,.. ,, . .. .. , . ... p...... ,

Kathleen Livingstone Croy Senior Citizens Sames Hunt Croy Community Council Soh McColl Croy Community Council Paul Carter Cand Society Vicky Palethorpe community Council Sandra Wilssn Baton & Community Council Hugh Service Community Council

'I Rose Montgomery Justice & Peace Group Councillor Jones Council Graham Johstone Community Services N.L.C.


Andrew Gmen Scottish Midland Federation Andrew Burrow Kilsyth Homing Society . Jim Tullan Kilsyth Homing Society Alex Black Kilsyth Homing Society Marion Black Kilsyth Homing Society

Kilsyth Community Council Kilsyth Churches Work Together No& Lanarkshire Council.

M Gmin representing the Midland Federation explained that they had applied for funding for new hmpmtion for pigeons. Their existing transport was 18 years old & to replace it wodd cost between 535,000 to M0,OOO. Many funding option have been tried but hey are n& re.eco@sed. as tt sport. The Federation has been advised to apply to The Coalfield Regeneration Scheme but they need letters of support from bed groups. Mid-Lothim Federation have already received funding & have managed to improve thek faci4ities: Theyare happy f~Pepmt-Wtheyme athehg some Vgerpeople to their group, Ma? eHer asked qvesr;i.ofts.regar-dingPexeegrhe Fdcms: hlr Service asked if other branches within thek area were also seeking funding, Address given for letters of support MrAGarvin 320 Greengain Road Airdrie M6 7TQ

Mr McColl asked members to take this request back to the various pups represented. Representation left the meeting at this point.

Mr McColl welcomed Mr G~almnJohnstonc from N.L.C.Community Services to the meeting *...... ' MlcNtTTES OF PRFMOUS MBETNG Approved by Mx Service & seconded by Ms Patethop

MATTERS ARlSING RECYCLING Various problem areas were highlighted i.e,Job Jwie Square & Croy, Councillur Jones explained to the meetin that the tomage collected was now well down, anticipated collection was around 160 tons but actual collection at present was around 88 tons. Councillor Jones said they were hopefid that the blue bins would be introduced into appropriate parts of our area in the autumn. Councillor Jones Ellso explained that each area would have an open night explaining how the system would work. LOCAL PATHS NETWORK Malerow hiwe submitted initial report & .will wan submit their final report. Some '\ ... ,' discussion took place on previous meetings & plans submitted & how this was a31 taking to long to show any sips of development. h4.r hunt asked if money earmarked for something could be diverted, Councillor Jones said no but explained that the heading paths can mead various types ofpaths. Councillor Jones dso expIained about the new Scottish Executive Legislation & how this would affect the situation. N.L,C. Councillor Jones said the council hvealready done some work on open areas& Dmbreck Marsh had no signs yet as the area was not ready for an influx of people. FUTURE AGENDA lvk McHendry to be invited to the next meeting to Qscuss Wcrow's final report. OTHER BUSNESS Weslfield Community Council hosted a meeting voicing concerns about the A80 upgrade,Councillor Jones & Mr Hunt attended. hh Carter brought along local paper With head lines against the A80 upgrade, Mr Carter felt that the publicity appeared to be all one sided & that this area should have a voice. It: was suggested that as we strongly oppose Erouting through the valley we should write to hd~McKema MP, Ms Craigie MSP, Councillors & other interested parties endorsing the plans outlined in the Executive Summaries for the A80 Corridor,

Mr Service received a letter from BdlocbEastfieldCommunity Council asking community councils in our aea to join a Cmbernauld & Kilsyth Community Council, Porum, CouncilIor Jones explained that ou fomhad a voice at Area Committee, conununity councils do not.

LocalArea Plan for budget until now has covered d1 North Lanarkshire using the customer survey. It is now hoped to set up local plans using local, information, a consultation will take place using community forums & it is asked that members ask additional people from their groups to go along. Date to be set. Councillor Jones will ask for papa work to be sent out before meeting.

The question was asked about pensioners free travel, it was thought to be coming into place in the autumn. \../' N.L.C. N.C.V.S. AGM. is to be held in Cumbemauld College at 6.30~on 19.9.2002. Mr Hunt is a member of this committee & it was agreed that The Forum should become a member.

I Expenses it was agreed that members can claim 45pence per mile when travelling to meeting or other business as well as other expenses incurreb.

Date of next meeting, due to school holiday Monday 7' Octoberin Holy Cross School, Croy.

Meeting closed at 8.45gm. KILSm & VILLAGES COMMUNTTY FORUM 7~ OCTOBER 2002

John McCofl Croy Community Council Kathleen Livingstone Croy Senior Citizens Jmes Hunt Croy Community Council vicky Paleth0q.X Kilsyth Cornunity Council Sandra Wifson Banton & Kelvinhead Comunigr Council Councillor Jones North Lanarkshire Council

Steven McHendry Access Officer N.L.C. Hugh Service Queenzieburn Community Council Pad Cater Canal Society Councillor Gxiflm North Lanarkshire Council.

It wm with sadness that the meeting was informed ofthe sudden death of Molly Dunlop. Ms Dunlop has represented the Kilsyth Community Council on the forurn since it was established.

MINUTES OF PREUOUS MEETING Approved by Mr Hunt & seconded by Ms Livingstone.


Mr Hunt wrote to The Scottish Executive& Ms Craige MSP givling oux support to the Auchinlcilns Roundabout upgrade.

Kist Community Council replied regarding membership of The Cwnbemuld & Kilsyth Community Forum, Kilsyth was not a member of this group.

It was noted at the meeting with the Deputy Mmister for Transport that was held in Condorrat on the 1St of October that one of the Kilsyth Community Council representatives spoke in favour of no upgrade but a by-pass through the Kelvin Valley. It was made clear to the meeting that this was nor the views of The Community Council but personal to the individual. Kilsyth Community Council initially supportad the full upgrade but &er consideration Ms Craigie’s strategy seems balanced & informed. Therefore Kilsyth Community Council supports her approach. Kilsyth, Croy, Queenzieburn & Banton & Kelvinhead have written to the Scottish Executive supporting Ms Craigie's approach

Kits* Circular Path Mr Hunt tried to contact Mr Kay of Kilsyth Community Ccouncil. It was suggested that he contact Mr Letham. Ms Palhorpe had no information at present.

Halcrow Report Mr McHendry was not at the meeting tonight as the Halcrow report was not available yet. It was decided to ask Mr McHendry to a later meeting. FUTURE AGENDA LITTER-it was agreed by the meeting to in~teMr Wilson who is head of the cleansing department. It was pointed out that at present there is a work to rule happening which is not helping the situation.

Mr Hunt asked if it would be possible for the forum to formulate some project that would benefit the whole area. Mr Hunt will report back to next meeting. The Local Area Plan - could an open Forum meeting be arranged for this. It was agreed to hold a special meeting on 25* November 2002 at 7pm in the Kilsyth Primary School. CouncilIor Jones wi11 organise the school let & will arrange for the reJ;wmtpaper work to be sent out early to each member. Numbers attending to be sent back to Ms Philliben's office.

N.L.C. Perftrmance report for 2001 -2002,

Ms Pafethorpe Will organise flowers on our behalf for Ms Molly Dunlop's funeral. Mr Hunt unable to attend the Area Committee meeting, dortunately no others available.

No Treasurer's Report

Date of next meeting 9' December 2002 at 7pm in The Old Library Bumgreen KilSyth.

Date of special meeting 25' November 2002 at 7pm in Kilsyth Primary School

Meeting closed at 8.05pm.