Vol. XXVIIIIssue12; June 2 ddppl.com nd fortnight i fortnight ssue 2016 A DDPPUBLICATION Wellness Talk

TravTalkIndia.comkIndia.com Pages : 36+28Pages Supplement-Wellness Talk ` 50/- The business of sharing Sharing economy is anything but a new phenomenon. Several industry players have welcomed this strategy with open arms and its success has taken no time to create a stir. While on one hand it poses a threat to traditional travel agencies, it has definitely opened avenues manifold for those who have ventured into adopting this business model.

AHANA GURUNG Sharing economy is a The positives of sharing boon because it’s getting people economy would of course be the most efficient utilisation of resourc- On the principle of ‘unused used to the Internet and that’s the es and assets with the best pos- value is wasted value,’ the key players way the world is moving forward. sible quality. Does this mean that of sharing economy are growing at a Currently, every development points there will be pressure on people to stupendous rate. Of course, the tra- towards technology which is not only perform? Yes, but, I also think it will ditional industries have suffered due setting the bar high in the industry, lead to more creativity and better to the upswing of shared economy - but also brings convenience to the quality in services, more openness especially in the travel industry. In the game. However, it puts pressure and transparency. In , however, present scenario, it has helped com- on traditional agents to keep evolv- Ankush Nijhawan ing and adopting technology so that Raja Natesan any change is regarded with scep- moners to find pocket friendly accom- Co-founder & CEO CEO, UniGlobe ticism. With the sharing economy, modation and travel solutions even Travel Boutique Online we can be on par with international Travel (South Asia) the early adapters and adopters will Sandeep Dwivedi while going abroad. However, this standards. This revolution can change COO the face of the travel industry and maximise resources as well as benefit greatly. InterGlobe Technology Quotient does not mean that traditional busi- nesses should remain passive. The opportunities for the people involved in the sector. change in scenario calls for reinvention.

The emergence of these new business models are definitely Sharing economy as a concept is here to stay. It is an op- a boon to the travel industry. An increase in customer base is ex- portunity for entrepreneurs in the travel industry to partner and grow pected and the sharing economy will definitely create new custom- the pie. Cost of travel will come down and more people would travel. ers, who may start spending on travel using this affordable way of What’s driving this change is a fundamental shift in approach in doing travelling. This also means that people will tend to travel more. Ease business at a lower cost and this is possible with technological and of booking using these models will actually make last-minute travel, social advancement. You will see an exponential growth in travel and weekend travel or extension of business trips to a holiday much eas- this would benefit the travel industry in a big way. It’s all about keeping ier. It will create employment opportunity and add another source of pace with trends and reaping the benefits of it. income for locals in tourist destinations. It might pose some tough Dipak Deva competition to existing players in the travel industry, but the net result Karan Anand Managing Director will be positive for the sector as a whole. Head-Relationships Travel Corporation India Cox & Kings Need for consolidated South

While most tour operators claim that rules the roost in attracting tourists to South India, other states in the region also need to up their game to promote and develop tourism products. TRAVTALK gauges the industry’s opinion on how South India is faring in terms of tourism.

NISHA VERMA Rationalise taxes Multilingual guides Focused approach South India has always In the South, we mostly do There are many things been called ‘Sunny South India’ a two week itinerary with Tamil Nadu in South India to attract and has a lot of variety and attrac- which finishes in Kerala. Karnataka tourists — lovely beaches, tem- tions to offer. All the South Indian is also getting attention as it can be ples, backwaters. Roads are pretty states have got substantial funds combined with Goa. However, the good, especially the ones con- for tourism promotion, infrastruc- infrastructure and distances are still necting Hyderabad to Bengaluru ture development and festivals. a matter of concern. But the biggest to . However, there is Tourism transport in South India is challenge in South India is the avail- E. M. Najeeb very expensive, owing to high taxes a need to market these states Deepak Bhatnagar ability of guides who are thorough Chairman & MD imposed by the states. They should well. Instead of promoting entire Managing Director with the languages. Those who are, Air Travel Enterprises Group country as Incredible India, they have better coordination for smooth Aamantaran Travel they like to work on their own terms, Ganesh Rao need to segregate and give South travel within these states, and taxes which may not be practical. Having General Manager should be rationalised. This would act as an opportunity to Ascon Travel India a special focus. said that, I would say that there is huge potential in the South develop tourism. which needs to be explored.

Unite to promote Invest in promotion Explore beyond Kerala After Kerala, Karnataka is We’ve sold Golden Trian- The most popular destina- the next big thing with Hampi being gle for many years and South India tion in South India is Kerala, much in demand. While the South is now picking up. Even the margins which is doing very well because of its Indian states are doing marketing, are better in South India as compared marketing campaign. We are thankful they are only participating in local to North India. It is much beyond that Kerala Travel Mart (KTM) is or- trade fairs, and not the international Kerala and one can actually get ganised every two years. Other South ones. And all the states are partici- a 14 day itinerary which includes Indian states should also organise pating independently. They should Chennai, Bengaluru, Hyderabad such marts. Puducherry, Mahabli- sit together and decide to market and Cochin. All the states are doing puram and Tamil Nadu are popular P. P. Khanna Paramjit S. Duggal themselves as a region, so that they very well in terms of marketing. How- Homa Mistry destinations. In fact, it is the safest re- Executive Director Director can create more awareness. CEO gion in India and gets a huge number of Minar Travels ever, it is the advertising part where Trail Blazer Tours India Diplomatic Travel Point they are lacking. domestic tourists. Transnational Buddhist Circuit

The Indo-Nepal Buddhist Circuit will encompass Bodh Gaya, Vaishali, Rajgir and Kushinagar in Bihar, Sarnath and Shravasti in Uttar Pradesh, along with Kapilavastu and Lumbini in Nepal.

AHANA GURUNG However, Billa mentioned in Varanasi, Sarnath and We want to tap the huge segment of Buddhist that several bottlenecks need Bodh Gaya. The three-day he Ministry of Tourism to be cleared to ensure the event is expected to host as Twill soon roll out the first pilgrims that visit other countries in South East Asia integrated circuit runs in a many as 500 monks from transnational Buddhist Circuit and give them an unparalleled experience by open- smooth manner. “Currently, the ASEAN countries. between India and Nepal as visa is the main issue but since part of the route under the ing the routes to neighbouring countries. India does double entry for eTV is on the Swadesh Darshan scheme. have a lot of sacred Buddhist sites but with Nepal cards, this issue is more or less MOT Highlights While a major part of the Bud- addressed. Travel agents and International Buddhist dhist relics and pilgrimage involved, the journey becomes all the more tour operators also need to Conclave from October sites are situated in India, a comprehensive and detailed. create relevant and offbeat itin- 3-5, 2016 huge chunk encompasses eraries that will instantly attract Suman Billa ‘Short term yoga plan’ Nepal, which is also the birth more tourists.” He added that Joint Secretary activity box to be included place of Lord Buddha. infrastructure is being devel- Ministry of Tourism, Government of India in Tourist Visa and oped with allocated funds un- e-Tourist Visa Shedding light on the de- der the government’s Swadesh Ministry of Tourism forms velopment, Suman Billa, Joint countries. India does have a have since shown inter- Darshan scheme. action plan for B&B and Secretary – Tourism, said, “We lot of sacred Buddhist sites est in this initiative and the The map of the circuit Homestays want to tap the huge segment but with Nepal involved, the ministry plans to take discus- proposed by the ministry com- In a bid to promote the of Buddhist pilgrims that visit journey becomes all the more sions further with them. They prises Bodh Gaya, Vaishali, country’s potential for Bud- MoU between India and other countries in South East comprehensive and detailed.” are also keen on including Sri Rajgir and Kushinagar in Bihar; dhist pilgrimage, the ministry the US to facilitate hassle-free entry of Asia and give them an unpar- Lanka to the circuit since the Sarnath and Shravasti in Uttar will also be organising the Indians into the US at alleled experience by opening Billa further stated that island nation has a rich his- Pradesh; along with Kapilavas- International Buddhist Con- selected airports the routes to neighbouring several other SAARC nations tory of Buddhism. tu and Lumbini in Nepal. clave from October 3-5, 2016,

TRAVTALK photography contest TAFI elections on June 30 The Travel Agents Federation of India will be conducting its national team election along with its Annual General Meeting (AGM) by June 30.

Ahmedabad. Rajat Bagaria, ed, “By July, we will be able to HAZEL JAIN Member, TAFI National Man- finally roll out our Joint Bank fter completing all its aging Committee, revealed, Guarantee Scheme.” Achapter elections across “All our chapters need to India, the Travel Agents Fed- complete their accounts and eration of India (TAFI) is now conduct their AGM before gearing up for its AGM and the national team can do our national elections, which AGM and elections. June 15 will be held on June 30 in is the last date for filing the nominations and June 25 is the last date for withdrawal. The final list of nominees will be out on June 26. If there is more than one person stand- ing for the same post, then we will have elections. Else the person will be chosen unanimously. So we will de- Jigar Kishor Somani, Founder, Holiday Exotica, based in Ahmedabad, has won the TRAVTALK Photography Contest. The winning shot — Hot Air Balloon cide if we need to have elec- — was clicked by Somani from a Balloon Safari in Cappadocia, Turkey. tions on June 26.” fsdf The photo was clicked during sunrise, giving it the beautiful silhouette Rajat Bagaria effect, on March 12, 2015. Member TAFI National Managing Committee Pradip Lulla, National General Secretary, TAFI, add-

BULLETIN BRICS convention in Khajuraho The Ministry of Tourism is all set to organise a tourism convention of BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) nations in August this year, ahead of the upcoming visits of the heads of states of these countries in November.

NISHA VERMA MOT will host 25 tour operators from each of he Ministry of Tourism st Thas asked Indian As- the BRICS nations for the event, where the 1 day sociation of Tour Operators will be devoted to the convention and second day (IATO) to organise B2B meet- ings at the BRICS nations will have B2B meetings. The ministry has asked convention, which would be ,$72WRÀ[WKH%%PHHWLQJVDQGKDVDVNHGXVWR held in Khajuraho in August 2016, revealed Rajiv Mehra, submit a few details. Vice President, IATO, while Rajiv Mehra speaking at the IATO monthly Vice President, IATO interactive luncheon meeting.

“MOT has received a Minister to organise a tourism has asked IATO to fix the rything is finalised we will be directive from the Prime related convention for BRICS B2B meetings and has asked writing to our members for par- nations in Khajuraho on Au- us to submit a few details,” ticipating in the B2B meetings,” gust 31-September 1, 2016. he revealed. he revealed. The event will be in line with Programme List the visit of the heads of states However, Mehra said that However, he claimed Ministry of Tourism of BRICS nations to India in the event is still in the plan- that owing to the BRICS is set to organise a November. MOT will host 25 ning stage and there are many convention, the annual IATO tourism related tour operators from each of things to be finalised. “The pro- convention might need to be convention for BRICS the BRICS nations for the posal for the event has been postponed. “In view of this con- nations in Khajuraho event, where the 1st day will sent to the Ministry of External vention, we might have to do on August 31- be devoted to the conven- Affairs. We have asked MOT to some adjustments in the dates September 1, 2016. tion and second day will have let us know of the participants of our annual convention as B2B meetings. The ministry by August 14, 2016. Once eve- well,” he said. years VIEWPOINT 25TRAVTALK brings to you the news and events that made headlines 25 years Turbulent times ago and are even relevant today. From the year 1991, November issue:

irlines are scrambling to bring aviation Astocks back up again after several airlines’ shares plummeted by a minimum of 2 per cent (in spite of a sizeable profit in Q1) in the ™Orient Express Hotels launched a new luxury train in Southeast Asia. aftermath of the fourth straight monthly hike ™The train, called Eastern & Oriental Express was to make one return trip a week between Singapore, in aviation turbine fuel this year. At a time Kuala Lumpur and Bangkok. when ‘open skies’ is the need of the hour to propagate growth, the 9.2 per cent hike in ™It was to start service by late 1992 and was to take 41 hours covering a distance of 1943 km. ATF in Delhi has come as a huge blow not just for the carriers, but for the passengers as well since airfare is most likely to skyrocket. India’s domestic market was riding high on a 21.8 per cent increase in air passenger traffic in April making it the 13th consecutive ™West End – the Taj owned property turned 100 in 1991. month it led the domestic markets and the ™By December 1991 it was to get ready with all the new additions and upgradations. th 20 month of double digit growth, according to ™It was looking for a five star deluxe status in early 1992. IATA. Additionally, the draft of the Civil Aviation Policy released late last year sought to make millions more fly by capping regional fares but with the policy’s release nowhere in sight and recent dampeners in play, will the Indian airline market still boast its strong foothold? 88% tourists are repeat visitors India is considered a historically resourceful country while it also What about the old? provides value for money against competition. But how many of s a tourist destination, India is brimming your clients come back to explore more of India? Here’s a synopsis Awith history, unique monuments and of a report listing the countries from which travellers are willing breathtaking beauty. Yet, we read of state tourism boards announcing the development to return. of newer products with alarming regularity. In May 2016, announced its Willingness to return to India new adventure tourism facilities at multiple A survey was conducted on approximately 400 spots (budget unknown), Telangana will develop inbound tourists at major entry/exit points. On the overall Adilabad Gandhari Vanam as a tourist spot level 88 per cent of the respondents have indicated that (budget of `3.5 crore), and Goa will convert its they would like to visit India. Old Central Jail into a tourist attraction (`25.8 The break up by source countries are indicated below: crore). Even Maharashtra has upped its spend on new products like helicopter tourism and seaplane tourism rather than promoting its already-existing and beautiful coastline. All these cash-rich states are already abundant in tourist attractions that are remarkable in their own way. Some have been promoted well, some aren’t. The fact Source of information is, unlike countries like Singapore, Dubai or Approx. 83 per cent of the respondents were satisfied Malaysia, India doesn’t need newer tourism with the information made available and 67 per cent are products. What it needs is better marketing satisfied with the formalities involved. India Tourism Offices and improved facilities around the already- and Blogs/Tweets/Social Media postings are most sought-after sources of information. existing tourist spots. Old is still gold, but we need to put a shine on it to bring out its lustre. Source: ‘India Inbound Report’ by FICCI-MRSS India

