
Pathophysiology/Complications ORIGINAL ARTICLE

The Relationship Among , Sensory Loss, and Small Nerve Fibers in Diabetes

1,2 LEA SORENSEN, RN, BHSC ing our own, have shown this not to be 1 LYNDA MOLYNEAUX, RN the case (9–11). However, in view of the 1,2 DENNIS K. YUE, MD, PHD, FRACP pivotal role played by small nerve fibers in the transmission of pain sensation, fur- ther studies are obviously of importance. OBJECTIVE — Many individuals with diabetes experience neuropathic pain, often without Direct examination of intraepidermal objective signs of large-fiber neuropathy. We examined intraepidermal nerve fibers (IENFs) to nerve fibers (IENF) using skin biopsy evaluate the role of small nerve fibers in the genesis of neuropathic pain. technique is a proven procedure to iden- tify small-fiber abnormalities. Several RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS — Twenty-five diabetic subjects with neuro- studies using this technique have shown pathic pain and 13 without were studied. The pain was present for at least 6 months for which the density of IENF to be reduced in id- no other cause could be found. Punch skin biopsies were obtained from the distal leg. IENFs were stained using antibody to protein gene product 9.5 and counted with confocal microscopy. iopathic and nondiabetic neuropathies Neuropathy was graded by vibration and cold detection thresholds and the Michigan (12–14). This technique has also shown Neuropathy Screening Instrument. that people with diabetes have reduced IENF and altered nerve morphology RESULTS — In the total cohort, IENF density was significantly lower in those with pain (14,15). However, to our knowledge, no compared with those without (3 [1–6] vs. 10 [3–19], respectively, P ϭ 0.02). There were studies have been specifically conducted significant inverse correlations between IENF and severity of neuropathy, with the pain group to examine IENF in the context of its role having a flatter gradient than their pain-free counterparts (P Ͻ 0.02). The difference in IENF in the genesis of pain in diabetes. There- Յ density was greatest in subjects with less objective evidence of neuropathy (P 0.01). fore, the current study was conducted to compare subjects with or without pain to CONCLUSIONS — More severe loss of IENF is associated with the presence of neuropathic pain only in those with little or no objective sign of neuropathy. Thus, loss of IENF cannot determine the relationship among pain, explain pain in all cases, suggesting that different mechanisms underpin the genesis of pain at sensory loss, and IENF density. various stages of neuropathy. RESEARCH DESIGN AND Diabetes Care 29:883–887, 2006 METHODS — Subjects were recruited from patients attending our Diabetes Cen- eripheral neuropathy is a common usually limited to nerve conduction stud- tre. As the focus is on chronic neuropathic complication of both type 1 and ies that measure large–nerve fiber func- pain (rather than transient neurogenic P type 2 diabetes (1). Most com- tion. The results of these tests are often pain, which may occur during acute fluc- monly, it manifests as sensory loss, which normal and unable to provide an expla- tuation in glycemic control), for the pur- predisposes subjects to foot abnormalities nation for the presence of pain (7,8). This pose of this study patients were only and high risk of ulceration. However, it conundrum reflects a common clinical recruited if they have had pain for Ͼ6 has been reported that between 4 and observation that pain is often present in months. All patients had symmetrical foot 33% of subjects with diabetes suffer from the absence of objective signs of neurop- pain. Patients were deemed to have neu- the painful type of neuropathy, which can athy. Even in the presence of abnormal ropathic pain by obtaining a detailed his- become chronic and produce unremitting nerve conduction studies, some individ- tory of the nature of the pain and pain for which there is little satisfactory uals may experience pain while others performing a physical examination to ex- treatment (2–4). with the same degree of electrophysiolog- clude nociceptive pain such as arthritis or It is known that pain transmission in ical abnormalities are completely asymp- peripheral vascular disease. Blood was peripheral nerves occurs along the small tomatic. It is commonly assumed that collected to eliminate other possible A␦ and C-type fibers (5,6). However, con- more specific testing of small-fiber func- causes of pain such as vitamin B12 defi- ventional clinical investigation of individ- tion may better discriminate those with or ciency, hypothyroidism, and where clini- uals with painful diabetic neuropathy is without pain, but several studies, includ- cally relevant, monoclonal gammopathy. ●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●● Chest X-ray was performed if indicated to From 1The Diabetes Centre, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, Camperdown, New South Wales, Australia; and exclude paraneoplastic phenomena, and the 2Discipline of Medicine, The University of Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. physical examination and history ex- Address correspondence and reprint requests to Lea Sorensen, Diabetes Centre, Royal Prince Alfred cluded spinal or hereditary causes. Where Hospital, Level 6 West Wing, Missenden Road, Camperdown NSW 2050, Australia. E-mail: [email protected]. no other abnormality was found, the nsw.gov.au. Received for publication 8 November 2005 and accepted in revised form 22 December 2005. cause of pain was deemed to be diabetes. Abbreviations: CDT, cold detection threshold; IENF, intraepidermal nerve fiber; MNSI, Michigan Neu- A total of 38 patients with diabetes were ropathy Screening Instrument; VPT, vibration perception threshold. studied, composed of 13 without and 25 A table elsewhere in this issue shows conventional and Syste`me International (SI) units and conversion with painful neuropathy. factors for many substances. Apart from noting its presence, the © 2006 by the American Diabetes Association. The costs of publication of this article were defrayed in part by the payment of page charges. This article must therefore be hereby severity of pain was recorded using a marked “advertisement” in accordance with 18 U.S.C. Section 1734 solely to indicate this fact. 10-cm visual analog scale. Subjects were

