or town No.. Of/ No. of and bousele88 pel"SonB] I personc I town/ward in hou_ house N°'1 ! sqU&r8 I bolds miles ! i------,--- t pel'llOnsl Males i Females M ale~ J<'emale, : f I 2 3 4 ;) 6 7 8 9 10 ___1- I

26 NanaKarala 2.0 124 124 638 318 320 27 Puniyad 2.5 179 182 1,009 509 500 10 II 211 'Sadbali 4.3 562 577 2,884 1,542 1,342 53 24 29 Sandha 1.3 63 68 334 175 159 30 Satisana 2.8 137 139 721 344 377 1 31 Segwa 1.8 103 103 586 300 286 32 Simllli 3.3 187 ]87 1,005 52li 47H 19 U

33 Surasamal 4.3 208 208 1,050 559 491 34 Tarva 2.0 71 71 357 187 ] 7(1 35 TarsQ 1.3 1i7 91 408 212 196 5 6

31> Timbarva u.O 260 2t,o 1,329 680 649

37 Tinglod 1.8 9:! 97 470 2H 22!i .),.. ... 38 Uttraj 2.5 246 - I, 1,241 058 533 39 Vaniad 2.5 110 110 525 266 :?59

40 Zanzad 3.3 :!I!-l 2~2 1.2(4) 674 576 13

Total for villages 108.1 6,545 6,635 34,286 17,832 16,454 232 106 Total for peta 114.4 7,748 7,864 41.381 21.435 19,952 243 lJO SINOR PETA 3!H ------_------_. ~-- Agri"ultural Clll8l19M ------I.Cultivato... !II.CuJtivato1'8 III.Oultivating lV.Non.oultivating- Liter_tell of land wholly of land wholly labourers and own81'8 of laud. agri· or mainly owned or mainly un· _their dependante oultural rent reoei and their owned and ve1'8. and their dependant!! their dependants dependants . ....: I...... r ...... ~~!~.-. .. .:.:, j .~&Mo Femalee Malee Fern "h,. 11 U 13 I 14 I J6 16 17 18 19 20

183 ]02 ]811 204 18 ]2 43 38 (; 2

274 107 226 216 22 23 148 j47 U 42

786 205 643 517 164 145 JO 21 103 54 III 64 51 flO 25 26 170 84 1811 195 8 3 67 86 43 41t IDS 49 143 lIS 115 124

2911 122 182 157 100 83 92 96 70 63 318 134 184 154 911 100 200 168 9 U

98 49 12:J III 59 52

81 19 III 103 69 7i 473 251 169 145 347 324 92 81

180 77 138 128 11 9 39 31) to t7

418 157 389 349 -191 173 '"

168 62 145 130 30 19 36 41 1.5 :22

326 111 .263 211 14 11 144 15? 17 Hi 9.760 4.220 1.952 7.275 1.122 1.031 4.509 4.262 864 957 11.487 5.032 8.537 7.826 ].162 1.068 4.670 4.414 1.052 1,176 PriDlary Ce..... Ab.traet

NOII-Agrioulturai OI&BlJ8@

-----~--~- -_------P"r80D8 ( including dependaDte ) who derive their principal meana of livelihood from Name -of yll1.... or s. ... -~------'------~~V=II"'I~-other \curn/ward V-Produot.ion 1 VI-Ccnnmeroe \ VII-Tr .. m'port. eervioes and other than oul- miscell8D8ODf tivatioll. I 80~ M: .-::.: -M,:""F:'~ M:' F:...... ~ ... F:,"' t

26 Nana-Karalt> 7 6 , 55 51 ::i _:Puniyad 9 15 28 21 31 36

Sadhali 400 342 HiS 106 13 14 254 196

29 ·Sandha 3 2 5 7

30 Satisana 11 10 5 7 21 27

31 Segwa 19 18 4 19 24

3t Simslj 17 18 25 18 40 42

33 Suraaalllal 24 21 4 3 39 30

34 Tarva 4 6 Tersa 6 6 26 16

Timb81'VIl 17 ]6 14 15 51 61

Tinglod 20 18 13 13 12 JJ 38 Uttrll.j 30 27 ]8 8 29 26

3D Valliad 9 11 3 4 28 35

40 27 13 8 9 191 164 Total for villages 1.045 904 400 304 87 94 J .853 l.627 Totalfor peta J,611 1.402 1.0C6 909 147 150 3.210 3.007 SINOR PETA

\ , I 1 N.,.l'etIt ba,.... ytua !J8. hew. N pun office '1 l!iIe_. Ra".~' I and8&NII' Ita didalaoe In station and I.,.. Ita dl.t.anoe In mllep and of note Remark. IIlIIeI dl8t&noe In ml.... Ba.. rda,. I i

Ie 30 31 12 33 ------.. _- Ten TahlN, I Ten Tala", I P.S.,V.P.

Ten Tala", ;) Sadhali, 5 ... P :S., V.P.,C.C.S.·

P.O. :ny. Stati~n_ P.S.,V.P.,C.S.

Mandala, 3 Mandala; 3 P.S.,C.C.S. Mota· Karala. 1 Ten Talav, 2 P.S .• V.P.

Ten Talav, 4 Ten Talav, 7 P .S., V .P.,C.C.S.

P.O. Sadhali, 3 P.S.,V.P.

Sinor. 3 Sinor, 3 P.S.,V.P.,cJ

Sa.dhali, 3 Rly. Station P.B.,V.P. Sadhali, Sadhali. P.S.

P.O. Tarva, l~ P.S.,V.P.,C.S.

Utraj. Tarva, ... P.S.,C.C.S. P.O. Tarva, .., P.B.,V. P.

Ten Talav, 2 Ten Talav, 2 Baroda, 25, Fri. P.S.,V.P.

Barksl, 2 Sinor, 5 P.S.,V.P. 400 Primary Ce•• u. Abstract -1-- --~O~UPi~_~~~~~------! Total No. of persons 'I No. ofinmatet . Area of enumerated [inoluding of institution.

