Bell Labs Consulting

Work from Home (WFH) – the future of collaboration

White paper

Remote video collaboration is the new normal for enterprises, schools, even doctor visits and social gatherings. The social/financial/emotional ramifications of this are not yet well understood, with some companies declaring “WFH forever,” while others are experiencing employee emotional disconnection and declining productivity. Research studies are exposing the limits of traditional collaboration tools, describing the fatigue and emotional disconnection felt by participants. Critical parlance emerged for all- day conferencing sessions, terms such as “Zoombies” and Zoom fatigue or exhaustion. Given the expected protracted (or permanent) nature of remote interactions, significant innovation that can improve the efficiency and effectiveness of remote collaboration is emerging. This paper investigates the role of the network in improving collaboration, as well as the impact of emerging “immersive collaboration” tools on network design and optimization. Finally, we discuss the opportunities for operators to support these key applications and the network optimizations that are needed to enable a better user experience. Bell Labs Consulting


Introduction 3 Network aspects of collaboration 4 OTT CPaaS providers 7 Emergence of immersive collaboration 9 Future of immersive collaboration 12 What’s the opportunity for CSPs? 14 Conclusion 16 Learn more 16 Abbreviations 16 References 17

2 White paper Work from Home (WFH) – the future of collaboration Bell Labs Consulting

Introduction Internet-based conferencing and collaboration tools have become household names—Zoom, MS Teams and Webex followed by a host of less well-known platforms like 8x8, Highfive, eZuce and others. Zoom has claimed much of the recognition during the 2020 COVID-19 mandated lockdowns with 300 million daily active participants . A host of acquisitions related to conferencing applications have occurred during this year of COVID-19; Verizon acquired BlueJeans in April; Dialpad acquired Highfive; CoreDial acquired eZuce; and and have reportedly tried to purchase Zoom. Besides Verizon, other operators provide conferencing and traditional collaboration solutions; Jio launched the JioMeet application and had 50 million downloads since its July 2020 release. The market for conferencing and collaboration tools is reportedly at $16B1, with about three billion of this video-hardware related. While the video conferencing and collaboration (VCC) market is flourishing, the current tools are limited by the device form factors—flat screens, limited viewing angles, content resolution—but importantly also by the network. Sociological studies have shown that current collaboration tools can inhibit participation for some, exhaust others and even contribute to confusion. The Wall Street Journal reports that productivity has taken a hit with remote collaboration, and training new workers is a struggle—some HR executives claiming it will not be sustainable2. In the remote first world we live in, the ability to remain effective and productive while using VCC tools has become more critical. Renewed interest and investments into alternative communication platforms based on augmented, mixed and virtual reality (VR) have surged. VR collaboration companies such as Spatial networks create 3D collaboration spaces with avatars, streamed video, virtual white boards, etc. to enable more natural (effective) meeting and collaboration sessions; during COVID-19 lockdown they opened their platform to non-paying participants. Bell Labs Consulting expects that innovation funding for new forms of collaboration will grow rapidly, leveraging 5G and edge cloud capabilities. This paper looks at the role of the network in relieving video conferencing fatigue and ways in which communications service providers (CSPs) can participate in this critical market. It is clear that VCC could be a pivotal battleground for CSPs as value creation becomes a key profitability challenge in the 5G era. Surrendering video telephony to over-the-top (OTT) communication platform as a service (CPaaS) providers will continue to relegate the CSP as a utility provider. The opportunity exists for CSPs to act as retailers in provision of conferencing services, offering end- to-end solutions as Verizon has done through the BlueJeans acquisition, or as wholesalers addressing network-related quality of service for CPaaS providers. CSPs are better suited to solve several technological limitations to current OTT CPaaS solutions. Multi-party collaboration is multicast by nature (one to many), and the replication of HD video in real time at line rate is a challenge that operators can solve with distributed IP edge gear or distributed edge cloud/multi-access edge computing (MEC). Today CPaaS providers are building out their private networks to improve user experience through engineered and optimized routes. This is both an opportunity and threat for the CSPs as CPaaS providers cannot achieve a reliable communications service without a distributed footprint. While today’s collaboration problems are challenging, moving toward immersive collaboration will be much more demanding of the network. The ability to have a distributed footprint will be key for immersive experiences—today’s OTT solutions may have a handful of hosting locations in a country as large as the US. The commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) servers used for replication of video collaboration traffic will not

