Checklist of the Margery Fry Collection: Index of Letters & Ephemera, Somerville Archives
Checklist of the Margery Fry Collection: index of letters & ephemera, Somerville Archives. Principal correspondents: AC: Annabel Cole (daughter of PD) ADS: (Anna) Dorothea (‘Dorothy’) Scott (friend of SMF) AF: Agnes Fry (sister of SMF) ARF: (Anna) Ruth Fry (sister of SMF) EF: Sir Edward Fry (father of SMF) IF: Isabel Fry (sister of SMF) JMF: Joan Mary Fry (sister of SMF) Mab F: Mariabella Fry (sister of SMF) MF: Mariabella, Lady Fry (mother of SMF) PD: Pam Diamand (daughter of RF) PF: Portsmouth Fry (brother of SMF) RF: Roger Fry (brother of SMF) RS: Rose Sidgwick (close friend of SMF) SMF: (Sara) Margery Fry BOX 1 Miscellaneous correspondence (envelopes) 1. MF-SMF: 40 undated letters 2. MF-SMF: 33 undated letters 3. MF-SMF: 7 undated fragments 4. MF & AF-‘Grizzel’ (the cat), 19.x.28 MF-‘Mary’, 19.ii.30 H. Warton (the Frys’ governess[?])-SMF: 6 letters, 11.xii.91, 10.iii.92, 27.viii.93, 7.iii.94, 27.v.94, 12.vii.95 ‘Mary’-SMF, 9.iii.95 & undated 5. Marie Mauron & family-SMF: 13 letters & 1 fragment, 6.iv.48, 20.xii.51, 22.xii.52, 30.xii.52, 19.xii.53, 28.xii.53, 3.i.55, 6 undated BOX 2 MF-SMF 1891-99 (envelopes) 1. 1891: 18 letters, 7.v.91,,, 11.vii.91, 3.x.91, 10.x.91, 15.x.91, 17.x.91, 31.x.91, 7.xi.91, 13.xi.91, 17.xi.91, 27.xi.91, 2.xii.91, 4 undated 2.
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