M A J A L O B K A W I T H 7 A This is architectually very precious1 area. It’s one of the most popular region not only near Lodz but also in . Lutomiersk got municipal law 24.04.1274 from the prince Leszek Czarny. Konrad from Zborowo brought the workers from Czech Republic in XV century who have set up a weaving silk. Lutomiersk has changed its owners frequently. The city has survived two big fires. After that the largest religious and national group in Lutomiersk were the Jaws and German evangelists. Lutomiersk lost city law in 1870. In the area of Lutmiersk we can see: - former complex of the fathers Reformers where are located old castle elements and historical exhibition which shows selected findings from excavations in Lutomiersk; - neo-gothic church of J. Chrzciciel in Kazimierz.; - district of wooden barns in Kazimierz; - parish cmentary with a funerary chapel of the Kostanecki family; - cemeteryfrom I world war in Bechcice; - manor and park complex in , Charbice Górne, and Malanów; - forest and peat bog reserves

Nadia 1 Lutomiersk - a former town, now a village in Poland, located in the Łódzkie Province2, in the County, in the Lutomiersk Commune, on the Ner. The Lutomiersk Commune is located in the central part of the Łódź Province and is a part of the Pabianice County. It is situated in the picturesque valley of the Ner River, near Konstantynów Łódzki, the Poddębicki district. It is adjacent to the communes of: Aleksandrów Łódzki, Dalików, Konstantynów Łódzki, Pabianice, Poddębice, Wodzierady and Dzial. Mianów - a village in Poland located in the Łódzkie Province, in the Pabianice County, in the Lutomiersk Commune. In the years 1975–98, the town administratively belonged to the Province. The first written mention of the village comes from 1176, when Kazimierz the Righteous was to hand over the Mianów and several other villages to the Cistercians from Sulejów under the Środa law. In 1309 Władysław Łokietek renewed the privilege on the Średzkie law for towns belonging to the Cistercians. In 1399, the village passed into the hands of lessees. Since 2006, the MKS Mianów football club has been operating in the village. Scenes for the movie Ida were filmed in the village. Oliwia 2 It was 2013, early afternoon, the doorbell. Mom went down to the gate, and there was a young woman3 standing there. It turned out to be an assistant of Paweł Pawlikowski, a recently famous Polish director. The assistant came with the information that soon they would be shooting a film in our village. At that time, I lived in Mianow, a small village in the Lutomiersk commune. Rarely something interesting and exciting happened here. And here suddenly, a full-length film recording! I was very excited and curious. After a week, a film crew actually came to our village. A coach and a tow truck arrived, and on it an old white car from the 60's, 19th century -Wartburg. The production team clad our concrete fence with wooden boards to resemble an old fence. From the window of my house, I saw the actors playing the lead roles. Agata Kulesza, Dawid Ogrodnik and Agata Trzebuchowska playing the main character (Ida) were there. Together with my mother, we saw scenes filmed at the bus stop and at the store near my house. In my neighbor's yard, a coach was parked with the crew and a camper van where the actors ate their meals.Our village of Mianow turned into a film set for a few days, and theinhabitants were willing to help. Even my dad helped to cover our fence with old rails. Back then, no one thought that the film "Ida" would become popular all over the world and win the biggest film award –OSKAR. I am proud that our inconspicuous village has become part of a great film production. And the director liked our neighborhood so much that he decided to shoot part of his film here. Here are some photos I was able to take from my house window.: 3

Wiktor Tram line 43 (Lutomierska line) ran from the te4rminus at Północna Street in Łódź to the cities Konstantynów Łódzki and Lutomiersk. Until the end of March 2012, it ran from Stoki, and until April 2017 from the Telefoniczna terminus, it also had the shortened variant 43bis, running on the Łódź Stoki - Konstantynów Łódzki and Łódź Stoki - Zdrowie route. It was replaced by line 9, extended to Konstantynów from Zdrowie (its shortened variant 9A ran along the existing route of line 9). From April 2, 2017, the line was divided into two variants: 43A - to Konstantynów and 43B to Lutomiersk. On February 21, 2017, the tram traffic from Konstantynów to Lutomiersk was suspended due to the washing of the tracks. On October 9, traffic resumed, line 43B runs here. From 2012 to 2018, during the summer period, one of the Sunday line 43 brigades was served by the historic Konstal 5N and 5ND carriages (built in 1960– 1961). 43bis was the last line in Łódź, the shortened version of which was marked with the word bis. The route of line 43 on the section from al. Włókniarzy to Konstantynów and Lutomiersk ran along the provincial road No. 710. From March 3, 2019, lines 43A and 43B have been suspended until further notice due to the poor condition of the track. MPK Łódź has launched a substitute transport 43A / B, which runs from the Łódź Kaliska railway station to Konstantynów and Lutomierska. The rolling stock of line 43 has been temporarily redirected to routes 4 and 7. Maja 4

