Lectures on Riemannian Geometry Shiping Liu e-mail:
[email protected] Department of Mathematics, USTC typed by Yirong Hu, Shiyu Zhang, Qizhi Zhao. Contents Introduction3 1 Riemannian Metric5 1.1 Definition................................5 1.2 Examples................................6 1.3 When are two Riemannian manifolds “equivalent”?..........8 1.4 Existencce of Riemannian Metrics...................8 1.5 The Metric Structure..........................9 1.6 Riemannian Measure, Volume..................... 14 1.7 Divergence Theorem.......................... 18 2 Geodesics 23 2.1 Geodesic equations and Christoffel symbols.............. 23 2.2 Minimizing Properties of Geodesics.................. 28 2.3 Global Properties:Hopf-Rinow Theorem................ 37 2.4 Existence of geodesics in given homotopy class............ 43 3 Connections, Parallelism, and covariant Derivatives. 49 3.1 Affine Connections............................ 49 3.2 Parallelism............................... 53 3.3 Covariant derivatives of a tensor field................. 57 3.4 Levi-Civita Riemannian Connections.................. 59 3.5 The First variation of Arc Length and Energy............. 66 3.6 Covariant differentiation, Hessian, and Laplacian........... 69 3.7 Appendix: The technical lemma..................... 71 4 Curvatures 73 4.1 The Second Variation.......................... 73 4.2 Properties of Curvature tensor : Geometric meaning and Symmetries. 77 4.2.1 Ricci Identity.......................... 77 4.2.2 Geometric meaning :A test case [Spivak 2.Chap6.Thm 10].. 78 4.2.3 Bianchi Identities........................ 80 4.2.4 Riemannian curvature tensor.................. 82 4.3 Sectional Curvature........................... 84 3 CONTENTS 1 4.4 Ricii Curvature and Scalar curvature................. 89 4.5 The Second Variation : Revisited [JJ,4.1] [WSY,chap 6]........ 95 5 Space forms and Jacobi fields 113 5.1 Isometries and totally geodesic submanifold.............