Date Printed: 04/09/2009 JTS Box Number: IFES 61 Tab Number: 16 Document Title: Document Date: 1999 Document Country: Canada
Date Printed: 04/09/2009 JTS Box Number: IFES 61 Tab Number: 16 Document Title: Be Sure You can Vote! Document Date: 1999 Document Country: Canada Document Language: English IFES ID: CE00428 ON'TARIO " 'PROVINCIAL , .'-- , .,,'- ' .. LECTION " To' vot~ on June" 3rd, yourn~me must be on'the List of Voters. .' - . '; .. - :'" Hyou' are qualified to vote and ha;e 'NOlII' you have r~cently moved and Canada Use the map to locate your electoral '. received your 'Notice of Registration card f9sthJ!l' forwarded your card from your district and ,the telephone number for your current address, be sure to apply .. pJ;eTIoils address, please note that you of your Returning Officer. Call for in{or for a'Certificate to Vote by 8 P'ln' .on JlIll~J; shQUld register and vote in the erec- mation on how to protect your right to 2nd, the day before election day. "\;, i,p[#l district where you will be vote . ' .. i;.~~id(ugon election day, Juui!$rd.. Office Hours: f. 10 to 8 p.m. (Sundays' excluded) ~"!,,,.J!,":";:=... .. ,~,~",- ' --=':.:~::"""-:.:"'- -""',_.,.., .... """" ~I::,,=,:==, P<lll.S""'<>'I3,,,,,E.B:JiO._- U'.Jou""-""""""u."""",,,, RW,A""'H'?>I llE=SOH!~"''''''''bE.,,"'."' ...... NEW'ELECT6fu OIsfrucTS' , ~ QUALIFICATIO~S TO VOTE ,. The boundaries for electoral districts'in Ontario proviU~ial'e1ec- .' To be eligible to vote, on polling day a person must be: • 18 years of age, . .' ' .. tions have changed. The number ofel~tora)djstri~t~ ltas gone,. '. from 130 to 103 an4 boundaries akh()w the same'asthose for '. • a Canadian citizen, and federal elections. .... ~,: . • a resident of the electoral district.
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