TRAM 43 5

This huge boulder is an example of an inanimate nature monument. It is one of the largest erratic boulders in central Poland. The circumference of the huge granite boulder is 1060 cm. It was transferred to this area about 400 thousand years ago by the Scandinavian ice sheet. It is the second largest erratic boulder in the Łódź Province. It is hidden among the trees. That is why an information board with a map and information about him was erected. To get to it you have to walk across the meadow and enter the forest. It is covered with moss. The only four birches in the vicinity grow on its four sides. There is a sign with the word there "Natural Monument". There are many legends about him. For example, there is a legend that witches kept the Sabbath there or during World War II, the Germans suspected that there was some treasure hidden and you can see traces of the attempts they made getting to him. There is also something like "geocaching" - this is a field game for users of GPS receivers, consisting in searching for the so-called hiding places previously hidden by other participants of the game. The caches, usually hidden in interesting places, contain a log of visits, into which subsequent finders enter, as well as small gifts for exchange. In Orzechowo there is also something like that between this boulder. Few people know about it, little tried, but some also found the hiding place and left something for next generations. Ola 5 Lutomiersk is a village in the voiv6odeship of Lodz with 31 villages in the commune. Lutomiersk had city rights which got from prince Leszek Czarny in 1274, and lost them in 1870. In Lutomiersk we’ve got a school, culture center, church, cemetery and Selesian Monastery. Lutomiersk is on the river Ner. It was used as a trade route. Not only the river was a trade route. Lutomiersk was on on the cross road of two the most important trade routes, Ukraine-Wolin and Gdańsk-Hungary. One of the historical monument in Lutomiersk is Selesian Monastery which you must come to see. It was built on the site of a medieval castle. Today we’ve got in this place Selesian music school. Archeologists in the 40’s of XX century found a cemetery of Norman Vikings. They found a lot of equipment from Scandinavia: axes, arrowheads, spears and swords.

Cyprian Mianów - a village in Poland located in the Łódź vo7ivodeship, in the Pabianice poviat, in the Lutomiersk commune. In the years 1975-1998 the town was administratively part of the Sieradz . The first written mention of the village comes from 1176, when Kazimierz the Righteous passed on also several other villages, the Cistercians of Sulejów. In 1309 Władysław Łokietek renewed the privilege under the Średzki law for towns belonging to the Cistercians, including Mianów. In 1399 the village was transferred to tenants. Since 2006, the MKS Mianów football club has been operating in the village. Scenes for the movie Ida were filmed in the village. The nature reserve in Mianów covers an area of 5.87 ha. It was established by the Regulation of the Łódź Province Governor number / 2000 of July 31, 2000. The protection covers a forest complex of low peat bogs with interesting flora of bog plants. A buffer zone with an area of 17.42 ha was created around the reserve. The reserve area is under active protection.Important dates from the history of Mianow: 1176-Kazimierz the Just gives Mianów and the nearby Puczniew to the Sulejowski Monastery. 1308-Władysław Łoietek confirms by the law of Sieradz that Mianów belongs to the Sulejów Monastery. 1921-establishment of the school in Mianów. 1939-Germans confiscate farms in Mianów. 1945 - the State Repatriation Office accepts farms in Mianów. 1947-1954 - the estates in the town of Mianów and Puczniew are taken by the Lodz University of Technology.On 01.01.1955-Puczniew and Mianów become the Agricultural Experimental Station of the School of Farming with its headquarters in Puczniew (RZD SGGW). 09.10.1960-ceremonial handover of the room of the Volunteer Fire Department in Mianów. 1973-closure of the school in Mianów. Natalia A complex of three crosses is dedicated to t8he victims of cholera from 1832 year. Next to the crossroad to Sieradz and Pabianice ,there are three crosses , which were supposed to protect Lutomiersk. People treat crucifix as a defensive shield guarding them from evil. A complex of crosses of Lutomiersk was set by inhibitans as a thanksgiving gift to make cholera stop. These three crucifixes - ,,Karawaka’’ (center) , and two others little shorter (traditional Latin). The designation ,,Karawaka” is from Spanish City Carrovaca. From where in XVIIII the custom spread to put crosses of Saint Benedict , which should protect city from plagues. Each there is a figure of Jesus crucified , covered with a tin copy. You can ask, Why three crosses? What does it mean?? Most likely people thought that if they tripled them, it will give them bigger protection, and will give them bigger meaning.