Vikramajit Editorial Advertising Advertising () MUMBAI: Devika Jeet Suchita Saran TRAVTALK is a publication of DDP Publications Private Limited. information contained in this publication which is provided The publisher assumes no responsibility for returning any 504, Marine Chambers, 43, New Marine Lines, Chairman Kanchan Nath Gunjan Sabikhi Branch Manager All information in TRAVTALK is derived from sources, which we for general use, and may not be appropriate for the read- material solicited or unsolicited nor is he responsible for Nisha Verma Asst. Vice President Opp. SNDT College, Mumbai - 400 020, India, Hazel Jain Harshal Ashar consider reliable and a sincere effort is made to report ac- ers’ particular circumstances. Contents of this publication material lost or damaged. Ph.: +91-22-22070129; 22070130 SanJeet Anand Dutt General Manager Ahana Gurung Sr. General Manager curate information. It is passed on to our readers without are copyright. No part of TRAVTALK or any part of the contents Editor & Publisher Ankita Saxena Priyanshu Wankhade any responsibility on our part. The publisher regret that he thereof may be reproduced, stored in retrieval system This publication is not meant to be an endorsement of any MIDDLE EAST: Karishma Khanna Manager Advertising Durga Das Publications Middle East (FZE) Deputy General Manager cannot accept liability for errors and omissions contained in or transmitted in any form without the permission of the VSHFLÀFSURGXFWRUVHUYLFHVRIIHUHG7KHSXEOLVKHUUHVHUYHV Ruchi J Singh Z1-02, PO Box: 9348, Saif Zone, Sharjah, UAE Desk Editor Susan Eapen the right to refuse, withdraw, amend or otherwise deal with Gaganpreet Kaur Marketing Co-ordinator this publication, however caused. Similarly, opinions/views publication in writing. The same rule applies when there Ph.:+971-6-5528954, Fax: +971-6-5528956 Asst. Manager Marketing expressed by third parties in abstract and/or in interviews is a copyright or the article is taken from another publica- all advertisements without explanation. Shivani Kaul Advertisement Designers Asst. Desk Editor Naveen Kumar Vikas Mandotia / Nitin Kumar are not necessarily shared by TRAVTALK. However, we wish to tion. An exemption is hereby granted for the extracts used TRAVTALK is printed, published and edited by SanJeet on behalf Executive Marketing Design: Nityanand Misra advice our readers that one or more recognised authorities for the purpose of fair review, provided two copies of the All advertisements must comply with the Indian and Inter- of DDP Publications Pvt. Ltd., printed at Super Cassettes Sudhir Mudgal may hold different views than those reported. Material used same publication are sent to us for our records. Publications national Advertisements Code. The publisher will not be Industries Ltd., C-85, 86, 94, Sector-4, Noida, Distt.: Gautam Budh Nagar, Uttar Pradesh - 201301 and published at Production: Anil Kharbanda in this publication is intended for information purpose only. reproducing material either in part or in whole, without per- liable for any damage or loss caused by delayed publication, Oliur Rahman 72, Todarmal Road, New Delhi - 110 001 Circulation: Ashok Rana error or failure of an advertisement to appear. CIN: U22210DL2012PTC230432 Photographer 5HDGHUVDUHDGYLVHGWRVHHNVSHFLÀFDGYLFHEHIRUHDFWLQJRQ mission could face legal action. Ph.:+91-11-23344179 STATES JUNE 2ND FORTNIGHT ISSUE 2016 TRAVTALK 7 MP injects funds into Circuits Madhya Pradesh Tourism is out to tap the domestic market through its multi-city roadshow across the country. With `98 crores and `75 crores being sanctioned for Wildlife Circuit and Buddhist Circuit respectively, the state is all set to improvise amenities in order to attract more tourists.

SAMAPTI DAS Darshan scheme of the Min- is priority for areas falling MP Tourism has made the marketing strategy of the Treasure Trove istry of Tourism, Government under Buddhist Circuit in policies and incentives to state tourism, Sundriyal says, Madhya Pradesh has adhya Tourism organ- of India. Sundriyal says, “We Madhya Pradesh. promote various tourism “We will be doing 360-degree 77,700 sq. kms of forest Mised roadshows in dif- have been sanctioned `98 projects in the state and to fa- campaigns with consistent area cover, nine national ferent cities in the country in crores for Wildlife Circuit, Buoyed by the success cilitate their easy implemen- communication everywhere.” parks and 25 wildlife order to strengthen relations `75 crores for Buddhist and of Jal Mahotsav in Febru- tation. The main amongst sanctuaries with the travel fraternity and `98 crores in principle for ary this year, Sundriyal them are its forward looking Madhya Pradesh Tour- In addition to wildlife, the the various private players. Heritage Circuit.” She affirms reveals that the event will take Wayside Amenity policy, land ism has facilitated the na- state has three UNESCO The roadshow started on that the state is trying to add place again from Decem- allotment policy and incentive tional conventions of asso- World Heritage Sites — May 27 in Delhi, moving on to more value to the Wildlife Cir- ber 15, 2016 to January 15, for heritage projects. Inciden- ciations like IATO, ATOAI and Khajuraho, Bhimbetka Mumbai, , Hyderabad, cuit to attract tourists, while 2017, on a much bigger and tally, bids are out for 3 herit- ADTOI in various destina- and Sanchi infrastructure development better scale. age projects. Talking about tions of the state.

Tanvi Sundriyal Additional Managing Director, Madhya Pradesh State Tourism Development Corporation

We have been sanctioned `98 crores for Wildlife Circuit, `75 crores for Buddhist and `98 crores in principle for Heritage Circuit

Bengaluru. Tanvi Sundriyal, Additional Managing Direc- tor, Madhya Pradesh State Tourism Development Cor- poration, says, “Roadshows are a way in which we are bidding partnerships with our private sellers and the buyers in the form of travel and tour operators from various cit- ies. We’ll start with Tier-I cit- ies and then move on to the Tier-II cities.”

Madhya Pradesh has 77,700 sq. kms of forest area cover, nine national parks and 25 wildlife sanctuaries, the major ones being Band- havgarh, Pench, Kanha, Panna, Satpura Wildlife Sanctuary, and Chambal Ghadiyal Sanctuary.

In addition to wildlife, the state has three UNESCO World Heritage Sites — Khajuraho, Bhimbetka and Sanchi. Orchha, Gwalior, and Mandu are some of the other beautiful architectural sites.

The state tourism has been sanctioned with various projects like Wildlife Circuit, Heritage Circuit and Buddhist Circuit within the Swadesh 8 TRAVTALK JUNE 2ND FORTNIGHT ISSUE 2016 NTO 8% growth in Indian arrivals India continues to be the top BRIC market for Britain with the latest International Passenger Survey figures showing record visits from India in 2015, up from 390,000 to 422,000.

Britain in Liverpool this year. try players and post the wor- “We are redeveloping our Brit- Investing more in the most business from and we DEVIKA JEET FROM BRITAIN The Best of Britain was show- ship they explored the south- Agent programme which in the overseas network and fo- saw a growth of 13 per cent ndian visitors spent £433 cased to buyers from across ern part of England. online module we use to com- cusing on proactive engage- in the last nine months of the Imillion in Britain last year the globe. In its second year, municate with the travel agents ment, VisitBritain has its eye last year. Though the spend along with 9.2 million over- more than 300 international Along with strengthening and agencies. We recognise on India. “India is one of our has been a bit flat but the nights. India year-on-year buyers from 40 countries did its agent network, VisitBritain the web is used for research core markets. We have seen volume is grown more than robust visitor figures ensure business with more than 300 is focused on digital market- across Asia but the agent re- a good growth and it is one that Britain is on its way to travel trade suppliers from ing in India and developing mains extremely important of the markets that deliver a achieve the 2020 target of across England, Scotland, its business visits and events and we making sure that the good regional spread as well. 500,000 visits. India’s prom- Wales, Northern Ireland and from the region. agents are briefed and under- Regional growth is one of the ise to grow this market was the Republic of Ireland. The stand how to sell Britain. And of absolute targets that we have evident in the ExploreGB Indian contingent included a Christopher Rodrigues, course we need to further work from the Government. It’s the workshop organised by Visit- large number of senior indus- Chairman, VisitBritain, says, to improve our visas.” BRIC market that we get the

Christopher Rodrigues Chairman VisitBritain

value,” adds Patricia Yates, Director, Strategy and Com- munications, VisitBritain.

With all the basic re- quirements in place to grow the Indian market, VisitBritain is doing a little restructuring in India to align more with the travel trade. “India is a market with a growing middle class and growing aspirations to travel. We have great con- nectivity with India through our partnerships with Middle Eastern carriers. So all the basic requirements to grow the markets are there and now we are looking at refo- cus in India. We are moving our major office to Mumbai to be more aligned with the trade and build products and

Patricia Yates Director, Strategy and Communications VisitBritain

knowledge. This will help us to grow our regional prod- ucts being sold in India. We absolutely recognise the im- portance of a traditional tour operator and travel agent and their role in delivering busi- ness. We are working with the trade to ensure that they have the product knowledge to help the growth,” says Yates.

VisitBritain’s countryside campaign received a positive welcome with increased num- bers to North Britain and Lake District. The tourism board will continue to introduce the In- dian agents to more saleable products and work closely with the trade. ASSOCIATION TALK JUNE 2ND FORTNIGHT ISSUE 2016 TRAVTALK 9 ADTOI’s Chhattisgarh office New portal for enquiries The Association of Domestic Tour Operators of India IATO will develop a new, user-friendly interactive website launched its Chhattisgarh Chapter on June 5 in Raipur. for enquiries and increase its presence on social media.

that IATO members organise TT BUREAU TT BUREAU with assistance from MOT he entire central leader- he first luncheon meet- for international tour opera- Tship of ADTOI and all of Ting of IATO post elec- tors with whom they develop their Executive Council mem- tions, held on June 1, 2016 contacts during global tour- bers gathered under one roof at Pride Plaza Hotel, Aeroc- ism exhibition, roadshows, to launch their latest chap- ity, New Delhi did not see and sales call visits. “MOT ter in Chhattisgarh. Ritesh Pronab Sarkar, President, had put on hold the propos- Mundhra, Choice Holidays, IATO, in presence. It was Rajiv als for such Fam tours since is the Chapter Chairman. Mehra, Vice President, IATO, mid April and on the request Mundhra said, “There cannot who addressed the gathering of Pronab Sarkar, they are be a better platform than AD- and revealed that they’ve had Lally Matthews now continuing the partial TOI to promote Chhattisgarh multiple meetings with the Honorary Secretary hospitality assistance policy. Ministry of Tourism (MOT). IATO However, an upper ceiling cate visitors about their impact Apart from extending the would be put, under which on the local environment.” various timelines in applica- cular to the members and ad- each agent can get maxi- tion and validity for eTV, they vise them about the technical mum 15 air tickets. Also the Chhattisgarh Tourism wanted it to be extended to details and how to improve members need to apply Board members, local travel countries like Italy, Saudi their profile to get more en- for the same with MOT in agents, and ADTOI mem- Arabia and Maldives, which quiries. The existing website Delhi only.” bers from other parts of the the MOT has agreed on. is obsolete and a new web- country like Mumbai, Delhi, site has to be developed, He further added, “The Kolkata, Ahmedabad, and Lally Matthews, Hon- which should be more user hospitality scheme of MOT, Jaipur were also present orary Secretary, IATO, also friendly, interactive, respon- under which foreign del- during the event. updated the gathering on the sive, CMS based, with MIS egates are taken for Fam membership drive of the as- and compatible to mobile tours in India, organised by Jyoti Kapur, President, sociation and said that the App and other social media. IATO members, the exist- ADTOI, said, “ADTOI is spread- new Executive Committee We want the enquiries to go ing rates of hotels, transport ing its wings in Central India. (EC) has already approved on rotation to all the active and guides was updated by Tourism. Everybody is talk- stations, connectivity, and ex- With the Chhattisgarh Chapter, 35 new applications. He also members. The present soft- the ministry two years back. ing about new destinations cellent road network to start we are in the heart of India. It revealed that regarding the ware has some grey areas Since then there is a huge within India and looking for catering to tourists. But at the has a great potential for inter- MOT website enquiries, the and we are looking into it.” escalation in room rates, as new products for the domes- same time we need to un- state tourism. There is nature, IATO committee, which was well as guide and transport tic market. Chhattisgarh has derstand that Chhattisgarh is waterfalls, tribals, as well as formed under him, has made He also talked about fee. We have sent a pro- the necessary infrastructure an ecologically fragile desti- infrastructure. All we need to do a few recommendations. “We the revised guidelines for posal to the MOT to revise in terms of airport, railway nation and we need to edu- is develop it and promote it.” have decided to issue a cir- the partial Fam tour system these rates.”

HOTELS JUNE 2ND FORTNIGHT ISSUE 2016 TRAVTALK 11 Atmosphere opens ™ IATA elects De Juniac as DG & CEO rd Alexandre de Juniac, Chairman and CEO of Air France-KLM, will succeed Tony Tyler as IATA’s Director 3 hotel in Maldives General and CEO effective from September 1, 2016. De Juniac will be the seventh person to lead IATA as its Director General. De Juniac will join IATA from Air France-KLM where has served as Chairman and CEO The hotel group has been promoting since 2013. Prior to that, he was the Chairman and CEO of Air France (2011-2013). its third and flagship property located ™ Ryanair reduces baggage fees European airline Ryanair is reducing its checked baggage fees — just in time for the busy summer travel in Maldives in smaller cities in India Alexandre de Juniac season. The low-cost carrier has announced it is cutting some fees by as much as 50 per cent. Checking a Director General & CEO along with its partner Krisia Holidays. EDJWKDWZHLJKVOHVVWKDQSRXQGVIRUDGRPHVWLFÁLJKWVKRUWHUWKDQWZRKRXUVZLOOQRZFRVWĄ   IATA GRZQIURPĄ  $KHDYLHUEDJRQWKHVDPHÁLJKWOHQJWKZLOOFRVWOHVVDWĄ  7UDYHOOHUV FKHFNLQJDOLJKWHUEDJRQÁLJKWVXQGHUWKUHHKRXUVZLOOSD\Ą URXJKO\ ³DSHUFHQWSULFHUHGXFWLRQ TT BUREAU smaller cities. We are get- ting our bookings from all ™Nepal conducts roadshow in US tmosphere Hotels & these cities and not even in In a bid to recover from the loss of revenue caused by plummeting tourist numbers from the West, the Nepal Tourism Board along AResorts is preparing the base category but they ZLWKWKH0LQLVWU\RI7RXULVP1HSDOLVRUJDQLVLQJDÀYHFLW\URDGVKRZLQWKH86IRUWUDYHOSURIHVVLRQDOVWRSURPRWHWKHGHVWLQDWLRQ,W for the opening of its third are asking for the top-end will be attended by senior delegates from Nepal led by Deepak Raj Joshi, CEO, Nepal Tourism Board, and Prem K. Rai, Secretary of and flagship property in rooms,” he said adding that Tourism, Ministry of Tourism, Nepal. The schedule will include Denver (June 20), Phoenix (June 21), Long Beach/Los Angeles (June Maldives called Ozen at bookings for Ozen have 23), San Francisco (June 24) and Seattle (June 27). Maadhoo on July 15, 2016. already started coming in. With 90 luxurious stan- dalone villas, this property will be a high-end premium all-inclusive luxury resort. In Mumbai to promote this property, Dinesh Bhaskar,

Dinesh Bhaskar Group Director – Sales & Marketing, Atmosphere Hotels & Resorts Maldives

Group Director – Sales & Marketing, Atmosphere Hotels & Resorts Maldives, said, “We have the right partner in place in Krisia Holidays who has been with us from the beginning. We want to reach out to the trade in Tier-II and III cit- ies as that is where the de- mand is coming from.”

Suraj Dalwani MD Krisia Holidays

Bhaskar and his team have been meeting with the travel trade for promoting the new hotel. He will return to India (Mumbai) in Septem- ber-October this year with its own roadshow. “We are be- ing very selective and care- ful when reaching out to the trade. We are not looking at mass travel agents. We also have an introductory offer for trade for the new hotel,” Bhaskar added.

