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[email protected] Woohoo, motorsport time again, even if the look to our FAE Winter Series is a little different to normal as we observe the protocols that Level 2 imposes on us. It’s racing, but not as we know it Jim!! As a club it’s great to be able to kick start our core business and to engage again with our competitors and wonderful V-Force. Please bear with us though as we work through the new system, as the changes we have had to make to allow racing to go ahead do require a different mindset from you the competitor, from online entry only, to contactless scrutineering and documentation and of course social distancing within Manfeild: Circuit Chris Amon, plus no driver helpers and no public. BUT, we get to go racing!! The fallout within worldwide motorsport from the Covid-19 pandemic will take quite some time to overcome, with most series now looking to the 2021 season, and a big question mark remaining over the viability of many teams and indeed the long term sustainability of some events. We are, I guess, lucky that the impact in NZ seems to have been relatively restricted and much of the local scene will be able to pick up where they left off in March. It will probably be next year before things are back to a BC normal here, but from what I’ve heard most competitors are keen to support the events that are being offered. Let’s hope so and let’s hope Level 1 is not too far away.