S E M I N A R Y E D M O N T O N , A B 2020 - 2021 ACADEMIC CATALOGUE Welcome to Taylor Seminary TABLE OF CONTENTS 2 Welcome Correspondence Directory 3 A Word from the President All correspondence should be sent to the address below: 4 A Word from the Academic Dean 5 A Biographical Sketch of J. Hudson Taylor Taylor Seminary 6 Doctrinal Statement 11525 - 23 Avenue NW 8 Introduction to the Seminary Edmonton, Alberta T6J 4T3 14 Admissions / Registration Telephone: 780.431.5200 | Toll free: 1.800.567.4988 17 Map of Campus Fax: 780.436.9416 (Canada only) 18 Financial Information Email:
[email protected] 21 Student Services Website: www.Taylor-Edu.ca 22 Academic Information Whenever possible, the specific office should be indicated on the envelope. 29 Programs of Study Admissions (Entrance requirements, applications, programs, transfer credit) 34 Course Descriptions Phone: 1.800.440.6227 or 605.336.6588 |Email: Admissions@Taylor- 40 Personnel Edu.ca or visit www.taylor-edu.ca “Quick Links”: “Request Information” Academic Advising/Financial Aid Phone: 780.431.5207 | Email:
[email protected] Academic Dean (Curriculum and other academic matters) Phone: 780.431.8694 | Email:
[email protected] General Office/Campus Facility Rentals/Transcripts Phone: 780.431.5201 | Email:
[email protected] S E M I N A R Y Affiliated with the North American Baptist Conference Accredited by The Association of Theological Schools W E L C O M E TO TAY L O R S E M I N A R Y 2 A Word from the President Thank you for selecting Taylor for the next shape of one's whole life and one's whole way of being in the world.