82528 IMCOS covers 2009 with bd.qxd:Layout 1 12/2/09 10:44 Page 1 journal Spring 2009 Number 116 The very rare, first edition Rome Ptolemy world map, 1478 FINE ANTIQUE MAPS, ATLASES, GLOBES, CITY PLANS &VIEWS Visit our spacious gallery at 70 East 55th St. (Between Park & Madison Avenue) New York, NY 10022 212-308-0018 • 800-423-3741 (U.S. only) •
[email protected] Recent acquisitions regularly added at martayanlan.com Contact us to receive a complimentary printed catalogue or register on our web site. We would be happy to directly offer you material in your collecting area; let us know For People Who Love Early Maps about your interests. We are always interested in acquiring fine antique maps. GALLERY HOURS: Mon-Fri, 9:30-5:30 and by appointment. 82528 IMCOS covers 2009 with bd.qxd:Layout 1 12/2/09 10:45 Page 5 THE MAP HOUSE OF LONDON (established 1907) Antiquarian Maps, Atlases, Prints & Globes 54 BEAUCHAMP PLACE KNIGHTSBRIDGE LONDON SW3 1NY Telephone: 020 7589 4325 or 020 7584 8559 Fax: 020 7589 1041 Email:
[email protected] www.themaphouse.com pp.01-06 Front pages:pp. 01-4 Front 18/2/09 08:44 Page 1 Journal of the International Map Collectors’ Society Founded 1980 Spring 2009 Issue No.116 Features MacDonald Gill: The Wonderground Map of 1913 and its influence 7 by Elisabeth Burdon Profile: Francis Herbert, Honorary Fellow of the RGS 19 by Valerie Newby Maps on a Fan: The Ladies Travelling Fann of England and Wales 24 by Adrian Almond A Floral Globe 29 by Kit Batten The Gough Map: Britain’s oldest road map or a statement of empire? 31 by Nick Millea 55 Seutter’s map of Malta and its three states by Albert Ganado Regular items A letter from the IMCoS Chairman 2 by Hans Kok Guest editorial: A time of change 4 by Robert Clancy 39 Mapping Matters 49 Book Reviews: A look at recent publications 59 IMCoS Matters Copy and other material for our next issue (Summer 2009) should Advertising Manager: Jenny Harvey, 27 Landford Road, be submitted by 1st April 2009.