SUNDAY, JULY 26,1988 . -----.!:,... . ~ ~ - --...... lY Jr., 1'. Clarko slid \Villi laYE'k represent the HOLe. ' =:::: News Cooler Today IOWA-Falr Tuuda7 aIId Wedll. day; 1OIDewba& eooIer Tueldal.

Y , II 0 r p Iowa c i M n i " g N e '" • p e r , Flashes FIVE CENTS The Atllloclated PrC88 IOWA CITY, IOWA TUESDAY, JULY 28, 1936 VOLUME XXXVI NUMlBER 49

Marx Brothera Sued Unchanging CHICAGO, July 27 (AP)-1'he three Mar" bl'othcrs--(;hlco, 11ar[lo jlnd Groucho-were served with Our policy of of. ~ummon8 today In a suit tiled sev· .ral mo~th8 ago charging thcm ferlng fine funeral :with plaglarlem. Lawrence Wayne, a playrlrht, service at moderate RCCUSed tho brothers ot using Som!! or his UDes In their last movie. prices is a policy S.U.I. CHEMISTS WIU TEST BEER which has not been Chicago Dogs Crayne Invited to PJay With College All-Stars Jose Pereira's BELIEVED TO HAVE CAUSED DEA Tff CHICAGO, .July ~7 (AP)-AII ~. · . . · . · · ...... :Army Reports changed since the 110,8 In the elty of Chlcaro and By u.. 4 ...... ,.", P.- firm was establish· ,arroundlDr Cook county were LOGAN. July 21-Furtber tn-/. beer which RJesland drank. Shetlff held UDder strict quarantine to. 2nd WILL PARTICIPATE IN ALL-STAR CAME RQuted qulry Into the death of Anson RleB' CrOBB and T. 1!'. Lacy, state bur. ed, In 1923. Id,ht In an effort to 8top the Finish~s II ~Rehels JCau of Investigation agent, ex· ..... oad of hydrophobls. land. 49-year·old Dunlap farmer pre888d belief that Rlealand, melII • No dOC', reglU'dless uf pedJ,ree, To Belse In who died Saturday nIght atter bel' ot .. tbreshlng crew, may havo It is a polley WIt permitted to enter or leave Revo1ters Surrender As drinking f"om a bottle he thougbt tiled all the result ot a ptaAltical lite county on pain of death­ contained beer. tonIght awaited an joke. which we know ur 8 beavy nne for Its owner. National Poll Americans F1ee By analysia ot the IJquld by Unlvel'llity The sberltt said 4 preliminary The ban was placed b, the of Iowa. chemlst8. Investigation Indicated the hottle meets with univer· 8, the A8sool.ted rr~8!1 Train for Alicante slate of JlIlnols after 1,3311 P\lr· Sberltf C. ]0'. Crol!s lelt tor Iowa contalned croton oil, a 8trong ClJ.tll. CHlCAGO, July 27 - Jay Ber· sal approval. sons btu! been bitten b,v dOIS In 87 tho AIO""Iat... p,.,.. City tonight w1th a sample of the , arlc. Chk:aro sinell ,July I, and three wanger. Riley Smith. Paul 'l'all. MADRID, July 27-The Spanish had died. gOI'a and Dick Smith, whose e,,· government, premng new often· plotts lJrought them all America honors. and seven other stalwarts alves agalnst Insurgent 8trong· Edmunds Call Anti-Roosevelt holds. claimed tonight ~n a radIo IF'flllace at Clticago who contributed to 1~3 5'8 cullege CHICAGO. July 27 (AP)- Secre. gridIron history. will oPPOSe the pro. broadcaat that "tbe rebel govern· ment haIJ been mastered by the reo Democrats to Meet At Detroit BECKMAN tllry of Agrloulture Henry A. Wal· fe"-slonal champion D~trolt Lions jIt publican government." lace told members of the Chicago the third annual all star battle un· , fUNERAl HOME The officIal aIlsertlon succe8S bOa,d of trade todlLY at the InlUal del' fI{)()f]lIghts at Suldiel' field ot In 8paln's ll-day civil war came as selecls August 7 Fo. ,Maring on the newly created Com· Sept, I . American and Brltleb refugees Oed U S B d T n10dlty exchange administration 'rhe (OUI' gl'eat stal'8. Berwanger · · oar 0 Conference; Invit~ trom tbls capital by Iraln to Ali· Ih.t be hOped any measures It of Chicago, Tangora at Northwes· cante, where they were expected to Colby might recommend "will bring equity tem, and the Smiths. Alabama's Study Danish Reed, Ely, to all Interests a.nd strengthen the board a British destroyer. l Riley llnd Mlnnesota's Dick, along Vlalms Toledo SIKlCumbtl (By the -'_latedP...... ) functions of the bOlLrd ot trllde." wHh Wllyne Millnel' of NotJ"e PI'emler Jose Glral Pereira's ad. WASHINOTON. July 27 ~ A !Jame, Kclth 'l'oPlllng of Stanford, Soil Societies minlatra.tion declared Alcazar fort· groUI) or anti. Roosevelt democra.ts, 'l'ruman Spain of Southern Metho· B, the A_ocl_ted Pret8 Music in the reS8 at Toledo. south of Madrid, a Including. three who joined Alrred CHICAGO, .July 27 (AP)­ dlst. Vern Oooh , anothel' Minnesota rebel stronrhold tor severlll days, COPENHAGEN, July 127-/presl· grent. Ohio State'. Gomel' Jone• . Busl_ was In the air lit tbe had surrelldered to government dent Roosevelt·s specllli commission E . Smllh In the unavailing call Bill Shakespeare Notre Dame, ron_entlun of the mU8io ludu8' ot troops, who took control of the to study cooperatives turned today upon the Phlladelphla convention to and stili allother Minnesota star, trr today-the blreellt bU81ness whole olty. to the agricultural societies of Den· repudiate the new deal, hilS bee,t Ih· In 15 yeartJ. Sheldon Beise. wel'e named by the Revoltel'll In the mlLrk. ferraplane vlted to confer In DetroIt on AliI\". 7 All eomponents were barmon. country's fans, 3.419,164 of them, mountains north of Madrid were Arrived rrom Swedell after a 8Ur· about an active campa.lgn to UMea.t IdOl on the theme struck up by to start Ilgalnst the Lion~ , forced to retreat with heavy l08ses vel' of the largely Industrllli coope· Ih. king pin of the trade, the 45 Otlters belore govern",ent troop8 and mill· ratlves In that country. the commis. the president. piano. To bllck up the Ilrst olevun, ~smen, the government declared. alon evinced much Interest In th!! While Mr. Roosevelt was I'cachlng othel'8 who finished high In the program of Intenaltled agrculture by The National Radio ManutllCl' .Rehrl18 In North Spain CampObello, New Brunswick. on th" turors assoclatloll reported the voting have been InVIted to be· Mucb ot northern Spain was In whch Denmark olalm. more tban la8t leg or his vaeatlon MIl. tho 1£1. llis months ended June !lO were come membel'S or the squad, Each rebel hllnds along with 80me cltle8 any other country Ie hllve banded lite best in JIi ,vllllrs and It look· member of the prospective starting In tile soutb . together the tarmel's In common test move against him In his (1"'0 .ent "'", fron t, has accepted. .m confidently ahead to .. record Tbe loyal navy, the government purchas ing' and eXpOrt activity. pa.rty became known tOda.y through Where Ihe tans "elected" squads production of 100.000 Inslru· 8ald. was In control In the Stra.ltB They were Interested, too. In the Its sPolIsor-Sterllng E. Edmultds. Ult!Dts (or the yl'llll'. (Sec CRAYNE, Page fi) of Gibraltar, P'lventing Gen. Fran· "mutual oredlt IUIsoclatlons" by It prominent 1awye,· and publlclel \)~ cisco Franco from bringing rebels which the farmer WIUI enlLbled ta St. LouIs. MO, from Spanish ¥orocco, wbere the borrow mOlley for ImprOVing hIs Few Developments WPA. Oklahoma We,r rebellion originated. 'arm up to 60 per cent or Its 8.11' OI,KAHOMA CITY, July 27 (AP) Rains Moisten Life had returned to normal In se8sed value. '1' his <\Ilvelopment ~tood Olle -Renewed charges Ilnd counter many agricultural dletrlcUI, the ad· Danish crilic. of the plan, point. Illnong' the relatlvolv few of th~ day charge. of political acUvity hy WPA mlnbltra.tlon as8erted. and farmers Ing to debt moratorIa by the gOY. Drought Area with a possIble bearing on the jJCJ . workers bl'ought OklllhOma's demo­ were harvesting th,elr crOlla. It said ernment and marchcs 0'1 the. caillt., crallc .seuslnrlal I'rltl\l>,ry ampatg Utlcal situation. Gov. Atr M- r..&1I.. • food supplies -were assured In Ma­ by DanIsh farmel'tl dem'a,ndlng fl· don, the republican pre81denllal 10 a heated close tonight with each drid, as rich farming land to the Lower Tem.perature But nanolal rellet. 88fjel'led the coopera· nominee, cooaldered plans for aold' ~ 19ton at the two new deal·endorsIng can· WII8 south al1d eIlat guarded by loy, tlves engendered an overdose 01 ef· Ing drought.scarred counties Qr dldates making last minute blue for Fail to Revive Sun. al troops: -. flclency unable to withstand depre8. Kansas before recel vi ng Col. L~oll' th' TownJ!end Vole. Stan... Pll.ll Frustra.ted siOIl and reduced exports. ard P . Ayres, vice. president of tb~ Sup[IOrter. ot GOv. E. W. Mar· Baked Corn Crops Thus, the goverllment claimed, Cleveland Trust company, ltnd Dr. land and Reprc..entatlve Josh Lee, a rebel plan to "starve out Madrid" Br the A88ocl.led VnSA NICKEL SHINE! Benjamin Anderson, of the Cba~e democrats contesting tor the noml· could not be realized. CHICAGO, July 27-Llght rains National Balik, New York, lor a dIs· naUon, reJ>eat~d a.~erllon8 WPA "Rebels find It Impossible to moistened stretches or 'l.h'll cUsslon of business problem8. employe. wel'e being used as cam· move theIr forceR from one point to New York Judge Rules paigners In rival camps. drought area today, lowerhlg tern· In Rome. after cornmunlClJ.tI(JJ1 peratures but tailing to revive 8un· auother," the government declared, "as loyal troops and citizens are Five Cents Plenty with Detroit, Bishop Michael GB.lla ­ baked cropS. gher of Detroit Mid thatrepreeen­ ready to selse them as soon as tbey 87 tho A_elated P .... Bower. to Leave As the drought blight claimed tation. of him "as personally op' aCre after aore In 'the corn belt. leave their stronghold." NEW YORK, July 27-.New YOI'k WASHING'roN, .July %7 (1\1') posed to the election ot Preshle"t anothH torrid day 111 the Oklahoma Unconflrmed reports of the tali visitors who step on a box In the -Amerle&n Ambtt88ltdor Claude Fiuul checkup last night revealed Dick Crayne, former 8tH halfback of the University of R city. preaeher ot the lour· ,lrospel, address 111 Manchester, N. H .