University Library Highlights 2019


Teacher support ‘Minervalia’ Research support Wellbeing Digitalg assessment Open science Student Hotel Training Learning spaces Information literacy Entrance policy Open access Going Canvas Collections ORCID ID University Library Highlights 2019

Introduction intro In 2019 the University Library gave To reach 100% Open Access, contracts Meanwhile... priority to the major themes of Open with publishers regarding scholarly Just before Christmas UM was hit by Science, learning environments and communications were intensified. a cyber attack with major impact on collectioning to support researchers, UM Library invested in research data library users and staff. The attack made teachers and students at management support with data stewards, (painfully) clear how crucial access to University (UM). In this annual report, operating at faculties. Within the digital scientific sources is for education we illustrate these themes with framework of academic and societal and research and how it is missed if it is examples of new services, support and impact, we provide data and analyses and not there. With the extraordinary support activities. offer workshops to transfer knowledge. from UM library staff we were able to Our specialists give support and restore services and be there – also in Learning environments recommendations and share thoughts 2020 and the upcoming years – to add We provide high-quality physical on Open Science opportunities with UM value to education, research and society. learning spaces and a digital learning research policy makers and individual environment, to engage and facilitate researchers. Ingrid Wijk students. At Tapijn, new learning spaces Director University Library have been created which will be available Relevant collections early 2020. In 2019 the choice was Both the current and special collections made for a new Learning Management are important basic needs for UM’s System (LMS) and a large transition education and research. We are working project started. Digital assessment is to provide the users of the Online Library introduced in all faculties, completing the best quality of sources. More and the circle of the digital education process more content is available online and of teaching-learning-assessing. open access, publicly available. On the other hand, we cherish unique heritage Open Science advocacy materials. In 2019 we were able to Open Science@UM was boosted by acquire two precious Mediaeval books signing the DORA declaration and with a fundraising campaign, a valuable establishing an Open Science policy. acquisition for UM’s Special Collections. University Library Highlights 2019

Learning environments Education

Library as a place to be In addition to the online environment, the University Library as a building and a location forms an anchorage for the university; a breeding site for scientific progress, an inspiring environment and an interdisciplinary knowledge centre facilitating collaboration and community building. Maastricht University (UM) strives to maintain the current ratio of the number of study spaces related to the number of students at the UM campus. This implies that for every additional 700 students, 100 formal and 50 informal study places are envisioned. Formal study places are used for long-term studying and informal study places are used for short studying or group work. The library excels with up-to-standard study places in five locations.

2,549 817 1,069 The Student Hotel 24/7 The Student Hotel was Working towards the exam (XXL) weeks of May a 24/7 the primary location for study facility was launched. UM students could make my studying; it was a use of the facilities of the Student Hotel for 24 hours great place to study as it each day of the week. A novelty, kicking of similar would not be as crowded openings in Dutch university cities. The pilot was a as the library in the inner success and was implemented as a permanent library city. Most of the time it Total formal library Total informal Total informal study service in all XXL weeks. Students, who can now make study places study places places Randwyck use of a good and safe study environment outside the is perfectly peaceful but Inner City UM campus, appreciate the extra service. students must not forget it is still a hotel.

Jack Reilly Student International Business Strategy and Innovation, School of Business and University Library Highlights 2019

Learning environments Education

Prevention of stress and burnout Digital Detox problems for students Thanks to a workshop developed by the The University Library wholeheartedly library and UM Career Services, students supports the policy of Maastricht are trained how to deal with online University (UM) on wellbeing. information overload. The training is part Every day, thousands of students visit of the UM project Information-Wise. the library locations. It is important that You can read more about that project in library employees in the front the section ‘Education support’ on the offices can detect situations where help following pages. is needed. Thanks to several lectures by psychologists of the Student Services Leisure activities in the library Centre (SSC), we form an important link To stimulate a sense of wellbeing, we in the prevention of stress and burnout set up rooms in both library locations problems for students. Our staff is aware during the 2019 Wellbeing Week (4 -7 of possible services and support from UM November). In these wellbeing rooms, specialists and can refer solidly. students could relax and enjoy leisurely activities. This was much appreciated.

414,249 17,767 Entrance policy This past year the library has modified its entrance policy, taking into account students’ appeal for a more restrictive policy, to make sure UM students can make Number of Number of optimum use of the available study places. visiting students visiting employees As from April 2019, access is limited to UM/MUMC users, University of Midwifery Education & Studies users 68 42 and students and employees. Private memberships are available for UM alumni and SenUM members (SenUM is the UM association of retired employees). Within the capacity limitations we are Private Non-UM happy that we can still provide one-day access, guided membership / MUMC+ tours and open days for visitors. New entrance gates visitors make the implementation of the new policy possible.

