This Red Sea Urchin Management Plan is intended for general purposes only. Where there is a discrepancy between the Plan and the regulations, the regulations are the final authority. A description of Areas and Subareas referenced in this Plan can be found in the Pacific Fishery Management Area Regulations. These are available through the Internet at:


Plan: 1999/2000 Red Sea Urchin Plan

Date last revised: 01 June 1999

Version Number: 1

# Date Page Subject Revision Details Contact



1. FISHERIES AND OCEANS CANADA CONTACTS FOR FURTHER INFORMATION...... 2 2. SHELLFISH - GOALS AND OBJECTIVES ...... 4 3. HISTORY OF THE COMMERCIAL RED SEA URCHIN FISHERY...... 4 4. ENFORCEMENT PLAN...... 6 5. ABORIGINAL FISHERIES PLAN...... 6 6. RECREATIONAL FISHING PLAN...... 6 7. DEFINITION OF TERMS FOR COMMERCIAL FISHING PLAN ...... 7 8. COMMERCIAL FISHING PLAN ...... 8 8.1. Management Changes and Highlights for 1999/2000...... 8 8.2. Quotas, Open Times and Seasonal Closures ...... 8 8.3. Research and Permanent Area Closures...... 12 8.4. Licensing ...... 21 8.5. Size Limit ...... 22 8.6. Tagging of Red Sea Urchin Containers...... 22 8.7. Designated Landing Ports ...... 23 8.8. Notification Procedure Before and After Fishing Red Sea Urchins...... 23 8.9. Fishing Multiple Quota Areas...... 24 8.10. Notification Procedure Prior To Landing Red Sea Urchins...... 24 8.11. Catch Validation ...... 24 8.12. Catch and Fishing Data ...... 25 8.13. Quota Overage and Relinquishment of Claim ...... 27 8.14. Conditions and Procedures for Red Sea Urchin Quota Overage Transfer...... 27 8.15. Other Restrictions and General Information...... 28 9. ADVISORY COMMITTEE CONTACTS ...... 29 10. ATTACHMENTS...... 30



Fisheries Management

Regional Shellfish Coordinator Bruce Adkins (250) 756-7285

Fisheries Management Coordinator - Comox Byron Koke (250) 339-2809 Fisheries Management Coordinator - Parksville Randy Webb (250) 954-2675 Fisheries Management Coordinator - Pr. Rupert Dale Gueret (250) 627-3404

Harvest Management Unit, Areas 1 to 10 Juanita Rogers (250) 627-3007 Coastal B.C. North Room 202, 417 2nd Avenue West Prince Rupert, B.C. V8J 1G8

Harvest Management Unit, Areas 11 to 27 Guy Parker (250) 756-7230 Coastal B.C. South 3225 Stephenson Point Road Nanaimo, B.C. V9T 1K3

Harvest Management Unit, Areas 28 and 29 Kim West (604) 666-6390 Fraser River/Interior Area 610 Derwent Way, Annacis Island New Westminster, B.C. V3M 5P8

Science Branch

Pacific Biological Station Alan Campbell (250) 756-7124 Hammond Bay Road Nanaimo, B.C. V9R 5K6

Canadian Food Inspection Agency

Fish Inspection Directorate Klaus Schallié (604) 666-4427 Molluscan Shellfish Program Specialist extension 277 2250 Boundary Road Burnaby, B.C. V5M 4L9

Page 2 of 30 1999/2000 Red Sea Urchin Management Plan Commercial Licensing

Pacific Fishery Licence Unit (604) 666-0566 480-555 West Hastings Street Vancouver, B.C. V6B 5G3

Pacific Fishery Licence Unit (250) 627-3413 417 2nd Avenue West Prince Rupert, B.C. V8J 1G8

Pacific Fishery Licence Unit (250) 754-0400 60 Front Street Nanaimo, B.C. V9R 5H7

Recreational Fisheries

Coastal B.C. South Coordinator Terry Gjernes (250) 756-7192 Coastal B.C. North Coordinator Elmer Fast (250) 627-3409 Fraser River Coordinator Devona Adams (604) 666-6512

Aboriginal Fisheries

Coastal B.C. South Manager Rebecca Reid (250) 756-7296 Coastal B.C. North Manager Randy Barnhart (250) 627-3420 Fraser River Manager Bert Ionson (604) 666-2032

Conservation and Protection

1999/2000 Red Sea Urchin Enforcement Plan Dave Knapton (250) 627-3429

Other Contacts

Environment Canada Growing Water Quality Classification & Surveys Hal Nelson (604) 666-2947

B.C. Ministry of Fisheries Seafood Planning & Development Al Castledine (250) 387-9574

Red Sea Urchin Service Bureau D&D Pacific Fisheries Ltd. (604) 886-4819 Box 1445 Gibsons, B.C., V0N 1V0

Observer Telephone Number (800) 775-5505

1999/2000 Red Sea Urchin Management Plan Page 3 of 30 2. SHELLFISH - GOALS AND OBJECTIVES

2.1. To ensure conservation and protection of invertebrate stocks and their habitat through the application of scientific management principles applied in a risk averse and precautionary manner based on the best scientific advice available. 2.2. To meet the federal Crown’s obligations regarding aboriginal fisheries for food, social and ceremonial purposes. 2.3. To develop sustainable fisheries through partnership and co-management arrangements with client groups and stakeholders to share in decision making, responsibilities, costs and benefits. 2.4. To develop fishing plans and co-operative research programs which will contribute to improving the knowledge base and understanding of the resource. 2.5. To consider the goals of stakeholders with respect to social, cultural and economic value of the fishery. 2.6. To consider health and safety in the development and implementation of management plans, fishery openings and closures. 2.7. To consider opportunity for the development of the aquaculture industry. 2.8. To provide opportunities for a recreational fishery for red sea urchin.

3. HISTORY OF THE COMMERCIAL RED SEA URCHIN FISHERY The red sea urchin (Strongylocentrotus franciscanus) is one of three sea urchin species historically fished in waters. Red and green sea urchins are fished under authority of a limited category Z licence, category “ZC” for reds and category “ZA” for greens. Purple sea urchins were fished under scientific permit from 1990 to 1992. The current assessment of purple sea urchin stocks does not support a commercial fishery. Sea urchins are harvested for their roe (gonads) which is extracted at processing plants for shipment to fresh markets. Red sea urchins are removed from the ocean floor by divers using short aluminium rakes. Packer vessels and trucks deliver the product fresh to plants for processing. The gonads are extracted, processed and marketed almost exclusively in Japan, where it is sold as ‘uni’. A smaller market is developing in other Asian countries and in North America. The yield of roe from a whole animal ranges from 5 to 15% of total body weight.

Fishery timing, through scheduled opened areas, is critical in order to maintain optimum value for sea urchin roe and to maintain Canada’s position in the Japanese market. Harvest schedules are determined in consultation with the Pacific Urchin Harvesters Association (PUHA) and sea urchin processors. The south coast fishery takes place primarily during the period of traditional peak market demand avoiding mid-year months. The north coast fishery is scheduled to provide a continuous year-round supply of high quality product.

Page 4 of 30 1999/2000 Red Sea Urchin Management Plan The red sea urchin dive fishery began in the 1970’s and has grown rapidly since 1982. The fishery is considered “data limited” and while stock assessments are undertaken in many areas, the fishery continues to be managed under a precautionary regime. Initial area quotas were largely arbitrary and precautionary. Since 1995, however, the quotas for many areas have been based on survey information and catch data from mandatory harvest logs. Licence limitation was introduced in the red sea urchin fishery in October 1991 when 102 licences were issued. This was a reduction of approximately 46% from number of licences issued in the previous fishing year. This action was taken to curtail an uncontrolled growth that had been observed in the fishery. By 1994, licence appeals had increased the number of licences to 110 and this level of participation has remained constant through to the 1999/2000 fishery.

Individual quotas (IQ) were implemented in this fishery in 1994 under a voluntary program developed by PUHA. Fisheries and Oceans Canada sanctioned the program as a pilot in 1996. Under the pilot IQ program, 2% of the estimated coastwide total allowable catch (TAC) is reserved for First Nations food, social and ceremonial purposes and each commercial licence is allocated 1/110 of the remaining TAC. The industry association (PUHA) is responsible for developing and implementing a third party catch monitoring and validation program to ensure that area quotas and IQs are not exceeded. Further components of this program include an on- grounds monitor (OGM) for the fishery in areas north of Cape Caution, and biological sampling and survey programs. In 1997, an 18 month management plan was developed to permit a licensing change from a calendar year to a biological and market-driven year from July through June. The TAC for the 1997/98 management plan was 9,854 tonnes, of which 8,152 tonnes was assigned to north coast areas and 1,702 tonnes to south coast areas. Coastwide landings during the 1997/98 fishery were approximately 8,729 tonnes for the 18 month fishery, comparable to the landings of 6,410 tonnes (valued at $12.3M) for the 12 month fishery in 1996. Preliminary figures value the 1997/98 fishery at $14M. In both 1996 and 1997, red sea urchins ranked second in volume and fourth in value of all invertebrate fisheries prosecuted in B.C. waters. The 1997/98 landed value equated to an average of $1.94/kg paid to the fishermen for red sea urchins. The coastwide TAC for the 1998/99 management plan was reduced by approximately 12% from that of the 1997/98 management plan to 5,601.5 tonnes (12,349,150 lb.). This was the result of new information with respect to the biology of red sea urchins, survey results from new areas, improved estimates of harvest areas from harvest logs, and additional information provided by fishermen (see Pacific Scientific Advice Review Committee Working Paper I98-10 Quota Estimates for the 1998 Red Sea Urchin Fishery in British Columbia).

The coastwide TAC for the 1999/2000 fishery will be unchanged from the 1998/99 management plan and will remain at 5,601.5 tonnes (12,349,150 lb.).

Scientific research and joint industry, First Nations, and Fisheries and Oceans Canada stock assessment surveys are of vital importance in this fishery as it moves from a precautionary management regime to a biologically based fishery.

1999/2000 Red Sea Urchin Management Plan Page 5 of 30 4. ENFORCEMENT PLAN Fisheries and Oceans Canada has the responsibility to enforce the Fisheries Act and associated regulations, to address conservation, health and safety issues and to maintain proper management and control of the various fisheries.

Users of the resource have a responsibility to report violations. Any suspected or actual fisheries, wildlife or pollution violations can be quickly and discretely reported to the appropriate enforcement officer by using the toll free Observe, Record and Report hotline. This toll free number is available 24 hours a day. Confidentiality is assured.


Enforcement enquiries can also be directed to the local field offices during regular office hours.

See Appendix V for detailed Enforcement Plan.

5. ABORIGINAL FISHERIES PLAN Fisheries and Oceans Canada recognizes the importance of fish, including invertebrates, to the aboriginal peoples of British Columbia. Through the Aboriginal Fisheries Strategy, the Department seeks to negotiate, with aboriginal organizations, access for food, social and ceremonial purposes. Subject to conservation, this access will have priority over access for commercial and recreational user groups.

Fisheries and Oceans Canada will consult with aboriginal organizations to determine what these accesses should be. In some cases, instead of negotiating access, an area may be closed to certain fishing except fishing by an aboriginal organization. These closures may be for the season or for specified times. Whenever possible, the appropriate annual fishing plan will identify such closures. It is possible, however, that situations may arise in the implementation of this plan where access to the fishery by aboriginal organizations for food, social and ceremonial purposes is jeopardized. In-season closure adjustments may be required. Communal licences will be issued to the aboriginal organization for the purpose of fishing.

If you have any questions or need further information, please contact the appropriate Divisional Aboriginal Fisheries staff listed in Section 1 of this fishing plan.

6. RECREATIONAL FISHING PLAN The recreational harvest of shellfish is regulated via the British Columbia Sport Fishing Regulations, 1996 made under the Fisheries Act. A DFO Tidal Waters Sport Fishing Licence is required for the recreational harvest of all species of fish. The regulations are summarized annually in the British Columbia Tidal Waters Sport Fishing Guide which lists closed times, bag limits, size limits (where applicable) and closed areas. If necessary, public notices are posted to document closures or changes from the guide. Closures may be implemented in order to conserve vulnerable stocks, or to protect the public from consumption of contaminated shellfish or to meet aboriginal food, social and ceremonial needs. For some species, areas have been closed to

Page 6 of 30 1999/2000 Red Sea Urchin Management Plan commercial harvest or commercial harvest openings have been delayed to provide an opportunity for the recreational community.