• eay­ Survivors Land Temperatures Lower Lindbergh, In COmpany with west side ot the highway. Heavy rebel l08se. were attributed declared tonight. Ing be was Bet "to get to wo~lc 11\ ~'or the last lO years. Protes'o" NEW fORK, .July !1 (AP..... lb' Iho A~ ..t ... P .... Lieut. Commander F. M. Malle .1r .. The bla"" was .tal·ted by a clg. to artillery a.ttack In the Guadarra.. "Tbe depressiOn," she 8ald brought eIlrne8t." DES MOINES. July 27-CloudR, Smllh has been head DC the blo· assistant United States naval at. ElCht lYtW)' alld bedr~,led 8Ur· "I'et stUb. Fire Chief Kaspar saId. mas. Wounded loyall8ts were bel'" back "the need for a joyous, uld Vandenberc at Chicago whloh let go showers In Ilorthwest logtcal science. and Bible depal'!' ~ach.. .Ivon of • plane crash off NtI8· tor aviation, visited the The other fltoe from the Mme returned here, to hotels command· time raltb." Jowa. drilled over much of the lIllentlI at WesLern Union college. lil. lonr·tlme friend. Sen. AI't.lru~ IlItket IIlhtshlp I."ded here to­ Heinkel works where fast military soul'ce ' was repol·ted Sunday eve· eered for ho,lpltals. To bolster her assertion she le'Co.) slale tOday boldlng temperatul'e8 and commercial CI'aft arc built. and H. VlLndenberg of MIchigan. ...hl> .." thanklul to' r ....11 land nlng In tbe UOO block 011 Cburch Special TraIn pOinted to attenda.nce rolls of Ange. to somewhat 10wel' levels than pre· the accident oCcurred during a test himself was considered for we .ller plunrlnr to tile _tel' In street. The Americans a.lld Bl'itlsh who Ius temple'B tour datil' aervlces. vall d during one of the hottest flight atter a tlIul' of the pl ant. presidential ticket, eald In a lire'" Dial 3717 1M WIlke of the liner QlleeD Illinois Magistrates The Ill'all'le tire sts.rtOd about a. fled Madrid ,.,.ere provided by the She ....Id 52,000 persons ga.thered conference at republican heaaqu3T_ IIU'J. One man WIt3 fatall, III, 1t 1I'llhers met thfl A."er(ean fiX' F'anll~od by a sUff bl'eel!e tlie tlames ferraplane "aome rain." and 1nwood.. 18 ot an (lly tlto " ... ""Iat ..l I'r••• ) taken lnlo custody late yesterday campaign. He was enrollte to 'I'll. Port ship Exermont lUI ,he spread quickly feeding on under· tnch. CHI 1\00, July 27-lllInols Il01. Ilftontoon by United States Deputy 'BABY CHARLES' peka to confer with the presldl!oliAl tIorked 1IIIth Ihll Uu8too men brush which had been gathered for The torrid temperll.tures ot the lac ma.glsll·lttI!8, ju~tlceH of thO Marshal Joe Petrus, chal'ged with ALVIN KARPIS, nominee. "hole hoU.II,y Jaunt to ,reet severlll yea"s and was powder dry. week end, however, did untold daln- p~ace !Lllti cOII.tubles JoIned tonight mailing an extol'llon letter to Fred tile Queen Mary Sund.y turned 'Cha firemen wero ha.ndlcap]led mZGERALD GET - Judge Overrules Mother on the democratlo organ~tlon age to Iowa'B corn crup. obt!Cl·ver. In a clllnp81gn to drive all d,'unken Jlessmeyer. Stanwood business man. 81de. matters were comparatIve hIIo lraredy. 1'IIe tired men because of high weech which made I,. said, motol'l.ts off highwayS of the PO/jlal Inspector R. A, Monroe tiled LIFE SENTENCES In Gravestone Case quiescent. Completion of the \)1'".1, ""Ued Ihelr ~h."kJ! de plte .... n· It dliCicull to pull Lbe tire bOae. ful eUII, IvIH: teeth IUId bao· Leslie M. Cu.rl, after au InBiJec. 'State, tile l"rol'matSon agulnst Coleman. dent's vllllt to Canada, and a IIrnIsJ. ,.,.. tlon tour of 80uthwest Iowa all.l£I Revocation 0' Ilcensea or all 10 - and a hearing will bo Mid betol'e Prt!P&r11tl Speecb (IS, tile ~"ted P_) B, tIN A_~ ..... ble tour of Vermont areas hit 'bl' 8'T. PAUL, July 27-0e1lCrlblnll' DES MOINES, July 27-Dlstrlct that tho pr06pect 'or a corn crop toxlcatl'd dl'iverR was announced ILl! United States Com mlsslonel' E. J, DI!:8 MOINES (APl-Go¥, Clyde floodII thl•• prlng on the 'way b~\j kldnaplnr as "one of tb" mOlt bel· Judre Loy Ladd ruled tOday a baby III a.bout 35 south and weat count 811 objectIve bf the movemont, McP"rUand at 9 Il. m, today, L. Herl'lng put Ihe finishing touch.. to Hyde Park, N. Y., were e:xpec~ World Getting Warmer nous crimea known to lhe la,!\" ~ boy'. graveetone muat bear the tlee 18 the "worst" It hll8 evel' which was dC8crlbf'd us Iho flrsl of la.. t night to the speech be wlU to be followed by more definite CIlII\. CINCINNATI, July 27 (AP)-,AII a. crime th&t will not be tolera.ted name to Which he lega.lIy W811 born, been-not excepting the drougbt 118 kind "In any state." broadcast over a radio hookup to­ paign pla.nnlng. aUlhorlty On the relation of "'e&~her by the AmerlCl.n people," Feileral a oiune his mother dUecarded In the 'year of 1984. At such polntA a. Rock 1.lall<1, Herring to Ask For I JlIght with five other democratle Demoenlle SpetuJatlOIl Ie human behavior advanced today Judge 111. 14. Joyce toda,y Imp0ae4 divorce court. lla eellmated that In 20 ot these Burlington nnd Quln y, 011 t he Iowa Drought A.rea governo1'll In ans to Gov. AU M. a Iheory that the worid. 18 IretOn&' I life terma 11\ federa.t prleone on A1- "Wblle the child's name mllht Ever Iince the party conventlone, countl~1I, 80 to to per cent ot the Uo e, lind Rocklord, near the WIA· Landon's accoptance speech. 1Iarmer. orop III rUined and tbat IJ.pparently consln line, a "8U'lct lOOkout" was ....------... vln ltarpla, el'lllWhlle number olle been challled before hlB there hu been specula.Uon abo ..t ttl-~ ' ea.lng hl3 oollllrvatioll 011 ext n' ollly the northeutern fourth of the promised, D, til" AMO I~ fall'l)' .ommon­ ilai. red .. MCQo.O , &&. Lh. -POaloUlce a' JIQbl\catlon. Notice. will NOT be aclh ail' And I am gOlng I.... etu'-e: "MQ(lpl·l' Lolln Teaching," by Prof. DO\'t' White. or ol'gllntsms, wJ)olesonlA nlPllL OCC' IlI'S aJtet'warda. Vary FralJ(~ NYI . .. , . •.•..• .• , .•....•. , •.• Society Kdltor 109, Schaet(er Hall. el.rprlt 00' don • .. , ••.•.•.••••..•...••. , . Ji'eillure Editor aft 1'1' yearN of nlll'/'owed thinking. lo be happy try· Room and Il I. Ille 0"- I. Ilot deelMd. ]<"'lday, July S1 <8TUC;R Putnam ••••• • •. .•. t •••• ' • •• , •• ,. , . Plctur• .hldHor It. I "8 VI' alway" ganlSnl" which Guel'llle,' IHohtled the germ re, .Ii1&ft \IW ...... Probably t hI' I)pst l'e~ent. example of" thifl believed I had a 9;00 p.m, Summer Session Party, Iowa Union. ('QUBe lhp HymJ)" HpoTlHiblE' rOI' roou POiSOlllllg In 18B! Bett, Bra.flnnan. 8laleo BT~wnIR". Ad.t.. A.nd, undfl'~aJld;iTlg betweell 111ltion of the toms. jl) Saxony. Flfty_8t.W Il.- pel'sons hfld wOI'ld, wa. Ro velt' l oogllit;ion of tlo re for comooy . .. now. we will A ""muer ot be~"llle III ("0111 eating the (Iesh of ovi t Russia. J11 so doing h proved tha), see," General Notices 101 0lly unrel" lpd "('ow lhal had been killed b caus. govel'nm ntal dif(effuoos nefd not stand Thp Illct"re. condl[lons are called fond poisoning: Il W.... Hl k. One mUll who Ilad ..ten El'1I.OlilUI as a balTiel' b tween the trade and friend­ 8.. lold uS. Is to tl) Digestive upsets 0" Slelll erup· two l!OlInda of nearly raw flesh died JEdltorlal OUl.. nil Sotlu)' Itdl.... u" shIp of any two countl'ies. As a l'esult, a nons due to ll y p e l 'senii lll v~ IIt··8~ to In al) hgUI'S, SIlOW.1 OfHe I 4111 benr Ihe title Summer School -80me panlculal· food. ~\I("h O!l stl'aW .. , }i'uOt.t poi ~o nllH~: h~ ('ommoner In great capitalisl ic llnd a 'real. communistic "Theodora Goes All Bummer sohool students who registered In the Oftlce of the TUESDAY, JULY 28, 1936 slat!' J' t'~tllblish!'fl I'plat iOns foJ' I hI' bent'- Wild," 'IV 111 h Committee on RecommendaIlo11 of Tesche,·. s hould leave their summer b(' I'I'ip!ot or' tomul0~N. I-;;ngland thlalli h e f'~ , 8nd {lven com· fit of both. . may not sound addresses and sohedules At Ihe oftlce, ·lOS East Halt. (2) Poi!K)J1Qus pla.flt ~ 0 1' animuls, motH'" on tlu- c'OIllhwnl . because Although WP w6nld not advocate de­ Ilk lift •• Dunne FRANCES M, CAMP ."cll as toadstools, wOl el' h e,nlock they more r,fle" .lllughler and elL Or poIsonous rl,h. 'sICk I1nlmols. Belle/ils 01 Deial struction of' notiollaLi ti, fe Iill~. it mi ht. .lReNI ' DVNN~ to those who re­ men, be,' On ly I he (3) Chemlcols which have conlom· . Mosl out lJ .. eal( ~ Ilf food polflOlllng be diluted a gt'(>jJL leal by good will and W f'llor'eP1'Ogl'mnS hea.vy tread or "Block Street" or tlte . " Swlwl\llIlC 1'001 Inated Ihe food s lirply-al'senlc, on· a,'e due lo BOme form ut prepared tllol'ougJJ knowl dge of Ihose things which tlmony. baD lin O l ~ COJJI)t·". m eat, KliCh as suUsoge, chopped . HIRE , 'l'Hl!; JplJr lOll fil'lSl strnek hIll'dly less l'ay movem~nt ot "Clln- The tnen·.... Immln&' pnol In tb.. tleldl)oUS8 Je open to .tudent. every we now condemn. And until tlris situllli,oll None of these J8 I'eal food pol- meot and mellt pies. These roods " t hf Unitpd t'ilates-in 1930, '8], sr,'on.'· mOl'nlnl trom 9 to 12 and every afternoon trom J to 6, except Sunday• . is fully broughl abO\ll in lhe mind at eacb • Bl,t lo those whu know Irene OA H D . A. ARMBRUSTER BO iling. whiCh hU a two tOI'ms: 'He ,"I([IIm th,,,.oll IllY eooked. The '32 and until '35-there wel'e from (I) B8ctel'lal food poIsoning du IlIsI,le uf It. hU,lIb'II'ge,. Bleak. ror citizen, we may t'xpect little pl'Ogl'PSS in ,Dunne, tlle, '~ Is no Incongruity fn 1,000,000 lo 1,500,000 I' til's.'! boys lind to In(~cllon oC wholesome tood willi Inslance, I. ,wlt"ly always row. lilt' complicated bnsilless of internl1tionllt h r doing ~omedy ...