B. N&me of village or village Inmates of institutions I, and house_ or town No. of No. of and houselesR pel'sons] persona No. town/ward In houses bouse , square holds : miles , per8on~r~~les IFe~ales M~~81' Female. 1 2 3 4 6 I 7 I 8 II 10 I - ---_._- TOWN 1 Waghodia M. 6.6 961 1.010 4.966 2.615 2,351 123 72 Ward I 167 lUi 921 471 450

II 161 168 837 455 382 6 4 III 223 234 1,229 659 570 101 65 " IV 201 207 1,018 541 477 16 3 V 209 226 961 489 472 VILLAGES 169 1 Abharampura 1.8 72 72 338 169 2 Adisan ") 192 192 948 500 448 Shihapura ~ 3.0 Vanta J 3 Alwa 172 1S0 848 441 407 24 2 Gulabpura :::} 2.5

4 Amershwarpura ... 1.0 47 47 209 97

Amodar 1.3 147 150 {I24 333 291 6 7

6 Amratpura 1.0 31 31 185 99 86 7 Antoli 137 137 753 380 373 } 2.5 (Chalothiapura ) ...

8 Asoj ") I Daroliyapura I I 657 3 1 Pratap.pura .~ 2.5 256 259 1,148 591 Tank I Ishwarpura J

I) Bakrol ") 2.5 95 95 366 203 163 Banol Farm j

10 Bhadol Rh. 44 .44 184 93 91 WAGHODIA TALUKA 401

Agriouhural OI~. , I. CaJU.... tore II. Cultivator. III. ' Oulth'a"ng IV.Non-oultivatllll Litera. of land wholly of land whoUy labourarB and ownera of land, agrl. or mainly owned or mainly un- thel, dependant. 81l1tural rent.reClei. and thel,' owned and "ere, ~, 1t!eir dependen... tbel, depllndante d£p .. I I .. Malee "8-.... 1 1 Mal.. IJrema&e. Mal811 J'e~l811 1I·.. r...... 1·_·· 17 18 III 20 _1~ __ ~_~ __1_' ._.L~._I __:_ I I

1.476 747 312 300 160 US 98 43 208 2t3 372 263 121 129 99 97 . 116\ 23 52 .2 257 108 48 43 38 28 10 9 51 48

28'1 80 22 16 4 5 17 22 i 259 125 23 27 8 4 8 6 28 3x

307 J71 98 85 11 14 J6 I) 63 ~l

38 93 101 11 4 54 6/)

90 14 326 320 18 21 141 102 i •

184 63 245 231 79 74 17 14 I

8 as 31 9 9 tl6 63 a 127 21 180 157 37 36 12 11 6

15 1 49 41 25 24 25 21 102 172 184 43 46 U7 129 1 1

212 94 191 189 35 30 220 198

33 50 32 11 16 23 20

19 19 J 402 Primary CeD.u. Ab.traet

Non-Agricultural CI888e8

Persons (including dependants) who derive tbeir principal IDtoalll! of livelihood from s. , VIII-Ottlet No' wwn/ward VI-Commeroe I VII-Transport I servic88 and Imiscellaneou. I ! aourC611

Females! Males Femalee

1 J 26 ! 27 28

TOWN WagLodia M. 464 39. 379 345 34 - 968 B3& Ward I 51 44 41 45 47 .. II 61 93 78 2 3 162 lUi III 1411 112 65 58 25 27 390 330 ,. IV 164 137 95 69 7 212 189 V 39 42 92 99 1 169 153


Abharampurtl II 1 I thihapura ~ 3 1 I Vant.. J Alwll } 6 6 2 3 89 77 Gulabpura

AmNshwarpura ... 1

AmodIOI' 2 2 96 73

6 Amratpura 7 Antoll } t 3 HI 11 (Cbalothiapure)

Asoj ) I Daroliyaputa I I l'ratap.pura ~ 69 21 20 ... 42 31} Tank. I I Iehwarputa ... I J

Burol 10 ·4 Bakrol Farm 10 Bhadol Kil. 4 1. 8

-.-----~--~~--. _---- .---_-~-_--- ... _- .. WAGHODIA---,-- TALUKA' 403 I

N ellr6l1t post otTlce Nesrellt Railway Nearest. bazar village, Items .& SDd ita dist.ance In station and ita Its distance in mileo of note miles I distance in miles Bazar day,


til so 31 32 33 • I

P. O. Rli. Station Baroda, 12, Fri P.WD. P.S.,C.S. and D.L.B. Bungalows

Jarou, :) Vyankatpllra, -2 Barontl, 21, Fri. V.P.

Jarod, 5 Jarod,5 Baroda., 23, Fri. P.B.• V.P,

\Vaghodia, 5 Wagpodia. 5 Baroda, 5.Fri. P.B .• V.P.

Indra!, 2 1'i101, 4- Baroda, 12, Fri. V.P. Baroda, 4 Pratapnagar, 4 Baroda, 4, Fri. P.S.V.P.

Rasulabad,l Vyankatpura, 1 Baroda, 13, Fri. V:P.

Karmaliyapura,l KsrmaJiyapura, \ Baroda, 9, Fri.

:farod, 4. J"arod, '" Baroda, 1 7, ii'ri. .... P.S.,v.}:),

Baroda. 4 Prataphagar. 4 Baroda, 4, Fri.

