\\ .. Orcestershire
nx:RECTOBY.] \\.. ORCESTERSHIRE. STOURPORT. The new church, begun in 1888, and still (1912) with iron works, about one mile distant, also employ many out tower and spire, is an edifice ()f Bromsgrove stone, hands; carpet weaving is carried on, and there aTe alsot in the Decorated style, from designs by the late Sir G. maltings. The wharfage here is excellent, but the river Gilbert Scott R.A. the cost to the present time (1912) traffic is less extensive than formerly. The marke\ day bemg about £24,000. The register dates from the year is Saturday, but is nearly obsolete. The Swan hotelr xfi93· The living of Lower Mitton was declared a vicar in the High street, and the Tontine hotel, Severn Side.. age 7th Aug. ~8g6, net yearly value £350, with residence are both well appointed establishments. .At Red Stone,. and garden, in the gift of the vicar of Kiddeiminster. near Stourport, is a hermitage, hewn out of the red and held since xgo8 by the Rev. Cecil Raymond Harding sandstone rock, adjoining the Severn; here was formerly M.A. of Selwyn College, Cambridge. There is also a a ferry. Moor Hall is the residence of John Brinton Wesleyan chapel with 530 sittings, a Primitive Methodist esq. D.L., J.P., F.S.A. Campbell J. Orann esq. who 1 chapel in Lickhill road, built in 1855, seating 150 is lord of the manor, and John Brinton esq. are the persons, a Congregational chapel in Mitton street, built principal landowners. The area of Lower Mitton is 9501 in 1871, with sittings for 350, and a Baptist chapel at acres of land and 3I of water; rateable value of Lower Upper Mitton, erected in 1875, seating 300.
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