1 GSMA intelligence, The Zoom boom: surge in video conferencing sharpens operators minds 2

3 White paper Work from Home (WFH) – the future of collaboration Bell Labs Consulting

scale efficiently and an SDN-type solution will be needed to leave the bearer processing toward purpose- built hardware and service control at the server layer. Inevitably the CSP must architect a VCC solution that provides OTT flexibility while leveraging the CSP assets and expertise in network optimization and quality. Network aspects of collaboration While the market for VCC platforms continues to grow, there are several challenges with today’s video- based platforms that lead to poor user experience. Research shows that we work hard to process non- verbal cues like facial expressions, tone and pitch of the voice and body language 3. The additional effort accumulated over multiple video conferences throughout a workday can take its toll on our concentration and lead to a mental fatigue (Zoom fatigue). The difficulty in recognizing these cues can be attributed to the unnatural format of multiparty calls with tiled video thumbnails displayed on our 15-inch laptops, but also audio lag (or delay) creates an unnatural rhythm to the conversation. Lag contributes to challenges in gaining the “floor” in large parties or conversation collisions dissuading discussion and further exacerbating Zoom fatigue. The network requirement for effective collaboration is determined by client devices, their location and application objectives. Ultimately, end-user quality of experience (QoE) will be the key measure driving network requirements. As mentioned, Zoom fatigue is attributable to several factors, including lack of adequate network resources. Audio and video synchronization is often an artifact of network quality, and poor video resolution is a result of bandwidth. Delayed audio impacts interactivity between participants, amongst other challenges. We captured the network bandwidth of a Zoom four-party call upstream and downstream as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Observed Zoom bandwidth during four-party call

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The downstream bandwidth illustrates how bandwidth increases as each participant joins the call. Secondly the upstream bandwidth on the Zoom call is roughly 1 Mb/s, which is a low-quality 720p video (typical OTT 720p videos are 1.5–2.0 Mb/s). MS Teams was recorded as producing about twice this bandwidth upstream (~2 .0 Mb/s). While these bandwidth requirements are easily met with today’s wireline networks, this is not the case with mobile networks.


4 White paper Work from Home (WFH) – the future of collaboration Bell Labs Consulting

For mobile participants, typical LTE upstream busy hour bandwidth is in the 500–600 kb/s range, implying that the conferencing client would need to decrease the encoding rate, resulting in a degraded picture. While conferencing works well enough today, we maintain that improvements in network latency, bandwidth and jitter will improve overall user QoE. The ITU (G.107) recommends 100 ms for conversational speech, but we regularly have 200–300 ms delays in international conversations. Research shows that jitter (variable latency) can make audio indiscernible at 200 ms4. To solve network quality challenges, many OTT collaboration providers are leveraging the browser-based technology Web Real Time Communications (WebRTC), which incorporates an adaptable bearer to deal with changing network conditions. WebRTC is a framework of protocols for signaling, security, encoding and transport, so that the web application can easily establish a communication channel to one or more endpoints. One of the key technologies is called SVC scalable video CODEC (SVC), which creates a layered encoded video where the base layer is a low-resolution version of the encoded video, and the additional video layers, which are sent as separate streams, improve the quality of the video. The idea is that the base layer can be prioritized toward the clients, and the other layers can be forwarded as network capacity allows; thus the bearer bit rate is adaptable. Figure 2 illustrates the WebRTC method for dealing with network variability. In multiparty conferences there are likely to be endpoints with differing network conditions or display requirements as shown. A conferencing server can be used with WebRTC called a selective forwarding unit (SFU), which is primarily responsible for forwarding/replicating video toward each participant. Additionally, the SFU determines the quality level required between itself and the end points. The SFU may discard some of the video layers toward a mobile device, while choosing to send all layers to other devices with better network connections. The network can distinguish between layers as they are sent with separate UDP port numbers, making it possible for the SFU to prioritize and discriminate video layers.