Waghodla, (j Waghodia. (, Haroda, 5, Fri...... 404

(Occupied Hou_1 I Total No. of peflODi No.otlomatls 8. Name of ylIIap or A.rea of No. of enumerated [lnoludinl of lDBtitutlon& ylUage No. of bouse IDInat. of inBtitutioDi IUld oo1lll8leu No. \Own/..... d or town boull88 bold. and boull8l_ perBOIUIJ pltnon, In mil.IQuare \

, &I _1_:____ ~1- _____I _ _l

11 Bhaniyara 2.5 207 207 946 474 472 27 26

12 Bhanpura 1.3 55 55 302 149 153

13 Bodidl':;' 120 120 549 276 } 2.3 273 Sankerpura ~::

Chipad } 96 96 620 254 266 Champaliyapura ... 2.0

U A Dahapura Deserted t5 Dattapura 0.5 2 2 8 3 5

16 l"alod 1.5 136 J36 689 344 345 17 Ganeshpura 2.3 111 HI 501 250 251 18 Gazadra } 3.5 164 164 838 435 403 Someshwarpura

19 Gugalpur 1.5 67 57 305 152 153 20 Gutal 1 I Bharwadiapura I I Kashipura } 6.0 344 1,726 870 856 1 3 I Sabhsarpura ... I Parshipura J 21 Hanamanpur 1.0 48 48 183 104 79 3 22 HaD8apura 0.8 87 87 384 1'88 196 II 23 Itoli 0.5 98. DS 4(i5 237 218 38 Si 24 l~buwada Daliapura '''1 J Karmaliyapura. ). 4.0 264 267 1,431 733 698 3 (inoluding Rly.Stn.) I Sura Talve .. . I I Tamsipura J 1 Oovindpura ~ 5.5 603 603 2,850 1,4"14 10 i Jarodiyapura ... J WAGHOOI' TALUK~ 405 -----_._.--_.__ ._------Agrioultural ; Of_

l-Cultlvatol'8 1I.CultivatOl'8 I1I.Cultlvating IV.N_-OliltiYaHog- of laud whoDy of land whoDy labour61'11 and ownel'll of l_d, &gri- or mainly owoed or mainly no- their dependaaia oultural rellt. r_i- IIPd their owned and vel'1l, &ad their depend_t.e their dependant.e 4epeodant.e

Malee Fem&k!a Male. Female& Mal... Fernalea Malee Iternaies

IS 14 16 16 1'7 18 til 26 I - - . ------.------263 112 204 192 78 ,136 135

84 90 28 21 1'1 1'1

U4 134 t32 59 fi7 6,1 61 J4

7i!. 2;; 143 15. 32 34 aD , 8



rig 24 273 288 t2 10 8 {$ - •

US 4~ 83 99 44 36 99 8

234 ~8 145 159 137 115 73 17

12 20 83 131 19 J6 IS

220 45t 461 167 154 lIS7 lil 1

33 27 18- I1J 20 13 111 119 32 27 33 36 II

'1 Ul 1~9 39 45 25 28 I 2

117 24i9 :47 93 93 243 II·' 4t

16'9 '75 12 " 406 PIt • ..., Cu.... Abftr.et

P ..non. ( Illcluding dependante ) who derive ",elr priDoipal m_ of IiveUhood from 8. N ...n. of ... U",• ow VIII-Other No. ",wn/ward V-Production VI-Oommerce \ VU-TraIIMport aerviClell and o~her than oul. mi_Ullinooua iiv8~ioll I lIOurce~ i Male. Fema_ Malea Femaie8 Mal.. II'

I I 21 22 23 2' 26 26 27 28 - 11 Bhaniyara 21 13 11 11 9 8 lJ Bhanpura 4. 4 13 16 18 Bodi4ra "'l 4 4 2 3 3 1 s..Dkerp~ ... J Chipad "'l 5 3 8 JO Champaiyapura ... J 14A DaMp ",.0 D8HTletl DaUapura 2 4- l' Falod 3 48 &0 17 Ganeshpura 11 U 6 3

18 Gazadra "'} 6 II 68 50 SOmeehwMpura ... '

It Gugalpur 45 48 10 Gutal '''1 Bharwadfapura .•• I I Kaehipura ... > 21 20 8 8 60 60 I SabhBarpura I Parlbipura ~~J 21 B8D8lDanpura 6 4 27 19

22 Han_para' 7 2

28 !toll 41 27 1 2 9 fj J4 Jambuwada ... ) I Dallapurs · .. 1 I KarmaUyapurB .•. ~ 32 28 4 7 J2 9 81 as (Including Bly.Stn.) I . .lye I I Tamalpllr. .•. J J. Jarod ···1 GoYiDdpura ... t 120 .,1 1111 to , 486 46!J I 8' larH~"- ... J

- -.------'~------....---. ---_._-...... __------...... ,_...... __ ------~--- WAGHODIA TALUKA 407

N~' pOll' office N_rea' Rail ••, Nearee' baHr ... au... Item. aoCll. dinan.,. In ltation .nd I. I. dilltanae In ml'" and of no... Re_rIu IllUett diAaDae ill mil. B... pd.,..

It 10 II I. a8 J .~~------~ - Indtal,3 Pilol, 4 Baroda, 10" Fri. ... 1>.8.. V.P. Baroda, 6 Baroda, 6 Baroda, 6, T:<'ri.

Jarod,4 .Tarod, 4 Baroda, 18. Fri, " P.B •• V.P•

Waghodia,3 Waghodia,4 Baroda, 10, Fri. V.P.


Waghodia,4 Waghodia, " Baroda, 6, }I'ri, V.P. Vyara.2 Antoli.3 Baroda, 18, Fri. P.S.,V.P. Iudrsl, 1, Pilol. 4 Baroda, II, Fri. P.B.tV.P.

Waghodla,2 Waghodia,2 Baroda, 12, Fri.

Karmaliyapura, Vy811katpUla, 3 Baroda, 15, Fri. P.S .. V.P~' 3

Waghodia, '7 Ajwa.6 Baroda, 17. Fri. V.P.

Baroda, 4 Baroda, 6, Fri. V.P.

Jarod, I) Jarod, Ii Baroda, 20, Fri. P .S., V•. P. Rasulabad. 1 Vyankatpura, 1 Baroda, } t, Fri. V.P.