The primary consultative body for the recreational fishing community is the Sport Fishing Advisory Board (SFAB). The SFAB has representatives from all parts of this community including the B.C. Wildlife Federation and the Sport Fishing Institute of B.C. If you have any questions or need further information, please contact a Recreational Fisheries Coordinator listed in Section 1 of this fishing plan or a local Fisheries Office.

The maximum daily sport limit for red sea urchin is 12 with a possession limit of 24.


Fishing Area: comprised of one or more Quota Areas having the same opening order (sequential opening order number assigned).

IQ: Individual Quota.

landed or off-loaded: the transfer of red sea urchins from a vessel in water to land.

observer: an individual who has been designated as an observer by the Regional Director General for Pacific Region pursuant to Section 39 of the Fishery (General) Regulations.

Quota Area: a defined portion of Pacific fisheries waters. Areas and Subareas, as described in the Pacific Fishery Management Area Regulations, are referenced in describing Quota Areas. Each Quota Area has a name, e.g. RU01 Upper West QCI, and is assigned a maximum allowable catch in pounds.

service bureau: an agency contracted by fishermen or their harvesters association to co- ordinate notification, catch validation, fishery monitoring, biological sampling and data submission requirements. The service bureau may train and recommend candidates for certification by Fisheries and Oceans Canada as observers.

TAC: total allowable catch

tranship: the transfer of red sea urchins from a vessel to another vessel.

validated: red sea urchins that have been weighed by an observer and the weight entered into the Red Sea Urchin Validation & Harvest Logbook, or an approved alternative log.

1999/2000 Red Sea Urchin Management Plan Page 7 of 30 8. COMMERCIAL FISHING PLAN

8.1. Management Changes and Highlights for 1999/2000

8.1.1. The coastwide total allowable catch (TAC) for 1999/2000 will remain 5,601.5 tonnes (12,349,150 lb.). The TAC for north coast Areas 1 to 10 will be 4,634 tonnes (10,216,115 lb.). The TAC for south coast Areas 11 to 29 will be 957.5 tonnes (2,133,035 lb.). Individual quotas will equal 1/110 of the coastwide commercial TAC or 112,265 lb. per licence. See Section 8.4.8.

8.1.2. Where the area set out in the licence is “South”, a maximum of 84,147 lb. of the 112,265 lb. may be harvested from Areas 11 to 19, 28, 29 and 111, and a maximum of 28,118 lb. of the 112,265 lb. may be harvested from Areas 20 to 27, 121 and 123 to 127. See Section 8.4.8.

8.1.3. The fishery in north coast areas will be prosecuted as follows: one or more Quota Areas are assigned to Fishing Areas which are fished sequentially, beginning on July 1, 1999. The protocol for the sequential openings of Quota Areas has been developed by Fisheries and Oceans Canada, in consultation with the Pacific Urchin Harvesters Association (PUHA). See Section 8.2.1.

8.1.4. Several north coast Quota Areas have new boundaries and descriptions. See Appendix I.

8.1.5. Maps of north and south coast Quota Areas are provided in Figures 3 to 26. Harvesters are reminded to use these maps for reference purposes only. The final authority for these descriptions/renditions of Areas and Subareas are as set out in the Pacific Fishery Management Area Regulations.

8.1.6. The catch validation section has been updated. See Section 8.11.

8.1.7. The size limit definition has been reworded. See Section 8.5.

8.1.8. The criteria for licence redesignation were modified in 1998/99 to facilitate the in- season transfer of licences from one vessel to another. A maximum of three active licences per vessel is permitted in-season. See Section 8.4.5.

8.2. Quotas, Open Times and Seasonal Closures It is the intent of Fisheries and Oceans Canada and PUHA to spread the fishery over the period July 1, 1999 to June 30, 2000 in order to meet market demands and to prevent local stock depletion. All weights referred to in the table below are in pounds and are the weights that are determined during validation at the first point of landing.

Page 8 of 30 1999/2000 Red Sea Urchin Management Plan 8.2.1. North Coast Open Times and Quota Areas

The 1999/2000 north coast TAC for the period July 1, 1999 to June 30, 2000 will be 10,216,115 lb., apportioned between the Quota Areas shown in the tables below. Under the terms of the industry catch validation agreement, a charter patrolman, under contract to PUHA, will be on the grounds to monitor and assist in the management of this fishery. Protocol For Fishing North Coast Quota Areas: PUHA, on behalf of licence holders, will co-ordinate area openings with Fisheries and Oceans Canada. Note: Fisheries and Oceans Canada requires a minimum of 48 hours notice from PUHA (exclusive of weekends and holidays) to open a new Quota Area. A “Quota Area” is a defined portion of Pacific fisheries waters. Areas and Subareas, as described in the Pacific Fishery Management Area Regulations, are referenced in describing Quota Areas. Each Quota Area has a name, e.g. RU01 Upper West QCI, and is assigned a maximum allowable catch in pounds. A “Fishing Area” is comprised of one or more Quota Areas having the same opening order (sequential opening order number assigned). Quota Areas will be opened and fished in numbered sequences (Fishing Areas). Each Quota Area within a Fishing Area will be harvested to completion before the next Fishing Area is opened. Fishermen are required to offload their catch at a designated landing port or to a packer prior to fishing in a new Quota Area. If weather or roe quality halts all fishing in a Quota Area, Fisheries and Oceans Canada may consider a change to the opening schedule.

Opening Date Quota Area Areas/Subareas within Quota Quota (lb.) and Sequence Area (see App. 1 for details) July 1/99 1 RU58 Smiths Inlet (1) 10-2, 10-3, 10-4, 10-5, 10-7, 400,000 10-8, 10-12 2 RU53 Spider/Kildidt (1) 7-26, 7-27, 7-28 200,000 3 RU47 Thompson Bay (1) 7-1, 7-19, 7-20, 7-21, 7-32 300,000 4 RU45 Laredo Inlet 6-19, 6-16 100,000 4 RU46 Laredo Sound 6-17, 6-16 250,000 5 RU31 Moore Islands (1) 106-2 300,000 5 RU42 Lower West Aristazabal (1) 6-13 266,115 6 RU30 Lower Banks Island 5-22, 106-1, 105-2 400,000 7 RU29 Kingkown Inlet 5-21 100,000

1999/2000 Red Sea Urchin Management Plan Page 9 of 30 Opening Date Quota Area Areas/Subareas within Quota Quota (lb.) and Sequence Area (see App. 1 for details) 8 RU27 Upper Banks Island 5-20 100,000 9 RU28 Bonilla Island 5-20, 105-1, 105-2 300,000 10 RU15 Outside Stephens Island 4-2 100,000 11 RU14 Tree Knobs (1) 4-13 500,000 12 RU13 Dundas Island (1) 3, 4-1, 4-5 500,000 13 RU16 Inside Stephens Island 4-9, 4-13 50,000 13 RU17 Kelp Pass 4-12 50,000 14 RU18 Oval Bay 4-2, 4-3 200,000 15 RU20 Outside Freemans Pass 5-11, 5-12 75,000 15 RU19 Porcher Inlet 5-9 75,000 16 RU21 Willis Bay 5-10, 5-11 200,000 17 RU26 Larsen Harbour 5-11, 5-20 100,000 17 RU22 Hankin Rock 5-10 50,000 18 RU23 Upper Principe Channel 5-13 100,000 18 RU25 Petrel Channel 5-14, 5-15, 5-16 50,000 19 RU24 Lower Principe Channel 5-17, 5-18, 5-19 100,000 20 RU32 Calamity Bay 6-9 100,000 20 RU33 Otter Pass 6-9 300,000 21 RU36 East 6-9 300,000 21 RU34 Langley Pass 6-9 25,000 21 RU35 Oswald Bay 6-9 75,000 22 RU38 Campania Island/Surf Inlet 6-6, 6-12, 6-26, 6-10 500,000 23 RU37 Rennison Island 6-9, 6-10, 6-11, 6-13 150,000 23 RU39 Upper West Aristazabal 6-13 300,000 24 RU40 Woodcock Islands 6-13 150,000 24 RU41 Normansell Islands 6-13 100,000 25 RU31 Moore Islands (2) 106-2 remaining 25 RU42 Lower West Aristazabal (2) 6-13 remaining 26 RU43 Upper Laredo 6-14 100,000 26 RU44 Lower Laredo 6-15, 6-16 250,000 27 RU48 Milbanke Sound 7-3 150,000 27 RU49 Finlayson Channel 7-4, 7-5, 7-6, 7-9 100,000 27 RU50 Mathieson Channel 7-9 150,000 28 RU51 Seaforth Channel 7-8, 7-12, 7-15 100,000 28 RU47 Thompson Bay (2) 7-1, 7-19, 7-20, 7-21, 7-32 remaining 29 RU52 Tribal Group 7-18, 7-23, 7-24 200,000 29 RU54 McNaughton Group 7-25, 7-17 100,000 30 RU53 Spider/Kildidt (2) 7-26, 7-27, 7-28 remaining 31 RU56 Fitz Hugh Sound 8-3, 8-4, 8-16 150,000 31 RU55 Hakai Pass 8-1, 8-2 50,000 32 RU57 Rivers Inlet 9-1, 9-2, 9-3, 9-4, 9-10, 9-11, 200,000

Page 10 of 30 1999/2000 Red Sea Urchin Management Plan Opening Date Quota Area Areas/Subareas within Quota Quota (lb.) and Sequence Area (see App. 1 for details) 9-12, 10-1 33 RU58 Smiths Inlet (2) 10-2, 10-3, 10-4, 10-5, 10-7, remaining 10-8, 10-12 Total Mainland Quota Areas – first opening 8,416,115

TBA 34 RU03 Laskeek Bay 2-2, 2-8, 2-10 150,000 35 RU04 Juan Perez Sound 2-11, 2-12, 2-13 150,000 36 RU05 Skincuttle Inlet 2-14, 2-15, 2-17 200,000 37 RU06 Lower 2E 2-18, 2-19 150,000 38 RU07 Lower 2W 2-31, 2-32, 2-33, 2-34, 142-1 100,000 39 RU08 Flamingo/Englefield 2-35 to 2-62 150,000 40 RU09 Van Inlet 2-68 75,000 41 RU11 Hippa Island 2-85 to 2-87, 2-88 50,000 42 RU10 Rennel Sound 2-69 to 2-84 75,000 43 RU12 Port Louis 2-88, 2-89 to 2-100 50,000 44 RU01 Upper West QCI 1-1 150,000 45 RU02 North QCI 1-2, 101-2, 1-3, 1-7, 101-3, 500,000 101-6 Total Queen Charlotte Island Quota Areas 1,800,000

TBA 46 RU14 Tree Knobs (2) 4-13 remaining 47 RU13 Dundas Island (2) 3, 4-1, 4-5 remaining 48 Residual quotas - north to south remaining Total Mainland Quota Areas – second opening remaining

TOTAL NORTH COAST QUOTA AREAS 10,216,115 Notes: · Descriptions of the north coast red sea urchin Quota Areas are provided in Appendix I. Please note many Quota Areas have been redesigned. · North Coast Quota Area Maps are provided from Figure 8.

8.2.2. South Coast Open Times and Quota Areas The 1999/2000 south coast TAC for the period July 1, 1999 to June 30, 2000 will be 2,133,035 lb., apportioned between the Quota Areas shown in the tables below.

