2013 Annual Report
1 CLAY MATHEMATICS INSTITUTE > > > > > ANNUAL REPORT 2013 Mission The primary objectives and purposes of the Clay Mathematics Institute are: > to increase and disseminate mathematical knowledge > to educate mathematicians and other scientists about new discoveries in the field of mathematics > to encourage gifted students to pursue mathematical careers > to recognize extraordinary achievements and advances in mathematical research The CMI will further the beauty, power and universality of mathematical thought. The Clay Mathematics Institute is governed by its Board of Directors, Scientific Advisory Board and President. Board meetings are held to consider nominations and research proposals and to conduct other business. The Scientific Advisory Board is responsible for the approval of all proposals and the selection of all nominees. CLAY MATHEMATICS INSTITUTE BOARD OF DIRECTORS AND EXECUTIVE OFFICERS Landon T. Clay, Chairman, Director, Treasurer Lavinia D. Clay, Director, Secretary Thomas Clay, Director Nicholas Woodhouse, President Brian James, Chief Administrative Officer SCIENTIFIC ADVISORY BOARD Simon Donaldson, Imperial College London and Stony Brook University Richard B. Melrose, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Andrei Okounkov, Columbia University Yum-Tong Siu, Harvard University Andrew Wiles, University of Oxford OXFORD STAFF Naomi Kraker, Administrative Manager Anne Pearsall, Administrative Assistant AUDITORS Wolf & Company, P.C., 99 High Street, Boston, MA 02110 LEGAL COUNSEL Sullivan & Worcester LLP, One Post Office Square,
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