Karmaliyapur, i Baroda, 22, Fri, V.P,

l'.O. i\ly. Slahlon BlH'oda. U, .Frl .... P.S,.,V.l\

...... - - ,,'.' Primary Ceasus Abstraet

Occupied Hou.e

I Total No. of peraon8 No. oflnm&tee Area of epumerated [inoluding I. of institutions S. Name of village or village inmates of institutions and houselea or town \ No. of No. of and houseless pet'Bons] I pel'flOnfl No. WWD/ward in bou_ house equare I holda miles i i-----.------i------I IPersons Malell FemaleslMales Fema.i6' • !, , 6 I 8 7 8 g to i

Jaterp~ra 0.8 38 38 168 91 77 27 leshingpara 1.0 81 81 813 169 144

28 Jana Rampura 0.3 100 100 697 302 295

211 Kamlapura 1.0 32 32 123 59

30 Kamrol 208 208 975 485 49v 3 Rawaniyapura ~~~ } 1.1 31 Karmflshiya ) Khida KarmaRhiya ~lI.o 246 246 },3SS 68:? 65f1 1 Chhela I Karmuhiya J Vachla 32 Khandha 1.3 98 98 440 223 217 33 Khandlwada 0.9 74 74 374 1711 195 3t Kherwadi 2.0 1M 165 734 31\9 375

35 Koderwaya } 1.0 26 26 130 64 ti6 Fulpara 311 Kotambi 1 Alamgadh I I Jambediyapura r 8.0 338 389 1,704 872 >';32 18 23 Maohhlipura t ·Singapura J 37 Kumetha 3.3 118 118 580 304 276 9 7

Lilora } ••• 2.3 166 187 715 369 346 Bhawna'garpura •••

39 Limda 1r 3.8 220 1,063 542 52l Ishwarpul'a -- J "lJodheJi -u> ~oo 201 465 419 5

H Madodher ~ 3.5 267 268 1,170 Rajnagar ' J Mastup,:""", I.u 63 63 247 128 119 ·40t

Agrtoultural 01_

\ I. Cult.ivator•. II· Cultivator. III. Cultivating IV·N on.oult.ivatln, of ,,,,ad wholly of land wholly laboul'9l't1 and 0..,,_'" of land... grl. Or mainly owned or mainly un- their dependantl ... Itural rent reoei. and their owned ,and "reo and their . depenciantl t.heir dependantl dependant•

___;--.----'-,~-----_T_------;--.--.------Malee 'email. ( Mal61 lJ'ema" I MaiM j I'emalea Mal.. j I'emalet! J'emale. 111 __11___ 1_'_ L_~~~J__ l~ __I_~t_' ___17 _.-'__ 18 26 7 240 21 11

18 8 23 26 54 38 23

96 30 ~O 68 68 158

6 2 13 :14 10 7

197 64 238 . !a9 54 167

66 3 440 101 92 9

112 32 ill) il7 6.8 52 31 26 3 143 163 32 27 164 85 141 152 15 12 63 60

1 10 13 n

326 314 288 261 156 61

137 32 188 174 ]8 11 21 1& 26 8.

113 11 18i 176 45 37 118 116 e .,

131 21 187 190 112 95 29 18 16 1!2

101 70 201 190 82 74 II a

283 87 228 194 109 D3 oU :so 44 44

H 12 37 30 30 26 39 32 4 4i

""- .. --~------.:.-----.~-~.-. flO Primary CeDlua Abatraet .. ----_. ----.-----.------N oD-Agrioultural CI_ell

Pertlons (including dependants) who derive tbeir principal means of livelihood from B. Name of ... mage or VIII-Otber No' MWD/Ward V-Produotion VI-Commeroe VII-Transpon services and other than oul. ImiscellaDeoWi tivation I : I!JOUl'Clee I 7 Malee Fem-"1-"-;--M-"-I-..-IFemalee---:- -M-.-lea- F-em-a-le-.-;I-M-"-I-e-C:-- - -.-_- I s Fem 1 I 21 22 t8 I U 26 26- I 27 28 --_----- I ----- .1&t"rpurl,l 1

J .. ",hingpllra 4 12 U

28 Juna Rempura 1

K~mJapurR 1

30 Karnrol ';'1 20 18 3 8 6 Rawaniyupura ... J 81 Karrnashiya ... ") Khiu" KBrmllslJiya ... ~ 7 .. ) 2'7 109 (Jlhe!.. I KarmashiYr. ... J Vacill .. 82 Khandha 58 68

Khandiwada f

34 Kherwadi 23 16 liS 132

35 Kodenvaya 8 & Fulptll'& "'1... J 36 Kotambi ... ) I Alamgadb I .Tambediyapura 38 '7 10 JI Machhlipura ,I Bingapura J 39 . -lIumetha 4 '7 4 1

38 Litora ••. ') 2 II 3 Bhawnagarpura ••• J Umda 6 198 189 Ishwarpura :::} 5

.Madhell­ 6 3 ? 156 188 41 MadOdher ···1 21 16 13 181 Rajaagar ... J J' :MastuplIIrII 18 '72

---_._------~------WAGHODIA TALUKA 411

Neaoreat poIIt offloe Nearest Rallway Neuel' hazar village•. ltema and Ita dlataDce In Btation and ita Ita diBtance In mllel & of note mile. diatan,e in mile. Bazar day.

III 10 31 32 33

------. ;----- ~-~ --7--" --- -~.----.-

Rasulabad, 1 Aj '" 8, l~ Baroda, Hi. Fri. Baroda, 5 Baroda, 5 Baroda. 5. Fri. P.B.,V.P.

Waghodia, 6 Ajwa, 4 Baroda, t6"Fri.

Wallhodia, 3} Waghodia, 3k Baro~a, 5, Fri.

Jarod, 3 Jared, 3 Baroda, 11, Fri. P.B.,V.P., C.S.