Nikola 9

Lutomiersk - city location obtained in 1274, degraded in 1870. Lutomiersk is the seat of the Lutomiersk commune.

Salesian monastery in Lutomersk, It is a Roman Catholic church. the owners are the Salesians until 1864. built in 1659 of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, but closed in 1864. Demolition of the church in 194?. Reactivation 1926 - as a Salesian monastery

Wiktoria Manor house in Charbice Górne. 10 This township is located in the Lutomiersk commune. There is a beautiful manor house near the river Ner, which is not entered in the register of monuments. The manor house was built in 1830, in the interwar period it probably belonged to the Kostanecki family. A vast farm is adjacent to the manor house. The entire farm is surrounded by a park and a beautiful pond. Building was under renovation, but so far nothing else is happening there. Nevertheless, it is a beautiful place to visit.

Filip 11 In Poland, in Pabianice district there were two towns: Kazimierz and Lutomiersk. From long time ago they fought against themselves. They were quibbling for example charging for Ner crossing. There is known an old tale when Lutomiersk wanted to hire gallows from Kazimierz. Mayor of Kazimierz said that gallows are only for their sons. There is a legend connected to the town name. A long time ago, in the place where now is Kazimierz, was a big forest. Once upon a time king Kazimierz The Great was hunting these areas. He lost his team and the way. He spent a lot of time for looking for way back. When he was tired, he sat down under big oak tree. Next morning, he was found by tripping Gypsies. They showed him the way to Lutomiersk. The king wanted to repay and gave them this land. A village grew up there shortly after that and they called it in memory of the King Kazimierz the Great. People made the big oak tree as crest of Kazimierz. This is the legend, but the true is different. Name of this town is the same as its founder – Kazimierz Kondradowicz. He was Konrad Mazowiecki son – prince of Łowicz and Sieradz.

Hania - a village in Poland located in th2e Łódź Province, Pabianice County, Lutomiersk Commune1. The town is situated on Wysoczyzna Łaska. In the years 1975–1998, the town administratively belonged to the Sieradz Province. OSP Jerwonice 1931-2013 On August 15, 1933, the watchtower was officially opened. This celebration was combined with the Holy Mass, it gathered a lot of the neighboring Volunteer Fire Department and the rural community. The date August 15 is still triumphant in this TSO. The District Fire Department Headquarters in Łódź then came to the rescue in equipping the unit, and allocated: - manual sprayer, - horse barrels, - snakes, - nozzles, - hand signal. This situation lasted until the outbreak of World War II. During the occupation, the activities of the TSO existed, but it was limited only to trips to fires. After the liberation, it is known that not everyone counted down, some were thrown to other tracks, so there were changes in the functions of the TSO management board.

Nicola Lutomiersk is one of the oldest tow1ns 3in the former Sieradz Province. It is located on the left side of Neru. Archaeological research has confirmed that the continuity of settlement of the village dates back to ancient times. The oldest settlement comes from the 4th Bronze Age and was inhabited by the people of the Lusatian culture, the next one comes from the 2nd- 4th century, i.e. the Roman period. Lutomiersk was granted city rights on April 24, 1274 by Leszek Czarny. Leszek Czarny was then the prince of Sieradz. At the same time, it is the first document confirming the existence of the village from 1615. In 1292, Władysław the the Elbow- high joined the town of Wrząca, and in 1311 he gave it to Wacław of Lisowice. One of the parts of the city had to join the royal property soon anyway, because in 1406 Władysław Jagiełło gave a part of Lutomiersk to knight Przedbor and his son Jan of Chełmica. With time, our town lost its municipal rights in 1870. The monastery in Lutomiersk is now the seat of the Salesian Music School. It was donated by the voivode, Andrzej Grudziński. The monastery was rebuilt from a knight's castle in the 15th century. In the years 1651-1659 it was changed by Anna Grudzińska and her son, Marcin Grudziński, then a barracks temple was built in 1659. After the January Uprising, the monastery was annulled by the imperial authorities because insurgents were hidden in its cellars. After the death of the last reformate in 1900, the monastery was put up for auction. The Lutomiersk commune bought the bui1ldin3gs and handed them over to the Kujawsko-Kalisz diocese. In 1914, the buildings burned down during the First World War. The monastery was dedicated to the Salesians and they began rebuilding. From 1929 to 1991, it was an orphanage and an educational institution. In the 1950s and 1960s, the monastery was rebuilt into a retreat house and a center for young priests. Since 1996, the Salesian Music School has been established, which is still today. At the time of construction, the monastery was built in a barrack style. The building is made of brick. Inside you can see a chest of drawers from the 18th century. On July 1, 1929, a tram section was launched from Konstantynów Łódzki to the intersecting roads in Lutomiersk, Kazimierz and Aleksandrów Łódzki. In order to take the line to the market square, it was necessary to start building a bridge over the river Ner. In 1932, the missing 8 km section was commissioned in the fall. The entire railway line was owned by the Lodz Narrow-Gauge Electric Commuter Railways. In 2012, MPK-Łódź (Miejskie Przedsiębiorstwo Komunikacyjne Łódź), together with the Old Trams Lovers Club in Łódź, decided to organize "Tramway Line" "43" as a tourist attraction from July to the end of September.

