Nure, Geraldirie, Tuflygpry, Gallowshill, Athy Lands, Saint Michael's Glebe
nure, Geraldirie, Tuflygpry, Gallowshill, Athy Explain, repeal, enlarge, and reader inore effectuaT Lands, Saint Michael's Glebe, or Chaunterlan.d, some of the powers and provisions pf the several Newtovrn, JBleachyard Ardrew, Birch)!!,. Fort. Bar- Acts relating to the Grand Junction Railway; and rington and Bennettsb ridge, in the parishes or unions also to make and maintain a railway, with proper .of Celbridge, Kill, Donacomper, Castle Dillon, works and conveniences connected therewith, comr •Lyons, Whitechurch, Bodenstown, Naas, Caragh, mencing by a junction with the Grand Junction Ladystown, Great Connell, Morristownbiller, Bally- Railway, in the parish pf Castle Church, near the .sax, Carne, Ballyshannon, Kilrush, Fontstown-, Nar- town of .Stafford, in the county of Stafford, and raghmore, Timolin Kilberry, Saint Michael's and terminating by a junctipn with the London and Bir- Saint John's Athy, in the county cf Kildare, and as mingham Railway, in the parish of Rugby, near the to part of the Curragh of Kildare, extra parochial; town of Rugby, in the county of Warwipk.: and the townlands or sub-denominations of Upper Ar- which said new railway is intended to pass from, dellis, and Lower Ardellis, in the parish or union of through, or into the several parishes, parochial Fontstown in the King's County ; the townlands, or chapelries, townships, hamlets, or places of Stafford, .sub-denominations of Heathfield, Garroona, Shan- Saint Mary's Stafford, 'Saint Chads Stafford, Til- ganabeg, Millrace, Shanganamore, Ballinrea Mount- lington,
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