Opening Quota Areas/Subareas within Quota Area Quota (lb) Date Area Inside Waters Schedule TBA 11 11 110,000 July 1/99 111 111 & 12-14 158,785 TBA 12 A 12-12 60,000 TBA 12 B 12-10 & 12-11 100,000

1999/2000 Red Sea Urchin Management Plan Page 11 of 30 Opening Quota Areas/Subareas within Quota Area Quota (lb) Date Area TBA 12 C 12-15 & 12-16 70,000 TBA 12 D 12-4,12-8,12-17,12-18,12-19 130,000 TBA 12 E 12-3,12-5,12-6,12-20,12-21,12-26 110,000 July 1/99 12 F 12-13 60,000 July 1/99 12 G 12-7, 12-38 to 12-42 50,000 TBA 13 A 12-1,12-2,12-22,12-24,13-29 to 13-41 150,000 TBA 13 C 13-6 to 13-11, 13-27, 13-28 120,000 TBA 13 D 13-12 to 13-19 50,000 TBA 13 E 13-20 to 13-26 40,000 TBA 13 B 13-1,13-2 & portion of 14-13 to Oyster River 90,008 TBA 17 17 & 29-5 65,000 TBA 18 & 19 18, 19, 29-4 235,000 Total Inside Quota Areas 1,598,793

West Coast Schedule TBA 20 20-4 to 20-6 50,000 TBA 23 A 23-5 to 23-7 50,000 TBA 23 B 23-11, 123-3, 123-5 50,000 TBA 24 A 24-2 50,000 TBA 24 B 24-8 64,242 TBA 24 C 24-6 & 124-3 140,000 TBA 27 A 27-1 to 27-3 80,000 TBA 27 B 27-7 to 27-11 50,000 Total West Coast Quota Areas 534,242 TOTAL SOUTH COAST QUOTA AREAS 2,133,035 Notes: · TBA: opening dates to be determined in-season based on advice from PUHA. · Moser Point research site will again have a quota of 44,000 lb. (Quota Area 24B). · PUHA has requested that Quota Areas 12D, 13A, 18&19, 20, 12A, and 13C be reserved for opening just prior to Christmas. · Please note permanent area closures listed in this plan. · South Coast Quota Area Maps are provided in Figures 3 to 7. 8.3. Research and Permanent Area Closures Some areas have been designated as research or study areas and are closed. Fishing is permitted in these areas only under a scientific licence. Studies undertaken in these areas are a co-operative effort between Fisheries and Oceans Canada, PUHA and local First Nations and include investigations into size limits and the effects of various harvest strategies on resident stocks.

For further information on the research areas please contact Guy Parker at (250) 756- 7230 or Juanita Rogers at (250) 627-3007.

Page 12 of 30 1999/2000 Red Sea Urchin Management Plan Commercial fishery closures are detailed below. There may be additional closures announced in-season by Notice to Industry. Prior to fishing in an area, fishermen are advised to consult the local Fisheries and Oceans Canada office or to contact a fishery manager listed in Section 1 of this plan. 8.3.1. Area 1 Kiusta I.R.: That portion of Subarea 1-2 west of a line commencing at 54°10.55’ north latitude and 133°00.95’ west longitude, thence running true north to the 20 fathom contour as shown on Chart #3868 (published by the Canadian Hydrographic Service of the Department); and east of a line commencing at 54°11.1’ north latitude and 133°01.75’ west longitude, thence running true north to the 20 fathom contour as shown on Chart #3868 (published by the Canadian Hydrographic Service of the Department); and south of the 20 fathom contour between these two lines. (First Nations access for food, social and ceremonial purposes) Dadens I.R.: That portion of Subarea 1-2 west of a line commencing at 54°11.2’ north latitude and 132°58.9’ west longitude, thence running true south to the north shore of Lucy Island; and south and east of lines commencing at 54°11.3’ north latitude and 132°59.2’ west longitude, thence running true west to the intersection of the 20 fathom contour (as shown on Chart #3868 (published by the Canadian Hydrographic Service of the Department), thence to the westernmost tip of Lucy Island. (First Nations access for food, social and ceremonial purposes) Egeria Bay I.R.: That portion of Subarea 1-2 north of a line commencing at 54°12.95’ north latitude and 132°59.1’ west longitude, thence running true east to the 20 fathom contour as shown on Chart #3868 (published by the Canadian Hydrographic Service of the Department); and south of a line commencing at 54°13.2’ north latitude and 132°59.15’ west longitude, thence running true east to the 20 fathom contour as shown on Chart #3868 (published by the Canadian Hydrographic Service of the Department); and west of the 20 fathom contour between these two lines. (First Nations access for food, social and ceremonial purposes) Dibrell Bay I.R.: That portion of Subarea 1-2 north of a line commencing at 54°13.81’ north latitude and 132°58.3’ west longitude, thence running true east to the 20 fathom contour as shown on Chart #3868 (published by the Canadian Hydrographic Service of the Department); and south of a line commencing at 54°14.05’ north latitude and 132°58.25’ west longitude, thence running true east to the 20 fathom contour as shown on Chart #3868 (published by the Canadian Hydrographic Service of the Department); and west of the 20 fathom

1999/2000 Red Sea Urchin Management Plan Page 13 of 30 contour between these two lines. (First Nations access for food, social and ceremonial purposes) Rhodes Point I.R.: A portion of Subarea 1-2 west of a line commencing at 54°12.95’ north latitude and 133°01.75’ west longitude, running true south to the 10 fathom contour as shown on Chart #3868 (published by the Canadian Hydrographic Service of the Department); and south of a line commencing at 54°13.2’ north latitude and 133°02.2’ west longitude, thence running true west to the 10 fathom contour as shown on Chart #3868 (published by the Canadian Hydrographic Service of the Department); and north and east of the 10 fathom contour between these two lines, excluding Harvey Rock. (First Nations access for food, social and ceremonial purposes) Langara Point I.R.: That portion of Subarea 101-2 north of a line commencing at 54°15.05’ north latitude and 133°03.65’ west longitude, thence running true west to the 20 fathom contour as shown on Chart #3868 (published by the Canadian Hydrographic Service of the Department); and south of a line commencing at 54°15.3’ north latitude, 133°03.55’ west longitude, thence running true west to the 20 fathom contour as shown on Chart #3868 (published by the Canadian Hydrographic Service of the Department); and east of the 20 fathom contour between these two lines. (First Nations access for food, social and ceremonial purposes) Shag Rock: That portion of Subarea 1-3 inside a 0.25 nautical mile ribbon boundary off Indian Reserve #13 located due south of Shag Rock. The boundary begins 0.25 nautical miles north of Indian Reserve #13 and ends 0.25 nautical miles south of Indian Reserve #13. (First Nations access for food, social and ceremonial purposes) Nankivell Point: That portion of Subarea 1-7 inside a 0.25 nautical mile ribbon boundary beginning at Nankivell Point and heading westerly along the shore for one nautical mile. (First Nations access for food, social and ceremonial purposes).

8.3.2. Area 2E Subareas 2-3 to 2-7 (Cumshewa Inlet/Skedans). This area is closed to undertake recruitment and mortality studies. McCoy Cove (in Cumshewa Inlet): That portion of Subarea 2-3 lying inside a line from a boundary sign located true north of Haans Islet, thence easterly to the sector light located at the southeasterly entrance to McCoy Cove. (First Nations access for food, social and ceremonial purposes)

Page 14 of 30 1999/2000 Red Sea Urchin Management Plan Skedans Bay: That portion of Subarea 2-7 shoreward of a line from Skedans Point to Vertical Point. (First Nations access for food, social and ceremonial purposes) Tanu Island: That portion of Subarea 2-8 which is the easterly shore of Tanu Island north of Klue Point to the most northeasterly tip of Tanu Island. (First Nations access for food, social and ceremonial purposes) Richardson Pass: That portion of Subarea 2-8 including the southerly shore of Richardson Island within Richardson Passage. (First Nations access for food, social and ceremonial purposes) Windy Bay: That portion of Subarea 2-11 shoreward of a line between Fuller Point and Gogit Point on Lyell Island. (First Nations access for food, social and ceremonial purposes) Hotsprings and House Islands: That portion of Subarea 2-11 lying inside the ten fathom edge surrounding Hot Springs Island and House Island. (First Nations access for food, social and ceremonial purposes) Burnaby Narrows: Subarea 2-16 and a portion of Subarea 2-13 west of a line running 328° true through the northwest tip of Section Island (Section Cove). (Park) Anthony Island: A portion of Subarea 2-31 shoreward of a 1 nautical mile ribbon boundary surrounding Anthony Island. (Heritage Site)

8.3.3. Area 2W West Skidegate Channel and Buck Channel: Subareas 2-63, 2-64, 2-66 and 2-67. (First Nations access for food, social and ceremonial purposes) Shields Bay: That portion of Subarea 2-77 south of a line from Dawson Head true north to the opposite shore. (First Nations access for food, social and ceremonial purposes)

8.3.4. Area 5 Kitkatla Inlet/Schooner Pass: Subarea 5-3 and a portion of Subarea 5- 10 north of a line running from the northwestern tip of McCauley Island to a boundary sign on the northwest tip of Spicer Island and north of a line running from Boys Point on Dolphin Island to a boundary sign located on the southwesternmost tip of Spicer Island. (First Nations access for food, social and ceremonial purposes)

1999/2000 Red Sea Urchin Management Plan Page 15 of 30 Kitkatla Village: That portion of Subarea 5-10 north and east of a line running from the northern tip of the entrance to Dolphin Lagoon on Dolphin Island west to a point on the Prager Islands located at 53°46.85’ north latitude, 130°29.8’ west longitude, thence northerly to a point on the Shakes Islands located at 53°47.5’ north latitude, 130°29.0’ west longitude; thence true north to the boundary line. (First Nations access for food, social and ceremonial purposes)

8.3.5. Area 7 Subarea 7-31 (West Price Island). This area is closed to undertake recruitment and mortality studies.

8.3.6. Area 12 That portion of Subareas 12-5 and 12-18 within 0.25 nautical miles of Stubbs Island and Pearse Reefs. (Study Area) That portion of Subareas 12-18 and 12-5 lying inside of a line commencing at Lewis Point on Vancouver Island, thence in a straight line to the southernmost point of the most easterly of the Pearse Islands, thence westerly along the shore of said island to the westernmost point, thence in a straight line to Stubbs Island, thence due east for 1.4 nautical miles, thence due south to the easternmost island of the Plumper Islands, thence along the eastern shore of said island to the southernmost point, thence in a straight line to Lewis Point on Vancouver Island. (Study Area) That portion of Subareas 12-18 and 12-19 including all waters within 0.25 nautical miles of the shore of Cormorant Island. (Study Area) Subarea 12-25 (Port Neville). (Marine Reserve/Research Area)

8.3.7. Area 13 Area 13 Study Area: Discovery Passage: Subareas 13-3, 13-4, 13-5 and a portion of 13-6. Those waters of Discovery Passage bounded on the north by a straight line drawn true west from North Bluff on Quadra Island, across Seymour Narrows to a fishing boundary sign on Vancouver Island, and on the south by a line from the Cape Mudge light true west to Vancouver Island. (Marine Reserve and Research Closure)

Page 16 of 30 1999/2000 Red Sea Urchin Management Plan 8.3.8. Area 14 Hornby Island: Those waters of Lambert Channel and the Strait of Georgia, Subarea 14-7, inside a line commencing at Shingle Spit on Hornby Island, thence 239º true for 0.5 nautical miles, thence 126º true for 3.5 nautical miles, thence 64º true for 4.9 nautical miles, thence 304º true for 2.9 nautical miles, thence 213º true for 0.5 nautical miles to Cape Gurney on Hornby Island. (Marine Reserve)

8.3.9. Area 15 All waters within 0.5 nautical miles of Vivian Island located approximately 5.0 nautical miles west of Powell River in Subarea 15-2. (Marine Reserve) All waters within 0.25 nautical miles of Rebecca Rock located 2.5 nautical miles west of Powell River in Subarea 15-2. (Marine Reserve) All waters within 0.25 nautical miles of Dinner Rock located 2.5 nautical miles south of Lund in Subarea 15-2. (Marine Reserve) All waters within 0.5 nautical miles of the unnamed reef off Emmonds Beach located approximately 4.0 nautical miles south of Lund in Subarea 15-2. (Marine Reserve) All waters within 1.0 nautical mile of Mitlenatch Island, located in the upper Strait of Georgia intersected by the Subareas 15-2, 13-1, 13-3 and 14-13. (Marine Reserve) All waters within a 0.25 nautical mile radius of the southerly end of the Beach Gardens breakwater in Subarea 15-2. (Marine Reserve)

8.3.10. Area 16 Skookumchuck Narrows Provincial Park: Those waters of Skookumchuck Narrows and Sechelt Rapids in Subarea 16-9 bounded on the west by a line commencing at a point on the foreshore at the westerly limit of Secret Bay on Sechelt Peninsula thence 50° true to a point on the foreshore on the mainland; on the east by a line from Raland Point on Sechelt Peninsula, thence 50° true to a point on the foreshore on the mainland. (Park)