Jarod, Vyankatpura, ! Baroda, 18, Fri. V.P.,C.S.

Waghodia, 2 Waghodia, 2 Baroda., 10. Fri. Jarod, 6 Jarod, Baroda, 22, Fri. V.P. Karmaliyapura, 3 Karmaliyapurll. 3 Baroda, 17, Fri. P.,B.,V.P.

Jarod, Vyankatpura., 1 Baroda, 18, Fri. V.P.

Jarod, Jarod, Baroda, 11, Frl. P.B.,V.P,

BModa. 6 Baroda, g Baroda, 6, Fr i·, P.B.,V.P.

Jarod, . Jarod, Baroda, 11, Fri. P.B.,V.P. C.S,

Waghddia, .2 Wagbodia, 2 Baroda. 10, FrI. P.S.,V.P•• C.S. Waghodia, 2 Wa.ghodia, 2 BBl'oda, 10, Fri. ...

Waghodia, 2 Wagbodia, 2 Baroda, 12, Fri. P.B.,V.P.

Waghodio., 5 Kelanpur, 3 lJaro'da. '1. Fri. V.P•• C.S. Primary C •••ua Ab.trad


Ocoupied HOUIleR t------Tot.al No. of perlilOnB No.ofinm...... of institutions ! . Name of "Ill... Ot Area of No. of enumerated [including No. of houlle irunatea of institutions and houlleles8 village paraon, No. \Own/wud or town houlleR holds and houael_ personal In square mllea Males Femalea .M~ Femalec

7 8 10

43 )lorJipurjl. 78 78 371) 200 179 'Laxfilipura ::: } 1.8 H Nav!> Ajwf\ .. ' I Devsliya ~ 2.3 77 78 342 185 157 8 Manipura J 45 Nava Rampura. .• , 1.0 4.4 44 256 139 117 2 46 No"i Jambuvol 1.0 45 45 219 112 107

47 Nawagam 106 106 550 282 268 Ranchhodipura

48 Nimetha ) I Karimpura I (U 150 154 987 536 451 172 152 Nimetba Compo- ... und Premnagar J 49 Paldi 2.5 71 71 304 167 137 3 5 50 Panchdevla 1.0 72 72 345 170 175 2 51 Pavlipur 105 105 479 245 Narbadpura 52 l'ipaJiya 2.8 143 143 650 336 314 li3 Rahkvi 1.3 88 38 208 99 109 16 17

M Rajpura 2.5 183 183 816 402 414

55 R8flulabad .226 225 1,065 570 495 13 Ktmakpura

66 RawaJ 242 242 1.261 632 629 1 Kachhotiarufa Rayantalswdl )

Ai". Compound .. r 1.5 97 97 450 244 206 Amlipura )

58 Ropa 0.8 45 221 117 lOt WI\GHODI~ TA.I..UK4


Agr~ultural CI_8

-' , I.Cultlvaton lI~Cultivatora I1I.Cultivating IV .N~.a-cllltlvating Litera... of IBDd whoDy of 'land wholly labourel'8 and ownel'll of I_d, agri or mainly owned . or mainly un- their depend"nt8 oultural reat reoe' and their owned and ,vera, a,ad their dependants their dependants depend8Dts I

I Malee Femalee Malos Femalell Males Femalee .Malee Females

11 ' 12, 13 14 I Hi 16 17 18 19 20 -t-- I I

lit 2 142 117 41

27 3 fil

73 60 32 32 28 24 16 25 28 42 38 6 10

23 2 142 142 51 I

147 126 92 120 116 Ii

38 3 54 55 39 30 37 42 10 I 50 4 12t) 114 4 .. 43 66

18 4 92 93 71 72 9 IS 3 ,

116 29. 13i 135 40 14 86 61 15 14

22 9 64 8(1 2 1 13 9

8 35' 36:.l 43 44 J 159 55 un 145 I 92 8D 24S 201 10 .' 283 58 224 225 141 142 68 61 45 lIS

H iO 36 34 44 39 25 21 3

19 3 i9 61 18 16 26 20 . 2 2 ------_------Non-Agrieultural CI. __

P"r8oP8 ( lnemdilll!' dependanta ). wbo derive their prinolpal m_ ef lIvelib60d {n)UI 8. N..... of y,He.p or vm_"... Bo. \0 ••, .... V-Produotion VI-Commeroe IV 11-TrartRport I I!I6rvioee and o'b.r &baD oui. ml_llaneoue tivatioll I eouroes I Male. Females Male. Females Male. FlMDalee lIIal.. Fern.

1 I 21 2t 23 2' 26 26 27 ~ .. --_ _-_ __ ... _---_.- 43 MorUpur. 1 )- 8 Lax;mipur80 J 44 Nava Ajwa ... '} f Devall),. )- It 7 J Manipurllt J f5 Nava Rampura 1

46 Navi J'ambuval ... 35 29 .7 Nowagam 1 81 6& Rancbhodiputa J 48 Nimetha E.arimpunt 1'74 149 :Nimetl'la 1 Compound Premnagv J .8 PaId!. 2" I f 5- 2' lie Panchdevla 2' 1 2' 61 Pavlipllr I 60 1S8 Narbadpull'A } •

PipaUya 4 e 46 G9 BaLkvi 20 19

Ra}purlill I b (7 Jtaeulabad 24 1& 7 8 38 21 Kunakpura } Rawal 1 12 6 134 H~ KaehhotiapUfa J '1 Raya".. lawdl Aj"a CompoUlld .•. 1 .. , .,. 192 110' Amllpu'r. J ROI* 6 ______. ___ !"A~~OqIA TALUKA

N_, pod oftloe Neare.' &11•• , !ii_to ba..... ylll.ap, Heme and I1iIJ diatan_ In "tloD and I. I.. dletanoe In mile!! and of DOte ml'" dl.\anoe In mllea BaRr d• .,.