•V~II comedy Women's Swlnllllln&, girls from til R S uf 14 10 19 who r10wpd , baCLe,.ta of the Salmonella group Alnny othe,' (oods. coming In eoniact relal ions. whlell C91'1'1~S sHch u 113I'um· &c8I'lHll n creatiQnal Swlmllllnll' for .11 women I'pglstered in the UniverSity Ih (Oae,.lne,··s hacllltl",) with )nrepled meat will oct os v.. out ovel' the IlOtion in box ears, ou tile Iitle as "'rlJeodora Goes Wild:' A seoond s\\mmer seliSlon will be held in the Women'. Pool. MOl;lday · to (2) 'Botullsm- tlte formatllln II( a. hl oles- lhe cm' llslil"ch c,.eam mllng highways and in the JllUgle ('amps. Tht'y good Olle-wor(1 desc"ll)llon of Ii ... bQ Fi-Iday. 4:00 to 5:00 p.m . Hnd Saturday from 10 :00 to 12 :00. Fee must vll'ltlf'nl tmdll by the g l'owth Ull fOOd of p{' I:Jln~ or Cl'Pll lll pul(s Is an es­ were all looking fOl' sOlllething, but Lhey I ' .. , mlghl be genteel ... but thal does paId at the Treasurel··. Oittce !:terOl't; 8ttendlng. GLADYS SCOTT of Il.n o\herwls lrllrmless a" IJI 'ophyte ppl'iully good lI ] 891i, Greet·!' w S pi ('ked a8 lile ho. I .na­ gl1fS~ she'll llIuk" liS Pnjoy the way COUl'l , west oC Ihe Musl Studio building. In ose uf min lh ~ concert will By all ,·ulp. or Ihe game II ought "lations Issue slatemenl s tl). a aim· fOl'med the J,' I!:RA alld illstalled a trUlI­ I iOIl , )Jrobabl.I' becouse so many wet'e put Blw dances 11,,'otlgh h ,. shoes. be lleld on 'J'hll" sday evpnlng. C. 13. RIGHTER be a.t leoHt a" rlllt a~ pvpr; .V." jlllr purpo,l. IlIdlvldual big busl, Bienl divisioll of l'elil'r til J,ll'ovidp Jood, Perhaps llW only plclur'e Mil'" more ~O •. maybe. qH>:-IM tlwn hUl1u out tntfJl'vtt:"W8 10 011 t Ite pun. Dunne will dll I" Ihe comhlg seos6n AII, Ullivt'rsity Play Nillht shell!'I', 1" 'rI'eatioll alld wul'le 1'01' till' wuu­ Jt Is lradltlollal that 11'I,,1~ and Ih. ef(tet thllt I)r".nt rondltlons " In whl"h s h .. will "Ing. will bp one All Unlveralty sludfnlS al'e l1)vlled 10 liuend tll~ Play Ight to 1* Ill'" ]\l'.lty ""tl.factu .. y. Dividend. dererli. MOl'!' lhull 2xO "I /'I'U tnlt'lIl ('1'11, · . be;l(\ . ~~ur(\ay. Aug. I. on Ihe 1';'omen's field 7. 00'8:80 )).111 . and In th ... ,ndustry always a ' e below "A'· III u .. ~ g "utlfY"'g; Ihul's Why IIIl' siock rlll·11' Halll won the fil'S1. Olympiad. for paramounl •••iS yet unlilled. [PI'S" IIl1d ;:112 tl'IIIISil'lIl 1'lllllpS wel't' t'stull­ Women'. Gymnasium 8:30-]0;00 p.m. AC'livllles will Incllld.. 1i,'Chery. lL national t> 1~(.'ti o l1 Yffl ,'. It llhm ~i llri' I hl'll he hil S WOII 1111 lhe rest l"il'st "The only liling 1 l(now obolll It." slan...A. wUl spon~or . a beginning ClUBS In !IOOlal dan In~ to he helt.! at Inttuence. or {,OlH'~t' , wlue. own agencies. I1r o-n~w dent. thp Wo,men'ij Gymnaslulll. Wednpsday and I"rlday eVpnlngil. 7:00·S:00 p.m . alltho";lj~ dl'cided Iu ubumhill I liest' I'alllps l'inging ill j rick I'vents all II I:! llnd we spread lInenlilluyrnenl I.. l heorell- '1'" th ~ eOllt rlLry . mo.t of big I/IIf EIg·'n Ip 88on9 for $1 .00 . '1'I ~l/- 1)1'l'eha ~pd 61 the 11,0.1" offte~. eally. hall for "II do".e". hllsh,.s" bltlE-"ly " Illl." very gra tHAI' wOl'lh? . 1Ilwly to spreud, 100. us llle ve,·, tellaneuus hoondoggllng hove added PUtamoUIH, suing Aam Ooldwyn tleal Unionization campolgn pro, tu ctrculallon's YOllllll~. lhat the und gl'BIlI (·ollf'ge lind hi~h ""hool sludenls Pri:t;I<;' AppendL Guaranteed for "!lIMlllng" 0'10> of liB blggesl gt·(>.aS~8 In all 1Il1toS or JllUB~ pt'oduc· ,f:mbf~I.lizlllg or ugl'it'ult In"!;! hafl fur· ell h aid. a,, SIlys $4.000.000 Is the a.nswe'" lion. Unelll llloYIllPnt has nul peell IIwr ,'wlllien Ih 10101. By ay Lhese cash bellpl'ils bad ex­ What Others Think .M (Jtd ('01>11.1' 10 leave lhe Is picking "11 . l\lanUfac·tu,·lnH gell- AgrlcUlture's subsidIes h8ve gone <: IJ.r.e succpss of OJ!' of' t hi' 1l'8nkpRt frlJ who live In the hope that Otto ·ne,'. l~gltlml.t le" der. Pa, amounl filid. A lid. JUSI as se­ ~rally Is on the mend. The .'ock Into u few halldN· In mllllon·dolla .. the l\'Y A - have l'Ost IIlOIl!'y. 'rile cost to yentllres in imperiulism conducled in von Hapsburg ma soon be em-I AM the princess wenl to Belgium - the nlll iOIl 1'0)' tht' CC ' LlllS been $] ,250,­ cretly, says the ~omplalnt . persuaded y laler wllholtl having rellorled any market Is t,ullls h. HClall.·,'S IIl e rhunkR In sO me (·oseS. modl'l'll timps, 1he conquest of Ethiopia, lI- t hrlvlng. Th~ lubor ,,"Ilook "onlinues more .. 000,000. The \'Illuc of tht1 1'01'(' try work hln\ 10 "Ign "onl"aO( wllh Gold- perot of Austria, have ftOlemnly a.- II Im·'8. wyn'., compa.ny. .. the boys hav!' dOlll', however, hus OO€n for' which no ('X(JUNe existed f·xCrfJt Itlll y'M flUTed the world thul the "ppenlllx I Censors F'ear lIpr Not onl ""vet-nmtlnl Wp0I'lB I hall ominous. - $600,000,000. '1'lten , too , tile!;!) boy!'! lJllve oVPl'I'iding demand for /lnother' CO/OJ1Y, it. A "1'""0 WIII 'lh 10 hi. company ot PrIncess Adelheld will not be- A serious• • Iendpr girl. she hn .~ It . tThPy are Ollen 10 Ihe _U8- All Ihe same, uU 8I'1<8.11 Is Illlprov- plcJoh o( being p,·ejudlcbl. In Ihe Ing. ut 11 Dlfa $~!30 , OUO , 00U uf tlJ err $30·0. lUay be pslailliRhed by estimating com~ In"olved In Inlem'lIon,,1 PQI_ avoid d care(ully any action or atll­ = is interesting to I'ecall the word of a ~nte1'c81. or Il1llklng out a good ease Will om on.. kindly account tor - mouth lila ies to di'stitut ' parcnts. .hp remainder r his starring roreer. IUC8. tude which might be In!erprpl.ed as great Bril ish stlJleRmall lleH rly It Imodl'ed I I Is preBum" of S\H'lI ~()("ill l WpU'IlI'e pro­ YPU I'll ago OJ) a r;omewhat silliilol' occasion, 'ach COOPE'r Illcture nets hi. ~om· Archdul(e 01 to, came to Vienna re- 'Iabl& she .hould become the eenter 1'(:' - grams will be felt by un enli generalion pon ~ aboul a qllO,·te,. 01' 11 million canOy tq slully to,' a docIO]'·. d€¥ree of a .wh·1 ot 'Political conJeclUl·e. Oreal RritMili Willi then lit WIll' with hina - of yOUlJI{ lIIell untl women. On t Iri s point dollal·s. On Ihat basis, PO"amount In ~oclology, _I !:lhe had a tasle or It the night of _ w feel , lUi PnsidE'ut j oosevelt , t!.Jat : in II disgrll ernl at tempt to prol ect the believes Coope,. I. "good" (0,. I~ Tile suspicions a( Hapsburlf appo- 11"- 1I1'1'lva l. Boron von Wiesner. "Th enJigiltened envil'onmelll, the add d opium trade whidl lhe Obh.lese overn­ mOI'e plcture9. Or, In le"lls at n ..\t ,8. In Ge"many and tha Liltle proud cllaJ)<'ron of a dislingulshed e;llperience, the b.t'all hi er olltlook that thesto men( wa s seeking to balt. In nle midst of years. Iha( he will be a star tOI' Entente. were aroused Instantly. g ll eIl •• wrOle 0, dignified annaunce­ boys 8ud girl!! hl1 e gained is worth more consfderable patriolic fervor over this im­ slightly more than [Ive years. Bringing a membe; Qr Ihe royal ,nenl or hel' a/'rlval, bul Ihe ortlel" I .;:. money than in the tl'easlU'Y of the United perialistic enterprise, William E. Glad­ Th~ Bult 19 Ihe flt'sl of If9 kInd .famlly Into AUlllrlp was w subtle pl'ess department "etused to publish Hy ,IOIIN MEI.8V State. " ever flied he,.e, although Ihere bit o( legltlml9t strategy, "nemles 11. The cen80rs rearoo II. might be "GUNNAR'S D.4.lJGHTER\h \,y /ollg · i!.Jot. liut Ljol. Rp~edlty Dnd Home- stone, III tel' the prime mtnister, hut. ot were hln.s of o( Ihe llouso ot Hapsburg Allid. )l dangerous 10 mention h er! .Id UI.II.1oln mad •• III It· "'. to produce the goods. have just impoSE'd IIpon Ethiopia. Will,' Jlo Uk!...J .1.., fellow'g looks 8Jld . "waller." annua.l hlk y~lIl ,'\lilY 10 Ih ~ I'lflc o. diff.. r!:'B('A> ' betwet>n ,the spil'it of Glad­ '" PUt him III th tole.' As IL result vi. I. Wh.t 18 the capital of FlorldB~ One·Mlnnie Test Anawen range (ou,' I1\IIe8 5Qtll h o( Ih \lOBI. The mod 1' 11 l;tI'Jd,se OV r tht En This iii a world of illusion. The suit in atone's bitt~ denunciation of Briti b tbat part. Paramount gaVl! Cooper -- 1. C. Douglass Buck. Carl'ylng (uti field t'Qulpm"lll. In ­ HIve .. 1';'.110.1 , In Holland, ronlpleted the clothing store window never look!! like policy in Chiea and Il Duell's program a conrraci and made him one ot i Blat. OD Uquette 2. Oa.rc~tlr,·,· '''"Y be a ~ . ed at a. single table centered wltb A lIew angle on this business of autograph seeking was brought Invad~I' In the CQu rse ot 1'0( garden (Jowers, the parly bou .. out the othel' day. Two small boys were admiring from afar a Whet/leI' food ~)01s9nlnJ: Is ,,'ere spent Informally. ill1~ to <,.Hlllg the tlesb ot a lootball hero who was working. Guests from out of town wer~ IIllIlI, 0 " whelher Intectlon ot Someone noUced them and suggest· ,ear WM ob.erved Oft tbe very Mr. and Mrs. Cecll Evans. a.nd Cam_ ed the hero talk to tb& boys. He prett, back of Mary Ellen Ity. Carol Dawn, Nedra, Portia., Lots did so. and [eellng genet'Ous. thought Coallt, dawrhter of Mr. and Mrs. be would give them hIs autograph. a.nd Verda, all of Maquoketa and nt'" t1!lulH..ti-lfi t lit, germ re­ Preston 00Ut. 12Z Cburcb }Ie wrote his name on a piece ot Mrs. EdIth Shady ot FaUItOD • fol' '"od poIsoning In 1888 • treet. When we saw her, me street. and MI'. and M.·.. M. B. paper and handed It to one of the Iowa Citiam Among "y. l?Il'IY ·Reven IJel'so na toad wore a sUD·back drellS of ,ellow Huffman. ]218 Rochester avenue. Mrs. Elias bOys. ThE) Uttle fellow. In turn, III f"(Jn. eutlng the rteBh oC linen \\liIlcb contrasted beautl· TheY were accompanied home by oolemnly wrote hls name on the PERSONALS 50 at Gatens Family Jessup Entertaim that hUd b n kll1ed because fully witb ber I;lrow n a!Un. Mrs. Messner, her daughter, Thelma Is Honored by 30 paper and handed It back. LouIse, Kalhleen Smith and Eloise Meet Last Sunday 7 at Dinner Party " ."'k. One 1lI111l WllO had eaten Frl.ends at Home pounds of nearly raw llesh dIed While strolling down the street Bertrand Adams at Webster City Rapids where he was the week end Aunclaux, small granddaughters of "GIve a woman enough rope Mrs. Messner. They plan to re· 6 thl~ afternoon, we observed a men· spent the week end In Iowa City guest of !dends. 'MotorIng to Cedar Rapids Sun· Robert Jessup. son ot Prestdent. -and she'll knit J1erself a acIng Llgure 8talklnr down the vlslllng frtends. Mr. Adams was maIn In ChIcago as the guest. of ompllmentlng Mrs. Ella.a S'hra.· day 50 m!lmbe.·s of the Gatens .emeritus and Mrs. Walter A . .Jel. dl·us." From Ted Cook's Cook· the Figgs Cor a w ek. thlliH twrf', lind even corn· street. As we came closer we tound graduated f"om the unIversity Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jones. ]021 der. who was celebrating her family met In reunIon at E llis ,sup. entertained seven guelts at a Coos. er" on t hi' C'oIHiJl@nt, because It only to be a. barefoot boy about achool of fine arIa In 1932. He ls SherIdan avenue, left yeaterday blt'thday. more than 30 friends park. Several were IOwa Cltlans. dinner party night In low.. nine years otd wllh his mother'S In Clinton and Sterling, 111 .