HUGH MORRISSEY HM PROFESSOR SRSU | 1011 WEST AVE F. ALPINE, TX. 79830 CAREER OBJECTIVE EXPERIENCE I will teach KES 4303 Fitness ALPINE HIGH SCHOOL 2004-2008 & 2012-PRESENT Testing and Prescription at “Sul Teaching Duties: Physical Education, Biology, IPC, Health, Speech, Ross State University,” where I Special Education can utilize my skills and Coaching Duties: Head Coach - Boys Basketball, Assistant Coach - experience in Kinesiology and Basketball, Football, Baseball, Volleyball, and Track. Sports Management. SRSU VOLUNTEER ASSISTANT BOYS BASKETBALL COACH 2012-2014 Duties: Scouting, recruiting, practices. AWARDS & FORT DAVIS HIGH SCHOOL 2011-2012 Teaching Duties: Anatomy & Physiology, Science TAKS Lab ACCOMPLISHMENTS Coaching Duties: Head Baseball, Assistant Football, Assistant Basketball 2015 – 2016 AHS Teacher of CANUTILLO HIGH SCHOOL 2010-2011 Teaching Duties: Physical Education the Year Coaching Duties: Assistant Boys Basketball 2002 W.H. Perryman Scholarship (top P.E. student JASPER HIGH SCHOOL 2008-2010 SRSU) Teaching Duties: MAPS Graduated cum laude Coaching Duties: Assistant - Boys Basketball, Football, Baseball 1999 Parkland HS Graduate, number 10 of 225 students EDUCATION PROFESSIONAL UNITED STATES SPORTS ACADEMY 2013 - PRESENT Doctor of Education In Sports Management, ABDs, GPA: 3.867 SUL ROSS STATE UNIVERSITY 2005-2006 CPR & First Aid certified B.S. in Physical Education Minor in Biology GPA: 3.6 Texas High School SUL ROSS STATE UNIVERSITY 2000-2005 certified Health/PE Master’s in Education with a Major in Physical Education GPA: 3.8 CDL NEW MEXICO STATE UNIV/CLARENDON COMMUNITY COLLEGE 1999-2000 Doctorate Degree (ABD) Basics EMAIL:
[email protected] CELL PHONE: (432) 386- 7646 HUGH MORRISSEY HM PROFESSOR SRSU | 1011 WEST AVE F.