CONSORTIUM THREE-YEAR PLAN 2019-2022 Section 1: Consortium Information North Orange County Regional Consortium (NOCRC) Primary Contact Name: Janeth Manjarrez Title: Director, CAEP Phone: (714) 462-9579 Email:
[email protected] Submitted: North Orange County Regional Consortium (NOCRC) Table of Contents Section 1: Consortium Information 2 Section 2: Comprehensive Regional Three-Year Plan 4 2.1 Executive Summary 4 2.2 Pre-Planning Assessment 6 Figure 1: NOCCCD District Service Map 6 Table 1. Regional Service Providers 13 Table 2. Funding for Adult Education Programs and Services 22 2.3 Community Need and Customers 25 Table 3. Program Headcount and Enrollments 26 Figure 2: English Learners as a Percent of Total Enrollment in 2017 27 Figure 3: Orange County Cluster Salaries,2009-2016 28 Figure 4: Orange County Average Industry Employment, 2012-2017 29 Figure 5: Orange County Average Annual Industry Employment, 2016-2019 30 2.4 Identifying Goals and Strategies 31 Figure 6: Logic Model 29 Table 3. Progress Indicators 34 2.5 Piloting and Implementation 35 Figure 7: The Model for Improvement 35 Figure 8: PDSA Cycle 37 References 39 Data Sources 39 2019-21 Consortium Three-Year Plan |2 North Orange County Regional Consortium (NOCRC) Section 2: Comprehensive Regional Three-Year Plan 2.1 Executive Summary AB 104, Education Code Section 84906(a)(1) legislation states commencing with the 2019-20 fiscal year, as a condition of receipt of an apportionment of funds from this program for a fiscal year, the members of a consortium shall have a three-year adult education plan that addresses a three-year planning cycle.