Office Members of the Archie Aitken Finance and Resources Committee Head of Legal & Democratic

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Office Members of the Archie Aitken Finance and Resources Committee Head of Legal & Democratic Our Ref: Your Ref: Contact: Kirsty Brown Tel: 01698 302 401 Fax: 01698 302351 E-Mail: Date: 15 Nov 2019 Chief Executive’s Office Members of the Archie Aitken Finance and Resources Committee Head of Legal & Democratic Solutions Civic Centre, Windmillhill Street Motherwell ML1 1AB DX 571701, Motherwell 2 ww w .northlanarkshire.go v .uk Notice is given that a Meeting of the FINANCE AND RESOURCES COMMITTEE is to be held within the Civic Centre, Motherwell on Wednesday, 27 November 2019 at 10:00 am which you are requested to attend. The agenda of business is attached. Head of Legal and Democratic Solutions Members : Councillors: D Ashraf, J Ashraf, D Baird, A Beveridge, B Burgess, R Burrows, A Campbell, T Castles, T Cochrane, M Coyle, D Cullen, H Curran, C Currie, P Di Mascio, K Docherty, S Farooq, T Fisher, F Fotheringham, M Gourlay, A Graham, J Hume, C Johnston, T Johnston, J Jones, K Larson, G Lennon, J Linden, J Logue, F MacGregor, R McKendrick, C McManus, I McNeil, T Morgan, P O'Rourke, J Reddin, N Shevlin, W Shields, K Stevenson, A Valentine, S Watson. Page 1 of 197 Page 2 of 197 AGENDA (1) Declarations of Interest in terms of the Ethical Standards in Public Life Etc. (Scotland) Act 2000 MINUTES (2) Minute of the Meetings of the Joint Consultative Committee for Local Government Employees of 8 and 31 October 2019 (page 7 - 10) Submit minute of the meeting of the Joint Consultative Committee for Local Government Employees of 8 October 2019 and 31 October 2019 for approval (copy herewith) (3) Minute of the Meeting of the Employee Appeals Sub-Committee of 10 October 2019 (page 11 - 12) Submit minute of the meeting of the Employee Appeals Sub-Committee of 10 October 2019 for approval (copy herewith) OPERATIONAL (4) Employee Engagement and Wellbeing (page 13 - 46) Submit report by the Head of People and Organisational Development providing an update on the progress made in relation to the programme of work aligned to employee engagement and wellbeing (copy herewith) (5) Sexual Entertainment Venues Licensing (page 47 - 50) Submit report by the Head of Legal and Democratic Solutions (1) informing of the licensing provisions for Sexual Entertainment Venues (SEVs), and (2) seeking approval to undertake a public consultation on the licensing of SEVs in North Lanarkshire (copy herewith) (6) Freedom of Information Report (page 51 - 58) Submit report by the Head of Legal and Democratic Solutions providing details of the Freedom of Information and Environmental Information Requests received by the Council during financial year 2018/19 (copy herewith) (7) Community Council Quadrennial Elections 2019 (page 59 - 62) Submit report by the Head of Legal and Democratic Solutions advising the results of the recent quadrennial elections for the Community Councils in North Lanarkshire following the close of the nomination process on Monday, 9 September 2019 (copy herewith) (8) Registration Service - Review of Festive Opening Hours (page 63 - 76) Submit report by the Head of Legal and Democratic Solutions presenting his findings in relation to the Council decision that there be an investigation into the possibility of Council registration offices being kept open during the festive period (excluding weekends and bank holidays) (copy herewith) Page 3 of 197 2 PERFORMANCE (9) The Plan for North Lanarkshire: Strategic Performance Framework Reporting Arrangements (page 77 - 90) Submit report by the Head of Business Solutions outlining the next steps in terms of the reporting arrangements for the Strategic Performance Framework (Please Note: an A3 copy of the Appendix has been enclosed with your papers) (copy herewith) MONITORING (10) Revenue Monitoring (a) Revenue Budget Monitoring Report - Chief Executives and Other Corporate Services 1 April to 11 October 2019 (page 91 - 100) Submit report by the Head of Financial Solutions providing a summary of the Chief Executive and other corporate services financial position for the period 1 April to 11 October 2019 (copy herewith) (b) Revenue Budget Monitoring Report - Council Summary 1 April to 11 October 2019 (page 101 - 110) Submit report by the Head of Financial Solutions providing an update on the overall position for the General Fund Accounts, Housing Revenue Account and Adult Social Care for the period 1 April to 11 October 2019 (copy herewith) (11) Capital Programme 2019/20 Monitoring Report 1 April to 11 October 2019 (page 111 - 118) Submit report by the Head of Financial Solutions providing an update on the 2019/20 resources and expenditure for the Council's Capital Programmes as at 11 October 2019 (copy herewith) (12) Treasury Management Monitoring Report for Quarter Ended 30 September 2019 (page 119 - 128) Submit report by the Head of Financial Solutions advising of the Treasury Management Activity for the quarter ended 30 September 2019, including the positive performance against the key treasury and prudential indicators (copy herewith) FINANCIAL (13) Payment of Local Taxation and Benefit Update (page 