8.3.11. Area 17 Subareas 17-4 to 17-9 (Stewart Channel). (First Nations access for food, social and ceremonial purposes)

1999/2000 Red Sea Urchin Management Plan Page 17 of 30 8.3.12. Area 18 Subareas 18-7 (Sansum Narrows, Burgoyne Bay and Maple Bay), 18-8 (Cowichan Bay) and 18-10 (Fulford Harbour). (Navigational Closure)

8.3.13. Area 19 Ogden Point: Those waters of Subarea 19-3 inside a line commencing at the navigation light at the western end of the Ogden Point Causeway thence to Brotchie Ledge Light, thence to Holland Point on Vancouver Island. (Marine Reserve) 10 Mile Point: Those waters of Subareas 19-4 and 19-5 within 0.4 nautical miles of Cadboro Pt. navigation light. (Marine Reserve) Race Rocks: Those waters of Subareas 19-3 and 20-5 within 0.5 nautical miles of Great Race Rocks. (Marine Reserve)

8.3.14. Area 20 Race Rocks: Those waters of Subareas 19-3 and 20-5 within 0.5 nautical miles of Great Race Rocks. (Marine Reserve) Botanical Beach Provincial Park: That portion of Subarea 20-3 between the lowest low water on record and the highest high water on record from San Juan Point thence following the Vancouver Island shoreline easterly to the mouth of Tom Baird Creek. (Marine Reserve) Pacific Rim National Park, Juan de Fuca: That portion of Subarea 20-1 between the lowest low water on record and the highest high water on record from Bonilla Light thence following the shoreline of Vancouver Island easterly to Owen Point. (Park)

8.3.15. Area 23 Pacific Rim National Park, Broken Group Islands: Those waters of the Broken Group Islands in Barkley Sound within Park boundaries as shown, since 1989, on Canadian Hydrographic Service Chart #3671. (Park) Bamfield Marine Station Research Area Closure: Those waters of Subareas 23-4, 23-6 and 23-7 bounded by lines from the light at Whittlestone Point and running directly to the southern tip of Haines Island; from the northwestern tip of Haines Island to the southern tip of Seppings Island; from the northwestern tip of Seppings Island to Kirby Point on Diana Island; from Kirby Point directly to the northwest tip of Fry Island; from the northwestern tip of Fry Island to the nearest adjacent point on Tzartus Island; from Foucault Bluff on Tzartus Island

Page 18 of 30 1999/2000 Red Sea Urchin Management Plan to the northwest tip of Nanat Island; from the eastern tip of Nanat Island to the nearest adjacent point on Vancouver Island and thence along the coastline of Vancouver Island to the point of commencement. (Research Area)

8.3.16. Area 24 Area 24: Moser Point Study Area: That portion of Subarea 24-8 in the vicinity of Moser Point on Vargas Is. described as: “inside of, or northerly of, a line from the most southwesterly point of Echachis Is., thence northwesterly to Wilf Rock; thence northwesterly 312° true east for 0.45 nautical miles to an unnamed island in the La Croix Group designated on Chart 3649 (as published by the Canadian Hydrographic Service of the Department) as having a height of land of 20 feet, thence due north to the shore of Vargas Is.; thence following along the shore of Vargas Is. in a northeasterly direction to the unnamed point immediately south of the Yarksis Indian Reserve; thence southeasterly across Father Charles Channel to the northernmost point on Wickaninnish Is.; thence along the western shoreline of Wickaninnish Is. to the southernmost point; thence in a straight line to the northwestern point of Echachis Is.; thence southerly along the western shoreline of Echachis Is. to the point of commencement.” Pacific Rim National Park, Grice Bay & McBey Islets: The waters of Tofino Inlet within Pacific Rim National Park including McBey Islets and Dinner Island in Tsapee Narrows, Browning Passage in Subarea 24- 9 and Grice Bay west and south of Indian Island in Subarea 24-11. (Park) Hotsprings Cove: Those waters of Subarea 24-2 and 124-3 enclosed by a line commencing at a point on the Vancouver Island shoreline 2.5 km northwest of Barney Rocks, thence to a point 500 m true south (offshore), thence to Barney Rocks, thence to Sharp Point and returning along the shoreline to the point of commencement. This closure includes Hot Springs Cove, Mate Islands, Barney Rocks and the bays west of Mate Islands. (First Nations access for food, social and ceremonial purposes)

8.3.17. Area 25 Friendly Cove and Santa Gertrudis Cove: That portion of Subareas 25-6 and 25-7 inside a line from a white triangular fishing boundary sign on Nootka Island near the northerly entrance to Santa Gertrudis Cove, thence true east 0.25 nautical miles, thence true south one nautical mile, thence westerly to Yuquot Point on Nootka Island, thence to the point

1999/2000 Red Sea Urchin Management Plan Page 19 of 30 of commencement. (First Nations access for food, social and ceremonial purposes)

8.3.18. Area 26 Kyuquot Bay: A portion of Subarea 26-6 inside or northerly of a line from White Cliff Head to Racoon Point and identified on the Kyuquot map attached to this plan. (Kyuquot Sound Marine Communities Study Area) Entrance to Crowther Channel: A portion of Subarea 26-6 on the west side of Union Island commencing at position 50° 0.4’ north latitude, 127° 19.3’ west longitude and identified on the map attached to this plan. (Kyuquot Sound Marine Communities Study Area) Checleset Bay Fishery Closure Area: Those portions of Areas 26 and 126 enclosed by a line drawn from a point on the Brooks Peninsula (50°05.18’ north latitude, 127°49.58’ west longitude), thence due south to the 50° parallel, thence due east to Alert Point on Lookout Island, thence northeasterly to a point on Vancouver Island near McLean Island (50°02.1’ north latitude, 127°25.03’ west longitude), thence northwesterly along the shore of Vancouver Island to Malksope Point (50°05.53’ north latitude, 127°28.95 west longitude), thence due west to a point midchannel on the southeast end of Gay Passage (50°05.53’ north latitude, 127°30.1’ west longitude), thence midchannel through Gay Passage to a point midchannel on the northwest end of Gay Passage (50°06.7’ north latitude, 127°31.8’ west longitude), thence northwesterly to the shore of Vancouver Island, just west of Theodore Point (at 127°32.8’ W long., 50°07.7’ N lat.), thence westerly along the Vancouver Island shore to an unnamed point on the east side of Nasparti Inlet (50°08.75’ north latitude, 127°38.6’ west longitude), thence westerly across Nasparti Inlet to an unnamed point on Vancouver Island (50°08.7’ north latitude, 127°37.8’ west longitude), thence along the Vancouver Island shore to the point of commencement.

8.3.19. Area 28 Porteau Cove: That portion of Subarea 28-4, east of a line drawn from a white fishing boundary sign located on the south shore of Porteau Cove to a white fishing boundary sign located on the north shore of Porteau Cove. (Marine Reserve) Whytecliff Park: That portion of Subarea 28-2 bounded by a line commencing from the most southerly point of Whytecliff Park; thence in a straight line to a point located 100 m east of the most southeasterly

Page 20 of 30 1999/2000 Red Sea Urchin Management Plan point of Whyte It.; thence following the southern shoreline of Whyte It. at a distance of 100 m to a point lying 100 m from the most southwesterly point of Whyte It.; thence in a straight line to a point lying 100 m west of White Cliff Point; thence following the shoreline at a distance of 100 m in a northerly direction to a point 100 m north of Lookout Point; thence following the shoreline at a distance of 100 m in an easterly direction to a point 100 m perpendicular to the most northerly point of Whytecliff Park; thence to the most northerly point of Whytecliff Park on the mainland. (Marine Reserve)

8.4. Licensing

8.4.1. Licence Category A Category “ZC” licence is required to harvest red sea urchins. A “ZC” is a party- based licence that must be designated annually to a registered commercial fishing vessel eligible for one of the following licences: A, C, F, G, K, L, N, R, S, T, W. 8.4.2. Species Red sea urchins (Strongylocentrotus franciscanus). 8.4.3. Gear Hand picking by divers. Suction devices are not permitted. 8.4.4. Area Licensing Licence tab numbers will be assigned to either the south coast area or the north coast area. To ensure equal quotas the coastwide distribution of licences will be as follows:

North Coast: Areas 1 to 10 and adjacent offshore areas 91 licences South Coast: Areas 11 to 29 and adjacent offshore areas 19 licences

The Pacific Urchin Harvesters Association (PUHA) will provide Fisheries and Oceans Canada with a list of licence area selections. If PUHA is unable to provide the licence area selections, the Department will determine area designation through a process of voluntary placement and lottery out of the over-subscribed area. 8.4.5. Licence Stacking A maximum of three active licences (i.e. those with quota remaining) may be designated to any one vessel. Licence holders may apply to redesignate their licence to another vessel at one of the Pacific Fishery Licence Unit offices.

1999/2000 Red Sea Urchin Management Plan Page 21 of 30 8.4.6. Licence Eligibility The Pacific Fishery Licence Unit will allow nominations for transfer of licence eligibility from one person to another person, prior to licence issue or when the IQ for the licence has been reached. 8.4.7. Licence Length Restriction At present, licences will retain their length restriction, but that vessel length restriction is temporarily waived. A “ZC” licence can be designated to any size vessel. Fisheries and Oceans Canada reserves the right to re-instate vessel length restrictions if necessary. 8.4.8. Individual Quotas The licence holder of the category “ZC” licence is provided the opportunity to harvest up to 112,265 lb. of red sea urchins. Where the area set out in the licence is “South”, a maximum of 84,147 lb. of the 112,265 lb. may be harvested from Areas 11 to 19, 28, 29 and 111 and a maximum of 28,118 lb. of the 112,265 lb. may be harvested from Areas 20 to 27, 121 and 123 to 127. All diving and fishing operations must take place from the licenced vessel. All product must be brought directly onto the licenced vessel following harvest. Vessels used to hold or transport red sea urchins must conform to Canadian Food Inspection Agency inspection regulations for holding or transporting fish and have appropriate licences. 8.4.9. Licence Year End The 1999/2000 licence year encompasses the period of July 1, 1999 to June 30, 2000. 8.4.10. Licence to Transport Red Sea Urchins Any registered vessel with a vessel-based licence (Categories A, C, F, G, K, L, N, R, S, T, W) or a Category D (Packing) licence may transport red sea urchins under special conditions of licence which must be obtained through application to a Pacific Fishery Licence Unit. Individuals other than “ZC” licenced vessels may apply for amended licence conditions for transporting geoducks, horse clams, sea cucumbers, red sea urchins, and green sea urchins. 8.5. Size Limit The minimum size limit for red sea urchins is 100 mm test diameter, between the spines, measured through the greatest diameter of the red sea urchin test (shell). 8.6. Tagging of Red Sea Urchin Containers

8.6.1. Marking of “Pick Bags” “Pick Bags,” or any other type of enclosures containing red sea urchins left unattended in the water must be tagged with bag tags displaying the vessel registration number (CFV#) and name of the vessel used to harvest the product.

Page 22 of 30 1999/2000 Red Sea Urchin Management Plan All floats attached to pick bags or other types of enclosures must be labelled with the vessel registration number (CFV #) of the vessel harvesting the product. 8.6.2. Tagging of Red Sea Urchin Containers All red sea urchins delivered to packers, or to designated landing ports, shall be in containers which are tagged. The tags must clearly display the fishing vessel’s name and vessel registration number (CFV #). 8.7. Designated Landing Ports Red sea urchins must be landed at one of the following designated landing ports: 8.7.1. North Coast Masset Queen Charlotte City Prince Rupert Port Edward Klemtu Bella Bella Port Hardy 8.7.2. South Coast Campbell River Port Hardy Coal Harbour Port McNeill Kelsey Bay Nanaimo Sidney Sooke Victoria Ucluelet Tofino 8.8. Notification Procedure Before and After Fishing Red Sea Urchins

The agency contracted by the Pacific Urchin Harvesters Association to provide notification, validation, biological sampling and data services for the 1999/2000 red sea urchin fishery is: D&D Pacific Fisheries Ltd. Box 1445, Gibsons, BC V0N 1V0 Tel: (604) 886-4819 Fax: (604) 886-8288 Hail-in Line: (800) 775-5055

The vessel master shall notify D&D Pacific Fisheries Ltd. ((800) 775-5505), at least 24 hours before fishing begins and within 24 hours after fishing ends in a Quota Area, with the following information: (1) vessel name; (2) vessel master’s name; (3) vessel registration number (CFV #); (4) species to be fished (i.e. red sea urchins); (5) Subareas to be fished; and (6) date and time that fishing will begin or end.

