Annual Report
FIFTX-THI&D ANNUAL REPORT OF THE AMERICAN BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS FOB, FOREIGN MISSIONS, PRESENTED AT THE MEETING HELD AT ROCHESTER, N. Y. OCTOBER 6 — 9, 1 8 63. BOSTON: PRESS OF T. R. MARVIN & SON, 42 CONGRESS STREET. 1 8 6 3 . MINUTES OP THE ANNUAL MEETING. The American Board o f C ommissioners f o r Foreign Missions held its Annual Meeting at Rochester, New York, in the Brick Church, commencing Tuesday, October 6, at 4 o’clock, P. M ., and closing Friday, October 9, at 11 o’clock, A. M. CORPORATE MEMBERS PRESENT. Maine. Rhode Island. Benjamin Tappan, D. D. Thomas Shepard, D. D. George E. Adams, D. D. John Kingsbury, LL. D. New Hampshire. Connecticut. Zedekiah S. Barstow, D. D. Joel Hawes, D. D. Nathaniel Bouton, D. D. Leonard Bacon, D. D. Gen. William Williams. Vermont. Samuel W . S. Dutton, D. D. Hon. Erastus Fairbanks. George Kellogg, Esq. Lewis H. Delano, Esq. Lucius Barbour, Esq. Massachusetts. Elisha L. Cleaveland, D. D. Calvin Day, Esq. Henry Hill, Esq. Rufus Anderson, D. D. New York. Rev. David Greene. Charles Stoddard, Esq. Nathan S. S. Beman, D. D. Aaron Warner, D. D. Reuben H. Walworth, LL. D. Mark Hopkins, D. D., LL. D. Diedrich Willers, D. D. Ebenezer Alden, M. D. David H. Little, Esq. Edward W . Hooker, D. D. Charles Mills, Esq. Ebenezer Burgess, D. D. Samuel H. Cox, D. D. Rev. Selah B. Treat. Ansel D. Eddy, D. D. Hon. Linus Child. William Wisner, D. D. Samuel M. Worcester, D. D. Hon. Henry W . Taylor. Augustus C.
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