Wellbeing room in the Inner City Library Total number of visitors between May 2019 to December 2019 University Library Highlights 2019

Learning environments Education

Modern learning spaces Leading change in teaching & Traditionally, the University Library offers a learning spaces variety of study spaces for students. We aim to On 26 September, Adam create rich and interactive teaching and learning Finkelstein, Associate Director hubs where students, lecturers, researchers and Learning Environments at McGill external partners will be able to meet, create, University, presented his vision at share and apply knowledge. Maastricht University. His presentation addressed the Students are encouraged to participate in design- change process from traditional thinking processes or by using user-experience lecture halls to Active Learning research to, for example, design the new Tapijn Classrooms (ACLs) and Active Learning Spaces. The input of student panels is Learning Labs (ALLs), where used to adapt library services and to develop new collaborative, constructive learning space concepts. and self-directed learning are facilitated with classroom design and technology. He focused on didactic, strategic and organisational aspects of such a transformation.

Leading change in teaching & learning spaces

Adam Finkelstein’s talk beautifully showed the possibilities for education when place is taken seriously, and what can be achieved when design takes the principles of learning as a starting point.

Anna Harris, Assistant Professor, Tapijn learning spaces designed based on the Faculty of Arts and Social input of students Sciences University Library Highlights 2019

Digital learning environment Education

Digital assessment All in all, I prefer As of May 2019, we provide large-scale facilities for taking a digital digital assessment on a structural basis to be used exam over a in MECC Maastricht. Since autumn 2019, up to 800 standard hand- students can make an exam digitally at the same time. written exam as Test software is in place for a large variety types of the benefits outweigh the pitfalls tests. The digital assessment tool TestVision was, after a in my opinion. succesful pilot period, licensed by the University Library. In addition, we provide support on using this assessment Titus von Pachelbel-Gehag, tool and have developed workshops to help teaching Student at School of Business and staff effectively. Due to the growing demand for online Economics testing, the number of seats will be extended to 1400.

Blended PBL support Throughout the The library provides lecturers and students with tools whole process for several teaching and learning activities as well as I did not only assessment. Relevant topics are elaborated such as: learn a lot about what do you want (your students) to know or be able working with to do at the end of the course? What teaching and the Testvision program, but I learning activities fit this goal? And how to facilitate also learned to think even more this? carefully about making exam questions smartly. I would not Next to teacher qualification and continuing want to organize a paper exam professional development workshops and tailor- anymore! made support, we offer a vlog-series to put some of these tools in the spotlight. Of course in the Sanne Jongen context of several didactic scenarios. Teacher at School of Business and Economics Interested to hear more? Contact us at [email protected] University Library Highlights 2019

Digital learning environment Education

Going Canvas Licences and tools for students 578 2,031,637 The University Library promotes the application of Developing 21st century skills during the studies educational technologies to support new and effective is important to act in society and the labour methods of teaching and learning. In this way, we are market. Part of this is the attention to stimulate able to meet the academic needs of students and the digital literacy. More and more students choose didactic needs of lecturers. new formats to show their knowledge and skills. That is why the library is committed to offer Referencelists LibSearsch sessions In 2019 Maastricht University selected Canvas as the new tools and support, and support the use of institution’s new Learning and Management System them. Examples are video editing workshops (LMS) and the library started the transition project to for creating lab instruction videos (instead of 1,070,747 2,993,433 launch Canvas in August 2020. lab reports) and Adobe Acrobat Pro for creating Just before the new year, we finalised a first real live professional output. pilot at the School of Business and Economics and Adobe Acrobat Pro DC New video feedback launched the Canvas Portal with all you want to know for students feature about the new LMS. Wooclap for promoting LibSearch LibSearch Going Canvas Portal interaction and live views users voting Current Learning Management System The quality of the skills clips and the number of positive and constructive comments was overwhelming. 7,123 We were impressed! Total number of logins per day Tiffany Porta Siegel Course coordinator, Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences

3,323 Total number of courses in EleUM University Library Highlights 2019

Education support Education

Online tutorials and Developments in information literacy views in EleUM Individual support activities My meeting Digital literacy Bullshit lecture 1,100 with the In October, the University Library in close Information literacy is not only about Librarian collaboration with EDLAB Maastricht, finding books and journals, but also more was very UM Digital Proficiency team, Global and more about dealing with information pleasant and Citizenship program, and MUSE/ in a broader sense. Questions like ’what I was able to receive the Employability, hosted an event about is relevant?’, ‘how to select the right Views of information and help that Digital Literacy Development at UM. The information?’ and ‘who wrote/said it?’ ‘Referencing I was looking for! I was goal of the event was finding a shared are important issues nowadays. That is Avoiding Plagiarism’ introduced to new features language on digital literacy and how the why the library created a lecture about of the virtual library of UM can invest in fostering development bullshit to give students insights on how Maastricht University of related skills for staff and students. information is made and presented. and, assisted with further 3,159 guidance regarding Managing citations and references applications that I was Students need to learn how to manage not aware before. I Watch a recap of the Digital Literacy their citations and references, so the recommend to all of my Development event: library developed a new online tutorial. fellow students to make This tutorial works best together use of this service as it is a with a practical workshop on Views of ‘Finding great opportunity to come the use of EndNote (the current Your Literature’ in touch with people who UM referencing management have knowledge and skills tool). The traditional ‘how-to- related to your specific use-EndNote’ workshop was field. adapted accordingly. 381 Elda Zavalani LL.M Globalization and Law, Faculty of Law

Views of ‘Begin Your Research’ University Library Highlights 2019

Education support Education

Teacher professionalisation Information-Wise Maastricht University regards quality of education a In March 2019 the UM-wide very important topic. To support teachers being up Information-Wise project was to date about teaching, they are required to attend launched. staff development programmes; University Teaching Information-Wise is an Qualification (UTQ) and Continuing Professional education innovation project Development (CPD). The library adds to these that will further improve programmes with specific workshops connected information literacy skills to blended learning and information literacy. We education at Maastricht also provide similar training to our own information University. EDLAB, the specialists giving training and support to students and University Library, and teaching staff. That is how we strive to be a professional all six faculties formed a support organisation. project group to develop an evidence-informed information literacy skills Workshops in 2019 programme for bachelor’s students. The project ends in August 2020. 7.56 out of 10 The EDLAB Information- The average mark for workshops Wise Project Deliverables (based on evaluations)

One of the results of the Information-Wise project is a Maastricht University Information Literacy framework (see picture above). Next to that, 8,111 the earlier mentioned new lecture on (how to Number of participants detect) bullshit and an online tutorial on critical assessment were developed. Online tutorial on critical assessment 361 Number of workshops University Library Highlights 2019

Open Science & Open Access Research

Open Science @ UM In October 2019, the University Library organised an UM Open Science event. Rector Rianne Letschert signed the San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA) on behalf of Maastricht University (UM). She presented the focal points of UM’s Open Science policy and highlighted various good Open Science practices at UM. After this, UM scholars presented examples of their Open Science experience within their field of research. Open Science @ UM An important step on the road to Open Science at UM

Open Access @ UM In 2019, the library participated in the VSNU ‘You share, we take care’ pilot. The intention of the pilot was to see if the Taverne amendment of the Dutch copyright act can help us to make research output publicly available in a shorter notice and to reach the national ambition of 100% Open Access. According to the amendment, researchers at can make their published work public after six months under certain conditions. The project has been completed with a positive evaluation and VSNU has decided to roll out ‘Taverne’ on a wide scale as of 2020. Groen licht voor vervolg Taverne: an extra boost VSNU pilot ‘You Share, for open access From 2020, Taverne will become one of the regular We Take Care’ [Dutch] Self Archiving – Green options for making non Open Access published work Open Access accessible via the UM repository.

University Library Highlights 2019

Scholarly communications Research

ORCID help Maastricht University (UM) scholars to In 2019, the University Library register and connect their ORCID to Pure, participated in a national promotion the UM/MUMC+ research information campaign to raise awareness for ORCID, a system with data on publications, research persistant personal identifier for scholars. groups and projects. In this way, Pure is In order to recognise and acknowledge used as the source for scholarly output which contributions to scientific progress and records are synchronised with ORCID have been made by which researcher, automatically. ORCID was globally introduced. The use of ORCID is an important part of a ORCID iD: Make yourself scholarly outreach strategy. The ID makes and your research it possible to collect and to share works results more visible from different sources and providers and to ensure that the various works are linked to the right authors. Part of our ORCID campaign was also to Bibliometric & Societal Impact The library intensified the provisioning of bibliometric and impact analyses for midterms, accreditations and specific projects for the UM central office and faculties. Two projects for which we have provided an extensive analysis in 2019:

• Academic Transfer: ‘Monitoring Talent’, a national HR project that uses insights from our research intelligence experts to build their service. • Studio Europa Maastricht (part of the Maastricht, Working on Europe programme) for which we presented (VOSviewer) overviews of publications about Europe per faculty. University Library Highlights 2019

Research Data Management Research

Collaboration FAIR The University Library participates on a national level in Maastricht University is committed to making research data Findable, Accessible, Interoperable several Research Data Management (RDM)/FAIR groups. and Reusable (FAIR). One of these, the National Coordination Point Research Data Management (LCRDM) published several papers with contributions from our library experts:

Data stewardship [Dutch]



Data stewards Data stewardship: a new The library coordinates the Data Stewardship UM Library service services for the Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience, the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences and the Faculty of Law. The School of Business and Economics will join in 2020.