Suraj Dalwani, MD, Krisia Holidays, says, “We have already been marketing the new property; we have a team in Delhi, Bengaluru, Coimbature, Kolkata, etc who meet the agents regu- larly. We are also tapping 12 TRAVTALK JUNE 2ND FORTNIGHT ISSUE 2016 NEWS FAITH-led convention in Jan 2017 Smooth sailing in India Sarab Jit Singh, Vice Chairman, so many issues and things which FAITH, has revealed that they one association is taking up and With the government trying to add wind to the sails of will be organising an ‘Incredible the same is being done by a few India Calling’ convention along others as well. What we want to cruiseliners eager to tap the India market, private players with all its member associations in do is that discuss all the common January 2017. issues, goals and needs on one common platform so that we detail what’s in store for cruise enthusiasts in the country. Singh revealed, “We’ve can work in tandem. This way decided that in the second week of when we talk to the government, January, FAITH, with support of its we are not confusing the officials, TT BUREAU 10 member associations, is planning and when they take a decision, to have an industry convention called it is for the benefit of the Sarab Jit Singh Vice Chairman, FAITH Our Mediterranean route has become our biggest revenue gen- Incredible India Calling. Subhash industry at large.” Goyal will be the Chairman for this erator. While the child-go-free policy encourages family travel, our short convention on behalf of FAITH. The associations are also is being hit by some OTAs, sailings attract the corporate MICE segment. Our sailings from Singa- We are trying to invite the Prime which are indulging in unethical pore are also very popular. Our short-duration sailings with interesting Minister for the inauguration or the meeting to discuss how to fight against unethical business business practices by underselling itineraries, excellent airline connectivity to Singapore and the attraction valedictory function, whichever can hotels and other tourism products. be worked out.” practices prevailing in the industry. of Singapore per se are the contributing factors. Going forward, Costa Singh revealed that Jyoti Kapur, “There is a need for the government Spilling the beans about the President, ADTOI, has put forth to step in and put a stop on it. Neo Classica will be sailing from Mumbai to Maldives, starting December issues being discussed at the the concern that the business of We are meeting to discuss how to 2016, to gain popularity in India. Besides seeing a significant increase in take this forward.” convention, he said, “There are tour operators and travel agents Nalini Gupta FITs, GITs and MICE, we have started seeing queries for charters in the Head India Operations Mediterranean region. Costa Cruises

Singapore, 7KHKLJKÁ\LQJWHDP Lately, people Malaysia and Hong have become more Kong have been the eager to experience best selling destinations luxury on board and this season in terms take premium cruise of groups. For FITs we liners. Especially the have also seen demand younger generation, for Alaska and the Ba- with ample disposable hamas. In Tamil Nadu, Sriharan Balan Richa Goyal Sikri income, has shown people were not really Director-Administrations, Director – Group Business increasing interest in aware of the cruises. We Madura Travel Service Development, Stic Travels cruise holidays and ex- have promoted the same ploring exotic locations. along the years and now we have seen the In terms of destination, Indians are majorly demand increasing. There is a huge poten- opting for Alaska, European and Caribbean tial for cruise tourism in Tamil Nadu. In fact, sailings but are also gradually showing there is a cruise terminal being constructed (WLKDG$LUZD\VRIÀFLDODLUOLQHSDUWQHUDQGSULQFLSDOVSRQVRURIGHIHQGLQJFKDPSLRQV0XPEDL,QGLDQVDW interest in South America, Antarctica, Aus- in Chennai, which is funded by MOT, and it this year’s IPL T20 cricket tournament, invited its partners from the travel trade in Mumbai for a cocktail tralia and New Zealand where we see the reception to meet the Mumbai Indians team. could really boost the market in the region as numbers increasing. well as in India.

14 TRAVTALK JUNE 2ND FORTNIGHT ISSUE 2016 AGENTS ‘Luxury is in the experience’ Committed to offer bespoke and meaningful international journeys to discerning clients, Amit Kalsi, Founder and CEO, Experiential Travel Journeys, has carved a niche in the luxury travel segment with inspiring and authentic holidays. Kalsi narrates his journey to TRAVTALK.

Mantra Driving factor rector, Abercrombie & Kent India, during my I believe better travel is a result of digging The concept of experiential travel has tenure under his leadership at A&K. He deeper and connecting the right dots. As a pri- luxury embedded in the experience and not remains to me an inspiration and mentor vate travel designer, I am a connector, consultant, in the appearance. Luxury is in encounters, for my continuing endeavors in this segment of editor and arranger of the trip which is at a deep- it is in the stories, and never reaches a point Experiential Travel. er, richer, more authentic and immersive level. of stagnation. One is always hungry for more and so are your clients, who always challenge Industry Journey so far your limits to keep innovating and looking for This segment of business is gg,growing, The last two years have changed the way fresh and new ideas. I design experiences for as it is the outboundd segmentsegment from I approach travel products and I have become individuals and not masses. These individu- India and the segmentment within, a maverickmaverick about attention to detail, trying to als area sophisticated discerning travellers, not which is maturing at a faster rate createcreate ex experientialperiential travel pproductsroducts tourists.touri They offer smiles, are open-minded to become more discerningcerning and whichwhich are out of the box, yyetet valuvaluee and have deep pockets. I am still learning and sophisticated. This segmentegment is driven. The journeyjourney so ffarar doingdoin things not done or explored in the past not about number ofof highhigh net has been very inspiring,inspiring, and that’s what keeps me going. worth individuals (HNIs)NIs) or ultra wwhereinherein youyou think and startstart high net worth individualsiduals wwithith a trtransformationalansformational ccon-on- ChallengesCh (UHNIs) in India. It’s nnowow cept which is challenchallenging,ging, The challenge has been to remain true to about preferences, per-er- and rerequiresquires ppatienceatience andand youryour business concept and remain committed ices, is the key. But irrespective of the level of spective of travellersrs momostst iimportantlymportantl y towardstowa promoting, offering and selling expe- difficulty involved in filtering and finding such and changing trends.. dedemandsmands fofo-- rientialrient travel. It becomes a struggle when you clients, I am glad that I have been able to find Now travellers want cucus.s. havehave to filter your business queries, since we and engage and service clients who belong to to discover the havehave many aspirational luxury outbound trav- this breed of sophisticated travellers. world not just by ellers in India, but only few are discern- seeing it, but doing ing, sophisticated and have matured to Learning activities and experi- the next level of seeking more engaging I wish to acknowledge the learning I have encing a more holisticc form of travel, willing to experiment and had while working at Abercrombie and Kent holiday. The travel-el- get out of their comfort zones. India, which provided the base and founda- lers in this segmentnt tion on which I could conceptualise the idea of understand that suchch So communicating with the right Experiential Travel Journeys. My appreciation immersive experiencesces audience and connecting with the right will be incomplete without mentioning about are not cheap andd are client, who needs, appreciate, and most the guidance, supervision and trust entrusted willing to splurge on these

Amit Kalsi, Founder and CEO, Experiential Travel Journeys importantly pays for your expert serv- in me by Mr. Vikram Madhok, Managing Di- lifetime enrichments.

INTERVIEW Brazil calling H.E. Tovar da Silva Nunes, Ambassador of Brazil, is extremely positive about tourism ties between Brazil and India, and feels tourism creates the perfect bridge for enhanced cooperation.

Not only Indian tourists Brazilians would cer- INDER RAJ AHLUWALIA and conventions, but also busi- tainly be keen to visit India. How important is nessmen, scientists, students There is great potential for Q tourism for Brazil? and other segments of Indian both countries in the tourism Tourism is extremely society are welcome in Brazil. field. For turning this poten- important. It’s an instrument India is relatively well known in tial into reality, however, we for strengthening contacts need to develop a clear and with other countries, benefit- well-articulated set of govern- ing from their experience and ment policies and campaigns values, as well as establishing aimed at projecting India as connections to disseminate a tourist destination in Brazil, our culture, attract invest- and Brazil as a tourist destina- ments, and promote our tion in India. exports abroad. It is also a strategic sector for the Brazil- Do you feel tourism ian economy, exhibiting an Q would boost other impressive growth rate of 12.6 businesses and lead per cent - double the world’s to further bilateral ties average. Brazil’s tourism in- H.E. Tovar da Silva Nunes between Brazil and India? Ambassador dustry is already the seventh Brazil In economics we have largest in the world. Including a term called “positive the direct and indirect activi- externalities”. It refers to ties related to the sector, the Brazil, and the same happens the indirect impact of a spe- amount of financial resources with Brazil in India. By improv- cific policy or measure in mobilised by tourism activities ing our mutual knowledge, we other sectors or activities, reaches 9.6 per cent of Bra- are progressing towards deep- not necessarily directly zilian GDP. And the figure of er cooperation in several fields. related to the original target. 5 million visitors to the country Tourism constitutes a strategic The development of Indo- can be further increased. tool to achieve this goal. Brazil tourism will create a huge set of “positive externali- Is Brazil keen on Would Brazilians be ties” in fields like investments, Q getting Indian tourists Qkeen to visit India as commerce, science, sports, and conventions? tourists? and politics. Adventures of Andaman Mountain Edge Tours and Holidays is introducing new adventure activities in Andaman & Nicobar Islands in order to attract more tourists and offer a variety of experiences.

our travel trade partners from TT BUREAU time to time,” adds Raj. For the coming season, the com- ew activities like mini sub- pany is offering 50 per cent Nmarines, under water cor- discount deals on hotels, and al walks, under water scooter 25 per cent discounts on spe- rides, cruises for Havelock cial packages which the travel Island, new yachts and boat agents can avail from the rides are being launched for company. The company does the leisure travellers coming to not offer commissions to the Andaman and Nicobar Islands Prakash Kumar Raj agents but offers discounted informs Prakash Kumar Raj, Director special packages to them. Director, Mountain Edge Tours Mountain Edge Tours and Holidays and Holidays. In order to promote the of- We took nearly ferings of the company, Moun- The company witnessed tain Edge Tours and Holidays a 35 per cent growth in 10,000 travellers to will be participating in several 2015 over 2014. “We took Andaman in 2015 - international trade shows to nearly 10,000 travellers to showcase their products. “We Andaman in 2015 correspond- DJURZWKDQG are looking forward to be ing to a 35 per cent growth hope to increase present at WTM London and and hope to increase the ITB Berlin this year and will numbers to approximately the numbers to also conduct roadshows in 20,000 travellers in the coming metros like Delhi, Mumbai and year. We are targeting at least approx. 20,000 in Kolkata,” says Raj. a 25 per cent growth in 2016,” the coming year says Raj.

The destination man- other DMCs offering similar agement company has the services explains Raj. Gandhinagar ranks second largest on ground staff in An- in the list of most exhibition daman and Nicobar Islands “We work with many ho- space available in India, with and functions with trained tel chains like Sarovar Group, a total of 99.675m indoor DUHD1HZ'HOKLFRPHVÀUVW travel and tourism graduates, Fortune Hotels and pass on with 182,614m and Mum- which sets them apart from the hotel discount benefits to bai, third with 82,298m.

20 TRAVTALK JUNE 2ND FORTNIGHT ISSUE 2016 QUICKBYTES OTAs v/s agents: Room for both Travel agents have often been seen jostling for space ever since the industry has spawned their online counterparts. Can the online travel agents (OTAs) and traditional travel agents (TAs) coexist in the India market?


The OTA and the travel agent are both an integral part The travel Earlier, of the industry today. Both are here to stay and fulfill an impor- agents are thriv- travel agents had tant role; the OTAs focus on volume while the TA wins over with ing and so are the to spend a huge services. With growing outbound numbers, there will be growth for OTAs. To survive, amount to market both. Of course, the fear of taking the chunk away remains with the travel agents and their packages on- travel agents, but new technology will have to be adopted. With OTAs need to cre- line but with the the combination of personalised service and technology, the ate their own identity presence of OTAs TA will exist and the OTA will continue to provide offline services by introducing niche these TAs get good to boost sales. products and serv- visibility and can ices. By trying to put advertise packages Guldeep Singh Sahni Prakash Bang Neelu Singh President, OTOAI their hands in many to travellers world- activities, they would Managing Director wide. Similarly, OTAs CEO & Director roomsXML Solutions Ezeego1 be spreading them- through their partner- selves thin. I would rather suggest folks to ship with local TAs get an opportunity to use OTAs are The conflict own a large share of a small pie rather than this channel to run promos in places where gaining momentum is due to discounts the other way round. the agent has a strong foothold. because of their and offers made by reach and conven- online companies ience. Certain OTAs from their market- are selling tickets ing budgets to lure I think both are required and both have enough space to cheaper as they clients as they get thrive. There is no need to worry for either of the players and take are funded by pri- VC funding. The mo- knee-jerk reaction as many offline agents are thinking of shutting vate equity funds. tive is to show higher shop or few OTAs are burning cash by offering out-of-pocket dis- Currently, the travel sales irrespective counts to gain market share. Both can coexist. Since OTAs are the agent is facing loss Pradip Lulla of the profits. When Jay Bhatia big brother with high amount of cash at their disposal they should National General Secretary of market share and travellers book with Hon. National win the confidence of the offline agents who are in large numbers TAFI Treasurer & Chairman – is finding it very the OTAs they select Tourism Council (over 2,00,000) by giving them opportunity to work with them in difficult, but if it provides more value in the cheapest option, TAAI promoting their services. Madhav Oza terms of tour packages or special not understanding Director incentive tours in addition to airline tickets, the terms and conditions whereas with a Blue Star Air Travel Services it will sustain itself and coexist with OTAs in travel agent the same is explained to them. the market. The OTAs and the travel agent shall al- ways coexist because some travellers look A huge percentage of our turnover comes from the B2B for discounts and cheap deals and others online space. There is no issue between OTAs and the travel agent the human interaction, advice and quality or the tour operator. Each has its own strength. While the OTAs rule of service. the roost when it comes to domestic airline ticketing, the opera- tors and agents win hands down when we talk about international ticketing and tour packages. Although brand loyalty has come to mean very little these days with travellers and B2B clients buying from anyone who is selling cheaper, there are some areas where There is a general feeling that OTAs have taken away a big Manoj Samuel the OTA and agent/operator don’t overlap. chunk of business from the traditional travel agents. But, is every- Director, (IT & HR) thing really hunky dory with the OTA style of bookings? While these Riya Group OTAs promise the ‘lowest possible rates’, is the Indian traveller really getting the best deal? What happens when a flight gets cancelled or the traveller comes down with the flu right before a trip? Is booking Indian brick-and-mortar travel agents are witnessing chal- travel through an OTA always the best option for a traveller or his lenging times from not just OTAs but suppliers themselves. Agents wallet? Besides, the prospect of entering a credit card number into and tour operators without online presence for their niche products an online booking site is still foreign to a majority of Indian travellers. will find it extremely difficult to weather the storm in next couple As such, in India, it is very safe to say that OTAs have not put much of years. While TAs no doubt offer professional and personalised Biji Eapen of a dent into the more traditional model of offline TAs. services, the scope for earning is getting restricted day by day. It National President is advisable that there is parity of fares and prices alongside all IAAI verticals within our industry. Hector Dsouza President, L’orient Travels

22 TRAVTALK JUNE 2ND FORTNIGHT ISSUE 2016 AGENTS TBO among world’s App that can be a marketplace ‘greatest brands’ The mobile application developed specially for the Global Panorama Showcase (GPS) has the potential to become a marketplace in itself, claims its Nagpur-based organiser Jagsons Travels.

