December 9, 1999
l!,,,,,l,ll,l,,11,,,,ll,,,,!l,,l,,ll,,l,1,,l,,ll,ll,,,,1,l,I Flhode Island Jewish Healthwise PAGES 8 & 9 I HERALD The Only English-Jewish Weekly in Rhode Island and Southeastern Massachusetts VOLUME LXX, NUMBER 4 KISLEV 30, TH URSDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1999 35c PER COPY News at a Glance ASpirit Of Hope In The Fight Against AIDS A controversy surround ing the Temple Mount is Breaking The Federation of Rhode Island, being debated on the a long with 20 other agencies government's pennission Deafening Silence and organizations, participated for tht: Muslim Waqf to by Luke O'Neill in World A IDS Day 1999. The construct a new entrance Communi ty Reporter American Association for World to a Mustim prayer room n recognition of World AIDS I lea 1th coordinates many of the under the Temple Mount. Day on Dec. 1, a somber, yet, World A IDS Day activities According toHa'aretz,At Iconsoling service of hope throughout the country. torney Gen. Elyakim and healing was held at The Service of I lope and Rubinstein s tated tha t, Temple Beth-El, Providence. Healing at Temple Beth-El "remnants of the history The service was led by Rabbi rooted those in attendance with of the Jewish people are Michael Cahana and was filled a positivC" sense of persever being trampled. We have with a message of hope for ance. Prayers, meditations and a tolerance for ritual, but people of a ll faiths touched - songs gave hope to the gather we must tell the Waqf a nd directly or indirectly - by the ing of nearly 60 people in the the Muslims that we, too, A IDS epidemic.
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