DIABETES CARE, VOLUME 29, NUMBER 4, APRIL 2006 883 Small nerve fibers and painful diabetic neuropathy

Table 1—Demographic and clinical profiles of subjects with or without pain Five indicators were measured for each foot (appearance of foot, presence of ul- No pain Pain Test statistic and P value ceration, ankle reflexes, vibration percep- tion, and ability to feel the 10-gm n 13 25 monofilament). Each indicator may be Age (years) 57 (54–65) 59 (53–62) Z ϭ 0.08; P ϭ 0.9 assigned a score of 0, which indicates nor- Duration of diabetes (years) 7 (2–13 ) 7 (5–12) ZϭϪ0.5; P ϭ 0.6 mal, 0.5, or 1, respectively, for intermedi- Male (n) 13 15 Fisher’s exact P ϭ 0.008 ate grade or gross abnormalities. Each foot Type 2 diabetes (n)1121␹2 ϭ 0.002; P ϭ 0.96 was assessed independently, giving a possi- Height (m) 1.8 (1.7–1.8) 1.8 (1.7–1.8) Z ϭ 1.5; P ϭ 0.1 ble total maximum score of 10. ϭ ϭ HbA1c (%) 7.2 (6.6–8.9) 7.1 (6.4–8.9) Z 0.5; P 0.7 Skin biopsies were obtained and ana- VPT (volts) 33 (21–50) 35 (22–50) Z ϭϪ0.2; P ϭ 0.9 lyzed according to the protocol developed Absent ankle reflexes (%) 28.4 48 ␹2 ϭ 0.5; P ϭ 0.5 by McArthur et al. (17). Skin specimens MNSI 1.0 (0.5–5.5) 3.0 (1.0–6.0) Z ϭϪ0.8; P ϭ 0.4 were obtained using a 3-mm punch bi- CDT (°C) Ϫ2.67 Ϫ3.42 Z ϭϪ0.5; P ϭ 0.6 opsy from the leg 10 cm above the lateral Pain score 0 8.0 (6.5–8.0) Z ϭϪ5.2; P Ͻ 0.001 malleolus. The skin sections were placed IENF (density/3 mm) 10 (3–19) 3 (1–6) Z ϭ 2.4; P ϭ 0.02 in 2% paraformaldehyde/lysine/ Data are median (interquartile range), unless otherwise indicated. periodate. Fifty-micron freezing mic- rotome sections were immunostained asked to grade pain at the level they feel and second toes. The voltage is slowly in- with the panaxonal marker PGP 9.5. they experience most of the time. Control creased from 0, and patients are asked to IENFs of the whole biopsy were counted ϫ subjects were patients who were pain free, indicate when they can first feel the vibra- using confocal microscopy at 40 mag- with similar age, duration of diabetes, and tion. Three measurements are taken on nification in a standardized manner. Indi- glycemic control. As we have shown pre- each foot and the average of these re- vidual fibers were counted when they viously, overall, subjects with pain have corded as the VPT. CDT was measured crossed the dermal-epidermal junction, more sensory loss associated with neu- using the Computer-Aided Sensory Eval- and secondary fibers that branched from ropathy and the cohort was further char- uator machine (CASE IV; Medical Elec- within the epidermis were excluded. The acterized by measurement of large-fiber tronics, Stillwater, MN). A series of cold length of the epidermis was measured us- function with vibration perception stimuli of different temperatures is deliv- ing a computerized tracing system, and threshold (VPT), small-fiber function ered with a sensor placed on the dorsum the results were expressed as IENF num- with cold detection threshold (CDT), and of the foot, and the patient indicates ber per 3 mm of the section. Due to the neuropathy status with Michigan Neu- whether the stimulus is felt. Using a 4,2,1, depletion of IENF in diabetic subjects, for ropathy Screening Instrument (MNSI) stepping forced-choice algorithm, the convenience, the results were expressed (16). VPT was measured using a biothesi- smallest temperature differential from the as IENF number per 3 mm (rather than ometer (Bio-medical Instrument, New- baseline foot temperature that can be re- per millimeter). Four sections from each bury, OH) by placing the probe on the liably detected is determined. For the subject were counted and the mean IENF dorsum of the foot at the web of the first MNSI, part B of the instrument was used. density calculated. Each section was counted by two observers blinded to the source of the specimens, and the mean interobserver variation was 6.1%. Statistical analysis was performed us- ing the NCSS 2004 statistical software package (Dr. J. Hintze, Kaysville, UT). Subjects were grouped according to pain and neuropathy status. Data were as- sessed for normality and if necessary normalized using logarithmic transfor- mation. Continuous data were expressed as mean Ϯ SD or median (interquartile range). Continuous data were compared using the Mann-Whitney test. The rela- tionships between fiber count and neu- ropathy measurements grouped by pain status were calculated using correlation coefficient. Multiple regression was then used to assess for interaction among pain status, the grade of neuropathy as measured by the MNSI, and CDT for fiber count. VPT was stratified into categories (VPT Ͻ15, Figure 1—Relationship between IENF density and VPT grouped by pain status. F, pain; r ϭ 15–30, and Ͼ 30) because it was not possi- Ϫ0.5, P ϭ 0.009. E, no pain; r ϭϪ0.8, P ϭ 0.01. F ϭ 9.4, P ϭ 0.0004 for ineteraction between ble to provide numerical data on VPT Ͼ50 groups. volts. ANOVA was used to test for interac-