If the vessel is unable to arrive in the declared Quota Area within 24 hours of the stated time, the vessel master shall so notify D&D Pacific Fisheries Ltd.

The vessel master shall notify D&D Pacific Fisheries Ltd. at least 24 hours prior to moving to a new Quota Area.

1999/2000 Red Sea Urchin Management Plan Page 23 of 30 8.9. Fishing Multiple Quota Areas Fishermen are required to offload their catch at a designated landing port or to a packer prior to fishing in a new Quota Area. 8.10. Notification Procedure Prior To Landing Red Sea Urchins The vessel master must, at least 24 hours prior to delivery, advise a D&D Pacific Fisheries Ltd. observer by radio, by phone or in person of his/her intention to land product, indicate the location, date and time of landing, the designated landing port, the processor to whom he/she is delivering and the method of transporting his/her catch to a fish processor. Observer phone numbers are available from D&D Pacific Fisheries Ltd. ((800) 775-5505). If weather results in a change in arrival time the vessel master must immediately advise the observer via radio telephone of these changes. 8.11. Catch Validation

8.11.1. Validation & Harvest Logbooks The vessel master must be in possession of a Fisheries and Oceans Canada approved catch Validation & Harvest Logbook assigned to the red sea urchin licence. The Validation & Harvest Logbook must be on board the licenced vessel while fishing for red sea urchins or while red sea urchins are on board. Validation & Harvest Logbooks which meet the Department’s approval are available from D&D Pacific Fisheries Ltd., or from the Pacific Urchin Harvesters Association. 8.11.2. Validation & Harvest Log Entries At the first point of off-loading, all red sea urchins will be weighed with a government-certified scale and the weight entered on the Validation & Harvest Log. The vessel master is responsible for completing sections A and C of the Validation & Harvest Log. The vessel master shall also ensure that chart entries are completed showing all locations fished for that validation. All harvest information must be fully entered and complete before validation takes place. The Validation & Harvest Log will remain with the licenced vessel, with one copy accompanying the product to its destination and one copy handed over to the observer at the time of validation, along with the harvest charts. The observer shall compare harvest charts to Validation & Harvest Logs to ensure that harvest information is consistent between both. The original white copy of the Validation & Harvest Log handed to the observer, along with the harvest charts, must be received by the Fisheries and Oceans Shellfish Data Unit within 28 days following the end of the month in which harvesting took place. 8.11.3. Examination of Logbooks The Validation & Harvest Logbook must be produced by the vessel master on request of a fishery officer, fishery guardian or an observer. 8.11.4. Quota Confirmation Prior to fishing, the vessel master must confirm the remaining vessel quota from the Validation & Harvest Logbook.

Page 24 of 30 1999/2000 Red Sea Urchin Management Plan 8.12. Catch and Fishing Data It is a condition of licence and the responsibility of the licence holder to ensure that harvest and chart information is received by Fisheries and Oceans Canada Shellfish Data Unit and meets the conditions outlined in Section 8.12.1. below. Fishermen who have validation services completed by D&D Pacific Fisheries Ltd. will receive these services as part of that contract. For fishermen who wish to have validation completed by an observer other than the service bureau under contract to the Pacific Urchin Harvesters Association, it will remain the licence holder’s responsibility to ensure the requirements in Section 8.12.1 are fully completed. Those interested in obtaining validation services other than those contracted by the association should contact Juanita Rogers at (250) 627-3007 to receive a copy of the Fisheries and Oceans Canada requirements for third party validation. 8.12.1. Harvest Data The vessel master is responsible for the provision and maintenance of an accurate record, a “log”, of daily harvest operations. This log must be completed and a copy submitted in both hard (paper) copy and electronic form in an approved format as defined by Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Stock Assessment Division’s Shellfish Data Unit. The vessel master is responsible for the provision of a daily harvest chart record for each location fished by each diver. This harvest chart must have marked directly on it the vessel registration number (CFV #), the licence tab number and the validation ID numbers. The harvest site must be clearly marked on the chart with dive or record numbers pertaining to each harvest catch record and with dates that fishing activity occurred at each site. The vessel master is also responsible for the electronic capture of harvest location data into the Shellfish Data Unit Geographic Information System (GIS). This activity is to be performed by a bonded individual and will occur at the Shellfish Data Unit. Validation & Harvest Logs meeting Fisheries and Oceans Canada requirements are available from outside service bureaus. The service bureau will, for a fee, provide the Validation & Harvest Log coding and keypunch service, including the electronic capture of harvest chart information, thus complying with the requirements for submission of a hard (paper) copy and electronic copy including fishing location information, for harvest data.

The original white page copy of the log, the accompanying chart record and the electronic copy must be forwarded within 28 days following the end of the month in which fishing occurred. Fishermen who have validation services completed by D&D Pacific Fisheries Ltd. will receive this service as part of that contract. The information must be sent to:

1999/2000 Red Sea Urchin Management Plan Page 25 of 30 Fisheries and Oceans Canada Shellfish Data Unit Pacific Biological Station Hammond Bay Road Nanaimo, B.C., V9R 5K6 Tel: (250) 756-7022 or (250) 756-7306

For alternatives to harvest data provision through a service bureau, contact the Shellfish Data Unit at the above address to obtain the requirements and acceptable data formats for supplying harvest log, chart and electronic data in a format which meets the Conditions of Licence. Electronic data capture of harvest location information must be performed at the Shellfish Data Unit by a bonded third party service provider. The hard copy of the harvest logs and chart records, as well as the completed electronic copy must be forwarded within 28 days following the end of the month in which fishing occurred. This information must be sent to the above address.

Catch information must be recorded in the harvest log by midnight of the day of fishing. The logbook must be kept aboard the licenced vessel. Logbooks must be produced for examination on demand of a fishery officer, guardian or a fishery observer designated under the Fisheries Act.

The licence holder of record reported with the Pacific Fishery Licence Unit is responsible to ensure that the vessel master has completed and submitted a copy of the harvest data. Fisheries and Oceans Canada can only release harvest data to the reported licence holder and only upon written request. In the event that a licence is issued but not fished, the licence holder is responsible for submitting a nil report for the season. The nil report must be submitted prior to the issuing of approval for licence renewal. One page from the harvest logbook identifying the vessel, licence tab number and the year with ‘nil’ entered in the body of the log and signed by the licence holder constitutes a nil report.

FISHERIES AND OCEANS CANADA WISHES TO REMIND FISHERMEN THAT HARVEST LOGS MUST BE COMPLETED ACCURATELY DURING FISHING OPERATIONS AND SUBMITTED TO FISHERIES AND OCEANS CANADA IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TIMING SET OUT IN CONDITIONS OF LICENCE. FAILURE TO COMPLETE OR SUBMIT LOGS IN A TIMELY MANNER IS A VIOLATION OF CONDITION OF LICENCE. 8.12.2. Confidentiality of Harvest Data Harvest data, including fishing location data supplied through lat./long. co- ordinates, loran or chart records, collected under the Validation & Harvest Logbooks for Shellfish Fisheries programs, are collected for use by Fisheries and Oceans Canada in the proper assessment, management and control of the fisheries. Upon receipt by Fisheries and Oceans Canada of harvest data and/or fishing

Page 26 of 30 1999/2000 Red Sea Urchin Management Plan location information supplied by the fisherman in accordance with conditions of licence, Section 20(1)(b) of the Access to Information Act prevents the Department from disclosing to a third party, records containing financial, commercial, scientific or technical information that is confidential information. Further, Section 20(1)(c) of the Act prevents the Department from giving out information, the disclosure of which could reasonably be expected to result in material financial loss or could reasonably be expected to prejudice the competitive position of the fisherman.

8.12.3. Fish Slip Requirements It is a condition of this licence that an accurate written report shall be furnished on a fish slip of all fish and shellfish caught under the authority of this licence. A report must be made even if the fish and shellfish landed are used for bait, personal consumption, or otherwise disposed. The written report shall be posted not later than seven days after the offloading and sent to: Fisheries and Oceans Canada Catch Statistics Unit Stn. 420, 555 West Hastings Street Vancouver, B.C. V6B 5G3 (604) 666-3784 Fish slip books may be purchased at the above address.

8.13. Quota Overage and Relinquishment of Claim Observers may witness Relinquishment of Claim forms at landing ports. Vessel owners are requested to contact the Shellfish Data Manager ((250) 756-7158) at Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Nanaimo to arrange for submission of monies in payment for the overage. 8.14. Conditions and Procedures for Red Sea Urchin Quota Overage Transfer Small quantities of red sea urchins which exceed the licence’s annual quota (up to 500 lb.) can be transferred to another red sea urchin licence provided certain conditions are fulfilled. If all of these conditions are not met, observers will not transfer the overage to another licence. In the following explanation, the red sea urchin licence which has exceeded its quota is called Licence “A”, and the licence to which quota is transferred is called Licence “B”.

8.14.1. Transfer of Quota to a Second Licence on the Same Vessel If two or more licences are assigned to the same vessel then a quota overage from one licence may be transferred to the red sea urchin licence which has quota remaining. Overage of the last red sea urchin licence quota on the same vessel may be transferred to another vessel’s red sea urchin licence in accordance with policy described below.

1999/2000 Red Sea Urchin Management Plan Page 27 of 30 8.14.2. Maximum Allowable Transfer of Quotas Between Licences on Different Vessels In the event of a quota overage on red sea urchin Licence “A”, a maximum of 500 lb. of red sea urchins may be transferred to another vessel’s red sea urchin licence (Licence “B”). If the overage is more than 500 lb., the option to transfer quota will be lost and the entire overage will be relinquished. Only one transfer of quota overage is allowed. The quota overage cannot be divided between a number of licences. 8.14.3. Remaining Quota on Second Licence The amount transferred cannot exceed the remaining quota of red sea urchin Licence “B”. Any quantity not transferred to Licence “B” must be relinquished by Licence “A”. 8.14.4. Red Sea Urchin Licence Area Both vessels involved in the transfer must be licenced to fish in the same licence area and have active licences for that licence year (the provision for landing at the same port has been removed). 8.14.5. Documentation The red sea urchin Validation & Harvest Log for each of the licences involved in the transfer must be present at the time of the validation. Both vessel masters must make their intention to transfer or receive quota overage clear to the observer prior to unloading. In the event of a packer landing, a note signed by both vessel masters should accompany the product to advise the observer that there is a mutual agreement to transfer. Any area quota overruns may be deducted from the next year’s area quota. 8.15. Other Restrictions and General Information

8.15.1. Workers’ Compensation Board All divers shall be in possession of a Workers’ Compensation Board Seafood Harvesting Diving Certificate. 8.15.2. Export of Red Sea Urchins Licence conditions regarding Validation & Harvest Logs and fish slips must be complied with, even for red sea urchins exported from British Columbia which have not gone through a federally registered processing plant.