TT BUREAU exhibitors and registered par- ing it a marketplace for GPS ticipants. This was done just in participants and will be able he Global Panorama time for the upcoming four-city to showcase their products. TShowcase (GPS), India’s trade roadshow. They will also get access to first travel show that focuses the database in the cities they on the potential of Central In- Harmandeep Singh register for. It is available on dia, has launched a mobile Anand, Managing Director, iOS, Android, Blackberry, and Ankush Nijhawan and Gaurav Bhatnagar of TBO Group, were honoured with App that has already gone live Jagsons Travels, says, “We Windows platforms.” Jagsons ‘The World’s Greatest Brands & Leaders 2015-16’ award during the World To- and has been showing an im- are probably the first com- is looking at getting at least 50 day Business Conclave 2015-16 held at the Roma Ballroom of Ritz Carlton Ho- tel, Abu Dhabi on May 29, 2016. The event focused on the entire region of IUA, pressive number of downloads. pany in India to launch an ex- exhibitors in each city. i.e. India, the UAE and Eastern & Western Africa, targeting mutual business The App will reflect all informa- clusive B2B application for a Harmandeep Singh Anand associations across continents. About 80 Brands and Leader award winners tion pertaining to the event as travel show. It is live now and The show has six slots Managing Director Jagsons Travels were felicitated in the presence of 200 audience from India, the UAE and Africa. well as the contact details of we are working towards mak- for presentations in each city

which are still available. The GPS App will also allow ex- hibitors to have banner ads there. “The App also allows them to upload their products that can be accessed by buy- ers in all cities in the database. Tier-II and Tier-III destinations require a lot of attention and exposure to the destinations and the products they have,” Anand adds.

EntReps entered a sales and marketing partnership with Jagsons Travels in 2014 to promote GPS in India and internationally. Madhu Sal- iankar, Director, EntReps So- lutions, says, “We are inviting and hosting only relevant buy- ers from around those cities. For instance, for the Ahmeda- bad show we are only host- ing buyers from Gujarat and Rajasthan to keep it relevant.

Madhu Saliankar Director EntReps Solutions

Our focus is on Tier-II markets and on the domestic market rather than international. So we are very keen to get prod- ucts like houseboats of Kash- mir, Adlabs Imagica, wildlife parks like Corbett, Kanha and Pench, etc. The trend now is people taking shorter holidays within India and more often. Domestic tourism has indeed picked up.” Participants for the four-city roadshow need to go on the GPS website and regis- ter themselves for those cities they want to attend. Jagsons is also arranging for airport transfers. “We want to highlight the product owners and DMCs as people need to build con- tacts with suppliers at the end of the day. We are encouraging tourism boards and represen- tation companies to bring their suppliers with them.

24 TRAVTALK JUNE 2ND FORTNIGHT ISSUE 2016 NEWS Alwar on hospitality map 1st Travel Wedding MGB Group of Hotels offers state-of-the-art stays in its various properties in Show begins July 9 the city of Alwar that would suit every kind of guests. Over 900 face-to-face appointments

TT BUREAU clients. Bhatia says, “We get aware about the product we between buyers and exhibitors are business from both corporate have on offer.” In terms of GB Group of Hotels is and leisure clients. However, expansion, he adds, “We will expected to take place during a span Mthe first hospitality brand our main target is leisure.” be expanding and are al- of two days and will bring the big- in Alwar, Rajasthan, claims ready planning for the same. Manish Bhatia, Managing He further says that trav- gest wedding product providers and Director, MGB Hotels. “We el agents form a major part have three properties in Al- of their sales. “We are doing Navigator consumers under one roof. war, namely MGB Hotels, sales through travel agents All the properties under Sparrow Inn and Ankur Hotel as well as digital marketing. MGB Group of Hotels Manish Bhatia place in the country through- Managing Director TT BUREAU with a total inventory of 78 We also go to all the major are located in the heart MGB Hotels out the year. The industry has rooms,” he says. With Alwar trade fairs in the country. of Alwar City at just 150 he wedding market in In- flourished over a period of attracting a number of tour- Apart from that we visit the kms from both Jaipur and Tdia is reportedly a multi- time and is probably the only ists from around the country, offices of travel agents as Delhi, 200 kms (approx.) However, it is only on paper billion industry with thou- one that thrives even in the the hotel gets a variety of well as OTAs to make them as of now.” sands of weddings taking face of recession. After all, it’s not called a ‘big fat Indian wedding’ for nothing.

In a bid to tap the boom- ing market, the maiden edi- tion of the Travel Wedding Show will be held from July 9-10, 2016, in Gurugram. The closed-door event is the brainchild of the Pacific Leisure Group (PLG) and DDP Group and will bring together a selective list of buyers and exhibitors under one roof.

Sarika Bhambani Rawal General Manager Travel Wedding Show

Commenting on the move, Executive Chairman and Founder of PLG, Alwin Zecha said, “I’m extremely proud of having the honour and privilege to host the Travel Wedding Show 2016. Our aim has always been to provide our clients with a complete range of serv- ices for all their business re- quirements with assistance from our experienced and dedicated staff. With this event, we intend on bringing the same level of expertise to the Indian mar- ket and thoroughly delight- ing our clients.”

Around 30 buyers and 30 exhibitors will be a part of the inaugural show, reveals Sarika Bhambani Rawal, General Manager, Travel Wedding Show. “We expect over 900 face-to-face appoint- ments and 30 pre-arranged table-top meetings over a span of two days,” she says.

The first day will cater exclusively to wedding plan- ners, while the second day will target specialised travel agents with experience of global weddings.

26 TRAVTALK JUNE 2ND FORTNIGHT ISSUE 2016 STATES Hasdeo Bango Dam Uncovering Chhattisgarh's onsoon

Milieu Winding ghats, lush greenery all around, mesmerising waterfalls cascading down into a mist and overflowing rivers - these are but a few visual treats that Chhattisgarh offers during the monsoons. With an aim to present the best curated monsoon destinations, Chhattisgarh Tourism is all set to position the state as an alluring monsoon destination in the country.

WATERFALLS & Mendri Ghoomar: and makes it the right setting DAMS This is a small but pretty for a spectacular waterfall. Chitrakote: This waterfall located at about The falls are also close to happens to be India’s best 24 kms from Chitrakote. The the temple where the kept secret. Also referred to view of the deep valley below Mahashivaratri fair originated as the Niagara Falls of India, and virgin forest beyond is in 1936 and continues till date. Chitrakote has the distinction spectacular. One can also : Also known as Ravishankar Dam, it is a popular tourist spot in the Dhamtari Hasdeo Bango Dam

Mainpat: A popular southern Nichghat. Forests honeymoon destination, the dominate the Upper Ghat place provides good options with reserves spanning Sanna, for biking, camping and Bagicha and Narayanpur. caravan tourism. Mainpat Nichghat is flat in general but is set on a plateau with the also has many big mountains. area surrounded by jungles. A Two more ghats are situated in Mainpat landscape Tibetan settlement is situated Jashpur Raigarh road. of being the broadest waterfall visit haat (market) at Mardum closeby that offers an excellent Jatmai in India. It is fed by the Indravati village between Barsur and opportunity for interaction with Rajmergarh: River and lends a spectacular Chitrakote. district. Built across the OTHER PLACES the community. The highland makes for a view of the waterfall during the River, the OF INTEREST fascinating tourist spot and monsoon when the river flows Jatmai and reservoir offers a lot of Amarkantak: Jashpur: Jashpur is admired by visitors for its in its full fury and touches both Ghatrani: The twin water sports, virgin islands Mainly a pilgrimage consists of the northern forest and fauna, and frequent the banks. waterfalls of Chhattisgarh are and much more. Gangrel destination, it is also the hilly Upper Ghat and the sightings of bears. surrounded by lush greenery Dam during monsoon is a origin of the Narmada river Tirathgarh: This which makes them the perfect must-visit and offers and is considered sacred by 300-ft high waterfall is situated location near Raipur to have a picturesque view of enriched devotees. The area is well- in the Kanger Valley National family picnic on the weekend, flora and fauna. known for a huge variety of Park. The fall here splits into offering the family a different medicinal plants. multiple stunning vistas. scene from the usual. At Hasdeo Bango Jatmai , there is a temple of Dam: Hasdeo Bango Dam Kabir Chabutra: There is a small temple Goddess Jatmai adjacent is constructed across the This is one of the sacred on a large rock opposite the to the waterfall. Ghatarani . It is located places where Saint Kabir falls and around the falls are waterfall is 25 kms from 70 kms from Korba, Korba achieved salvation. Pilgrims the ruins of a 1,000-year-old Jatmai and is slightly bigger. district and has a catchment visiting Kabir Chabutra can Hindu civilisation. area of 6,730 kms. This dam also view the saint’s footwear Amritdhara: The and its surroundings present which has been carefully area is covered by dense the most spectacular views preserved in a small temple forests, mountains and rivers during monsoons. near the chabutra. Ghatarani

Hasdeo Bango Dam ATTRACTIONS JUNE 2ND FORTNIGHT ISSUE 2016 TRAVTALK 27 Recognition for social work

Melting pot of cultures Lalita Nijhawan, Director, Nijha- wan Group, was honoured as a Uzbekistan is located in the core of Great Silk Road, at the crossroads of Top Women Achiever 2016 for her exemplary service in providing edu- people migration and commercial routes. The amalgamation of original cation for under privileged women and children. Her tryst with social cultures between the settled and nomadic people makes it a cultural potpourri. work started in 1992 and has taken her to remote corners of the country in hope of providing education and Ark Fortress, Bukhara Beautiful Bukhara stability. Earlier this year, 100 women TT BUREAU achievers were selected by the Min- Bukhara is a UNESCO istry of Women and Child Develop- Truly Tashkent World Heritage Site and a ment in collaboration with Facebook The political, business, museum-city: more than 140 through a nationwide contest and scientific and cultural cen- architectural monuments of public nominations after which they were felicitated by the President on tre of Uzbekistan, Tashkent world significance constructed RFFDVLRQRIWKHÀUVWDQQLYHUVDU\RI¶%HWL%DFKDR%HWL3DGKDR·VFKHPH is an ancient city that dates in different centuries have back to more than 2000 years been preserved in Bukhara ago. Numerous historical up to date. Several former monuments including Kuke- from the world over. Tashkent tists, poets and philosophers. madrassas are located in Responsible Tourism ldosh and Barak-Khana Ma- is also home to 20 museums Many tourists also visit Sa- central Bukhara including drassas, erected in the 16th including the Uzbek Museum markand to pay homage to Madrassa Chor-Minor @WTM London century, have been preserved of Fine Arts, one of the largest Responsible Travel has countries worldwide, the long to this day while other iconic in Central Asia. announced the select 75 list includes a hotel in Du- constructions like the Amir Tashkent organisations long-listed for bai rescuing, rehabilitating Temur Monument, Mustaqillik Serene Samarkand Monument the 2016 World Responsi- and re-releasing turtles and (Independence) Square and Samarkand has a 2500 of People ble Tourism at WTM London educating guests and local The Academic Opera and year-old history and its con- sponsored by the Belize children about conservation; Ballet Theatre among several venient geographical location Tourism Board. an association of hotels and others, are visited by tourists made this city the important restaurants in Kerala working Organisations in the run- crossroads on the together to ensure food isn’t ning for the most rigorously Great Silk Road. wasted and that no-one in judged awards for responsi- The Registan their community goes hungry; ble tourism globally cover a Square, Shakhi- a tour operator in India making diverse range of issues from Zinda Mausoleum, heritage sites, street food mar- campaigning and innovation the Gur-Emir kets and festivals accessible to poverty reduction and the Mausoleum, the to all through sensory tours inclusion of marginalised peo- Juma Mosque etc. and tailored assistance; a ple, from hotels with exemplary are widely-visited the relics and sacred places and citadel Ark, Madrassa campaign to stop child abuse employment initiatives to wild- places in the citry. of the Islamic world. One can Ulugbek and Kukeldash. Other in tourism in Cambodia; and life and habitat conservation. The history of Sa- visit the grave of Saint Kusam places of interest include Ark a hotel offering employment, markand is also ibn-Abbas, a place that was Citadel, Varakhsha Palace, Representing a huge training and empowerment to closely connected regarded equal to a Hajj to Ismail Samani Mausoleum to diversity of work in 30 refugees in Austria. The Registan Square, Samarkand The Registan to famous scien- Mecca during the middle ages. name a few. 28 TRAVTALK JUNE 2ND FORTNIGHT ISSUE 2016 FAMILY ALBUM PATA takes niche products to USA

PATA India Chapter held its series of India Tourism ‘Travel Trade Roadshows’ in USA and Canada from May 24 to June 1, 2016. In partnership with the Ministry of Tourism, the PATA Roadshow was held in San Francisco, Orange County, Los Angeles, Vancouver and Seattle. We bring you glimpses of senior industry leaders offering bespoke experiences of Incredible India. Los Angeles Los San Francisco

30 TRAVTALK JUNE 2ND FORTNIGHT ISSUE 2016 FAMILY ALBUM SpiceJet marks 11th anniversary SpiceJet held a Bollywood-themed evening of glitz and glamour at The Leela Ambience, Gurugram, to celebrate 11 years of flying in India. The celebrations were graced by the presence of Civil Aviation Minister Ashok Gajapathi Raju who lauded SpiceJet on its impactful and strong comeback. Chairman and Managing Director of SpiceJet, Ajay Singh, warmly welcomed guests and expressed immense gratitude for those who showed solidarity during the airline’s ups and downs. NEWS JUNE 2ND FORTNIGHT ISSUE 2016 TRAVTALK 31 Honeymoon at Korea promotes new province in Mumbai Jumeirah Maldives One can never go wrong with Maldives when suggesting a honeymoon trip or a holiday for couples and what better place to stay at than Jumeirah.

which means that if you TT BUREAU find a lower rate else- umeriah Maldives has where online, for the same Jall the right elements for stay, date and room type couples be it the spa, dining, then the group will match activities or accommodation. that price and offer an Gyeonggi Tourism Organisation (GTO) along with its MICE Bureau conducted a presentation on tourism and MICE opportunities in the Gyeonggi Jumeirah Maldives special- additional 15 per cent saving, province of Korea for the travel trade in Mumbai supported by JassNow. ises in creating unforgetta- she claims. ble moments for its in-house guests. They can indulge in the absolute luxury this property has to offer which is fast becoming the first choice

$OHÀ\D6LQJK Director Iris Reps

Being the perfect honeymoon destination, couples can rest, rejuvenate and reinvigorate at Jumeirah’s Maldives resorts and enjoy luxury holidays at the island hideaways

for celebrities like Bipasha Basu and her beau who made Maldives their short honeymoon getaway.

