Big Losses Reported in British Assaults
J 2 i - M/vNCHESTER HERALD. Fri., May 21, 1982 •••eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee •••••••••••••••••*•***** •••••••••••••••••••••••* Auto* For Solo 61 Auto* For Solo 61 Autot For Sale 61 •••••••4cc«ac«*eeeeeeeee 4iffofl For 8a/« 6f Auto* For Solo 61 •••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••« •••••••••••••••••••••••• 1969 MGC - 6 cyl., five 1970 CHEVELLE Malibu - 1979 FORD Mustang, 4 1972 PINTO 1600, four OD, V6, excellent conm- speed overdrive, wire MHS champ s p ^ , standard. |500 or Excellent running condi wheels, new paint, top. From old car Builder copes best offer. Telephone 649- tion. Asking $1000. tion, 36,000 miles. $3,800. Completely rebuilt engine. 646-4574, 747-5201. 7313. __________ _ Telephone 649-2285 after $3,650. Telephone 875-4805., 4:30 p.m. in CCIL track 1971 CHEVROLET Con- htotorcycleo-BIcycIo* 64 to old bike in tough times cours wagon. Posi- 1967 OLDS CUTLASS 330, . p a g e 15 traction, trailering axle, V8, rebuilt transmission, MOTORCYCLE . p a g e 9 . page 3 roof rack, 350 V8, power tires, other good parts. INSURANCE - Lowest steering, automatic, radio, $450. or best offer. Rates Available! Many op rear defogger, more. Evenings 643-1911. tions. Call: Clarice or Original owner. 643-2880. Joan, Clarke Insurance 1973 OPEL MANTA - 4 A Agency 643-1126. PINTO 1976- 4 cylinder. cyl., four speed transmis Automatic. AM cassette. sion, sun roof, 73,000 miles. MOTORCYCLE Don’t store things you Good condition - depen [e7S«231 Excellent condition! $1895. INSURANCE - For all your can’t use. Sell them fast Call 643-2572. dable transportation. $1295 motorcycle needs, call us. with a hard-working “ Manchester, Conn. - after 5 p.m.
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