Page 28 of 30 1999/2000 Red Sea Urchin Management Plan 9. ADVISORY COMMITTEE CONTACTS Name Phone Fax

Pacific Urchin Harvesters Association (PUHA) (604) 932-4559 (604) 932-4556 Mike Featherstone, President 8725 Idlwood Place Whistler, BC V0N 1B0

Herb Watson, North Coast Chair (250) 339-4673 (250) 339-4673 RR#5, Site 518, Comp 26 Comox BC, BC V9N 8B5

Jeff Kier, South Coast Chair (250) 949-7162 (250) 949-7017 Box 1705 Port Hardy, BC V0N 2P0


Jack Shibata (604) 253-5111 (604) 251-6526 c/o Hi-To Fisheries 1575 Vernon Drive Vancouver, BC V6A 3P8

Peter Choi (604) 253-5458 (604) 253-5400 c/o Kiku Fisheries 1355 Parker Street Vancouver, BC V5L 2J9

Spencer Cheung (Alternate) (604) 325-9394 (604) 325-9310 c/o Grand Hale Marine Products 8295 Crompton Street Vancouver, BC V5X 4H8

Red Sea Urchin Service Bureau (604) 886-4819 (604) 886-8288 D&D Pacific Fisheries Ltd. Box 1445 Gibsons, BC V0N 1V0

Ministry of Fisheries (250) 387-9574 (250) 356-0358 Al Castledine 808 Douglas Street Victoria, BC V8W 3X1

1999/2000 Red Sea Urchin Management Plan Page 29 of 30 10. ATTACHMENTS

Appendix I: North Coast Red Sea Urchin Quota Management Area Descriptions Appendix II: Red Sea Urchin Validation & Harvest Log Appendix III: Red Sea Urchin Quota Transfer Form Appendix IV: Red Sea Urchin Relinquishment of Claim Form Appendix V: 1999/2000 Red Sea Urchin Enforcement Plan Figure 1: Size Limits for Sea Urchins (Echinoderms). Figure 2: Map showing boundary line (bold line) between North and South Red Sea Urchin licence and management areas. Figure 3 to 7: South Coast Quota Area Maps Figure 8 to 26: North Coast Quota Area Maps

Page 30 of 30 1999/2000 Red Sea Urchin Management Plan Appendix I: North Coast Red Sea Urchin Quota Management Area Descriptions

(see Section 8.3. for Research and Permanent Closures within these Quota Areas)


RU01 Upper West QCI 150,000 Subarea 1-1

RU02 North QCI 500,000 Subarea 101-2 except closures Subarea 1-2 except closures Subarea 1-3 except closures Subarea 1-7 except closures Those portions of Subareas 101-3, 101-6 and 101-7 around Langara Island

RU03 Laskeek Bay 150,000 Subareas 2-2 and 2-10, and Subarea 2-8 except closures

RU04 Juan Perez Sound 150,000 Subarea 2-12, and Subareas 2-11 and 2-13 except closures

RU05 Skincuttle Inlet 200,000 Subareas 2-14, 2-15 and 2-17

RU06 Lower 2E 150,000 Subareas 2-18 and 2-19

RU07 Lower 2W 100,000 Subareas 2-32, 2-33, 2-34 and 142-1 Subarea 2-31 except closures

RU08 Flamingo/Englefield 150,000 Subareas 2-35 to 2-62

RU09 Van Inlet 75,000 Subarea 2-68

RU10 Rennel Sound 75,000 Subareas 2-69 to 2-76 and 2-78 to 2-84 Subarea 2-77 except closures

RU11 Hippa Island 50,000 Subareas 2-85 to 2-87 That portion of Subarea 2-88 south of a line running true west from Selveston Point.

Appendix I: North Coast Quota Area Descriptions Page 1 of 7 RU12 Port Louis 50,000 Subareas 2-89 to 2-100 That portion of Subarea 2-88 north of a line running true west from Selveston Point.

RU13 Dundas Island 500,000 Area 3, and Subarea 4-1 That portion of Subarea 4-5 west of the meridian passing through 130o 37.0' west longitude.

RU14 Tree Knobs 500,000 That portion of Subarea 4-13 north of the parallel passing through 54o 13.5' north latitude.

RU15 Outside Stephens Island 100,000 That portion of Subarea 4-2 north of a line running true west from the southern tip of Stephens Island to the surf line.

RU16 Inside Stephens Island 50,000 Subarea 4-9 That portion of Subarea 4-13 south of the parallel passing through 54º13.5’ north latitude.

RU17 Kelp Pass 50,000 Subarea 4-12

RU18 Oval Bay 200,000 That portion of Subarea 4-2 south of a line running true west from the southern tip of Stephens Island to the surf line. Subarea 4-3

RU19 Porcher Inlet 75,000 Subarea 5-9

RU20 Outside Freemans Pass 75,000 Portions of Subareas 5-11 and 5-12 west of a line running true north from a point located at 53o49.5' north latitude and 130o38.7' west longitude (the northern tip of Joachim Spit) to the Porcher Pennisula shoreline; and north of the parallel passing through 53o48.0' north latitude. (Refer to Chart # 3761 published by the Canadian Hydrographic Service of the Department)

Page 2 of 7 Appendix I: North Coast Quota Area Descriptions RU21 Willis Bay 200,000 Portions of Subarea 5-11 south of the parallel passing through 53o48.0' north latitude; and portions of Subareas 5-10 and 5-11 north of the parallel passing through 53°44.7' north latitude; and west of a meridian passing through Boys Point on Dolphin Island at 53°44.97’ north latitude, 130°26.15’ west longitude; and south and west of a line running from the northern tip of the entrance to Dolphin Lagoon located at 53o46.7' north latitude, 130o28.1' west longitude on Dolphin Island, thence west to a point on the Prager Islands located at 53o46.85' north latitude, 130o29.8' west longitude, thence northerly to a point on the Shakes Islands located at 53o47.5' north latitude, 130o29.0' west longitude, thence true north to the boundary line. (Refer to Chart # 3947 published by the Canadian Hydrographic Service of the Department)

RU22 Hankin Rock 50,000 That portion of Subarea 5-10 south of the parallel passing through 53o42.7' north latitude. (Refer to Chart #3927 published by the Canadian Hydrographic Service of the Department)

RU23 Upper Principe Channel 100,000 Subarea 5-13

RU24 Lower Principe Channel 100,000 Subareas 5-17, 5-18 and 5-19

RU25 Petrel Channel 50,000 Subareas 5-14, 5-15 and 5-16

RU26 Larsen Harbour 100,000 That portion of Subarea 5-11 south of a line running true west from Baird Point on McCauley Island. That portion of Subarea 5-20 north of the parallel passing through 53o 35' North latitude. (Refer to Chart # 3927 published by the Canadian Hydrographic Service of the Department)

RU27 Upper Banks Island 100,000 That portion of Subarea 5-20 south of the parallel passing through 53o35' north latitude; and east of a line running 140o true from 53o 35' north latitude and 130o 38.8' west longitude. (Refer to Chart #3927 published by the Canadian Hydrographic Service of the Department)

Appendix I: North Coast Quota Area Descriptions Page 3 of 7 RU28 Bonilla Island 300,000 That portion of Subarea 5-20 south of the parallel passing through 53o 35' North latitude; and west of line running 140o true from 53o 35' north latitude and 130o 38.8' west longitude. (Refer to Chart #3927 published by the Canadian Hydrographic Service of the Department) Subarea 105-1 That portion of Subarea 105-2 north of a line running from Kelp Point on Banks Island true west to the surf line. (Refer to Chart #3741 published by the Canadian Hydrographic Service of the Department)

RU29 Kingkown Inlet 100,000 Subarea 5-21

RU30 Lower Banks Island 400,000 Subareas 5-22 and 106-1 That portion of Subarea 105-2 south of a line running from Kelp Point on Banks Island true west to the surf line. (Refer to Chart #3741 published by the Canadian Hydrographic Service of the Department)

RU31 Moore Islands 300,000 That portion of Subarea 106-2 west of a line running 144° true from the northern boundary of Subarea 106-2 at 129°30.12’ west longitude.

RU32 Calamity Bay 100,000 That portion of Subarea 6-9 north of the parallel passing through 53o 08.0' north latitude; and west of the meridian passing through 129o 50.0' west longitude. (Refer to Chart # 3741 published by the Canadian Hydrographic Service of the Department)

RU33 Otter Pass 300,000 That portion of Subarea 6-9 north of a parallel passing through Flynn Point on Trutch Island as shown on Chart #3724 (published by the Canadian Hydrographic Service of the Department), excluding that area north of the parallel passing through 53o 08.0' north latitude, and west of the meridian passing through 129o 50.0' west longitude. (Refer to Chart #3741 published by the Canadian Hydrographic Service of the Department)

RU34 Langley Pass 25,000 That portion of Subarea 6-9 south of a parallel passing through Flynn Point on Trutch Island; north of a parallel passing through Finnerty Point on Nichol Island; and north of a parallel passing through Humphreys Point on Lotbiniere Island.

RU35 Oswald Bay 75,000 That portion Subarea 6-9 south of a parallel passing through Finnerty Point on Nichol Island; west of a meridian passing through the Jacinto Island light; and north of a parallel running from McPhee Point on . (Refer to Chart # 3724 published by the Canadian Hydrographic Service of the Department)

Page 4 of 7 Appendix I: North Coast Quota Area Descriptions RU36 Estevan Group East 300,000 That portion of Subarea 6-9 south of a parallel passing through Humphreys Point on Lotbiniere Island; east of a meridian passing through Jacinto Island light; and north of a parallel running true west from McPhee Point on Princess Royal Island. (Refer to Chart #3724 published by the Canadian Hydrographic Service of the Department)

RU37 Rennison Island 150,000 That portion of Subareas 6-9 and 6-10 south of a line running true west from McPhee Point on Princess Royal Island. That portion of Subarea 6-11 north of a line running from McPhee Point on Princess Royal Island to Ulric Point on Aristazabal Island. That portion of Subarea 6-13 north of line running from Ulric Point on Aristazabal Island to the southern tip of Rennison Island, thence true west to the surf line. (Refer to Chart # 3724 published by the Canadian Hydrographic Service of the Department)

RU38 Campania Island/Surf Inlet 500,000 Subareas 6-6, 6-12 and 6-26. That portion of Subarea 6-10 north of a line running true west from McPhee Point on Princess Royal Island.

RU39 Upper West Aristazabal 300,000 That portion of Subarea 6-13 south of a line running from Ulric Point on Aristazabal Island to the southern tip of Rennison Island, thence true west to the surf line and north of the parallel passing through 52o 40.0' west latitude; and. (Refer to Chart # 3724 published by the Canadian Hydrographic Service of the Department) That portion of Subarea 106-2 east of a line running 144° true from the northern boundary of Subarea 106-2 at 129°30.12’ west longitude; and south of a line running from Ulric Point on Aristazabal Island to the southern tip of Rennison Island, thence true west; and north of the parallel passing through 52o 40.0' west latitude.

RU40 Woodcock Islands 150,000 That portion of Subarea 6-13 south of the parallel passing through 52o 40.0' west latitude; and north of the parallel passing through 52º35.6’ north latitude (through Howse Island). That portion of Subarea 106-2 east of a line running 144° true from the northern boundary of Subarea 106-2 at 129°30.12’ west longitude; and south of the parallel passing through 52o 40.0' west latitude; and north of the parallel passing through 52º35.6’ north latitude (through Howse Island).

Appendix I: North Coast Quota Area Descriptions Page 5 of 7 RU41 Normansell Islands 100,000 That portion of Subarea 6-13 south of the parallel passing through 52º35.6’ north latitude (through Howse Island); and north of the parallel passing through 52º32.0’ north latitude. (Refer to Chart # 3726 published by the Canadian Hydrographic Service of the Department) That portion of Subarea 106-2 east of a line running 144° true from the northern boundary of Subarea 106-2 at 129°30.12’ west longitude; south of the parallel passing through 52º35.6’ north latitude (through Howse Island); and north of the parallel passing through 52º32.0’ north latitude.

RU42 Lower West Aristazabal 266,115 That portion of Subarea 6-13 south of the parallel passing through 52º32.0’ north latitude. (Refer to Chart #3726 published by the Canadian Hydrographic Service of the Department) That portion of Subarea 106-2 east of a line running 144° true from the northern boundary of Subarea 106-2 at 129°30.12’ west longitude; and south of the parallel passing through 52º32.0’ north latitude; and north of the parallel passing through 52°27.5’ north latitude.

RU43 Upper Laredo 100,000 Subarea 6-14

RU44 Lower Laredo 250,000 Subarea 6-15 That portion of Subarea 6-16 north of a line running true west from Wilby Point on Swindle Island; and west of a line running from Wilby Point on Swindle Island to Dallain Point on Princess Royal Island. (Refer to Chart # 3737 published by the Canadian Hydrographic Service of the Department)

RU45 Laredo Inlet 100,000 Subarea 6-19 That portion of Subarea 6-16 east of a line running from Wilby Point on Swindle Island to Dallain Point on Princess Royal Island. (Refer to Chart # 3737 published by the Canadian Hydrographic Service of the Department)

RU46 Laredo Sound 250,000 Subarea 6-17 That portion of Subarea 6-16 south of a line running true west from Wilby Point on Swindle Island.

RU47 Thompson Bay 300,000 Subareas 7-1, 7-19, 7-20, and 7-32 That portion of Subarea 7-21 south of a line running through the tidal rapids in Gale Passage at 52°12.5’ north latitude.

RU48 Milbanke Sound 150,000 Subarea 7-3

Page 6 of 7 Appendix I: North Coast Quota Area Descriptions RU49 Finlayson Channel 100,000 Subareas 7-4, 7-5, 7-6; and that portion of Subarea 7-9 north of a parallel passing through Jermaine Point on Dowager Island.