• were Union. more s!lwgI1l"!' and elL now engaged In paInting a mura.l afternoon for a week'. vacation In "ft,," One "r Hie best t.... 118 of the MI'. and Mrs. Jack McDonald of gathe.'ed at her hOme. 1638 Morn· Followlug a dinner. the afternoon Gard Ll1llmn Ik. butcher knUe stuck In his belt. tor the new postoCflce building· In Detroll, MiCh.. where they will he n flowers centered the table. Coralville heIghts who motored to Ingeld. drive, tor an all·day In for· hou,·s were spent Infonnally un oulb"€lIk" "r food J)Olsonlng Dubuque. the house guests of Mr, and Mr•. Guests Included Prot. Harry K . Clinton On Friday. :t'hey I'etul'ncd mal courtesy Sunday. evenIng, wheo the group again to SOm.. form or prepared John Jones and family, Newburn, Dave Foel'Bter. Newman stiCh a. sallsage, choppea Wedding Bells Continue To Dorothy Wicke of Chicago came home yesterday. Following dinner. whtch Wall an gathered Cor a pI nlc. Toomey. Tom Horn, Ed Thomas. lind nlPl1 t pIps. 1'lw•• foods Saturday to vISit frIends In Iowa Mr. and Mrs. J. Forman Gay. 842 Informal affair Ilt 12:30, the honoree Iowa Cltlana Included M,·. and Bill Horn and Sidney Miller. ReturnIng Sunday evening fl'om ",,11111 111 t1HII'Ollgllly ~ooked. Th. City, MIss Wicke was a. student In KIrkwood avenue, returned' Sunday Denver, Col., lhey have \lee", received guests aU aflernoon al Mrs. Charles R·. Regan and chll. of a. h911lIJU" ger steak, ror Ring Out for S.U.I. Alumni the university In 1934 and 1935. She evening from a 16 days tour of the vacationing. wero Dt·. and Mrs. open house. dren, Mary LouIse, Lillian, Loretta I. .w.uly always "8\\'. Is now doing secrela.rlal work Cor southwest. Supper was served the guesl8 In Union Prayer Group Oeorge Maresh and [am Ill', 424 S. and Charle8, 1507 KIrkwood avenue, olher toods "on,lng In on lact sears, Roebuck and company ln the evening following wblcb brIdge tor the 28 guests, 118 central decora· SummIt street. Meets Tomorrow Infectpd meat will aCl as ve- Former Students Plan ChIcago. Russell Kempf, 22 Brown street. and euchre were played. Mrs. B. J. ltfcCook, 1201 Marcy tlve motif being a mound of white returned yeslerday morning from Guests "'om oul of town were Mr. sll.. et. Mr. and 'M:rs. Jam a L . the "u,"stu"ch cl'eam fIlling Marriages in J1 arioUB tlowers. White tapers In sliver can­ Members of the Union prayer end vISit wlLh Des Moines ReturnIng Sunday evenIng Crom and MI'B. John Shrader and daugh. Is an es· 'nald Jos· Ing. watomle Hills 011'1 Scout citmp, Oscar Peleraon of West Branch, Mr. 11 Is not VCJ'Y dange.·ous. are received dally of alumni vlan. tended the University of Iowa and Richard Swaine of Des Moines R eturning yesterday f"om a In non hem Min· slt'eot. tiont.. daughters of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. dren. Glen and Betty, of Solon. Mr. yzed. comes down to 0.4 per bot h single ring ceremonIes at home a member of Kappa Kappa Gamma [rlends. nesota WCl'e Ralph Cop])ock. Hay· Keyser. 128 FaJrchlld street. 1'hey nnd Mrs. Ra\jlh Bullne and daugh. bUl even I hat IS probably too or tormal functions solemnIzed In sororlly. ThIs year she reigned, mond Rar y and William FaIrChild, wel'e accompanIed by A. R. Cavlu, tel', Nlldlno. of g,;,lon, Laura Pari· various Churches. ",a the queen of lhe Mardi Gras all of Coralville " elghls. LeavIng yesterday morning fol· 327 N. Capitol street. zek and JOYCe Kuspar. !Joth of So· Many alum nl of the Un Iversl ty of fete In SIoux City. lowing a week end visIt.. wIth Mr. lon, Mr. and Mrs. Charles parlzek Iowa are making plaus to establish Mr. Hilger Is a graduate of DepartIng thIs mOl'l1lng tOI' their and Mrs. James W, Bet'l'Y. 413 S. BoYd Shannon. principal of the of Lone Tree and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ihelr homes In Iowa. while some Creighton college. Omaha. and Is a homea in Canton, OhiO, nre Mra. Johnson street, , ..ere Mr. and Mrs. Monllcello public schools, who Is In llInkley ot Oxford. have elecled to move to olher states. 'member or Kappa. PSi, natlonal Lena Dlelz. and daughters. Char· Paul Berry 01 Cedar Rapids. IoWa CIty attcndlng tho second ses· Iowa CI ty guests were Lelia pharmacy fraternIty. lotte and Helena. who havo been SIOIl of summer school. was a week ,Hinkley, Mrs. Mabel Frantz. Roy The marriage of Alice Louise In Jowa City as the hOllse gllcSls A week end hOUSe gUll8t at the end I'lslto.· at hIs home. Slevens, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence tromgren of Waterloo to Stuart hea·Sulllvan home of Mr. and M:I·S. Carl E . of Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Carlton. 1103 lIeyers of Davenport was 80lemn. Amish and children, Dean anti Elizabeth Shea ot Chicago WaS Neuzil. 314 E. Davenport street, was Mr. and Mrs. Ncll Weldcn of Roeh ster avenue. lzed at the home of the brlde'8 Doris Mae. Inarrled to John Sullivan of ChIcago. GeneVieve Neuzil of Des Moines. Ames were In Iowa Clly last week aunt, Mr8. James M. Edwarils, Sho arrIved In Iowa City Saturday end as the houoo gucsts ot Prof. In Iowa City as the house guosts Cedar HeIght•• July 11 at high noon· formerly ot Muscatine, In the pUhllcollon:o rOI·rob· and left early yestcrday Kate Daum. Center avenue and of Mr. and Mt·a. Edward Koser of Mrs. Shrader Fete, Jane Edwards, cousin of the hrlde. Sacred Heart Cathedral to Chicago afternoon. BmdneRR m~n 'g 9880- morning. Dearborn street. They also visited Coraivllio lIolgl)t8 a.'e Mr. and Mrs. End--Of -- Month played the wedding march preceding Son on His Filth Ions b;SlW'rH Pu tH to- a 8tm ­ on July 18. at tho home or Mrs. Murloi Ward. Morton Kosel' of £rle, III. the ceremony. The bride wore a. IJ urp I·t. IlIdlvldunl bIg busl· Miss Shea., who was Mr. SullIvan'. In fowa City as the hout!e guests 325 N. Clinton street. Birthday at Party IIlto n hUIHI out In{prvleW8 to wedding gowo trimmed with pearly A house guest of the Carroll Voss' bead. that onco Ildorned her grand· secrelary. wa.a attended by Helen of their grandmother, Mrs. Marie eff~c t that pre_cnt condItions of Coralville helghls Is Kennelh Places woro laid lor tl guests mother's weddIng dress. iPhelan tmd Ray Barrett, both 01 Grant. 229 S. Summit street are Dr. Guenlber F. Splelhu.gen. 212 IJI'tHt}r 8I:ttIHfuc·Lul-Y. Dividend, E. Falrcblld stroet, returned yes· Voss of Marongo. He arrIved ln when Mt·s. Elias Shraller, 1688 AtLer a weddIng breakfast for 20 ChIcago. She wore a gown of white Joan and Susan Funk, daughters Iowa CIty s veral days ago. gr'Ul ryln g; Ihul's why Ihe stock ot Mr. and Mrs. Jack Funk of tcrday (rom a 10-day fishing trIp Momlngslde drIve. feted ber son, ",l&lIves and friends the couple lett satin. Is lIl). Evanston. 111. They wIll remain at Minocqua, Wis. Robert Dean. on his tlfth birthday. S--A--L--E ,or a wedding trip to the Della of After the ceremony a dinner was Journeying to Dcs Moines where folk w hll IJI'oa dcast thIs here for a week while tholr par· Games were played during the 8lxl08 EXTRA weight Londsbury Sheets, ribbon Inr"" lllull,,n Ol'e lI ol, Wllh WisconSin . The couple wUl resIde ~crved in a ChIcagO hotol. The shc will be tho house guest of Mr. cnls arc vacl~tlolllTtg In. norlhern Josoph Barbel' ot Des MOin es WIlS party hours, a.nd reireahments were In Davenport. couple left for a wedding trip In the and M.·s. l!J. J . GIblin Is Maxine tape salvage ...... ,...... $1.39 Mr& Meyers I. a graduate of Iowa 1111 nnesota. In Iowa City thIs week end visiting servctl. east. Helger. daughter of Mr. and , Guests wer Joan and Mary Jane CANNON FINE Muslin Sheets, many extra threads to Slate Teachers college and has been with friends. Mr. Barber, former Mr. SullIvan 18 a graduate 01 J. J . Belger. 1030 Muscatine ave· BaldwIn. VIrginIa, Patsy and Jack the square inch, washed ready for use (no filling), teaching In the public schools of VIHltlng thl. week end with MI'. managing editor of The Dally I'pmldns IJIt h -- I'l), "A lltI:' Notre Dame university and recelved nUt!, Kelley, John otto. Norma Thol·n· 81x99 sizes ...... $1.19 Davenport. Mr. Meyers, a graduate and Mrs. Richard II. Kaspar. 425 Iowan. Is a picture editor of The lis "pokpSOlen MY nt'at hIs .J.D. at the Unlvel'8lly ot Iowa. tOll. John Bauer, Marcella ParIzek. Other sizes in proportion or the college ot engineering of the E. Fairchild street, and MI'. llnd Des Moines Reglsler and T"'bune. iR It g l'P3 t Impro\'Pmt-lit In At preMnt he Is a member of the and Howa"d Shrader. 19c CAMBRIC bleached Muslin, fine count (limit 10 University or Iowa., Is a civil en· Markman - Donovan· Sullivan I a w MI'8. Frank Machovec, 618 N. Gil· time", I hey m~an It. Ind>ell. Afte.· a week's vIsit at the home St. Mary's Entertains yds.) yd...... 10e say II mlh"I' g,"dgln gly. with (ineer and Is associated wltb lhe firm In Cblcago. bert slreet, we"e Mrs. C. Gallagbe.· oC Mrs. Caroline Darby. 720 Wal· for U. S. Engln er's office at Rock /lnd chlldl'en, Delo"es and Connie At Public Party Today U-Club Gathers For fjllullflr'utlull tha t, hut thf' nut street, Mr. and Mrs. Everrell dPIlI, the Improve ment would 1.lalld, III. Mr. Meyer8 also haa a WadllD· Wllcke of Proctor, MInn. , Johnson and Evelyn Johnson. all Bridge Party Tonight lll' mot'fO prOn011lH'pti 0 nd would Illll8ter·. degree from the unlvel'Blty. Jane WadUn of ReInbeck, N .Y.• Members of the sanctuary fund of Clinton, left yesterday for lheir TOILETRIES-( Cash and Carry) (.'o m e R(JO lwt' , )1,nd Dr. Burton Wllcke ot Preston Jane and Joan Turley uC SPI'lng. of St. Mary's ohurch will entertain Renkln·Pelawn homes. Mrs. Johnson Is the tOI' '1'he UnIversity cluh bridge party Whul I" Al1'illel'? were married July 10 In Reinbeck. Cleld, 111 .. are In Iowa CIty as the SOc TOOTH PASTES ...... 