From: Dave McNeil <
[email protected]> Sent: Friday, July 10, 2020 12:21 PM To: Chris Jacobs Subject: Submittal of comments on Fanita Draft Revised EIR Attachments: Fanita RDEIR David McNeil FB 07132020.pdf Mr. Jacobs: Attached are my comments on the above referenced document. Respectfully, David McNeil 1 POB 513 Gardnerville, NV 89410 July 13, 2020 Mr. Chris Jacobs, Principal Planner Department of Development Services Santee City Hall, Building 4 10601 Magnolia Avenue Santee, CA 92071 Email:
[email protected] Subject: Fanita Ranch Revised Draft Environmental Impact Report “RDEIR” Dear Mr. Jacobs, These comments focus upon fire safety associated with the Fanita Ranch Revised DEIR and supplement my comments dated June 15, 2009 on the 2007 Fire Protection Plan (FPP 2007). Comments are limited to my areas of expertise in fire and land use development permitting review. All points in my 2009 letter remain relevant to the current project proposal. As disclosed by the RDEIR, the project site is located within a Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zone and is subject to severe wildland fire behavior. Fuels include FM4 chaparral, which would surround the island of development on the northeast portion of the property and its ingress/egress routes. FM4 chaparral burns at high intensity even under moderate weather conditions. These conditions would place the public and firefighters at high risk. While all of Fanita is subject to high intensity burns, the northern portion of the site has the greatest alignment with regional open space and the Santa Ana wind-driven fire corridor. Therefore, alternatives to the project that eliminate, relocate, or consolidate development to the existing wildland urban interface should be a high priority to avoid significant adverse safety impacts.