SUNDAY, JULY 26,1988 . -----.!:,... ~ ~ - --. ......... lY Jr., Wn.de 1'. Clarko slid \Villi laYE'k represent the HOLe. ' =:::: News Cooler Today IOWA-Falr Tuuda7 aIId Wedll. day; 1OIDewba& eooIer Tueldal. Y , II 0 r p Iowa c i M n i " g N e '" • p e r , Flashes FIVE CENTS The Atllloclated PrC88 IOWA CITY, IOWA TUESDAY, JULY 28, 1936 VOLUME XXXVI NUMlBER 49 Marx Brothera Sued Unchanging CHICAGO, July 27 (AP)-1'he three Mar" bl'othcrs--(;hlco, 11ar[lo jlnd Groucho-were served with Our policy of of. ~ummon8 today In a suit tiled sev· .ral mo~th8 ago charging thcm ferlng fine funeral :with plaglarlem. Lawrence Wayne, a playrlrht, service at moderate RCCUSed tho brothers ot using Som!! or his UDes In their last movie. prices is a policy S.U.I. CHEMISTS WIU TEST BEER which has not been Chicago Dogs Crayne Invited to PJay With College All-Stars Jose Pereira's BELIEVED TO HAVE CAUSED DEA Tff CHICAGO, .July ~7 (AP)-AII ~. · . · . · · .. ........... ........... :Army Reports changed since the 110,8 In the elty of Chlcaro and By u.. 4 ........,.", P.- firm was establish· ,arroundlDr Cook county were LOGAN. July 21-Furtber tn-/. beer which RJesland drank. Shetlff held UDder strict quarantine to. 2nd WILL PARTICIPATE IN ALL-STAR CAME RQuted qulry Into the death of Anson RleB' CrOBB and T. 1!'. Lacy, state bur. ed, In 1923. Id,ht In an effort to 8top the Finish~s II ~Rehels JCau of Investigation agent, ex· ..... oad of hydrophobls. land. 49-year·old Dunlap farmer pre888d belief that Rlealand, melII • No dOC', reglU'dless uf pedJ,ree, To Belse In who died Saturday nIght atter bel' ot .. tbreshlng crew, may havo It is a polley WIt permitted to enter or leave Revo1ters Surrender As drinking f"om a bottle he thougbt tiled all the result ot a ptaAltical lite county on pain of death­ contained beer. tonIght awaited an joke. which we know ur 8 beavy nne for Its owner. National Poll Americans F1ee By analysia ot the IJquld by Unlvel'llity The sberltt said 4 preliminary The ban was placed b, the of Iowa. chemlst8. Investigation Indicated the hottle meets with univer· 8, the A8sool.ted rr~8!1 Train for Alicante slate of JlIlnols after 1,3311 P\lr· Sberltf C. ]0'. Crol!s lelt tor Iowa contalned croton oil, a 8trong ClJ.tll. CHlCAGO, July 27 - Jay Ber· sal approval. sons btu! been bitten b,v dOIS In 87 tho AIO""Iat... p,.,.. City tonight w1th a sample of the , arlc. Chk:aro sinell ,July I, and three wanger. Riley Smith. Paul 'l'all. MADRID, July 27-The Spanish had died. gOI'a and Dick Smith, whose e,,· government, premng new often· plotts lJrought them all America honors. and seven other stalwarts alves agalnst Insurgent 8trong· Edmunds Call Anti-Roosevelt holds. claimed tonight ~n a radIo IF'flllace at Clticago who contributed to 1~3 5'8 cullege CHICAGO. July 27 (AP)- Secre. gridIron history. will oPPOSe the pro. broadcaat that "tbe rebel govern· ment haIJ been mastered by the reo Democrats to Meet At Detroit BECKMAN tllry of Agrloulture Henry A. Wal· fe"-slonal champion D~trolt Lions jIt publican government." lace told members of the Chicago the third annual all star battle un· , fUNERAl HOME The officIal aIlsertlon succe8S bOa,d of trade todlLY at the InlUal del' fI{)()f]lIghts at Suldiel' field ot In 8paln's ll-day civil war came as selecls August 7 Fo. ,Maring on the newly created Com· Sept, I . American and Brltleb refugees Oed U S B d T n10dlty exchange administration 'rhe (OUI' gl'eat stal'8. Berwanger · · oar 0 Conference; Invit~ trom tbls capital by Iraln to Ali· Ih.t be hOped any measures It of Chicago, Tangora at Northwes· cante, where they were expected to Colby might recommend "will bring equity tem, and the Smiths. Alabama's Study Danish Reed, Ely, to all Interests a.nd strengthen the board a British destroyer. l Riley llnd Mlnnesota's Dick, along Vlalms Toledo SIKlCumbtl (By the -'_latedP...... ) functions of the bOlLrd ot trllde." wHh Wllyne Millnel' of NotJ"e PI'emler Jose Glral Pereira's ad. WASHINOTON. July 27 ~ A !Jame, Kclth 'l'oPlllng of Stanford, Soil Societies minlatra.tion declared Alcazar fort· groUI) or anti. Roosevelt democra.ts, 'l'ruman Spain of Southern Metho· B, the A_ocl_ted Pret8 Music in the A.ir reS8 at Toledo. south of Madrid, a Including. three who joined Alrred CHICAGO, .July 27 (AP)­ dlst. Vern Oooh , anothel' Minnesota rebel stronrhold tor severlll days, COPENHAGEN, July 127-/presl· grent. Ohio State'. Gomel' Jone• . Busl_ was In the air lit tbe had surrelldered to government dent Roosevelt·s specllli commission E . Smllh In the unavailing call Bill Shakespeare Notre Dame, ron_entlun of the mU8io ludu8' ot troops, who took control of the to study cooperatives turned today upon the Phlladelphla convention to and stili allother Minnesota star, trr today-the blreellt bU81ness whole olty. to the agricultural societies of Den· repudiate the new deal, hilS bee,t Ih· In 15 yeartJ. Sheldon Beise. wel'e named by the Revoltel'll In the Guadarra.ma mlLrk. ferraplane vlted to confer In DetroIt on AliI\". 