P. / M. Cossi Frezzato A cat, a normal cat, actually pretty banged up and mangy, got bewitched one day. Ho- Paolo Cossi wever he does not complain about this spell, perhaps he’s in love, he is certainly captivated by some lovely kitten. Torn by this, he decides to ask his owner, his little witch, to be- come a wizard to be able to learn the craft, or at least the secret of a true love potion ... Massimiliano The several publications of Paolo Cossi include: Medz Yetghern, Il grande Male (The Great Evil) Frezzato The (Hazard, 2007); Anarchia per erbe bollite (Anarchy for boiled herbs) (Lavieri, 2008); Un gentiluomo di fortuna (A gentleman of fortune, a Hugo Pratt’s comic book biography) (Hazard, 2009). In 2009 he was awarded by the Parliament of the French community in the Condorcet-Aron Prize Bewitched for democracy for Le Grand Mal (Dargaud, 2009).

Massimiliano Frezzato (born in Turin, 12th March 1967) is one of the most appreciated Italian cartoonists. In 1996 he published the first volume of the saga I custodi del Maser (The Keepers

of the Maser), to which he has been totally committed until April 2005. The saga is published in The Bewitched Cat several countries, including , Italy, Spain, , , Belgium, Cat and the United States of America.

ISBN 978-88-96971-__-_

€ __,_0 i.i. ISBN 978-88-96971-__-_ 9 788896 971___ L L avieri

Paolo Cossi Massimiliano Frezzato

Lavieri edizioni ISBN 978-88-96971-26-0 © 2013 Ipermedium Comunicazione e Servizi s.a.s. The Bewitched Cat

Lavieri edizioni via IV Novembre, 19 - 81020 S. Angelo in Formis (CE) via Canala, 55 - 85050 Villa d’Agri (PZ) [email protected] Visitateci su www.lavieri.it

Finito di stampare nel mese di ______presso Grafica Nappa s.r.l., Aversa (CE). L avieri In an endless forest there was a glade pretty enchanted just right in the middle springs up a very fine cottage.

It was lying on a big grassy field and the roof was all coloured, also the balcony was painted yellow and red finely died.

In that place almost crazy lived a witch with her kitty.

4 5 She was a witch so young and pretty Her kitten was all blacky, and she used magic as a medicine. and it was not a real beauty, Her name was Juliet, the sorceress so funny, skinny and scruffy and she’d help anybody restlessly. as a chick just woken up. His name is Ringaround and his heart is as big as the world.

6 7 Every week, punctually on Monday, a guy used to pass by. It was Yuri, the good lumberjack whose smallpox was healed by Juliet. And with gratitude and devotion he brought her a delicios cake with emotion, a little to say “thank you” for saving him, a little because he fell in love with her.

8 9 bon appetit, said Yuri, offering the cake. So it happened that on a sunny nice Monday please come in, said Juliet pointing at the door ... Yuri was not alone, but in good company. But the lumberjack and his little friend With him, in fact, that morning, postponed the invitation to new date there was a beautiful Kitty. and as soon as they were out of sight... Ringaround did not feel all right. White as the purest snow, she was a sweet creature abandoned by a heartless man and Yuri found her under a flower.

10 11 My heart is beating fast ... But of course! I found the solution, if this continues it will make sparks! I’ll prepare a magic potion! I feel weird and torn ... Witch Juliet has to teach me ... Am I falling in love? I want to prepare an elixir of love!

Poor me, what happened to me, So the kitten, without hesitation, she is so beautiful, and I’m scruffy. went to Juliet to asking for lessons. She’ll never look at me, oh please! Juliet, Juliet, please, This is the sad truth! teach me the witch craft

12 13 14 15 Ringaround was happy with those teachings that took him amongst stories of wizards and seers.

In the morning they picked artemisia and vervain... after dinner mullein and plantain. Also mushrooms were searched on spot, especially the red ones with white dots.

The apprentice prepared then a cauldron to boil every concoction and potion A big cloud often rose from the pot followed immediately by a big explosion.

Ahh, careless cat! I guess some herb you did forget … said Juliet feeling a little astounded with her face all black and burned.

16 17 Ringaround learned many tricks like riding a flying broomstick.

The witch finally gave the lovely kitten a white sickle and a black little knife. The first one to pick medicinal herbs, the second one to draw astral signs and circles.

Ringaround began to respect anniversaries: Yule, Beltame and other magic festivities.

18 19 One day, while Juliet was on the veranda the Kitty decided to ask the big question:

I have to ask you something important, Juliet: Look in your heart. Can’t you understand Can you teach me the love potion recipe? that love is already a magic in itself? I fell in love with Yuri’s cat Don’t be afraid of your feelings and without a potion I feel lost. it is useless to keep them inside ...

The witch looked at him and laughed: My Kitten, she said, the potion has never existed!

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