Figure 2. WebRTC SVC and SFUs for conferencing

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The SVC adaptable bearer will be key to a reliable video conferencing experience and is analogous to an OTT video technology. OTT video streaming, like YouTube and , was really enabled by a similar adaptive bearer. OTT video encodes video into multiple bit rates and the client selects the bit rate based on its measurement of arrival throughput. This technology, called adaptive bit rate, was key to reducing buffering and improving user experience. It is no coincidence that SVC was embedded into WebRTC, as the creator of WebRTC (Google) leveraged their OTT video (i.e. YouTube) knowledge when considering interactive video delivery.

4 Delay-related issues in integrated voice and data networks. IEEE Transactions on Communications

5 White paper Work from Home (WFH) – the future of collaboration Bell Labs Consulting

Another distinction with collaboration is the multipoint nature of the application. Managing the quality of service over multiple diverse endpoints creates additional challenges. An important consideration with the SFU platform is location placement and the number of locations. To understand how placement and locations can be key to efficiency and user experience for multiparty collaboration, we look at an example in Figure 3. In the WebRTC architecture, each conference participant sends its video to every other participant (see the very left of Figure 3). If there are “n” participants, this results in [n-1] squared total video sessions being generated/transported. The centralized SFU illustrates an obvious shortcoming of single SFU placement— that some participants could potentially be far from the SFU, which has multiple downsides. First, the backhauling of traffic could be expensive; in this example the 24 video streams generated from the west SFU would be backhauled to the east. Video bandwidth can be significant depending on the quality, and thus it creates an expensive backhaul model. Deploying another SFU in the east (distributed SFU) would, of course, alleviate the backhauling costs at the expense of managing another site. Additionally, the audio delay could be improved in conferences that were only in the east or west. Audio delay is a key quality indicator for conferencing, particularly in large groups.

Figure 3. SFU placement and location optimization

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From the above example we note that the role of the SFU is similar to transport/IP edge networking gear. The SFU replicates traffic (like a multicast-enabled router) and manages/monitors link quality and discards or forwards accordingly. Today this is handled by COTS servers, but the question rises whether it is adept at this forwarding role. A research study5 was conducted to look at the scalability of these SFUs using AWS virtual machines. The study used conferences rooms of seven participants with video rates about 1.8 Mb/s (an average 720p video experience) and increased the number of rooms/participants to a max of 70 rooms. The conference use case was a webcast monologue style where a single video stream was replicated to the other clients. All five SFU platforms tested experienced degradation in video quality as the number of clients increased; this occurred at about 30/40 rooms (200–300 clients). The video quality degradation was a drop in the encoding bit rate; this could manifest itself as lower resolution, pixelated images or a decrease in frame rate. While the scalability could be managed by increasing the number of virtualized SFUs, there were other inherent problems. The increase in clients impacted the server in application lag, meaning that video frames were delayed as the server CPUs reached higher utilizations. The increase in RTT was reasonably correlated with the drop in bit rate, which could potentially result in lack of synchronization between audio and video.

5 Comparative Study of WebRTC Open Source SFUs for Video Conferencing

6 White paper Work from Home (WFH) – the future of collaboration Bell Labs Consulting

Beyond 40/50 rooms, the audio/video quality would be noticeably impacted with +20 ms server delays added to the total RTT. Lastly the study reported high failure rates where WebRTC clients received no image 40–80% of the time.