29c "Iorence Renkln or Manson and MI88 Wadlln wore a white silk Wilma Darby of Iowa CIty. 'at a publlo bridge and euchre party :wlll be at 7:30 tonIght In tbe club Is ]loin ted Ollt thal the bonus house gucsts of Florence Robr· tbla alternoon at 2 o'clock In the rooms at Iowa Union. 5 lb. BAG Wrisley Perfume Water Softener ...... S8e Clarence Peterson of B Irnond were pebble crepe suit, white accessories bacher. daughter of Dr. a.nd Mrs. 200 SHEET boxes Kleenex, ...... 2 for 27e nt hUH JILIt u Jot or money , Anne Wilkinson of Dllvenport is basement auditorIum of St. Mary'l!, P layers will keep tbe same part- marrl ed July 12th at the St. Paul'8 ",nd carried a corsage of gardenias. WIlliam M. Rohrbacher, 811 E. Col· <'Irculallol1 , that relief and mts· 'VIsiting the home oC her mother, :SChool. pers. Members bave been requested 10c LUX or Lifebuoy Soap ...... 3 for 17e Lulheran ChurCh wllh the Rev. W. Following the ceremony a wed. lege street. houndoggllng have added Mrs. Margaret Wilkinson, 6Z0 S. Hostesses will Include Mrs. Frank to make up tables of four or to call 55c POND'S Creams ...... 3ge lhal the E. F. MeIer orttclaUng. Their wed· ding dinner was served at the borne dIng day was the 25th annlver1lllry of the bride's parents. Dodge street. IGreaser and Mrs. Leo Chopek. Mr8, PaUl Oaler, 2558. or Florence 8Sc POND'S Cream, large size ...... 5Se fur· An'lvlng thIs mornIng to visIt or Mr. Peterson's parents' wedding. I Dr. Wlicke WIL8 graduated trom f;:====~:::::::::====~ BChnelder_,_6_8_42_. _____ SOc JERGENS Lotion ...... 3ge at the home of Prof. Grace E. Mr. a.nd Mrs. R. O. POi)ha.m . 1038 10c SAYMAN'S Soap ...... 3 for 22e that Mary Renkln. sisler of the brJ'Ae, the UnIversIty of Iowa In 1933. In attended Miss Renkln. who wore a 1935 he received the degree of doc. Chaifee. 412 Bayard a.venue. Is Muscatine avenue, wet'e visItors at 50c PROPHYLACTIC Tooth Brushes ...... S3c rUlis hav.. 1Jf't- U .'ather i>~OnOm­ Mrs. Blackstone Is Mrs. Samuel '1'. Orton of New York . We!1man Sunday at the 87th birth. wllh theIr !Jonus mon y. ... hlte crepe wIth a pleated cape. tor of medicine bere. He Is affilla. "ARRIS" Cream Deodorant, will not harm clothing Sge lIer flowers were a bouquet or gar· ted with Sigma PI, aoclal traternlty, Sb Is the wife of Dr. Orton. former day celebration of Mrs. Margaret N. Today's Wives' Club HOBteBB has \Je en mellger In com· dlrooto.· ot the psychopathic hospl. 50c SIZE Roger and Gallet "Savon" Toilet Soap denIM and rose buds. Iand with PI RhO Sigma, medical popha.m. 6 ,bars ...... $1.39 I wilh tlol'lnul Incomes. till at the UniversIty of Iowa, now Hosless 'file WIves' club. composed ot uDBlilles have gone Mrs. Peterson Is a graduate of the fraternity. M~n80n hlgll school and or the At present he Is employed as resl. practicing paYchlatry In New York. Mr. and Mr• .-- 1'. J . Wilkinson and Wives 0' graduate students In the few hnu.ln mllllon·dollar I Thompson school ot beauty culture dent physiCian at Vassar hospital ~on. Tommy, of Cedar Rapids were coll ege ot commerce, will meet lhts In "0111 (\ ,·aS~R. I Hiots In Des Moines. ~1r. Peterson grlld· In PoughkeepsIe. Retul'nlng thIs week elld tram a week end vlsllors ..t Lbe bome of allemoon at 2:30 at the bome of E. O. M. SALE FULL-FASmONED Ilaled rrom lhe Belmond blgh SChool The newlywedl left New York Clve·weeks· vacation In the west Mr. WilkInson's mother, Mrs. Mar­ MI'B. Earl G. Blackstone, 1510 SMrl. SILK HOSIERY and attended the UniverSity of Iowa. on a Wedding trip to Iowa followlog wet'e Dr. and Mrs. ~'rank B. Whln· garet WilkInson, 620. S, Dodge dan avenue. bl1 s l"~"" Is Improv· the ceremony. crY and children, Marlon and JOhll, street. About 25 women will spend the afternoon Informally. Famous Makes, Regular Lengths kIndly arcount for ve·lIllger 1023 K,rkwOOd avenue. Among the Here's a deUghtful addItion to allY $1.00 Qualities ...... 7ge !:Ielen Sve of Sioux Cily aJlnounc· Oo8bree.L!l0 1' places they vIal ted were Seattle, JOhn Burr of Lolle Tree was a ~ummer.Ume menu. Mrs. L. B. 7ge Qualities ...... 65e ell her engagem nt to Melvin A. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Van OO.brce Wash., and San FrancIsco ano Los busIness vIsItor In Iowa City yes. HIgley. 714 low.. avenue. always a '.O.O.F. MeetB Tonight successful hoste88, reveals a new 2 pairs ...... $1.25 }!IIger of Oma.ha. and th ir ap· of San Diego, formerly Of 810ux A ngeles, cal. terday. Eureka lodge, 44. r.O.O.F. will CHILDREN'S Shirley Temple AnkleUes, pair ...... 25e Proachlng weddIng Aug. 22nd, at a CIty, announced the engagement way to aerve ICe cream. ltIloot tn regular bUsiness se8slon lUncheon given July 9tb. and &pproa.chlng marrla.g& ot their Mr. and Mrs. Gll.I'laud O. KIrcher, Attorney Puul Toomey, 625 E. MERINGUES thIs evening at 7:30 at the Odcf Fel· • • The table appointment. were ot daughter, Margaret 'Yan Qo8bree, to 26 W. Prentiss street, relurned .... Burlington street, was In WashIng· Whites ot three eggs beaten dry lows ball. . One oup of sugar -. ~lIver. green and white. which have Lleut. James D. Lanl', engineer eat.lIy tor Omllha. Neb., and 1)01nt9 ton, Ia .. yesterday on business. been Chosen by the brlde.eleot as eorp8 of tbe United States anny. In MI88ourl. They were accompa· One tablespoon of vlnegar - lo'eddlng colors. WhIte chIna cupld8 Mr. Lane Is a SOn of Mr. and Mrs. nled by theIr three son1l. Beat egga lor 20 mInutes and add Ladies Aid Basement Store Madeline Mosley, 21 E. Colleglt boeld gold rIngs In whIch were the N. P. Lang ot Sioux Clly. sugar and vinegar. Drop tn table­ Members ot the Ladles' aid ot But LJIII Aprl'ully and 80m8· @treet, was a business visitor In spoons full on a baking sheet and the Christian churcb will meet to· SllIpldly mllk.·s hImself "p r· ilcrolls 'bearlng the announcement. MI,. Van 008bree Is a ,rllduate MI'8, Edith Hormel. North Du· Rock Island, 01., yesterd(l.Y. E. O. M. SALE One long luncheon table was Il.ld of the American Hospital traIning 'buque road, Is seriously III In tbe bake for 55 minutes. Cut oft the ~orro.w afternoon at 2 o'clock at nOli grlltu" willi Ounnor, and LADIES' MESH Rayon Shorties •. _ cool and comfort· l'pfURCd hy Ounnor·. daughter. ~hOOl for nurses In Chicago. Lieut. University hospital whea'e she was In Iowa City yestct'day viSiting tops. Sturr with Ice cream. the ohurch parlors. Lang. & west POint grad uate. 18 taken Sunday aCtemoon. tnk~ .. hy f"l'rf whOt he "onnot with friends were Mrs. R. J. Bone ======able, ~h ...... _..... 15«: OIol'e regulu,·ly. VIgdl8 benr. jltutlyl~ for a muter'. degree at and sons, FredriCk and J·ames of child , momls.p. I,Jut, Illl11 le!tV 8 ~be University ot Iowa. The wed­ liubert Coffey, 222 Brown street, Monticello. baby to II!.'. In I lo p "IOlmy C"lIpl MISSIOII dlne date bas not been revealed. returned yesterda.y troO\ Cedar WOMEN'S COrrON r or 0\1 r 9 n~ alor" ','om the Edward McDonnell. 12 E. BlOOm· Economy C•• h 'fh.... • I. a gnnl) dpl'l of by· II (t'; ORANGE Ington street. who attended the W Ilsh Frocks Reduced whIch I" p"rlp tly 11II I'O HI . llIwlly 0 rtN day· and UI'l'lvP,1 of th rauge l,ilI 1..... 111 ".ry. :rhi!:t~ t~:.~~~~.I~~ 4~c ....,. lit II. ~I"I .. n holt· hollr tll I·t'lt. Come Ia To Whet', No. 1 01' '" Illy I,. If rou eM" .....,. a& It...... Nil 1171 .... we'll ... IllOO I'll 1) JI\& over the Ellis Dairy Stores 8fti' r_ luadI, Ecen·ollly W.u~I, In Holland, CPlllpl led 118 8. Dubuqut! repl~c e d a 1.000-yllll.r·oI' til fl, WalllL C•• h Stor•• TA. 8", I" D,d" '''~UI' Whet's No.1 Band SPORTS Il!::::::lS=P=O =R=T s=!!l II II Music NATIONAL LOO.\L 8TAT& WORLD WID. itt * itt • *** IOWA CITY IOWA 'l'UESDAY. JULY 28.1936 Ventral PMIIIII AillIOelatiOn

t Punl Dean BITS Braddock' to Figlit Sch.meling in New .y ork MRY Qnit Ba8t>ball He ·------.------. ------~~9 ------·------~------about ' ayt! After Hurling ~.m. In Ihe mus'" Poor Exllibition Tilt I Ih~ lllu!lo bulldln~ PO Bout Date Set WATCH OUT BIG TEN!: Rain H~lt Jones Thrills A i,rogr:1I11 or !>and music will bJ For September Olympian Scotch Crowd RANDOLPH, Mas•.• July 27 (API BOH - Paul D..all Illrp. tened to quit HOGAN With Old Form baaeball for thp roel of the season Audience will Juln Say Promoters Disquieling R"ports artpr hi; p oor sh owln!, In On exhl· In th l ~e numbers, . Lan, Sl'ne." and Perturb Officials; ST. ANDREWS'. Il~olfand . July 27 bilion gume hpre. Ti,Is h. tbe first. chllN'e w 'l,ave lid Banne,·." 1'10 younger fir lhe pllchl". had 10 comnlPnt on Ihe 'Sippi Val· l\fadi~on quare Garden To Pick 1940 Site (AP}-Buck at 0111 SI. Andl·.w_, one Rlglttcl' Delln •• making hlA firs t stalL aln.l I~y tennLa tourney, OUi lals cer· Group, 20th Century of his big happy hunting gl'ouml, Th~ band, lalnl~ put on a. greul oho\\' In nne BERLIN. July 21 (AP)-Torrents of golf. Bobby Jones shot oncl July 4 when the Reds hommere4 bers, 1$ lIQ'le. Ev "ythlnll" went ofC In Club Are Promoters marcheU like Ilw empel'OI' of 01(1 hlnl t'runl t lw IIWltUtl, yielded lIl, Charlel B. min d"sce nd ed "" the gay and aga.ln Loday. scoring It Do­ "mooth I'unnl"g ol'(l~r and lMI'!I ot ~ 2- 40-7 2 hlta III rOllr innlnf:s against a semi· d'pUlmOnl. was no rilletsm either from Lhll NRW Y' RI< . Jnly 27 (AP) Il' mpl" "~enp till. 0 fter· tore" 1I11'1li ed pack of 3.000 gali ery. pl'O s hop oom]lOnl learn and th. !It. toliowlng lle"sons: l>arllclpont. In lhe meet 1101' the -'rlu! on agaiu, off again noon, wllH lllng out l,'ainlalg actlvl Ilea LoulA ('9I'cllna l" lI'a ,l e(1 4-0. With Flul.. ROJ(cl' (I ties In Ih. Olympl village, handing BeYore the" 8 Allanlon h,·gun Film Hlwl" and Pepper farUn !In· trhOlnR" I'P tatorll. The enlt·y list was COlli ' world 'H hro"yweight champion­ .,rlop<1 of 80me or the mOlit lalented ship right between JalUes .) . Elnother Aet-back to Ih Ge,'man hi. friendly threesome with 'Vlllle Is hlng 0 11 tile moulld, the Cards 'Won Charles BeoMIlY. younJllt ra In the j'atne. Ball u nIl A \lchte.')onle/ royal uud allciel1t IH'O · 8-t). :K0Y r.. DOllgn n, V BI'addock and ,\tax BchllW lill g Smalley oolh numller one m n 011 sln l'r flll'lot,sly til WOl'k I'e"nlahlng fesslonal, and Gordon L clell joining jOl1rnaJtstlc flnols, holds Ihe NebrSBk4L woman's ,'etrealed tu the clubhouse. fot poln In hlN I'lghl shoulder shor(. ,II, H C. Stump; will I~ lx'l ween 8PI,I<'ml1el' runks accompanied by a ghost­ title. SepIPmlJer 30. "Golf fOL' !TIe Is jnst run now~ daY t:l," l} (lfter thl' Bt:t\ SOn op(lni:!d. t'\el.nd. Lynn w l'tl er \v ~ I ' ell'l the only motters agl· said Bobby ItS he scrlblJletl hi. name Munagel' l ~r,,,'I, Frisch .ald p. A. Be,'chekaB. • • • SI,III 50.roo la llng Amel'lclll1 circles. The atlilelle yoUlbH o! Ihl! 