Tuesday, August 1, 2006 - District Administration Center 1750 Cirby Way, Roseville, California
ROSEVILLE JOINT UNION HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD OF TRUSTEES – SPECIAL SESSION - TUESDAY, AUGUST 1, 2006 - DISTRICT ADMINISTRATION CENTER 1750 CIRBY WAY, ROSEVILLE, CALIFORNIA M I N U T E S CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 4:05 PM by Mr. Pinney, President. ROLL CALL Trustees Present: R. Jan Pinney, President Garry Genzlinger, Vice President Paige K. Stauss, Clerk Jim Joiner, Member Kelly Lafferty, Member Staff Present: Richard Strickland, Secretary, Sherie Feder/Recorder, John Montgomery, Glen DeGraw, Jess Borjon, Brad Basham, Judy Fischer, Chris Grimes, Rob Hasty, Joyce Lude, Mike McGuire, Cathy Raycraft, Ron Severson CONVENE TO CLOSED SESSION Mr. Pinney called for the Board to convene to Closed Session at 4:37 PM. RECONVENE TO OPEN SESSION Mr. Pinney called for the Board to reconvene to Open Session at 4:50 PM. REPORT OF ACTION FROM CLOSED SESSION Staff’s recommendation for item 1.1 was approved. COMMUNICATIONS None AUDIENCE TO VISITORS None CONSENT AGENDA 06-136 A MOTION was made by Mr. Genzlinger and seconded by Mrs. Stauss to approve the items on the consent agenda as presented. Roll Call Vote: Mr. Genzlinger Aye Mr. Joiner Aye Mrs. Lafferty Aye Mrs. Stauss Aye Mr. Pinney Aye The MOTION carried 5 – 0. 06-136 CONSENT AGENDA (SINGLE MOTION NEEDED) 06-136.1 APPROVAL OF MINUTES – Approved regular meeting minutes of July 18, 2006. 06-136.2 EMPLOYMENT AND REASSIGNMENT Certificated Jeffrey Evans, Special Education (SDC) Teacher, Granite Bay High School Certificated Reassignment/Promotion Roosevelt Kent, From full-time teaching assignment at Woodcreek High School to Split Teaching Assignment at Woodcreek/Oakmont High Schools Ron Severson, From Principal, Granite Bay High School, to Executive Director, Curriculum and Instruction, Districtwide Lauren Zdybel, From .67 FTE English Teacher to 1.00 FTE Librarian, Roseville High School (temporary reassignment) 06-136.3 DECLARATION OF SURPLUS PROPERTY – Approved declaration of surplus property.
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