Table 1. SFU bandwidth and latency scaling

Bandwidth scaling limit SFU latency Vendor Participants Rooms (7p) >20ms Janus 270 39 270 Jitsu 230 33 170 Kurento 50 7 50 Mediasoup 270 39 350 Medooze 200 29 430

The results of this research demonstrated the challenges of using COTS servers for video processing even with modest bit rates. These challenges grow with higher quality bit rates and bidirectional video conferences. OTT CPaaS providers For enterprises, manufacturers, medical centers and other industries, the challenge of integrating collaboration into their websites has been solved by communications platforms as a service (CPaaS) providers. Twilio, Connect, and Brightlink are a few of the CPaaS providers that enable conferencing and collaboration on demand using web-friendly APIs. APIs are the digital commerce enabler to quick onboarding of new capabilities. OTT CPaaS providers use these APIs to permit any web retailer/ enterprise to add communication services to be added to their web business in literally minutes. The CPaaS APIs will leverage the WebRTC framework (supported by all major browsers) to enable not just text and voice but video conferencing.

Figure 4. CPaaS providers enable quick collaboration tools to be added to web site


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7 White paper Work from Home (WFH) – the future of collaboration Bell Labs Consulting

The growth of Twilio and the remote collaboration world has not gone unnoticed by the large OTT providers, as Amazon, Google and Microsoft have delivered their own web communication platforms in the last year. The scale of CPaaS providers can impact their ability to create effective collaboration tools. Emerging (startup) CPaaS services will host their applications in geographically strategic locations and rely on transit providers to provide best-effort connectivity between data centers to coordinate media servers. The leader in the CPaaS market, Twilio, has acquired network assets, pushing their network to the edge. They address quality of service (QoS) and reliability with redundant fiber connections and route around congestion or failures dynamically to “limit latency, jitter”. Like the large content providers, Twilio understands that user experience is key to their success. Summarizing this key point, we can compare the key components of delivering OTT video to interactive (collaboration) video in Figure 5. The four key components to deliver OTT video reliably are: • Moving content closer to the user • Owning the transport network to assure QoS • Having an adaptable bearer • Detecting congestion. The congestion detection component is needed to determine which of the bearers can be delivered reliably to the client.

Figure 5. Comparing OTT delivery architecture to OTT collaboration architecture

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8 White paper Work from Home (WFH) – the future of collaboration Bell Labs Consulting

Now comparing this to the evolving OTT collaboration architecture, we see that it is based on the same four principles. But there are some important differences worth mentioning. First is that interactive video (i.e. conferencing) is more challenging than OTT video (i.e. Netflix). OTT video is buffered at the client, meaning that several seconds or more is stored in the client buffer before playout, to allow for changing network conditions. However, conversational video conferencing depends on minimizing delay for natural and unimpeded conversations. This is a key recognition, that video conferencing is more delay-sensitive than OTT video. The network can create noticeable improvements for collaboration, but as mentioned, the client form factor and applications also need to improve to make collaboration more effective. This is discussed in the next section. Emergence of immersive collaboration While collaboration quality-related challenges are important, there are social factors that contribute to the ineffectiveness of remote collaboration. A variety of tools to create more effective collaboration have been researched (and some are just emerging) that detect key decisions or salient moments, automate note taking, and provide asynchronous video catch-up—all designed to improve the effectiveness of remote work. Immersive collaboration seeks to create a more effective remote work experience through 360 -degree video, virtual reality or mixed reality that create “immersion” or the sense of being there. The “being there” objective is quite a hurdle technologically—video and audio fidelity can drive bandwidth to the hundreds of megabits per second and natural interactive participation can drive latency requirements toward zero. While the goal of truly immersive collaboration remains years away, several innovations and startups have made concrete steps toward this goal. The recognition that remote collaboration tools will continue be part of everyday business and life has infused a nascent AR/VR collaboration market with numerous startups looking to solve the limits of current collaboration tools. Some immersive collaboration platforms seek to improve co-presence through VR- enabled 3D synthetic environments, participant avatars, spatial audio and virtual collaboration tools. Companies like Spatial Networks support mixed device collaboration sessions with VR wearers collaborating with standard laptop users. A host of other collaboration platforms are emerging that focus on different use cases and equipment. Glue, VIVE Sync and others are also focused on VR-based collaboration, with support for 2D displays, with avatars and 3D workspaces and even virtual campuses. Figure 6 illustrates the general network implications of this type of solution as data, voice and video can be shared by the clients. Support for the Oculus Quest head-mounted display (HMD) enables 6 degrees of freedom (6DoF), meaning users can move around the virtual environment. In Nokia Bell Labs testing, the synthesized environment is streamed to participants as a video. Non-VR- enabled users can view the virtual environment on a flat display to contribute to collaboration and share their video if necessary.

