According to the report of the Regional Road Office there are no rain- or snow-falls. A strong northern wind is blowing. Roads are partially covered with snow with snow drifts which are processed with sand, salt and calcium dichloride. 48 machines have been working. Regional Road Office – Shumen requested restrictions. Traffic is prohibited at Rishki Pass for trucks of total weight over 12 t and allowed for those from 3,5 to 12 t with chains without trailer or semi-trailer. Road III-208 Provadia – has been closed for trucks of total weight over 12 t on request of Regional Road Office – Varna. Due to flood traffic is allowed only on one truck of road I-9 at check-point and at 216th km between and . river overflowed road III-9901 and the section - Rezovo is closed for traffic. There is no encircling route. Municipal road Izvor – Zidarovo is open for traffic.

The electricity company reported a normal situation in the region. They are working on removal of failures in some villages of the municipalities Pomorie and . These failures are not significant and their removal is expected soon. Power failures are in the villages Emona and Banya in municipality. Teams of the electricity company are working on power-supply renewal.

Mayors of and announced with their orders no school hours today for all schools in both municipalities. The pdrtial disastrous situation in municipality is expected to be repealed till noon today. Employees of the local administration make a list of the damages at the present moment.

Burgas Port and Airport are open

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