129 - 134) Submit report by the Head of Financial Solutions providing an update on the payment performance for Council Tax and Non Domestic Rates and the administration of welfare benefits and Council Tax Reduction Scheme as at 31 October 2019 (copy herewith) (14) General Debtors Debt Write-Off 2019/20 (page 135 - 138) Submit report by the Head of Financial Solutions presenting a summary of outstanding debtor accounts which are deemed uncollectable following all attempts at recovery or are considered uneconomically viable to continue pursuing (copy herewith) Page 4 of 197 3 CONTRACTS (15) Contract Renewal - iTrent (page 139 - 168) Submit report by the Head of People and Organisational Development seeking approval to award the contract for the continued use of the iTrent system for the period 25 December 2019 to 24 December 2026 to Midland HR (copy herewith) (16) Contract Award: Metal Doors and Blacksmith Works - Service and Maintenance 2020/24 (page 169 - 176) Submit report by the Head of Asset and Procurement Solutions seeking approval to award the contract for Metal Doors and Blacksmith Works - Service and Maintenance 2020/24 (copy herewith) CONFERENCE (17) Conference: Scottish Licensing Law and Practice - The Essential Licensing Update 2019 (page 177 - 178) Submit report by the Head of Legal and Democratic Solutions regarding an invitation for representatives to attend a conference on 6 December 2019 (copy herewith) LAND/PROPERTY (18) Re-allocation of Land (a) Land at Dykehead Road, Airdrie from Environmental Assets to Enterprise and Housing Resources (page 179 - 182) Submit report by the Head of Asset and Procurement Solutions seeking approval to re- allocate land at Dykehead Road, Airdrie from Environmental Assets to Enterprise and Housing Resources (copy herewith) (b) Land at Mabel Street, Motherwell from Environmental Assets to Enterprise and Housing Resources (page 183 - 186) Submit report by the Head of Asset and Procurement Solutions seeking approval to re- allocate land at Mabel Street, Motherwell from Environmental Assets to Enterprise and Housing Resources (copy herewith) (19) Cumbernauld Indoor Bowling Club - Proposed Lease Variation (page 187 - 190) Submit report by the Head of Asset and Procurement Solutions seeking approval to vary the existing lease and grant an unexpired lease term of 25 years to Cumbernauld Indoor Bowling Club (copy herewith) (20) North Lanarkshire Properties LLP - Consent for Sale of Various Properties (page 191 - 198) Submit report by the Head of Asset and Procurement Solutions seeking approval for the sale of North Lanarkshire Properties LLP's interest in various properties (copy herewith) Page 5 of 197 4 EXCLUSION OF PUBLIC The Committee is asked to consider passing the following resolution: "That under Section 50A(4) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973, the public be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 8 of Part 1 of Schedule 7A of the Act." (21) Town Centre Fund - Acquisitions (page 199 - 208) Submit report by the Head of Asset and Procurement Solutions seeking approval for proposed acquisition of various properties through the Town Centre Fund (copy herewith) Page 6 of 197 AGENDA ITEM 2 JOINT CONSULTATIVE COMMITTEE FOR LOCAL GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES – 8 October 2019 Motherwell, 8 October 2019 at 2 pm. A Meeting of the JOINT CONSULTATIVE COMMITTEE FOR LOCAL GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES IN ATTENDANCE The Administrative Officer. APOLOGIES Councillor Duffy, Convener; Councillors D. Ashraf, Baird, Barclay, Beveridge, M. Coyle; Douglas, Feeney, Kelly, Logue, H. McVey and Stocks. M. Quigley, UNISON, Vice-Convener; C. McGuire and S. Traynor GMB; A. Clark, D. Lowrie, C. Ross, M. Simpson, J. Struthers and J. Watson, UNISON and M. Scroggie and J. Rooney, Unite (T &G). In the absence of the necessary quorum, the meeting stood adjourned until Thursday, 31 October 2019 at 2 pm. Page 7 of 1197 ADJOURNED JOINT CONSULTATIVE COMMITTEE FOR LOCAL GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES – 31 October 2019 Motherwell, 31 October 2019 at 2 pm. An Adjourned Meeting of the JOINT CONSULTATIVE COMMITTEE FOR LOCAL GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES PRESENT Councillor Duffy, Convener; Councillors Barclay, Beveridge, Kelly, Logue, and Stocks. V. McEwan and J. Watson, UNISON. CHAIR Councillor Duffy (Convener) presided. IN ATTENDANCE Chief Executive, Head of People and Organisational Development, Head of Financial Solutions, Employee Relations Manager, HR Business Partnership Manager, Committee Officer and Administrative Officer (Legal and Democratic Solutions). APOLOGIES Councillors Brannan-McVey, M. Coyle, and Douglas, and M. Quigley, UNISON. Page 8 of 1197 ADJOURNED JOINT CONSULTATIVE COMMITTEE FOR LOCAL GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES – 31 October 2019 In terms of Section 7 of the Constitution of the Consultative Committee for Local Government Employees, and in the absence of the necessary quorum, the meeting stood adjourned. Page2 9 of 197 Page 10 of 197 AGENDA ITEM 3 EMPLOYEE APPEALS SUB – 10 October 2019 Motherwell, 10 October 2019 at 10 am.

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