RU50 Mathieson Channel 150,000 That portion of Subarea 7-9 north of a line from Cross Point on Lady Douglas Island to Rankin Point on Cecilia Island; north of a line from Rankin Point on Cecilia Island to Knarled Point on the Don Peninsula; and south of a parallel passing through Jermaine Point on Dowager Island.

RU51 Seaforth Channel 100,000 Subarea 7-8, 7-12, 7-15 That portion of Subarea 7-9 south of a line from Cross Point on Lady Douglas Island to Rankin Point on Cecilia Island; south of a line from Rankin Point on Cecilia Island to Knarled Point on the Don Peninsula. That portion of Subarea 7-21 north of a line running through the tidal rapids in Gale Passage at 52°12.5’ north latitude.

RU52 Tribal Group 200,000 That portion of Subarea 7-18 east of the meridian passing through 128o 23.7' west longitude, and those portions of Subareas 7-23 and 7-24 south of a parallel passing through 52° 10.0’ north latitude near Poole Islet in Raymond Channel and Quinoot Point in Joassa Channel. (Refer to Chart #3787 published by the Canadian Hydrographic Service of the Department)

RU53 Spider/Kildidt 200,000 Subareas 7-26, 7-27 and 7-28

RU54 McNaughton Group 100,000 Subarea 7-25 That portion of Subarea 7-17 southwest of a line running from Beak Point on Hunter Island to German Point on Campbell Island. (Refer to Chart # 3787 published by the Canadian Hydrographic Service of the Department)

RU55 Hakai Pass 50,000 Subareas 8-1 and 8-2

RU56 Fitz Hugh Sound 150,000 Subareas 8-3, 8-4 and 8-16

RU57 Rivers Inlet 200,000 Subareas 9-1, 9-2, 9-3, 9-4, 9-10, 9-11, 9-12 and 10-1

RU58 Smiths Inlet 400,000 Subareas 10-2, 10-3, 10-4, 10-5, 10-7, 10-8 and 10-12


Appendix I: North Coast Quota Area Descriptions Page 7 of 7 Appendix II: Red Sea Urchin Validation & Harvest Log










3 S

E 4 C

T 5 I

O 6 N

'C' 7





Appendix II: Red Sea Urchin Validation & Harvest Log Page 1 of 1 Appendix III: Red Sea Urchin Quota Transfer Form

Landing Date: ______Landing Port: ______

TRANSFER FROM LICENCE (A); Vessel Masters Name: ______Validation ID #: ______

Vessel: ______CFV #: ______ZC Tab #: ______

Overage amount to be transferred to licence (B): ______lb.

NOTE: In Section ‘B’ (observers section) of licence ‘A’s Validation/Harvest log, enter the; overage amount; the ZC Tab # of licence ‘B’ and Validation ID # of licence ‘B’ (in comment section).


Small quantities of red sea urchins which exceed the licence's annual quota (up to 500 lb.) can be transferred to another red sea urchin licence provided certain conditions are fulfilled. If all of these conditions are not met, Fisheries and Oceans Canada certified observers will not transfer the overage to another licence. In the following explanation, the red sea urchin licence which has exceeded its quota is called Licence "A" and the licence to which quota is transferred is called Licence "B". Transfer of quota to a second licence on the same vessel (SVT): If two or more licences are assigned to the same vessel then a quota overage of any amount from one licence may be transferred to the red sea urchin licence which has quota remaining more than the overage to be transferred. Overage of the last red sea urchin licence quota on the same vessel may be transferred to another vessel's red sea urchin licence in accordance with policy described below. Maximum allowable transfer of quotas between licences on different vessels (DVT): In the event of a quota overage on red sea urchin Licence "A", a maximum of 500 lb. of red sea urchin may be transferred to another vessel's red sea urchin licence (Licence "B"). If the overage is more than 500 lb., the option to transfer quota will be lost and the entire overage will be relinquished. Only one transfer of quota overage is allowed. The quota overage cannot be divided between a number of licences. Remaining quota on second licence: The amount transferred cannot exceed the remaining quota of red sea urchin Licence "B". Any quantity not transferred to Licence "B" must be relinquished by Licence "A".

TO LICENCE (B); Vessel Masters Name:______Validation ID #:______

Vessel:______CFV #:______ZC Tab #______

NOTE: In Section ‘B’ (observer’s section) of licence ‘B’s Validation/Harvest log, enter the; overage amount; the ZC Tab # of licence ‘A’ and Validation ID # of licence ‘A’ (in comment section).


______Observer signature Captain (A) signature Captain (B) signature (if different)

Appendix III: Red Sea Urchin Quota Form Page 1 of 1 Appendix IV: Red Sea Urchin Relinquishment of Claim Form






I, ______, responsible for the operation of the above named vessel, acknowledge that the total validated weight of Red Sea Urchins offloaded from the above named vessel in 19___ / 20___ as indicated on the Validation Log, Validation ID # ______exceeded the ZC Tab # ______quota by ______pounds. I agree that the amount of this excess is ______pounds and hereby forfeit all claim to the total value of these Red Sea Urchins to her Majesty Queen Right of Canada.

______Licence holder/Vessel skipper (print name) Observer/Fishery Officer


Note: A quota overage to a maximum of 500 lb. of red sea urchins may be transferred to another vessel’s red sea urchin licence. If the overage is more than 500 lb., the option to transfer will be lost and the entire overage will be relinquished. The value to be applied to the excess relinquished will be the price paid to the fisherman for the unrelinquished portion of that day’s landings.

Appendix IV: Red Sea Urchin Relinquishment of Claim Form Page 1 of 1 Appendix V: 1999/2000 Red Sea Urchin Enforcement Plan





Dave Knapton, Conservation & Protection, North Coast 1. OVERVIEW

In general, compliance in the red sea urchin fishery is good. With portside validation, harvest and validation logs and an at-sea monitor, the fishery tends to manage itself quite well. The one issue that takes considerable dedicated fishery officer effort is ensuring compliance with the 4 inch size limit. It is well known in the industry that a red sea urchin measuring 3.5 inches provides better, high quality yield. Buyers and processors may encourage the harvest of undersize animals. Measuring urchins has been quite controversial as the animals are not symmetrical and a number of studies on measuring methods and tolerances have been done in the field. Species managers and shellfish biologists have provided Conservation and Protection (C&P) fishery officers with impact statements to use in court cases and they have been most useful in increasing the resultant fines. The Departmental Violation System and the Fishery Officer Reporting System will provide better measures of patrol effort and compliance rates.


C&P Fishery Officers and Marine Enforcement Officers will conduct monitoring and compliance patrols at-sea using program vessels (RIBs) and Coast Guard vessels. Boardings will be conducted to ensure compliance to both vessel and individual licence requirements. Checks will be made to ensure non-retention of prohibited species and compliance with size restrictions. Both open and closed area patrols will be conducted. Transportation vehicles will be checked en route from off-loading sites to processors. Fishery officers will also conduct checks at processing facilities. Fishery officers will conduct dockside monitoring checks for size limit, container tags and prompt completion of Validation & Harvest Logs as per the Conditions of Licence (FGR 22). Red sea urchins harvested in SE Alaska by U. S. fishermen are frequently landed in Prince Rupert and trucked to Washington State and Vancouver for processing. The Alaskan size limit is 3.5 inches whereas the size limit in B.C. waters is 4 inches. This can cause some problems for fishery officers conducting routine monitoring at processing facilities. Officers will scrutinize documentation to ensure Canadian and U.S. product is identified and not mixed. (Note: Under the Coastal Fisheries Protection Regulations, U.S. vessels are not eligible to receive licences to land shellfish in Canadian ports. The Shellfish Import Policy outlines the licence requirements for Canadian vessels.) Fishery officers will respond in support of the On-Grounds Monitor (OGM), the Dockside Validators and any at-sea observers that may be used. Fishery officers will also co-ordinate patrols with First Nations Guardians and fishery managers when the opportunity presents itself.


Appendix V: 1999/2000 Red Sea Urchin Enforcement Plan Page 1 of 3 At-sea patrols will be conducted on a planned and ad hoc priority basis. Coast Guard Patrol vessels as well as C&P program vessels in conjunction with Fishery Officers and Marine Enforcement Officers will conduct boardings in the harvest areas. Patrols will be conducted in both open and closed areas as priorities allow.


The use of aircraft in this fishery is generally not a priority although some fleet movement is monitored as flying allocations allow. The Regional Air surveillance plane will be conducting coast wide patrols in both open and closed areas from June until September. In 1999, this aircraft will also have night flying capabilities.


ISSUE SECTION STRATEGY Licensing Verification At-sea and dockside inspections will occur when · vessel licensed PFR 22 opportunities exist. These inspections may · experimental licence FGR 52 include checks of all licensing documents on · fish or tranship outside FGR 68(1) board the vessel to ensure compliance with the Canada Regulations. · no FRC PFR 25 · fail to produce FRC FGR 11 Fish during closed PFR 63 Patrols utilizing patrol vessels will be pursued time/area. when opportunities exist. Possibilities may exist to use the Regional Enforcement Charter Aircraft in co-ordination with other patrols scheduled for Priority fisheries. Size Limit PFR 70(1) At-sea and dockside inspections will be pursued when opportunities exist. Fail to provide proper FGR 22(7) At-sea and dockside inspections will occur when landing and hail opportunities exist. Investigations will occur on information, lack of an opportunistic basis after C&P has been notification for change of notified by FM that a violation has occurred. area, cancellation of trip, The investigation will be pursued when larger or incorrect reporting of priorities permit. Possibilities may exist to use area fished. the Regional Enforcement Charter Aircraft in co- ordination with other patrols scheduled for Priority fisheries, to track vessels in the fishery. Fail to maintain FGR 22(7) At-sea and dockside inspections will occur when “Validation & Harvest opportunities exist. Investigations may also Logbook”. occur on an opportunistic basis after C&P has been notified by FM that a violation has occurred. The investigation will be pursued

Page 2 of 3 Appendix V: 1999/2000 Red Sea Urchin Enforcement Plan ISSUE SECTION STRATEGY when larger priorities permit. Marking and tagging of FGR 22(7) At-sea and dockside inspections will occur when pick bags, and any other opportunities exist. type of enclosures containing harvested red sea urchins. Landings validated at FGR 22(7) Dockside inspections and monitoring will be time of offloading. pursued when opportunities exist. Fail to carry on-board FGR 22(7) At-sea and dockside inspections will occur when observer when requested opportunities exist. by Fisheries and Oceans Canada.

Appendix V: 1999/2000 Red Sea Urchin Enforcement Plan Page 3 of 3 Figure 1: Size Limits for Sea Urchins (Echinoderms). Figure 2: Map showing boundary line (bold line) between North and South Red Sea Urchin licence and management areas. 10 -2 10-1 10 -4 10 -5 10-7 10 -3 10 -8 RU 5 4 10-1 2

11 11 -2 11 -1

12- 13 12A 12-12 12F 12- 11 12-42 1 2-1 12-40 5 12B 12-10 12C 1 2-41 12- 16 12-7 12G 12 -9 12-38 12-39 12-8 12-6 12- 2 12D 27- 11 12 12E -17 12-18 12- 5 1 27-10 2-19 12-2 0 27 B 27-3 12- 4 12-21 27- 9 27 -7 12- 3

27 -2 27- 8 1 27 -5

27 -4

Figure 3: Red Sea Urchin quota Blocks for Areas 11, 12, and 27. 110 10-1 10

111 11-1 111






127-3 27A 27-3

27-2 127-1 27-5


Figure 4: Red Sea Urchin quota Blocks for Areas 27 and 111. 13-22 12-38

12-27 12-26


2-22 1 13-37 13-24 12-24 13-42 21 13-38 13- 12-2 13-36 12-1 13-23 13-35 13-39 13-25 3-41 13A 0 1 13 3-4 13E -33 1 13-20 13-32 6 13-34 -2 13-31 13-30 13-29 13 19 3- 13-2 -27 1 8 13 13C 10 13-18 13- 5-5 13-9 1 13 13-8 13-11 - 13D 12

13-17 13-7

13-6 13-16 -1 3 5-5 13 1 13-3

13-5 13-4 13-14 13-15 15-3 13-2 13-1 13B 15-2


Figure 5: Red Sea Urchin quota Blocks for Area 13. 6-1 14-5 1 28-2 14-4 14-3

17-11 29-2 28-7

1 17-20 17-19 17-18 7-12 17-21 29-3 17-13 17-10 29-10 17-14 17-16 1 7- 17 17 29-9 17-4 29-5 29-4 29-8 29-6 17-3 17 17-5 -7 17-8 17-6 17-2 18-1 17-9 17-1 1 8-2 Vancouver Island 18-3 18-5 18&19 18-8 18-4 18-7 18-6 19-7 19-8

20-2 19-9 19-11 19-10 20-1 19-5 20-3 19-12

20-4 0-6 19-4 20 2 20-7

20-5 19-3

Figure 6: Red Sea Urchin quota Blocks for Areas 17, 18, 19, and 20. 24A 24-1 24-2


24-7 24-6 24C

24-8 124-3 24B

23-6 23-5 23-11 23-8 23A 23-4 23B 23-7 123-5 123-3 123-6

124-1 123-4 123-1 123-2

Figure 7: Red Sea Urchin quota Blocks for Areas 23 and 24. 101-3 RU02 101-6 Closures in SA 1-2, 101-2, 1-3, 1-7 RU02 1-2 RU02 101-7 1-7 101-2 1-3 1-1 RU01 Graham 101-1 Island

2-98 2-99 2-100

2-97 2-96 2-95 2-92 2-93 2-94 RU12 2-89

Figure 8. 1999/2000 Commercial Red Sea Urchin Quota Areas RU01-RU02, North Queen Charlotte Islands.