9 White paper Work from Home (WFH) – the future of collaboration Bell Labs Consulting

Figure 6. Avatar virtual collaboration spaces

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Remote or mixed (physical/remote) educational classes are becoming mainstream with MS Teams reaching 183,000 education organizations (175 countries) by March. VR startup companies ENGAGE and IrisVR are leading education collaboration platforms with tens of thousands of users that leverage VR HMD and 360-degree cameras. The “360 camera” allows remote students to experience the classroom setting in a more immersive way. It should be noted that VR headsets are trying to create a realistic experience with a large field of view and high pixel per degree, but this comes at the cost of high bandwidth requirements. Today’s VR displays need minimally 4K quality to even have a fair user experience. VR company Acadicus is targeting health/medical markets for training and communications (see Figure 7). Given the pandemic, minimizing exposure for the vulnerable will certainly accelerate the nascent telemedicine market. Requirements may include remote telemetry, video streaming, highly reliable and secure communications and so on.

10 White paper Work from Home (WFH) – the future of collaboration Bell Labs Consulting

Figure 7. Remote education and healthcare


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A VR startup called Imeve leverages a 360 camera to enable remote participation in a variety of enterprise use cases—real estate (e.g. virtual tours), training, construction (remote inspection), etc. The remote participants are “co present” at the hosting site via avatars. Avatars provide a way for the participants’ orientation to be shared with other users. For example users can look at the kitchen layout or cabinets together, or conversely with 360 degree video they can look at different objects independently. VR sensors including gyroscope, accelerometers and more can provide user orientation data, allowing the participant to “move” in the virtual space. Imeve proposes that coordinated viewing of remote users creates a more immersive experience, thus improving the collaboration. Once again the experience will depend on the display optics of the VR HMD, which today requires minimally 4K. Figure 8 illustrates the general concept, where the realtor at the property of interest (blue person icon) streams the property using a VR360 camera, which is sent to a hosting server that may adapt the quality of the video based on the remote participants’ devices and or bandwidth quality. In this diagram the remote participants can be VR clients or standard flat displays.

11 White paper Work from Home (WFH) – the future of collaboration Bell Labs Consulting

Figure 8. VR-based remote presence in a real estate use case

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This upstream bandwidth is for current collaboration tools, but the Imeve example above suggests the upstream requirement should be 4K (15 Mb/s) to satisfy the VR HMD optical requirements. The message remains clear for the success of immersive collaboration and improved traditional collaboration: the network architecture and service enablement features will be key to ensuring success and improving our remote first world. Future of immersive collaboration The term “immersive collaboration” is used liberally by the market, but the reality is that VR HMD capabilities cannot produce truly immersive experiences. Today’s VR HMD optics are the equivalent of VHS tapes compared to the optics fidelity goal. The VR optical display lacks the resolution detail for true immersion—we define immersive optics as the resolution or detail at which the human eye can discern. Several years ago, Apple came out with a “retina” display, which was a marketing term to indicate the high resolution supported by the iPhone. But the technical background was based on the idea that the pixel density (pixels per inch) was greater than the human eye could distinguish, meaning that more pixels would not improve the user experience. Additionally, due to the high-bandwidth rendering for immersive experiences, there are processor challenges. Today’s VR headsets lack the processing necessary to operate immersive applications; also it is reported that the heat generated by the high CPU processing transfers to the user’s face, making a protracted experience intolerable. The market expectation is that local cloud-based processing, leveraging the graphics processing unit (GPU), can stream the VR environment to the user, reducing the local processing requirements, improving form factor ergonomics and eliminating the heat challenge. GPU-enabled cloud-based gaming from Google, Nvidia and others are moving toward this end.

