THE POSTMASTER GENERAL, TRANSMITTING Papers in Regard to the Annulment of a Certain Contract for Furnishing Post-Office Envelopes, &C
48th Congress, 1 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, f Ex. Doo. 2d Session. f ) No. 264. ' j : L t ^ L ANNULMENT OF a CONTRACT FOR FURNISHING POST OFFICE ENVELOPES, ETC. LETTER * • FROM THE POSTMASTER GENERAL, TRANSMITTING Papers in regard to the annulment of a certain contract for furnishing post-office envelopes, &c. March 3,1885.—Referred to tbe Committee on the Post-Office and Post-Roads and ordered to be printed. Post-Office Department, Office op- the Postmaster General, Washington, D. C., March 2, 1885. Sir : I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of copy of a reso lution passed by the House of Representatives under date of February 19, 1885, calling for information with ‘‘regard to alleged great frauds” in the supply of official envelopes, discovered in the summer of 1884. The preamble and resolution are in the following words, viz: Whereas sundry newspapers in the country published notices during the summer of 1884 concerning alleged great frauds in the supply of official envelopes to the Post Office Department, whereby many thousands of dollars were lost to the Government: Renolred, That the Postmaster-General be, and is here by,-requested to communicate to the House of Representatives all the facts with papers or copies thereof connected with the annulment in August, 1884, of the contract with P. P, Kellogg & Co., of ¡Springfield, Mass., for the supply of official envelopes for the fiscal year ending June 30,1885; also how the cost of envelopes under the said contract compared with the cost of the same in the contract subsequently made; also whether envelopes inferior to contract requirements were furnished under any other contract than the said one of P.
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