ID ao II II all

Ajwa 6 Baroda, 6•. Fl·i. P.8.,V.P.

Waghodia, 1~ Waghodia, lk Baroda, 17k, Fri. V.P.

Waghodia, 2 Waghodia, 2 Baroda, 19, Fri. V.P. Waghoditt., .{ Waghodia, .{ Baroda, 6, Fri. V.P.

Waghodia,9 Ajwa, 6 Baroda, 18, .Fri.

Waghodia, .{ Ajwa. 6 Baroda, 8, Fri. P.s.,V,p,

Jarod, !!~ Jarod, 2~ Baroda. lS, Fri. V.P. Jared,3 Jarod, 3 Baroda, 20, Fri. V.P.

Baroda, 5 Kelanpur, 3~ Baroda, 5, Fri. V.P.

Wagbodla., .{ Waghodia, " Baroda, 5, Fri. P.B.,V.F.

Jarod, 1~ Jarod, 1! Baroda. 14, Fri. 'V.P. Itaojari. 3 ChampanjIJr 8&l'oda, 22, Fri. V.l'. Road,4

P.O. Vyankatpura, l~ Baroda, 12, Fri. P.s.,V.P.,C.s.

P.O. Ajwa, 3 Baroda, It1, Fri. P.S.,V.P.

Ajwa Ajwa, 1 Baroda, 10, Fri. P.8.,V.P.,C.& CompoUn.. ,l

Wagbodia,5 Waghodla,5 Barodn, 6, Fri. V.P.,C.s. 416 Primary Ce.sus Abstract

Oooupied HoUses Total No. of persons No. oflnmate. Area of enumerated [inoluding of institutioDi 8. NaID. of Yiliap 01' village inmates of iDBtitutioDB and houselesl or town No. of No. of and houseless pe~80D8r persone No. town/ward in houses house I .aqu~ holds miles ------_ ---\------Persons Males IFemales Males Female. 1 I 6 6 7 I 8 II 10 -.....:.....------_---'------'-.----~------..------59 Sakarira J,8 82 82 341 177 164 2 60 f:andi 1 Ajwa Rly. Stn. lr 4.3 8ft 93 400 201 199 2 1 Gate I Ganapatpura J 61 8angadol 1 Jatpura I Magl.npura ~ 4.0 236 236 1,189 616 573 I Mahvdipura Narshipura J 62 Sernej } 8.5 123 12) 653 321 3S:! JitpUrB

Sikanderpura 0.8 44 44 216 III 104 2 2 SiporTimhi 1.9 49 49 200 105 !Iii

Sugaliyapura 1.5 39 24,4 135 109 Tarlilwa 83 83 496 269 227 Kothiapura 67 Tawra 2.0 107 107 538 279 259

6& Timbi (Tllrdia) 0.8 66 66 330 176 154

69 Umervtl

Girirajpura 424 234: 190


'II) Vajelpur ~ ~ 2.5 117 117 507 278 2811 Ankadiapura J VyWikatpurB 1 2,0 69 69 347 181 166 inoluding Rly. Stn J WAGHOOIA TALUK4

Agricultural' Classes

I-Cultivators II-CultivatOrs III-Cultivating IV-N on-cultivating­ Llteratell of land wholly of land wholly labourers and owners of land, agri­ or mainly owned or mainly un- their depend.. nt8 cultural rent recei­ and their owned and vers, and their dependants (heir depe~ndants dependants

---_------_- - -~----- .tale~;em:.~:-r M~~sIFemales ~a~:I~ma~e8 Ma;~s Female8 Males Females 11 \ 12 I 13 I 14 15.! 16, 17 18 19 20 ___ I ~ ______~ ______L __~{_~ ____ _

47 7 43 47 34 30 67 63

67 1 77 66 27 28, 21 3

llS 29 360 347 63 57 60 46 17 23

13 2 HIli IH 1 1 154 157

21 5 2u :20 35 35 8 3 6 7

20 2 12 8 28 _ 21) 9 6 11 10

7 22 18 42 29 8 3

91 6 146 12\1 30 19 21 16

6~~ 161 167 10 13

-17 83 'ilJ 7 7

8t 25 H u5 99 78_ 30 25 1 1

37 5 139 132 48 59 BO 90 7 4

til 99 )() 13 34 32 1 418 Ptlmary Ce.aua Alaatract ------Non_Agrlcult.ura.1 01_

P"r8oDIl ( Ipoluding dependa.nt.B ) who derive their prinoipal meane of livelihood from S. N ..m" of 0" .,m .... VIII-Other No \Own/w.. rd V-Production VI-Comroerce I VII-Transport. aervicea and other tha.n cui. I miBCeila.neoW! tiva.tion I I sources MaleR Femalel!-I Males - Fema': MaleR Fema.le8 Mal611 Femalet

1 I 21 22 1 23 2. 25 26 27 28

------. 59 Sakari;ya 8. 1 2 1 11 10

80 Sandi

Ajwa Rly. StD, 12 13 62 68 Gate GaDapatpura

61 SangRdol


Maganpura 16 7 95 90 Mahvdipur'a

Narllhipura 62 Semei Jitpura 1

ti3 Sikanderpura 1 1 3 6 33 32

64 Sipor Timbi 3 a 39 31

65 Sugaliyapum 6 1 57

tit) Tarswil 4 68 59

Kothiaputa }

67 Tawfa 108 79 68 Thnbi (Tardio) ,., 2 M 66

(is) UmervB Girirajpuro l 80 -21 Piperkui J 10 VajE'lpur A nkadiapuNi } 11 Vyankatpura including Rly. 1 1 2 14 14 Stlk j WAGHODIA TALUKA 419 j I i

Neue.' pOll' offloe N_rea\ J,\ailw., ~_reBt. ba~ ..r 'Village, hems a.Jld I. diMiaDoe In ltatioD and Ita 1t8 dl.-tanoe In mile. and of Dote Rem...... diatf!,n

'11 30 at I III 33

.-~--- --_------Rssulabad. li Vyankatpura,3 Bared", 10, Fri. V.P.,O.B.