12 White paper Work from Home (WFH) – the future of collaboration Bell Labs Consulting

Figure 9. Virtual collaboration using 3D models

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An example of cloud-based rendering of VR/AR collaboration is the sharing, co-manipulation of 3D models. Manufacturers, engineering companies wanting to share prototypes, remote diagnostic assistance for industrial and educational training of machine operation or medical care are often mentioned as the drivers for this use case. There are several variants including avatars of the remote participants embedded into the virtual environment to allow synchronized manipulation of virtual objects. Figure 9 illustrates the general concept for VR 3D cloud-based collaboration. ’s Oculus Quest has haptic controllers, which allow users to move virtual objects as well as themselves in the virtual space. To reduce latency in real-time interactive VR applications, deployment of edge clouds will be essential. VR collaboration and co-manipulation of virtual objects will require low latency. The CTO of Oculus states, “A total system latency of 50 milliseconds will feel responsive, but still subtly lagging.” Earlier we discussed the value of distributed edges for video collaboration, both to reduce backhaul bandwidth and to reduce audio lag. Interactive collaborations that are rendered in the cloud will require distributed edges to improve the application responsiveness. Application lag (or system latency) will include delay, not just in the network, but in the server processing and client rendering. This means that the user experience depends on the network RTT but also on the time it takes for the CPU to process user inputs, update the graphics, encode the video and stream it. One important consideration is the relationship between latency and the server technology, as well as the bandwidth available to the user. There is a dependency between these three metrics where one can be traded for another.

13 White paper Work from Home (WFH) – the future of collaboration Bell Labs Consulting

What’s the opportunity for CSPs? Collaboration today works well enough, but it can certainly be improved. The opportunity for the CSPs is to capitalize on the increasing importance of reliable/mission-critical remote work. CSPs can leverage their distributed footprint, their IP multicast-enabled edge routers, 5G initiatives and ability to provision QoS to improve collaboration. Reliability will be a key differentiator as WFH becomes more pervasive, and CSPs will need to demonstrate their advantages over the traditional OTT CPaaS providers. The variability in client devices and their network connection performance creates the need for an adaptable video bearer and thus QoS management. Client congestion state is often determined by client devices with protocols like the general communications channel (GCC), but they are limited and can’t anticipate future network capacity. CSPs can leverage network analytics to provide better indications of network capacity, and current RAN tools provide stronger indicators of network performance that can be exposed to CPaaS providers as an API. These are only some of the challenges/opportunities for CSPs, which only increase as we move into immersive collaboration solutions. Table 2 summarizes the network requirements and limitations of current solutions.

Table 2. Collaboration challenges and CSP opportunities

Collaboration network requirements Problem with current solutions Multiparty conferencing Peer-to-peer is not scalable for multiparty Scalable video bearer replication COT servers limited in bearer processing Distributed video bearer processing Centralized processing contributes to lag Low latency for improved audio Latency leads to multiparty audio collisions Adaptable congestion-based QoS management Network performance variations will impact video High quality 360 video streaming Upstream bandwidth limitations VR-enabled collaborations Increased bandwidth challenges Reliability/mission-critical Network performance variations

Distributed employees are likely to be the norm in the WFH economy. The CSP edge cloud locations, or MEC, provide the proximity to reduce latency by hosting the SFU at locations closer to the client. CPaaS providers have provided the immediate solution for easy collaboration, but they lack the ability to ensure QoS. Their solutions are still relatively centralized and the move toward a metro level or edge clouds will require a partner, like the CSP. However, location is not the only relevant factor for collaboration as higher bandwidth, reduced jitter and packet loss, and throughput reliability all contribute to an improved collaboration experience. The ability to avoid congested paths with intelligent routing, reduced buffering with engineered paths, guaranteed QoS with network slices, and increased bandwidth with 5G access are all opportunities for the CSP to improve collaboration today and enable a seamless transition to immersive collaboration. Figure 10 illustrates the SFU location requirements as a function of the collaboration characteristics.

