issue 162 september 2015 Analysis: The Lost Tourists Fuel Prices Play Member News: Ernst & Young: FDI into Europe Hits a New Record UniCredit Hosts Sofia Transformations Expo The Migrant Crisis American ChamberC hamber of CommerceC ommerce in Bulgaria BusinessB usiness Park Sofia, Mladost 4 Area, Building 2, Floor 6, 1766 Sofia TTel.:e l .: (3(3595 9 2) 99742742 747433 FFax:ax: (3(3595 9 2) 99742742 747411 homepage:h omepag e: www.amcham.bgwww.amch e e-mail:-mail:
[email protected] m cham @a mch editorial Dear Reader, Wouldn’t it be great if we could devote this first post-vacation issue of the year to the departing summer, to our oncoming fall work and the expecta- tions of a positive business balance for your companies? For better or worse, though, we live in the European Union, which is facing one of its largest public crises after the Second World War: the Refugee Wave (read Boyko Vassilev’s opinion on Page 8 and a historical review by Reuters on Page 4). Tens of thousands of refugees from conflict zones in Africa and Middle East have come knocking at the doors of the EU, looking for salvation, shelter and a better future. For the first time in decades the Union has no common solution for such a serious issue. Immigrant quotas that the European Commission has tried to request have been met with disagree- ment from member countries. The better-off Eastern Europeans have no desire to accept refugees, while the poorer ones – like Bulgaria – at least officially do not object, but have no means to do much.