'I'll Gill'den Iwd Ihe 20t11 ~ nlury on score ca l'ds. "1'11 nbve" entel' paul woulll be sent Lo SL. Louis to­ alto Baxophon , 111'0 Le,~ wlll .lIvld" th.. \lI"Orlt9 lltty·flfty competitive golt "gain, Sl. And"ewe m ol'l'O\\ fll' examlnatlun by 0,·. R.· slue of lOlva. eel'talnly are nlll'" Cunningham came down with a Jn, thlnp pl~nly 101l&,h foo' Ihe .rtt>I' all PXI'l'n.eH 111l.Vf' bPen paid. s,ill I. m)' fa vo,·lte gulf course." b 1'1 P. llylund. club surgeon, and bad cuse or BO" leg •. M I"" SL e ph e n~ trle,1 and lrusted velera)I," ot th IIfI'M. , . R. Hearst's milk fund Good ~how unle" .. hi " a,'nl responds to tre8l. I. reeelving J ail)' ma~8Ilge treat­ game, In golf, Billy 11011, 17· whlclt hUs be"" l-los .. ly ass lated As the "ew. spread Lhal Bobby n, III he mal' bl' plac"d on the vol­ ment Cor the I"ndon Bhe pulled Bel" y~ar.o ld ,H"olodl&'l'l'r, look mat. with th I) .. ~t shows of the 20th was back (01' QUoth .... l· I'otmd at Ht. untaqr I"t:' tln:'u 11 ::1 1 for the rest of tha I'al monLhs ago. lers InlO hI" own hallds al Ihj\o Centu .. y. will nOl b 0 participant. Andr~W8, 8'Emb of hl:t vict ory Ill. Sf-3Snn , The InIP""aLlon!\1 Olympic ,'om bla ls mpet Ihl!! yrar 11I1I1 I,,'me All houll h offldally listed 88 a I n7 Bl'illHh open and th. I no mltlee on Wet'& 11 11" (,t all vrolllotlol1. Bobby j(a\'p them u gOlJu . holV. lh\: fh'~1 gtlmp uf UWlr t:le rfes, and we i'!' lwnling cefllenl in back or Ihe fine 81' tS bui Icling when this pict urI;' was taken . _no11gh I.., be ellt with a Iwlre but 18 II. lOllheavy favorlle to ~ur· iii.. , J"rubs Playing Wllh his 01<1 touch. Iw Dave nport t()l)k th. contest, 3 to O. -----~,~' ~------~~----~------111I'ollgh I hI> rot!. 00,,1(( be discerned N .srully dpfend h~r houon thl ~ I;:X~l'llt to .1I,ll·/, III til p"oflls. it ~co l 'f' d u. pnl'-Ineukfnij 3:' Ollt. hHg .. '" chara~t"I'lstlcally bllLPl' politica l weel. ul W ~st OkuboJI. Til"" IlL any. M Ik~ .lul'... b". hellt'iJ.,Jt;> puttN 0 11 tile :-;Pf'O IHl , 1hllt ~u , w t-!\,H'y tJf the Alh· '· Iundlng IlP"Mon;tlltleM ot A,"e,lclln rONlnel IYII· R.oti Y flutlp,' Idfntlflpd wI! h l he p,'omolion ~live nrth. ylx [lll will e nroll ".I. O,·lrtiH. l'hull'll1un or I he a'"'dpn <11 Over Yunl\:ees Play Srl1l1l\:ei huck. :'Iro .. " h.1 Innings: low". rN·WI·s. oI·lfri. 111111 ,Tam~s J. John· NATJO NAL LEMIUF. Whi c h carl'led lite UnlleJ Siaies 111 - ~hllatlelphl!l. IlHI ~32 001-16 \'f'rnon lIOn. (1."(\"11 pl·omelet'. flanked by lV. L. Pct. OB, lu lhe O IYIIlPJe!-i lll~~J)Itl' U lJOycotl • • • HU8 010 040- 8 graduated l'OUII""I , l,p J)I'l·.ellle """k ' Plllsbl1l'gh 47 4C• •5 11 1J 'Hounll hut thUL !ur l made not D n ~s t L e~ .fuhncke. New Orleal19 (,HICAGO. July "7 1.~P) - P6 c. d who 01 17 yearM hO B b"olten Into Neirhel' club wlli huve on option II ", New Yorl< Yonkeps 9 tol In Ih" In The 4' 44 ' 06 11" by 1101 }<'Inne\·. Ihe Philaddphl:J on Iho I'hamIJloll nfll' I' Ihe Hpplt>nl. opel1lng lIr the tUllI'-game 8e1·les. (,I11Oil1 1184 I u .u 7K parLlcl~ of dlrCeroll.·.· III Ihe Kelly SI)Ortsmall Who cam •. out In op po ~l- th~ 1))8jOI' Ipagll.a II lIILch." wilh '1 113 141L AthlelicH J)ound ~d 1I 111 '~rl hits, snap .. Bo~ ton her rlghl. Tlw vl('I ...· 11'111 emel'li'e Th~ u.'reat r~duc~d Ihe Yonks' I~ ti d .H I.. 711 Ollel'. who "hne" Llw hlghl,' 10uLI'd Lion to Amerl 'an Ila "ltclpllLioll last I he CI.veland IndlnnM. Bob 1M a 35 56 385 22 1 ,~ ped V€'J'llf')ll l{ .. nnt-'uy's winning ft'Om lhp bUUL fl'.'e Lu do bU8lnes. Ovc·r I he Id le seoond pluce ('lpveland Philadelphia •. Capltul City I~II n,,1 "nly I""ypd winter. .I a hn,'ke ~'~ 8 umllbly h1l9 I p"odllel or 1110' Lull ,'0"11 siaL" ontl "_RlglI ~ d htll hlH "eu",'" I. "mung 8U'pak nL nlnp "III' ling '·i<'lurl.~. wJwu nlld wlH'I'C )1(':' lil{es. I mlh.ll1!i to nine garnes. B"uolclyn ..... 34 [,8 .370 24 Adel claIm. him 0. 11M home hoy. IlifllH, lm1 h~1:t1 Iht"lli by 11 :~ to 2 IIlP first 11l' IIlR UII I1w ugf'nlla. for and d\~fH'l l' cJ llw f'hll':.t gu ",,' Ia,h" Both B ld~R Ol'e IV,'1I Hnll.flel! wit h HOW., had u. SI1Ulout In his grllsp VI·slprrl.y's RPSU\tH Th. fl"NI III11P hp I'Ve ,' f.",pd Jj. hl!l' Sox, J fl til )0;, l ullay rt \\'ti~ t tw' tltl' ~lIlldu.y Ihe onl('onw of I.h .. long d"awII Ollt HI'oOklyn II; J>lItsbul'gh 3. count on Incn l I!lamlillfl til e ol)flnillg' ~"!i::i lul1 ut 4 )I, 111 . '''t'li leu gue hUllf' I' wu~ In un Pl'lIllJitton uII11I Ihe eighth Innllll: wl,en 1"I'onll­ fUUllh Rlralg11f ii .. thlU"'" rol' the ~OXI negotlnllonM. ('hleugo at Phlladel~hln.. rain. nl ghl. \>ollle ogulnNI L1w (ius 1I 01lse GOll g I.. ('1'oaHti hit over the I ~ I ' I f\ pld ne. day. ClnclnnoLl at New yu .. l" rain. OllslllVn" T. who )l1'PV IUII SI)' hud IVYIl I? .,ll( (Ie fl'om Ht. LOIIJ eI. In tilt-' 1i1l'PP in­ r~II~~ tor his lllh home I'un of IIw JOf' nllniu WUH lllekflfl tn do JllnlllHl ~ I games. You are going 111 HI'I' the two G'lInps 'roday KII'by. I L' pa S U1 '~ 1' (II' till" A m et'lcon nings I... 1IVII"lp,l. (tne oppononl was sensnn, TI,e world cHamplnns' ace dllty Opfl s it. , he oLeilal' M,'. Linden l··lnne). cO 'ln"clp" \"Ilh .. trlllie d Chlcogu ot Philadelphia. Olymph.! eOl"llIII IL tt:'e, and M UI't'ay ' u ~ gl'eatesl dunel"'s in 1he worl tO ~t-pt..l 11ul ott n tHllll (l0(1 eight Helen Moody hUl'lc,' PI' vlously hod hit Jj. Itom~~ and J oe wos ve'·y noncha lant obout and (ou,· .Ingles. anl! Rco red four Pittsburg h at Brooklyn. Hl1lbel·t of New York. boW are un­ OlhPl' I W~1I1 UlJwn swinging. Steve • hln, s~ J( , how"vPI·. olso "coring Ray ClnclnnuU ut N<>w York (21. the Iwavy hlll'dt'n pIU('~11 llP011 Jlhl1 . d~r8tood to I,e .t!'Onlfly supporteu In in a marvelous musical show, O':\'elil ..ny" r ~P II ~,· Ihl'OIVB Ih J'eav. Haywurth (01' the fl,,,,t Iwo runs 01 Gllnla. ,wnl light I1heud with his ,.,. 1 un,I1'".tl·"1 boll he eve,· ,'aughl . Quits Tennis the gam .. in the third Inning. an unde"rovPI' cont~sl 10 fill Ih" l'c ma1nitl~ Amt:'l'lea. n vacancy. In addition Lo F~II"I · . .,lh.1' lvwunN A ner Ruwe had hit hiN homel·. I h. At\IERW,\ LEA(lUE mound "utl ~H ond whlfled on even pltl ,I n!! ""Ith ('lev,'lol1d ur~ lial 1'IgP1's lIddM an(Jthl'l" tally n Ill! lhell W. ... Pet. (lB. dozen Des Mnlnt·:! boll.,·. unu Is"ued Tr o~ l . y und Don nugl~I" Through With Big Time were held III ('heck by Letty GOllleo. Npw Yol'lt ...... 02 33 .053 0 uilly thl'ee IKit-iP lilts to 111 .. t11 0t'ough. . . . who was 11ft d rol' a pinch hitLer 1ft Clevelaml ...... 63 42 JI5S 9 ;Iop BOllom]ey Aids Mates Tf'ntJis; Won'l Givt' Iy Slil'Pfeh Pd l'ilamp•. lItll wa.B n·t and 10 1hink il only cos1s you The spu"Hn&" world, 'nrlUdlnr I h. seventh. Waller BrQwn foliow Bost un ...... 1i2 44 .54~ 10'1.: saLlsfled whit mp,' 1.\' 1,ll"hlng Dnd In 7·5 Win ft'om Bees Air Conditioned I hnth (aOs Illld 1t,'t'ilpr8, H"", cer­ Up Work' for Game ed the BOUI hp:tw on the mound but Detroit...... 50 ·14 .5 32 I J \I, wellf uilollt Illp tUl'Jk of H, 81la.l('hing Cool 'Comforlahle AfternoOl1 iullll), howllul: "",lnl. II", ro'·lh. wos unable to sUl'vlv the tmme a, WlUlhlngton ...... 4~ 41i ..2 1 12\!l bllse hlL a t all OI)I)Ol'tleM alld U Hinglf:' I III four thl1l,lj Yfars r;o Ihey Hay . .. TIll'), JlI·e S~ore Ity rl1nlngs: St. LouIs ...... 3/ 62 .333 30 TAltrrs the l'UnlPlwpen the one-lime St. Loul" 7. B"slon 6. n[ng8. Tile 1,1Vad" I'" HCvl'ed both ot decl~lon over Boslon. oo'irlual I'd III our bakerl.... • , Philadelphia J 5; Clevelonuled on" lor the Z may Dol be a rOl'lnidable opl,on· A brlet s tatement by ihe 3l·yell" · Gam.e" Today Fhamplon dlamundllull lenm, ::IohUkel 6.3 Win Over Pil'ale~ Browns a s the Lwo leams pose. 'file fill tor Ihls mll~h puhllrlzed Phllodelphia ot ·' hl"ago. old l'b..tll l"I'anC'lsco matron atl­ hl oLU I'!:t uf 'Vnleriul), \\ III 'ul·kle t h~ u fOI.H'-gu lill:- tli:'l'It-tt. Queer at HOHlon ut ~I . Luuls. l~ Ollls, bul. ihis colullln ",III bdr nounced abandonment of lenlatlv~ BR KLYN. July t7 (AP)- Bp· Kelly aggregaJlon 011 the 0111'1'11 SCOI" by Innings: In mind IhaL Louis has lIot 111ft plallA to play In the nallonol ch"m- hind 110" _freCII" .. hU l'llng of 1"1'1',1 diamond. 'rl1l ~ III eXIlt'Cl d to be Bos ton ...... _ OF COURSEI ILlly IH.n.~Y·8 or TuIlIlt'J'·. in plonRhlps III Forest IIlIls. N. Y .• next PrtlJlkhollSe, the B I'ooklyn Dotlge,,,, Sl. Loulij ...... DANCE, hIs rior rnre.,r us ye!. .• And month. pq ll o.lIect (liPlr season's 10nge;1 wln- Inllsmuch us I'olh LPam s hove deCelll· ~.r""u.I1Y '11<'01 teu Ihen 100, I'PIIIPmber ,I... pro,' uJls 81" Lea"u", I k ..,' h tl I r t e trolll tb~ " In (llture 1 Hha lJ play only hilM OW l' Iho remainder Ihe ougg ••t.d. "and For Medalist Honors tI,,, or Ad l'lnll QlIlII l Plliled out u bltlerly. III IOurl111me11l8 ll'nt fit 111 we1l with ,'oulr. EHI y's not IS At State Goll Met>t fought doultles vlctOl'y ovel' lhe mlB hl b& lilal 'lie my lYo"k os " de.lgn, ... whleh r Pill Cy Blonlon Hmlled Ihe Dudg 1'9 10 Engllsll combination of I'al Hughe' llarg.lo·. bill . of ., IInde,lul

Band Offer ' 1 t Concert In June Denti try Grads THE-OLD HOME TOWN Rtritttrtd U. S. Palnl 0111 .. Will Enter P:riva~e What Do You Think.? Music Court Tomorrow Night Practice in Iowa