14 White paper Work from Home (WFH) – the future of collaboration Bell Labs Consulting

Figure 10. Distribution of the SFU to improve lag and reduce bandwidth backhaul

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Collaboration characteristics will determine network requirements, as monologue broadcasts are much more tolerant to lag than interactive multiparty discussions and immersive collaborations are the most sensitive. Immersive communications enable higher quality video, co-manipulation of virtual objects, spatial (3D) audio, and they increase the network dependency. Haptic devices, which can control virtual object manipulation, depend on responsive feedback to create a seamless immersive experience and once again constrain the network delay.

Figure 11. 5G and edge cloud enabled immersive collaboration



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15 White paper Work from Home (WFH) – the future of collaboration Bell Labs Consulting

The CSP evolution toward an intelligent, dynamic, secure and distributed edge with high-bandwidth fixed and wireless will create the ideal platform for better collaboration experiences. The growth of the CPaaS provider market can be considered an encroachment into telecom as companies like Twilio own IMS gateways, mobile cores and global transport networks. CSP opportunities to respond and move toward a digital value player role will enable them to maintain and grow their presence in enabling the future of communications. Conclusion The way that we work and collaborate has irrevocably changed, and the importance of remote collaboration will continue to increase as work from home becomes the norm. Reliability, QoE and responsiveness will be key metrics on which collaboration providers will be evaluated. Remote collaboration works well enough today, but clearly can be improved. And with new forms of collaboration on the rise, the demand for more consistent and deterministic network performance will be key. Effective remote collaboration will require changes to applications and devices and will demand more from the network. Numerous challenges have been identified in current OTT solutions, such as lag, scalability and network performance guarantees, creating opportunities for CSPs. Immersive collaboration continues to grow with near-term practical use cases driving higher upstream and downstream bandwidth, while driving down latency requirements will also open the door for new entrants. Network operators need to consider the effectiveness of OTT API-driven communications platforms in their own offering. The web’s digital ecosystems live on RESTFUL APIs that enable quick onboarding of new capabilities, and new entrants will need to create a familiar interface to attract the web developer community. The CSPs are in a unique position to leverage their 5G, intelligent, edge-enabled networks to create value for collaboration providers and enterprises and lead the world toward immersive collaboration. Learn more Nokia Monetization for Digital Service Providers Nokia Edge cloud – Take computing capacity to where the traffic is Bell Labs Consulting – Network evolution strategy Abbreviations 6DoF 6 degrees of freedom AR augmented reality COTS commercial-off-the-shelf CPaaS communications platform as a service CSP communications service provider GCC general communication channel HMD head-mounted display IMS IP multimedia subsystem

16 White paper Work from Home (WFH) – the future of collaboration Bell Labs Consulting

MEC multi-access edge computing QoE quality of experience QoS quality of service OTT over-the-top RAN radio access network RTT round trip time SFU selective forwarding unit SVC scalable video CODEC VR virtual reality WebRTC Web Real Time Communications References 1. The Global Games Market Will Generate $152.1 Billion in 2019 as the U.S. Overtakes China as the Biggest Market, 18 June 2019 2. 3 M Jarschel *, D. Sven Scheuring, T. Hoßfeld, Gaming in the clouds: QoE and the users’ perspective, Math. Comput. Model., vol. 57, no. 11, pp. 2883–2894, 2013. 3. T. Beigbeder, R. Coughlan, C. Lusher, John Plunkett, Emmanuel Agu, Mark Claypool, The Effects of Loss and Latency on User Performance in Unreal Tournament 2003, SIGCOMM’04 Workshops Aug. 30+Sept. 3, 2004 4. M. Claypool, K. Claypool and F. Damaa, The Effects of Frame Rate and Resolution on Users Playing First Person Shooter Games, 5th ISCA/DEGA Workshop on Perceptual Quality of Systems (PQS 2016) 5. B. Krogfoss, P. Perez, J. Bouwen, J. Duran, Quantifying the value of 5G and edge cloud on QoE for AR/ VR, 2020 Twelfth International Conference on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX) 6. ©2020 Nokia

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Document code: CID210415 (May)