M I N U T E S ♦ 6:30 Pm
ROSEVILLE JOINT UNION HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD OF TRUSTEES – REGULAR SESSION - WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 2014 - DISTRICT ADMINISTRATION CENTER 1750 CIRBY WAY, ROSEVILLE, CALIFORNIA M I N U T E S ♦ 6:30 PM ♦ CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 6:40 PM, by Mr. Pinney, President. ♦ ROLL CALL Trustees Present: Rene Aguilera, Member Scott E. Huber, Clerk (arrived 6:55 PM) Linda M. Park, Vice President R. Jan Pinney, President Paige K. Stauss, Member Students Present: Naomi Whitecotton, Independence High School Mikaela Andrade, Antelope High School Staff Present: Ron Severson, Superintendent, Barbara Huber/Recorder, John Montgomery, Gary Stevens, Steve Williams, Brad Basham, John Becker, Jess Borjon, David Byrd, Judy Fischer, Chris Grimes, Tony Ham, Rob Hasty, Joe Landon, Debbie Latteri, Suzanne Laughrea, Jennifer Leighton, Amy Lloyd, Joyce Lude and Sherie Surwillo. ♦ CONVENE TO CLOSED SESSION Mr. Pinney called for the Board to convene to Closed Session at 6:40 PM. ♦ 7:00 PM ♦ RECONVENE TO OPEN SESSION Mr. Pinney called for the Board to convene to Open Session at 7:08 PM. ♦ PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ♦ REPORT OF ACTION FROM CLOSED SESSION 1.1 AGREEMENT FOR STIPULATED EXPULSION – A MOTION was made by Mrs. Stauss and seconded by Mrs. Park to approve an agreement for the stipulated expulsion of an Antelope High School student. The MOTION carried 4-0 (Aguilera, Park, Pinney, Stauss) with Mr. Huber absent. 1.2 AGREEMENT FOR STIPULATED EXPULSION – A MOTION was made by Mrs. Park and seconded by Mr. Aguilera to approve an agreement for the stipulated expulsion of a Roseville High School student.
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