Michał 14 The Poland situation under the German occupation in Lutomiersk - World War II.

In 1939 Lutomiersk was occupied by the German army and then incorporated into the German Empire. The German administration later named it Nerthal ("Ner Valley"). The new authorities launched a policy of terrorizing the Polish population and exterminating the Jewish population. At ul. Kiliński, a ghetto was established. The Jews gathered there were transported in 1942 to the extermination camp in Chełmno on the Ner and murdered. Lutomiersk was occupied by the Soviet army on January 19, 1945.During the war, about 700 Jews from Lutomiersk and 38 Poles died at the hands of the Germans.

World War II - the biggest world war which lasted from September 1, 1939 to September 2, 1945 (in Europe on May 8/9, 1945).

Jan 15

There are several historic and rural parks in the Lutomiersk commune. These parks are a work of nature and the result of creative human work. Parks were founded at mansions, castles and manors to beautify the premises of representatives of the upper social classes. One of the historic parks is located in Puczniew. The park is a remnant of the former manor complex. It was created around 1820-1830. Today its area is 5.32 ha. The second historic park is located in Malanów. It is also a remnant of the former manor complex. Its area is 4 ha. It is situated beside a pond, surrounded by many poplars. It was founded in the 15th - 16th centuries and has survived to this day.

Kacper 16

Lutomiersk is a small town located near Łódź. Exactly located on Eska Street, Lutomiersk obtained city charter in 1274. The town is the seat of the commune in Wysoczyzna Lutomiersk is one of the oldest towns of the former Sieradz voivodeship, 1 attraction in Lutomersk is Ceramilandia where you can spend time with family and friends. I am convinced that you can also have a birthday there. You can also eat delicious pizza , It is served in a restaurant.

Justyna 17

The village where I live is Żurawieniec. It is situated in a part of the Lutomiersk commune. You can find the village between Kazimierz and Puczniew. Żurawieniec borders with Zygmuntów from the south. And from the west with Leonów. The village is surrounded by forest. It should be assumed that the crane is the result of a plot land mode at the end of land 19th century. The owner of the village was Anna Scheiller. There are 18 permanent and 13 temporary residents and 9 residential buildings. There are 140 hectars of arable land in local villages. Żurawieniec was port of the franciscan village. Żurawieniec now has 50 inhabitans and 28 allontmet gardeners.


1. When did Lutomiersk lose its city law? 2. Where can you find a popular district of wooden barns? 3. Where was Ida filmed (near Lutomiersk)? 4. What are the numbers of Lutomiersk's tram line? 5. What is the legend of boulder - the second largest erratic boulder in the Łódź Province? 6. Which voivodeship is Lutomiersk in? 7. What river is near Lutomiersk? 8. Whose axes and swords were found in Lutomiersk? 9. What is the aim of the Three Crosses? 10. Who are the Three Crosses dedicated to? 11. Who is the owner of monastery in Lutomiersk? 12. When was the manor haouse in Lutomiersk built? 13. Which tree did Kazimierz Wielki sit under? 14. Who is the founder of Kazimierz? 15. Which park was created in 1820-1830? 16. Who was the owner of Żurawieniec? 17. How many inhabitatnts are in Żurawieniec?