Alefiya Singh, Director, Iris Reps, which represents Jumeriah Maldives in India, says, “Arguably the world’s most relaxing holiday desti- nation, the Maldives offers azure blue waters, stunning sea life and pristine white beaches. Being the perfect honeymoon destination, couples can rest, rejuvenate and reinvigorate at Jumei- rah’s Maldives resorts and enjoy luxury holidays at the island hideaways.” Travellers can enjoy the convenience of Jumeirah Vitavelli, only 30 minutes from Male, or try the seclusion and solitude of Jumeirah Dhevanafushi. Jumeirah.com provides a ‘Best Price Guarantee’, HOTELS Eyeing a piece of domestic pie Four Points by Sheraton Agra has eyes set on the domestic market, besides JUNE 2016 MICE and wedding sectors, claims General Manager, Paul Gomes. ITE & MICE Hong Kong Jun 16-19 recently opened roof-top res- TT BUREAU Connections Luxury Thailand Phuket Jun 19-22 taurant at the hotel also gives uoyed about the new ex- a clear view of the iconic World UNWTO Conference on Kiev Jun 20-21 Bpress highway connecting Heritage Site. Branding in Tourism Agra with Lucknow, Gomes expects some extra business Revealing more about the CITE Cebu Jun 30-Jul 2 from that city. There would hotel, Vivek Mahajan, Resi- be a lot of movement in dent Manager, Four Points by terms of domestic market in Sheraton Agra, says that the Agra, he says. 165-key property is focusing Paul Gomes Vivek Mahajan on MICE and destination wed- JULY 2016 “In a decade or so, the General Manager Resident Manager dings, international, domestic business in Agra has grown. Four Points by Sheraton Agra Four Points by Sheraton Agra as well as theme weddings. Travel and Tourism Fair (TTF) Kolkata July 8 -10 There’s a lot of competition “During the months of Octo- now as good hotel brands travellers from the domestic ket and 20 per cent from inter- ber to March it is the agents’ Travel Wedding Show Gurgaon July 9-10 have come up in the city. market,” he adds. national. The USP of the hotel season,” he says, adding, India Travel Awards East Kolkata July 15 There are a lot of opportuni- is that half of the inventories of “The B2B partners are ties in terms of hotel facili- Gomes informs that he is the hotel overlooks the Taj Ma- always helpful and we are Global Panorama Showcase (GPS) Ahmedabad July 15-16 ties at a good value of price looking at about 40 per cent hal like the gym, the spa and focusing on all partners like which will definitely attract growth from the domestic mar- most of the rooms. Even the B2B and MICE.” Travel and Tourism Fair (TTF) Hyderabad July 15-17

GBTA Convention Denver July 16-20 Global Panorama Showcase (GPS) Chandigarh July 21-22 Lords Inn Agra opens Tourism Investors Meet New Delhi July 28-29 Lords Hotels and Resorts, the premium chain of mid-market hotels in India, Global Panorama Showcase (GPS) Kolkata July 28-29 has announced the launch of its 56-key property in Agra – Hotel PL Palace. PATA – WWF Bagh Mittra Awards New Dehli July 29

India International Travel Mart Chennai July 29-31 TT BUREAU addition, Lords Hotels from one of the and Resorts, as a ho- seven wonders of ocated in the heart of the tel chain has extended the world,” says P.R. Lcity at a close proximity to seven states across Bansal, Manag- to the Taj Mahal, the hotel the country. ing Director, Lords AUGUST 2016 aims at offering affordable Hotels and Resorts. luxury. Segmented under its “We take immense &$3$$XVWUDOLD3DFLÀF6XPPLW Brisbane Aug 3-5 brand, ‘Lords Inn’, Hotel PL pride and pleasure in “With this new Palace houses 56 contempo- announcing the launch launch we intend India Hospitality Awards West & South Pune Aug 4 rary rooms with all facilities, of our 26th property, to extend our hos- an in-house coffee shop, a especially because we did dor of the Taj Mahal as it will pitality in Agra and we are Global Panorama Showcase (GPS) Coimbatore Aug 4-5 specialty restaurant and bar, not have presence in the be to MICE travellers. The positive that both tourists and and is equipped with a east, until now. Besides, location is just right for both business travellers alike will Hospitality Expo New Delhi Aug 4-6 health and fitness club, a spa this property will be the kind category of guests as Hotel appreciate our latest offer- India Travel Awards West Pune Aug 5 and also a roof-top pool. that will be as inviting for for- PL Palace is based in the ing,” concludes Rishi Puri, The hotel room rates start eign tourists who visit India business hub of Agra and is Vice-President, Lords Hotels India International Travel Mart Bengaluru Aug 5-7 from `3500 + taxes. With this to witness the grand splen- also less than 10 kms away and Resorts.

Tourism Australia-India Chennai Aug 18-21 Travel Mission SATTE Mumbai Aug 19-20 Ambica Empire means business Travel Technology Show Gurgaon Aug 20-21 Ambica Empire, Chennai, is an apt destination for those focusing on a La Cita USA Miami Aug 30-Sept 1 business stay in the heart of the city.

TT BUREAU For marketing, says Mu- as well. “We offer various SEPTEMBER 2016 rali Dharan, they are vigor- business packages on rooms, ocated in close proxim- ously adapting themselves food & beverage, banqueting, ity to the city centre in with the digital trend. “We conferences, etc. In terms TTF Ahmedabad Sept 2-4 L Chennai, Ambica Empire is try to understand and adopt of accommodation, we pro- Philippines Travel Mart Pasay Sept 2-4 the right choice for business modern techniques of mar- vide weekend offers on vari- and corporate professionals. keting with business values ous categories with attractive International India Medical G. Murali Dharan, General along with the client’s needs. tariffs. There are also corpo- Tourism Congress Hyderabad Sept 3-4 Manager, Ambica Empire, We also do a number of pro- rate discounts and loyalty Chennai, claims, “The ho- motional activities to attract program with flexible timings, PATA Travel Mart Greater Jakarta Sept 7-9 tel is located in the heart of inbound/outbound tourists according to the budget and the city where it caters to G. Murali Dharan from customised pan-Asian requirement of the guests.” General Manager TTF Surat Sept 9-11 mostly the corporate sector Ambica Empire, Chennai and European countries and and sectors like information reach them through different Sales through travel TTF Mumbai Sept 16-18 technology, pharma, foreign The hotel has five ban- media like weekly, monthly trade makes for a good tourists, film, manufactur- quet halls seating up to 500 magazines (domestic & in- chunk of business as well. Tourism Investment Summit New Delhi Sept 21-23 ing, insurance, education, people, a multi-cuisine res- ternational), web portals, Murali Dharan agrees, “We JATA Tourism Expo Tokyo Sept 22-25 etc. With only 25-30 minutes taurant, a coffee shop a pub with an eye on gaining valu- are associated with the top away from railway station and and spa. Being a purely busi- able foreign exchange for the recognised travel agents IITM Mumbai Sept 23-25 airport, it is close to business ness class hotel, it accom- country and also to serve who handle inbound and hubs like Ambattur Industrial plishes banqueting, business high profile corporate clients outbound tourists. Their TTF Pune Sept 23-25 Estate, Guindy Industrial Es- seminars and conferences. for their business needs.” remuneration is based on tate, major corporate offices, It can also accommodate the volume of the business Kerala Travel Mart Kochi Sept 27-30 hospitals, T. Nagar [shopping many business people from In fact, Ambica Empire on percentage basis or For more information, contact us at: [email protected] hub], and Anna Nagar.” different sectors. offers business packages equivalent to that.” OPPORTUNITY JUNE 2ND FORTNIGHT ISSUE 2016 TRAVTALK 33 34 TRAVTALK JUNE 2ND FORTNIGHT ISSUE 2016 MOVEMENTS Novotel Bengaluru Techpark Leisure Inn West Gurgaon Marasa Sarovar Premier & ibis Bengaluru Techpark Gurugram Tirupati Shyam Chaudhary has been appointed thet General Manager of Subrata Banerjee joined the Marasa Sarovar Premier as General Bengaluru LeisureLeisure Inn West Gurgaon,Gurgaon, a hotel managedmanage by StayWell Hospitality Manager. With an experience of over two decades by his side, Maverik Mukerji has been appointed as the General Manager Group.Group. He will be reresponsiblespo for all aspects of Banerjee’s forte is and always has been Delegate for Novotel Bengaluru Techpark & shortshort andand long-termlong-term planning and preparation in running some of the best hotels in Ibis Bengaluru Techpark. Mukerji is a part ofof the marketingmarketing hotelho policies, procedures, ,QGLD %DQHUMHH ZDV SUHYLRXVO\ DIÀOLDWHG of the Accor Executive Committee as relevant legislations,legislatio overall operations with renowned properties like the well and works closely with other Accor andand the annual budget. Chaudhary has InterContinental Hotels (IHG), The Taj OHDGHUV WR LQÁXHQFH WKH FRPSDQ\·V a career of 14 years in the hospitality Group, Carlson Hotels and Jaypee strategic decisions across the Indian industry,industry, hhee hhasas a long-standing track Hotels. Banerjee is a Hotel Management sub-continent. While Mukerji has record of developingdevelop exceptional service Graduate as well as a Science been a GM in Accor, in India for over standardsstandards and ooperationalpe procedures and Graduate and is also a 10 years he previously served as the policies.policies. ChaudharyCh is a graduate FHUWLÀHG %XVLQHVV GM of Novotel Hyderabad Airport. from IHM with a Executive from XLRI, Mukerji has over 20 years of Bachelor’sBa degree in Hotel Jamshedpur. experience in the hospitality Management.M industry globally.

InterGlobe Technology Quotient Seyfert Sarovar Portico Park Hyatt Goa Resort And Spa New Delhi Dehradun Goa Taruna Soni has been appointed as the Head of Marketing & Sarovar Hotels & Resorts has appointed Rahul Saxena as General Shobhit Sawhney is the new General Manager at the Park Hyatt Communications at InterGlobe Technology Quotient. With 15 years Manager of Seyfert Sarovar Portico, Dehradun. Prior to this Goa Resort and Spa. An industry veteran with over 16 enriching of experience, she was previously Saxena was General Manager at Country years across brands and countries, Sawhney engaged as the Communication and Inn & Suites by Carlson Ahmedabad was earlier handling the role of Hotel Brand Manager at SAFRAN. During and General Manager of Sales & Manager at Grand Hyatt Mumbai, a her innings at SAFRAN, she has Marketing with Hotel Parkland New ÁDJVKLSKRWHORIWKHEUDQG,QKLVQHZ successfully executed multiple well- Delhi and Jaypee Group of Hotels. role, he will be heading the luxurious planned strategies to create brand With over 20 years of experience, he Park Hyatt Goa Resort and Spa - the awareness and its positioning has earlier worked with The Lalit and ÀUVW3DUN+\DWW+RWHOLQ,QGLDDQGWKH WKURXJK DFWLYH RIÁLQH PHGLD Grand Mercure New Delhi. He is only resort property of the brand in usage and online engagement. a commerce graduate from Delhi the country. Sawhney graduated from She holds a masters in dual University and holds a Diploma in Hotel IHM Mumbai and was working in the UK specialiation – International Management from Bhartiya Vidhya with international hotel chains till Business & Marketing from Bhawan, New Delhi. Hyatt brought him back home. Institute of Management Technology.

Park Hyatt Goa Resort and Spa also appointed Rakesh Mosaic Hotels Ramola as its Food and Beverage Manager. Ramola brings Novotel Hyderabad Convention Centre more than 13 years of expertise in the hospitality industry. Noida In his new role, Ramola will be responsible for upholding & HICC Soumya Rastogi has been appointed as Head of Sales & Marketing and enhancing the culinary experience at the resort through at Mosaic Hotels, a hospitality venture of Shipra Group. His innovation and cutting-edge concepts and Hyderabad extensive 12 years experience has made processes. Prior to this assignment, Novotel Hyderabad Convention Centre and HIÀFLHQW JURXQG IRU WKH JURXS·V YDULRXV he was the Assistant Director of HICC has appointed Gagandeep Singh properties like Mosaic Noida, Mosaic Food and Beverage at Grand Hyatt Hanjra as the new Director of Revenue Mussoorie and Hive Hotels, Alwar. Prior Mumbai and has worked in some Management. Hanjra has completed his to this, he had worked for ZO Rooms as RIWKHÀQHVWKRWHOVLQWKHZRUOG Masters in Business Management from Account Director of Sales & Marketing. including the Hyatt Regency IILM-Gurgaon and will be overlooking the He has also served for brands like Mumbai, Grand Hyatt Doha and revenue and proceeds management of Accor, Grand Hyatt, Radisson, ITC Hyatt Place Pune Hinjewadi. both - the hotel and the convention centre. Hotels respectively. Rastogi possesses He has over eight years of experience in outstanding business acumen and laced the hospitality genre, working at with the talent of attracting a senior echelon with new corporate clients and eminent hotel chains capitalising upon revenue across India namely generation opportunities. The Leela, Lalit, and The Taj Group.

Stephen Peppard, International Sales & Marketing Simon Akeroyd, Vice President-Corporate Strategy When stress levels are high Srinivas Srirangam, GM, Representative for Phillip Island Nature Parks, does DQG %XVLQHVV 'HYHORSPHQW $PDGHXV $VLD 3DFLÀF Novotel Imagica Khopoli, turns to music. “What intrigues not let stress take over his life. He loves spending enjoys the sun, sand and sea in Bali as much as he me is the way just a few notes in different combination can WLPH ZLWK KLV ZLIH DQG WZR VRQV ´, HQMR\ ÀVKLQJ likes his high-tech gadgets. He spends most of his capture emotions that differ so greatly. I love experimenting and am lucky that I live on an Island that has IUHH WLPH VXUÀQJ LQ WKH FRXQWU\ ZKLFK LV DOVR KLV with and mixing music. If not the hospitality industry, I VRPHIDQWDVWLFÀVKLQJVSRWV,DOVRORYHZDWFKLQJ favourite destination because of the active would have probably chosen to become a DJ,” he says. cricket test matches,” he says. VXUÀQJ VFHQDULR DQG LV He is passionate about travelling His most memorable equally passionate as well because of the rich holiday moment in about motorboats. learning experience it offers. India was driving an +LV DIÀQLW\ WRZDUGV Watching the light and sound auto-rickshaw for a South East Asia is show at Abu Simbel temples in short distance, after even more evident Egypt with his wife is his most agreeing to give the in his fondness for memorable holiday moment. driver a tip! Thai cuisine. While Africa features as his favourite big hotel chains draw international destination while him in, quaint boutique the North East in India tops his hotels catch his list of places he loves fancy every closer home. now and then.