AjwaCom. Baroda, Ill. F,ri. . pouad, I

Waghodia, 2~ Baroda, I8h Fri. P.S.,V.P•

Kanj!\d, "3 .tarod, 'l Baroda, 25, l<'ri. 'V.p., Baroda, 4 Baroda, 4 Baroda, 4-, Fri, V.P. Baroda, I KeJanpur, 4 Baroda. 4, Fri.

Waghodia, l~ Waghodia, ) ~ Baroda, 9. Fri. Karmaliya- K8I'maliya. Baroda, 18, Fri. P.S.,V.P. plll'a, 4 pura, 40

Waghodia, It Waghodia, 1l Baroda, 13, Fri. P.S.,V.P.

Waghodia, ~ Waghodia. ~ Baroda, 12, Fri.

Wagbodis, 5 Kelanpur·, 3 Baroda, 5, Pri-. P.S•• V.p·.

Waghodia, ~ AntoJi., I! Baroda, 14, Fri. V.P.

Rasulabad. 2 iUy. St3tio!l Baroda, 16, Fri. "',,. \T.P.C.s. 420 Primary Ce.sa. Abstract

----.-~- - --- ~I Oooupled Rouses I

Total No. of persolUl No.oflnmatu Area 0(--- NO~! 5. Name of ",ilia,. Or enumerated [includmg of illBtitptiolll! I III No. of house inmates of institutions and housele88 I '" age houses bolds and bousel888 persons] parsoD. No. town/ward i or town

II 1 I I_~ Vyara "1 I Antoli Rly. Stn. '" I Patiapurll I I Nava-Bherda ~' 8.5 555 562 2,779 1,438 1.:lH 48 33 .1 Mota.Bherda I I Ragdipura I I Talaviyapura ! I, Paduri!lpnra ... J Total for villages ••• 179.1 9,480 9.546 46.100 23.745 22,355 465 332 Total for taluka 185.7 10.441 10,556 51.066 26,360 24,706 588 404

Primary Cepsas Abstract

Non-Agricultural Classes

Persons (inoluding dependants) who derive their prinoipal I mean.s of livelihood from B. I Name of village or I VIII-Other No'1 \own/ward V-ProduotioD I VI-Commerce I VII-Transport servioes and other than'oul· I ! I.rniscelJaneous tivation _-:i___ I 80urOOiJ I ~~ales [Fe~alee \ Males IF;:lee Mal:~-\~~~~leB( MeIeBIFemal~ ! I 21 !, 22 I 23 I 2' 25 I 26 I 27 I 28 I i 7i Vyara I I Antoli Rly. Stu. ,t Patiapura I j Ne.va-Bherda I 71 45 6 2 8 12 502 4(12 }- l\fota.Bherda I I Ragdipura I I Tala.viyapul'a i I Paduriapura ) Total for villages ... 841 G:z8 313 342 sa 61 3,933 U4i To_taJ for t~Juka. :.:_ . . 1.305 1.024 752 687 102 99 4.981 4,382, WAGHODIA TALUKA 421 ------_---~

1- Cultivators \ II. Cultivators 1_ III. O.dtivatlng IV' .Non-eultlvatln. of hmd wholly of land wholly labourers and owners of land, agr .. ! or mainly owned. or mainly un- , their d"Pf'nliant. oultural rent recei· and their owned and vers. and their I dependant« : their dependant« : dependant. ----~.- .__j_------.------,--_--_---- 'if"h.. J""malee ( :M"I". !Bemalee I Malep I Fem~le81 Mal... IBemales )3 14 i 15 16 17 i 18 l~ 20 ___I~ _____-- ___ -'- ______

418 163 5(3 51R i56 130 57 56 D6 116

7.243 t.~46 10.193 9,984 3.572 3,253 4.128 637 753 8,719 2.693 10.505 10,284 3.732 3,401 4.218 3,833 145 9N

WAGHODIA. TALUKA -- --_------_------_ ------,------,------~

Nel6l'est potIt office Nearest Railway Nearest bazar village. Items and its distance in station and its It41 distance in miles & of note miles di8t~o8 in miles Ba!l!arday.

10 31 32 33

P. O. Antoli, i Baroda, 11, Fri. 422 Small Scale Industries Census- DISTRICT I Total I Total Total Males Name of Industry Estabn-/ I shments W. P. W-. -!--I>: -.

1 2 I 3 4 5 6 - ----_-_-- I

Te~l. lud.atriee 1 Cotton spinning & weaving T. 271 194 245 173 243 R. 227 135 240 126 240

U. 44 59 5 47 :I

2 Cotton t,lyiflg, hleacAing, et~. T. 8 24 24 R. U. 8 24 24 3 Sill!: spinflillg .It weavio!": T. 14 41 31 R. U. 14 41 31 4; OtolUl.'C: textile Indhstriea, T. 2 12 12 R. U. 2 12 12 Tata} for Textile rrulutries. T. 295 271 245 240 243 R. 227 135 240 126 240 U. 68 136 5 114 3 If__ Tiexb1.· J'Dcfuatri_ s' PllUltation ok forest.ry T. 1 8 8 R. U. 1 8 8 a Hc)Unde:rs. millers, etc.. T. 126 314 23 279 23

R. 31 60 7 60 '1 U. 95 254 16 219 16 'I OilpreB&ing & refining: T. 25 86 716 R. 12 40 33

U. 13 46,. 43 t nairy produots. T. 1 2 2 R. .. , U. 1 2 2

9 Bevetagea II; aerated watere T. 14 63 8 63 8 R.

U. 14 63 8 63 8 EmPloyment in Establishments 423 BARODA

Boys Men Total Females Girls Women \ w. P. W· P. W. ;Po W. P. w. P. 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1 15 I . ------. I I 16

30 23 143 220 2l 2 2l 2

30 23 96 217 9 9

47 3 12 2, . U !