7 All eomponents were barmon. country's fans, 3.419,164 of them, mountains north of Madrid were Arrived rrom Swedell after a 8Ur· about an active campa.lgn to UMea.t IdOl on the theme struck up by to start Ilgalnst the Lion~ , forced to retreat with heavy l08ses vel' of the largely Industrllli coope· Ih. king pin of the trade, the 45 Otlters belore govern",ent troop8 and mill· ratlves In that country. the commis. the president. piano. To bllck up the Ilrst olevun, ~smen, the government declared. alon evinced much Interest In th!! While Mr. Roosevelt was I'cachlng othel'8 who finished high In the program of Intenaltled agrculture by The National Radio ManutllCl' .Rehrl18 In North Spain CampObello, New Brunswick. on th" turors assoclatloll reported the voting have been InVIted to be· Mucb ot northern Spain was In whch Denmark olalm. more tban la8t leg or his vaeatlon MIl. tho 1£1. llis months ended June !lO were come membel'S or the squad, Each rebel hllnds along with 80me cltle8 any other country Ie hllve banded lite best in JIi ,vllllrs and It look· member of the prospective starting In tile soutb . together the tarmel's In common test move against him In his (1"'0 .ent "'", fron t, has accepted. .m confidently ahead to .. record Tbe loyal navy, the government purchas ing' and eXpOrt activity. pa.rty became known tOda.y through Where Ihe tans "elected" squads production of 100.000 Inslru· 8ald. was In control In the Stra.ltB They were Interested, too. In the Its sPolIsor-Sterllng E. Edmultds. Ult!Dts (or the yl'llll'. (Sec CRAYNE, Page fi) of Gibraltar, P'lventing Gen. Fran· "mutual oredlt IUIsoclatlons" by It prominent 1awye,· and publlclel \)~ cisco Franco from bringing rebels which the farmer WIUI enlLbled ta St. LouIs. MO, from Spanish ¥orocco, wbere the borrow mOlley for ImprOVing hIs Few Developments WPA. Oklahoma We,r rebellion originated. 'arm up to 60 per cent or Its 8.11' OI,KAHOMA CITY, July 27 (AP) Rains Moisten Life had returned to normal In se8sed value. '1' his <\Ilvelopment ~tood Olle -Renewed charges Ilnd counter many agricultural dletrlcUI, the ad· Danish crilic. of the plan, point. Illnong' the relatlvolv few of th~ day charge. of political acUvity hy WPA mlnbltra.tlon as8erted. and farmers Ing to debt moratorIa by the gOY. Drought Area with a possIble bearing on the jJCJ . workers bl'ought OklllhOma's demo­ were harvesting th,elr crOlla. It said ernment and marchcs 0'1 the. caillt., crallc .seuslnrlal I'rltl\l>,ry ampatg Utlcal situation. Gov. Atr M- r..&1I.. • food supplies -were assured In Ma­ by DanIsh farmel'tl dem'a,ndlng fl· don, the republican pre81denllal 10 a heated close tonight with each drid, as rich farming land to the Lower Tem.perature But nanolal rellet. 88fjel'led the coopera· nominee, cooaldered plans for aold' ~ 19ton at the two new deal·endorsIng can· WII8 south al1d eIlat guarded by loy, tlves engendered an overdose 01 ef· Ing drought.scarred counties Qr dldates making last minute blue for Fail to Revive Sun. al troops: -. flclency unable to withstand depre8. Kansas before recel vi ng Col. L~oll' th' TownJ!end Vole. Stan... Pll.ll Frustra.ted siOIl and reduced exports. ard P . Ayres, vice. president of tb~ Sup[IOrter. ot GOv. E. W. Mar· Baked Corn Crops Thus, the goverllment claimed, Cleveland Trust company, ltnd Dr. land and Reprc..entatlve Josh Lee, a rebel plan to "starve out Madrid" Br the A88ocl.led VnSA NICKEL SHINE! Benjamin Anderson, of the Cba~e democrats contesting tor the noml· could not be realized. CHICAGO, July 27-Llght rains National Balik, New York, lor a dIs· naUon, reJ>eat~d a.~erllon8 WPA "Rebels find It Impossible to moistened stretches or 'l.h we.tel'll cUsslon of business problem8. employe. wel'e being used as cam· move theIr forceR from one point to New York Judge Rules paigners In rival camps. drought area today, lowerhlg tern· In Rome. after cornmunlClJ.tI(JJ1 peratures but tailing to revive 8un· auother," the government declared, "as loyal troops and citizens are Five Cents Plenty with Detroit, Bishop Michael GB.lla ­ baked cropS. gher of Detroit Mid thatrepreeen­ ready to selse them as soon as tbey 87 tho A_elated P .... Bower. to Leave As the drought blight claimed tation.
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