884 DIABETES CARE, VOLUME 29, NUMBER 4, APRIL 2006 Sorensen, Molyneaux, and Yue

ative relationship with fiber count exists for the group with pain (r ϭϪ0.5, P ϭ 0.02) or no pain (r ϭϪ0.8, P ϭ 0.0003), as shown in Fig. 2. Using CDT as a mea- surement of neuropathy, a significant re- lationship with fiber count only exists in the no pain group (r ϭ 0.8, P ϭ 0.006) (Fig. 3). For all three modalities used to grade severity of neuropathy, there was statistically significant interaction be- tween the groups with or without pain, indicating that the gradients of the slopes were significantly different (P Ͻ 0.01). There was no relationship between fiber count and heat as pain thresholds (no pain r ϭϪ0.7, P ϭ 0.1 or pain r ϭϪ0.1, P ϭ 0.8) nor between the degree of pain and fiber count (r ϭϪ0.02, P ϭ 0.9)

Figure 2—Relationship between IENF density and MNSI grouped by pain status. F, pain; r ϭ Ϫ0.5, P ϭ 0.02. E, no pain; r ϭϪ0.8, P ϭ 0.0003. t ϭϪ2.6, P ϭ 0.01 for interaction between groups. CONCLUSIONS — Previous studies have shown that people with diabetes have fewer IENF than those without dia- tion. Categorical data were analyzed by ␹2 subjects with pain was 8, and those with- betes. Kennedy et al. (15) studied a group test or Fisher’s exact test. Statistical signifi- out pain had a score of 0. of young patients with type 1 diabetes cance was accepted at P value of Ͻ0.05. As shown in Table 1, in the whole who were awaiting pancreas transplant. group analysis, there was a significantly He showed that in this group, the number of IENFs were decreased compared with lower IENF density in the subjects with RESULTS — The demographic and age-matched nondiabetic healthy control pain compared with those without, 3 clinical profiles of the subjects are shown subjects and that diabetic subjects had in Table 1. There were a similar number of (1–6) vs. 10 (3–19) fibers per 3-mm sec- ϭ ϭ shorter nerves, which often ended bluntly males in each group; however, the pain- tion, respectively (Z 2.4; P 0.02). at the dermal surface of the basement free group was comprised solely of males. Using VPT as a measurement of neuropa- membrane. All of the diabetic subjects The majority of subjects have type 2 dia- thy, there was a significant negative rela- had neuropathy, and he found a negative betes. There was no difference in the de- tionship with fiber count in both the pain correlation between fiber density associ- ϭϪ ϭ gree of neuropathy measured by VPT, and no pain groups: r 0.5, P 0.009 ated with mild to moderate neuropathy CDT, or MNSI between the two groups. and r ϭϪ0.8, P ϭ 0.01, respectively (Fig. and an absence of IENF in most patients The median pain score reported by those 1). Similarly for MNSI, a significant neg- with severe neuropathy. A recent study by Polydefkis et al. (18) also reported a sim- ilar reduction in IENF density between diabetic and normal control subjects, again a significantly lower