2 22

2 22 ". 31 10 IQ

.~.' 31 10 10 12

12 32 23 208 220 31 2 31 2 30 23 96 217 9 J 2 112 3 22 2 2Z ! 8

8 279 23 35 35 60 7 219 16 35 35 76 10 16 ·33 7 7 43 3 3

1 1

1 1

63 8 .. - 63 8 '·124- Small Scale Industries Census- DISTRICT

------<---- ~-----~------~---~-~-., ------~--~---- Total Tot.aJ Total Males Name of Industry Establi· : shments --w.--' I'. W:-,"p:

1 2 3 4 I) 6 -----~ _------_- --_---- ~---.---,--- 10 Tobllooo products T. 83 663 65 590 ii5 R. 29 317 13 253 13 U. 54 346 52 337 52

11 Milliners and dress makers T. :!O~! 515 512


U. 203 fll5 512

12 Hosisry. crape. mC'6-. etc. T. 2 4 4 R. F. 2 4 4

1a Other articles of we_ T. 3 .22 22 R.

U. 3 22 22

14 Leather worb T. 81 188 5 188 5 R. U. 81 188 5 188 5

ILl Blacksmiths and eutlerfi'; T. 91 258 9 258 9 R. U. 91 258 9 258 9

lt1 TrBDsport equipment. T. 180 336 336 R.

U. ISO SS6 336

11 Electrical machi Mry lIoud app&ratm. T. 6 18 18 R. U. 6 18 18 Employment in '.&tabilthments-conlrl. BARoDA "


_=_B_O_Y_8~_,_~_M~en~ _~O:Fem~~_. Girls ..___ ~ _ ~_w_o_m_eD~p_._ W. P. w· P.! W~ I P.,! w. P. I W.;: 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 I 16· j 16

I!) 1 64 7.3 1 244 12 64

10 327 52 9

21 491 3 3 ...

21 3 ', ... 3



1 21

1 21

18i 5 .\. 1 187 5

13 .. :... 246 9

13 245 9

2 334 ...

2 aa4

I 17

I 17 486 Small Seale Jndustrie. Ce...... - DISTRICT

-----_------~- ~.-. Total Total Total Males Name of Indmtcy Establi- shments W. P. W:----P. , 1 2 , 3 4 a 6 "-- .------~------.---.~-- 18 Other machinery ami. workshops T. 23 85 ... 85 R.

U. 22 84 84

19 Pharmaeeutieal manmaetnrtt T. 3 16 16 R.

U. 3 16 16,

2. Soaps, cllSmeti0B. paints, e6e-. T. 14, 56 56 R.

U. 14 56 56

2.t Watch repailers< T. 23 76 75 R.

U. 23 76 75

22' GolalHDitha aDIi jewellers T. 90 207 207 R.

U. 90 207 207

23- Artiele& of iYory, sheD •••te-~ T. .2 9 9 R. U. 2 9 9

2' ~rietll aad tlileBi T. 9 28 25 R. U. 9 28 25

J3 Eerthenwaf8, porcelain, ettr. T. 32 115 65 R. 3 53 33 U. 29 82 32 Empleymtmt. in' Establisluneata-oonld. 421 BARODA I Boys Men Total Female8 Giria I Womeo w. P. W· P. W. P. W· P. w. .,. 7 'I 8 9 10 n 12 13 14 1, 16 16 85

I ~ .... 1



15 1

1 55 ---


1 74 1

74 1 1

206 -..

1 206

9 ,


1 24 3 3

1 24 3 3

65 00 ,50

33 2() 20 32 30 80 Small Seale Industries c..,..­ DISTRICT - _._. -- _.---. --- -_._-_._-_._--- i Total Males Total Total EatabU· I Name of 10dWltry shments ---'W-=--. ---;---"P-.-i----. W-. -,--p. 2' 3 4 6\0 _-----'- ~6 GI_ware and crystalware T. 2 2 R.

U. 2 2

n Furml11re & fixt;trJe~ T. 19 52 62 R. U. 19 52 52

~s tither wood proQuot. T. 31 79 3 79 3 R. u. 31 7? 3 79

• Printiag & allied ind_trie", T. 15 75 75 R.

U. 15 75 75

T.a) for No.·teJEtile T. 1.028 3.277 113 3.101 113 I .....'rin R. 76 .71 20 380 20 U. 952 2,806 93 2.721 93

T. 1.323 3.548 358 3.341 356 CRAND TOTAL R. 303 606 260 516 260 U. 1.020 2,942 98 2835 9&

NoCe-(l) The Censua of Small Scale Industries W0.8 done by revenue oflicers io addition to their notm&l work. It was not done simultaneously in aU taluk0.8 and districts. nor was It poll8ibJ., to give any BpeOial training to the staff engaged on tbia census\. In the result. t.be aoonracy of the data furnished by thiB census cannot be guaranteed. The figurt'8 may. ho.vever. be regarded as illustrative of the nature of the lIJDall IlCale industries oM"l'ied 00 ill the Diltrict. I Employm~nt in Establishments-concld. 429 BARODA

-~------~- -~------~ Boys Men Total Females Girls Wom~ \ . W. P. W' P. W.~---'-1'. W. P. W. P.

7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 I 15 16 ------I 2

2 • 1 51

1 51 .. ,

79 :!

79 3

74 ~ ..


IS 1 3,036 112 176 178 9 1 371 19 91 91 56 2,665 93 85 85

97 24 3,244 332 207 2 287 2 39 24 467 236 100 100 58 U'l'l 96 10'l Z 101 2

---- ~ ------

Abbreviations used-

T.-Tota.l, R.-Rural, U.-Urbtm, W.-Who)e.time, P .-Part-time.

Prinwd at tlie Kohinoor Prhiting Press: Thana.