From: McCray, Renee Sent: 11/27/2015 9:51:00 AM To: TTAB EFiling CC: Subject: U.S. TRADEMARK APPLICATION NO. 85371874 - VISUAL NETWORK - 2211736.0012 - Request for Reconsideration Denied - Return to TTAB - Message 1 of 5 ************************************************* Attachment Information: Count: 15 Files: -1.jpg, -2.jpg, ATT38637.jpg, 3-1.jpg, 3-2.jpg, duplicate name 43668 3-1.jpg, duplicate name 43668 3-2.jpg, 3-3.jpg, 4-1.jpg, 4-2.jpg, 4-3.jpg, 4-4.jpg, 4-5.jpg, 5-1.jpg, 85371874.doc UNITED STATES PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE (USPTO) OFFICE ACTION (OFFICIAL LETTER) ABOUT APPLICANT’S TRADEMARK APPLICATION U.S. APPLICATION SERIAL NO. 85371874 MARK: VISUAL NETWORK *85371874* CORRESPONDENT ADDRESS: BARBARA A BARAKAT GENERAL TRADEMARK INFORMATION: WILMER CUTLER PICKERING HALE AND DORR LL 1225 SEVENTEENTH STREET SUITE 1660 DENVER, CO 80202 VIEW YOUR APPLICATION FILE APPLICANT: Level 3 Communications, LLC CORRESPONDENT’S REFERENCE/DOCKET NO: 2211736.0012 CORRESPONDENT E-MAIL ADDRESS:
[email protected] REQUEST FOR RECONSIDERATION DENIED ISSUE/MAILING DATE: 11/27/2015 The trademark examining attorney has carefully reviewed applicant’s request for reconsideration and is denying the request for the reasons stated below. See 37 C.F.R. §2.63(b)(3); TMEP §§715.03(a)(ii)(B), 715.04(a). Please note that the Section 2(e)(1) refusal(s) made final in the Office action dated February 11, 2014 is maintained and continues to be final. See TMEP §§715.03(a)(ii)(B), 715.04(a). In the present case, applicant’s request has not resolved all the outstanding issue(s), nor does it raise a new issue or provide any new or compelling evidence with regard to the outstanding issue(s) in the final Office action.