Two June graduates ot Ihe col ­ Local llersons yesterdlly W~I-e e-cJ*lAlIlure. and DO line. In Community Singing To lege ot l\entlRlt·y are golnli Into 1)1"1- Questioned whelher (hey thought the n.I~d tUft ean give n vat pt'actlce In Iowa towns. the demlX'rats or republtcans will Hlft t except All III. LIIndon."­ Be New Fellt"r~ Of Dr. Bernal"d Patrick, 311 8. Cll n· carry the slllte In lhe November Roy Winders, 14l K081'1' &"6 nUe, Presentatioll Today"s WSUI Lon street, will ollen an otflce In election. /I. deparl.noenL ",anager IIr ft gro. Icla a ,'ove the fll".t or >\Uliu't. He "The democrats haven't a chance. (,~''Y s lol'6. Jowa farmers are 100 smart tot' "Roosewt'JIt and hls r.JUIIP/l1«Il 8r& Th. nil 'Hlate high school Is a member oC D Ita S1gmo. D Ita, ll1"ofe8Slonal denial,·nlty, and /hem."-L. 'RIchard Jllarousek. 0 Of nolhing eOIllP8r\"d to Jhe .'ampRI"", ,umrn~r 8088101\ band will preAcnL Program Oml I"on KaplJa Ullsllon, honol'ary Orand "Rapids, 1Ich .. a teaCh r. "he G.O.P. ill lallll~hlng. JAndon. Ihfl' first concerL tomorrow It L N dental fraternity, "Of course, lhe republicans"ad, lias mORt o( fl.e middle w et! are sure to carry not Only Towa hl 101 We need a that's p.m, In tile mu.I,' cou I·t 1,.'1we"" D,·. Arthur W. SlInleaC ot len \':t, r.vel'. III 8. m.- Th_ lJOOk shelf, IIveUe but the United States. It Roose· eome ou$ of I he middle wp I. I[e. Ih tIIuSlc bulldllll:' SIIlI Ell,t h811. 111 ., has Btal"led p'1letiplng In l:!elle­ I velt 18 deteated, It won't be be· Will uudel'lliand us."-llaroid Camp, 1Io1nll'~. vue. He Is a member of Delta Sig­ A ~rogram or IflQI"l' heH lllill ulliN' 415 S. Ilmmlt Ireet, .. student, 1(1:30 u. m.- Y{\fltp)'(lny'ti 11l1lHIeal ma Delta. "ause h h09n't Irled. SIXll" !land music will he played. Cum· Ig ht per cen£ ot the ll~ople or "Roosevelt will have a s cond luv rIC ~. I munllY stnglng wtll 1I~ a lI~w rl'!l tile United Slates are being led t rm. I don't think Landon to'45 u. tn .-1Ium building pro- lur. ot Ihe concert. hy him I'Lght now."-Dan IlI e" w"Uld even 'I'" capnbl .. ot Wlln&­ g l'am, I'l'ur. Harlow O. , \t II IH " nlOl",!, Audience will jolll wlll1 Ih~ blind of Winterset. Ihe position. I Ihlnk he was IJIl IVel'Hhy tor Michigan. Workers La~ in three numben~. "AfnPI'IC'o," "Alii" "Roo. velt will carry Jowa hy It )Jush",1 Into Ihe nominal Ion. Lanr Syne," nnd lIle "Blul' HllIllI!;. J I It. m,-Wlthln the classl'oom, grenl maJority. He has given Town Tlrntl~ arlO 6uC'h now thot it ,ed JjaIlIlH." • F;;lIrOpfl ~11I<"'t! l!iJ4, PI'ot. (leol'ge O. Ba e for 4t .e v rylhlng It has asked 101', and Il London gpts Inlo oW e It will A I Hll'f'WioI. will continue lo IUIk."-oI('111l Bo. make Ihlngs arlle .Instead ot I Righter 1)j1'~o!f8 ,lVlIll, 28 Olive COurt. lIetl.. , ·... -~r8 . Lherille Olenn, The band, comJ)O.Ewd or 69 nWIl1 ... J 1;[,0 a. rn.-1?al'ln Ila.I1P8. Laboratories ""'hP 11 Farley oppn~ up hlA cam· 416. S. Suillmit s l r<>et. be ... " under tI\ dh'('(' lIon "I I'rur t~ 1I0rtll- Rltylhm I·amble •. palgn, the repullllca,," won't know "I hou",AUy bplleve tha.L If Ihl. Cbarlea B. Righter (It the ... usl~ I" III . ACtel'1l1l0n m I.Kll eH, wl1al hit Ih m. Th peopl will be drought conllnu" th r publ\ ns department. Tit.. huml Itwlud,," Ille 1;111 II . 11I .-'YIlItII1 llie classroom, UbraJ'Y' AI 0 Included lor Roosevelt so much 'hat Landon will carry lha 8tale."~M~lvu. Gin. ,o\lowlnr per80ns; fIIpllt",l. "r 1"'1<'111111;" 1.;lt gIlHh, \VII. will be lucky If he CloeR IlA WPII al< gcrkh, 0 or Kalona.. 0. teacller. Fhnt'. HOJl~r n HI t'l'; ,·IIlIIUi>C Ihull R. )\'ood. Under Construction )foover uld In 1932."-Art Chalk, " f don't Ihlll), lhe republican" h'homa. A. AYI'e~, Max .T, n(ll'kel', 5:511 I.. 11l.-'fho Iially fOWllll "I At Lakeside Site 819 S. Van Buren stl·ept. ~ butcher. will take ttUI eledloD. J Wnk Ule Charles Beweny, Rob rt CuywoOd, I II., 1\11'. "Roosevelt coolled hl8 (OOSI) apmorl'M f< will SillY in orflre,"_ ( 1'8. 1101 1·:. Dougan, "It'gll F..lmonu", ~ I) · '".-DIIIIIPI" ItOUI' J)'·OgTum. POllndn lion. have Ilopn 1.1<1 fOI' wheu li e put all Ihpse Inl... (Ill f.· Ion Koser, 9%4 N, Oodi& alreet, llein Floy tl , Donuld J~lrtYd, lI1olllll~ 7 II , 1I1.-{'hl1dl·en', haUl', the lund fOUl' new lahoratory Lulldlngs lIl1(l the people. What we n~d 18 Ia hllllsP,vl fe. IGodbey, John OI'OllOtn, ('111'"0" of till' HIOI'Y Ii",lI" I'rof. PIlIlI R. Grtene, Rogel' Jenkln"ulI, W 1,tI. ~',iYI"'. 0. Ilbl'ary lit th' Jowa Lak sid" lah ca~ William Lucl,ey, Ylclot· LUIIII. j'H, \I. 111. NUl ,,]'.1 8" I,''''·p, In omlory Itt Lake Olcol1ojl, P,·ol. Jo­ REA Cau lor 150 !luo'" ~H'Collum, 1)enlil. ~\I('jlllln, Ilw lIatlonul pal'l,s, notlunaJ park SPj)h JJ. Bodine, head of Ihe 7.oology R. W. Simrnoll!ot. JUIlW!oI Rt l'onltH, s4'I·vl~p. Uel:>al', who l"ptU1'ne(l Sunday Miles of RuraJ Line Brother Earl Van Reps, 11 ),1111" \'oNl11all 7,~1I Il· 1I1 .-Ji:VI'nlll~ mllslcal", f"om Luke Okoboji, repol'Led. More Ihan 150 mU"s or IIn"8 In John Wt!bster. Hchro('\{. Pour are nlso being MUq.~Hl·t't d01 ' mllol'I~H nt'fas !lot now heing 8f:trvlt.'ed 0. t'f' Broadca ter Allo ('btrine), 7:4', ll· 111 .-1'1111110 helll1h talk, ,'onstrltclell, all b)' C C lauor, Wllh "ThE MYSTE~IOL)S SEA SERPENT ...IHAi ------J.lA<.ii ANNO'(~I> 11I('llId~1l III the JOllllSOII coullly Alto ~larlnet, A. O. Hp·1'>lIrd, t""ll" I",,··, ~I .. t~ l\'·"II Au l "oc'I"ly l'ul'ol electriflcallon IlI 'Og "!lIU , 'OUII Hubbord ', bass clarlot.\. -Dllloll Low- • ,0" ~ ""~,.,. Rush Smith or Sil nce,. ""perin. "ffie ':\Sl-\E"~MEN AROUNCllce- HoUSE POND WAS E1ton Gro s of WSUI ~ to . tll.-GueHL artist pTogram, 1~1,(\ent of the work, ty Agl? l1t 8l11nlell C. Gnrdner snld .11, H . C. Stump; Olloe, Wulll'" l, AI1I1I< \\'vlf, Durllngton, LOCATED To DAY DOWN BACiC: OF ,1-1= WAT'e.R. la"t I1lgl1t. Wants to 'Scoop' tleland, Lynn Marquart: l)a,slI(Ol1, H, lf, 11. Ill, P,·pvlew. and I'evlews 'Rustic' S ly le l1ui1!lhll(S p, A. BeI'chekas, CllI'lsUlln XciI rock; II 11 , m.-The [}ully Iowan of the Allhough the new .clentlrtc build· t".,r..l\<; i S'f', MAR SHAI.. .OT5'Y.lo.. WAL.\<:~R Th., lJl'ogl'am I. 110W lleal'lllg Il" II. R. (;"0 8 of WHO .110 saxop hone, lurl, J . I1lglln II', Ings will be I'oofed by roll, details fInal Shape, and will 800n be Bub· bOt ham, Ii:. Y. SeMefer; hlft1 't, or const1'Uctlon will not lie com pie· mllt.d 10 RJ,;A oWclals In WIl~11 Inglotl. D ... 131'o!ldcastlng jll9t B ems 10 run In LlwrerlC'l:.' All:'~1 T1~IaI'Y A1H.kt'NOn. ltd ulltn next yetu', Paul Tnngora or all·Am l'lcan fame, LU1Z, ('ollfomla; ,10(' Stydahal', WP.£ ______tlw 0"0..8 nunlly. A brol her of R. Ru,h Benson, Holph 'J'. FulglHlt11, All U,e buildings a1'e 01 Ihp l'ustiC II" • B t 758,65~ 10 7~4,3g7. Vh'gl nln: and Alllerlno Sal'no, Foru. i\ \V/l.I'dg Certlflca(es Richa rd Snodgrass, Wayne SI('\\o1'd. .stylb ot archlteclure, matle of faced H. C;"IObS, wn n~W9 com ... 111g. ran Scout EleCUllv" 0, 13. Thkl Isslt"d Fr.neh hOI'II , Robforr I V I~ , HII\tlh boulders, and tile library Is ut faced Crayue-- hum. l11elHalOI' over 81011 011 \VIIO, has e 8rollt c"I'lIflcUI,," IURt nlglll 10 fOllr 11 . Donold K,'y, S. 11. ){osow boulUel' ana log construction. Jom.s, To ReVlew Hi (Continue,1 F"om Page 1) AL cenler, the Ohio StaJe glnnl, GUAttOI'!: Jim \{ol'cher, Ohio Boy SCOlll. al Wllshhl/non, Tu, 'I'he dec\]'lcJ1 111"01 111U 11 , ag/m, J/u1y t'ross. ho within u few thollS3.l1tltll, or II hav~ J1ome(l fl. f~8m t lIA ypar. 'f'hn Durrell f.$'Hhll' of 'l'exaM Chrhitlttn. (,gN'111,j),it'-\: HfI'lI1leuohrn, Mlnne- Tuba Irving N~wton Drant. alii hOI' or PERSONALS l'(lllt·hlng (it-huh- III Ml. Ayr (luring degt~e. IllPmUPI'~ of Ih. • roaching 8laff, to 503,268 to 398.9!i4. l,e,ler, h owever, Tuba, ehe.ter l;lennEtt, William "Sturm Ove,' Ihe Constltullon," will HfltU; A11.lnd, NOI'Ulwester;;-DI.lI· he named In unotlwr )lilli, must oaR well a& 1,lnd, wnR 1III'IIecl 10 joill Illf' Y":tl-, fR pnl'ollpd LIH II '1't"tJhmnn ~ucklt:y, Haymond CI'lIley, I'uul C. Il'vlew the book over slfillon WSUl J O() WOI'I",wn }')"'ploypd ,.pl1 LC'H«'I" 7'eJ(o.s CllI'lstlun, and AII~r 0 month'H vlRlt al th,· hOlo1e In tlW HU111111er ,eto.q\t,1I "r till' colle&,e Da"'!lOII, Kennt'th Lnwe; l)t-'''('lI~!ill)n, '~uIIlI(J"y rrom 7 10 7;15 p.m, "ho library bulltllng will s"I've tlgr." to BPIll1 the ('leven selected I h ••(IOll'l. ,,\Tugne]' .IOI·gPllSt'll, of MI". und MI·~. Donilld ~luU1;hlC'I·. or law. B~lut's 1Iis luw WOl'tc, he Henry 0 Herbel·t, Sigurd J Ode, Mr H'1lnt I~ ,,11101' of the edllor· aH II ~adfJl1ul'lPl'ij few tile (·o lllhl ned In tlJl~ ref'ol'd voUng ('olllpHt, on to The ull Rtnt SIIUtHI , tl3C"11 nH'l1lhet' ot which flnlslH'd 1IIII'rrollegll\t. Coral villI' h"lghl", MrH. 13. I ,~WI8 bl'"alleasl. TIll' Dally 10W811 the Ind Jam". R.... ds. 111.1 ,JUK" of lh · St. Louis Slur·Tlmes. Illb"ralory group~. Ground~ will he Ufol"llla). or Ihe field fOI' th.. kkkoff. Ol1ly Ilhy- competition wilh Ihe end of lhe 11135 u nd HOIl, 01lVIlI' 8I'OWII, 1ttlch du),. "leal dtsabllity will keep u membel' .'lEason, will I'PI'OI'I for Ilw opelling t~J'dHY for thE-ii' ilome In B.-rkfOip)" JII'I 1.""11 puhllsh,·<1. SClllled courts. :\llnw·.utu; Wally !-',.O ll/hlll·l, NOI"e Co.!. GI'I'alesl AllIbi Jlon or I he .ph'ct gl'OlIP Ollt ot acllon. ~'OI'kOllL at NOI·thw~slern unlver.lly University Graduale 11(' I. lite "0" "f Mt· .. 11u\'lu A PPI'oxlmulely 100 WOI 1'11l~n al·. namp, 811d SIBnlpy Pin urn, Ohlll "MY gl'eat~8t OlllLIlioIl I" to l1envllllJ:"P1' Gel_ Btu'lcing Aug. 13. P.rullt, 21~ 'I),rlle Ilv"nue. llls falh· elllllloyed on I he pl·oject. LaIJol'u- '~t~t)np' my hr'otlH ~ r: ' )I~ said, "and Po ~it ion XlUt~. Arter n wp,'k'~ vnolllh," jtl the Take Pre.. "1', U:lvld ~rant, wa.