Postal Reg. No.: DL(ND)-11/6044/2015-16-17; WPP No.: U(C)-178/2015-17 for posting on 1st-2nd and 16th-17th of the same month at New Delhi PSO, New Delhi - 110001, RNI No.: 53492/1991 Date of Publication: 15-06-2016 Ancillary products are a must Ankur Bhatia, Executive Director, Bird Group, believes that offering ancillary products to the clients is the need of the hour for travel agents, and despite the mushrooming of OTAs, they are here to stay.

travel agencies every month and I haven’t What are the expectations from NISHA VERMA seen international travel agencies or big Q Amadeus? What are your views on the agencies who have wound up. Most of Innovation — and we’ve been do- Qtourism industry in India? the traditional travel agencies have sur- ing that for the last 25 years. Also, we The industry is growing in the right vived despite the fact that there has been are investing a lot in our product, spe- direction, despite the given circum- an upsurge in the online and other play- cifically in self booking tools, which are stances within our country, with issues ers of business. In fact they have actually being used both in the Indian market as in terms of infrastructure and also bottle- grown both in terms of numbers and their well as across the world. These are the necks in aviation. From the group’s point profitability. Thus, the travel agencies are products, which have been developed in of view, we are involved in most of the there to stay both online as well as the India keeping in focus the corporations activities within the aviation and hospi- traditional brick and mortar ones. And or clients in mind that service through tality industry. I would definitely say that the growth and potential of the country is also helping us fuel our growth, as well as making us chart our expansion plans. We have got two kinds of products for the travel agencies. One is GDS and What is your share in the GDS the other is BirdRes in which we’ve actually Qmarket? We are the number one player in the consolidated content from railways, events, marketplace and the nearest competitor for us is 50 per cent of our size. We are SIM card providers, as well as other travel Number One in most of the segments, providers. It is available now on the desktop especially in the OTA business, where we have market share of more than 80 of the travel agencies. per cent. And it is only growing both or- ganically as well as in market share. Ankur Bhatia Executive Director Today GDSs are paying the Bird Group Qairlines to use them. Why such turn of events? I don’t think it’s a new formula or a new direction. Incentives have always the agencies would certainly ride on the a travel agency. Hence, we feel that been part of the business. We have been growth wave which India is witnessing such products are a differentiator and in the market for the last 25 years now. right now in terms of numbers. The main we continue to actually invest in these The agents have always been incentiv- reason being that India is a very high kinds of products. ised, initially with the hardware and then touch market, and secondly the penetra- based on their productivity and loyalty tion of credit cards is extremely low, be- Tell us about the latest report they were getting bonus. It’s been like this cause of which traditional travel agencies Q that Amadeus has come up for the last 25 years and it will continue. would survive in the future. with? We just came out with a study on What according to you is the What kind of ancillary products leisure travel and this time it is high-end Qfuture of travel agents? Qyou offer for agents? luxury travel within leisure that we have Future of travel agents is very robust, We have got two kinds of products worked on. This year we’ve looked at specifically in a country which is as big for the travel agencies. One is GDS and which destination, areas and services and diverse as India. Today we service the other is Birdres in which we’ve actu- seasoned luxury traveller wants to look at. around 40,000 point of sales in 200 cit- ally consolidated content from railways, We keep on investing in these reports be- ies across the country and I think it is events, SIM card providers, as well as cause they help the travel agency to plan only growing. India adds around 100-150 other travel providers. Birdres is available its sales strategy for the end customer. now on the desktop of the travel agencies and we keep on adding newer content Please tell us about the High in the Sky that comes in the market place continu- Qupcoming Dusit D2? ously, making them a one-stop-shop. We’ve got four properties right now — Bird Group services around 40,000 However, if you look at it in terms of two in England and two in Delhi including point of sales in 200 cities across percentage, these services might be the latest one — Dusit D2, which is yet to the country very low because traditional business is open. It is a 216-key hotel and is located through GDSs still. However, it is grow- at Aerocity and we have a total of five dif- Birdres has approximately 400 plus ing 100 per cent year on year basis. We ferent F&B outlets, shopping arcades as corporate implants have approximately 400 plus corporate well as a cinema, which is a differentiator. implants, which are serviced by travel The property is the most high-end luxury The group has a GDS market share agencies. And services like these are property in Aerocity, and we hope we’d be of more than 80 per cent in the very popular with them. able to bring it to the market very soon. WellnessYour feel-good guide talk

Whycome India?to



Wellnesstalk NEWS IN BRIEF FEEL-GOOD ABOUT INDIA India is fast emerging as a destination offering first world treatments at third world costs, skilled professionals, quality treatment. That coupled with its knowledge in ayurveda, unani, Panchakarma, yoga and homeopathy, it has an advantage over all its competitors within Asia like Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia and the Philippines. Chennai, Mumbai, Andhra Pradesh and National Capital Region are the most favoured medical tourism destinations for the medical tourist population who avail treatments in India. Rishikesh, the yoga capital of India, and Kerala, the wellness hub for ayurveda, attract large number of tourists but the potential is still U&I DEBUTS IN WELLNESS WITH ASHOKA SPA untapped. There is no dedicated Mumbai-based DMC, U&I Holidays, specialists in Indonesia and Maldives, has branched web portal to connect the wellness out into the wellness management with its new Ashoka Spa in Saki Naka, Andheri (East) traveller to various public/private Mumbai. Ashish Indulkar, Director, Ashoka Spa by U&I Wellness Management, says, wellness facilitators, tour operators, “This is our first venture into the wellness segment and we plan to come up with at and hospitals which consumes time and energy when fending for the least 10-12 more outlets in five years. We started operations in April and we are getting right centre. The lack of regulation very good response.” The spa has five types of packages, including full-body treatments, and uniform accreditation norms for foot treatments, body scrubs, six types of facials and its signature Ashoka Spa treatment. spas and ayurveda centres deters It also has aromatherapy, Swedish massage, and ayurveda therapies. The highlight of the the check of quality standards being spa is that all its products come from Bali. offered. To add to the challenges, the procurement of medical visa is cumbersome and complicated. India needs an additional 1.8 million beds to achieve the WHO target of 2 beds per 1,000 people by 2025. Also, an additional 1.54 million doctors would be required, and an investment of $86 billion required to achieve these targets according WHO to certify yoga and to a whitepaper by Grant Thorton and Confederation of Indian Ayurveda programmes Industry (CII). The Ministry of AYUSH and World Health Organisation With the National Medical and (WHO) have signed a project Wellness Tourism Promotion Board collaboration agreement for put in place, the Government has Yoga programmes included cooperation on promoting the shown its interest to emphasize in Tourist Visa and eTV this niche segment. The wellness quality, safety and effectiveness Short-term yoga programmes will now be included traveller who spends 130 per cent of service provision in traditional more than any other is a lucrative in Tourist Visa and e-Tourist Visa (eTV). ‘Attending and complementary medicine. and addressable market for a short term Yoga programme,’ and ‘short duration The PCA will for the first time India. The government has to up medical treatment under Indian systems of medicines’ deliver WHO benchmarks for its game and with private has been added in the list of permissible activities training in yoga as well as collaboration lend speed to the under Tourist Visa and eTV. Presently, a Tourist Visa is practise in traditional systems growth of this segment. granted to a foreigner whose sole objective of visiting of medicine such as ayurveda, ANKITA SAXENA India is recreation, sightseeing and casual visit. unani and Panchakarma.

June 2ND Fortnight Issue 2016 TRAVTALK 3 talk NEWS


Kairali’s Holistic Wellness Centre & Spa debuts in USA Kairali Ayurvedic Group has opened its first Holistic Well- ness Centre & Spa Centre - Kairali World of Ayurveda in Connecticut, US. KWOA will offer wellness techniques, rejuvenating body treatments, health and diet counselling, holistic healing services and a wide range of authentic Ayurvedic therapies in the US market. The brand is expected to open 10 more centres by 2016 end in Kanpur, Lucknow, GOING GLOBAL Goa, Mumbai and Thane cities of India and in two more 175 nations, including USA, Canada and China, co-sponsored the resolution to cities of Bulgaria and Czech Republic in Europe. commemorate June 21 as International Yoga Day. Ban Ki-moon, Secretary General, United Nations (left), performed Yoga at the UN Headquarters. Medical Tourism Promotion Council in Maharashtra Maharashtra will set up a new medical tourism promotion council to tap the potential of the medical tourism segment. The aim is to support tie-ups between hospitals and hotels, so the state can attract more medical tourists for cosmetic surgery, dentistry, fertility treatment, orthopedic and cardiac surgery. Over two lakh medical tourists come to Mumbai, but often a number of them go to other states, says Valsa Nair Singh, Secretary, Tourism and Cultural Affairs, Government of Maharashtra. According to Singh, a large REACHING MASSES number come from The 1st International Day of Yoga in 2015 set two Guinness World Records: the largest the Middle East. yoga class with 35,985 people performing yoga at a single venue; and the largest number of nationalities at a yoga event — invitees from 84 countries took part to set the record.

Westin Pushkar & W Goa to open on Sept 1, 2016 Starwood Hotels and Resorts’ 98-room Westin Pushkar Resort and Spa is set to open in September this year. The hotel has a 560-square-metre ballroom, totalling more than 900 square metres of welcoming space and features a comprehensive range of amenities and services. Starwood Hotels and Resorts is pitching its growth plan in the South Asia market with the opening of three new properties this year. Barun Gupta, Global Account Director, Starwood Hotels and Resorts informs that other than Westin Pushkar, W Goa is also expected to open in September and St. Regis Maldives will open by the end of this year. The 160-room W Retreat & Spa Goa to open September 1, has two grand ballrooms, a function room, three meeting/VIP rooms, a function lawn and a pre-function area provide enough space for all your guests. The hotel has six meeting spaces with the largest one being 600 square metres.

talk 4 TRAVTALK June 2ND Fortnight Issue 2016 NEWS

1st all suite luxury resort in Langkawi St. Regis Hotels and Resorts launched its first all-suite luxury resort St. Regis Langkawi, Malaysia, offering four private overwater villas and 85 suites. Spanning over 8,600 sq. ft., the brand’s signature Iridium Spa enables guests to indulge in a range of specialty Hambantota Resort & Spa massages and well-being treatments. Other opens in Sri Lanka facilities include a salon, an infinity swimming Shangri-La’s 300-room Hambantota pool, and a natural-salt water lagoon. Resort & Spa recently opened in Sri Lanka. At the property, spa enthusiasts can indulge at CHI, The Spa, where Ayurvedic Wellness Oasis: Four Seasons treatments are being offered using organic herbs and natural products after Resort Oahu opens in Ko Olina a personal consultation with the guest. The newest Four Seasons in Hawaii is located on The property has 12 indoor and outdoor the ocean in the resort community of Ko Olina. The treatment rooms for stress relieving massages, facials and body treatments. 17-storey terraced hotel features an expansive spa A variety of opening packages are being and wellness oasis, on-site tennis centre, privileged offered to the guests, including an access to the Ko Olina Golf Club, among other all-inclusive offer for two, priced at $247 amenities. The new Resort Oahu at Ko Olina is the per night, valid until December 22, 2016. fifth hotel in the Four Seasons Hawaiian Collection Room rates start at $216, single or double which offers opportunities of island-hopping and occupancy, and include breakfast. multi-destination vacation possibilities to the guests. IN FOCUS

IndiaWhy come to

The new-age wellness globetrotter is out to seek a healthier and natural way of living, away from the hustle and bustle of city life. India is the only country in the world which can satiate this discerning traveller with its wellness offerings such as yoga, Ayurvedic spa, alternative medicines.

talk 6 TRAVTALK June 2ND Fortnight Issue 2016 IN FOCUS

he Global Wellness Institute (GWI) defines India is fast becoming a medical tourism magnet, attracting wellness tourism as travel associated with the discerning travellers from the world over. According to a CII-Grant pursuit of maintaining or enhancing one’s personal Thornton white paper, the global medical tourism market was well-being. While some wellness travellers may estimated to $17 billion in 2015 and it will reach a market value takeT a trip primarily for the purpose of wellness tourism, others of $40 billion by 2020 growing at a CAGR of 17 per cent during the may engage in wellness related activities as part of a trip forecast period. Indian medical tourism is expected to grow from a (secondary-purpose wellness tourism). Both segments represent current market size of $3 billion to $ 7-8 billion by 2020. unique and important opportunities for businesses, destinations, regions, and countries that want to attract this high-yield The Global Wellness Tourism Economy Report by GWI states client segment. that as conventional medical industry increasingly turns towards preventive, alternative and traditional approaches in order to According to a study conducted by Stanford Research deliver more effective care and improve costs, the lines between Institute (SRI International), wellness tourism was an $439 billion medical and wellness tourism will in some instances blur. industry worldwide in 2014 within the $3.2 trillion global tourism industry, representing 14 per cent of all tourism spendings. It also India is considered amongst the top three destinations for projected India to be number one globally for growth in wellness medical tourism in Asia. With world class treatments and state- tourism over the next five years, clocking over 20 per cent gain of-the-art hospitals, the key competitive advantage that India annually through 2017. posses in medical tourism compared to other countries lies in

WELLNESS TRAVELLERS... SEEK DO VISIT Physical CAM, Integrative medicine, Diagnostics, Health Integrated Health Centres, CAM Centres, Check-ups, Chronic condition management Wellness Centres Massage, Bathing, Body treatments, Facials, Healthy Hotels, Wellness Cruises Health Hair & nails Resorts & Sanatoria

Mental Yoga, Meditation, Ta chi, Qigong, Biofeedback Spas Salon, Baths & Springs, Thalasso

Spiritual Prayer, Volunteering, Time with Family & Yoga Studios, Martial Arts Studios, Yoga friends, Time alone Retreats, Spiritual Retreats, Ashrams

Emotional Retreats, Life coaching, Stress reduction, Lifestyle Retreats, Wellness Retreats Reading, Music & arts

Environmental Hiking, Biking, Taking walks, Nature visits Parks, Wildlife Sanctuaries, Nature Preserves

Social Gym visits, Fitness Classes, Stretching, Pilates Gyms, Fitness Centres, Organic & Natural Restaurants, Health Food Stores

Source: 2013 & 2014 Global Wellness Tourism Economy Report

the cost effectiveness it offers to its medical tourists. If travel and accommodation expenses are considered along with the treatment MEDICAL TREATMENT COST COMPARISON cost, the overall expenditure is much lower than the treatment cost Procedure cost in the UK, the US or many other countries. A patient coming to India (in USD) India Thailand Singapore Malaysia U.A.E. for a medical treatment can save 30-70 per cent of expenditure in comparison to other countries offering the same services. Heart 7,000 11,000 18,500 9,000 40,900 bypass Bangladesh and Afghanistan dominate the Indian medical tourist arrivals with 34 per cent share of the total numbers. Heart valve 9,500 10,000 12,500 9,000 50,600 With a current share of only 30 per cent, Africa, GCC and CIS replacement regions present the maximum possible opportunity for the Indian healthcare sector. Currently, medical tourists from these regions Hip 7,020 12,000 12,000 10,000 46,000 replacement favour the South East Asian medical corridors.

Alternative medicine techniques like sidha, unani, acupuncture Knee 9,200 10,000 13,000 8,000 40,200 replacement and homeopathy give India the edge over its competitors like Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, South Korea, and the UAE. Source: ‘Indian Healthcare Services’, J.P. Morgan, 12 March 2014

June 2ND Fortnight Issue 2016 TRAVTALK 7 talk TRADEDESTINATION SPEAK

talk 8 TRAVTALK June 2ND Fortnight Issue 2016 DESTINATION

Rejuvenating Kerala is probably the only place in the world where the rich theories of Ayurveda have been interpreted for practical and day to day application to cure and heal. SOULthe ANKITA SAXENA

reathtaking beaches, enchanting backwaters, and hill stations mark the land of Kerala. Beyond the beauty and indulging landscapes, Kerala is also a paradise for wellness tourism in India. Its equable Bclimate, natural abundance of forests and the cool monsoon season is perfect for Ayurvedic therapies and natural medicines to work.

Kerala's 5000-year-old tradition of Ayurveda is unparalled. This ancient healing system has continued to thrive over the centuries, preserving the secrets to a healthy living. Long before the world woke up to Ayurveda, it was a way of life in Kerala – connected to almost every aspect of daily life.

Travellers are attracted to the Ayurvedic and wellness services in Kerala, but medical tourism is gaining appeal equally. Kerala has pioneered and concentrated on efforts to provide quality medical facilities and low-cost treatments for Indian as well as international patients. According to a whitepaper by Grant Thornton and Confederation of Indian Industry — "Transformative Evolution: From ‘wellness’ to ‘medical wellness’ tourism in Kerala," the state with a 5-7 per cent of current market share, translating in $200mn of medical tourism revenues, can easily capture a 10-15 per cent of the estimated market by 2020 signifying a localised medical tourism market of a size $1 billion. Several factors such

June 2ND Fortnight Issue 2016 TRAVTALK 9 talk DESTINATION Types of THERAPIES Body Slimming Medicated herbal powder and medicated herbal oil massages and an Ayurvedic diet or herbal juices are part of the programme

Immunisation and longevity- Kayakalp Chikitsa Prime treatment for retarding the ageing process, arresting Rejuvenation Therapy- Rasayan Chikitsa degenerating body cells and Tones up the skin and strengthens tissues. One can enjoy a immunisation of the system. This rejuvenating spa which includes head and face massages with therapy includes intake of Ayurvedic medicated oils and creams, body massage with herbal oil or medicines and a comprehensively powder by hand and foot, internal rejuvenating medicines and designed body programme medicated or herbal steam baths

Body Sudation- Sweda Karma Medicated steam bath to eliminate toxins from the body, improves skin tone and complexion, reduces fat and is recommended for certain rheumatic diseases, particularly for pain. Herbs are boiled and the steam is passed over the body for 10- 20 minutes daily. Its also includes massage with herbal oils or herbal powder to improve blood circulation in the body

Overall fitness- Panchakarma Treatment A five-fold treatment for mental and physical well-being, tunes the body, organs, mind, breath, nerves and purifies the blood Mental and physical well-being Meditation and yoga forms the core of this treatment. Exercises to hone concentration to improve health and achieve peace of mind are the highlight of this therapy. Practice of various forms of yoga, breathing exercises help in rejuvenating the body from within

10 TRAVTALK June 2ND Fortnight Issue 2016 DESTINATION

as low-cost treatment options, reduced waiting time, world-class quality and personalised services combine to make this rich, cultural and leisure destination an attractive proposition for medical tourism in India.