density in those with diabetic neuropathy was demon- strated. Shun et al. (19) also showed in a group of 38 subjects with type 2 diabetes a reduced IENF density that negatively correlated with duration of diabetes but a variable relationship with severity of neu- ropathy as measured by quantitative sen- sory testing. Malik et al. (20) has shown an association between endoneurial an- giography and reduced myelinated and unmyelinated fibers in the sural nerve of diabetic subjects. The above-mentioned studies did not focus specifically on pain- ful diabetic neuropathy and did not com- pare with their nonpain counterparts (with or without neuropathy). One study by Lauria et al. did focus on painful neu- ropathy and found lower IENF than nor- Figure 3— Relationship between IENF density and CDT grouped by pain status. F, pain; NS. E, mal control subjects. However, there no pain; r ϭϪ0.8, P ϭ 0.0006. t ϭϪ2.6, P ϭ 0.006 for interaction between groups. were only six subjects with diabetes (21).

DIABETES CARE, VOLUME 29, NUMBER 4, APRIL 2006 885 Small nerve fibers and painful diabetic neuropathy

Our findings are in substantial agree- to how C-fiber damage leads to pain. References ment with results published previously. These include, among others, increased 1. Boulton AJM, Vinik AI, Arezzo JC, Bril V, However, we have identified a specific ectopic and spontaneous firing of primary Feldman EL, Freeman R, Malik RA, Maser trend of IENF in painful diabetic neurop- afferents, transmission of painful signals RE, Sosenko JM, Ziegler D: Diabetic neu- athy that was previously unreported. As a along large myelinated nerves that do not ropathies: a statement by the American group, our diabetic subjects also have normally transmit pain (22), neurochem- Diabetes Association. Diabetes Care 28: greatly reduced IENF compared with the ical and structural change in the dorsal 956–962, 2005 normative mean values of 36 fibers/3 mm root ganglion (23,24) and dorsal horn of 2. Ziegler D, Gries FA, Spuler M, Lessman F, reported by McArthur et al. (17) and sig- the (25), and altered brain the Diabetic Cardiovascular Autonomic Neuropathy Multicenter Study Group: nificantly different from those obtained processing and inhibition of painful sen- The epidemiology of diabetic neuropathy. by neurological colleagues at our hospital sation (26). At the current state of our measured with the identical method (42 J Diabetes Complications 6:49–57, 1992 knowledge, it is not clear whether these 3. Sorensen L, Molyneaux L, Yue DK: Insen- fibers/3 mm) (P. Spring, personal com- adaptive mechanisms are temporally or sate vs. painful diabetic neuropathy: the munication). Similar to previous descrip- proportionally different in the three clin- effects of height, gender, ethnicity and tions, the fibers in our cohort often ical categories of patients in our cohort, glycaemic control. 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