Harvesters are reminded that these area descriptions and maps are to be used for reference only. The final authority for these descriptions of Subareas and portions thereof is as set out in the Pacific Fishery Management Area Regulations. 2-1

RU03 2-2

2-4 2-3 Closure in SA 2-3 to 2-7 2-56 Louise 2-57 -58 Island

2-44 2-7

2-43 2-45 2 RU03 2-4 2-8 2-47 Closures in SA 2-8 2-46 2-9 102 RU03 RU08 2 Closures in SA 2-11 -1 0 2-11 RU04


Closure in SA 2-13 and 2 2-38 2-40

Figure 9. 1999/2000 Commercial Red Sea Urchin Quota Areas RU03-RU04, East Queen Charlotte Islands.

Harvesters are reminded that these area descriptions and maps are to be used for reference only. The final authority for these descriptions of Subareas and portions thereof is as set out in the Pacific Fishery Management Area Regulations. 2 Closures in SA 2-11 -1 0 2-11 RU04 2-12

Closure in SA 2-13 and 2-16 2-38 2-40

2-39 2- 13 2-41 2-14 RU05 2-15

2-37 2-17 2-36 2-34 2 -3 2-33 5 2-32 2-18 RU06 2-31 RU07 142-1 2-19 Closure in SA 2-31

Figure 10. 1999/2000 Commercial Red Sea Urchin Quota Areas RU04-RU08, Southern Queen Charlotte Islands.

Harvesters are reminded that these area descriptions and maps are to be used for reference only. The final authority for these descriptions of Subareas and portions thereof is as set out in the Pacific Fishery Management Area Regulations. 2-74 2-76 2-77 -72 2 2-70 -69 2-71 2-1

2-68 RU03 RU09 2-65 2-2

Closure in SA 2-63, 2-52 2-64, 2-66, 2-67 2-50 2-4 -51 2 2 2-53 -54 2-3 Clo 2-55 2-56 2-49 2-60 Louise 2-57 2-59 2-58 Island 2 -4 8 2-61 2-62 2-44 2-7

2-43 2-45 2 2-4 2-47 2-46 2-9 RU03 RU08

2 -1 0

142-1 2-38 2-40 2-39

Figure 11. 1999/2000 Commercial Red Sea Urchin Quota Areas RU08-RU09, West Queen Charlotte Islands.

Harvesters are reminded that these area descriptions and maps are to be used for reference only. The final authority for these descriptions of Subareas and portions thereof is as set out in the Pacific Fishery Management Area Regulations. 101-1

2-98 2-99 2-100 Graham 2-97 2-96 1-6 2-95 2-92 Island 2-93 2-94 RU12 2-88 2-89 2-9 0 2-91

2-88 2-87 2-84 RU11 2 2-85 2-83 - 2-82 86 2-81 2-79 2-80

3 7 - 2-75 142-2 2-78 2 RU10 2-74 2-76 2-77 2-72 2-70 2-69 2-71 Closure in SA 2-77 2-68 RU09 2-65

Closure in SA 2-63, 2-52 2-64, 2-66, 2-67 2-50

Figure 12. 1999/2000 Commercial Red Sea Urchin Quota Areas RU09-RU12, West Queen Charlotte Islands.

Harvesters are reminded that these area descriptions and maps are to be used for reference only. The final authority for these descriptions of Subareas and portions thereof is as set out in the Pacific Fishery Management Area Regulations. 3-11


3-2 3-4 3-1 . Is as RU13 103 nd 3-5 Du 4-5 104-1 4-8 4-1

4-13 4- 104-2 RU14 4-9 RU16 S te RU15 ph en 4-2 s Is.

Figure 13. 1999/2000 Commercial Red Sea Urchin Quota Areas RU13-RU14, Dundas Island/Tree Knobs.

Harvesters are reminded that these area descriptions and maps are to be used for reference only. The final authority for these descriptions of Subareas and portions thereof is as set out in the Pacific Fishery Management Area Regulations. 4-8 4-1

4-13 4-10 RU14 4-9 RU16

S te RU15 ph en 4-2 s Is. 4-12 4-2 RU17 4-15 4-4 Porcher Is. RU18 4-3 5-6 5-9 RU19 5-5 5-1 5-4 5-2 5-12 5-3 RU20 5-11 Closu re s in SA 5 -3 an d 5 -1 0 RU21 5-10 5-11

Figure 14. 1999/2000 Commercial Red Sea Urchin Quota Areas RU14 to RU21, Stephens & Porcher Island.

Harvesters are reminded that these area descriptions and maps are to be used for reference only. The final authority for these descriptions of Subareas and portions thereof is as set out in the Pacific Fishery Management Area Regulations. 5-5 RU

5-4 5-12 5-3 Closures in SA 5-3 and 5-10

RU21 5-10 5-11 RU22

Figure 15. 1999/2000 Commercial Red Sea Urchin Quota Area RU21, Willis Bay.

Harvesters are reminded that these area descriptions and maps are to be used for reference only. The final authority for these descriptions of Subareas and portions thereof is as set out in the Pacific Fishery Management Area Regulations. 5-3 5-11 Closures in S A 5-3 and 5-10 RU21 5-10 5-11 RU22 RU25 5-11 5 RU26 5-20 RU23 5-13 RU27 B RU28 5-21 a 105-1 nk 5-20 RU29 s I sla nd

105-2 5-22

Figure 16. 1999/2000 Commercial Red Sea Urchin Quota Areas RU21 to RU23, RU26 to RU29, Upper Principe Channeland Banks Island.

Harvesters are reminded that these area descriptions and maps are to be used for reference only. The final authority for these descriptions of Subareas and portions thereof is as set out in the Pacific Fishery Management Area Regulations. 5-2

0 5-23

RU25 5 5-15 - 1 RU23 4 5-1 P 3 i tt 21 5-16 Is RU29 la nd Ba 5-18 nk RU24 s I sla nd 5-17 5-22 5-19

RU30 RU32 RU33 6-9

Figure 17. 1999/2000 Commercial Red Sea Urchin Quota Areas RU24-RU25, Lower Principe Channel.

Harvesters are reminded that these area descriptions and maps are to be used for reference only. The final authority for these descriptions of Subareas and portions thereof is as set out in the Pacific Fishery Management Area Regulations. -21 5-16 RU29 Ba nk RU24 s I sla nd 5- 5-22

RU30 RU32

Figure 18. 1999/2000 Commercial Red Sea Urchin Quota Areas RU30, RU32, Lower Banks Island.

Harvesters are reminded that these area descriptions and maps are to be used for reference only. The final authority for these descriptions of Subareas and portions thereof is as set out in the Pacific Fishery Management Area Regulations. RU33 6-9 Trutch Island RU34 RU34


Figure 19. 1999/2000 Commercial Red Sea Urchin Quota Areas RU33-RU34, Otter Pass/Langley Pass.

Harvesters are reminded that these area descriptions and maps are to be used for reference only. The final authority for these descriptions of Subareas and portions thereof is as set out in the Pacific Fishery Management Area Regulations. 6-9 C a Trutch m Island p RU34


6-9 RU36

Figure 20. 1999/2000 Commercial Red Sea Urchin Quota Areas RU35-RU36, West and East Estevan.

Harvesters are reminded that these area descriptions and maps are to be used for reference only. The final authority for these descriptions of Subareas and portions thereof is as set out in the Pacific Fishery Management Area Regulations. RU38 t 9 nle f I 6-10 ur U36 S 12 6- RU37 6-13 6-11 6-14 6-13 RU43 RU39 6 -1 5 RU45 Aristazabal RU40 RU44 RU31 Island 106-2 6-16 6-16 6 RU41 -1 6-16 RU42 RU46 6-17

Figure 22. 1999/2000 Commercial Red Sea Urchin Quota Areas RU31, RU37, RU39 to RU44, RU46, Aristazabal Island.

Harvesters are reminded that these area descriptions and maps are to be used for reference only. The final authority for these descriptions of Subareas and portions thereof is as set out in the Pacific Fishery Management Area Regulations. 6-28 6-7 5-19 6-6 6-5 Gill Island 6-8 6-9 C a m p a n 6-26 RU34 ia Is la n d

RU38 t 6-9 nle f I 6-10 ur RU36 S 12 6- RU37 6-13 6-11

Figure 21. 1999/2000 Commercial Red Sea Urchin Quota Area RU38, Campania Island/Surf Inlet.

Harvesters are reminded that these area descriptions and maps are to be used for reference only. The final authority for these descriptions of Subareas and portions thereof is as set out in the Pacific Fishery Management Area Regulations. et 6-24 2 -1 7-7 0

2 - 6 7-29 6-19

7-1 6 -1 7-6 0 5 RU45 -1 7 RU44 d 7-5 6-16 6-25 6-16 RU49 6- 18 6-16 U42 RU46 7-9 4 -1 6-17 7-4 7

RU48 RU50 7-31 3 -1 Closure in SA 7-31 7-3 7 7-8 7-15

7-12 RU51 7-2 7-22 7-32 7-21

Figure 23. 1999/2000 Commercial Red Sea Urchin Quota Areas RU45, RU48-RU49, Milbanke Sound.

Harvesters are reminded that these area descriptions and maps are to be used for reference only. The final authority for these descriptions of Subareas and portions thereof is as set out in the Pacific Fishery Management Area Regulations. 7-9 4 -1 7-4 7

RU48 RU50 3 -1 7-3 7 7-8 7-15

7-12 RU51 7-2 7-22 7-32 7-21

7 7-24 -2 0 9 7-1 RU47 7-23 7-17 7-18 RU52

Hunter Island


Figure 24. 1999/2000 Commercial Red Sea Urchin Quota Areas RU47, RU50-RU52, Thompson, Mathieson, Tribal.

Harvesters are reminded that these area descriptions and maps are to be used for reference only. The final authority for these descriptions of Subareas and portions thereof is as set out in the Pacific Fishery Management Area Regulations. 7 7-24 -2 0 9 1 7-1 8-6 7-23 RU47 7-17 7-18 RU52

Hunter Island

RU54 7-25 7-28 8-4 107-3 7-26 RU56 RU53 7-27 8-3 8-2 8-1 8-16 1 RU55


RU57 109

Figure 25. 1999/2000 Commercial Red Sea Urchin Quota Areas RU53-RU56, McNaughton/Hakai.

Harvesters are reminded that these area descriptions and maps are to be used for reference only. The final authority for these descriptions of Subareas and portions thereof is as set out in the Pacific Fishery Management Area Regulations. 8-2 9-9 8-16 9- 9-5 9-4 9-12 9-11 9-3

RU57 9-1 9-2 9-10


10-1 10-2 10-4 10-5 10-7 10-3 10- 10-12 RU58


Figure 26. 1999/2000 Commercial Red Sea Urchin Quota Areas RU57-RU58, Rivers and Smiths Inlets.

Harvesters are reminded that these area descriptions and maps are to be used for reference only. The final authority for these descriptions of Subareas and portions thereof is as set out in the Pacific Fishery Management Area Regulations.