Advanced infrastructure and good connectivity is an advantage in Kerala. Three international airports at Thiruvananthapuram, Kochi and Khozhikode allow visitors to fly to any part of Kerala in less than three hours. Kerala is also home to qualified professionals and with a 100 percent literacy rate, it is considered as the 'nursing hub' for regions West of Europe. Kerala's certification system classifies ayurveda centres into Green Leaf and Olive Leaf categories based on the quality and standard of services and products. There are 1581 registered AYUSH Hospitals Kovalam, Kollam, Idukki, Thrissur, and A regular yoga retreat for beginners and over 100 government certified Green Thiruvananthapuram. includes workshops, nutrition, cooking, Leaf and Olive Leaf Ayurveda centres. chants, meditation and pranayama. Kerala also focuses on the healing With Ayurvedic institutions, resorts and One can learn traditional Ayurveda, powers of vegetarian food prepared in an spas located in some of the most scenic meditation and hatha Yoga at several Ayurvedic kitchen, and natural remedies locations of the state, your healing spiritual retreats in destinations such as created from freshly picked herbs. holiday will never be far away. SPA SPACES

Packages • Ananda Detox: Ayurvedic Panchakarma treatments, aromatherapy, yoga, meditation, customised diet • Yogic Detox: Different hatha yogic cleansing techniques (shatkriya) to detox in a natural and effective way and balance the doshas • Ayurvedic Rejuvenation: Restore vitality of the body; enhance the body’s immunity through traditional Panchakarma treatments for complete well-being. • Weight Management: Focuses on detox therapies, personalised fitness programme, yoga, meditation and diet for sustained results. • Stress Management: A holistic approach of Ayurveda, yoga, Tibetan and international experiences along with Reiki healing to reduce stress and relax the mind.

Unwind in Solitude

talk 12 TRAVTALK June 2ND Fortnight Issue 2016 SPA SPACES

A sanctuary for relaxation and revitalisation, the spa experience has become synonymous with well-being. We showcase some of the leading spa centres in India where you can break away from the toxic city life and unwind.

he evolving times and trends are witness to the fact that today travellers want more from a vacation than just photographs and souvenirs. Today's travellers wish to spend time improving aspects of their lives. With emphasis on health and total well-being,T the spa experience is earning growing attention from travellers from across the globe. Spa resorts recognise stress reduction and rejuvenating body and mind as a major indicator of good health. Earlier considered a luxury, visiting a spa now has become more of a routine exercise than an extravagance. According to International Chamber for Service Industry, there are 2,300 spas in India and 700 new spas, both homegrown and international brands will open in the next four years.

Spas in India are not just Ayurvedic and herbal but have evolved into an industry which offers fusion between the best of East and West. The scenic location, the professional masseuse, the aromatic concoctions to sooth the body and relax the mind make a spa experience relaxing and worth a holiday.

ANANDA SPA IN THE HIMALAYAS A luxury destination spa in the Himalayan foothills, Ananda integrates traditional Ayurveda, yoga, meditation and vedanta with international wellness experiences, fitness and healthy organic cuisine to restore balance and harmony. Nestled in the 100 acre Maharaja’s Palace Estate, Ananda in the Himalayas is surrounded by the graceful Sal forests, overlooking the spiritual town of Rishikesh and the Ganges river valley.

RELAX AND REJUVENATE At Ananda one can experience fascinating global combinations of wellness concocted by blending the best-known therapies garnered from every corner of the world. Going back in time, researching ancient texts, the knowledge gleaned from the secrets of Egyptian princesses, the practices of ancient Rome, the rituals of the pagan Greeks, the origins of the first spas from the practices of Europe, the spiritual teachings from the Masters of Japan, have all been brought together in new ways in the form of revitalising treatments. The sensuous aromatherapy, the deeply relaxing Swedish massage, the gentle healing touch of Reiki, the pressure points and tension release work through Reflexology are but a few of the experiences that help to revitalise and rejuvenate at Ananda.

FACILITIES With 78 rooms, 6 hole golf course, a spa building spread over 24,000 square feet with 24 treatment rooms, with over 80 select body and beauty treatment programs to choose from, a temperature controlled outdoor lap pool, state-of-the-art 16 station life-cycle gym and billiards in the Viceregal Palace are experiences unto themselves. The amphitheatre and Hawa Mahal lend vantage point for guests to enjoy the lush natural landscape of the estate.

VISITING MASTERS Special workshops and private sessions with visiting masters in different areas of well-being are offered. The therapists, healers and Ayurvedic doctors visit from around the world to share their talents with those who wish to explore the realms of holistic well-being.

June 2ND Fortnight Issue 2016 TRAVTALK 13 SPA SPACES

PACKAGES • Himalayan Romance Retreat: Leave the world WILDFLOWER HALL, SHIMLA behind while you and your loved one indulge in a body Nestled in dense cedar and pine forests, offering awe-inspiring views of the pampering treatment session. magnificent snow peaks, Wildflower Hall, Shimla in the Himalayas is an Oberoi • Journey to Tibet: Herbal poultice massage and sound resort that allows guests the opportunity of immersing themselves in the and vibration therapy breathtaking natural surroundings. This region is a popular holiday destination renowned for its natural beauty, extensive flora and fauna, and options it offers to • Exotic Spice Body Envelopment: This anti-oxidant, those in quest for quiet and tranquility. detoxifying and anti-ageing body wrap repairs your skin and leaves you radiant and relaxed, toning and tightening FACILITIES the skin. While your body luxuriates in the spice blend, The 85-room resort is built to the most exacting international standards, your therapist pampers you with a neck, face, and scalp combining the charm and beauty indigenous to the region with all the luxurious massage. This treatment concludes with an application and contemporary facilities. The Spa Pavilions and Spa Suites are tranquil havens of moisturiser and a spicy mist to awaken your senses. to revitalise and offers a unique holistic wellness programme, which combines Classic Hungarian body wrap: • Gentle detoxifying rejuvenating spa treatments with yoga and meditation sessions. Each Spa Suite exfoliation using sea salt and mineral-rich and Spa Pavilion room is furnished with two massage beds, a freestanding bathtub Hungarian thermal mud and steam shower making it ideal for a couple to enjoy a treatment together which includes a combination of a cleansing scrub, body wrap, head and body massage followed by a bath. The spa also includes a salon, an indoor heated swimming pool, an outdoor heated whirlpool and a well-equipped fitness centre.

WELLNESS MENU The extensive spa menu features holistic, non-clinical therapies, massages and beauty treatments incorporating ancient Ayurvedic principles, aromatherapy and western techniques administered by skilful therapists. The therapies on the menu include massages, exotic body scrubs, floral baths and rejuvenating beauty treatments.

In addition to offering time honoured therapies like Balinese massage and a wide range of Ayurvedic treatments, the spa menu incorporates the therapeutic sound and vibrations of Tibetan singing bowls to cleanse and enhance the chakra energy centres of the body; heated lava shells to synergise warmth and deep pressure in a massage and facials and body wraps using products of the renowned Hungarian spa brand, Omorovicza.

talk 14 TRAVTALK June 2ND Fortnight Issue 2016 PACKAGES • Shillim Wellness Experience: Includes spa experiences, forest treks, yoga and meditation and healthy cuisine. • Executive Health Programme - Prevention & De-stress: A comprehensive and integrative health programme which assists in understanding stress, its effects and ways to eliminate it through spa HILTON SHILLIM ESTATES treatments and holistic changes in lifestyle. RETREAT AND SPA • Shillim Endurance Programme: Improves physical strength through pilates, power yoga and Offering a sanctuary for the body, mind and spirit, Hilton Shillim Estate ashtanga yoga. Retreat and Spa is nestled in an unspoiled sylvan setting amidst the magnificent landscape of the Western Ghats. Spread across 320 acres • Radiance Programme-Ultimate Anti-Ageing & of picturesque wilderness within the private Shillim Estate and a short Beauty Enhancement: Enhances beauty through drive from Mumbai and Pune, Hilton Shillim features among the most carefully chosen beauty treatments including comprehensive spa facilities in Asia with an all-villa accommodation Pranayama and meditation. with extensive and breathtaking views from private decks or balconies, extensive culinary fare and a range of recreational options.

WELLNESS MENU With expert therapists and visiting Masters, Shillim Spa offers a range of holistic wellness experiences and programmes that are customised to the needs of the guest and integrate the ancient philosophic, spiritual and artistic wisdom of South Asia, with modern international techniques to restore the vitality and natural harmony of the body, mind and spirit. Healing traditions at the property include acupressure, Reiki, pranic healing, Ayurveda, yoga, chakra cleansing, meditation, naturopathy, hydrotherapy, water, pilates.

FACILITIES While the retreat’s mission ‘To Conserve; To Sustain; To Heal,’ permeates every experience at the property; it is at the Shillim Spa that it is reinforced. The 70-acre Shillim Spa features 18 Spa Villas and 15 Spa Pool Villas with dedicated treatment areas, a unique Meditation Cave, Yoga Pavilion, 17 Treatment Suites with private gardens and al fresco showers, five Consultation Rooms, four Relaxation Terraces, Conventional and Infrared saunas and Hydrotherapy tubs.

June 2ND Fortnight Issue 2016 TRAVTALK 15 talk SPA SPACES

SURYA SAMUDRA- NIRAAMAYA RETREATS PACKAGES Amidst lush greenery, alcove of coconut trees, and surrounded by the Arabian Sea, rests Surya Samudra, by Niraamaya Retreats, one of the only few that Slim Body by Ayurveda: • Body massages by herbal provide a seaside boutique experience in Kovalam, Kerala. A haven for wellness powders, oils and internal herbal medications; specific and rejuvenation seekers, spa experiences at Niraamaya are both exclusive dietary regime and fitness Yoga and unforgettable. One can go on invigorating sensory journeys with the best of • Body Purification and Detoxification Programme: traditional Ayurvedic and international therapies; experience yoga sessions on Purifies the body to attain proper balance of the three a platform at the edge of a stone cliff where the sound of ocean waves constantly bio-regulating energies or tridoshas (Vata, Pitta and Kapha). soothe the senses, or the cliff-side rock-cut swimming pool providing infinity • Ayurveda Stress and Strain Buster: Programme for the views beyond the sea and glorious sunsets, one is truly in for an absolutely release of day-to-day stress and strain. exhilarating experience. • Bone and Joint Care Programme: Includes special treatments for neck pain, low back pain and joint problems. WELLNESS MENU The Niraamaya Spa draws from natural therapeutic traditions across the world • Spa Niraamaya Essence of Wellness Programme: to reinvigorate, rejuvenate and restore your body, mind and soul. The spa includes Integrates Ayurveda, the Oriental as well as European ayurveda; perfected over 5,000 years in ancient India, Chinese treatments like natural healing practices to manage stress, nurture Reflexology and the best of European natural healing practices. Skin care rituals the skin and enhance self-defense against (body polishes/wraps) and Vichy shower facility add hydrotherapy experience lifestyle disorders. to the wellness treatments. Other wellness facilities include yoga, meditation, Pranayama, Reiki, acupressure and astrological consultations. The luxurious heritage accommodation seamlessly blends modern amenities

talk 16 TRAVTALK June 2ND Fortnight Issue 2016 SPA SPACES

JIVA SPA- VIVANTA BY TAJ SURAJKUND Sprawling over 18,500 sq.ft., Jiva Spa embodies the essence of historic Surajkund. The spa promises a retreat for the seekers of urban rejuvenation. Inspired by the ancient Indian Baoli in design and concept, the Jiva Grande at Vivanta by Taj Surajkund, provides a sanctuary of tranquility where dedicated therapists combine timeless wellness concepts with modern therapeutic wisdom. It is the perfect sanctuary for relaxation with a large resort like feel, large rooms with balconies overlooking the Aravalis and the courtyard which boasts of a unique water and fire play at night is rejuvenating to the senses. The entire environment of the hotel helps in rejuvenation and relaxation.

FACILITIES The spa spans two floors and consists of 10 treatment rooms, a luxury spa suite, beauty

stations, wet facilities, fitness centre with yoga room and a large outdoor pool. Featuring trained experts that use exclusive natural products in a fresh and harmonious setting, you get to make the most of a well-equipped fitness zone, an exclusive lifestyle boutique and a studio dedicated to yoga and meditation.

WELLNESS MENU One of the most opted therapies, Vishrama is a relaxing deep muscular massage to melt away the stress. Application of hot compress of therapeutic PACKAGES Indian herbs on the tired and sore muscles • Sushupti-Dreamless sleep: Includes aromatic followed by a skilled hands massage relaxes footbath, a body wrap made from 22 herbs, scalp and the body; Pehelwan Maalish, another traditional body massage, warm bath of nourishing raw milk with massage is a vigorous deep tissue massage rose essence and petals, hot packs placed on the body with the signature aromatherapy oil followed by and a face massage to feel pampered from head to toe. body stretches to relieve aching, sore and tense muscles; Champi the most famous Indian head • Ventoz-Indian Cupping: An ancient treatment massage releases muscular tension from the where heat in a glass is used to create vacuum and head, neck and shoulders, creating a deep sense ease knots and sore points in the body. This is of relaxation and joy as well as clarity of thought followed by a deep massage where signature spa specially after a long travel; Jivanidra is another oil is readily absorbed by the skin. signature experience, a sleep program aimed at • Vishuddhi: Exfoliation is performed using silk gloves improving quality of sleep. to stimulate the circulation of blood, lymph and energy followed by a warm cocoon of traditional Indian body wrap and a full body lymphatic drainage massage.

June 2ND Fortnight Issue 2016 TRAVTALK 17 talk HOTELS Treatingcarewith Apollo Hospitals and The Suryaa, New Delhi, together offer medical travellers easy and comfortable accommodation while undergoing treatment at the multi-specialty hospital.

