Memoirs of the Rev. Thomas Halyburton
MEMOIRS REV. THOMAS HALY B U R TON, PROFESSOR OF DIVINITY IN THE UNIVERSITY OF ST. ANDREWs. º 3. * ". - - - witH-", *- º : A N INTR on U croRY’E'ss A Y By RoberT BURNS, D. D., PAISLEy, Scotland: - * * - - - - AND - ; ; - ~s, 'o y w tº . ) -> * * * -- - ** - , J W - A PR E FA C E , , By ARCHIBALD ALEXANIER, D. D. - Yºº PRINCETON, N. J. PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY BAKER & CONNOLLY. J. Leavitt, New York; and J. Whetham, Philadelphia. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - * - - - - - ENTERED ACCORDING TO A CT OF CONGRESS, IN THE YEAR 1833, BY BAxeR & *- ~ * º CoNNolly, IN The cleRK's office of THE DISTRICT of - New JERSEY. - ~ * ~ *-- - ~ - - * - - * -- * - - --~ * * ~ * ~ * * - • * - - ~ • * ~ *- - v - - - ~ - - ~ v * - - - - * ~ * ~ * * - v c - * - ~ * - - - - w • * ~ * - * * *- * - ~ - - * - ~~~ - - - - - - * . - • * - RECOMMENDATION. / - a The Reverend THoMAS HALYBURtoN, Professor of Divinity in the University of St. Andrews, North-Britain, was, undoubtedly, one of the great est and best men of his day. For his talents, his learning, and his piety, he was equally eminent. His “Memoirs” have been considered, by com petent judges, for more than a century, as one of the best specimens of religious biography extant. As an exhibition of Christian experience, simple, unaffected, scriptural, and richly instructive, we know not that we could mention a work, of the same extent, more adapted to be useful, and more worthy of patronage. The present edition has been carefully revised, and divested of a few obsolete words and phrases, while the utmost care has been taken not only to preserve every idea of the author, but to exhibit it faithfully in his own manner. The work is worthy of a place in every family; and we hope the enterprising publishers will have no reason to regret their undertaking.
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