~ form r edHol', 101'Y IJIllldlng. will I", 27 by 60 feel, Rel·wnng.,,, hallPd us I he oul. Bill Shulpl', A rillY's ull·Anlerl .. fl 1 haw "evf'ml Illlles already. l..ost end, tlnl.hell well down tile li st In Ir,\LF[lI\(' KS: Georie Ros~oe, hortlP 01' ::\of 1'. ami h'd. Ch(1 rlt·J:I pllh1i1'4IWI' lUl(l OWlwr or (h(' hlwn Ille lIIwury 27 hy 47~ rCI't. ~tanding lUH'lc of 19:i5, plied up the th voting bul two (JIIII'" memlJenl hlftHH'hola; Duuby \VIIMOII, Southl'J'u FuJ'gle or Dovt+npOt'l, Allot" 'l'oylOl, weli" 011 It al/H'y or I h" blnHt 111 \'Orn"" .1. Ande)"""", wlllO wnH ('11\' Rf'I,"bllt-an, IIlId ilt'lInt WM' us- The luuOl'alory Is locall'll '"l '''eRI Chicago, I got It b(' rol'o he did." J!lag&,erillg Inial of 7R4,673 VOles 10 of the 1~35 honor I !lit), Bobby WII- Ml'Iho<1lst; Lea Llncll"I'g, illinois; :W!:t l;: , nal ' I'i~on flh 'pt:l l, l~ now fl1 tradualed C"om the lInlw,"lIv III willI Itl. ruthel' III till' Okoboji neUI" (lull I'olnl HIUI" pa l·I< . 'l'IH~ nl' O~S hl'oth(lt'M fil'l-' on ihe. air gain top honol's In Ihe poll. HIS ~011 or SO)Jthe1'n MelltO"l.t, and Boll. Andy J'oInl'y nnd MII,e I,ayden, low .... . lIy. JUlie, hn!'J nl'CPllt .... J i.t IH.)~ltlilli wltll UP\\'HIUtIIl'/' Un9mf>N~. ~I'ht:\ luke. J35 ft't't dePT> ut It~ (let-pest. at Ihe "an1e time dally. BUll"" 11 1.1.111111011, Ih, Plu sburgh PI' ., III I'III"hl1'l'lI, \ htl1d~llt nL the Ulilversity Il[ pOint, oontaln, a w""lIh or both 1" "1I1Ing maw, ShukeSI"'''l'e, had lly GI'nYRun of SlanfOl'd, were given N,,"·p DUll"'; Sian· 0. lot ot SIIPPOI t and w.l·e IIlVlled fvl'J; AIIJIlemans, AII"l' a ,,"pel,'s " ..elllion In Si~I'­ PI'eplll'btllln Diftlellil Pfnn. 1owa, h., WUS gr(1dllnl~d rrom Ihe 1)lant and animal 1111'. 762,984. QllUrlerlJack Riley Smith 10 jolll the squad. K;eulge Wu""ltlg\on; Wolly C/'ulce, ling, TIl., Jork. I~ . JlfrDol1ald, ~.1/1 111"''''' ,llrllcull I hall hl'oalghIH, lUi .. "a"l, Of'cOI'Jlng to I he wsur "om· ,gl'elll Cullb9('II, WO/1 Ihe Slarling as- Jam s (~follk) Mosrrll), BlanfOrd; Chuck ('llI'Mhil'c, V.C.L.A.; Jim Law· I', hl~ hump, n1 f1o llUlfn l', And then thet'e's lhe p "i!;IIl1l nl o"t;r Dit'k {'rtlYIl6 or 11111'11, Marly Pelel's, NOli'. Daone; Trevor 'rence, 'J'exllI! ( 'hrIMllan, IIl1d Bill Illl1tt( ~ .. or rUllnlng I,l('ro~s unpro­

628.154 '0 0171793. Rees, Olilo Slute; l~OlliH Z:l.l'Zo. f-{ennr.,', J\1irhigan. Thornoij HOI''', Ht)n ur PI'or. und nnlll1c~llllle nam H while IIll'11klng. 'rhe end", Millner lind '1'olll)lng, Michigan Stat ; Ed"l~ J': l'delalz, fll. FliLLHACI{S: DiC'lc ('.·ItYIll", l(1w8; M,'.. EI'neBI lIorl1, R32 Kirkwood AJLlwugh Iw cnjoYH l'lldlo work, \Jolled 7r.~,824 nnd 072 ,.93 votes, I'e- Mary's ((,,,llfol'nt,,), lind .111 ek Rrlt. DOli Elser. Not"e 1 ame; Bobby ,,"venue, leav s todoy fill' ('OtWI, Rol· M,·. O"U~H will I·PHllrne. leaching this SPe<· llv~I.v. Dick Sm\l ll , Mlnnesotn'" tingham, allromla. ~11'HY801l, Slallrord; CllllCk Duvall, lie Wnllnlll~' HummPI' rump Ileal' full, illld he "Inn. tu contl l111e hiS '1l1I-Amel'lcan tockle, moved In with ' I'ACI(LES: Rob Reynolds, Hlon NOI'thw ~tl'ln: Don Jrwln, Colgate; Mllwoukee, Wis., where he will study or lalV later. But, "of cour~e -N-RUBY-M-URDfR 742,~83, while SPtlin collected 63J,. Cord: Dick Pferr~rle, Notr. Dame; Pep)Jer COllstoble, Pl'inceton, and hel"Ve as junior councilor for the il'S good px.p rience, and you Ilever 956. aech, Mlnnesotli guard, led Chal ' le~ Waslcek, ('olga Ie; Larry 'T'uldun Manton, TeXAS CllI"lSlIllll, next month. can I~I I -" AD~M-Bbl-S -S__ _ "."._,,"",.' .. ED BY CENTRAL PRESS ASSOCIATION -"---:- DIAL CHAPTER 37 Evory'. house al mldnllbl, perhapa watcbed by McManus. He'. keeping DIAL CAPTAIN KEY J,;S was dIalling It little I I r. At 1 Joyce and ~'o'ler the Chinaman In slg lll --" ('oms ln, &:0 upstairs to the op 0 door uG0l1zale9 kno"s something,·' taolo to lIle .... h ha..t IilithpreJ thelll 4191 Iowan Want Ads Bring Results 4191 or the IIbral'y and look In. At J: 10 ventured. "rOil askEd m. wboll,er All"" JO)'c8 reached her room. A few mlo· "Y~ •. but he won't lell. None ot YOUl\ier vlslled tbe t.eallty ,hop " utes Iter ...... o8ler goes downslttJrs. thelll wtll say a word. Barrlmore ~eek ago Monday." I(eyes w BaY and OUt the unlocked open front stili Sick, drln&,. Wonder bow 110 I. In~. "S"e did not. C.lloll alld 1141t! door. At I :20 yOU alld Van Evel'y now?" TYPEWRITERS BOOKS - .b. bid 10 caut I her a~palnun.uI dlecovtr aomelhlne the matter with I picked up the phone 8.nd c,dled Min Reed know. uolhlrlJ; mOl e Ulltll Mar"alo. you call Ihe doctor. A' tbe hospllol. His nurse .saId h...... Classified Advertising Rates GRADUATE STUDENTS lha~ At 2 o'clock MI ., I : SO, U1e mysterious fake lele,ram Is the same. no better. but lIllit 6}18 TYPEWRrfERS RENTED FOR drew 11I,OOO In cash trom the blluk. d IIvpred to M,·s. People, for Miss tbought h. partly con. lous. wa.a THESIS REQUIRHlMlllNT8 She wu &Jone. Illld tlie ll"1Illa8.ll'llon Youna-er. Miss Youniev's apartment He had been calling tor Margalo. Ask about our special A pproveO Bon(j Paper. look perhaps 15 minutes. HII.8'i00I1Onl," I library door, tlr. the ahot, dash aul Iy, u If tl1ey Wtl'e forming word. fUnIllh .. Oil ...U .... ~ Sa the a4vertlte- bUnd ad art tAt 1M COll,lltocl u on. word. 11''''' Clu,ln.4 ~, 100 per Inch. Bulln_ ..,.. lurrealed. "and the I U&OII thuL Van or the bouse again, take a CIIr, ",.lve tbo.! were .trongo to th~m- numb Long tl ist:ance IJ nd general ..t .1IIt 1M ..\law. 'nI. ,refbl .. "JW Iale,­ !"tllow per column InGb, aM. pOI' JUonth, E\llry'l notes hn\'ell't t1 UP y~t to Mias Younl "'1 apartment, unlock white lips. Hllll Jing, J!'ul'Ilitnre Moving, ...... R.llt,· "Lott,- Mil limn", 011.. at the lNfIn­ HAULING migh t bb that tllt'"S8 pertiCIII have the tront door, wa lk up 10 II11ht8 01 "~farglllo,· Ihey were breathing Clualn.. adnrtl8ll11 III ~ • , ... wtII 1M .... Mar,slo'R bill. ot 6ma\lol' d lIomlna· .tulre, Q liver Ilia telecraM by 1:3). uMa.raralo,·' Cl'at~ n g and Storage .. ., ... an .. 1M 00IlDW Sa the tot.! a_lilt IIIhe4 the tolloWtna ao.... lion 10 us •. Only ... IhMIY, Kay.· •. " lie 1V0uM bave plenty ot time. It "Don'l excite him." the nUl's. LONG DISTANCIll and a-11era1 "Not Q bad on ." tha Illurder wao committed allY laLer, warned again. MAHER ,BROS, hauUlI&'. Furniture lIIQYed, cra.ted "TI,II tIll/I'U I.r I. PI ltv brlMII\''' ."y I, or 1 :10, he would 1I0t have Ba,.,.ltnor.'. eyea opened slowly, 'J'RANXI1"I'}R & S'I'()RAGJl) A.PARTMENTS .AND FLATS CLEANING 'AND PRESSING LOST AND J<'OUND and .blpped. I con llnu tl. "R,.laltt .. r lh II you lime to leave lhe telegram." then shllt again, .... Ir Ihe 1t01·t had Dial 3793 Ihlnk. H. n Yer l.IulIgI.. a Jail "Thllt'. IlIWilYI .... 8umln&', Keyea, been Loa grelil. E:ven hiS eye. FOR RENT: PRTV A t 'E COMPUilT. LOST: GOLD R IM SPF.CTA IJES TBOMPSON'S TRANSII'&R 00, lIt .. Randall'. IlIUIUH WOl> IIm.d 10 thai Ille murderor dellvere" bl. own ..emed pille. glaz.d wllh d alII. ely fur, roi',r room apt, BOlh, In black Nlollf'. Dial alll -Exl, - Dial "9' Ih. minute. II \Yo no a,·· -" I I ,ram,' "MtU'J!1llo," 11e ol&"bed one. mOl' •. ImPAIR SHOP Qarage, Diol ~ 35 7 , 1&5. "It YOU uy that .. ou <0111 'de thai "1'111 worldlllr Oil that thllOl"Y. rve Key .. drew up a el1alr and ""Sled JOrel Van Every Wat an Al"eamplk,:' bUDled N.w York, and all the hlm.elf by tb. bed. H.. 11,'0" ou t a W .... NTIIlD ENTERTAiNMENT FOR RENT-FlRBT CT,AAS Keyu llliid .hal ~Iy , ubul be rOI' tta m... II&' I', I.IId c;&il't pi Ice at jl6.per aDd a fOUIII,,111 pell U t.o 1JII11l1 U. I'Qut look and kif HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS ..or ... . IJ 01J118~ Car-Tr l.4 n ...... ,", "I concede of the kind nlld him. No o"e, you know, 10 10. fl'OIll hi. pocket, and It.ndtd tltem Itrlclly moaern allts. Fornlabed or WASH ""U,I",. NOVO'I'N f '~ DANCING Ir MI,. Hand. 1I had 1I0t 0\.14101'" he!' In,. to ask a boy, or 8 man tor Ihal ~Ia Dlly to me. AllhouJh 11e had J If MQ. unful'tlllblld. Dial lUI. ~'OR RENT: FURNH~HED LIGHT Clinton PANTS) 25c In Il omfoftably -'Indow to aee JoyC'eo, 1!'11~ would IUi\'" Illalter. to walk up 10 " Ie-lit. to Q. given mo no ordera, I lelt he wanled hOllsekeeplng or slerplng room FOR REN1': UNUSUALLY DESIR­ 001 H a ll oPlnot! II anyway. 'I'll. 1I1urdtrer liver am •••• '. wlthoUl aomeone m. lo down evel ylhlllg the I ... hIUol' ~ of ti,. "em. Dial 4158 23 E. WRllh, 8., lawn, uDoe ...ed blm, 100. to al ap another murder-" "DIe! you ..n he. tbe ruby'/" WANTElD-ATUUF.NT LAUNDRY, FOR RENT: ROOM , DIAL 35211 , Whtn "I WUe • Wed comrol tably, There was notllln&, I could III' or " lpum of paJ n CI'o_d Ba,.. I· h. look another I"I"or. The ,ohleo do to h tp hllll, 110 1 wu . lI ell!. mare'. race, 'rh. nU"8•• lId to hiS 100 Ih, 100 !l Ihlri. Dial 94 88, REATING REPAlRING hll ulIlIrhted olp'l iliV. htm WI" • "'I'he papera houndln, ml, my . ltI. anti gl·... p.d hiS pula.. DUI Ina FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE HOUSEHOLD APPLIANOES PLUMBING-ROOFING mrllery 10 rna. Ohl r dle,lI.IUItl, StiU ootllllll J c.,n ti,. r.~lodar of lb. Intel view .he UPHOLSTBRING 'LIt" look al tbe time .,.l.In, 'tarl· do, Sur. 1 CLII ani. 8000, &ntl III ... bold1nl ble "rlat. FOR RENT-VACUUMCLlJ14NDI8 WANTIllD - PLUMBING AND 1111 ,,"h Mi.r,alo You".". 10u, hIm ...t Ibe bruot or tbe "ralb, but "Goo""leo---" &'OR SALl!I--CHOICl!I LOTS 111 FtTRNlTURII¥ REPAl1ImQ 4NP ;Vu ):Vtr7, alId .b. r ..ell VaQ Ju.t 11o" t tl1JlIk Ile'. lIener ott btlll.l' ('1'0 .~ OON'1'INUllD) Manvtllt H.~ht8 . Reuonable 0, ",,,xel'l, J.CQOlI JlliICtJ10 CD ' h ••IIna , Lart'" Ca, 227 )l, WUb· UpbOllt.rlDa'. C, II, 8ta.nttelt, 801 DIal au., DIal N4I. _ _. _. jllltOll, Pbotle "'t. Webster. ~JaI 2B89 or 1816. TUESDAY, JULY 28, 1988 PAGE SIX THE DAILY IOWAN, IOWA em City Prepares THIMBLE THEATER STARIUNG r 0 Conduct Gill For Convention Rite Tomorrow Of Iowa Moose University Worker Dlea Suddenly; Burial In Three Bands, Eight Drill Oakland Cemetery Teams Will Gather , Here for 3 Days 'I'hl} funeral 8ervlce for HenrI .' Dill. 76, 710 E. Jefferson atreet, Three bands and eight drill teams who died at 8:16 yestcr

..... (ADell .. WINe ,. ... t ....~ and every day in the " ... 0...... The all MewProeess . . MUmmer • .,.., WW. Me. 1 l concert .". In the ml Laun~ry and Cleaning Co. _II and 4177 D~L 4177 'The Dally lowaD he fire tb ~COI1~ or W.A.A Whet's No.1 Iowa Cltr'. Morain. New.paper o'clOck thl lJonnulU!