SERVICES BY APOLLO • Flight arrangements and visa pollo Hospitals is one of the assistance; assistance in visa most prominent healthcare extensions if required entity which medical tourists • Interpreters in various languages can rely on for world-class • Any special dietary needs for treatmentA at minimal costs. With a chain the patients of hospitals across the country, Apollo • Coordination of foreign boasts of internationally trained doctors, exchange requirements cost advantage, latest technology and no • Air ambulance facility waiting time, making it a lucrative choice • Local sight-seeing and tourism to be treated at. While the guests are related arrangements taking various treatments at Apollo, the attendants and the patients are offered an easy accommodation at The Suryaa. The heart of the city. The hotel's elegant spread are provided with handicap-enabled rooms, hotel in New Delhi, creates a vibrant and of rooms and suites with spectacular convenience in travelling to the hospitals lively ambience for its guests right in the views are bound to rejuvenate the guest and seasoned and caring service staff to after a strenuous day at the hospital. A look after the patients for recuperative and host of dining options and custom-crafted post operative care and a fitness centre. In 2015 we saw an celebrations are offered to the guests. approximate 10 per cent The Apollo International Patient increase over 2014 in the The hotel offers all-day dining Care Programme offers vital services to restaurants and a sky lounge, for a the patients far away from their homes, number of guests from memorable dining experience. Customised friends and families. The staff also provides the medical and wellness dietary requirements are looked into personalised services. The hospital offers segment of tourism. carefully by the chef who works according treatment along with ancillary services DHANANJAY KUMAR to the doctor’s advice. The tourists visiting making it a one stop shop for medical tourists General Manager The Suryaa the hotel for medical and wellness purposes who come to India for treatment.

talk 18 TRAVTALK June 2ND Fortnight Issue 2016


Impetus toIndia's Medical Worth Low cost, advanced medical treatments, qualified professionals, Yoga and a vast network of wellness facilities, India is the destination to watch out for holistic well-being.

ith increase in healthcare The report further states that, according to awareness and rise in disposable industry estimates, around seven million patients are income simultaneously, wellness said to be travelling each year to receive medical care. is becoming a priority across Due to the highly fragmented nature of the industry Wthe globe. According to the 'Medical Value Travel in and different definitions, there are various estimates India' report by FICCI and KPMG, estimated at $78.6 of the market size. The global medical tourism billion as of 2012, this sector has emerged as the one industry was estimated at $10.5 billion in 2012. It is of the largest sectors in India and is poised to grow expected to grow at a CAGR of 17.9 per cent from at a CAGR of 15 per cent to reach approximately 2013-19 to reach $32.5 billion in 2019. $158.2 billion by 2017. Suman Billa, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Tourism, explains, “The National Medical and Wellness Tourism Promotion Board, constituted to There is a need for clear strategy, dedicated marketing market and promote medical and wellness segment and campaign material to promote this segment. We in India, met for its first meeting and subsequently, are planning on attending events both national and the committee delineated the work into three international and making a pitch for this segment to subsequent committees.” be highlighted at the right platform. VISAS TO EASE MEDICAL TRAVEL SUMAN BILLA It has been suggested to the Ministry of Home Affairs Joint Secretary Ministry of Tourism to make medical visa on electronic format. The

talk 20 TRAVTALK June 2ND Fortnight Issue 2016 TRADE INSIGHT

The government of India provides medical visa for foreign nationals across MEDICAL VISA the world seeking specialty medical treatment in India for extended periods.

• A visa-on-arrival system for tourists allows Certificate taken six weeks prior to entry. REGISTRATION This certificate is obligatory for both adults foreign nationals to stay in India for 30 days • It is necessary for foreign nationals with 'M' and children. for medical procedures. visas and attendants with MX Visas to regis- • Maximum of two attendants who are blood • Every medical document is checked by ter themselves with the concerned Foreigner relatives are permissible to accompany the Indian Missions and Posts placed abroad Regional Registration Offices (FRROs) patient under separate Medical Attendant to confirm whether the request to obtain a within 14 days after their arrival in India. visas. These visas are known as MX visas medical visa is genuine or not. and its validity is same as the patient • One may also need to provide satisfactory medical visa. details to the Missions that initial medical VALIDITY AND EXTENSION • The preliminary duration of medical visa is advice has been sought in the country of • Medical visa to India is given either for the up to a year or duration of the treatment, residence or origin and consequently duration of the treatment or for duration of a whichever is less. The visa allows maximum has got an advice to get treatment in India. year, whichever is less. of three entries during one year. • One can get a medical visa to India only • Extension of this visa up to another year is for treatment in reputed and recognised also possible on the orders of the state medical centres. governments or FRROs, if recognised hospital in India gives a medical certificate. INDIAN MEDICAL • High priority is given to 'M' visa applications VISA REQUIREMENTS in India that are associated with several • If more extension is needed then on • Tourists from Kenya, Ethiopia, Afghanistan, medical conditions. Some serious ailments the suggestion of the state government / Israel, Pakistan, Nigeria and Somalia should are given primary consideration such as FRROs coupled with suitable medical have Yellow Fever vaccination certificate neurosurgery, heart problems, ophthalmic papers, the Ministry of Home Affairs and must carry Oral Polio Vaccination (OPV) disorders and organ transplants. can give a validation.


The board is a progressive step which is bringing together all stakeholders from tourism, hospitality and medical healthcare sector to smoothen out difficulties faced by tourists coming to India. K. NAGARAJ NAIDU Member, National Medical and duration of e-Medical Visa shall be for six months that are believed to be read by doctors worldwide to Wellness Tourism Promotion Board and multiple entries for follow up and check-ups shall market this segment directly to the target audience. be considered. It is suggested that the responsibility We are also planning on attending events both to register the patient with FRRO within 15 days national and international and making a pitch for of the patient’s arrival to the hospital should lie this segment to be highlighted at the right platform," with the hospital authorities or the attendant who adds Billa. accompanies the patient on attendant visa. ACCREDITATION OF HOSPITALS PROMOTION AND MARKETING DIVISION AND WELLNESS CENTRES As of today, the Ministry of Tourism has not National Accreditation Board for Hospitals & undertaken any focused marketing for wellness and Healthcare Providers (NABH) is the authority on The cost of the treatment, medical tourism segment of India. Billa informed that recognising hospitals and wellness centres. Billa quality of medical facilities though independent marketing and promotions have informs, "Kerala has its own accreditation for available and the post- been undertaken by FICCI, Ministry of Commerce, ayurveda hospitals and wellness centres but on operative treatment and PHD Chamber, all these initiatives have been a national perspective, we did not have unified care, are the fundamental scattered. He says that there is a need for clear guidelines. Since many travellers come for the detox drivers for this segment, strategy, dedicated marketing and campaign material and wellness category, we have asked NABH to all of which are quite to promote this segment and harness its potential consider a twin level policy to differenciate between favourable in India. better. "We have commissioned BBC to make a short hospitals and wellness clinics. The Wellness and Spa BHARAT MALKANI film for this segment that will be used for its Association is also working on accreditations for Member, National Medical and Wellness Tourism Promotion Board promotional activities. We will also target journals Yoga centres and spas."

June 2ND Fortnight Issue 2016 TRAVTALK 21 talk ALTERNATIVE HEALING

Long before the world woke up to the practices in Yoga, it was in India that the yogic system found its fullest expression. In contemporary times, millions of discerning travellers come YTHE0here to studyG this science to imbibeIC the true yogic way of life. LIFE

oga, derived from the Sanskrit word yuj, means union of the individual consciousness (soul) with the universal consciousness (spirit). An age old Indian practice, Yoga and meditation were designed to go together. Travellers can find an array of courses and treatments on Yoga and Ymeditation in India, from five-star facilities to retreat centres in nature's lap. SWASWARA- RECALIBRATE, RECONSTRUCT, RECOVER Nestling atop a cliff overlooking the picturesque Om Beach, SwaSwara is a serene, secluded resort located on the fringes of Gokarna, a temple town in Uttara Kannada, Karnataka. A SwaSwara holiday is not an escape from the humdrum, instead it is an introduction to the inner song within each of us to recalibrate in order to reconstruct your life plan and recover from a burn out. A destination where luxury is time for yourself in nature to think, let go and to heal, as it is in absolute harmony with the land that nurtures her. Set in 26 acres of greenery with only 24 Konkan villas, inspired by the homesteads, tradition and craft of coastal Karnataka, each villa is built around a central open courtyard garden planted with herbs, making it a unique space where your senses awaken and open you up to the simple joys of life like never before. The offerings are drawn solely from Indian consciousness to make it a transformational holiday for you, an immersive combination of Yoga therapy, Ayurveda, Prakriti Chikilsa, art, pottery, nature supplemented by a healthy and holistic cuisine where the emphasis is on traditional, fresh and organic.

Facilities: A spacious and well-ventilated Yoga shala for the Asana classes, a circular, thatch roofed meditation hut for chanting and meditation sessions, outdoor Yoga venues, a 400 year-old Banyan tree for Yoga Nidra and Pranayama , the meditation hill with a thatched roofed two tired space commanding a stunning 180 degree view of the Om Beach – ideal for sunrise meditations, the Yoga deck with a packed mud floor and thatch roof for asana sessions are spectaluar offerings for a traveller who wishes to connect with nature and unwind.

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June 2ND Fortnight Issue 2016 TRAVTALK 23 talk ALTERNATIVE HEALING

different durations to cater to the specific health requirements of a guest like a 10 day SwaSwara Ayurveda Program for de-stressing and revitalising, an introduction to a healthy activity pattern and food habits built on the principles of Ayurveda to lead and maintain a heal-thy lifestyle; 14 day SwaSwara Ayurveda Program for deep therapeutic healing and relief from specific medical and health conditions; 21 day SwaSwara Ayurveda Program for a deep detox and cleanse for an all encompassing healing, eliminating toxins through some traditional Panchakarma procedures; Swa De-stress Retreat is an introduction to a healthy lifestyle for 3 nights.

PARMARTH NIKETAN Parmarth Niketan is one of India’s largest interfaith, Yoga and spiritual institutions. Parmarth Niketan, which means an abode dedicated to the welfare of all, Parmarth Niketan Programmes: Some of the signature programmes is a true spiritual haven lying on the holy banks of (Here and Above) include Swa Wellbeing Holiday — signature river Ganga in the lap of the lush, green Himalayas in programme, a wellness holiday which is a Rishikesh. Open to all, guests from across the world comprehensive programme with a flexible regime; gather at Parmarth Niketan all year round to not only Shanti with VanaVasa — A Yoga wellbeing retreat learn Yoga but delve into holistic healing. open from 8-10 nights which includes a three night stay at a unique space VanaVasa for a rewinding Facilities: With a setting of an ashram, there and mindful living experience; Swastha — a are about 1000 residential rooms that retain the two week detox and cleanse program which is a simplicity of living and yet are equipped with the unique combination of naturopathic and Ayurvedic necessary modern amenities. The daily activities principles, therapeutic diet and treatments; at the centre include morning universal prayers to Prana — Ayurveda rejuvenation programmes of channelize the energy of the body, daily Yoga classes to rejuvenate and heal the body and mind. Various other activities like kirtan, the world-renowned Ganga aarti at sunset, as well as natural therapeutic exercises and Ayurvedic treatments allow tourists an atmosphere to reconnect with oneself and find a healthy balance in life. Frequently special cultural and spiritual programs are given by visiting revered saints, acclaimed musicians, spiritual and social leaders and others.

talk 24 TRAVTALK June 2ND Fortnight Issue 2016 ALTERNATIVE HEALING

Shreyas Yoga Resort

Programmes: Various courses are offered to deep-relaxation sessions, body and breath awareness wellness tourists catering to all levels like Beginner classes, volunteerism, community service, cooking Foundation Yoga, Beginner Intensive Yoga, Intensive classes, corporate social responsibility exercises, Yoga, Kriya Yoga and Meditation, Spiritual Retreat, farming activities, city excursions, temple tours and and Yoga Teacher Training. In addition, every visits to nearby places of interest (Mysore, Belur, year from March 1-7 Parmarth Niketan hosts the Halebid, Shravanabelagola). All these are perfectly International Yoga Festival. In 2016 there were over complemented by rejuvenating massages, organic 1200 in attendance during the week, representing vegetarian cuisine and a no-alcohol policy. Other 85 countries where more than 70 presenters from 20 facilities include an infinity pool, heated outdoor countries offered nearly 150 classes. Jacuzzi, steam, gymnasium, spa, cricket net with professional bowling machine, library, home theater and jogging track. SHREYAS YOGA RETREAT Housed amidst a sprawling 25-acre oasis of green, Facilities: Offering guests a complete holistic Shreyas Yoga Retreat is a seamless blend of the experience, the Yoga, meditation and chanting modern and the timeless, luxury and simplicity, sessions on one hand are perfectly balanced with indulgence and enlightenment. It has been recognised a diet that is light, healthy and nutritious on the as one of Top 10 finest Yoga retreats in the world. It other. All meals served at Shreyas are made from provides the sacred space needed to retreat for a organically grown ingredients freshly hand-picked fulfilling, and purposeful life. However its beauty lies from its fields. Meals served at Shreyas are gourmet in providing access to Yoga at all levels of experience. vegetarian, from a variety of cuisines like Italian, Shreyas enables guests to integrate the manifold Mexican, Oriental and Indian. facets and benefits of Yoga into their daily lives without the austerity and rigor usually associated Travellers can experience various types of with ‘ashrams’. Yoga at Shreyas is much more than treatments which include Wellness for the Soul, Yoga simply the traditional physical postures and aims Retreat, Ayurvedic Rejuvenation, The Joy of Giving, to provide numerous self discovery packages and Weight Management and Silent Retreat, and vary in retreats that aim at catalysing the thinking and living duration from 3 nights to 21 nights. philosophy and harmonise it with the timeless wisdom enshrined within the Indian philosophical tradition. In their latest endeavours, a new spa is being constructed more akin to a wellness centre. The spa Programmes: Yoga classes at Shreyas are based on will have four dedicated ayurveda therapy rooms, classical Hatha Yoga and combined with Pranayama all with their personal steam rooms. Panchakarma (breathing related) and Pratyahara (internalisation) treatment is being introduced at Shreyas. Besides this, processes drawn from the Yoga Sutras — ancient the spa will have four rooms for Western massages, Yogic doctrine that aims to integrate our body, two rooms for mud therapy and Thai massage, a mind, heart and souls for complete living. Diverse separate Naturopathy section with three rooms for and yet complementary activities are also offered hydrotherapy, acupressure and acupuncture. Each ranging from Yoga asanas (hatha and ashtanga spa room is positioned to offer spectacular views of yoga), meditation, chanting of sacred mantras, the site/surroundings.

June 2ND Fortnight Issue 2016 TRAVTALK 25 talk CALENDAR

JUNE 2016 OCTOBER 2016

Advantage 3 Healthcare-India 2016 India Expo Centre and Mart, Greater Noida, India

3rd International India 3 Medical Tourism Congress 2016 Hyderabad, India International Day of Yoga 21 India and Abroad Destination Health: Medical 9 th Tourism Trade Show 4 China International Ottawa, Canada Medical Tourism Show 24 International Medical Travel Guangzhou 9 Exhibition and Conference The 6th Oman Health (IMTEC) 20 Exhibition and Conference Dubai International Convention Oman International exhibition & Exhibition Centre, UAE Centre, Oman

JULY 2016 7th Medical Tourism Congress 13 Mexico, Puerto Vallarta

The Health Tourism 11 Show 2016 London International Russian Travel 21 Mart- 12th International Exposition And Conference AUGUST 2016 For Medical Tourism, Spa and Health Moscow Medical Fair Asia 2016 31 Marina Sands, Singapore

9th World Medical Tourism 10th Annual Global 25 & Global Healthcare 17 Wellness Summit Congress (WMTC), Tyrol, Austria SEPTEMBER 2016 Washington D.C., USA

3rd International Health and NOVEMBER 2016 1 Wellness Tourism Congress Santo Domingo, The 5th China International Dominican Republic 18 Medical Tourism Fair China International Exhibition Centre, Beijing

World Medical 22 Tourism Summit Moscow Medshow The Abu Dhabi National 30 Moscow Exhibition Centre, UAE

talk 26 TRAVTALK June 2ND Fortnight Issue 2016