Our data stewards support faculties RDM policy by helping researchers with awareness, training, tooling and storage of research data, in alignment with the Community of Data Driven Insights (CDDI) developments. Read more about CDDI on the next page. University Library Highlights 2019

Research Data Management Research

Dataverse NL 208 registered datasets in 2019 Datasets per subject DataverseNL is the generic storage platform for Maastricht University (UM) scholars for all kind of Computer and smaller data sets since storage of sensitive data became (2.2%) possible in 2019. Business and 128 published and Management findable Law (4.5% (2.3%) Integration of data storage facilities at UM has taken the

next step by linking DataHub to DataverseNL: datasets Other (11%) submitted to DataHub can be uploaded to DataVerseNL if the owner wants to share and make the data open Medicine, Social Sciences under a Creative Commons license. Health and Life (63%) Sciences (17%) Search for UM dataverses @ DataverseUM

RDM support portal Workshops One of the first eye-catching results of the UM The library extended the workshop ‘Introduction to Community of Data Driven Insights (CDDI) was the RDM’ with an online preparation module consisting launch of the UM Research Data Management (RDM) of hands-on exercises, discussions and a Q&A section. Support portal with services, tooling and information Scholars can now prepare themselves before entering from all UM partners, created and the face-to-face training. And external PhD students can hosted by the University Library. remotely follow the basics via the online module. RDM Support portal We are developing a new workshop on ‘Privacy and Security’. The online module is already in use, and we will launch the face-to-face training at the beginning of 2020. University Library Highlights 2019

Working on Special Collections Collections

Fundraising Wikipedia Education program > Jean Guyot’s ‘Minervalia’ (1554) is one of Opening up old books the oldest books printed in Maastricht. In January, 13 students of the Maastricht Science Worldwide only five copies are known. Programme studied historical plant books We crowdfunded this sixteenth-century from our Special Collections during a 4-week Maastricht print in collaboration with the research project. In this collaboration between University Fund. evolutionary biologist Roy Erkens, the University Library and Wikimedia , the students This was possible thanks to the were asked to analyse botanical-history books in contribution of various donors. The the context of present-day science. At the end of ‘Minervalia’ will be used for education, the project, students had completed a final report research and cultural events in and made a new Wikipedia page. Maastricht. ‘Minervalia’, printed by Jacob Beathen For the students this was a fulltime programme with tours, academic skills workshops and research with primary sources.

Belon’s Observations Acquiring the sixteenth-century travel book ‘Les observations de plvsievrs singvlaritez et choses memorables’ from 1553 by the French traveller, naturalist, writer and diplomat Pierre Belon (1517-1564) means an enrichment of our Special Collections and the study of historical travel books.

Belon’s book is unique because this first edition is very rare and this copy is partly hand-coloured. University Library Highlights 2019

Promoting Special Collections Collections

Pleasure, Art and Science Festival > HistoBistro As part of HistoBistro, the University Library, the Center Céramique and the Regional Historic Center presented a nice selection of historical cookbooks from their Special Collections. HistoBistro was organised in a bistro setting. Historical snacks and spirits brewed from a 17th-century recipe could be tasted for free. There were workshops with old manuscripts and books about cooking and gardening. In the meantime, historic snacks and schnapps were served.

Erotica and The Ideal Woman Three students from the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences researched collections of erotica in the University Library, the Centre Céramique and the Regional Historic Center Limburg.

Students focused on sexually oriented publications, helped prepare an exhibition at the Maastricht Antiquarian Book and Print Fair (MABP, 15-17 March 2019) and presented Booksale: care for Beira their work to a large audience. On Saturday 11 May, the library organised a book market, selling no longer used Following the MABP, another exhibition ‘The ideal books. The aim was to raise money for woman’, on masculinity and femininity, marital need and UM’s fundraising programme ‘Care for marital happiness, was organised by conservator of UM’s Beira’, helping the Universidade Católica Arts and Heritage Commission Annemieke Klijn, Assistant de Moçambique which was hit by a Professor at the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. The natural disaster. The cause appealed to exhibition includes books from our Jesuit collection of many buyers, at the end of the day the Theodoor van de Velde, who wrote on this subject at the library could donate 2,500 . beginning of the 20th century.